[Git][debian-gis-team/mkgmap][master] 4 commits: New upstream version 0.0.0+svn4244

Bas Couwenberg gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Fri Oct 5 10:39:41 BST 2018

Bas Couwenberg pushed to branch master at Debian GIS Project / mkgmap

01667c42 by Bas Couwenberg at 2018-10-05T09:33:45Z
New upstream version 0.0.0+svn4244
- - - - -
42b3af86 by Bas Couwenberg at 2018-10-05T09:33:51Z
Merge tag 'upstream/0.0.0+svn4244'

Upstream version 0.0.0+svn4244

- - - - -
89697f7a by Bas Couwenberg at 2018-10-05T09:34:34Z
New upstream SVN snapshot.

- - - - -
d2e760db by Bas Couwenberg at 2018-10-05T09:35:29Z
Set distribution to unstable.

- - - - -

12 changed files:

- debian/changelog
- resources/mkgmap-version.properties
- − resources/styles/default/inc/landuse_points
- − resources/styles/default/inc/landuse_polygons
- − resources/styles/default/inc/water_lines
- − resources/styles/default/inc/water_points
- − resources/styles/default/inc/water_polygons
- resources/styles/default/lines
- resources/styles/default/points
- resources/styles/default/polygons
- src/uk/me/parabola/imgfmt/app/ImgFile.java
- src/uk/me/parabola/mkgmap/osmstyle/WrongAngleFixer.java


@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+mkgmap (0.0.0+svn4244-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * New upstream SVN snapshot.
+ -- Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org>  Fri, 05 Oct 2018 11:35:19 +0200
 mkgmap (0.0.0+svn4223-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New upstream SVN snapshot.

@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-svn.version: 4223
-build.timestamp: 2018-08-13T07:21:37+0100
+svn.version: 4244
+build.timestamp: 2018-09-24T08:38:12+0100

resources/styles/default/inc/landuse_points deleted
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-landuse=cemetery|landuse=cemetary|amenity=grave_yard [0x6403 resolution 24]
-landuse=military [0x640b resolution 24]
-landuse=village_green & name=* [0x2c06 resolution 24]
-(landuse=wood|landuse=forest|natural=wood) & name=* [0x6618 resolution 24]

resources/styles/default/inc/landuse_polygons deleted
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-landuse=allotments [0x4e resolution 21]
-landuse=cemetery|landuse=cemetary|amenity=grave_yard [0x1a resolution 21]
-landuse=commercial [0x0c resolution 19]
-landuse=construction [0x0c resolution 21]
-landuse=farm |landuse=farmland [0x4e resolution 20]
-landuse=farmyard [0x10 resolution 22]
-landuse=forest|landuse=wood [0x50 resolution 20]
-landuse=greenfield [0x17 resolution 20]
-landuse=meadow | landuse=grass [0x17 resolution 19]
-landuse=military [0x04 resolution 19]
-landuse=quarry [0x0c resolution 19]
-landuse=recreation_ground [0x19 resolution 19]
-# dedicate resolution 24 for building=* instead of related landuse=*
-landuse=industrial [0x0c resolution 23-19]
-landuse=residential [0x10 resolution 23-19]
-landuse=retail [0x08 resolution 23-20]
-landuse=village_green [0x17 resolution 20]
-landuse=vineyard [0x4e resolution 20]
-landuse=orchard [0x4e resolution 20]
-military=airfield [0x04 resolution 20]
-military=barracks [0x04 resolution 23]
-military=danger_area [0x04 resolution 20]
-military=range [0x04 resolution 20]
-natural=scrub [0x4f resolution 20]
-natural=wood [0x50 resolution 20]

resources/styles/default/inc/water_lines deleted
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-natural=coastline [0x15 resolution 12]
-route=ferry {set mkgmap:numbers = false }
-route=ferry & (motorcar=no | motor_vehicle=no) {add mkgmap:ferry=1} [0x1b road_class=0 road_speed=0 resolution 23]
-route=ferry {add mkgmap:ferry=1} [0x1b road_class=3 road_speed=0 resolution 19]
-(waterway=river | waterway=canal) & intermittent=yes [0x26 resolution 20]
-(waterway=stream | waterway=drain) & intermittent=yes [0x10A02 resolution 22]
-waterway=canal [0x1f resolution 21]
-waterway=river [0x1f resolution 18]
-waterway=rapids|waterway=waterfall [0x1f resolution 22]
-waterway=stream | waterway=drain [0x18 resolution 22]

resources/styles/default/inc/water_points deleted
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-landuse=basin|landuse=reservoir [0x650f resolution 24]
-natural=beach [0x6604 resolution 24]
-natural=glacier [0x650a resolution 24]
-natural=spring [0x6511 resolution 24]
-natural=stream [0x6512 resolution 24]
-natural=water & name=* [0x6603 resolution 24]
-natural=waterfall | waterway=waterfall [0x6508 resolution 24]
-natural=wetland & name=* [0x6513 resolution 24]

resources/styles/default/inc/water_polygons deleted
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-landuse=basin [0x3f resolution 20]
-(landuse=reservoir | (natural=water & water=reservoir)) [0x3f resolution 20]
-natural=bay [0x3d resolution 18]
-natural=glacier [0x4d resolution 18]
-natural=marsh [0x51 resolution 20]
-natural=mud [0x51 resolution 20]
-natural=wetland [0x51 resolution 20]
-natural=water [0x3c resolution 18]
-natural=waterfall | waterway=waterfall [0x47 resolution 21]
-natural=sea { add mkgmap:skipSizeFilter=true; set mkgmap:drawLevel=2 } [0x32 resolution 10]
-waterway=riverbank [0x46 resolution 20]

@@ -221,7 +221,18 @@ boundary=administrative [0x1c resolution 22]
 boundary=national [0x1e resolution 17]
 boundary=political [0x1c resolution 19]
-include 'inc/water_lines';
+route=ferry {set mkgmap:numbers = false }
+route=ferry & (motorcar=no | motor_vehicle=no) {add mkgmap:ferry=1} [0x1b road_class=0 road_speed=0 resolution 23]
+route=ferry {add mkgmap:ferry=1} [0x1b road_class=3 road_speed=0 resolution 19]
+(waterway=river | waterway=canal) & intermittent=yes [0x26 resolution 20]
+(waterway=stream | waterway=drain) & intermittent=yes [0x10A02 resolution 22]
+waterway=canal [0x1f resolution 21]
+waterway=river [0x1f resolution 18]
+waterway=rapids|waterway=waterfall [0x1f resolution 22]
+waterway=stream | waterway=drain [0x18 resolution 22]
 include 'inc/contour_lines';

@@ -294,10 +294,20 @@ tourism=zoo [0x2c07 resolution 24]
 barrier=bollard | barrier=bus_trap | barrier=gate [0x660f resolution 24]
 barrier=block | barrier=cycle_barrier | barrier=stile | barrier=kissing_gate [0x660f resolution 24]
-include 'inc/water_points';
-include 'inc/landuse_points';
+landuse=basin|landuse=reservoir [0x650f resolution 24]
+natural=beach [0x6604 resolution 24]
+natural=glacier [0x650a resolution 24]
+natural=spring [0x6511 resolution 24]
+natural=stream [0x6512 resolution 24]
+natural=water & name=* [0x6603 resolution 24]
+natural=waterfall | waterway=waterfall [0x6508 resolution 24]
+natural=wetland & name=* [0x6513 resolution 24]
+landuse=cemetery|landuse=cemetary|amenity=grave_yard [0x6403 resolution 24]
+(landuse=wood|landuse=forest|natural=wood) & name=* [0x6618 resolution 24]
 # The finalizer section is executed for each element when a rule with an element type matches
 name=* { name '${name}' }
-include 'inc/address';
\ No newline at end of file
+include 'inc/address';

@@ -63,6 +63,48 @@ highway=* & (area=yes | mkgmap:mp_created=true) [0x05 resolution 22]
 historic=museum | historic=memorial [0x1e resolution 21]
 historic=archaeological_site | historic=ruins [0x1e resolution 21]
+landuse=basin [0x3f resolution 20]
+(landuse=reservoir | (natural=water & water=reservoir)) [0x3f resolution 20]
+natural=bay [0x3d resolution 18]
+natural=glacier [0x4d resolution 18]
+natural=marsh [0x51 resolution 20]
+natural=mud [0x51 resolution 20]
+natural=wetland [0x51 resolution 20]
+natural=water [0x3c resolution 18]
+natural=waterfall | waterway=waterfall [0x47 resolution 21]
+natural=sea { add mkgmap:skipSizeFilter=true; set mkgmap:drawLevel=2 } [0x32 resolution 10]
+waterway=riverbank [0x46 resolution 20]
+landuse=allotments [0x4e resolution 21]
+landuse=cemetery|landuse=cemetary|amenity=grave_yard [0x1a resolution 21]
+landuse=commercial [0x0c resolution 19]
+landuse=construction [0x0c resolution 21]
+landuse=farm |landuse=farmland [0x4e resolution 20]
+landuse=farmyard [0x10 resolution 22]
+landuse=forest|landuse=wood [0x50 resolution 20]
+landuse=greenfield [0x17 resolution 20]
+landuse=meadow | landuse=grass [0x17 resolution 19]
+landuse=military [0x04 resolution 19]
+landuse=quarry [0x0c resolution 19]
+landuse=recreation_ground [0x19 resolution 19]
+# dedicate resolution 24 for building=* instead of related landuse=*
+landuse=industrial [0x0c resolution 23-19]
+landuse=residential [0x10 resolution 23-19]
+landuse=retail [0x08 resolution 23-20]
+landuse=village_green [0x17 resolution 20]
+landuse=vineyard [0x4e resolution 20]
+landuse=orchard [0x4e resolution 20]
+military=airfield [0x04 resolution 20]
+military=barracks [0x04 resolution 23]
+military=danger_area [0x04 resolution 20]
+military=range [0x04 resolution 20]
+natural=scrub [0x4f resolution 20]
+natural=wood [0x50 resolution 20]
 # building tag should be last
 (building=* | amenity=*) & area!=no & amenity!=grave_yard [0x13 resolution 24]
 tourism=* & area!=no & waterway!=* [0x1f resolution 24]
@@ -77,9 +119,6 @@ man_made=* & area!=no
 man_made=* & area=yes
 [0x13 resolution 24]
-include 'inc/water_polygons';
-include 'inc/landuse_polygons';
 # render small named islands 
 place=island & name=* & area_size() < 1000000 [0x53 resolution 19]
 place=islet & name=* [0x53 resolution 20]

@@ -41,11 +41,6 @@ public abstract class ImgFile implements Closeable {
 	private boolean writable;
 	public void close() {
-		try {
-			sync();
-		} catch (IOException e) {
-			log.debug("could not sync file");
-		}

@@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ public class WrongAngleFixer {
 		if (toRepl.getOnCountryBorder()){
 			if (replacement.equals(toRepl) == false){
-				log.error("country boundary node is replaced by node with non-equal coordinates at", toRepl.toOSMURL());
-				assert false : "country boundary node is replaced" ;
+				log.warn("country boundary node is replaced by node with non-equal coordinates at", toRepl.toOSMURL());
+//				assert false : "country boundary node is replaced" ;
@@ -1111,23 +1111,21 @@ public class WrongAngleFixer {
 			// 1) both points are via nodes 
 			// 2) both nodes are boundary nodes with non-equal coords
 			// 3) one point is via node and the other is a boundary node, the result could be that the restriction is ignored.
-			boolean cOnBoundary = c.getOnBoundary() || c.getOnCountryBorder();
-			boolean nOnBoundary = n.getOnBoundary() || n.getOnCountryBorder();
-			if (cOnBoundary){
-				if (n.isViaNodeOfRestriction() || nOnBoundary && c.equals(n) == false)
+			if (c.getOnBoundary()){
+				if (n.isViaNodeOfRestriction() || n.getOnBoundary() && c.equals(n) == false)
 					return false; 
-			if (c.isViaNodeOfRestriction() && (n.isViaNodeOfRestriction() || nOnBoundary))
+			if (c.isViaNodeOfRestriction() && (n.isViaNodeOfRestriction() || n.getOnBoundary()))
 				 return false;
-			if (c instanceof CoordPOI && (n instanceof CoordPOI || nOnBoundary))
+			if (c instanceof CoordPOI && (n instanceof CoordPOI || n.getOnBoundary()))
 				return false;
-			if (n instanceof CoordPOI && (c instanceof CoordPOI || cOnBoundary))
+			if (n instanceof CoordPOI && (c instanceof CoordPOI || c.getOnBoundary()))
 				return false;
-			//TODO: nodes on country borders?
 			Coord mergePoint;
-			if (cOnBoundary || c instanceof CoordPOI)
+			if (c.getOnBoundary() || c instanceof CoordPOI)
 				mergePoint = c;
-			else if (nOnBoundary || n instanceof CoordPOI)
+			else if (n.getOnBoundary() || n instanceof CoordPOI)
 				mergePoint = n;
 			else if (c.equals(n))
 				mergePoint = c;

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/mkgmap/compare/4697e8677bd1869f5a21e84a204e95917250b914...d2e760dbbd37f46f800d1d2a887bc85d48e2bf55

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/mkgmap/compare/4697e8677bd1869f5a21e84a204e95917250b914...d2e760dbbd37f46f800d1d2a887bc85d48e2bf55
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