[Git][debian-gis-team/ossim][master] 6 commits: New upstream version 2.3.2

Bas Couwenberg gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Tue May 1 17:18:30 BST 2018

Bas Couwenberg pushed to branch master at Debian GIS Project / ossim

d9b6f25a by Bas Couwenberg at 2018-05-01T16:41:42+02:00
New upstream version 2.3.2
- - - - -
e190080d by Bas Couwenberg at 2018-05-01T16:41:49+02:00
Merge tag 'upstream/2.3.2'

Upstream version 2.3.2

- - - - -
a99415a3 by Bas Couwenberg at 2018-05-01T16:42:12+02:00
New upstream release.

- - - - -
92b96907 by Bas Couwenberg at 2018-05-01T16:44:28+02:00
Refresh patches.

- - - - -
62c4b04e by Bas Couwenberg at 2018-05-01T17:43:35+02:00
Update spelling-errors.patch for new typos.

- - - - -
d10f5ca7 by Bas Couwenberg at 2018-05-01T17:43:35+02:00
Set distribution to unstable.

- - - - -

29 changed files:

- + apps/ossim-header-crawl/CMakeLists.txt
- + apps/ossim-header-crawl/ossim-header-crawl.cpp
- cmake/CMakeLists.txt
- cmake/CMakeModules/FindOpenCV.cmake
- cmake/CMakeModules/OssimCommonVariables.cmake
- cmake/CMakeModules/OssimUtilities.cmake
- debian/changelog
- debian/manpages/ossim-chipper.1
- debian/patches/spelling-errors.patch
- include/ossim/imaging/ossimNitfWriterBase.h
- include/ossim/projection/ossimNitfProjectionFactory.h
- + include/ossim/support_data/ossimNitfGeolobTag.h
- − include/ossim/support_data/ossimNitfLocalGeographicTag.h
- include/ossim/util/ossimChipperUtil.h
- + scripts/create-sandbox.sh
- + scripts/ocpld.sh
- share/ossim/templates/ossim_preferences_template
- src/imaging/ossimImageRenderer.cpp
- src/imaging/ossimNitf20Writer.cpp
- src/imaging/ossimNitfWriter.cpp
- src/imaging/ossimNitfWriterBase.cpp
- src/imaging/ossimSingleImageChain.cpp
- src/projection/ossimNitfProjectionFactory.cpp
- + src/support_data/ossimNitfGeolobTag.cpp
- src/support_data/ossimNitfImageBandV2_0.cpp
- − src/support_data/ossimNitfLocalGeographicTag.cpp
- src/support_data/ossimNitfRegisteredTagFactory.cpp
- src/util/ossimChipperUtil.cpp
- src/util/ossimImageUtil.cpp


--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/ossim-header-crawl/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/ossim-header-crawl/ossim-header-crawl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2000 ImageLinks Inc. 
+// License:  See top level LICENSE.txt file.
+// Author: Ken Melero
+//         Originally written by Oscar Kramer.
+// Description:  This app displays a binary file in a nice
+//               formatted view.  Very helpful for finding offsets of
+//               binary headers.
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <ossim/base/ossimString.h>
+#include <ossim/base/ossimFilename.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <sstream>
+using namespace std;
+// first: header file name only, second: header file's "namespace" or full path if relative
+typedef map<ossimFilename, ossimFilename> HeaderMap;
+typedef vector<ossimFilename> FileList;
+class CppHeaderCrawler
+   CppHeaderCrawler();
+   // Mines the CMake output files for include paths and home directory
+   bool loadBuild(const ossimFilename &buildDir);
+   // Opens each source and header to determine external header dependencies
+   bool scanForHeaders();
+   // Copies all external headers to the sandbox output directory, preserving the relative namespace
+   bool copyHeaders(const ossimFilename &outDir);
+   // Scans specified file for include files to record:
+   bool scanFile(const ossimFilename &file);
+   // Finds the path needed to prepend to the includeSpec to locate the existing include file.
+   // Returns empty string if not found:
+   ossimFilename findPath(const ossimFilename &includeSpec);
+   ossimFilename m_ossimDevHome;   // = $OSSIM_DEV_HOME as specified in CMakeCache.txt
+   FileList      m_includeDirs;    // List of all include paths searched in build
+   FileList      m_sourceNames;    // List of all OSSIM source and header files accessed in build
+   HeaderMap     m_includePathMap; // Contains existing include path for every header file
+void usage(char* appname)
+   cout<<"\nUsage:  " << appname << " <path/to/OSSIM_BUILD_DIR> <path-to-output-dir>\n" << endl;
+   cout<<"  Utility app to copy all external header files on a system that are referenced by the \n"
+       <<"  OSSIM build. The headers are copied into a \"sandbox\" directory (usually appended with \n"
+       <<"  \"include\"), preserving namespaces. This is to enable sandbox builds. See the script in\n"
+       <<"  ossim/scripts/ocpld.sh for copying the external libraries needed.\n"<<endl;
+   return;
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+   if (argc < 3)
+   {
+      usage(argv[0]);
+      return 1;
+   }
+   ossimFilename buildPath = argv[1];
+   ossimFilename destDir = argv[2];
+   CppHeaderCrawler crawler;
+   if (!crawler.loadBuild(buildPath))
+      return -1;
+   if (!crawler.scanForHeaders())
+      return -1;
+   if (!crawler.copyHeaders(destDir))
+      return -1;
+   return 0;
+bool CppHeaderCrawler::loadBuild(const ossimFilename &build_dir)
+   static const string OSSIM_DEV_HOME_STR = "OSSIM_DEV_HOME:";
+   ossimString line;
+   // Check environment for OSSIM_DEV_HOME:
+   const char* envVar = getenv("OSSIM_DEV_HOME");
+   if (envVar)
+   {
+      m_ossimDevHome = envVar;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      // Checkout the CMakeCache.txt to mine it for OSSIM_DEV_HOME:
+      ossimFilename cmakeCacheFile = build_dir + "/CMakeCache.txt";
+      ifstream f(cmakeCacheFile.string());
+      if (f.fail())
+      {
+         cout << "Failed file open for CMake file: " << cmakeCacheFile << endl;
+         return false;
+      }
+      // Loop to read read one line at a time to find OSSIM_DEV_HOME:
+      while (getline(f, line))
+      {
+         if (!line.contains(OSSIM_DEV_HOME_STR))
+            continue;
+         m_ossimDevHome = line.after("=");
+         break;
+      }
+      f.close();
+   }
+   if (m_ossimDevHome.empty())
+   {
+      cout << "Could not determine OSSIM_DEV_HOME. This should not happen!" << endl;
+      return false;
+   }
+   // Now read the cmake-generated list files. First the include directories:
+   ossimFilename cmakeIncludeDirs (build_dir.dirCat("CMakeIncludeDirs.txt"));
+   ifstream f(cmakeIncludeDirs.string());
+   if (f.fail())
+   {
+      cout << "Failed file open for CMake file: " << cmakeIncludeDirs << endl;
+      return false;
+   }
+   while (getline(f, line))
+   {
+      if (!line.contains(m_ossimDevHome))
+      {
+         cout << "Adding include path <" << line << ">" << endl;
+         m_includeDirs.emplace_back(line);
+      }
+   }
+   f.close();
+   // Read list of sources and headers included in the build:
+   ossimFilename cmakeFilenames (build_dir.dirCat("CMakeFileNames.txt"));
+   f.open(cmakeFilenames.string());
+   if (f.fail())
+   {
+      cout << "Failed file open for CMake file: " << cmakeFilenames << endl;
+      return false;
+   }
+   while (getline(f, line))
+   {
+      cout << "Adding source/header file <" << line << ">" << endl;
+      m_sourceNames.emplace_back(line);
+   }
+   f.close();
+   return true;
+bool CppHeaderCrawler::scanForHeaders()
+   // First find all files that match pattern:
+   for (auto &sourceName : m_sourceNames)
+   {
+      scanFile(sourceName);
+   }
+   return true;
+bool CppHeaderCrawler::scanFile(const ossimFilename& sourceName)
+   static const ossimString INCLUDE_STRING = "#include ";
+   static const size_t SIZE_INCLUDE_STRING = INCLUDE_STRING.length();
+   // The file may be an absolute path or may need to be searched among include paths:
+   // Open one file:
+   ifstream f(sourceName.string());
+   if (f.fail())
+   {
+      cout << "Failed file open for: " << sourceName << endl;
+      return false;
+   }
+   cout << "Scanning file: " << sourceName << endl;
+   bool foundInclude = false;
+   int noIncludeCount = 0;
+   ossimString lineOfCode;
+   // Loop to read read one line at a time to check for includes:
+   while (getline(f, lineOfCode) && (noIncludeCount < 10))
+   {
+      ossimString substring(lineOfCode.substr(0, SIZE_INCLUDE_STRING));
+      if (substring != INCLUDE_STRING)
+      {
+         if (foundInclude)
+            noIncludeCount++;
+         continue;
+      }
+      foundInclude = true;
+      noIncludeCount = 0;
+      // Get the include file path/name. Determine if relative or "namespaced". Truly relative
+      // include spec need not be copied to destination directory since the shall be present with
+      // the source build anyway.
+      ossimString includeSpec = lineOfCode.after(INCLUDE_STRING);
+      includeSpec.trim();
+      if (includeSpec.empty())
+         continue;
+      if (includeSpec[0] == '"')
+      {
+         // Relative. Some people are sloppy and use quoted header file spec even when it is really
+         // namespaced, so need to search relative first:
+         includeSpec = includeSpec.after("\"").before("\""); // stop before second quote (in case comments follow)
+         ossimFilename pathFile = sourceName.path().dirCat(includeSpec);
+         if (pathFile.exists())
+            continue;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         includeSpec = includeSpec.after("<").before(">"); // stop before second quote (in case comments follow)
+      }
+      // Search the namespaced include spec list if already entered:
+      auto entry = m_includePathMap.find(includeSpec);
+      if (entry != m_includePathMap.end())
+         continue;
+      // Exclude copying headers that are in the source tree (not external):
+      auto sourcePath = m_sourceNames.begin();
+      for (; sourcePath != m_sourceNames.end(); ++sourcePath)
+      {
+         if (sourcePath->contains(includeSpec))
+            break;
+      }
+      if (sourcePath!=m_sourceNames.end())
+         continue;
+      // First time this external header has been encountered, Find it on the system and save the
+      // associated include path and namespace portion:
+      ossimFilename path = findPath(includeSpec);
+      if (!path.empty())
+      {
+         cout << "Inserting " << includeSpec << endl;
+         m_includePathMap.emplace(includeSpec, path);
+      }
+      // Now recursion into the rabbit hole of header dependencies:
+      ossimFilename fullPathFile = path.dirCat(includeSpec);
+      if (fullPathFile.ext().empty())
+         continue; // System include should be on target already
+      scanFile(fullPathFile);
+   }
+   f.close();
+   return true;
+bool CppHeaderCrawler::copyHeaders(const ossimFilename& outputDir)
+   ossimFilename path, existingLocation, newLocation;
+   for (auto &header : m_includePathMap)
+   {
+      // Check existence of header on system:
+      existingLocation = header.second.dirCat(header.first);
+      if (!existingLocation.isFile())
+      {
+         cout << "ERROR: Could not find <" << existingLocation << ">. Header was not copied." << endl;
+         continue;
+      }
+      // Copy the file to the output directory:
+      newLocation = outputDir.dirCat(header.first);
+      ossimFilename newDir (newLocation.path());
+      ossimFilename newFile(newLocation.file());
+      if (!newDir.createDirectory())
+      {
+         cout << "ERROR: Could not create directory <" << newDir << ">. Check permissions." << endl;
+         return false;
+      }
+      existingLocation.copyFileTo(newLocation);
+      cout << "Copied <" << header.first << ">"<< endl;
+   }
+   return true;
+ossimFilename CppHeaderCrawler::findPath(const ossimFilename &file)
+   ossimFilename fullPath, result;
+   for (auto &path: m_includeDirs)
+   {
+      fullPath = path.dirCat(file);
+      if (fullPath.exists())
+      {
+         result = path;
+         break;
+      }
+   }
+   return result;

--- a/cmake/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/cmake/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ INCLUDE(OssimVersion)
   cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)

--- a/cmake/CMakeModules/FindOpenCV.cmake
+++ b/cmake/CMakeModules/FindOpenCV.cmake
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ if (OPENCV_FOUND)
-        message( WARNING "Could not find libtiff needed by OpenCV." )
+       message( WARNING "Could not find libtiff needed by OpenCV." )
     # Optional

--- a/cmake/CMakeModules/OssimCommonVariables.cmake
+++ b/cmake/CMakeModules/OssimCommonVariables.cmake
    SET(INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR   "include")
    set(INSTALL_LIBRARY_DIR lib${LIBSUFFIX} CACHE PATH "Installation directory for libraries")
    set(INSTALL_ARCHIVE_DIR lib${LIBSUFFIX} CACHE PATH "Installation directory for archive")
    OPTION(BUILD_OMS "Set to ON to build the oms api library." ON)
    OPTION(BUILD_OSSIM_WMS "Set to ON to build the wms api library." ON)

--- a/cmake/CMakeModules/OssimUtilities.cmake
+++ b/cmake/CMakeModules/OssimUtilities.cmake
@@ -337,6 +341,10 @@ MACRO(OSSIM_LINK_LIBRARY)
+#   Writes all include directory paths to a central file for later parsing dependencies
+   FOREACH(item ${include_dir_list})
+#   Caches all source file names to a central file for later parsing dependencies
+      FILE(APPEND ${CMAKE_FILENAMES_FILE} "${item}\n" )
+      FILE(APPEND ${CMAKE_FILENAMES_FILE} "${item}\n" )

--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
-ossim (2.3.1-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+ossim (2.3.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Team upload.
+  * New upstream release.
   * Bump Standards-Version to 4.1.4, no changes.
+  * Refresh patches.
+  * Update spelling-errors.patch for new typos.
- -- Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org>  Wed, 18 Apr 2018 20:37:51 +0200
+ -- Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org>  Tue, 01 May 2018 16:44:41 +0200
 ossim (2.3.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium

--- a/debian/manpages/ossim-chipper.1
+++ b/debian/manpages/ossim-chipper.1
@@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ ossimImageMosaic.  Default: ossimImageMosaic.
 Example \fB\-\-combiner\-type\fR ossimImageMosaic
-Apply constrast to input image(s). Valid range:
+Apply contrast to input image(s). Valid range:
 \fB\-1\fR.0 to 1.0

--- a/debian/patches/spelling-errors.patch
+++ b/debian/patches/spelling-errors.patch
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ Description: Fix spelling errors.
  * prefered    -> preferred
  * repaced     -> replaced
  * explicitely -> explicitly
+ * constrast   -> contrast
+ * seperated   -> separated
 Author: Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org>
 --- a/src/base/ossimDatumFactory.inc
@@ -99,7 +101,7 @@ Author: Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org>
           return outStr;
 --- a/src/util/ossimChipperUtil.cpp
 +++ b/src/util/ossimChipperUtil.cpp
-@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ void ossimChipperUtil::addArguments(ossi
+@@ -208,11 +208,11 @@ void ossimChipperUtil::addArguments(ossi
     au->addCommandLineOption("--central-meridian","<central_meridian_in_decimal_degrees>\nNote if set this will be used for the central meridian of the projection.  This can be used to lock the utm zone.");
@@ -108,6 +110,38 @@ Author: Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org>
     au->addCommandLineOption("--color-table","<color-table.kwl>\nhillshade or color-relief option - Keyword list containing color table for color-relief option.");
+-   au->addCommandLineOption( "--contrast", "<constrast>\nApply constrast to input image(s). Valid range: -1.0 to 1.0" );
++   au->addCommandLineOption( "--contrast", "<contrast>\nApply contrast to input image(s). Valid range: -1.0 to 1.0" );
+    au->addCommandLineOption("--cut-bbox-xywh", "<x>,<y>,<width>,<height>\nSpecify a comma separated bounding box.");
+@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ void ossimChipperUtil::addArguments(ossi
+    au->addCommandLineOption("--exaggeration", "<factor>\nMultiplier for elevation values when computing surface normals. Has the effect of lengthening shadows for oblique lighting.\nRange: .0001 to 50000, Default = 1.0");
+-   au->addCommandLineOption("--fullres-xys", "<full res center x>,<full res center y>,<scale>[,<scale>]\nSpecify a full resolution x,y point (Used as pivot and center cut) and scale, comma seperated with no spaces.  If two scales are specified then first is x and second is y else x and y are set to equal scales");
++   au->addCommandLineOption("--fullres-xys", "<full res center x>,<full res center y>,<scale>[,<scale>]\nSpecify a full resolution x,y point (Used as pivot and center cut) and scale, comma separated with no spaces.  If two scales are specified then first is x and second is y else x and y are set to equal scales");
+    au->addCommandLineOption("-h or --help", "Display this help and exit.");
+@@ -1881,7 +1881,7 @@ ossimRefPtr<ossimSingleImageChain> ossim
+            setupChainHistogram( ic );
+         }
+-        // Brightness constrast setup:
++        // Brightness contrast setup:
+         if ( hasBrightnesContrastOperation() )
+         {
+            // Assumption bright contrast filter in chain:
+@@ -2066,7 +2066,7 @@ ossimRefPtr<ossimSingleImageChain> ossim
+          setupChainHistogram( ic , std::make_shared<ossimSrcRecord>(rec));
+       }
+-      // Brightness constrast setup:
++      // Brightness contrast setup:
+       if ( hasBrightnesContrastOperation() )
+       {
+          // Assumption bright contrast filter in chain:
 --- a/src/util/ossimHillshadeTool.cpp
 +++ b/src/util/ossimHillshadeTool.cpp
 @@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ void ossimHillshadeTool::setUsage(ossimA
@@ -174,3 +208,27 @@ Author: Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org>
           ossimGpt origin;
           if (!getProjectionOrigin(origin))
              origin = m_aoiGroundRect.midPoint();
+--- a/include/ossim/imaging/ossimSingleImageChain.h
++++ b/include/ossim/imaging/ossimSingleImageChain.h
+@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ public:
+    void setBrightnessContrastFlag(bool flag);
+    /**
+-    * @brief Get the brightness constrast flag.
++    * @brief Get the brightness contrast flag.
+     * @return true or false.
+     */
+    bool getBrightnessContrastFlag() const;
+--- a/share/ossim/templates/ossim_preferences_template
++++ b/share/ossim/templates/ossim_preferences_template
+@@ -687,8 +687,8 @@ tfrd_iamp_file: $(OSSIM_INSTALL_PREFIX)/
+ // allows on to specify configuration options and parsing for the hdf5 plugin
+ // In this example we have only the Radiance file supported for VIIRS data
+ // to get a listing of dataset use the ossim-info -d on any hdf5 dataset file
+-// and look at the top for the dataset comma seperated list of dataset paths.
+-// You can add a comma seperated list for renderable_datasets and only those will show
++// and look at the top for the dataset comma separated list of dataset paths.
++// You can add a comma separated list for renderable_datasets and only those will show
+ // up in an ossim-info
+ // 
+ hdf5.options.max_recursion_level: 8

--- a/include/ossim/imaging/ossimNitfWriterBase.h
+++ b/include/ossim/imaging/ossimNitfWriterBase.h
@@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
-// License:  MIT
-// See LICENSE.txt file in the top level directory for more details.
+// License: MIT
 // Author:  David Burken
 // Description: OSSIM nitf writer base class to hold methods common to
 // all nitf writers.
-// $Id: ossimNitfWriterBase.h 2981 2011-10-10 21:14:02Z david.burken $
+// $Id$
 #ifndef ossimNitfWriterBase_HEADER
-#define ossimNitfWriterBase_HEADER
+#define ossimNitfWriterBase_HEADER 1
 #include <ossim/imaging/ossimImageFileWriter.h>
 #include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfRegisteredTag.h>
@@ -148,6 +146,19 @@ protected:
                      ossimNitfImageHeaderV2_X* hdr);
+    * @brief Adds the GEOLOB tag.
+    *
+    * This will only be added if projection is geographic.
+    *
+    * @param mapInfo ossimMapProjectionInfo to use to set tag with.
+    * @param hdr The header to write to.
+    *
+    * @note Currently only used with map projected images.
+    */
+   void addGeolobTag(const ossimMapProjection* mapProj,
+                     ossimNitfImageHeaderV2_X* hdr);
+   /**
     * @brief Adds the RPC00B tag.
     * @param rect Requested rectangle of image to write.
@@ -185,6 +196,11 @@ protected:
    bool theEnableBlockaTagFlag;
+   /**
+    * @brief If true user wants to set GEOLOG tag. (DEFAULT = true)
+    * This will only be set if a geographic projection.
+    */
+   bool theEnableGeolobTagFlag;

--- a/include/ossim/projection/ossimNitfProjectionFactory.h
+++ b/include/ossim/projection/ossimNitfProjectionFactory.h
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-// License:  See top level LICENSE.txt file.
+// License: MIT
 // Author:  Matt Revelle
 //          David Burken
@@ -8,9 +7,9 @@
 // Description:
 // Contains class declaration for ossimNitfProjectionFactory.
-// $Id: ossimNitfProjectionFactory.h 18905 2011-02-16 13:30:11Z dburken $
+// $Id$
 #ifndef ossimNitfProjectionFactory_HEADER
 #define ossimNitfProjectionFactory_HEADER 1
@@ -236,9 +235,19 @@ private:
     * @return true if BLOCKA tag was parsed.
    bool getBlockaPoints(const ossimNitfImageHeader* hdr,
-                        std::vector<ossimGpt>& gpts)const;//,
-                        //const ossimFilename& filename) const;
+                        std::vector<ossimGpt>& gpts)const;
+   /**
+    * @param hdr The nitf image header from the currently opened nitf file.
+    * 
+    * @param gpts Ground points to initialize from GEOLOB tag. This should
+    * be an empty vector.
+    *
+    * @return true if GEOLOB tag was parsed.
+    */
+   bool getGeolobPoints(const ossimNitfImageHeader* hdr,
+                        std::vector<ossimGpt>& gpts)const;
     * Private constructor, users must go through instance() method.

--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/ossim/support_data/ossimNitfGeolobTag.h
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+// License: MIT
+// Author:  David Burken
+// Description: GEOLOB tag class declaration.
+// References:
+// 1) DIGEST 2.1 Part 2 - Annex D
+// Appendix 1 - NSIF Standard Geospatial Support Data Extension
+// 2) STDI-0006
+// $Id$
+#ifndef ossimNitfGeolobTag_HEADER
+#define ossimNitfGeolobTag_HEADER 1
+#include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfRegisteredTag.h>
+#include <ossim/base/ossimConstants.h>
+#include <string>
+class OSSIM_DLL ossimNitfGeolobTag : public ossimNitfRegisteredTag
+   enum 
+   {
+      ARV_SIZE = 9,
+      BRV_SIZE = 9,
+      LSO_SIZE = 15,
+      PSO_SIZE = 15,
+      TAG_SIZE = 48
+      //      -----
+      //         48
+   };
+   /** default constructor */
+   ossimNitfGeolobTag();
+   /**
+    * Parse method.
+    *
+    * @param in Stream to parse.
+    */
+   virtual void parseStream(ossim::istream& in);
+   /**
+    * Write method.
+    *
+    * @param out Stream to write to.
+    */
+   virtual void writeStream(ossim::ostream& out);
+   /**
+    * @brief Print method that outputs a key/value type format
+    * adding prefix to keys.
+    * @param out Stream to output to.
+    * @param prefix Prefix added to key like "image0.";
+    */
+   virtual std::ostream& print(std::ostream& out,
+                               const std::string& prefix) const;
+   /**
+    * @brief Gets the ARV field.
+    * 
+    * Longitude density:
+    * This field shall contain the pixel ground spacing in E/W direction that
+    * is the number of pixels or elements intervals in 360°
+    *
+    * Pixel size in decimal degree = 360.0 / AVR
+    * 
+    * @return ARV field as a string.
+    */
+   std::string getArvString() const;
+   /**
+    * @brief Gets the ARV field.
+    * @return ARV field as a positive integer.
+    **/
+   ossim_uint32 getArv() const;
+   /**
+    * @brief Gets degrees per pixel in lonitude direction from BRV field.
+    * 
+    * Pixel size in decimal degree = 360.0 / AVR
+    * 
+    * @return Degrees per pixel in lonitude direction.
+    */
+   ossim_float64 getDegreesPerPixelLon() const;
+   /**
+    * @brief Sets the ARV field. Valid range: 000000002 to 999999999
+    * @pararm arv
+    */
+   void setArv(ossim_uint32 arv);
+   /**
+    * @brief Sets the ARV field from decimal degrees per pixel longitude.
+    * @pararm deltaLon
+    */
+   void setDegreesPerPixelLon(const ossim_float64& deltaLon);
+   /**
+    * @brief Gets the BRV field.
+    * 
+    * Latitude density:
+    * This field shall contain the pixel ground spacing in N/S direction that
+    * is the number of pixels or elements intervals in 360°.
+    *
+    * Pixel size in decimal degree = 360.0 / BVR
+    * 
+    * @return BRV field as a string.
+    */
+   std::string getBrvString() const;
+   /**
+    * @brief Gets the BRV field.
+    * @return BRV field as a positive integer.
+    **/
+   ossim_uint32 getBrv() const;
+   /**
+    * @brief Gets degrees per pixel in latitude direction from BRV field.
+    * 
+    * Pixel size in decimal degree = 360.0 / BVR
+    * 
+    * @return Degrees per pixel in latitude direction.
+    */
+   ossim_float64 getDegreesPerPixelLat() const;
+   /**
+    * @brief Sets the BRV field. Valid range: 000000002 to 999999999
+    * @pararm brv
+    */
+   void setBrv(ossim_uint32 brv);
+   /**
+    * @brief Sets the BRV field from decimal degrees per pixel latitude.
+    * @pararm deltaLon
+    */
+   void setDegreesPerPixelLat(const ossim_float64& deltaLat);
+   /**
+    * @brief Gets the LSO field.
+    * 
+    * Longitude of Reference Origin:
+    * This field shall contain the longitude of the origin pixel
+    * (row number 0, column number 0) in the absolute coordinate system.
+    * 
+    * @return LSO field as a string.
+    */
+   std::string getLsoString() const;
+   /**
+    * @brief Gets the LSO field(Longitude Origin).
+    * @return LSO field as a positive integer.
+    **/
+   ossim_float64 getLso() const;
+   /**
+    * @brief Sets the LSO field(Longitude Origin).
+    * Valid range: -180.0 to +180.0
+    * @pararm lso
+    */
+   void setLso(const ossim_float64& lso);
+   /**
+    * @brief Gets the PSO field.
+    * 
+    * Latitude of Reference Origin:
+    * This field shall contain the latitude of the origin pixel
+    * (row number 0, column number 0) in the absolute coordinate system.
+    * 
+    * @return PSO field as a string.
+    */
+   std::string getPsoString() const;
+   /**
+    * @brief Gets the PSO field(Latitude Origin).
+    * @return PSO field as a positive integer.
+    **/
+   ossim_float64 getPso() const;
+   /**
+    * @brief Sets the PSO field(Latitude Origin).
+    * Valid range: -90.0 to +90.0
+    * @pararm pso
+    */
+   void setPso(const ossim_float64& pso);
+   std::string m_tagData;
+#endif /* End of "#ifndef ossimNitfGeolobTag_HEADER" */

include/ossim/support_data/ossimNitfLocalGeographicTag.h deleted
--- a/include/ossim/support_data/ossimNitfLocalGeographicTag.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2004 Intelligence Data Systems. 
-// see top level LICENSE.txt
-// Author: Garrett Potts
-// Description: Nitf support class
-// $Id: ossimNitfLocalGeographicTag.h 22013 2012-12-19 17:37:20Z dburken $
-#ifndef ossimNitfLocalGeographicTag_HEADER
-#define ossimNitfLocalGeographicTag_HEADER
-#include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfRegisteredTag.h>
-class OSSIM_DLL ossimNitfLocalGeographicTag : public ossimNitfRegisteredTag
-   ossimNitfLocalGeographicTag();
-   virtual ~ossimNitfLocalGeographicTag();
-   virtual void parseStream(std::istream& in);
-   virtual void writeStream(std::ostream& out);
-   virtual void clearFields();
-   virtual void setDegreesPerPixelLat(double deltaLat);
-   virtual void setDegreesPerPixelLon(double deltaLon);
-   virtual void setLatOrigin(double origin);
-   virtual void setLonOrigin(double origin);
-   /**
-    * FIELD: ARV
-    *
-    * required 9 byte field
-    *
-    * Longitude density
-    *
-    * This field shall contain the pixel ground spacing in E/W direction that is
-    * the number of pixels or elements intervals in 360 degrees.
-    * 9 BCS-N positive integer 000000002 to 999999999. 
-    */
-   char theLonDensity[10];
-   /**
-    * FIELD: BRV
-    *
-    * required 9 byte field
-    *
-    * Latitude density
-    *
-    * This field shall contain the pixel ground spacing in N/S direction that is the number of
-    * pixels or elements intervals in 360 degrees. 9 BCS-N positive integer 000000002 to 999999999 R 
-    */ 
-   char theLatDensity[10];
-   /**
-    * FIELD: LSO
-    * 
-    * required 15 byte field
-    *
-    * Longitude of Reference Origin This field shall contain the longitude of the origin pixel
-    * (row number 0, column number 0) in the absolute coordinate system. 15 BCS-N R 
-    */
-   char theLonOrigin[16];
-   /**
-    * FIELD: PSO
-    *
-    * required 15 byte field
-    *
-    * Latitude of Reference Origin This field shall contain the latitude of the origin
-    * pixel (row number 0, column number 0) in the absolute coordinate system. 15 BCS-N R 
-    */
-   char theLatOrigin[15];

--- a/include/ossim/util/ossimChipperUtil.h
+++ b/include/ossim/util/ossimChipperUtil.h
@@ -646,11 +646,25 @@ private:
     * Keys: 
     * Scale will be 1.0, 1.0 if keys not found. 
-   void getImageSpaceScale( ossimDpt& imageSpaceScale ) const;
+   void getImageSpaceScale(ossimDpt &imageSpaceScale) const;
+   /**
+    * @brief Gets the image space pivot.
+    *
+    * This is a "chip" operation only.  Will extract the center
+    * from the FULLRES keyword
+    *
+    * Keys: 
+    *
+    * This will return NaN if not set 
+    */
+   void getImageSpacePivot(ossimDpt &imageSpacePivot) const;
     * @brief Gets rotation.

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/create-sandbox.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# OCPLD -- Ossim CoPy Library Dependencies
+# Adapted from code written by Hemanth.HM
+# Uncomment to step/debug
+#set -x; trap read debug
+pushd `dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}` >/dev/null
+export SCRIPT_DIR=`pwd -P`
+popd >/dev/null
+if [ $# -ne 2 ]
+  echo "Usage: `basename $0` <ossim_build_dir> <sandbox_dir>"
+  exit 1
+echo "Copying libraries..."
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+  echo; echo "Error encountered during ocpld."
+  popd>/dev/null
+  exit 1
+echo "Copying headers..."
+ossim-header-crawl $OSSIM_BUILD_DIR $SANDBOX_DIR/include
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+  echo; echo "Error encountered during ossim-header-crawl."
+  popd>/dev/null
+  exit 1
+echo; echo "Sandbox of dependencies has been successfully created in $SANDBOX_DIR."; echo
\ No newline at end of file

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/ocpld.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# OCPLD -- Ossim CoPy Library Dependencies
+# Adapted from code written by Hemanth.HM
+# Uncomment to step/debug
+#set -x; trap read debug
+function do_cpld {
+    echo; echo "Scanning dependencies of $1"
+    deps=$(ldd $1 | awk 'BEGIN{ORS=" "}$1~/^\//{print $1}$3~/^\//{print $3}' | sed 's/,$/\n/')
+    for dep in $deps
+    do
+       b=$(basename $dep)
+       if [ -e $2/$b ]; then
+          echo "   $b already there."
+       else
+          echo "   copying $dep to $2"
+          cp -n $dep $2
+       fi
+    done
+export -f do_cpld
+if [[ $# < 2 ]]; then
+   s=$(basename $0)
+   echo; echo "Usage: $s <path to OSSIM libraries> <destination path for dependencies>"; echo
+   exit 1
+if [ ! -d $1 ]; then
+   echo; echo "<$1> is not a valid input directory. Aborting..."; echo
+   exit 1
+if [ ! -d $2 ]; then
+   echo; echo "Output directory <$2> does not exist. Creating..."; echo
+   mkdir -p $2
+find $1 -type f -name "*.so" -exec bash -c "do_cpld {} $2" \;
+echo; echo "All dependencies were copied to $2. Done!"; echo
\ No newline at end of file

--- a/share/ossim/templates/ossim_preferences_template
+++ b/share/ossim/templates/ossim_preferences_template
@@ -394,9 +394,22 @@ plugin55.file: $(OSSIM_INSTALL_PREFIX)/lib64/ossim/plugins/libossim_geopdf_plugi
 // Always put gdal last as it has duplicate readers and need to pick ours up
 // first.
-//plugin85.file: $(OSSIM_INSTALL_PREFIX)/lib64/ossim/plugins/libossim_gdal_plugin.so
-// plugin85.options:
+//  The enable and disable is a regular expression.  a REgular expression with
+//  the value of ".*" will match all and a regular expression with the value of
+//  "NITF|HFA" will match HFA or NITF drivers.
+//  The plugin also support environment variables:
+plugin85.file: $(OSSIM_INSTALL_PREFIX)/lib64/ossim/plugins/libossim_gdal_plugin.so
+                 reader_factory.location:back
+                 writer_factory.location:back
+                 enable_drivers: .*
+                 //disable_drivers:
 // Old style with no options keyword:

--- a/src/imaging/ossimImageRenderer.cpp
+++ b/src/imaging/ossimImageRenderer.cpp
@@ -281,7 +281,8 @@ void ossimImageRenderer::ossimRendererSubRectInfo::splitView(std::vector<ossimRe
-   } 
+   }
    // just do horizontal split for test
    ossimIrect vrect(m_Vul,
@@ -295,33 +296,19 @@ void ossimImageRenderer::ossimRendererSubRectInfo::splitView(std::vector<ossimRe
    if((w2 <2)&&(h2<2))
-      if(splitFlags)
+      ossimRendererSubRectInfo rect(m_transform.get(),m_Vul, 
+                                    m_Vul, 
+                                    m_Vul, 
+                                    m_Vul);
+      rect.m_viewBounds = m_viewBounds;
+      rect.transformViewToImage();
+      if(rect.imageHasNans())
-         ossimRendererSubRectInfo rect(m_transform.get(),m_Vul, 
-                                       m_Vul, 
-                                       m_Vul, 
-                                       m_Vul);
-         rect.m_viewBounds = m_viewBounds;
-         rect.transformViewToImage();
-         if(rect.imageHasNans())
-         {
-            if(rect.m_viewBounds->intersects(rect.getViewRect()))
-            {
-               result.push_back(rect);
-            }
-         }
-         // if(rect.imageIsNan())
-         // {
-         //   if(rect.m_viewBounds->intersects(rect.getViewRect()))
-         //   {
-         //     result.push_back(rect);
-         //   }
-         // }
-         // else
-         // {
-         //   result.push_back(rect);
-         // }
+        if(rect.m_viewBounds->intersects(rect.getViewRect()))
+        {
+            result.push_back(rect);
+        }
    // horizontal split if only the upper left and lower left 
@@ -393,6 +380,7 @@ bool ossimImageRenderer::ossimRendererSubRectInfo::tooBig()const
 ossim_uint16 ossimImageRenderer::ossimRendererSubRectInfo::getSplitFlags()const
+  #if 0
    ossim_uint16 result = SPLIT_NONE;
    ossimDrect vRect = getViewRect();
@@ -401,7 +389,7 @@ ossim_uint16 ossimImageRenderer::ossimRendererSubRectInfo::getSplitFlags()const
    // very small rectangles in canBilinearInterpolate(...) method.
    // DRB 05 Dec. 2017
-   if ( vRect.width() < 8 && vRect.height() < 8 )
+   if ( imageHasNans()||(vRect.width() < 8 && vRect.height() < 8) )
       return result;
@@ -484,6 +472,88 @@ ossim_uint16 ossimImageRenderer::ossimRendererSubRectInfo::getSplitFlags()const
    return result;
+  ossim_uint16 result = SPLIT_NONE;
+  ossimDrect vRect = getViewRect();
+  if(imageHasNans()||tooBig())
+  {
+     if(m_viewBounds->intersects(getViewRect()))
+     {
+      result = SPLIT_ALL;
+     }
+     else
+     {
+        return result;
+     }
+  }
+  /*
+  if(result != SPLIT_ALL)
+  {
+    if(m_ulRoundTripError.hasNans()&&m_urRoundTripError.hasNans()&&
+        m_lrRoundTripError.hasNans()&&m_llRoundTripError.hasNans())
+    {
+      if(m_viewBounds->intersects(getViewRect()))
+      {
+        result = SPLIT_ALL;
+      }
+      return result;
+    }
+    else if(tooBig())
+    {
+      result = SPLIT_ALL;
+    }
+  }
+  if(result != SPLIT_ALL)
+  {
+    if(m_ulRoundTripError.hasNans()) result |= UPPER_LEFT_SPLIT_FLAG;
+    if(m_urRoundTripError.hasNans()) result |= UPPER_RIGHT_SPLIT_FLAG;
+    if(m_lrRoundTripError.hasNans()) result |= LOWER_RIGHT_SPLIT_FLAG;
+    if(m_llRoundTripError.hasNans()) result |= LOWER_LEFT_SPLIT_FLAG;
+  }
+  if(result != SPLIT_ALL)
+  {
+    ossim_float64 sensitivityScale = m_ImageToViewScale.length();
+    //std::cout << sensitivityScale << std::endl;
+    if(sensitivityScale < 1.0) sensitivityScale = 1.0/sensitivityScale;
+     // if((m_ulRoundTripError.length() > sensitivityScale)||
+     //    (m_urRoundTripError.length() > sensitivityScale)||
+     //    (m_lrRoundTripError.length() > sensitivityScale)||
+     //    (m_llRoundTripError.length() > sensitivityScale))
+     // {
+     //   std::cout << "________________\n";
+     //   std::cout << "Sens:  " << sensitivityScale << "\n"
+     //             << "View:  " << getViewRect() << "\n"
+     //             << "UL:    " << m_ulRoundTripError.length() << "\n"
+     //             << "UR:   " << m_urRoundTripError.length() << "\n"
+     //             << "LR:   " << m_lrRoundTripError.length() << "\n"
+     //             << "LL:   " << m_llRoundTripError.length() << "\n";
+     // }
+   // if(m_ulRoundTripError.length() > sensitivityScale) result |= UPPER_LEFT_SPLIT_FLAG;
+   // if(m_urRoundTripError.length() > sensitivityScale) result |= UPPER_RIGHT_SPLIT_FLAG;
+   // if(m_lrRoundTripError.length() > sensitivityScale) result |= LOWER_RIGHT_SPLIT_FLAG;
+   // if(m_llRoundTripError.length() > sensitivityScale) result |= LOWER_LEFT_SPLIT_FLAG;
+       // std::cout << result << " == " << SPLIT_ALL << "\n";
+    if((result!=SPLIT_ALL)&&!canBilinearInterpolate(sensitivityScale))
+    {
+      // std::cout << "TESTING BILINEAR!!!!\n";
+      result = SPLIT_ALL;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      // std::cout << "CAN BILINEAR!!!!\n";
+    }
+  }
+  return result;
 void ossimImageRenderer::ossimRendererSubRectInfo::transformViewToImage()
@@ -692,51 +762,50 @@ bool ossimImageRenderer::ossimRendererSubRectInfo::canBilinearInterpolate(double
   bool result = false;
-      // now check point placement
+  // now check point placement
   ossimDpt imageToViewScale = getAbsValueImageToViewScales();
   double testScale = imageToViewScale.length();
-//  ossimDpt errorUl = transform->getRoundTripErrorView(m_Vul);
-//  ossimDpt errorUr = transform->getRoundTripErrorView(m_Vur);
-//  ossimDpt errorLr = transform->getRoundTripErrorView(m_Vlr);
-//  ossimDpt errorLl = transform->getRoundTripErrorView(m_Vll);
-//  if((errorUl.length() > 2 )||
-//     (errorUr.length() > 2 )||
-//     (errorLr.length() > 2 )||
-//     (errorLl.length() > 2))
-//     {
-//        return result;
-//     }
-//  std::cout << "_______________________\n"
-//            << "errorUl: " << errorUl << "\n"
-//            << "errorUr: " << errorUr << "\n"
-//            << "errorLr: " << errorLr << "\n"
-//            << "errorLl: " << errorLl << "\n";
+  //  ossimDpt errorUl = transform->getRoundTripErrorView(m_Vul);
+  //  ossimDpt errorUr = transform->getRoundTripErrorView(m_Vur);
+  //  ossimDpt errorLr = transform->getRoundTripErrorView(m_Vlr);
+  //  ossimDpt errorLl = transform->getRoundTripErrorView(m_Vll);
+  //  if((errorUl.length() > 2 )||
+  //     (errorUr.length() > 2 )||
+  //     (errorLr.length() > 2 )||
+  //     (errorLl.length() > 2))
+  //     {
+  //        return result;
+  //     }
+  //  std::cout << "_______________________\n"
+  //            << "errorUl: " << errorUl << "\n"
+  //            << "errorUr: " << errorUr << "\n"
+  //            << "errorLr: " << errorLr << "\n"
+  //            << "errorLl: " << errorLl << "\n";
   // if there is a large shrink or expansion then just return true.
   // You are probably not worried about error in bilinear interpolation
-  if((testScale > 256)||
-     (testScale < 1.0/256.0))
+  if ((testScale > 256) ||
+      (testScale < 1.0 / 256.0))
-     return true;
+    return true;
-  if(m_VulScale.hasNans()||
-     m_VurScale.hasNans()||
-     m_VlrScale.hasNans()||
-     m_VllScale.hasNans())
+  if (m_VulScale.hasNans() ||
+      m_VurScale.hasNans() ||
+      m_VlrScale.hasNans() ||
+      m_VllScale.hasNans())
     return result;
-//  std::cout << "ulScale: " << m_VulScale << "\n"
-//            << "urScale: " << m_VurScale << "\n"
-//            << "lrScale: " << m_VlrScale << "\n"
-//            << "llScale: " << m_VllScale << "\n";
+  //  std::cout << "ulScale: " << m_VulScale << "\n"
+  //            << "urScale: " << m_VurScale << "\n"
+  //            << "lrScale: " << m_VlrScale << "\n"
+  //            << "llScale: " << m_VllScale << "\n";
   // check overage power of 2 variance
   // If there is a variance of 1 resolution level
@@ -753,84 +822,64 @@ bool ossimImageRenderer::ossimRendererSubRectInfo::canBilinearInterpolate(double
   // std::cout << log(averageLrScale)/(log(2)) << "\n";
   // std::cout << log(averageLlScale)/(log(2)) << "\n";
-  ossim_float64 ratio1 = averageUlScale/averageUrScale;
-  ossim_float64 ratio2 = averageUlScale/averageLrScale;
-  ossim_float64 ratio3 = averageUlScale/averageLlScale;
+  ossim_float64 ratio1 = averageUlScale / averageUrScale;
+  ossim_float64 ratio2 = averageUlScale / averageLrScale;
+  ossim_float64 ratio3 = averageUlScale / averageLlScale;
   // std::cout << "_________________________\n";
   // std::cout << "ratio1: " << ratio1 << "\n";
   // std::cout << "ratio2: " << ratio2 << "\n";
   // std::cout << "ratio3: " << ratio3 << "\n";
   // make sure all are within a power of 2 shrink or expand
-  // which means the range of each ratio should be 
+  // which means the range of each ratio should be
   // between .5 and 2
-  result = (((ratio1 < 2) && (ratio1 > 0.5))&&
-            ((ratio2 < 2) && (ratio2 > 0.5))&&
-            ((ratio3 < 2) && (ratio3 > 0.5))); 
+  result = (((ratio1 < 2) && (ratio1 > 0.5)) &&
+            ((ratio2 < 2) && (ratio2 > 0.5)) &&
+            ((ratio3 < 2) && (ratio3 > 0.5)));
   //result = ((diff1<=2)&&(diff2<=2)&&(diff3<=2));
   //std::cout << "DIFF1: " << diff1 << std::endl;
   //std::cout << "DIFF2: " << diff2 << std::endl;
   //std::cout << "DIFF3: " << diff3 << std::endl;
-  if(result)
+  if (result)
 #if 1
     ossimDpt vUpper, vRight, vBottom, vLeft, vCenter;
     ossimDpt iUpper, iRight, iBottom, iLeft, iCenter;
     ossimDpt testUpper, testRight, testBottom, testLeft, testCenter;
-    ossim2dBilinearTransform viewToImageTransform(m_Vul, m_Vur, m_Vlr, m_Vll
-                                                 ,m_Iul, m_Iur, m_Ilr, m_Ill);
-//    std::cout << "vMid:  " << testMid << "\n";
-//    std::cout << "testMid:  " << testMid << "\n";
-//    std::cout << "testCenter:  " << testCenter << "\n";
     getViewMids(vUpper, vRight, vBottom, vLeft, vCenter);
-    // do a bilinear transform of some test points
-    viewToImageTransform.forward(vUpper, iUpper);
-    viewToImageTransform.forward(vRight, iRight);
-    viewToImageTransform.forward(vBottom, iBottom);
-    viewToImageTransform.forward(vLeft, iLeft);
-    viewToImageTransform.forward(vCenter, iCenter);
-   // viewToImageTransform.forward(vMid, iTestMid);
-    //m_transform->viewToImage(vMid, testCenter);
+    getImageMids(iUpper, iRight, iBottom, iLeft, iCenter);
-    //getImageMids(iUpper, iRight, iBottom, iLeft, iCenter);
     // get the model centers for the mid upper left right bottom
     m_transform->viewToImage(vCenter, testCenter);
-    if(testCenter.hasNans())
+    if (testCenter.hasNans())
-       return false;
+      return false;
     m_transform->viewToImage(vUpper, testUpper);
-    if(testUpper.hasNans())
+    if (testCenter.hasNans())
-       return false;
+      return false;
     m_transform->viewToImage(vRight, testRight);
-    if(testRight.hasNans())
+    if (testRight.hasNans())
-       return false;
+      return false;
     m_transform->viewToImage(vBottom, testBottom);
-    if(testBottom.hasNans())
+    if (testBottom.hasNans())
-       return false;
+      return false;
     m_transform->viewToImage(vLeft, testLeft);
-    if(testLeft.hasNans())
+    if (testLeft.hasNans())
-       return false;
+      return false;
     // now get the model error to bilinear estimate of those points
@@ -839,23 +888,18 @@ bool ossimImageRenderer::ossimRendererSubRectInfo::canBilinearInterpolate(double
     double errorCheck3 = (testRight - iRight).length();
     double errorCheck4 = (testBottom - iBottom).length();
     double errorCheck5 = (testLeft - iLeft).length();
-    result = ((errorCheck1 < error)&&
-              (errorCheck2 < error)&&
-              (errorCheck3 < error)&&
-              (errorCheck4 < error)&&
+    result = ((errorCheck1 < error) &&
+              (errorCheck2 < error) &&
+              (errorCheck3 < error) &&
+              (errorCheck4 < error) &&
               (errorCheck5 < error));
-    // if(!result)
-    // {
-       // std::cout <<"__________________________\n"
-       //       << "ERROR1:" <<errorCheck1 << "\n" 
-       //       << "ERROR2:" <<errorCheck2 << "\n" 
-       //       << "ERROR3:" <<errorCheck3 << "\n" 
-       //       << "ERROR4:" <<errorCheck4 << "\n" 
-       //       << "ERROR5:" <<errorCheck5 << "\n"
-       //       << "SENS:  " << error <<  "\n"; 
-    //   std::cout << "Can't bilinear!!\n";
-    // }
+    // std::cout <<"__________________________\n"
+    //       << "ERROR1:" <<errorCheck1 << "\n"
+    //       << "ERROR2:" <<errorCheck2 << "\n"
+    //       << "ERROR3:" <<errorCheck3 << "\n"
+    //       << "ERROR4:" <<errorCheck4 << "\n"
+    //       << "ERROR5:" <<errorCheck5 << "\n"
+    //       << "SENS:  " << error <<  "\n";
     ossimDpt vUpper, vRight, vBottom, vLeft, vCenter;
@@ -865,82 +909,81 @@ bool ossimImageRenderer::ossimRendererSubRectInfo::canBilinearInterpolate(double
     getViewMids(vUpper, vRight, vBottom, vLeft, vCenter);
     getImageMids(iUpper, iRight, iBottom, iLeft, iCenter);
-    ossimDpt iFullRes(iCenter.x*imageToViewScale.x,
-          iCenter.y*imageToViewScale.y);
+    ossimDpt iFullRes(iCenter.x * imageToViewScale.x,
+                      iCenter.y * imageToViewScale.y);
     m_transform->viewToImage(vCenter, testCenter);
-    if(testCenter.hasNans())
+    if (testCenter.hasNans())
-       return false;
+      return false;
-    ossimDpt testFullRes(testCenter.x*imageToViewScale.x,
-             testCenter.y*imageToViewScale.y);
+    ossimDpt testFullRes(testCenter.x * imageToViewScale.x,
+                         testCenter.y * imageToViewScale.y);
     double errorCheck1 = (testFullRes - iFullRes).length();
-    iFullRes = ossimDpt(iUpper.x*imageToViewScale.x,
-            iUpper.y*imageToViewScale.y);
+    iFullRes = ossimDpt(iUpper.x * imageToViewScale.x,
+                        iUpper.y * imageToViewScale.y);
     m_transform->viewToImage(vUpper, testCenter);
-    if(testCenter.hasNans())
+    if (testCenter.hasNans())
-       return false;
+      return false;
-    testFullRes = ossimDpt(testCenter.x*imageToViewScale.x,
-         testCenter.y*imageToViewScale.y);
+    testFullRes = ossimDpt(testCenter.x * imageToViewScale.x,
+                           testCenter.y * imageToViewScale.y);
     double errorCheck2 = (testFullRes - iFullRes).length();
-    iFullRes = ossimDpt(iRight.x*imageToViewScale.x,
-            iRight.y*imageToViewScale.y);
+    iFullRes = ossimDpt(iRight.x * imageToViewScale.x,
+                        iRight.y * imageToViewScale.y);
     m_transform->viewToImage(vRight, testCenter);
-    if(testCenter.hasNans())
+    if (testCenter.hasNans())
-       return false;
+      return false;
-    testFullRes = ossimDpt(testCenter.x*imageToViewScale.x,
-         testCenter.y*imageToViewScale.y);
+    testFullRes = ossimDpt(testCenter.x * imageToViewScale.x,
+                           testCenter.y * imageToViewScale.y);
     double errorCheck3 = (testFullRes - iFullRes).length();
-    iFullRes = ossimDpt(iBottom.x*imageToViewScale.x,
-            iBottom.y*imageToViewScale.y);
+    iFullRes = ossimDpt(iBottom.x * imageToViewScale.x,
+                        iBottom.y * imageToViewScale.y);
     m_transform->viewToImage(vBottom, testCenter);
-    if(testCenter.hasNans())
+    if (testCenter.hasNans())
-       return false;
+      return false;
-    testFullRes = ossimDpt(testCenter.x*imageToViewScale.x,
-         testCenter.y*imageToViewScale.y);
+    testFullRes = ossimDpt(testCenter.x * imageToViewScale.x,
+                           testCenter.y * imageToViewScale.y);
     double errorCheck4 = (testFullRes - iFullRes).length();
-    iFullRes = ossimDpt(iLeft.x*imageToViewScale.x,
-            iLeft.y*imageToViewScale.y);
+    iFullRes = ossimDpt(iLeft.x * imageToViewScale.x,
+                        iLeft.y * imageToViewScale.y);
     m_transform->viewToImage(vLeft, testCenter);
-    testFullRes = ossimDpt(testCenter.x*imageToViewScale.x,
-         testCenter.y*imageToViewScale.y);
+    testFullRes = ossimDpt(testCenter.x * imageToViewScale.x,
+                           testCenter.y * imageToViewScale.y);
     double errorCheck5 = (testFullRes - iFullRes).length();
-   std::cout <<"__________________________\n"
-         << "ERROR1:" <<errorCheck1 << "\n" 
-         << "ERROR2:" <<errorCheck2 << "\n" 
-         << "ERROR3:" <<errorCheck3 << "\n" 
-         << "ERROR4:" <<errorCheck4 << "\n" 
-         << "ERROR5:" <<errorCheck5 << "\n"
-         << "SENS:  " << error <<  "\n"; 
-    result = ((errorCheck1 < error)&&
-      (errorCheck2 < error)&&
-      (errorCheck3 < error)&&
-      (errorCheck4 < error)&&
-      (errorCheck5 < error));
+    std::cout << "__________________________\n"
+              << "ERROR1:" << errorCheck1 << "\n"
+              << "ERROR2:" << errorCheck2 << "\n"
+              << "ERROR3:" << errorCheck3 << "\n"
+              << "ERROR4:" << errorCheck4 << "\n"
+              << "ERROR5:" << errorCheck5 << "\n"
+              << "SENS:  " << error << "\n";
+    result = ((errorCheck1 < error) &&
+              (errorCheck2 < error) &&
+              (errorCheck3 < error) &&
+              (errorCheck4 < error) &&
+              (errorCheck5 < error));
     // std::cout << "CAN INTERPOLATE? " << result <<"\n";
   return result;
 void ossimImageRenderer::ossimRendererSubRectInfo::getViewMids(ossimDpt& upperMid,
@@ -1063,7 +1106,6 @@ ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData> ossimImageRenderer::getTile(
          << MODULE << " Requesting view rect = "
          << tileRect << endl;
    // long w = tileRect.width();
    // long h = tileRect.height();
    // ossimIpt origin = tileRect.ul();

--- a/src/imaging/ossimNitf20Writer.cpp
+++ b/src/imaging/ossimNitf20Writer.cpp
@@ -30,12 +30,12 @@
 #include <ossim/base/ossimBooleanProperty.h>
 #include <ossim/base/ossimVisitor.h>
 #include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfCommon.h>
-#include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfGeoPositioningTag.h>
-#include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfLocalGeographicTag.h>
-#include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfLocalCartographicTag.h>
-#include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfProjectionParameterTag.h>
-#include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfNameConversionTables.h>
-#include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfBlockaTag.h>
+// #include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfGeoPositioningTag.h>
+// #include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfLocalGeographicTag.h>
+// #include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfLocalCartographicTag.h>
+// #include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfProjectionParameterTag.h>
+// #include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfNameConversionTables.h>
+// #include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfBlockaTag.h>
 #include <tiffio.h>
 #include <fstream>
 #include <algorithm>

--- a/src/imaging/ossimNitfWriter.cpp
+++ b/src/imaging/ossimNitfWriter.cpp
@@ -62,7 +62,9 @@ ossimNitfWriter::ossimNitfWriter(const ossimFilename& filename,
    // geometry out as default behavior.  Users can disable this via the
    // property interface or keyword list.
-   setWriteExternalGeometryFlag(true);
+   // Added GEOLOB tag for geographic output. UTM is good with BLOCKA.
+   // No longer needed. (drb - 30 March 2018)
+   // setWriteExternalGeometryFlag(true);
    m_fileHeader       = new ossimNitfFileHeaderV2_1;
    m_imageHeader      = new ossimNitfImageHeaderV2_1;
@@ -887,10 +889,10 @@ void ossimNitfWriter::addDataExtensionSegment(const ossimNitfDataExtensionSegmen
    if (allowTreOverflow == false)
       ossimRefPtr<ossimProperty> pId = des.getProperty(ossimNitfDataExtensionSegmentV2_1::DESID_KW);
-      if (  !pId ||
-            (pId->valueToString() == "TRE_OVERFLOW") ||
-            (pId->valueToString() == "REGISTERED EXTENSIONS") ||
-            (pId->valueToString() == "CONTROLLED EXTENSIONS"))
+      if ( !pId.valid() ||
+           pId->valueToString() == "TRE_OVERFLOW" ||
+           pId->valueToString() == "REGISTERED EXTENSIONS" ||
+           pId->valueToString() == "CONTROLLED EXTENSIONS")

--- a/src/imaging/ossimNitfWriterBase.cpp
+++ b/src/imaging/ossimNitfWriterBase.cpp
@@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
-//     OSSIM Open Source Geospatial Data Processing Library
-//     See top level LICENSE.txt file for license information
+// License: MIT
+// Author:  David Burken
+// Description: OSSIM nitf writer base class to hold methods common to
+// all nitf writers.
+// $Id$
 #include <ossim/imaging/ossimNitfWriterBase.h>
 #include <ossim/base/ossimBooleanProperty.h>
 #include <ossim/base/ossimFilename.h>
@@ -23,6 +29,7 @@
 #include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfBlockaTag.h>
 #include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfFileHeader.h>
 #include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfFileHeaderV2_X.h>
+#include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfGeolobTag.h>
 #include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfImageHeader.h>
 #include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfImageHeaderV2_X.h>
 #include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfRegisteredTag.h>
@@ -30,6 +37,7 @@
 static const char ENABLE_BLOCKA_KW[] = "enable_blocka_tag";
 static const char ENABLE_RPCB_KW[]   = "enable_rpcb_tag";
+static const char ENABLE_GEOLOB_KW[] = "enable_geolob_tag";
 RTTI_DEF1(ossimNitfWriterBase, "ossimNitfWriterBase", ossimImageFileWriter)
@@ -38,7 +46,8 @@ static ossimTrace traceDebug(ossimString("ossimNitfWriterBase:debug"));
    : ossimImageFileWriter(),
-     theEnableBlockaTagFlag(true)
+     theEnableBlockaTagFlag(true),
+     theEnableGeolobTagFlag(true)
@@ -46,7 +55,8 @@ ossimNitfWriterBase::ossimNitfWriterBase(const ossimFilename& filename,
                                          ossimImageSource* inputSource)
    : ossimImageFileWriter(filename, inputSource, 0),
-     theEnableBlockaTagFlag(true)
+     theEnableBlockaTagFlag(true),
+     theEnableGeolobTagFlag(true)
@@ -68,6 +78,10 @@ void ossimNitfWriterBase::setProperty(ossimRefPtr<ossimProperty> property)
          theEnableBlockaTagFlag = property->valueToString().toBool();
+      else if (name == ENABLE_GEOLOB_KW)
+      {
+         theEnableGeolobTagFlag = property->valueToString().toBool();
+      }
@@ -80,14 +94,18 @@ ossimRefPtr<ossimProperty> ossimNitfWriterBase::getProperty(
    ossimRefPtr<ossimProperty> result = 0;
-   if(name == ENABLE_RPCB_KW)
-   {
-      result = new ossimBooleanProperty(name, theEnableRpcbTagFlag);
-   }   
-   else if(name == ENABLE_BLOCKA_KW)
+   if(name == ENABLE_BLOCKA_KW)
       result = new ossimBooleanProperty(name, theEnableBlockaTagFlag);
-   }   
+   }
+   else if (name == ENABLE_GEOLOB_KW)
+   {
+      result = new ossimBooleanProperty(name, theEnableGeolobTagFlag);
+   }
+   else if(name == ENABLE_RPCB_KW)
+   {
+      result = new ossimBooleanProperty(name, theEnableRpcbTagFlag);
+   }
       result = ossimImageFileWriter::getProperty(name);
@@ -102,6 +120,7 @@ void ossimNitfWriterBase::getPropertyNames(
+   propertyNames.push_back(ENABLE_GEOLOB_KW);
@@ -109,8 +128,9 @@ void ossimNitfWriterBase::getPropertyNames(
 bool ossimNitfWriterBase::saveState(ossimKeywordlist& kwl,
                                     const char* prefix) const
-   kwl.add(prefix, ENABLE_RPCB_KW, theEnableRpcbTagFlag, true);
    kwl.add(prefix, ENABLE_BLOCKA_KW, theEnableBlockaTagFlag, true);
+   kwl.add(prefix, ENABLE_GEOLOB_KW, theEnableGeolobTagFlag, true);
+   kwl.add(prefix, ENABLE_RPCB_KW, theEnableRpcbTagFlag, true);   
    return ossimImageFileWriter::saveState(kwl, prefix);
@@ -119,19 +139,29 @@ bool ossimNitfWriterBase::loadState(const ossimKeywordlist& kwl,
                                     const char* prefix)
    // Look for the rpcb enable flag keyword.
-   const char* lookup = kwl.find(prefix, ENABLE_RPCB_KW);
+   // Look for the blocka enable flag keyword.
+   const char* lookup = kwl.find(prefix, ENABLE_BLOCKA_KW);
       ossimString os = lookup;
-      theEnableRpcbTagFlag = os.toBool();
+      theEnableBlockaTagFlag = os.toBool();
-   // Look for the blocka enable flag keyword.
-   lookup = kwl.find(prefix, ENABLE_BLOCKA_KW);
+   // Look for the geolob enable flag keyword.
+   lookup = kwl.find(prefix, ENABLE_GEOLOB_KW);
       ossimString os = lookup;
-      theEnableBlockaTagFlag = os.toBool();
+      theEnableGeolobTagFlag = os.toBool();
+   }
+   lookup = kwl.find(prefix, ENABLE_RPCB_KW);
+   if(lookup)
+   {
+      ossimString os = lookup;
+      theEnableRpcbTagFlag = os.toBool();
    return ossimImageFileWriter::loadState(kwl, prefix);
@@ -191,6 +221,11 @@ void ossimNitfWriterBase::writeGeometry(ossimNitfImageHeaderV2_X* hdr,
                addBlockaTag(mapInfo, hdr);
+            if ( theEnableGeolobTagFlag )
+            {
+               addGeolobTag( mapProj, hdr );
+            }
@@ -263,6 +298,52 @@ void ossimNitfWriterBase::addBlockaTag(ossimMapProjectionInfo& mapInfo,
    } // matches: if (hdr)
+void ossimNitfWriterBase::addGeolobTag(const ossimMapProjection* mapProj,
+                                       ossimNitfImageHeaderV2_X* hdr)
+   if (hdr && mapProj)
+   {
+      if ( mapProj->isGeographic() == true )
+      {
+         ossimRefPtr<ossimNitfGeolobTag> geolobTag = new ossimNitfGeolobTag();
+         // Get the scale:
+         ossimDpt gsd = mapProj->getDecimalDegreesPerPixel();
+         if ( (gsd.hasNans() == false) && (gsd.x > 0.0) && (gsd.y > 0.0) )
+         {
+            ossimGpt tie = mapProj->getUlGpt();
+            if ( tie.hasNans() == false )
+            {
+               // Shift the tie to edge of pixel:
+               tie.lat = tie.lat + gsd.y*0.5;
+               tie.lon = tie.lon - gsd.x*0.5;
+               if ( (tie.lat <= 90.0) && (tie.lon >= -180.0) )
+               {
+                  ossimRefPtr<ossimNitfGeolobTag> geolobTag = new ossimNitfGeolobTag();
+                  geolobTag->setDegreesPerPixelLon( gsd.x );
+                  geolobTag->setDegreesPerPixelLat( gsd.y );
+                  geolobTag->setLso( tie.lon ); // Origin Longitude
+                  geolobTag->setPso( tie.lat ); // Origin Latitude
+                  // Add the tag to the header.
+                  ossimRefPtr<ossimNitfRegisteredTag> geolobTagRp = geolobTag.get();
+                  ossimNitfTagInformation geolobTagInfo(geolobTagRp);
+                  hdr->addTag(geolobTagInfo);
+                  if (traceDebug())
+                  {
+                     ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG)
+                        << "ossimNitfWriterBase::addGeolobTag DEBUG:"
+                        << "\nAdded GEOLOB Tag:\n" << *(geolobTag.get())
+                        << "\n";
+                  }
+               }
+            }
+         }
+      }
+   }
 void ossimNitfWriterBase::addRpcbTag(const ossimIrect& rect,
                                      ossimProjection* proj,
                                      ossimNitfImageHeaderV2_X* hdr)

--- a/src/imaging/ossimSingleImageChain.cpp
+++ b/src/imaging/ossimSingleImageChain.cpp
@@ -181,6 +181,14 @@ void ossimSingleImageChain::createRenderedChain()
+   // will do this here.  Not sure if we want flipped just before the resampler or if we want to do it here.
+   // I think this is a better place for you can now manipulate the flipped pixel   
+   if (m_addNullPixelFlipFlag)
+   {
+         addNullPixelFlip();
+   }
    // histogram:
    if ( m_addHistogramFlag )
@@ -217,13 +225,6 @@ void ossimSingleImageChain::createRenderedChain()
-   // cheaper operation to put the flip after the remapper
-   //
-   if(m_addNullPixelFlipFlag)
-   {
-      addNullPixelFlip();
-   }
    // resampler cache
    if ( m_addResamplerCacheFlag )

--- a/src/projection/ossimNitfProjectionFactory.cpp
+++ b/src/projection/ossimNitfProjectionFactory.cpp
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
-// License:  See top level LICENSE.txt file.
+// License: MIT
 // Description:
 // Contains class definition for ossimNitfProjectionFactory.
-// $Id: ossimNitfProjectionFactory.cpp 23671 2015-12-19 01:07:26Z gpotts $
+// $Id$
 #include <ossim/projection/ossimNitfProjectionFactory.h>
 #include <ossim/base/ossimDms.h>
@@ -26,6 +24,7 @@
 #include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfBlockaTag.h>
 #include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfFile.h>
 #include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfFileHeader.h>
+#include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfGeolobTag.h>
 #include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfImageHeader.h>
 #include <fstream>
 #include <cmath>
@@ -214,18 +213,34 @@ ossimProjection* ossimNitfProjectionFactory::makeGeographic(
    if (hdr)
       // To hold corner points.
-      std::vector<ossimGpt> gpts;
+      std::vector<ossimGpt> gpts(0);
+      std::vector<ossimGpt> geolobPts(0);
+      std::vector<ossimGpt> blockaPts(0);
+      std::vector<ossimGpt> igeoloPts(0);      
+      //---
+      // Look for points from the GEOLOB tag if geographic coordinate
+      // system. This has an origin and scale with good precision.
+      //
+      // NOTES:
+      // 1) More precise than the BLOCKA
+      // 2) Making an assumption this is not present if rotated.
+      //    Might need to test for rotation in BLOCKA and IGEOLO
+      // 3) GEOLOB points are always rectangular as they are derived
+      //    from a single origin.
+      //---
+      getGeolobPoints(hdr, geolobPts);
-      // Get the corner points.
-      // 
       // Look for points from the BLOCKA tag.  This may or may not be present.
       // If present since it has six digit precision use it for the points.
-      if ( getBlockaPoints(hdr, gpts) == false )
+      getBlockaPoints(hdr, blockaPts);
+      if ( blockaPts.empty() )
+         // Least precise IGEOLO field:
          ossimString geographicLocation = hdr->getGeographicLocation();
          if ( geographicLocation.size() )
             if (traceDebug())
@@ -247,7 +262,7 @@ ossimProjection* ossimNitfProjectionFactory::makeGeographic(
                //       where d is degrees and m is minutes
                //       and s is seconds and X is either N (North) or S (South).
-               parseGeographicString(geographicLocation, gpts);
+               parseGeographicString(geographicLocation, igeoloPts);
             else if (coordinateSysetm == "D")
@@ -257,19 +272,49 @@ ossimProjection* ossimNitfProjectionFactory::makeGeographic(
                // - is souther hemisphere for lat and longitude
                // + is easting and - is westing.
-               parseDecimalDegreesString(geographicLocation, gpts);
+               parseDecimalDegreesString(geographicLocation, igeoloPts);
          } // matches: if ( geographicLocation.size() )
       } // matches: if ( getBlockaPoints(hdr, gpts) == false )
+      bool isSkewedFlag = false;      
+      if ( blockaPts.size() )
+      {
+         isSkewedFlag = isSkewed(blockaPts);
+         if ( (isSkewedFlag == false) && geolobPts.size() )
+         {
+            gpts = geolobPts; // Not skewed and have more accurate geolob points.
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            gpts = blockaPts;
+         }
+      }
+      else if ( igeoloPts.size() )
+      {
+         isSkewedFlag = isSkewed(igeoloPts);
+         if ( (isSkewedFlag == false) && geolobPts.size() )
+         {
+            gpts = geolobPts; // Not skewed and have more accurate geolob points.
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            gpts = igeoloPts;
+         }
+      }
       if (gpts.size() == 4)
          ossimDpt scaleTest;
          computeScaleInDecimalDegrees(hdr, gpts, scaleTest);
-         if (!isSkewed(gpts)&&(ossim::abs(scaleTest.y/scaleTest.x) <= 1.0))
+         //---
+         // Getting very small value above 1.0 when dividing; hence the .000001.
+         // Code calling arc cosine function in makeEquDistant(...) clamps to 1.0.
+         //---
+         if ( !isSkewedFlag && (ossim::abs(scaleTest.y/scaleTest.x) <= 1.000001))
             proj = makeEuiDistant(hdr, gpts);
@@ -548,7 +593,9 @@ ossimProjection* ossimNitfProjectionFactory::makeEuiDistant(
       // computation.  So is not set in tiff tags, compute to achieve the proper
       // horizontal scaling.
-      origin.lat = ossim::acosd(scale.y/scale.x);
+      ossim_float64 x = (scale.y/scale.x);
+      if ( x > 1.0 ) x = 1.0; // Limit to domain of arc cosine function.
+      origin.lat = ossim::acosd(x);
@@ -697,6 +744,87 @@ bool ossimNitfProjectionFactory::getBlockaPoints(
    return true;
+bool ossimNitfProjectionFactory::getGeolobPoints(
+   const ossimNitfImageHeader* hdr,
+   std::vector<ossimGpt>& gpts) const
+   static const char MODULE[] = "ossimNitfProjectionFactory::getGeolobPoints";
+   if (traceDebug())
+   {
+      ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG)
+         << MODULE << " entered...\n";
+   }
+   bool result = false;
+   gpts.clear();
+   if ( hdr )
+   {
+      ossimRefPtr<ossimNitfRegisteredTag> tag = hdr->getTagData(ossimString("GEOLOB"));
+      if ( tag.valid() )
+      {
+         ossimNitfGeolobTag* geolob = dynamic_cast<ossimNitfGeolobTag*>(tag.get());
+         if ( geolob )
+         {
+            ossimDpt gsd( geolob->getDegreesPerPixelLon(), geolob->getDegreesPerPixelLat() );
+            if ( (gsd.x > 0.0 ) && (gsd.y > 0.0) )
+            {
+               ossim_int32 rows = hdr->getNumberOfRows();
+               ossim_int32 cols = hdr->getNumberOfCols();
+               if ( (rows > 0) && (cols > 0) )
+               {
+                  ossimGpt gpt(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+                  ossimDpt origin( geolob->getLso(), geolob->getPso() );
+                  if (traceDebug())
+                  {
+                     ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG)
+                        << "origin: " << origin
+                        << "\ngsd:    " << gsd << "\n";
+                  }
+                  // Note: Edge to edge here as origin is shifted makeEuiDistant method.
+                  // UL:
+                  gpt.latd(origin.y);
+                  gpt.lond(origin.x);
+                  gpts.push_back(gpt);
+                  // UR:
+                  gpt.latd(origin.y);
+                  gpt.lond(origin.x + cols*gsd.x);
+                  gpts.push_back(gpt);
+                  // LR:
+                  gpt.latd(origin.y - rows*gsd.y);
+                  gpt.lond(origin.x + cols*gsd.x);
+                  gpts.push_back(gpt);
+                  // LL:
+                  gpt.latd(origin.y - rows*gsd.y);
+                  gpt.lond(origin.x);
+                  gpts.push_back(gpt);
+                  result = true;
+               }
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      else if (traceDebug())
+      {
+         ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG)
+            << "No GEOLOB tag found.\n";
+      }
+   }
+   if (traceDebug())
+   {
+      ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG)
+         << MODULE << " exit status: " << (result?"true":"false") << "\n";
+   }
+   return result;
 void ossimNitfProjectionFactory::computeScaleInDecimalDegrees(
    const ossimNitfImageHeader* hdr,
    const std::vector<ossimGpt>& gpts,

--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/support_data/ossimNitfGeolobTag.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+// License: MIT
+// Author:  David Burken
+// Description: GEOLOB tag class definition.
+// References:
+// 1) DIGEST 2.1 Part 2 - Annex D
+// Appendix 1 - NSIF Standard Geospatial Support Data Extension
+// 2) STDI-0006
+// $Id: ossimNitfBlockaTag.cpp 23245 2015-04-08 20:53:04Z rashadkm $
+#include <cstring> /* for memcpy */
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfGeolobTag.h>
+#include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfCommon.h>
+#include <ossim/base/ossimNotifyContext.h>
+#include <ossim/base/ossimTrace.h>
+#include <ossim/base/ossimDms.h>
+#include <ossim/base/ossimDpt.h>
+static const ossimTrace traceDebug(ossimString("ossimNitfBlockaTag:debug"));
+RTTI_DEF1(ossimNitfGeolobTag, "ossimNitfGeolobTag", ossimNitfRegisteredTag);
+   : ossimNitfRegisteredTag(std::string("GEOLOB"), ossimNitfGeolobTag::TAG_SIZE),
+     m_tagData(ossimNitfGeolobTag::TAG_SIZE, '0')
+void ossimNitfGeolobTag::parseStream(std::istream& in)
+   in.read((char*)m_tagData.data(), ossimNitfGeolobTag::TAG_SIZE);
+void ossimNitfGeolobTag::writeStream(std::ostream& out)
+   out.write(m_tagData.data(), ossimNitfGeolobTag::TAG_SIZE);
+std::ostream& ossimNitfGeolobTag::print(std::ostream& out,
+                                        const std::string& prefix) const
+   std::string pfx = prefix;
+   pfx += getTagName();
+   pfx += ".";
+   out << setiosflags(ios::left)
+       << pfx << std::setw(24) << "CETAG:" << getTagName()   << "\n"
+       << pfx << std::setw(24) << "CEL:"   << getTagLength() << "\n"
+       << pfx << std::setw(24) << "ARV:"   << getArvString() << "\n"
+       << pfx << std::setw(24) << "BRV:"   << getBrvString() << "\n"
+       << pfx << std::setw(24) << "LSO:"   << getLsoString() << "\n"
+       << pfx << std::setw(24) << "PSO:"   << getPsoString() << "\n";
+   return out;
+// Longitude density:
+std::string ossimNitfGeolobTag::getArvString() const
+   return m_tagData.substr(0, ossimNitfGeolobTag::ARV_SIZE);
+ossim_uint32 ossimNitfGeolobTag::getArv() const
+   ossim_uint32 result = 0;
+   std::string s = getArvString();
+   if ( s.size() )
+   {
+      result = ossimString(s).toUInt32();
+   }
+   return result;
+ossim_float64 ossimNitfGeolobTag::getDegreesPerPixelLon() const
+   ossim_float64 result = 0.0;
+   ossim_uint32 arv = getArv(); 
+   if ( arv > 0 )
+   {
+      result = 360.0 / arv;
+   }
+   return result;
+void ossimNitfGeolobTag::setArv(ossim_uint32 arv)
+   if ( (arv >= 2) && (arv <= 999999999) )
+   {
+      std::ostringstream s;
+      s.fill('0');
+      s << std::setw(ossimNitfGeolobTag::ARV_SIZE) << arv;
+      m_tagData.replace( 0, ossimNitfGeolobTag::ARV_SIZE, s.str() );
+   }
+void ossimNitfGeolobTag::setDegreesPerPixelLon(const ossim_float64& deltaLon)
+   if ( deltaLon > 0.0 )
+   {
+      ossim_uint32 pixels = (ossim_uint32)((1.0/deltaLon)*360.0 + .5);
+      setArv(pixels);
+   }
+// Latitude density:
+std::string ossimNitfGeolobTag::getBrvString() const
+   return m_tagData.substr(9, ossimNitfGeolobTag::BRV_SIZE);
+ossim_float64 ossimNitfGeolobTag::getDegreesPerPixelLat() const
+   ossim_float64 result = 0.0;
+   ossim_uint32 brv = getBrv();
+   if ( brv > 0 )
+   {
+      result = 360.0 / brv;
+   }
+   return result;
+ossim_uint32 ossimNitfGeolobTag::getBrv() const
+   ossim_uint32 result = 0;
+   std::string s = getBrvString();
+   if ( s.size() )
+   {
+      result = ossimString(s).toUInt32();
+   }
+   return result;
+void ossimNitfGeolobTag::setBrv(ossim_uint32 brv)
+   if ( (brv >= 2) && (brv <= 999999999) )
+   {
+      std::ostringstream s;
+      s.fill('0');
+      s << std::setw(ossimNitfGeolobTag::BRV_SIZE) << brv;
+      m_tagData.replace( 9, ossimNitfGeolobTag::BRV_SIZE, s.str() );
+   }
+void ossimNitfGeolobTag::setDegreesPerPixelLat(const ossim_float64& deltaLat)
+   if ( deltaLat > 0.0 )
+   {
+      ossim_uint32 pixels = (ossim_uint32)((1.0/deltaLat)*360.0 + .5);
+      setBrv(pixels);
+   }
+// Longitude of Reference Origin:
+std::string ossimNitfGeolobTag::getLsoString() const
+   return m_tagData.substr(18, ossimNitfGeolobTag::LSO_SIZE);
+ossim_float64 ossimNitfGeolobTag::getLso() const
+   ossim_float64 result = 0;
+   std::string s = getLsoString();
+   if ( s.size() )
+   {
+      result = ossimString(s).toFloat64();
+   }
+   return result;
+void ossimNitfGeolobTag::setLso(const ossim_float64& lso)
+   if ( (lso >= -180.0) && (lso <= 180.0) )
+   {
+      std::ostringstream s;
+      s.precision(10);
+      s.fill('0');
+      s << std::left << std::showpos << std::fixed
+        << std::setw(ossimNitfGeolobTag::LSO_SIZE) << lso;
+      m_tagData.replace( 18, ossimNitfGeolobTag::LSO_SIZE, s.str() );
+   }
+// Latitude of Reference Origin:
+std::string ossimNitfGeolobTag::getPsoString() const
+   return m_tagData.substr(33, ossimNitfGeolobTag::PSO_SIZE);
+ossim_float64 ossimNitfGeolobTag::getPso() const
+   ossim_float64 result = 0;
+   std::string s = getPsoString();
+   if ( s.size() )
+   {
+      result = ossimString(s).toFloat64();
+   }
+   return result;
+void ossimNitfGeolobTag::setPso(const ossim_float64& pso)
+   if ( (pso >= -180.0) && (pso <= 180.0) )
+   {
+      std::ostringstream s;
+      s.precision(10);
+      s.fill('0');
+      s << std::left << std::showpos << std::fixed
+        << std::setw(ossimNitfGeolobTag::PSO_SIZE) << pso;
+      m_tagData.replace( 33, ossimNitfGeolobTag::PSO_SIZE, s.str() );
+   }

--- a/src/support_data/ossimNitfImageBandV2_0.cpp
+++ b/src/support_data/ossimNitfImageBandV2_0.cpp
@@ -190,7 +190,6 @@ void ossimNitfImageBandV2_0::clearFields()
    memset(theBandSignificance, ' ', 6);
    memset(theBandImageFilterCondition, 'N', 1);
    memset(theBandStandardImageFilterCode, ' ', 3);
-   memset(theBandNumberOfLuts, 0, 1);
    memset(theBandNumberOfLutEntries, ' ', 5);
@@ -198,6 +197,7 @@ void ossimNitfImageBandV2_0::clearFields()
    theBandSignificance[6] = '\0';
    theBandImageFilterCondition[1] = '\0';
    theBandStandardImageFilterCode[3] = '\0';
+   theBandNumberOfLuts[0] = 0x30;
    theBandNumberOfLuts[1] = '\0';
    theBandNumberOfLutEntries[5] = '\0';

src/support_data/ossimNitfLocalGeographicTag.cpp deleted
--- a/src/support_data/ossimNitfLocalGeographicTag.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2004 Intelligence Data Systems. 
-// see top level LICENSE.txt
-// Author: Garrett Potts
-// Description: Nitf support class
-// $Id: ossimNitfLocalGeographicTag.cpp 23245 2015-04-08 20:53:04Z rashadkm $
-#include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfLocalGeographicTag.h>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <sstream>
-RTTI_DEF1(ossimNitfLocalGeographicTag, "ossimNitfLocalGeographicTag", ossimNitfRegisteredTag);
-   : ossimNitfRegisteredTag(std::string("GEOLOB"), 48)
-   clearFields();
-void ossimNitfLocalGeographicTag::parseStream(std::istream& in)
-   in.read(theLonDensity, 9);
-   in.read(theLatDensity, 9);
-   in.read(theLonOrigin, 15);
-   in.read(theLatOrigin, 15);
-void ossimNitfLocalGeographicTag::writeStream(std::ostream& out)
-   out.write(theLonDensity, 9);
-   out.write(theLatDensity, 9);
-   out.write(theLonOrigin, 15);
-   out.write(theLatOrigin, 15);
-void ossimNitfLocalGeographicTag::clearFields()
-   memset(theLonDensity, ' ', 9);
-   memset(theLatDensity, ' ', 9);
-   memset(theLonOrigin, 0, 15);
-   memset(theLatOrigin, 0, 15);
-   theLonDensity[9] = '\0';
-   theLatDensity[9] = '\0';
-   theLonOrigin[15] = '\0';
-   theLatOrigin[14] = '\0';
-void ossimNitfLocalGeographicTag::setDegreesPerPixelLat(double deltaLat)
-   ossim_uint32 pixels = 0;
-   if(deltaLat > 0.0)
-   {
-      pixels = (ossim_uint32)((1.0/deltaLat)*360.0 + .5);
-   }
-   std::ostringstream out;
-   out << std::setw(9)
-       << std::setfill('0')
-       << pixels;
-   memcpy(theLatDensity, out.str().c_str(), 9);
-void ossimNitfLocalGeographicTag::setDegreesPerPixelLon(double deltaLon)
-   ossim_uint32 pixels = 0;
-   if(deltaLon > 0.0)
-   {
-      pixels = (ossim_uint32)((1.0/deltaLon)*360.0 + .5);
-   }
-   std::ostringstream out;
-   out << std::setw(9)
-       << std::setfill('0')
-       << pixels;
-   memcpy(theLonDensity, out.str().c_str(), 9);
-void ossimNitfLocalGeographicTag::setLatOrigin(double origin)
-   std::ostringstream out;
-   out << std::setw(15)
-       << std::setfill('0')
-       << origin;
-   memcpy(theLatOrigin, out.str().c_str(), 15);
-void ossimNitfLocalGeographicTag::setLonOrigin(double origin)
-   std::ostringstream out;
-   out << std::setw(15)
-       << std::setfill('0')
-       << origin;
-   memcpy(theLonOrigin, out.str().c_str(), 15);

--- a/src/support_data/ossimNitfRegisteredTagFactory.cpp
+++ b/src/support_data/ossimNitfRegisteredTagFactory.cpp
@@ -22,9 +22,10 @@
 #include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfCsexraTag.h>
 #include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfEngrdaTag.h>
 #include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfGeoPositioningTag.h>
+#include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfGeolobTag.h>
 #include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfIchipbTag.h>
 #include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfJ2klraTag.h>
-#include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfLocalGeographicTag.h>
+// #include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfLocalGeographicTag.h>
 #include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfLocalCartographicTag.h>
 #include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfMstgtaTag.h>
 #include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfPiaimcTag.h>
@@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ static const char CSCRNA_TAG[]               = "CSCRNA";
 static const char CSDIDA_TAG[]               = "CSDIDA";
 static const char CSEXRA_TAG[]               = "CSEXRA";
 static const char ENGRDA_TAG[]               = "ENGRDA";
+static const char GEOLOB_TAG[]               = "GEOLOB";
 static const char GEO_POSITIONING_TAG[]      = "GEOPSB";
 static const char ICHIPB_TAG[]               = "ICHIPB";
 static const char J2KLRA_TAG[]               = "J2KLRA";
@@ -123,6 +125,10 @@ ossimRefPtr<ossimNitfRegisteredTag> ossimNitfRegisteredTagFactory::create(
       return new ossimNitfEngrdaTag;
+   else if(tagName == GEOLOB_TAG)
+   {
+      return new ossimNitfGeolobTag;
+   }
    else if(tagName == GEO_POSITIONING_TAG)
       return new ossimNitfGeoPositioningTag;
@@ -135,10 +141,12 @@ ossimRefPtr<ossimNitfRegisteredTag> ossimNitfRegisteredTagFactory::create(
       return new ossimNitfJ2klraTag;
+#if 0 /* ossimNitfGeolobTag */
    else if(tagName == LOCAL_GEOGRAPHIC_TAG)
       return new ossimNitfLocalGeographicTag;
    else if(tagName == LOCAL_CARTOGRAPHIC_TAG)
       return new ossimNitfLocalCartographicTag;

--- a/src/util/ossimChipperUtil.cpp
+++ b/src/util/ossimChipperUtil.cpp
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ static const std::string CUT_WIDTH_KW            = "cut_width";   // pixels
 static const std::string DEM_KW                  = "dem";
 static const std::string GAIN_KW                 = "gain";
 static const std::string FILE_KW                 = "file";
+static const std::string FULLRES_XYS_KW          = "fullres_xys"; 
 static const std::string HIST_AOI_KW             = "hist_aoi";
 static const std::string HIST_CENTER_KW          = "hist_center";
 static const std::string HIST_LLWH_KW            = "hist_llwh";
@@ -222,7 +223,7 @@ void ossimChipperUtil::addArguments(ossimArgumentParser& ap)
    au->addCommandLineOption("--cut-width", "<width>\nSpecify the cut width in pixel");
    au->addCommandLineOption("--cut-height", "<height>\nSpecify the cut height in pixel");
    au->addCommandLineOption("--clip-wms-bbox-ll", "<minx>,<miny>,<maxx>,<maxy>\nSpecify a comma separated list in the format of a WMS BBOX.\nThe units are always decimal degrees");
    au->addCommandLineOption("--clip-poly-lat-lon", "Polygon in the form of a string: (lat,lon),(lat,lon),...(lat,lon)");
@@ -244,6 +245,8 @@ void ossimChipperUtil::addArguments(ossimArgumentParser& ap)
    au->addCommandLineOption("--exaggeration", "<factor>\nMultiplier for elevation values when computing surface normals. Has the effect of lengthening shadows for oblique lighting.\nRange: .0001 to 50000, Default = 1.0");
+   au->addCommandLineOption("--fullres-xys", "<full res center x>,<full res center y>,<scale>[,<scale>]\nSpecify a full resolution x,y point (Used as pivot and center cut) and scale, comma seperated with no spaces.  If two scales are specified then first is x and second is y else x and y are set to equal scales");
    au->addCommandLineOption("-h or --help", "Display this help and exit.");
    au->addCommandLineOption("--hemisphere", "<hemisphere>\nSpecify a projection hemisphere if supported. E.g. UTM projection. This will lock the hemisphere even if input scene center is the other hemisphere. Valid values for UTM are \"N\" and \"S\"");
@@ -526,9 +529,29 @@ bool ossimChipperUtil::initialize(ossimArgumentParser& ap)
       m_kwl->addPair( std::string(ossimKeywordNames::ENTRY_KW), tempString1 );
-   if ( ap.read("--exaggeration", stringParam1) )
+   if (ap.read("--exaggeration", stringParam1))
-      m_kwl->addPair( GAIN_KW, tempString1 );
+         m_kwl->addPair(GAIN_KW, tempString1);
+   }
+   if (ap.read("--fullres-xys", stringParam1))
+   {
+         m_kwl->addPair(FULLRES_XYS_KW, tempString1);
+         std::vector<ossimString> values;
+         ossimString(tempString1).split(values, ",");
+         double sx,sy;
+         if(values.size() > 2)
+         {
+            sx = values[2].toDouble();
+            sy = sx;
+            if(values.size() > 3)
+            {
+               sy = values[3].toDouble();
+            }
+            m_kwl->add(IMAGE_SPACE_SCALE_X_KW.c_str(), sx);
+            m_kwl->add(IMAGE_SPACE_SCALE_Y_KW.c_str(), sy);
+         }
    if ( ap.read("--hemisphere", stringParam1) )
@@ -1975,6 +1998,11 @@ ossimRefPtr<ossimSingleImageChain> ossimChipperUtil::createChain(const ossimSrcR
+      ossimString nullPixelFlip = m_kwl->find(NULL_PIXEL_FLIP_KW.c_str());
+      if (nullPixelFlip.toBool())
+      {
+            ic->setAddNullPixelFlipFlag(true);
+      }
       // If multiple inputs and scaleToEightBit do it at the end of the processing
@@ -2322,10 +2350,13 @@ void ossimChipperUtil::createIdentityProjection()
             ossimDpt imageSpaceScale;
             getImageSpaceScale( imageSpaceScale );
-            ossimDrect rect;
-            m_geom->getBoundingRect(rect);
-            ossimDpt midPt = rect.midPoint();
+            //ossimDrect rect;
+            //m_geom->getBoundingRect(rect);
+            ossimDpt midPt;// = rect.midPoint();
+            getImageSpacePivot(midPt);
             if ( traceDebug() )
@@ -2340,7 +2371,8 @@ void ossimChipperUtil::createIdentityProjection()
                                                       imageSpaceScale.y, // image space scale y
                                                       1.0,1.0,  //scale x and y
                                                       0.0, 0.0, // translate x,y
-                                                      midPt.x, midPt.y); // pivot point
+                                                      midPt.x*imageSpaceScale.x, 
+                                                      midPt.y*imageSpaceScale.y); // pivot point
             if ( m_kwl->hasKey( METERS_KW )    ||
                  m_kwl->hasKey( DEGREES_X_KW ) ||
@@ -2350,6 +2382,7 @@ void ossimChipperUtil::createIdentityProjection()
             resampler->setImageViewTransform( m_ivt.get() );
          } // Matches: if ( m_geom.valid() )
@@ -4362,8 +4395,44 @@ void ossimChipperUtil::getAreaOfInterest(ossimImageSource* source, ossimIrect& r
          std::string cutBbox = m_kwl->findKey( CUT_BBOX_XYWH_KW );
          getIrect( cutBbox, rect );
-      if ( rect.hasNans() )
+      if (rect.hasNans() &&
+          m_kwl->hasKey(FULLRES_XYS_KW) &&
+          m_kwl->hasKey(CUT_WIDTH_KW) &&
+          m_kwl->hasKey(CUT_HEIGHT_KW))
+      {
+         ossimString tempFullXys = m_kwl->findKey(FULLRES_XYS_KW);
+         ossimString tempWidth = m_kwl->findKey(CUT_WIDTH_KW);
+         ossimString tempHeight = m_kwl->findKey(CUT_HEIGHT_KW);
+         double w = tempWidth.toDouble();
+         double h = tempHeight.toDouble();
+         if (m_geom && m_ivt)
+         {
+            std::vector<ossimString> values;
+            tempFullXys.split(values, ",");
+            ossimDpt scale;
+            ossimDpt location;
+            scale.makeNan();
+            location.makeNan();
+            double w = tempWidth.toDouble();
+            double h = tempHeight.toDouble();
+            if (values.size() > 2)
+            {
+               location.x = values[0].toDouble();
+               location.y = values[1].toDouble();
+               // ossimDrect r;
+               // m_geom->getBoundingRect(r);
+               // r = m_ivt->getImageToViewBounds(r);
+               ossimDpt mid;
+               m_ivt->imageToView(location, mid);
+               ossimIpt ul(ossim::round<int>(mid.x - (w / 2)),
+                           ossim::round<int>(mid.y - (h / 2)));
+               ossimIpt lr((ul.x + w - 1), ul.y + h - 1);
+               //rect = resampler->getBoundingRect();
+               rect = ossimIrect(ul, lr);
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      if (rect.hasNans())
          if ( m_geom.valid() )
@@ -5154,23 +5223,72 @@ bool ossimChipperUtil::snapTieToOrigin() const
 void ossimChipperUtil::getImageSpaceScale( ossimDpt& imageSpaceScale ) const
-   std::string value = m_kwl->findKey( IMAGE_SPACE_SCALE_X_KW );
-   if ( value.size() )
+   imageSpaceScale.x = 1.0;
+   imageSpaceScale.y = 1.0;
+   ossimString lookup;
+   if (m_kwl->hasKey(FULLRES_XYS_KW))
-      imageSpaceScale.x = ossimString(value).toFloat64();
+      lookup = m_kwl->findKey(FULLRES_XYS_KW);
+      std::vector<ossimString> values;
+      lookup.trim().split(values, ",");
+      if (values.size() > 2)
+      {
+         imageSpaceScale.x = values[2].toDouble();
+         imageSpaceScale.y = imageSpaceScale.x;
+         if (values.size() > 3)
+         {
+            imageSpaceScale.y = values[3].toDouble();
+         }
+      }
-      imageSpaceScale.x = 1.0;
+      std::string value = m_kwl->findKey(IMAGE_SPACE_SCALE_X_KW);
+      if (value.size())
+      {
+         imageSpaceScale.x = ossimString(value).toFloat64();
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         imageSpaceScale.x = 1.0;
+      }
+      value = m_kwl->findKey(IMAGE_SPACE_SCALE_Y_KW);
+      if (value.size())
+      {
+         imageSpaceScale.y = ossimString(value).toFloat64();
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         imageSpaceScale.y = 1.0;
+      }
-   value = m_kwl->findKey( IMAGE_SPACE_SCALE_Y_KW );
-   if ( value.size() )
+void ossimChipperUtil::getImageSpacePivot(ossimDpt &imageSpacePivot) const
+   ossimString lookup;
+   imageSpacePivot.makeNan();
+   if (m_kwl->hasKey(FULLRES_XYS_KW))
-      imageSpaceScale.y = ossimString(value).toFloat64();
+      lookup = m_kwl->findKey(FULLRES_XYS_KW);
+      std::vector<ossimString> values;
+      lookup.trim().split(values, ",");
+      if(values.size() > 1)
+      {
+         imageSpacePivot.x = values[0].toDouble();
+         imageSpacePivot.y = values[1].toDouble();
+      }
-      imageSpaceScale.y = 1.0;
+      if (m_geom)
+      {
+         ossimDrect rect;
+         m_geom->getBoundingRect(rect);
+         imageSpacePivot = rect.midPoint();
+      }

--- a/src/util/ossimImageUtil.cpp
+++ b/src/util/ossimImageUtil.cpp
@@ -753,25 +753,25 @@ void ossimImageUtil::processFile(const ossimFilename& file)
                createOverview(ih, consumedHistogramOptions, consumedCmmOptions);
-         if(createThumbnails())
+         if (createThumbnails())
-            for(ossim_uint32 idx = 0; idx < ih->getNumberOfEntries();++idx)
-            {
-               ih->setCurrentEntry(idx);
-               if(ih->getNumberOfDecimationLevels() <=1)
+               for (ossim_uint32 idx = 0; idx < ih->getNumberOfEntries(); ++idx)
-                  ih->getState()->setOverviewState(0);
-                  ih->openOverview();
+                     ih->setCurrentEntry(idx);
+                     if (ih->getNumberOfDecimationLevels() <= 1)
+                     {
+                           ih->setState(0);
+                           ih->openOverview();
+                     }
+                     createThumbnail(ih);
-            }
-            createThumbnail(ih);
          // Build stand alone histogram.  Note the overview sequencer may have computed for us.
          if ( hasHistogramOption() && !consumedHistogramOptions)
             createHistogram( ih );
          // Launch any file system commands.
          executeFileCommands( file );

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