Bug#935887: python3-mapproxy: Change default template_dir and fix capabilities for Python >= 3.6.7

Marek Lukács marek.lukacs at gmail.com
Tue Aug 27 12:47:09 BST 2019

Attached is my sample configuration file I created as subset of my
production configuration. So probably it looks, like I do coordinate system
translation from JTSK to JTSK, but in fact, I use many sources in different
systems (most of them are in GLOBAL_WEBMERCATOR), and all sources I crop to
Czechia and Slovakia area only and translate it to JTSK, so I can use it in
other tools using JTSK as coordinate system.

Back to template dir issue. I have tested it, if I create symlink (which is
missing in Debian Buster package), it works without the need to modify
defaults.py, so I revert the change in defaults.py and created the missing
symlink on my system.

The capability issue: I see, the patch from upstream I post you, is not
even in Sid package, so probably it is not working even there. But the
symlink is there, so I take the patch of first issue back and ask to create
the symlink instead.

How to reproduce issues:

# apt-get install python3-mapproxy

download attachment to some testing directory and continue

$ /usr/lib/python3-mapproxy/mapproxy-util serve-develop -b

(1) open webbrowser and point it to url http://developserver:8080/demo/

If you do not have correct templates symlink, it will fail with internal
error, after you create symlink it works

(2) next point webbrowser to

it will end with internal error as well. If you patch those template files,
it will work.

About the package maintenance. Yes I use it daily, but for me is more
important to have it working, then new with new features. Actually I am not
so interested in testing many new features, but prefer stable and usable
package. If you do not require to test any new commit in upstream, I can
help you, but if you expect a guy who is downloading any new code and is
testing all new features, I feel I am not the right one. Times I used new
and cool things have already gone. :-)

Best regards,


On Tue, Aug 27, 2019 at 12:57 PM Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at xs4all.nl> wrote:

> On 2019-08-27 12:39, Marek Lukács wrote:
> > Do you need to prepare sample configuration for you? I can do simple
> > copy
> > of my configuration with for example single layer/service.
> A (minimal) sample config to get a service working to reproduce the
> issues would be very helpful. Thanks in advance.
> I don't use mapproxy myself, I just maintain the package because it's
> also in OSGeoLive and no one who uses the package in Debian is
> contributing to the package maintenance.
> Perhaps you can get involved with package maintenance since you actually
> use the package.
> Kind Regards,
> Bas
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