[Git][debian-gis-team/opencpn][master] 8 commits: debian: update copyright.

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Sat Dec 21 15:27:27 GMT 2019

On 12/21/19 10:28 AM, Alec leamas wrote:
> 073b060f by Alec Leamas at 2019-12-21T09:08:57Z
> debian: update copyright.

This reverted the formatting, don't do that.

See my commit that fixed a bunch of issues with the copyright file.

The copyright file can still be improved further.

There are many duplicate clauses with (pretty much) the same copyright
holders and license, these can be grouped together when there is no
wildcard math for their parent directory with a different license.

You should also review your diffs before you commit changes to catch
issues like trailing whitespace.

> 1562f9b8 by Alec Leamas at 2019-12-21T09:09:42Z
> debian: Use new way defining compat.

This reverted the formatting, don't do that.

> f2cfdf51 by Alec Leamas at 2019-12-21T09:09:42Z
> debian: changelog update, control cleanup.

This also reverted the formatting, don't do that.

Why did you do that?

Kind Regards,


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