[Git][debian-gis-team/pyresample][upstream] New upstream version 1.10.2

Antonio Valentino gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Tue Oct 2 20:36:52 BST 2018

Antonio Valentino pushed to branch upstream at Debian GIS Project / pyresample

206da791 by Antonio Valentino at 2018-10-02T18:13:16Z
New upstream version 1.10.2
- - - - -

17 changed files:

- .bumpversion.cfg
- .travis.yml
- docs/source/geo_def.rst
- docs/source/plot.rst
- pyresample/_cartopy.py
- pyresample/_multi_proc.py
- pyresample/ewa/_fornav.cpp
- pyresample/ewa/_ll2cr.c
- pyresample/geometry.py
- pyresample/image.py
- pyresample/plot.py
- pyresample/test/test_geometry.py
- pyresample/test/test_grid.py
- pyresample/test/test_utils.py
- pyresample/utils.py
- pyresample/version.py


@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-current_version = 1.10.1
+current_version = 1.10.2a0.dev0
 commit = True
 tag = False
 parse = (?P<major>\d+)\.(?P<minor>\d+)\.(?P<patch>\d+)((?P<pre>[a-z]+)(?P<num>\d+))?(\.(?P<release>dev)(?P<dev>\d+))?
-serialize =
+serialize = 
@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ serialize =
 optional_value = gamma
-values =
+values = 
-values =
+values = 
@@ -28,8 +28,9 @@ optional_value = 4
 optional_value = final
-values =
+values = 

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ env:
   - NUMPY_VERSION=stable
   - MAIN_CMD='python setup.py'
   - CONDA_DEPENDENCIES='xarray dask toolz Cython pykdtree sphinx cartopy pillow matplotlib
-    basemap pyyaml pyproj coveralls configobj coverage codecov'
+    pyyaml pyproj coveralls configobj coverage codecov'
   - SETUP_XVFB=False
   - EVENT_TYPE='push pull_request'
   - SETUP_CMD='test'

@@ -1,8 +1,22 @@
+## Version 1.10.2 (2018/10/01)
+### Issues Closed
-## Version 1.10.1 (2018/07/03)
+* [Issue 133](https://github.com/pytroll/pyresample/issues/133) - Build issue with Python 3.7 ([PR 135](https://github.com/pytroll/pyresample/pull/135))
+In this release 1 issue was closed.
+### Pull Requests Merged
+#### Bugs fixed
+* [PR 139](https://github.com/pytroll/pyresample/pull/139) - Fix area parsing code to convert PROJ.4 parameters to float if possible
+* [PR 135](https://github.com/pytroll/pyresample/pull/135) - Fix Python 3.7 compatibility ([133](https://github.com/pytroll/pyresample/issues/133))
+In this release 2 pull requests were closed.
+## Version 1.10.1 (2018/07/03)
 ### Pull Requests Merged
@@ -68,5 +82,3 @@ In this release 2 pull requests were closed.
 * [PR 115](https://github.com/pytroll/pyresample/pull/115) - Geos area reduction
 In this release 1 pull request was closed.

@@ -48,15 +48,15 @@ Creating an area definition:
   >>> x_size = 425
  >>> y_size = 425
  >>> area_extent = (-5326849.0625,-5326849.0625,5326849.0625,5326849.0625)
- >>> proj_dict = {'a': '6371228.0', 'units': 'm', 'lon_0': '0',
- ...              'proj': 'laea', 'lat_0': '-90'}
+ >>> proj_dict = {'a': 6371228.0, 'units': 'm', 'lon_0': 0.0,
+ ...              'proj': 'laea', 'lat_0': -90.0}
  >>> area_def = geometry.AreaDefinition(area_id, description, proj_id,
  ... 									proj_dict, x_size, y_size, area_extent)
  >>> print(area_def)
  Area ID: ease_sh
  Description: Antarctic EASE grid
  Projection ID: ease_sh
- Projection: {'a': '6371228.0', 'lat_0': '-90', 'lon_0': '0', 'proj': 'laea', 'units': 'm'}
+ Projection: {'a': '6371228.0', 'lat_0': '-90.0', 'lon_0': '0.0', 'proj': 'laea', 'units': 'm'}
  Number of columns: 425
  Number of rows: 425
  Area extent: (-5326849.0625, -5326849.0625, 5326849.0625, 5326849.0625)
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ based on area extent and a proj4-string or a list of proj4 arguments.
  Area ID: ease_sh
  Description: Antarctic EASE grid
  Projection ID: ease_sh
- Projection: {'a': '6371228.0', 'lat_0': '-90', 'lon_0': '0', 'proj': 'laea', 'units': 'm'}
+ Projection: {'a': '6371228.0', 'lat_0': '-90.0', 'lon_0': '0.0', 'proj': 'laea', 'units': 'm'}
  Number of columns: 425
  Number of rows: 425
  Area extent: (-5326849.0625, -5326849.0625, 5326849.0625, 5326849.0625)
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ An area definition dict can be read using
  >>> print(area)
  Area ID: ease_nh
  Description: Arctic EASE grid
- Projection: {'a': '6371228.0', 'lat_0': '90', 'lon_0': '0', 'proj': 'laea', 'units': 'm'}
+ Projection: {'a': '6371228.0', 'lat_0': '90.0', 'lon_0': '0.0', 'proj': 'laea', 'units': 'm'}
  Number of columns: 425
  Number of rows: 425
  Area extent: (-5326849.0625, -5326849.0625, 5326849.0625, 5326849.0625)
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ Several area definitions can be read at once using the region names in an argume
  >>> print(sh_def)
  Area ID: ease_sh
  Description: Antarctic EASE grid
- Projection: {'a': '6371228.0', 'lat_0': '-90', 'lon_0': '0', 'proj': 'laea', 'units': 'm'}
+ Projection: {'a': '6371228.0', 'lat_0': '-90.0', 'lon_0': '0.0', 'proj': 'laea', 'units': 'm'}
  Number of columns: 425
  Number of rows: 425
  Area extent: (-5326849.0625, -5326849.0625, 5326849.0625, 5326849.0625)
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ An area definition dict can be read using
  Area ID: ease_nh
  Description: Arctic EASE grid
  Projection ID: ease_nh
- Projection: {'a': '6371228.0', 'lat_0': '90', 'lon_0': '0', 'proj': 'laea', 'units': 'm'}
+ Projection: {'a': '6371228.0', 'lat_0': '90.0', 'lon_0': '0.0', 'proj': 'laea', 'units': 'm'}
  Number of columns: 425
  Number of rows: 425
  Area extent: (-5326849.0625, -5326849.0625, 5326849.0625, 5326849.0625)
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ Several area definitions can be read at once using the region names in an argume
  Area ID: ease_sh
  Description: Antarctic EASE grid
  Projection ID: ease_sh
- Projection: {'a': '6371228.0', 'lat_0': '-90', 'lon_0': '0', 'proj': 'laea', 'units': 'm'}
+ Projection: {'a': '6371228.0', 'lat_0': '-90.0', 'lon_0': '0.0', 'proj': 'laea', 'units': 'm'}
  Number of columns: 425
  Number of rows: 425
  Area extent: (-5326849.0625, -5326849.0625, 5326849.0625, 5326849.0625)

@@ -145,16 +145,14 @@ Getting a Basemap object
 .. warning::
     Basemap is no longer maintained. Cartopy (see above) should be used
-    instead.
+    instead. Basemap does not support Matplotlib 3.0+ either.
 In order to make more advanced plots than the preconfigured quicklooks a Basemap object can be generated from an
 AreaDefinition using the **plot.area_def2basemap(area_def, **kwargs)** function.
 **Example usage:**
-.. doctest::
- >>> import numpy as np	
+ >>> import numpy as np
  >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  >>> from pyresample import load_area, save_quicklook, area_def2basemap, SwathDefinition
  >>> from pyresample.kd_tree import resample_nearest

@@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ import shapely.geometry as sgeom
     from cartopy.crs import from_proj
 except ImportError:
-    warnings.warn("'cartopy' >= 0.17 required for better 'from_proj' "
-                  "functionality.")
     from_proj = None
 logger = getLogger(__name__)

@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ class Scheduler(object):
                 yield slice(s0, s1)
-                raise StopIteration
+                return
 def shmem_as_ndarray(raw_array):

The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.

The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.

@@ -851,7 +851,7 @@ class AreaDefinition(BaseDefinition):
         self.ndim = 2
         self.pixel_size_x = (area_extent[2] - area_extent[0]) / float(x_size)
         self.pixel_size_y = (area_extent[3] - area_extent[1]) / float(y_size)
-        self.proj_dict = proj_dict
+        self.proj_dict = utils.convert_proj_floats(proj_dict.items())
         self.area_extent = tuple(area_extent)
         # Calculate area_extent in lon lat

@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class ImageContainer(object):
         elif ((image_data.ndim > geo_def.ndim + 1) or
               (image_data.ndim < geo_def.ndim)):
             raise ValueError(('Unexpected number of dimensions for '
-                              'image_data: ') % image_data.ndim)
+                              'image_data: %s') % image_data.ndim)
         for i, size in enumerate(geo_def.shape):
             if image_data.shape[i] != size:
                 raise ValueError(('Size mismatch for image_data. Expected '

@@ -181,8 +181,7 @@ def _basemap_get_quicklook(area_def, data, vmin=None, vmax=None,
 def _get_quicklook(area_def, data, vmin=None, vmax=None,
                    label='Variable (units)', num_meridians=45,
                    num_parallels=10, coast_res='110m', cmap='jet'):
-    """Get default Basemap matplotlib plot
-    """
+    """Get default cartopy matplotlib plot."""
     bmap_to_cartopy_res = {
         'c': '110m',
         'l': '110m',
@@ -229,8 +228,8 @@ def _get_quicklook(area_def, data, vmin=None, vmax=None,
         ylocs = np.arange(-90, 90, num_parallels)
     ax.gridlines(xlocs=xlocs, ylocs=ylocs)
     if not (np.ma.isMaskedArray(data) and data.mask.all()):
-        col = plt.imshow(data, transform=crs, extent=crs.bounds,
-                         origin='upper', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap)
+        col = ax.imshow(data, transform=crs, extent=crs.bounds,
+                        origin='upper', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap)
         plt.colorbar(col, shrink=0.5, pad=0.05).set_label(label)
     return plt

@@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ class Test(unittest.TestCase):
                           '+a=6378144.0 +b=6356759.0 +lat_0=50.0 +lat_ts=50.0 +lon_0=8.0 +proj=stere')
         proj_dict['no_rot'] = ''
+        area = geometry.AreaDefinition('areaD', 'Europe (3km, HRV, VTC)', 'areaD',
+                                       proj_dict, 10, 10,
+                                       [-1370912.72, -909968.64, 1029087.28,
+                                        1490031.36])
                           '+a=6378144.0 +b=6356759.0 +lat_0=50.0 +lat_ts=50.0 +lon_0=8.0 +no_rot +proj=stere')

@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ class Test(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_proj4_string(self):
         proj4_string = self.area_def.proj_str
-        expected_string = '+a=6378144.0 +b=6356759.0 +lat_ts=50.00 +lon_0=8.00 +proj=stere +lat_0=50.00'
+        expected_string = '+a=6378144.0 +b=6356759.0 +lat_ts=50.0 +lon_0=8.0 +proj=stere +lat_0=50.0'
             frozenset(proj4_string.split()), frozenset(expected_string.split()))

@@ -22,20 +22,22 @@ class TestLegacyAreaParser(unittest.TestCase):
         nh_str = """Area ID: ease_nh
 Description: Arctic EASE grid
 Projection ID: ease_nh
-Projection: {'a': '6371228.0', 'lat_0': '90', 'lon_0': '0', 'proj': 'laea', 'units': 'm'}
+Projection: {'a': '6371228.0', 'lat_0': '90.0', 'lon_0': '0.0', 'proj': 'laea', 'units': 'm'}
 Number of columns: 425
 Number of rows: 425
 Area extent: (-5326849.0625, -5326849.0625, 5326849.0625, 5326849.0625)"""
         self.assertEquals(ease_nh.__str__(), nh_str)
+        self.assertIsInstance(ease_nh.proj_dict['lat_0'], float)
         sh_str = """Area ID: ease_sh
 Description: Antarctic EASE grid
 Projection ID: ease_sh
-Projection: {'a': '6371228.0', 'lat_0': '-90', 'lon_0': '0', 'proj': 'laea', 'units': 'm'}
+Projection: {'a': '6371228.0', 'lat_0': '-90.0', 'lon_0': '0.0', 'proj': 'laea', 'units': 'm'}
 Number of columns: 425
 Number of rows: 425
 Area extent: (-5326849.0625, -5326849.0625, 5326849.0625, 5326849.0625)"""
         self.assertEquals(ease_sh.__str__(), sh_str)
+        self.assertIsInstance(ease_sh.proj_dict['lat_0'], float)
     def test_load_area(self):
         from pyresample import utils
@@ -45,7 +47,7 @@ Area extent: (-5326849.0625, -5326849.0625, 5326849.0625, 5326849.0625)"""
         nh_str = """Area ID: ease_nh
 Description: Arctic EASE grid
 Projection ID: ease_nh
-Projection: {'a': '6371228.0', 'lat_0': '90', 'lon_0': '0', 'proj': 'laea', 'units': 'm'}
+Projection: {'a': '6371228.0', 'lat_0': '90.0', 'lon_0': '0.0', 'proj': 'laea', 'units': 'm'}
 Number of columns: 425
 Number of rows: 425
 Area extent: (-5326849.0625, -5326849.0625, 5326849.0625, 5326849.0625)"""
@@ -70,7 +72,7 @@ class TestYAMLAreaParser(unittest.TestCase):
         nh_str = """Area ID: ease_nh
 Description: Arctic EASE grid
-Projection: {'a': '6371228.0', 'lat_0': '90', 'lon_0': '0', 'proj': 'laea', 'units': 'm'}
+Projection: {'a': '6371228.0', 'lat_0': '90.0', 'lon_0': '0.0', 'proj': 'laea', 'units': 'm'}
 Number of columns: 425
 Number of rows: 425
 Area extent: (-5326849.0625, -5326849.0625, 5326849.0625, 5326849.0625)"""
@@ -78,7 +80,7 @@ Area extent: (-5326849.0625, -5326849.0625, 5326849.0625, 5326849.0625)"""
         sh_str = """Area ID: ease_sh
 Description: Antarctic EASE grid
-Projection: {'a': '6371228.0', 'lat_0': '-90', 'lon_0': '0', 'proj': 'laea', 'units': 'm'}
+Projection: {'a': '6371228.0', 'lat_0': '-90.0', 'lon_0': '0.0', 'proj': 'laea', 'units': 'm'}
 Number of columns: 425
 Number of rows: 425
 Area extent: (-5326849.0625, -5326849.0625, 5326849.0625, 5326849.0625)"""
@@ -246,6 +248,8 @@ class TestMisc(unittest.TestCase):
         proj_str2 = utils.proj4_dict_to_str(proj_dict)
         proj_dict2 = utils.proj4_str_to_dict(proj_str2)
         self.assertDictEqual(proj_dict, proj_dict2)
+        self.assertIsInstance(proj_dict['lon_0'], float)
+        self.assertIsInstance(proj_dict2['lon_0'], float)
 def suite():

@@ -408,6 +408,22 @@ def fwhm2sigma(fwhm):
     return fwhm / (2 * np.sqrt(np.log(2)))
+def convert_proj_floats(proj_pairs):
+    """Convert PROJ.4 parameters to floats if possible."""
+    proj_dict = {}
+    for x in proj_pairs:
+        if len(x) == 1 or x[1] is True:
+            proj_dict[x[0]] = True
+            continue
+        try:
+            proj_dict[x[0]] = float(x[1])
+        except ValueError:
+            proj_dict[x[0]] = x[1]
+    return proj_dict
 def _get_proj4_args(proj4_args):
     """Create dict from proj4 args
@@ -416,7 +432,7 @@ def _get_proj4_args(proj4_args):
         proj_config = ConfigObj(str(proj4_args).replace('+', '').split())
         proj_config = ConfigObj(proj4_args)
-    return proj_config.dict()
+    return convert_proj_floats(proj_config.dict().items())
 def proj4_str_to_dict(proj4_str):
@@ -425,7 +441,7 @@ def proj4_str_to_dict(proj4_str):
     Note: Key only parameters will be assigned a value of `True`.
     pairs = (x.split('=', 1) for x in proj4_str.replace('+', '').split(" "))
-    return dict((x[0], (x[1] if len(x) == 2 else True)) for x in pairs)
+    return convert_proj_floats(pairs)
 def proj4_dict_to_str(proj4_dict, sort=False):

@@ -16,4 +16,4 @@
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 # along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-__version__ = '1.10.1'
+__version__ = '1.10.2'

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/pyresample/commit/206da791ad7a77d17a0202c41b2f9ba543e27de9

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/pyresample/commit/206da791ad7a77d17a0202c41b2f9ba543e27de9
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