[Git][debian-gis-team/pycoast][master] 2 commits: Suggest python-pycoast-doc

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Mon Mar 11 06:27:07 GMT 2019

On 3/11/19 7:24 AM, Antonio Valentino wrote:
> Il 11/03/19 07:14, Sebastiaan Couwenberg ha scritto:
>> On 3/11/19 7:07 AM, Antonio Valentino wrote:
>>> Set distribution to unstable
>> The full freeze starts tomorrow, so the package won't migrate to testing
>> any time soon. The change doesn't look important enough to warrant an
>> unblock either.
>> Better to upload to experimental for the time being.
> Sorry, I didn't realized it.
> In this case maybe we can just not upload at all until here will be more
> important changes.
> I'm going to set the distribution back to UNRELEASED.

That's fine too.

For new upstream releases I strongly encourage uploads to experimental
to keep the number of changes to review and time it takes to encounter
issues low.

Kind Regards,


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