Bug#939384: qgis-providers: proj_create: crs not found

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Wed Sep 4 12:18:22 BST 2019

On 9/4/19 12:58 PM, Christoph Berg wrote:
> Re: Sebastiaan Couwenberg 2019-09-04 <e4f157c2-2b6f-0015-5244-c1fed8345f2c at xs4all.nl>
>> Not much we can do about this. PROJ 6 just migrated to testing and we'll
>> need to update a lot more of the stack to get them to support it fully.
> Oh, if that's just a transient thing then it's not a big deal at all.
> We just shouldn't release it in that state, it really printed 2 or 3
> screens full of that which would be quite embarrassing to see in
> stable.

bullseye will release sometime in 2021, plenty of time to update the
rest of the stack to versions with full support for PROJ6.

This will include at least GDAL >= 3.x, QGIS >= 3.10.x, PostGIS >= 3.x,
GRASS >= 3.8 which all have support PROJ 6.

PROJ 7 is scheduled for release in March 2020, and will drop support for
proj_api.h which many other projects still use, most importantly
spatialite. And it doesn't look like it will see a release that supports
the proj.h API (introduced in PROJ 5) before that time. So I don't think
we can release bullseye with PROJ 7, but PROJ 6 seems very doable.

With the first steps taken to get PROJ 6 into bullseye by transitioning
to PROJ 6.2.0 and libgeotiff 1.5.1 we now need to continue with rest of
stack. GDAL 3 is ready in experimental, but not all rdeps are ready for
it yet (no big blockers though). GRASS 3.8 will publish the final
release soon with the major changes including support for PROJ 6 and the
switch to Python 3. PostGIS 3.x will take a bit more time until the
final release, but should happen sometime next year at the latest I
expect. And we'll switch to QGIS 3.10 when it becomes the next LTR in
early 2020 as mentioned before.

A major change to the stack like PROJ 6 needs quite some time to settle,
please be patient while we update the other packages for it.

Kind Regards,


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