Bug#947960: gdal: Doesn't build on ports without java

Laurent Bigonville bigon at debian.org
Sun Apr 12 13:23:46 BST 2020

Le 12/04/20 à 12:40, Sebastiaan Couwenberg a écrit :
> On 4/12/20 10:52 AM, Laurent Bigonville wrote:
>> On Fri, 3 Jan 2020 11:03:56 +0100 Samuel Thibault <sthibault at debian.org>
>> wrote:
>>> Sebastiaan Couwenberg, le ven. 03 janv. 2020 07:34:42 +0100, a ecrit:
>>>> opencv is not on your list however.
>>> Ah, indeed. I wonder why, that was indeed in the list in my memory. And
>>> yes, that adds a lot of packages.
>> What are we doing here?
> Who is "we"?
Debian as a distribution that aims to build on as many architectures as 
>> The lack of opencv on some ports prevent some parts of gstreamer
>> (gst-plugins-bad1.0) to be build for example.
> My initial reply still stands, not having gdal and everything that
> depends on it on ports is preferable over manually maintaining the list
> of architectures.
> If you want opencv on those architectures, perhaps it should not enable
> the gdal support on those architectures.
> I'll consider dropping the java package entirely when the package is
> updated for GDAL 3.1.0.

An idea when this will be released? Because, I'm currently preparing a 
patch[0] to disable the opencv plugin in the gst-plugins-bad1.0 package, 
so if opencv is not building on all architectures (due to gdal?), 
gst-plugins-bad1.0 will have to keep a list of architectures where to 
build its plugin anyway....


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