[Git][debian-gis-team/gpxsee] Pushed new branch master

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Mon Dec 10 16:00:11 GMT 2018

On 12/10/18 4:45 PM, Luboš Novák wrote:
>> Keep the list in the loop for the other members of the team and archive.

Still not keeping the list in the loop I see.

>> On 12/10/18 3:05 PM, Luboš Novák wrote:
>>> I do not have access to avatars settings. Please set this icon:
>>> https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/gpxsee/blob/master/icons/gpxsee.png
>> Do we really need form over function?
> Is it desktop application with icon, so why not? ;)

It serves no practical function.

>>>> You also need to push the tags, see:
>>>> https://debian-gis-team.pages.debian.net/policy/packaging.html#git-push-to-salsa
>>> My package is new and still  UNRELEASED. I'm not sure when tag the package. If I find the sponsor and package is accepted?
>> gbp import-orig creates an upstream tag, that hasn't been pushed yet.
> Ups, I deleted my local repository. Is correct solution manualy tag upstream branch with 'upstream/7.0' ?

Why would you delete your local repo? You already pushed changes the
repo on Salsa, so you'll have to work from there anyway.

If you don't have the upstream tag any more, you'll have to create it
manually, yes.

How did you create the initial package if not with git-buildpackage?

Refer to the team policy for the git packaging workflow:


>>>> debian/control needs to be restructured with cme, see:
>>>> https://debian-gis-team.pages.debian.net/policy/policy.html#cme
>>> I didn't see difference after running 'cme fix dpkg-control'
>> cme in stable restructures the control file indentation to the one used
>> in our other packages, in later version it may keep the indentation it
>> finds. For consistency the structure as used in our other packages needs
>> to be used as well.
> Probably some mistake on my side...

To prevent mistakes, follow the documented workflow in the team policy.

Kind Regards,


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