[Git][debian-gis-team/netcdf][dev-coinstallable] 8 commits: Bump Standards-Version to 4.1.4, no changes.

Alastair McKinstry gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Fri Apr 27 09:43:45 BST 2018

Alastair McKinstry pushed to branch dev-coinstallable at Debian GIS Project / netcdf

9f988e7e by Bas Couwenberg at 2018-04-18T20:28:31+02:00
Bump Standards-Version to 4.1.4, no changes.

- - - - -
f15983d2 by Alastair McKinstry at 2018-04-26T06:11:23+01:00
Merge branch 'master' into dev-coinstallable

- - - - -
73ad59a1 by Alastair McKinstry at 2018-04-26T07:14:19+01:00
Use LIBDIR in hdf5 lib paths

- - - - -
f0df50b7 by Alastair McKinstry at 2018-04-26T07:16:43+01:00
FIX HDF5 paths

- - - - -
462705f8 by Alastair McKinstry at 2018-04-26T07:49:52+01:00
remove obsolete patches; update paths

- - - - -
0b1c145b by Alastair McKinstry at 2018-04-26T17:00:02+01:00
Update version files

- - - - -
03c856ee by Alastair McKinstry at 2018-04-27T06:28:25+01:00
disable ln -s, currently no minor version appended

- - - - -
33a6c1dc by Alastair McKinstry at 2018-04-27T08:21:52+01:00
minor fixes to rules

- - - - -

10 changed files:

- debian/changelog
- debian/control
- debian/netcdf-mpi.ver
- debian/netcdf-pnetcdf.ver
- debian/netcdf-serial.ver
- − debian/patches/hdf5-include-path.patch
- debian/patches/hdf5-library-path.patch
- − debian/patches/hdf5-location.patch
- debian/patches/series
- debian/rules


--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ netcdf (1:4.6.1-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
   [ Bas Couwenberg ] 
   * Update Vcs-* URLs for Salsa.
   * Drop override for vcs-deprecated-in-debian-infrastructure.
+  * Bump Standards-Version to 4.1.4, no changes.
  -- Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org>  Sat, 31 Mar 2018 12:30:04 +0200

--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9.20160314),
-               libhdf5-dev (>= 1.8.6-1~),
+               libhdf5-dev (>= 1.8.13+docs-1~),
  	       libhdf5-mpi-dev (>= 1.8.13+docs~),
                libcurl4-gnutls-dev | libcurl-ssl-dev,
-Standards-Version: 4.1.3
+Standards-Version: 4.1.4
 Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/netcdf
 Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/netcdf.git
 Homepage: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/

--- a/debian/netcdf-mpi.ver
+++ b/debian/netcdf-mpi.ver
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /* Symbol versioning script for NetCDF (MPI version)
  * Alastair McKinstry, <mckinstry at debian.org> 2014-06-05
- * Last-Updated: 2014-06-05
+ * Last-Updated: 2018-04-25
 NETCDF_MPI_4.1.3 { 
@@ -1568,5 +1568,354 @@ NETCDF_MPI_4.4.0 {
-        swap4b;
+	swap4b;
 } NETCDF_MPI_4.3.3;
+NETCDF_MPI_4.4.1 {
+  global:
+	NC4_fileinfo_init;
+	NC4_get_fileinfo;
+	NC4_hdf5get_libversion;
+	NC4_hdf5get_superblock;
+	NC4_isnetcdf4;
+	NC4_put_propattr;
+	NCD2_def_compound;
+	NCD2_def_dim;
+	NCD2_def_enum;
+	NCD2_def_grp;
+	NCD2_def_opaque;
+	NCD2_def_var;
+	NCD2_def_var_chunking;
+	NCD2_def_var_deflate;
+	NCD2_def_var_endian;
+	NCD2_def_var_fill;
+	NCD2_def_var_fletcher32;
+	NCD2_def_vlen;
+	NCD2_del_att;
+	NCD2_get_att;
+	NCD2_get_var_chunk_cache;
+	NCD2_get_vlen_element;
+	NCD2_inq;
+	NCD2_inq_att;
+	NCD2_inq_attid;
+	NCD2_inq_attname;
+	NCD2_inq_base_pe;
+	NCD2_inq_compound_field;
+	NCD2_inq_compound_fieldindex;
+	NCD2_inq_dim;
+	NCD2_inq_dimid;
+	NCD2_inq_dimids;
+	NCD2_inq_enum_ident;
+	NCD2_inq_enum_member;
+	NCD2_inq_format;
+	NCD2_inq_grp_full_ncid;
+	NCD2_inq_grp_parent;
+	NCD2_inq_grpname;
+	NCD2_inq_grpname_full;
+	NCD2_inq_grps;
+	NCD2_inq_ncid;
+	NCD2_inq_type;
+	NCD2_inq_type_equal;
+	NCD2_inq_typeid;
+	NCD2_inq_typeids;
+	NCD2_inq_unlimdim;
+	NCD2_inq_unlimdims;
+	NCD2_inq_user_type;
+	NCD2_inq_var_all;
+	NCD2_inq_varid;
+	NCD2_inq_varids;
+	NCD2_insert_array_compound;
+	NCD2_insert_compound;
+	NCD2_insert_enum;
+	NCD2_put_att;
+	NCD2_put_vlen_element;
+	NCD2_rename_att;
+	NCD2_rename_dim;
+	NCD2_rename_grp;
+	NCD2_rename_var;
+	NCD2_set_base_pe;
+	NCD2_set_fill;
+	NCD2_set_var_chunk_cache;
+	NCD2_show_metadata;
+	NCD2_var_par_access;
+	NCDISPATCH_get_att;
+	NCDISPATCH_inq_var_all;
+	NC_hashmapAddDim;
+	NC_hashmapAddVar;
+	NC_hashmapCount;
+	NC_hashmapCreate;
+	NC_hashmapDelete;
+	NC_hashmapGetDim;
+	NC_hashmapGetVar;
+	NC_hashmapRemoveDim;
+	NC_hashmapRemoveVar;
+	NC_inq_var_all;
+	globalpropinfo;
+	iterate_NCList;
+	nc4_hdf5_initialize;
+	nc4_hdf5_initialized;
+	reportobject;
+	reportopenobjects;
+} NETCDF_MPI_4.4.0;
+NETCDF_MPI_4.4.1.1 {
+  global:
+	NC4_buildpropinfo;
+} NETCDF_MPI_4.4.1;
+NETCDF_MPI_4.5.0 {
+  global:
+	NC3_inq_default_fill_value;
+	NC3_inq_var_fill;
+	NCD4_abort;
+	NCD4_close;
+	NCD4_computeTypeSize;
+	NCD4_convert;
+	NCD4_crc32;
+	NCD4_curl_debug;
+	NCD4_curl_printerror;
+	NCD4_curl_protocols;
+	NCD4_curlclose;
+	NCD4_curlflagbyname;
+	NCD4_curlopen;
+	NCD4_debugcopy;
+	NCD4_dechunk;
+	NCD4_deescape;
+	NCD4_delimit;
+	NCD4_dimproduct;
+	NCD4_dispatch_table;
+	NCD4_dumpatomic;
+	NCD4_dumpbytes;
+	NCD4_dumpvars;
+	NCD4_entityescape;
+	NCD4_error;
+	NCD4_errorNC;
+	NCD4_fetchhttpcode;
+	NCD4_fetchlastmodified;
+	NCD4_fetchurl;
+	NCD4_fetchurl_file;
+	NCD4_fillinstance;
+	NCD4_finalize;
+	NCD4_findAttr;
+	NCD4_getToplevelVars;
+	NCD4_get_vara;
+	NCD4_get_vars;
+	NCD4_globalstate;
+	NCD4_groupFor;
+	NCD4_infermode;
+	NCD4_initialize;
+	NCD4_inq_dim;
+	NCD4_isLittleEndian;
+	NCD4_makeFQN;
+	NCD4_makeName;
+	NCD4_metabuild;
+	NCD4_moveto;
+	NCD4_newmeta;
+	NCD4_open;
+	NCD4_parse;
+	NCD4_parseFQN;
+	NCD4_ping;
+	NCD4_print;
+	NCD4_printElems;
+	NCD4_printstring;
+	NCD4_processdata;
+	NCD4_readDAP;
+	NCD4_readDMR;
+	NCD4_reclaimMeta;
+	NCD4_reportcurlerror;
+	NCD4_set_flags_perfetch;
+	NCD4_set_flags_perlink;
+	NCD4_setdebuglevel;
+	NCD4_sortname;
+	NCD4_subsortname;
+	NCD4_swapdata;
+	NCD4_tagdump;
+	NCD4_toposort;
+	NCD4_typesize;
+	NCDAP2_ping;
+	NC_check_vlens;
+	NCpathcvt;
+	cdSetErrOpts;
+	curlopts;
+	d4breakpoint;
+	d4odom_free;
+	d4odom_isWhole;
+	d4odom_more;
+	d4odom_nelements;
+	d4odom_new;
+	d4odom_next;
+	d4odom_offset;
+	d4panic;
+	d4scalarodom_new;
+	d4throw;
+	dap_getselection;
+	ezxml_add_child;
+	ezxml_all_attr;
+	ezxml_ampencode;
+	ezxml_attr;
+	ezxml_char_content;
+	ezxml_child;
+	ezxml_close_tag;
+	ezxml_cut;
+	ezxml_decode;
+	ezxml_ent_ok;
+	ezxml_err;
+	ezxml_error;
+	ezxml_free;
+	ezxml_free_attr;
+	ezxml_get;
+	ezxml_idx;
+	ezxml_insert;
+	ezxml_internal_dtd;
+	ezxml_new;
+	ezxml_open_tag;
+	ezxml_parse_fp;
+	ezxml_parse_str;
+	ezxml_pi;
+	ezxml_proc_inst;
+	ezxml_set_attr;
+	ezxml_set_flag;
+	ezxml_set_txt;
+	ezxml_str2utf8;
+	ezxml_toxml;
+	ezxml_toxml_r;
+	ezxml_vget;
+	keywordmap;
+	mmapio_create;
+	mmapio_open;
+	nc4_var_add;
+	nc4_var_del;
+	nc4_vararray_add;
+	nc_utf8_normalize;
+	nc_utf8_to_utf16;
+	nc_utf8_validate;
+	nc_utf8proc_NFC;
+	nc_utf8proc_NFD;
+	nc_utf8proc_NFKC;
+	nc_utf8proc_NFKD;
+	nc_utf8proc_category;
+	nc_utf8proc_category_string;
+	nc_utf8proc_charwidth;
+	nc_utf8proc_codepoint_valid;
+	nc_utf8proc_combinations;
+	nc_utf8proc_decompose;
+	nc_utf8proc_decompose_char;
+	nc_utf8proc_decompose_custom;
+	nc_utf8proc_encode_char;
+	nc_utf8proc_errmsg;
+	nc_utf8proc_get_property;
+	nc_utf8proc_grapheme_break;
+	nc_utf8proc_grapheme_break_stateful;
+	nc_utf8proc_iterate;
+	nc_utf8proc_map;
+	nc_utf8proc_map_custom;
+	nc_utf8proc_normalize_utf32;
+	nc_utf8proc_properties;
+	nc_utf8proc_reencode;
+	nc_utf8proc_sequences;
+	nc_utf8proc_stage1table;
+	nc_utf8proc_stage2table;
+	nc_utf8proc_tolower;
+	nc_utf8proc_totitle;
+	nc_utf8proc_toupper;
+	nc_utf8proc_utf8class;
+	nc_utf8proc_version;
+	ncbytesremove;
+	ncd4__testurl;
+	ncdap4debug;
+	ncdebug;
+	nclistextract;
+	nclistfreeall;
+	nctypealignment;
+	ncuridecodepartial;
+	ncuriencodeonly;
+	ncuriencodeuserpwd;
+	ncuriquerylookup;
+	ncurisetprotocol;
+	ncurisetquery;
+	ncx_get_uint32;
+	ncx_get_uint64;
+	ncx_getn_double_long;
+	ncx_getn_float_long;
+	ncx_getn_int_long;
+	ncx_getn_longlong_long;
+	ncx_getn_schar_long;
+	ncx_getn_short_long;
+	ncx_getn_uchar_long;
+	ncx_getn_uint_long;
+	ncx_getn_ulonglong_long;
+	ncx_getn_ushort_long;
+	ncx_pad_getn_schar_long;
+	ncx_pad_getn_short_long;
+	ncx_pad_getn_uchar_long;
+	ncx_pad_getn_ushort_long;
+	ncx_pad_putn_schar_long;
+	ncx_pad_putn_short_long;
+	ncx_pad_putn_uchar_long;
+	ncx_pad_putn_ushort_long;
+	ncx_put_uint32;
+	ncx_put_uint64;
+	ncx_putn_double_long;
+	ncx_putn_float_long;
+	ncx_putn_int_long;
+	ncx_putn_longlong_long;
+	ncx_putn_schar_long;
+	ncx_putn_short_long;
+	ncx_putn_uchar_long;
+	ncx_putn_uint_long;
+	ncx_putn_ulonglong_long;
+	ncx_putn_ushort_long;
+} NETCDF_MPI_4.4.1.1;
+NETCDF_MPI_4.6.0 {
+  global:
+	NC4_def_var_filter;
+	NCD2_def_var_filter;
+	NC__testurl;
+	NC_authclear;
+	NC_authsetup;
+	NC_backslashEscape;
+	NC_backslashUnescape;
+	NC_byteswap8;
+	NC_check_file_type;
+	NC_combinehostport;
+	NC_entityescape;
+	NC_hashmap_verify;
+	NC_isLittleEndian;
+	NC_mktmp;
+	NC_parsecredentials;
+	NC_parsefilterspec;
+	NC_parseproxy;
+	NC_rcclear;
+	NC_rcload;
+	NC_rclookup;
+	NC_readfile;
+	NC_set_rcfile;
+	delete_existing_dimscale_dataset;
+	nc_def_var_filter;
+	nc_inq_var_filter;
+	ncrc_globalstate;
+	ocinitialized;
+        strlcat;
+} NETCDF_MPI_4.5.0;
+NETCDF_MPI_4.6.1 {
+  global:
+	NC3_def_var_fill;
+	NC_check_voffs;
+	NC_hashmapadd;
+	NC_hashmapcount;
+	NC_hashmapfree;
+	NC_hashmapget;
+	NC_hashmapnew;
+	NC_hashmapremove;
+	NC_hashmapsetdata;
+	printhashmap;
+	printhstring;
+	remove_coord_atts;
+} NETCDF_MPI_4.6.0;

--- a/debian/netcdf-pnetcdf.ver
+++ b/debian/netcdf-pnetcdf.ver
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /* Symbol versioning script for NetCDF (MPI version)
  * Alastair McKinstry, <mckinstry at debian.org> 2014-06-05
- * Last-Updated: 2014-06-05
+ * Last-Updated: 2018-04-25
@@ -1570,3 +1570,352 @@ NETCDF_PNETCDF_4.4.0 {
+  global:
+	NC4_fileinfo_init;
+	NC4_get_fileinfo;
+	NC4_hdf5get_libversion;
+	NC4_hdf5get_superblock;
+	NC4_isnetcdf4;
+	NC4_put_propattr;
+	NCD2_def_compound;
+	NCD2_def_dim;
+	NCD2_def_enum;
+	NCD2_def_grp;
+	NCD2_def_opaque;
+	NCD2_def_var;
+	NCD2_def_var_chunking;
+	NCD2_def_var_deflate;
+	NCD2_def_var_endian;
+	NCD2_def_var_fill;
+	NCD2_def_var_fletcher32;
+	NCD2_def_vlen;
+	NCD2_del_att;
+	NCD2_get_att;
+	NCD2_get_var_chunk_cache;
+	NCD2_get_vlen_element;
+	NCD2_inq;
+	NCD2_inq_att;
+	NCD2_inq_attid;
+	NCD2_inq_attname;
+	NCD2_inq_base_pe;
+	NCD2_inq_compound_field;
+	NCD2_inq_compound_fieldindex;
+	NCD2_inq_dim;
+	NCD2_inq_dimid;
+	NCD2_inq_dimids;
+	NCD2_inq_enum_ident;
+	NCD2_inq_enum_member;
+	NCD2_inq_format;
+	NCD2_inq_grp_full_ncid;
+	NCD2_inq_grp_parent;
+	NCD2_inq_grpname;
+	NCD2_inq_grpname_full;
+	NCD2_inq_grps;
+	NCD2_inq_ncid;
+	NCD2_inq_type;
+	NCD2_inq_type_equal;
+	NCD2_inq_typeid;
+	NCD2_inq_typeids;
+	NCD2_inq_unlimdim;
+	NCD2_inq_unlimdims;
+	NCD2_inq_user_type;
+	NCD2_inq_var_all;
+	NCD2_inq_varid;
+	NCD2_inq_varids;
+	NCD2_insert_array_compound;
+	NCD2_insert_compound;
+	NCD2_insert_enum;
+	NCD2_put_att;
+	NCD2_put_vlen_element;
+	NCD2_rename_att;
+	NCD2_rename_dim;
+	NCD2_rename_grp;
+	NCD2_rename_var;
+	NCD2_set_base_pe;
+	NCD2_set_fill;
+	NCD2_set_var_chunk_cache;
+	NCD2_show_metadata;
+	NCD2_var_par_access;
+	NCDISPATCH_get_att;
+	NCDISPATCH_inq_var_all;
+	NC_hashmapAddDim;
+	NC_hashmapAddVar;
+	NC_hashmapCount;
+	NC_hashmapCreate;
+	NC_hashmapDelete;
+	NC_hashmapGetDim;
+	NC_hashmapGetVar;
+	NC_hashmapRemoveDim;
+	NC_hashmapRemoveVar;
+	NC_inq_var_all;
+	globalpropinfo;
+	iterate_NCList;
+	nc4_hdf5_initialize;
+	nc4_hdf5_initialized;
+	reportobject;
+	reportopenobjects;
+  global:
+	NC4_buildpropinfo;
+  global:
+	NC3_inq_default_fill_value;
+	NC3_inq_var_fill;
+	NCD4_abort;
+	NCD4_close;
+	NCD4_computeTypeSize;
+	NCD4_convert;
+	NCD4_crc32;
+	NCD4_curl_debug;
+	NCD4_curl_printerror;
+	NCD4_curl_protocols;
+	NCD4_curlclose;
+	NCD4_curlflagbyname;
+	NCD4_curlopen;
+	NCD4_debugcopy;
+	NCD4_dechunk;
+	NCD4_deescape;
+	NCD4_delimit;
+	NCD4_dimproduct;
+	NCD4_dispatch_table;
+	NCD4_dumpatomic;
+	NCD4_dumpbytes;
+	NCD4_dumpvars;
+	NCD4_entityescape;
+	NCD4_error;
+	NCD4_errorNC;
+	NCD4_fetchhttpcode;
+	NCD4_fetchlastmodified;
+	NCD4_fetchurl;
+	NCD4_fetchurl_file;
+	NCD4_fillinstance;
+	NCD4_finalize;
+	NCD4_findAttr;
+	NCD4_getToplevelVars;
+	NCD4_get_vara;
+	NCD4_get_vars;
+	NCD4_globalstate;
+	NCD4_groupFor;
+	NCD4_infermode;
+	NCD4_initialize;
+	NCD4_inq_dim;
+	NCD4_isLittleEndian;
+	NCD4_makeFQN;
+	NCD4_makeName;
+	NCD4_metabuild;
+	NCD4_moveto;
+	NCD4_newmeta;
+	NCD4_open;
+	NCD4_parse;
+	NCD4_parseFQN;
+	NCD4_ping;
+	NCD4_print;
+	NCD4_printElems;
+	NCD4_printstring;
+	NCD4_processdata;
+	NCD4_readDAP;
+	NCD4_readDMR;
+	NCD4_reclaimMeta;
+	NCD4_reportcurlerror;
+	NCD4_set_flags_perfetch;
+	NCD4_set_flags_perlink;
+	NCD4_setdebuglevel;
+	NCD4_sortname;
+	NCD4_subsortname;
+	NCD4_swapdata;
+	NCD4_tagdump;
+	NCD4_toposort;
+	NCD4_typesize;
+	NCDAP2_ping;
+	NC_check_vlens;
+	NCpathcvt;
+	cdSetErrOpts;
+	curlopts;
+	d4breakpoint;
+	d4odom_free;
+	d4odom_isWhole;
+	d4odom_more;
+	d4odom_nelements;
+	d4odom_new;
+	d4odom_next;
+	d4odom_offset;
+	d4panic;
+	d4scalarodom_new;
+	d4throw;
+	dap_getselection;
+	ezxml_add_child;
+	ezxml_all_attr;
+	ezxml_ampencode;
+	ezxml_attr;
+	ezxml_char_content;
+	ezxml_child;
+	ezxml_close_tag;
+	ezxml_cut;
+	ezxml_decode;
+	ezxml_ent_ok;
+	ezxml_err;
+	ezxml_error;
+	ezxml_free;
+	ezxml_free_attr;
+	ezxml_get;
+	ezxml_idx;
+	ezxml_insert;
+	ezxml_internal_dtd;
+	ezxml_new;
+	ezxml_open_tag;
+	ezxml_parse_fp;
+	ezxml_parse_str;
+	ezxml_pi;
+	ezxml_proc_inst;
+	ezxml_set_attr;
+	ezxml_set_flag;
+	ezxml_set_txt;
+	ezxml_str2utf8;
+	ezxml_toxml;
+	ezxml_toxml_r;
+	ezxml_vget;
+	keywordmap;
+	mmapio_create;
+	mmapio_open;
+	nc4_var_add;
+	nc4_var_del;
+	nc4_vararray_add;
+	nc_utf8_normalize;
+	nc_utf8_to_utf16;
+	nc_utf8_validate;
+	nc_utf8proc_NFC;
+	nc_utf8proc_NFD;
+	nc_utf8proc_NFKC;
+	nc_utf8proc_NFKD;
+	nc_utf8proc_category;
+	nc_utf8proc_category_string;
+	nc_utf8proc_charwidth;
+	nc_utf8proc_codepoint_valid;
+	nc_utf8proc_combinations;
+	nc_utf8proc_decompose;
+	nc_utf8proc_decompose_char;
+	nc_utf8proc_decompose_custom;
+	nc_utf8proc_encode_char;
+	nc_utf8proc_errmsg;
+	nc_utf8proc_get_property;
+	nc_utf8proc_grapheme_break;
+	nc_utf8proc_grapheme_break_stateful;
+	nc_utf8proc_iterate;
+	nc_utf8proc_map;
+	nc_utf8proc_map_custom;
+	nc_utf8proc_normalize_utf32;
+	nc_utf8proc_properties;
+	nc_utf8proc_reencode;
+	nc_utf8proc_sequences;
+	nc_utf8proc_stage1table;
+	nc_utf8proc_stage2table;
+	nc_utf8proc_tolower;
+	nc_utf8proc_totitle;
+	nc_utf8proc_toupper;
+	nc_utf8proc_utf8class;
+	nc_utf8proc_version;
+	ncbytesremove;
+	ncd4__testurl;
+	ncdap4debug;
+	ncdebug;
+	nclistextract;
+	nclistfreeall;
+	nctypealignment;
+	ncuridecodepartial;
+	ncuriencodeonly;
+	ncuriencodeuserpwd;
+	ncuriquerylookup;
+	ncurisetprotocol;
+	ncurisetquery;
+	ncx_get_uint32;
+	ncx_get_uint64;
+	ncx_getn_double_long;
+	ncx_getn_float_long;
+	ncx_getn_int_long;
+	ncx_getn_longlong_long;
+	ncx_getn_schar_long;
+	ncx_getn_short_long;
+	ncx_getn_uchar_long;
+	ncx_getn_uint_long;
+	ncx_getn_ulonglong_long;
+	ncx_getn_ushort_long;
+	ncx_pad_getn_schar_long;
+	ncx_pad_getn_short_long;
+	ncx_pad_getn_uchar_long;
+	ncx_pad_getn_ushort_long;
+	ncx_pad_putn_schar_long;
+	ncx_pad_putn_short_long;
+	ncx_pad_putn_uchar_long;
+	ncx_pad_putn_ushort_long;
+	ncx_put_uint32;
+	ncx_put_uint64;
+	ncx_putn_double_long;
+	ncx_putn_float_long;
+	ncx_putn_int_long;
+	ncx_putn_longlong_long;
+	ncx_putn_schar_long;
+	ncx_putn_short_long;
+	ncx_putn_uchar_long;
+	ncx_putn_uint_long;
+	ncx_putn_ulonglong_long;
+	ncx_putn_ushort_long;
+} NETCDF_PNETCDF_4.4.1.1;
+  global:
+	NC4_def_var_filter;
+	NCD2_def_var_filter;
+	NC__testurl;
+	NC_authclear;
+	NC_authsetup;
+	NC_backslashEscape;
+	NC_backslashUnescape;
+	NC_byteswap8;
+	NC_check_file_type;
+	NC_combinehostport;
+	NC_entityescape;
+	NC_hashmap_verify;
+	NC_isLittleEndian;
+	NC_mktmp;
+	NC_parsecredentials;
+	NC_parsefilterspec;
+	NC_parseproxy;
+	NC_rcclear;
+	NC_rcload;
+	NC_rclookup;
+	NC_readfile;
+	NC_set_rcfile;
+	delete_existing_dimscale_dataset;
+	nc_def_var_filter;
+	nc_inq_var_filter;
+	ncrc_globalstate;
+	ocinitialized;
+	strlcat;
+  global:
+	NC3_def_var_fill;
+	NC_check_voffs;
+	NC_hashmapadd;
+	NC_hashmapcount;
+	NC_hashmapfree;
+	NC_hashmapget;
+	NC_hashmapnew;
+	NC_hashmapremove;
+	NC_hashmapsetdata;
+	printhashmap;
+	printhstring;
+	remove_coord_atts;

--- a/debian/netcdf-serial.ver
+++ b/debian/netcdf-serial.ver
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /* Symbol versioning script for NetCDF (serial version)
  * Alastair McKinstry, <mckinstry at debian.org> 2014-06-05
- * Last-Updated: 2016-01-16
+ * Last-Updated: 2018-04-25
 NETCDF_4.1.3 { 
@@ -1570,3 +1570,352 @@ NETCDF_4.4.0 {
 } NETCDF_4.3.3;
+NETCDF_4.4.1 {
+  global:
+	NC4_fileinfo_init;
+	NC4_get_fileinfo;
+	NC4_hdf5get_libversion;
+	NC4_hdf5get_superblock;
+	NC4_isnetcdf4;
+	NC4_put_propattr;
+	NCD2_def_compound;
+	NCD2_def_dim;
+	NCD2_def_enum;
+	NCD2_def_grp;
+	NCD2_def_opaque;
+	NCD2_def_var;
+	NCD2_def_var_chunking;
+	NCD2_def_var_deflate;
+	NCD2_def_var_endian;
+	NCD2_def_var_fill;
+	NCD2_def_var_fletcher32;
+	NCD2_def_vlen;
+	NCD2_del_att;
+	NCD2_get_att;
+	NCD2_get_var_chunk_cache;
+	NCD2_get_vlen_element;
+	NCD2_inq;
+	NCD2_inq_att;
+	NCD2_inq_attid;
+	NCD2_inq_attname;
+	NCD2_inq_base_pe;
+	NCD2_inq_compound_field;
+	NCD2_inq_compound_fieldindex;
+	NCD2_inq_dim;
+	NCD2_inq_dimid;
+	NCD2_inq_dimids;
+	NCD2_inq_enum_ident;
+	NCD2_inq_enum_member;
+	NCD2_inq_format;
+	NCD2_inq_grp_full_ncid;
+	NCD2_inq_grp_parent;
+	NCD2_inq_grpname;
+	NCD2_inq_grpname_full;
+	NCD2_inq_grps;
+	NCD2_inq_ncid;
+	NCD2_inq_type;
+	NCD2_inq_type_equal;
+	NCD2_inq_typeid;
+	NCD2_inq_typeids;
+	NCD2_inq_unlimdim;
+	NCD2_inq_unlimdims;
+	NCD2_inq_user_type;
+	NCD2_inq_var_all;
+	NCD2_inq_varid;
+	NCD2_inq_varids;
+	NCD2_insert_array_compound;
+	NCD2_insert_compound;
+	NCD2_insert_enum;
+	NCD2_put_att;
+	NCD2_put_vlen_element;
+	NCD2_rename_att;
+	NCD2_rename_dim;
+	NCD2_rename_grp;
+	NCD2_rename_var;
+	NCD2_set_base_pe;
+	NCD2_set_fill;
+	NCD2_set_var_chunk_cache;
+	NCD2_show_metadata;
+	NCD2_var_par_access;
+	NCDISPATCH_get_att;
+	NCDISPATCH_inq_var_all;
+	NC_hashmapAddDim;
+	NC_hashmapAddVar;
+	NC_hashmapCount;
+	NC_hashmapCreate;
+	NC_hashmapDelete;
+	NC_hashmapGetDim;
+	NC_hashmapGetVar;
+	NC_hashmapRemoveDim;
+	NC_hashmapRemoveVar;
+	NC_inq_var_all;
+	globalpropinfo;
+	iterate_NCList;
+	nc4_hdf5_initialize;
+	nc4_hdf5_initialized;
+	reportobject;
+	reportopenobjects;
+} NETCDF_4.4.0;
+NETCDF_4.4.1.1 {
+  global:
+	NC4_buildpropinfo;
+} NETCDF_4.4.1;
+NETCDF_4.5.0 {
+  global:
+	NC3_inq_default_fill_value;
+	NC3_inq_var_fill;
+	NCD4_abort;
+	NCD4_close;
+	NCD4_computeTypeSize;
+	NCD4_convert;
+	NCD4_crc32;
+	NCD4_curl_debug;
+	NCD4_curl_printerror;
+	NCD4_curl_protocols;
+	NCD4_curlclose;
+	NCD4_curlflagbyname;
+	NCD4_curlopen;
+	NCD4_debugcopy;
+	NCD4_dechunk;
+	NCD4_deescape;
+	NCD4_delimit;
+	NCD4_dimproduct;
+	NCD4_dispatch_table;
+	NCD4_dumpatomic;
+	NCD4_dumpbytes;
+	NCD4_dumpvars;
+	NCD4_entityescape;
+	NCD4_error;
+	NCD4_errorNC;
+	NCD4_fetchhttpcode;
+	NCD4_fetchlastmodified;
+	NCD4_fetchurl;
+	NCD4_fetchurl_file;
+	NCD4_fillinstance;
+	NCD4_finalize;
+	NCD4_findAttr;
+	NCD4_getToplevelVars;
+	NCD4_get_vara;
+	NCD4_get_vars;
+	NCD4_globalstate;
+	NCD4_groupFor;
+	NCD4_infermode;
+	NCD4_initialize;
+	NCD4_inq_dim;
+	NCD4_isLittleEndian;
+	NCD4_makeFQN;
+	NCD4_makeName;
+	NCD4_metabuild;
+	NCD4_moveto;
+	NCD4_newmeta;
+	NCD4_open;
+	NCD4_parse;
+	NCD4_parseFQN;
+	NCD4_ping;
+	NCD4_print;
+	NCD4_printElems;
+	NCD4_printstring;
+	NCD4_processdata;
+	NCD4_readDAP;
+	NCD4_readDMR;
+	NCD4_reclaimMeta;
+	NCD4_reportcurlerror;
+	NCD4_set_flags_perfetch;
+	NCD4_set_flags_perlink;
+	NCD4_setdebuglevel;
+	NCD4_sortname;
+	NCD4_subsortname;
+	NCD4_swapdata;
+	NCD4_tagdump;
+	NCD4_toposort;
+	NCD4_typesize;
+	NCDAP2_ping;
+	NC_check_vlens;
+	NCpathcvt;
+	cdSetErrOpts;
+	curlopts;
+	d4breakpoint;
+	d4odom_free;
+	d4odom_isWhole;
+	d4odom_more;
+	d4odom_nelements;
+	d4odom_new;
+	d4odom_next;
+	d4odom_offset;
+	d4panic;
+	d4scalarodom_new;
+	d4throw;
+	dap_getselection;
+	ezxml_add_child;
+	ezxml_all_attr;
+	ezxml_ampencode;
+	ezxml_attr;
+	ezxml_char_content;
+	ezxml_child;
+	ezxml_close_tag;
+	ezxml_cut;
+	ezxml_decode;
+	ezxml_ent_ok;
+	ezxml_err;
+	ezxml_error;
+	ezxml_free;
+	ezxml_free_attr;
+	ezxml_get;
+	ezxml_idx;
+	ezxml_insert;
+	ezxml_internal_dtd;
+	ezxml_new;
+	ezxml_open_tag;
+	ezxml_parse_fp;
+	ezxml_parse_str;
+	ezxml_pi;
+	ezxml_proc_inst;
+	ezxml_set_attr;
+	ezxml_set_flag;
+	ezxml_set_txt;
+	ezxml_str2utf8;
+	ezxml_toxml;
+	ezxml_toxml_r;
+	ezxml_vget;
+	keywordmap;
+	mmapio_create;
+	mmapio_open;
+	nc4_var_add;
+	nc4_var_del;
+	nc4_vararray_add;
+	nc_utf8_normalize;
+	nc_utf8_to_utf16;
+	nc_utf8_validate;
+	nc_utf8proc_NFC;
+	nc_utf8proc_NFD;
+	nc_utf8proc_NFKC;
+	nc_utf8proc_NFKD;
+	nc_utf8proc_category;
+	nc_utf8proc_category_string;
+	nc_utf8proc_charwidth;
+	nc_utf8proc_codepoint_valid;
+	nc_utf8proc_combinations;
+	nc_utf8proc_decompose;
+	nc_utf8proc_decompose_char;
+	nc_utf8proc_decompose_custom;
+	nc_utf8proc_encode_char;
+	nc_utf8proc_errmsg;
+	nc_utf8proc_get_property;
+	nc_utf8proc_grapheme_break;
+	nc_utf8proc_grapheme_break_stateful;
+	nc_utf8proc_iterate;
+	nc_utf8proc_map;
+	nc_utf8proc_map_custom;
+	nc_utf8proc_normalize_utf32;
+	nc_utf8proc_properties;
+	nc_utf8proc_reencode;
+	nc_utf8proc_sequences;
+	nc_utf8proc_stage1table;
+	nc_utf8proc_stage2table;
+	nc_utf8proc_tolower;
+	nc_utf8proc_totitle;
+	nc_utf8proc_toupper;
+	nc_utf8proc_utf8class;
+	nc_utf8proc_version;
+	ncbytesremove;
+	ncd4__testurl;
+	ncdap4debug;
+	ncdebug;
+	nclistextract;
+	nclistfreeall;
+	nctypealignment;
+	ncuridecodepartial;
+	ncuriencodeonly;
+	ncuriencodeuserpwd;
+	ncuriquerylookup;
+	ncurisetprotocol;
+	ncurisetquery;
+	ncx_get_uint32;
+	ncx_get_uint64;
+	ncx_getn_double_long;
+	ncx_getn_float_long;
+	ncx_getn_int_long;
+	ncx_getn_longlong_long;
+	ncx_getn_schar_long;
+	ncx_getn_short_long;
+	ncx_getn_uchar_long;
+	ncx_getn_uint_long;
+	ncx_getn_ulonglong_long;
+	ncx_getn_ushort_long;
+	ncx_pad_getn_schar_long;
+	ncx_pad_getn_short_long;
+	ncx_pad_getn_uchar_long;
+	ncx_pad_getn_ushort_long;
+	ncx_pad_putn_schar_long;
+	ncx_pad_putn_short_long;
+	ncx_pad_putn_uchar_long;
+	ncx_pad_putn_ushort_long;
+	ncx_put_uint32;
+	ncx_put_uint64;
+	ncx_putn_double_long;
+	ncx_putn_float_long;
+	ncx_putn_int_long;
+	ncx_putn_longlong_long;
+	ncx_putn_schar_long;
+	ncx_putn_short_long;
+	ncx_putn_uchar_long;
+	ncx_putn_uint_long;
+	ncx_putn_ulonglong_long;
+	ncx_putn_ushort_long;
+} NETCDF_4.4.1.1;
+NETCDF_4.6.0 {
+  global:
+	NC4_def_var_filter;
+	NCD2_def_var_filter;
+	NC__testurl;
+	NC_authclear;
+	NC_authsetup;
+	NC_backslashEscape;
+	NC_backslashUnescape;
+	NC_byteswap8;
+	NC_check_file_type;
+	NC_combinehostport;
+	NC_entityescape;
+	NC_hashmap_verify;
+	NC_isLittleEndian;
+	NC_mktmp;
+	NC_parsecredentials;
+	NC_parsefilterspec;
+	NC_parseproxy;
+	NC_rcclear;
+	NC_rcload;
+	NC_rclookup;
+	NC_readfile;
+	NC_set_rcfile;
+	delete_existing_dimscale_dataset;
+	nc_def_var_filter;
+	nc_inq_var_filter;
+	ncrc_globalstate;
+	ocinitialized;
+	strlcat;
+} NETCDF_4.5.0;
+NETCDF_4.6.1 {
+  global:
+	NC3_def_var_fill;
+	NC_check_voffs;
+	NC_hashmapadd;
+	NC_hashmapcount;
+	NC_hashmapfree;
+	NC_hashmapget;
+	NC_hashmapnew;
+	NC_hashmapremove;
+	NC_hashmapsetdata;
+	printhashmap;
+	printhstring;
+	remove_coord_atts;
+} NETCDF_4.6.0;

debian/patches/hdf5-include-path.patch deleted
--- a/debian/patches/hdf5-include-path.patch
+++ /dev/null

--- a/debian/patches/hdf5-library-path.patch
+++ b/debian/patches/hdf5-library-path.patch
@@ -5,10 +5,8 @@ Description: Append HDF5 library & include paths to nc-config & netcdf.pc.
 Author: Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org>
 Forwarded: not-needed
-Index: netcdf-4.6.1/CMakeLists.txt
---- netcdf-4.6.1.orig/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ netcdf-4.6.1/CMakeLists.txt
+--- a/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/CMakeLists.txt
 @@ -746,7 +746,7 @@ IF(USE_HDF5 OR ENABLE_NETCDF_4)
      SET(H5_USE_16_API 0)
@@ -31,8 +29,32 @@ Index: netcdf-4.6.1/CMakeLists.txt
  # Process all dependency libraries and create a string
  # used when parsing netcdf.pc.in
+--- a/nc-config.cmake.in
++++ b/nc-config.cmake.in
+@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ libdir="@CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX@/@CMAKE_IN
+ has_dap2="@ENABLE_DAP2@"
+ if [ -z $has_dap2 -o "$has_dap2" = "OFF" ]; then
+--- a/netcdf.pc.in
++++ b/netcdf.pc.in
+@@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ Name: @PACKAGE@
+ Description: NetCDF Client Library for C
+ URL: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/netcdf
+-Libs: -L${libdir} @NC_LIBS@
+-Cflags: -I${includedir}
++Libs: -L${libdir} @HDF5_LIBS@ @NC_LIBS@
++Cflags: -I${includedir} @HDF5_INCS@

debian/patches/hdf5-location.patch deleted
--- a/debian/patches/hdf5-location.patch
+++ /dev/null

--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ link-private.patch

--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ LIBDIR:=/usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)
 UPSTREAM_VERSION = $(shell echo $(DEB_VERSION_UPSTREAM) | sed -e 's/\+.*//')
 include /usr/share/mpi-default-dev/debian_defaults
@@ -37,14 +37,14 @@ CMAKE_FLAGS:=   -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
 	dh_auto_configure --builddirectory=build-serial -- \
-	        -DHDF5_INCLUDE_DIR=$(INCDIR)/hdf5/serial \
-		-DHDF5_LIBRARY_PATH=$(LIBRARY)/hdf5/serial \
+	        -DHDF5_INCLUDE_PATH=$(INCDIR)/hdf5/serial \
+		-DHDF5_LIBRARY_PATH=$(LIBDIR)/hdf5/serial \
 		-DLIBLIB_VERSION_SCRIPT=-Wl,--version-script,$(CURDIR)/debian/netcdf-serial.ver \
 	dh_auto_configure --builddirectory=build-pnetcdf -- \
-		-DHDF5_INCLUDE_DIR=$(INCDIR)/hdf5/serial \
-		-DHDF5_LIBRARY_PATH=$(LIBRARY)/hdf5/serial \
+		-DHDF5_INCLUDE_PATH=$(INCDIR)/hdf5/serial \
+		-DHDF5_LIBRARY_PATH=$(LIBDIR)//hdf5/serial \
 		-DPNETCDF_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include \
 		-DLIBLIB_VERSION_SCRIPT=-Wl,--version-script,$(CURDIR)/debian/netcdf-pnetcdf.ver \
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ override_dh_auto_configure:
 		-DUSE_HDF5=ON \
-	        -DHDF5_INCLUDE_DIR=$(INCDIR)/hdf5/$(MPI) \
+	        -DHDF5_INCLUDE_PATH=$(INCDIR)/hdf5/$(MPI) \
 		-DHDF5_C_LIBRARIES=$(LIBDIR)/hdf5/$(MPI)/libhdf5.so \
 		-DHDF5_HL_LIBRARIES=$(LIBDIR)/hdf5/$(MPI)/libhdf5_hl.so \
@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ override_dh_auto_install:
 	echo "prefix=$(LIBDIR)/netcdf/serial" > debian/tmp/$(LIBDIR)/pkgconfig/netcdf-serial.pc 
 	grep -v "prefix=" debian/tmp-serial/$(LIBDIR)/pkgconfig/netcdf.pc >> debian/tmp/$(LIBDIR)/pkgconfig/netcdf-serial.pc 
 	cp debian/tmp-serial/$(LIBDIR)/libnetcdf.so.$(SO_VERSION)  debian/tmp/$(LIBDIR)
-	ln -s libnetcdf.so.$(SO_VERSION) debian/tmp/$(LIBDIR)/libnetcdf.so.$(SO_MAJOR)
-	ln -s libnetcdf.so.$(SO_VERSION) debian/tmp/$(LIBDIR)/libnetcdf.so
+	# ln -s libnetcdf.so.$(SO_VERSION) debian/tmp/$(LIBDIR)/libnetcdf.so.$(SO_MAJOR)
+	# ln -s libnetcdf.so.$(SO_VERSION) debian/tmp/$(LIBDIR)/libnetcdf.so
 	cp -a debian/tmp-serial/$(LIBDIR)/cmake/netCDF	debian/tmp/$(LIBDIR)/cmake/netCDF
 	cp -a debian/tmp-pnetcdf/usr/include debian/tmp/usr
 	cp -a debian/tmp-serial/usr/share debian/tmp/usr
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ override_dh_auto_install:
 	$(RM) debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/netCDF/html/jquery.js
 	sed -e 's%@MULTIARCH@%$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)%g' < debian/libnetcdf-dev.postinst.in \
 		> debian/libnetcdf-dev.postinst
-	dh_auto_install
+	# dh_auto_install
 	# Strip RPATH
 	-find $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/usr/bin -type f -not -name nc-config -exec chrpath --delete {} \;

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/netcdf/compare/434d78f4c0e3380c515ed22f7a9762d19fa28bdd...33a6c1dca9b4d07d207c42890a904ec6d4cedf5a

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/netcdf/compare/434d78f4c0e3380c515ed22f7a9762d19fa28bdd...33a6c1dca9b4d07d207c42890a904ec6d4cedf5a
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