Bug#856472: gdal-bin: SrcDataSource ODBC Segmentation fault

Bas Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Thu Mar 2 15:25:16 UTC 2017

On 2017-03-02 12:38, Andy G Wood wrote:
>> Can you also provide a minimal test case to reproduce the issue on a
>> system which doesn't have your ODBC data source configured?
> The system which exhibits the problem is using an Oracle 11g ODBC 
> driver
> (testing this outside of gdal shows no problems).  The following builds 
> a test
> case with sqlite, but unfortunately this works fine!

The sqlite test case also works fine for me, and based on your 
stacktrace it looks like an issue in the Oracle libsqora library, not 

Maybe you can update the Oracle library?

Kind Regards,


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