[Git][debian-gis-team/netcdf4-python][master] 4 commits: New upstream version 1.5.3
Bas Couwenberg
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Wed Oct 23 08:34:12 BST 2019
Bas Couwenberg pushed to branch master at Debian GIS Project / netcdf4-python
b1a80028 by Bas Couwenberg at 2019-10-23T07:20:59Z
New upstream version 1.5.3
- - - - -
a483e797 by Bas Couwenberg at 2019-10-23T07:21:02Z
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/1.5.3'
Update to upstream version '1.5.3'
with Debian dir 443f980abd2bb08d200c7dcb84b55accd8375b1b
- - - - -
a09aa657 by Bas Couwenberg at 2019-10-23T07:21:18Z
New upstream release.
- - - - -
ac4d5893 by Bas Couwenberg at 2019-10-23T07:21:53Z
Set distribution to unstable.
- - - - -
9 changed files:
- .travis.yml
- Changelog
- debian/changelog
- docs/netCDF4/index.html
- netCDF4/_netCDF4.pyx
- setup.py
- test/tst_masked.py
- − test/tst_netcdftime.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
language: python
-dist: xenial
+dist: bionic
cache: pip
@@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
- version 1.5.2 (not yet released)
+ version 1.5.3 (tag v1.5.3rel)
+ * make sure arrays are masked that are not filled when auto_fill is off
+ (issue #972).
+ * python 3.8 binary wheels.
+ version 1.5.2 (tag v1.5.2rel)
* fix for scaling bug when _Unsigned attribute is set and byteorder of data
does not match native byteorder (issue #930).
@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@
## News
For details on the latest updates, see the [Changelog](https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf4-python/blob/master/Changelog).
+10/27/2019: Version [1.5.3](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/netCDF4/1.5.3) released]. Fix for
+[issue #972](https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf4-python/issues/972), plus binary wheels for
+python 3.8.
09/03/2019: Version [1.5.2](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/netCDF4/1.5.2) released. Bugfixes, no new features.
05/06/2019: Version [](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/netCDF4/ released. Fixes another slicing
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-netcdf4-python (1.5.2-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+netcdf4-python (1.5.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream release.
* Bump Standards-Version to 4.4.1, no changes.
- -- Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org> Mon, 30 Sep 2019 19:28:16 +0200
+ -- Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org> Wed, 23 Oct 2019 09:21:45 +0200
netcdf4-python (1.5.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-Version 1.5.2
+Version 1.5.3
- - -
@@ -1206,7 +1206,7 @@ except ImportError:
# python3: zip is already python2's itertools.izip
-__version__ = "1.5.2"
+__version__ = "1.5.3"
# Initialize numpy
import posixpath
@@ -4581,7 +4581,7 @@ rename a `netCDF4.Variable` attribute named `oldname` to `newname`."""
# type, signed or unsigned, because the byte ranges are too
# small to assume one of the values should appear as a missing
# value unless a _FillValue attribute is set explicitly."
- if no_fill != 1 and self.dtype.str[1:] not in ['u1','i1']:
+ if no_fill != 1 or self.dtype.str[1:] not in ['u1','i1']:
fillval = numpy.array(default_fillvals[self.dtype.str[1:]],self.dtype)
has_fillval = data == fillval
# if data is an array scalar, has_fillval will be a boolean.
@@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ else:
- version="1.5.2",
+ version="1.5.3",
long_description="netCDF version 4 has many features not found in earlier versions of the library, such as hierarchical groups, zlib compression, multiple unlimited dimensions, and new data types. It is implemented on top of HDF5. This module implements most of the new features, and can read and write netCDF files compatible with older versions of the library. The API is modelled after Scientific.IO.NetCDF, and should be familiar to users of that module.\n\nThis project is hosted on a `GitHub repository <https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf4-python>`_ where you may access the most up-to-date source.",
author="Jeff Whitaker",
author_email="jeffrey.s.whitaker at noaa.gov",
@@ -7,12 +7,14 @@ from numpy import ma
from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal, assert_array_almost_equal
from numpy.random.mtrand import uniform
import netCDF4
+from numpy.ma import masked_all
# test automatic conversion of masked arrays, and
# packing/unpacking of short ints.
# create an n1dim by n2dim random ranarr.
FILE_NAME = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.nc', delete=False).name
+FILE_NAME2 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.nc', delete=False).name
ndim = 10
ranarr = 100.*uniform(size=(ndim))
ranarr2 = 100.*uniform(size=(ndim))
@@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ class PrimitiveTypesTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.file = FILE_NAME
+ self.file2 = FILE_NAME2
file = netCDF4.Dataset(self.file,'w')
file.createDimension('n', ndim)
foo = file.createVariable('maskeddata', 'f8', ('n',))
@@ -71,9 +74,21 @@ class PrimitiveTypesTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
v = file.createVariable('v',NP.float,'x',fill_value=-9999)
+ # issue #972: when auto_fill off byte arrays (u1,i1) should
+ # not be masked, but other datatypes should.
+ dataset = netCDF4.Dataset(self.file2, "w")
+ dataset.set_fill_off()
+ dim = dataset.createDimension("dim", 10)
+ var1 = dataset.createVariable("var1", "f8", (dim.name,))
+ var1[:] = masked_all((10,), "f8")
+ var2 = dataset.createVariable("var2", "u1", (dim.name,))
+ var2[:] = masked_all((10,), "u1")
+ dataset.close()
def tearDown(self):
# Remove the temporary files
+ os.remove(self.file2)
def runTest(self):
"""testing auto-conversion of masked arrays and packed integers"""
@@ -118,6 +133,13 @@ class PrimitiveTypesTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
f['variable'][:] = NP.nan
data = f['variable'][:] # should not raise an error
+ # issue #972
+ dataset = netCDF4.Dataset(self.file2, "r")
+ var1 = dataset.variables["var1"]
+ var2 = dataset.variables["var2"]
+ assert var1[:].mask.all()
+ assert var2[:].mask.any() == False
+ dataset.close()
if __name__ == '__main__':
test/tst_netcdftime.py deleted
@@ -1,992 +0,0 @@
-from cftime import utime, JulianDayFromDate, DateFromJulianDay
-from cftime import datetime as datetimex
-from cftime import DatetimeNoLeap, DatetimeAllLeap, Datetime360Day, DatetimeJulian, \
- DatetimeGregorian, DatetimeProlepticGregorian, _parse_date
-from netCDF4 import Dataset, num2date, date2num, date2index, num2date
-import copy
-import numpy
-import random
-import sys
-import unittest
-import os
-import tempfile
-from datetime import datetime, timedelta
-from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal, assert_equal
-# test netcdftime module for netCDF time <--> python datetime conversions.
-class netcdftimeTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.cdftime_mixed = utime('hours since 0001-01-01 00:00:00')
- self.cdftime_julian = utime(
- 'hours since 0001-01-01 00:00:00', calendar='julian')
- self.cdftime_mixed_tz = utime('hours since 0001-01-01 00:00:00 -06:00')
- self.cdftime_pg = utime('seconds since 0001-01-01 00:00:00',
- calendar='proleptic_gregorian')
- self.cdftime_noleap = utime(
- 'days since 1600-02-28 00:00:00', calendar='noleap')
- self.cdftime_leap = utime(
- 'days since 1600-02-29 00:00:00', calendar='all_leap')
- self.cdftime_360day = utime(
- 'days since 1600-02-30 00:00:00', calendar='360_day')
- self.cdftime_jul = utime(
- 'hours since 1000-01-01 00:00:00', calendar='julian')
- self.cdftime_iso = utime("seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z")
- self.cdftime_leading_space = utime("days since 850-01-01 00:00:00")
- self.cdftime_mixed_capcal = utime('hours since 0001-01-01 00:00:00',
- calendar='Standard')
- self.cdftime_noleap_capcal = utime(
- 'days since 1600-02-28 00:00:00', calendar='NOLEAP')
- def runTest(self):
- """testing netcdftime"""
- # test mixed julian/gregorian calendar
- # check attributes.
- self.assertTrue(self.cdftime_mixed.units == 'hours')
- self.assertTrue(
- str(self.cdftime_mixed.origin) == '0001-01-01 00:00:00')
- self.assertTrue(
- self.cdftime_mixed.unit_string == 'hours since 0001-01-01 00:00:00')
- self.assertTrue(self.cdftime_mixed.calendar == 'standard')
- # check date2num method. (date before switch)
- d = datetime(1582, 10, 4, 23)
- t1 = self.cdftime_mixed.date2num(d)
- assert_almost_equal(t1, 13865687.0)
- # check num2date method.
- d2 = self.cdftime_mixed.num2date(t1)
- self.assertTrue(str(d) == str(d2))
- # this is a non-existant date, should raise ValueError.
- d = datetime(1582, 10, 5, 0)
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.cdftime_mixed.date2num, d)
- # check date2num/num2date with date after switch.
- d = datetime(1582, 10, 15, 0)
- t2 = self.cdftime_mixed.date2num(d)
- assert_almost_equal(t2, 13865688.0)
- d2 = self.cdftime_mixed.num2date(t2)
- self.assertTrue(str(d) == str(d2))
- # check day of year.
- ndayr = d.timetuple()[7]
- self.assertTrue(ndayr == 288)
- # test using numpy arrays.
- t = numpy.arange(t2, t2 + 240.0, 12.)
- t = numpy.reshape(t, (4, 5))
- d = self.cdftime_mixed.num2date(t)
- self.assertTrue(d.shape == t.shape)
- d_check = "1582-10-15 00:00:001582-10-15 12:00:001582-10-16 00:00:001582-10-16 12:00:001582-10-17 00:00:001582-10-17 12:00:001582-10-18 00:00:001582-10-18 12:00:001582-10-19 00:00:001582-10-19 12:00:001582-10-20 00:00:001582-10-20 12:00:001582-10-21 00:00:001582-10-21 12:00:001582-10-22 00:00:001582-10-22 12:00:001582-10-23 00:00:001582-10-23 12:00:001582-10-24 00:00:001582-10-24 12:00:00"
- d2 = [str(dd) for dd in d.flat]
- self.assertTrue(d_check == ''.join(d2))
- # test julian calendar with numpy arrays
- d = self.cdftime_julian.num2date(t)
- self.assertTrue(d.shape == t.shape)
- d_check = "1582-10-05 00:00:001582-10-05 12:00:001582-10-06 00:00:001582-10-06 12:00:001582-10-07 00:00:001582-10-07 12:00:001582-10-08 00:00:001582-10-08 12:00:001582-10-09 00:00:001582-10-09 12:00:001582-10-10 00:00:001582-10-10 12:00:001582-10-11 00:00:001582-10-11 12:00:001582-10-12 00:00:001582-10-12 12:00:001582-10-13 00:00:001582-10-13 12:00:001582-10-14 00:00:001582-10-14 12:00:00"
- d2 = [str(dd) for dd in d.flat]
- self.assertTrue(d_check == ''.join(d2))
- # test proleptic gregorian calendar.
- self.assertTrue(self.cdftime_pg.units == 'seconds')
- self.assertTrue(str(self.cdftime_pg.origin) == '0001-01-01 00:00:00')
- self.assertTrue(
- self.cdftime_pg.unit_string == 'seconds since 0001-01-01 00:00:00')
- self.assertTrue(self.cdftime_pg.calendar == 'proleptic_gregorian')
- # check date2num method.
- d = datetime(1990, 5, 5, 2, 17)
- t1 = numpy.around(self.cdftime_pg.date2num(d))
- self.assertTrue(t1 == 62777470620.0)
- # check num2date method.
- d2 = self.cdftime_pg.num2date(t1)
- self.assertTrue(str(d) == str(d2))
- # check day of year.
- ndayr = d.timetuple()[7]
- self.assertTrue(ndayr == 125)
- # check noleap calendar.
- # this is a non-existant date, should raise ValueError.
- self.assertRaises(
- ValueError, utime, 'days since 1600-02-29 00:00:00', calendar='noleap')
- self.assertTrue(self.cdftime_noleap.units == 'days')
- self.assertTrue(
- str(self.cdftime_noleap.origin) == '1600-02-28 00:00:00')
- self.assertTrue(
- self.cdftime_noleap.unit_string == 'days since 1600-02-28 00:00:00')
- self.assertTrue(self.cdftime_noleap.calendar == 'noleap')
- assert_almost_equal(
- self.cdftime_noleap.date2num(self.cdftime_noleap.origin), 0.0)
- # check date2num method.
- d1 = datetime(2000, 2, 28)
- d2 = datetime(1600, 2, 28)
- t1 = self.cdftime_noleap.date2num(d1)
- t2 = self.cdftime_noleap.date2num(d2)
- assert_almost_equal(t1, 400 * 365.)
- assert_almost_equal(t2, 0.)
- t12 = self.cdftime_noleap.date2num([d1, d2])
- assert_almost_equal(t12, [400 * 365., 0])
- # check num2date method.
- d2 = self.cdftime_noleap.num2date(t1)
- self.assertTrue(str(d1) == str(d2))
- # check day of year.
- ndayr = d2.timetuple()[7]
- self.assertTrue(ndayr == 59)
- # non-existant date, should raise ValueError.
- date = datetime(2000, 2, 29)
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.cdftime_noleap.date2num, date)
- # check all_leap calendar.
- self.assertTrue(self.cdftime_leap.units == 'days')
- self.assertTrue(
- str(self.cdftime_leap.origin) == '1600-02-29 00:00:00')
- self.assertTrue(
- self.cdftime_leap.unit_string == 'days since 1600-02-29 00:00:00')
- self.assertTrue(self.cdftime_leap.calendar == 'all_leap')
- assert_almost_equal(
- self.cdftime_leap.date2num(self.cdftime_leap.origin), 0.0)
- # check date2num method.
- d1 = datetime(2000, 2, 29)
- d2 = datetime(1600, 2, 29)
- t1 = self.cdftime_leap.date2num(d1)
- t2 = self.cdftime_leap.date2num(d2)
- assert_almost_equal(t1, 400 * 366.)
- assert_almost_equal(t2, 0.)
- # check num2date method.
- d2 = self.cdftime_leap.num2date(t1)
- self.assertTrue(str(d1) == str(d2))
- # check day of year.
- ndayr = d2.timetuple()[7]
- self.assertTrue(ndayr == 60)
- # double check date2num,num2date methods.
- d = datetime(2000, 12, 31)
- t1 = self.cdftime_mixed.date2num(d)
- d2 = self.cdftime_mixed.num2date(t1)
- self.assertTrue(str(d) == str(d2))
- ndayr = d2.timetuple()[7]
- self.assertTrue(ndayr == 366)
- # check 360_day calendar.
- self.assertTrue(self.cdftime_360day.units == 'days')
- self.assertTrue(
- str(self.cdftime_360day.origin) == '1600-02-30 00:00:00')
- self.assertTrue(
- self.cdftime_360day.unit_string == 'days since 1600-02-30 00:00:00')
- self.assertTrue(self.cdftime_360day.calendar == '360_day')
- assert_almost_equal(
- self.cdftime_360day.date2num(self.cdftime_360day.origin), 0.0)
- # check date2num,num2date methods.
- # use datetime from netcdftime, since this date doesn't
- # exist in "normal" calendars.
- d = datetimex(2000, 2, 30)
- t1 = self.cdftime_360day.date2num(d)
- assert_almost_equal(t1, 360 * 400.)
- d2 = self.cdftime_360day.num2date(t1)
- assert_equal(str(d), str(d2))
- # check day of year.
- d = datetime(2001, 12, 30)
- t = self.cdftime_360day.date2num(d)
- assert_almost_equal(t, 144660.0)
- date = self.cdftime_360day.num2date(t)
- self.assertTrue(str(d) == str(date))
- ndayr = date.timetuple()[7]
- self.assertTrue(ndayr == 360)
- # Check fraction
- d = datetime(1969, 12, 30, 12)
- t = self.cdftime_360day.date2num(d)
- date = self.cdftime_360day.num2date(t)
- assert_equal(str(d), str(date))
- # test proleptic julian calendar.
- d = datetime(1858, 11, 17, 12)
- t = self.cdftime_jul.date2num(d)
- assert_almost_equal(t, 7528932.0)
- d1 = datetime(1582, 10, 4, 23)
- d2 = datetime(1582, 10, 15, 0)
- assert_almost_equal(
- self.cdftime_jul.date2num(d1) + 241.0, self.cdftime_jul.date2num(d2))
- date = self.cdftime_jul.num2date(t)
- self.assertTrue(str(d) == str(date))
- # test julian day from date, date from julian day
- d = datetime(1858, 11, 17)
- mjd = JulianDayFromDate(d)
- assert_almost_equal(mjd, 2400000.5)
- date = DateFromJulianDay(mjd)
- self.assertTrue(str(date) == str(d))
- # test iso 8601 units string
- d = datetime(1970, 1, 1, 1)
- t = self.cdftime_iso.date2num(d)
- assert_equal(numpy.around(t), 3600)
- # test fix for issue 75 (seconds hit 60 at end of month,
- # day goes out of range).
- t = 733499.0
- d = num2date(t, units='days since 0001-01-01 00:00:00')
- dateformat = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
- assert_equal(d.strftime(dateformat), '2009-04-01 00:00:00')
- # test edge case of issue 75 for numerical problems
- for t in (733498.999, 733498.9999, 733498.99999, 733498.999999, 733498.9999999):
- d = num2date(t, units='days since 0001-01-01 00:00:00')
- t2 = date2num(d, units='days since 0001-01-01 00:00:00')
- assert(abs(t2 - t) < 1e-5) # values should be less than second
- # Check equality testing
- d1 = datetimex(1979, 6, 21, 9, 23, 12)
- d2 = datetime(1979, 6, 21, 9, 23, 12)
- assert(d1 == d2)
- # check timezone offset
- d = datetime(2012, 2, 29, 15)
- # mixed_tz is -6 hours from UTC, mixed is UTC so
- # difference in elapsed time is -6 hours.
- assert(self.cdftime_mixed_tz.date2num(
- d) - self.cdftime_mixed.date2num(d) == -6)
- # Check comparisons with Python datetime types
- # Note that d1 has to use the proleptic Gregorian calendar to
- # be comparable to d2: datetime.datetime uses the proleptic
- # Gregorian calendar and year 1000 is before the
- # Julian/Gregorian transition (1582-10-15).
- d1 = num2date(0, 'days since 1000-01-01', 'proleptic_gregorian')
- d2 = datetime(2000, 1, 1)
- # The date d3 is well after the Julian/Gregorian transition
- # and so this Gregorian date can be compared to the proleptic
- # Gregorian date d2.
- d3 = num2date(0, 'days since 3000-01-01', 'standard')
- assert d1 < d2
- assert d2 < d3
- # check all comparisons
- assert d1 != d2
- assert d1 <= d2
- assert d2 > d1
- assert d2 >= d1
- # check datetime hash
- d1 = datetimex(1995, 1, 1)
- d2 = datetime(1995, 1, 1)
- d3 = datetimex(2001, 2, 30)
- assert hash(d1) == hash(d1)
- assert hash(d1) == hash(d2)
- assert hash(d1) != hash(d3)
- assert hash(d3) == hash(d3)
- # check datetime immutability
- # using assertRaises as a context manager
- # only works with python >= 2.7 (issue #497).
- immutability_tests = {"year": 1999,
- "month": 6,
- "day": 5,
- "hour": 10,
- "minute": 33,
- "second": 45,
- "dayofwk": 1,
- "dayofyr": 52,
- "format": '%Y'}
- for name, value in immutability_tests.items():
- self.assertRaises(AttributeError, setattr, d1, name, value)
- # Check leading white space
- self.assertEqual(
- str(self.cdftime_leading_space.origin), '0850-01-01 00:00:00')
- #issue 330
- units = "seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
- t = utime(units)
- for n in range(10):
- assert n == int(round(t.date2num(t.num2date(n))))
- #issue 344
- units = 'hours since 2013-12-12T12:00:00'
- assert(1.0 == date2num(num2date(1.0, units), units))
- # test rountrip accuracy
- # also tests error found in issue #349
- calendars=['standard', 'gregorian', 'proleptic_gregorian', 'noleap', 'julian',\
- 'all_leap', '365_day', '366_day', '360_day']
- dateformat = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
- dateref = datetime(2015,2,28,12)
- ntimes = 1001
- for calendar in calendars:
- eps = 100.
- units = 'microseconds since 1800-01-30 01:01:01'
- microsecs1 = date2num(dateref,units,calendar=calendar)
- for n in range(ntimes):
- microsecs1 += 1.
- date1 = num2date(microsecs1, units, calendar=calendar)
- microsecs2 = date2num(date1, units, calendar=calendar)
- date2 = num2date(microsecs2, units, calendar=calendar)
- err = numpy.abs(microsecs1 - microsecs2)
- assert(err < eps)
- assert(date1.strftime(dateformat) == date2.strftime(dateformat))
- units = 'milliseconds since 1800-01-30 01:01:01'
- eps = 0.1
- millisecs1 = date2num(dateref,units,calendar=calendar)
- for n in range(ntimes):
- millisecs1 += 0.001
- date1 = num2date(millisecs1, units, calendar=calendar)
- millisecs2 = date2num(date1, units, calendar=calendar)
- date2 = num2date(millisecs2, units, calendar=calendar)
- err = numpy.abs(millisecs1 - millisecs2)
- assert(err < eps)
- assert(date1.strftime(dateformat) == date2.strftime(dateformat))
- eps = 1.e-4
- units = 'seconds since 0001-01-30 01:01:01'
- secs1 = date2num(dateref,units,calendar=calendar)
- for n in range(ntimes):
- secs1 += 0.1
- date1 = num2date(secs1, units, calendar=calendar)
- secs2 = date2num(date1, units, calendar=calendar)
- date2 = num2date(secs2, units, calendar=calendar)
- err = numpy.abs(secs1 - secs2)
- assert(err < eps)
- assert(date1.strftime(dateformat) == date2.strftime(dateformat))
- eps = 1.e-5
- units = 'minutes since 0001-01-30 01:01:01'
- mins1 = date2num(dateref,units,calendar=calendar)
- for n in range(ntimes):
- mins1 += 0.01
- date1 = num2date(mins1, units, calendar=calendar)
- mins2 = date2num(date1, units, calendar=calendar)
- date2 = num2date(mins2, units, calendar=calendar)
- err = numpy.abs(mins1 - mins2)
- assert(err < eps)
- assert(date1.strftime(dateformat) == date2.strftime(dateformat))
- eps = 1.e-5
- units = 'hours since 0001-01-30 01:01:01'
- hrs1 = date2num(dateref,units,calendar=calendar)
- for n in range(ntimes):
- hrs1 += 0.001
- date1 = num2date(hrs1, units, calendar=calendar)
- hrs2 = date2num(date1, units, calendar=calendar)
- date2 = num2date(hrs2, units, calendar=calendar)
- err = numpy.abs(hrs1 - hrs2)
- assert(err < eps)
- assert(date1.strftime(dateformat) == date2.strftime(dateformat))
- eps = 1.e-5
- units = 'days since 0001-01-30 01:01:01'
- days1 = date2num(dateref,units,calendar=calendar)
- for n in range(ntimes):
- days1 += 0.00001
- date1 = num2date(days1, units, calendar=calendar)
- days2 = date2num(date1, units, calendar=calendar)
- date2 = num2date(days2, units, calendar=calendar)
- err = numpy.abs(days1 - days2)
- assert(err < eps)
- assert(date1.strftime(dateformat) == date2.strftime(dateformat))
- # issue 353
- assert (num2date(0, 'hours since 2000-01-01 0') ==
- datetime(2000,1,1,0))
- # issue 354
- num1 = numpy.array([[0, 1], [2, 3]])
- num2 = numpy.array([[0, 1], [2, 3]])
- dates1 = num2date(num1, 'days since 0001-01-01')
- dates2 = num2date(num2, 'days since 2001-01-01')
- assert( dates1.shape == (2,2) )
- assert( dates2.shape == (2,2) )
- num1b = date2num(dates1, 'days since 0001-01-01')
- num2b = date2num(dates2, 'days since 2001-01-01')
- assert( num1b.shape == (2,2) )
- assert( num2b.shape == (2,2) )
- assert_almost_equal(num1,num1b)
- assert_almost_equal(num2,num2b)
- # issue 357 (make sure time zone offset in units done correctly)
- # Denver time, 7 hours behind UTC
- units = 'hours since 1682-10-15 -07:00 UTC'
- # date after gregorian switch, python datetime used
- date = datetime(1682,10,15) # assumed UTC
- num = date2num(date,units)
- # UTC is 7 hours ahead of units, so num should be -7
- assert (num == -7)
- assert (num2date(num, units) == date)
- units = 'hours since 1482-10-15 -07:00 UTC'
- # date before gregorian switch, netcdftime datetime used
- date = datetime(1482,10,15)
- num = date2num(date,units)
- date2 = num2date(num, units)
- assert (num == -7)
- assert (date2.year == date.year)
- assert (date2.month == date.month)
- assert (date2.day == date.day)
- assert (date2.hour == date.hour)
- assert (date2.minute == date.minute)
- assert (date2.second == date.second)
- # issue 362: case insensitive calendars
- self.assertTrue(self.cdftime_mixed_capcal.calendar == 'standard')
- self.assertTrue(self.cdftime_noleap_capcal.calendar == 'noleap')
- d = datetime(2015, 3, 4, 12, 18, 30)
- units = 'days since 0001-01-01'
- for cap_cal, low_cal in (('STANDARD', 'standard'),
- ('NoLeap', 'noleap'),
- ('Gregorian', 'gregorian'),
- ('ALL_LEAP', 'all_leap')):
- d1 = date2num(d, units, cap_cal)
- d2 = date2num(d, units, low_cal)
- self.assertEqual(d1, d2)
- self.assertEqual(num2date(d1, units, cap_cal),
- num2date(d1, units, low_cal))
- # issue 415
- t = datetimex(2001, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4)
- self.assertEqual(t, copy.deepcopy(t))
- # issue 442
- units = "days since 0000-01-01 00:00:00"
- # this should fail (year zero not allowed with real-world calendars)
- try:
- date2num(datetime(1, 1, 1), units, calendar='standard')
- except ValueError:
- pass
- # this should not fail (year zero allowed in 'fake' calendars)
- t = date2num(datetime(1, 1, 1), units, calendar='360_day')
- self.assertAlmostEqual(t, 360)
- d = num2date(t, units, calendar='360_day')
- self.assertEqual(d, Datetime360Day(1,1,1))
- d = num2date(0, units, calendar='360_day')
- self.assertEqual(d, Datetime360Day(0,1,1))
- # list around missing dates in Gregorian calendar
- # scalar
- units = 'days since 0001-01-01 12:00:00'
- t1 = date2num(datetime(1582, 10, 4), units, calendar='gregorian')
- t2 = date2num(datetime(1582, 10, 15), units, calendar='gregorian')
- self.assertEqual(t1+1, t2)
- # list
- t1, t2 = date2num([datetime(1582, 10, 4), datetime(1582, 10, 15)], units, calendar='gregorian')
- self.assertEqual(t1+1, t2)
- t1, t2 = date2num([datetime(1582, 10, 4), datetime(1582, 10, 15)], units, calendar='standard')
- self.assertEqual(t1+1, t2)
- # this should fail: days missing in Gregorian calendar
- try:
- t1, t2, t3 = date2num([datetime(1582, 10, 4), datetime(1582, 10, 10), datetime(1582, 10, 15)], units, calendar='standard')
- except ValueError:
- pass
- # test fix for issue #596 - julian day calculations wrong for negative years,
- # caused incorrect rountrip num2date(date2num(date)) roundtrip for dates with year
- # < 0.
- u = utime("seconds since 1-1-1",calendar='julian')
- date1 = datetimex(-1, 1, 1)
- date2 = u.num2date(u.date2num(date1))
- assert (date2.year == date1.year)
- assert (date2.month == date1.month)
- assert (date2.day == date1.day)
- assert (date2.hour == date1.hour)
- assert (date2.minute == date1.minute)
- assert (date2.second == date1.second)
- assert_almost_equal(JulianDayFromDate(date1), 1721057.5)
- # issue 596 - negative years fail in utime.num2date
- u = utime("seconds since 1-1-1", "proleptic_gregorian")
- d = u.num2date(u.date2num(datetimex(-1, 1, 1)))
- assert (d.year == -1)
- assert (d.month == 1)
- assert (d.day == 1)
- assert (d.hour == 0)
- # test fix for issue #659 (proper treatment of negative time values).
- #units = 'days since 1800-01-01 00:00:0.0'
- #d = num2date(-657073, units, calendar='standard')
- #assert (d.year == 1)
- #assert (d.month == 1)
- #assert (d.day == 1)
- #assert (d.hour == 0)
- # issue 685: wrong time zone conversion
- # 'The following times all refer to the same moment: "18:30Z", "22:30+04", "1130-0700", and "15:00-03:30'
- # (https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=ISO_8601&oldid=787811367#Time_offsets_from_UTC)
- # test num2date
- utc_date = datetime(2000,1,1,18,30)
- for units in ("hours since 2000-01-01 22:30+04:00", "hours since 2000-01-01 11:30-07:00", "hours since 2000-01-01 15:00-03:30"):
- d = num2date(0, units, calendar="standard")
- assert(numpy.abs((d-utc_date).total_seconds()) < 1.e-3)
- # also test with negative values to cover 2nd code path
- d = num2date(-1, units, calendar="standard")
- assert(numpy.abs((d - \
- (utc_date-timedelta(hours=1))).total_seconds()) < 1.e-3)
- n = date2num(utc_date, units, calendar="standard")
- # n should always be 0 as all units refer to the same point in time
- self.assertEqual(n, 0)
- # explicitly test 2nd code path for date2num
- units = "hours since 2000-01-01 22:30+04:00"
- n = date2num(utc_date, units, calendar="julian")
- # n should always be 0 as all units refer to the same point in time
- assert_almost_equal(n, 0)
-class TestDate2index(unittest.TestCase):
- class TestTime:
- """Fake a netCDF time variable."""
- def __init__(self, start, n, step, units, calendar='standard'):
- """Create an object that fakes a netCDF time variable.
- Internally, this object has a _data array attribute whose values
- corresponds to dates in the given units and calendar. `start`, `n`
- and `step` define the starting date, the length of the array and
- the distance between each date (in units).
- :Example:
- >>> t = TestTime(datetime(1989, 2, 18), 45, 6, 'hours since 1979-01-01')
- >>> print(num2date(t[1], t.units))
- 1989-02-18 06:00:00
- """
- self.units = units
- self.calendar = calendar
- t0 = date2num(start, units, calendar)
- self._data = (t0 + numpy.arange(n) * step).astype('float')
- self.dtype = numpy.float
- def __getitem__(self, item):
- return self._data[item]
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self._data)
- def shape():
- def fget(self):
- return self._data.shape
- return locals()
- shape = property(**shape())
- def setUp(self):
- self.standardtime = self.TestTime(datetime(1950, 1, 1), 366, 24,
- 'hours since 1900-01-01', 'standard')
- self.file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.nc', delete=False).name
- f = Dataset(self.file, 'w')
- f.createDimension('time', None)
- time = f.createVariable('time', float, ('time',))
- time.units = 'hours since 1900-01-01'
- time[:] = self.standardtime[:]
- f.createDimension('time2', 1)
- time2 = f.createVariable('time2', 'f8', ('time2',))
- time2.units = 'days since 1901-01-01'
- self.first_timestamp = datetime(2000, 1, 1)
- time2[0] = date2num(self.first_timestamp, time2.units)
- ntimes = 21
- f.createDimension("record", ntimes)
- time3 = f.createVariable("time3", numpy.int32, ("record", ))
- time3.units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00"
- date = datetime(2037,1,1,0)
- dates = [date]
- for ndate in range(ntimes-1):
- date += (ndate+1)*timedelta(hours=1)
- dates.append(date)
- time3[:] = date2num(dates,time3.units)
- f.close()
- def tearDown(self):
- os.remove(self.file)
- def test_simple(self):
- t = date2index(datetime(1950, 2, 1), self.standardtime)
- assert_equal(t, 31)
- def test_singletime(self):
- # issue 215 test (date2index with time variable length == 1)
- f = Dataset(self.file)
- time2 = f.variables['time2']
- result_index = date2index(self.first_timestamp, time2, select="exact")
- assert_equal(result_index, 0)
- f.close()
- def test_list(self):
- t = date2index(
- [datetime(1950, 2, 1), datetime(1950, 2, 3)], self.standardtime)
- assert_equal(t, [31, 33])
- def test_nonuniform(self):
- """Check that the fallback mechanism works. """
- nutime = self.TestTime(datetime(1950, 1, 1), 366, 24,
- 'hours since 1900-01-01', 'standard')
- # Let's remove the second entry, so that the computed stride is not
- # representative and the bisection method is needed.
- nutime._data = nutime._data[numpy.r_[0, slice(2, 200)]]
- t = date2index(datetime(1950, 2, 1), nutime)
- assert_equal(t, 30)
- t = date2index([datetime(1950, 2, 1), datetime(1950, 2, 3)], nutime)
- assert_equal(t, [30, 32])
- def test_failure(self):
- nutime = self.TestTime(datetime(1950, 1, 1), 366, 24,
- 'hours since 1900-01-01', 'standard')
- try:
- t = date2index(datetime(1949, 2, 1), nutime)
- except ValueError:
- pass
- else:
- raise ValueError('This test should have failed.')
- def test_select_dummy(self):
- nutime = self.TestTime(datetime(1950, 1, 1), 366, 24,
- 'hours since 1400-01-01', 'standard')
- dates = [datetime(1950, 1, 2, 6), datetime(
- 1950, 1, 3), datetime(1950, 1, 3, 18)]
- t = date2index(dates, nutime, select='before')
- assert_equal(t, [1, 2, 2])
- t = date2index(dates, nutime, select='after')
- assert_equal(t, [2, 2, 3])
- t = date2index(dates, nutime, select='nearest')
- assert_equal(t, [1, 2, 3])
- def test_select_nc(self):
- f = Dataset(self.file, 'r')
- nutime = f.variables['time']
- dates = [datetime(1950, 1, 2, 6), datetime(
- 1950, 1, 3), datetime(1950, 1, 3, 18)]
- t = date2index(dates, nutime, select='before')
- assert_equal(t, [1, 2, 2])
- t = date2index(dates, nutime, select='after')
- assert_equal(t, [2, 2, 3])
- t = date2index(dates, nutime, select='nearest')
- assert_equal(t, [1, 2, 3])
- # Test dates outside the support with select
- t = date2index(datetime(1949, 12, 1), nutime, select='nearest')
- assert_equal(t, 0)
- t = date2index(datetime(1978, 1, 1), nutime, select='nearest')
- assert_equal(t, 365)
- # Test dates outside the support with before
- self.assertRaises(
- ValueError, date2index, datetime(1949, 12, 1), nutime, select='before')
- t = date2index(datetime(1978, 1, 1), nutime, select='before')
- assert_equal(t, 365)
- # Test dates outside the support with after
- t = date2index(datetime(1949, 12, 1), nutime, select='after')
- assert_equal(t, 0)
- self.assertRaises(
- ValueError, date2index, datetime(1978, 1, 1), nutime, select='after')
- # test microsecond and millisecond units
- unix_epoch = "milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
- d = datetime(2038, 1, 19, 3, 14, 7)
- millisecs = int(
- date2num(d, unix_epoch, calendar='proleptic_gregorian'))
- assert_equal(millisecs, (2 ** 32 / 2 - 1) * 1000)
- unix_epoch = "microseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
- microsecs = int(date2num(d, unix_epoch))
- assert_equal(microsecs, (2 ** 32 / 2 - 1) * 1000000)
- # test microsecond accuracy in date2num/num2date roundtrip
- # note: microsecond accuracy lost for time intervals greater
- # than about 270 years.
- units = 'microseconds since 1776-07-04 00:00:00-12:00'
- dates =\
- [datetime(1962, 10, 27, 6, 1, 30, 9001), datetime(
- 1993, 11, 21, 12, 5, 25, 999), datetime(1995, 11, 25, 18, 7, 59, 999999)]
- times2 = date2num(dates, units)
- dates2 = num2date(times2, units)
- for date, date2 in zip(dates, dates2):
- assert_equal(date, date2)
- f.close()
- def test_issue444(self):
- # make sure integer overflow not causing error in
- # calculation of nearest index when sum of adjacent
- # time values won't fit in 32 bits.
- ntimes = 20
- f = Dataset(self.file, 'r')
- query_time = datetime(2037, 1, 3, 21, 12)
- index = date2index(query_time, f.variables['time3'], select='nearest')
- assert(index == 11)
- f.close()
-class issue584TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """Regression tests for issue #584."""
- converters = None
- def setUp(self):
- self.converters = {"360_day" : utime("days since 1-1-1", "360_day"),
- "noleap" : utime("days since 1-1-1", "365_day")}
- def test_roundtrip(self):
- "Test roundtrip conversion (num2date <-> date2num) using 360_day and 365_day calendars."
- for datetime_class in [Datetime360Day, DatetimeNoLeap]:
- # Pick a date and time outside of the range of the Julian calendar.
- date = datetime_class(-5000, 1, 1, 12)
- converter = self.converters[date.calendar]
- self.assertEqual(date, converter.num2date(converter.date2num(date)))
- def test_dayofwk(self):
- "Test computation of dayofwk in the 365_day calendar."
- converter = self.converters["noleap"]
- # Pick the date corresponding to the Julian day of 1.0 to test
- # the transision from positive to negative Julian days.
- julian_day = converter.date2num(datetimex(-4712, 1, 2, 12))
- old_date = converter.num2date(julian_day)
- for delta_year in range(1, 101): # 100 years cover several 7-year cycles
- date = converter.num2date(julian_day - delta_year * 365)
- # test that the day of the week changes by one every year (except
- # for wrapping around every 7 years, of course)
- if date.dayofwk == 6:
- self.assertEqual(old_date.dayofwk, 0)
- else:
- self.assertEqual(old_date.dayofwk - date.dayofwk, 1)
- old_date = date
-class DateTime(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.date1_365_day = DatetimeNoLeap(-5000, 1, 2, 12)
- self.date2_365_day = DatetimeNoLeap(-5000, 1, 3, 12)
- self.date3_gregorian = DatetimeGregorian(1969, 7, 20, 12)
- # last day of the Julian calendar in the mixed Julian/Gregorian calendar
- self.date4_gregorian = DatetimeGregorian(1582, 10, 4)
- # first day of the Gregorian calendar in the mixed Julian/Gregorian calendar
- self.date5_gregorian = DatetimeGregorian(1582, 10, 15)
- self.date6_proleptic_gregorian = DatetimeProlepticGregorian(1582, 10, 15)
- self.date7_360_day = Datetime360Day(2000, 1, 1)
- self.date8_julian = DatetimeJulian(1582, 10, 4)
- # a datetime.datetime instance (proleptic Gregorian calendar)
- self.datetime_date1 = datetime(1969, 7, 21, 12)
- self.delta = timedelta(hours=25)
- def test_add(self):
- dt = self.date1_365_day
- # datetime + timedelta
- self.assertEqual(dt + self.delta, # add 25 hours
- dt.replace(day=dt.day + 1, hour=dt.hour + 1))
- # timedelta + datetime
- self.assertEqual(self.delta + dt, # add 25 hours
- dt.replace(day=dt.day + 1, hour=dt.hour + 1))
- # test the Julian/Gregorian transition
- self.assertEqual(self.date4_gregorian + self.delta,
- DatetimeGregorian(1582, 10, 15, 1))
- # The Julian calendar has no invalid dates
- self.assertEqual(self.date8_julian + self.delta,
- DatetimeJulian(1582, 10, 5, 1))
- # Test going over the year boundary.
- self.assertEqual(DatetimeGregorian(2000, 11, 1) + timedelta(days=30 + 31),
- DatetimeGregorian(2001, 1, 1))
- # Year 2000 is a leap year.
- self.assertEqual(DatetimeGregorian(2000, 1, 1) + timedelta(days=31 + 29),
- DatetimeGregorian(2000, 3, 1))
- # Test the 366_day calendar.
- self.assertEqual(DatetimeAllLeap(1, 1, 1) + timedelta(days=366 * 10 + 31),
- DatetimeAllLeap(11, 2, 1))
- # The Gregorian calendar has no year zero.
- self.assertEqual(DatetimeGregorian(-1, 12, 31) + self.delta,
- DatetimeGregorian(1, 1, 1, 1))
- def invalid_add_1():
- self.date1_365_day + 1
- def invalid_add_2():
- 1 + self.date1_365_day
- for func in [invalid_add_1, invalid_add_2]:
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, func)
- def test_sub(self):
- # subtracting a timedelta
- previous_day = self.date1_365_day - self.delta
- self.assertEqual(previous_day.day, self.date1_365_day.day - 1)
- def total_seconds(td):
- """Equivalent to td.total_seconds() on Python >= 2.7. See
- https://docs.python.org/2/library/datetime.html#datetime.timedelta.total_seconds
- """
- return (td.microseconds + (td.seconds + td.days * 24 * 3600) * 10**6) / 10**6
- # sutracting two netcdftime.datetime instances
- delta = self.date2_365_day - self.date1_365_day
- # date1 and date2 are exactly one day apart
- self.assertEqual(total_seconds(delta), 86400)
- # subtracting netcdftime.datetime from datetime.datetime
- delta = self.datetime_date1 - self.date3_gregorian
- # real_date2 and real_date1 are exactly one day apart
- self.assertEqual(total_seconds(delta), 86400)
- # subtracting datetime.datetime from netcdftime.datetime
- delta = self.date3_gregorian - self.datetime_date1
- # real_date2 and real_date1 are exactly one day apart
- self.assertEqual(total_seconds(delta), -86400)
- # Test the Julian/Gregorian transition.
- self.assertEqual(self.date5_gregorian - self.delta,
- DatetimeGregorian(1582, 10, 3, 23))
- # The proleptic Gregorian calendar does not have invalid dates.
- self.assertEqual(self.date6_proleptic_gregorian - self.delta,
- DatetimeProlepticGregorian(1582, 10, 13, 23))
- # The Gregorian calendar has no year zero.
- self.assertEqual(DatetimeGregorian(1, 1, 1) - self.delta,
- DatetimeGregorian(-1, 12, 30, 23))
- # The 360_day calendar has year zero.
- self.assertEqual(self.date7_360_day - timedelta(days=2000 * 360),
- Datetime360Day(0, 1, 1))
- # Test going over the year boundary.
- self.assertEqual(DatetimeGregorian(2000, 3, 1) - timedelta(days=29 + 31 + 31),
- DatetimeGregorian(1999, 12, 1))
- # Year 2000 is a leap year.
- self.assertEqual(DatetimeGregorian(2000, 3, 1) - self.delta,
- DatetimeGregorian(2000, 2, 28, 23))
- def invalid_sub_1():
- self.date1_365_day - 1
- def invalid_sub_2():
- 1 - self.date1_365_day
- def invalid_sub_3():
- self.date1_365_day - self.datetime_date1
- def invalid_sub_4():
- self.datetime_date1 - self.date1_365_day
- def invalid_sub_5():
- self.date3_gregorian - self.date1_365_day
- for func in [invalid_sub_1, invalid_sub_2]:
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, func)
- for func in [invalid_sub_3, invalid_sub_4, invalid_sub_5]:
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, func)
- def test_replace(self):
- self.assertEqual(self.date1_365_day.replace(year=4000).year, 4000)
- self.assertEqual(self.date1_365_day.replace(month=3).month, 3)
- self.assertEqual(self.date1_365_day.replace(day=3).day, 3)
- self.assertEqual(self.date1_365_day.replace(hour=3).hour, 3)
- self.assertEqual(self.date1_365_day.replace(minute=3).minute, 3)
- self.assertEqual(self.date1_365_day.replace(second=3).second, 3)
- self.assertEqual(self.date1_365_day.replace(microsecond=3).microsecond, 3)
- #self.assertEqual(self.date1_365_day.replace(dayofwk=3).dayofwk, 3)
- #self.assertEqual(self.date1_365_day.replace(dayofyr=3).dayofyr, 3)
- def test_pickling(self):
- "Test reversibility of pickling."
- import pickle
- date = Datetime360Day(year=1, month=2, day=3, hour=4, minute=5, second=6, microsecond=7)
- self.assertEqual(date, pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(date)))
- def test_misc(self):
- "Miscellaneous tests."
- # make sure repr succeeds
- repr(self.date1_365_day)
- # make sure strftime without a format string works
- self.assertEqual(self.date3_gregorian.strftime(None),
- "1969-07-20 12:00:00")
- def invalid_year():
- DatetimeGregorian(0, 1, 1) + self.delta
- def invalid_month():
- DatetimeGregorian(1, 13, 1) + self.delta
- def invalid_day():
- DatetimeGregorian(1, 1, 32) + self.delta
- def invalid_gregorian_date():
- DatetimeGregorian(1582, 10, 5) + self.delta
- for func in [invalid_year, invalid_month, invalid_day, invalid_gregorian_date]:
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, func)
- def test_richcmp(self):
- # compare datetime and datetime
- self.assertTrue(self.date1_365_day == self.date1_365_day)
- self.assertFalse(self.date1_365_day == self.date2_365_day)
- self.assertTrue(self.date1_365_day < self.date2_365_day)
- self.assertFalse(self.date1_365_day < self.date1_365_day)
- self.assertTrue(self.date2_365_day > self.date1_365_day)
- self.assertFalse(self.date1_365_day > self.date2_365_day)
- # compare real_datetime and datetime
- self.assertTrue(self.datetime_date1 > self.date3_gregorian)
- # compare datetime and real_datetime
- self.assertFalse(self.date3_gregorian > self.datetime_date1)
- def not_comparable_1():
- "compare two datetime instances with different calendars"
- self.date1_365_day > self.date3_gregorian
- def not_comparable_2():
- "compare a datetime instance with a non-standard calendar to real_datetime"
- self.date2_365_day > self.datetime_date1
- def not_comparable_3():
- "compare datetime.datetime to netcdftime.datetime with a non-gregorian calendar"
- self.datetime_date1 > self.date2_365_day
- def not_comparable_4():
- "compare a datetime instance to something other than a datetime"
- self.date1_365_day > 0
- for func in [not_comparable_1, not_comparable_2, not_comparable_3, not_comparable_4]:
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, func)
-class issue17TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- """Regression tests for issue #17/#669."""
- # issue 17 / 699: timezone formats not supported correctly
- # valid timezone formats are: +-hh, +-hh:mm, +-hhmm
- def setUp(self):
- pass
- def test_parse_date_tz(self):
- "Test timezone parsing in _parse_date"
- # these should succeed and are ISO8601 compliant
- expected_parsed_date = (2017, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 60.0)
- for datestr in ("2017-05-01 00:00+01:00", "2017-05-01 00:00+0100", "2017-05-01 00:00+01"):
- d = _parse_date(datestr)
- assert_equal(d, expected_parsed_date)
- # some more tests with non-zero minutes, should all be ISO compliant and work
- expected_parsed_date = (2017, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 85.0)
- for datestr in ("2017-05-01 00:00+01:25", "2017-05-01 00:00+0125"):
- d = _parse_date(datestr)
- assert_equal(d, expected_parsed_date)
- # these are NOT ISO8601 compliant and should not even be parseable but will be parsed with timezone anyway
- # because, due to support of other legacy time formats, they are difficult to reject
- # ATTENTION: only the hours part of this will be parsed, single-digit minutes will be ignored!
- expected_parsed_date = (2017, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 60.0)
- for datestr in ("2017-05-01 00:00+01:0", "2017-05-01 00:00+01:", "2017-05-01 00:00+01:5"):
- d = _parse_date(datestr)
- assert_equal(d, expected_parsed_date)
- # these should not even be parseable as datestrings but are parseable anyway with ignored timezone
- # this is because the module also supports some legacy, non-standard time strings
- expected_parsed_date = (2017, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.0)
- for datestr in ("2017-05-01 00:00+1",):
- d = _parse_date(datestr)
- assert_equal(d, expected_parsed_date)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main()
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