[Git][debian-gis-team/unarr][master] 7 commits: debian: changelog: Streamline version to 7-digit hash.
Alec leamas
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sat Sep 8 07:35:35 BST 2018
Alec leamas pushed to branch master at Debian GIS Project / unarr
a2093d77 by Alec Leamas at 2018-09-04T23:11:36Z
debian: changelog: Streamline version to 7-digit hash.
- - - - -
a733ec33 by Alec Leamas at 2018-09-08T03:05:31Z
debian: Add a uscan watch file.
- - - - -
5c35e277 by Alec Leamas at 2018-09-08T04:27:09Z
debian: rules: Update get-orig-source using uscan.
- - - - -
1be70fb5 by Alec Leamas at 2018-09-08T04:27:09Z
debian: metadata: Add some fields.
- - - - -
71269c95 by Alec Leamas at 2018-09-08T04:27:09Z
debian: New patch: unarr.h: Mark functions as visible.
- - - - -
0e798347 by Alec Leamas at 2018-09-08T04:27:09Z
debian: Update symbols file.
- - - - -
caa32eef by Alec Leamas at 2018-09-08T04:27:09Z
debian: Update lintian-overrides.
- - - - -
12 changed files:
- debian/README.source
- debian/changelog
- + debian/libunarr1.lintian-overrides
- debian/libunarr1.symbols
- debian/patches/0002-build-Add-Cmake-files-from-https-github.com-selmf-un.patch
- debian/patches/0003-Build-fix-as-needed-madness.patch
- + debian/patches/0004-unarr.h-Mark-functions-as-visible.patch
- debian/patches/series
- debian/rules
- debian/source/lintian-overrides
- debian/upstream/metadata
- + debian/watch
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
unarr README.source - Downloading the source tarball.
-The unarr project does not have any git tags defined at the time
-of writing. As a result, uscan cannot download unarr sources.
-As a workaround, this package implements the traditional target
-get-orig-source to create the source orig tarball. Besides
-downloading, this also handles upstream's DOS line endings.
+The upstream uses DOS crlf line endings. In order to fix this, the
+unarr packaging implements the traditional get-orig-source target
+which downloads and repacks the source tarball using regular linux lf
+line endings.
The target is usually invoked as 'make -f debian/rules get-orig-source'
-or './debian/rules get-orig-source'.
+which leaves the downloaded .orig. tarball in the parent directory.
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-unarr (0~20150801.d1be8c43-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+unarr (0~20150801.d1be8c4-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* Initial release (Closes: #907070)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# A simple typo in a comment, not worth issuing a PR.
+libunarr1 binary: spelling-error-in-binary *
@@ -1,2 +1,21 @@
-libunarr.so.1 libunarr1 #MINVER#
-* Build-Depends-Package: libunarr-dev
+libunarr.so.1 #PACKAGE# #MINVER#
+ ar_at_eof at Base 0~20150801.d1be8c4
+ ar_close at Base 0~20150801.d1be8c4
+ ar_close_archive at Base 0~20150801.d1be8c4
+ ar_entry_get_filetime at Base 0~20150801.d1be8c4
+ ar_entry_get_name at Base 0~20150801.d1be8c4
+ ar_entry_get_offset at Base 0~20150801.d1be8c4
+ ar_entry_get_size at Base 0~20150801.d1be8c4
+ ar_entry_uncompress at Base 0~20150801.d1be8c4
+ ar_get_global_comment at Base 0~20150801.d1be8c4
+ ar_open_7z_archive at Base 0~20150801.d1be8c4
+ ar_open_rar_archive at Base 0~20150801.d1be8c4
+ ar_open_tar_archive at Base 0~20150801.d1be8c4
+ ar_open_zip_archive at Base 0~20150801.d1be8c4
+ ar_parse_entry at Base 0~20150801.d1be8c4
+ ar_parse_entry_at at Base 0~20150801.d1be8c4
+ ar_parse_entry_for at Base 0~20150801.d1be8c4
+ ar_read at Base 0~20150801.d1be8c4
+ ar_seek at Base 0~20150801.d1be8c4
+ ar_skip at Base 0~20150801.d1be8c4
+ ar_tell at Base 0~20150801.d1be8c4
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ Origin: https://github.com/selmf/unarr
Add a CMakelists.txt and pkg-config .pc file from said upstream, a more
elaborated version of the original sources. Submitted to upstream as
CMakeLists.txt | 178 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
pkg-config.pc.cmake | 11 ++++
@@ -3,13 +3,6 @@ Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2018 10:40:02 -0400
Subject: Build: fix as-needed madness.
-For gcc, the --as-needed linker flags must come after object files, before
-the libraries. If given as first flag, the library is linked as an
-application. If given after the libraries, it's useless.
-A proper patch to the cmake build system seems really hard. For now,
-disabling as-needed completely leading to some useless runtime linkage.
CMakeLists.txt | 6 +++---
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+From: Alec Leamas <leamas.alec at nowhere.net>
+Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2018 16:02:20 -0400
+Subject: unarr.h: Mark functions as visible.
+ unarr.h | 42 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
+ 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/unarr.h b/unarr.h
+index 5ef7447..2555017 100644
+--- a/unarr.h
++++ b/unarr.h
+@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
+ #ifndef unarr_h
+ #define unarr_h
++#define VISIBLE __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
+ #include <stddef.h>
+ #include <stdint.h>
+ #include <stdbool.h>
+@@ -30,65 +32,65 @@ ar_stream *ar_open_istream(IStream *stream);
+ #endif
+ /* closes the stream and releases underlying resources */
+-void ar_close(ar_stream *stream);
++VISIBLE void ar_close(ar_stream *stream);
+ /* tries to read 'count' bytes into buffer, advancing the read offset pointer; returns the actual number of bytes read */
+-size_t ar_read(ar_stream *stream, void *buffer, size_t count);
++VISIBLE size_t ar_read(ar_stream *stream, void *buffer, size_t count);
+ /* moves the read offset pointer (same as fseek); returns false on failure */
+-bool ar_seek(ar_stream *stream, off64_t offset, int origin);
++VISIBLE bool ar_seek(ar_stream *stream, off64_t offset, int origin);
+ /* shortcut for ar_seek(stream, count, SEEK_CUR); returns false on failure */
+-bool ar_skip(ar_stream *stream, off64_t count);
++VISIBLE bool ar_skip(ar_stream *stream, off64_t count);
+ /* returns the current read offset (or 0 on error) */
+-off64_t ar_tell(ar_stream *stream);
++VISIBLE off64_t ar_tell(ar_stream *stream);
+ /***** common/unarr *****/
+ typedef struct ar_archive_s ar_archive;
+ /* frees all data stored for the given archive; does not close the underlying stream */
+-void ar_close_archive(ar_archive *ar);
++VISIBLE void ar_close_archive(ar_archive *ar);
+ /* reads the next archive entry; returns false on error or at the end of the file (use ar_at_eof to distinguish the two cases) */
+-bool ar_parse_entry(ar_archive *ar);
++VISIBLE bool ar_parse_entry(ar_archive *ar);
+ /* reads the archive entry at the given offset as returned by ar_entry_get_offset (offset 0 always restarts at the first entry); should always succeed */
+-bool ar_parse_entry_at(ar_archive *ar, off64_t offset);
++VISIBLE bool ar_parse_entry_at(ar_archive *ar, off64_t offset);
+ /* reads the (first) archive entry associated with the given name; returns false if the entry couldn't be found */
+-bool ar_parse_entry_for(ar_archive *ar, const char *entry_name);
++VISIBLE bool ar_parse_entry_for(ar_archive *ar, const char *entry_name);
+ /* returns whether the last ar_parse_entry call has reached the file's expected end */
+-bool ar_at_eof(ar_archive *ar);
++VISIBLE bool ar_at_eof(ar_archive *ar);
+ /* returns the name of the current entry as UTF-8 string; this pointer is only valid until the next call to ar_parse_entry; returns NULL on failure */
+-const char *ar_entry_get_name(ar_archive *ar);
++VISIBLE const char *ar_entry_get_name(ar_archive *ar);
+ /* returns the stream offset of the current entry for use with ar_parse_entry_at */
+-off64_t ar_entry_get_offset(ar_archive *ar);
++VISIBLE off64_t ar_entry_get_offset(ar_archive *ar);
+ /* returns the total size of uncompressed data of the current entry; read exactly that many bytes using ar_entry_uncompress */
+-size_t ar_entry_get_size(ar_archive *ar);
++VISIBLE size_t ar_entry_get_size(ar_archive *ar);
+ /* returns the stored modification date of the current entry in 100ns since 1601/01/01 */
+-time64_t ar_entry_get_filetime(ar_archive *ar);
++VISIBLE time64_t ar_entry_get_filetime(ar_archive *ar);
+ /* WARNING: don't manually seek in the stream between ar_parse_entry and the last corresponding ar_entry_uncompress call! */
+ /* uncompresses the next 'count' bytes of the current entry into buffer; returns false on error */
+-bool ar_entry_uncompress(ar_archive *ar, void *buffer, size_t count);
++VISIBLE bool ar_entry_uncompress(ar_archive *ar, void *buffer, size_t count);
+ /* copies at most 'count' bytes of the archive's global comment (if any) into buffer; returns the actual amout of bytes copied (or, if 'buffer' is NULL, the required buffer size) */
+-size_t ar_get_global_comment(ar_archive *ar, void *buffer, size_t count);
++VISIBLE size_t ar_get_global_comment(ar_archive *ar, void *buffer, size_t count);
+ /***** rar/rar *****/
+ /* checks whether 'stream' could contain RAR data and prepares for archive listing/extraction; returns NULL on failure */
+-ar_archive *ar_open_rar_archive(ar_stream *stream);
++VISIBLE ar_archive *ar_open_rar_archive(ar_stream *stream);
+ /***** tar/tar *****/
+ /* checks whether 'stream' could contain TAR data and prepares for archive listing/extraction; returns NULL on failure */
+-ar_archive *ar_open_tar_archive(ar_stream *stream);
++VISIBLE ar_archive *ar_open_tar_archive(ar_stream *stream);
+ /***** zip/zip *****/
+ /* checks whether 'stream' could contain ZIP data and prepares for archive listing/extraction; returns NULL on failure */
+ /* set deflatedonly for extracting XPS, EPUB, etc. documents where non-Deflate compression methods are not supported by specification */
+-ar_archive *ar_open_zip_archive(ar_stream *stream, bool deflatedonly);
++VISIBLE ar_archive *ar_open_zip_archive(ar_stream *stream, bool deflatedonly);
+ /***** _7z/_7z *****/
+ /* checks whether 'stream' could contain 7Z data and prepares for archive listing/extraction; returns NULL on failure */
+-ar_archive *ar_open_7z_archive(ar_stream *stream);
++VISIBLE ar_archive *ar_open_7z_archive(ar_stream *stream);
+ #endif
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
@@ -11,20 +11,19 @@ export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS=hardening=+all
echo "No tests available."
-# Upstream hasn't tagged the source so we cannot use uscan, see
-# https://github.com/zeniko/unarr/issues/8. Implement get-orig-source
-# which allows source downloading. While we are on it,
-# fix upstream dos line endings.
+# Implement get-orig-source to handle upstream's dos line endings.
-COMMIT = $(word 2, $(subst ., , $(VERSION)))
- wget https://github.com/zeniko/unarr/archive/$(COMMIT)/unarr-$(VERSION).tar.gz
- test -d utmp || mkdir utmp; rm -rf utmp/*
- mv unarr-$(VERSION).tar.gz utmp
- cd utmp; tar xaf unarr-$(VERSION).tar.gz; mv unarr-$(COMMIT)* unarr-$(COMMIT)
- cd utmp/unarr-$(COMMIT); \
+ rm -rf utmp; mkdir utmp
+ uscan --safe --force-download --compression gzip --destdir utmp
+ cd utmp; tar xf unarr-$(VERSION).tar.gz
+ cd utmp/unarr-$(VERSION); \
dos2unix -q $$(find . -name \*.c -o -name \*.h -o -name \*.txt)
- cd utmp; tar caf unarr-$(VERSION).tar.gz unarr-$(COMMIT)
- mk-origtargz --compression bzip2 --repack utmp/unarr-$(VERSION).tar.gz \
- && rm -rf utmp
+ cd utmp; \
+ mv unarr-$(VERSION) unarr-$(VERSION).orig; \
+ tar -caf unarr-$(VERSION).orig.tar.gz unarr-$(VERSION).orig
+ mk-origtargz --compression gzip \
+ --rename \
+ --repack \
+ utmp/unarr-$(VERSION).orig.tar.gz && rm -rf utmp
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
# The project does not define a testsuite.
unarr source: testsuite-autopkgtest-missing
-# The project has no source tags and using uscan is thus hard.
-unarr source: debian-watch-file-is-missing
+# get-orig-source is used to get rid of upstream crlf line endings.
+unarr source: debian-rules-contains-unnecessary-get-orig-source-target
+# Old compat level 9 is used to support Ubuntu backports
+unarr source: package-uses-old-debhelper-compat-version 9
+# There is no known way to provide gpg signatures from raw git commits.
+unarr source: debian-watch-does-not-check-gpg-signature
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
-Name: unarr
-Repository: https://github.com/zeniko/unarr/
Bug-Database: https://github.com/zeniko/unarr/issues
+Bug-Submit: https://github.com/zeniko/unarr/issues/new
+Name: unarr
+Repository: https://github.com/zeniko/unarr.git
+Repository-Browse: https://github.com/zeniko/unarr/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+opts="mode=git,pretty=0~%cd.%h" https://github.com/zeniko/unarr.git HEAD
+# Issue asking for release tags:
+# https://github.com/zeniko/unarr/issues/8
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/unarr/compare/8680cbe0ba76476278bb76ce8f94c9384c7034e4...caa32eef4dd0403dede79dc433948367cd0ba0c4
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/unarr/compare/8680cbe0ba76476278bb76ce8f94c9384c7034e4...caa32eef4dd0403dede79dc433948367cd0ba0c4
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