[Git][debian-gis-team/mapserver][experimental] 6 commits: New upstream version 7.6.0~rc3

Bas Couwenberg gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sat Apr 25 06:21:23 BST 2020

Bas Couwenberg pushed to branch experimental at Debian GIS Project / mapserver

ea33d100 by Bas Couwenberg at 2020-04-25T06:43:19+02:00
New upstream version 7.6.0~rc3
- - - - -
e514b3b9 by Bas Couwenberg at 2020-04-25T06:43:38+02:00
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/7.6.0_rc3'

Update to upstream version '7.6.0~rc3'
with Debian dir 75c1ffb4553d243e40e3ff34de3ee8e558f7bb89
- - - - -
9cf53cfe by Bas Couwenberg at 2020-04-25T06:43:54+02:00
New upstream release candidate.

- - - - -
68706574 by Bas Couwenberg at 2020-04-25T07:06:38+02:00
Update symbols for amd64.

- - - - -
30beb38d by Bas Couwenberg at 2020-04-25T07:07:49+02:00
Add override for mailing-list-obsolete-in-debian-infrastructure.

- - - - -
f1306bec by Bas Couwenberg at 2020-04-25T07:07:49+02:00
Set distribution to experimental.

- - - - -

18 changed files:

- CMakeLists.txt
- debian/changelog
- debian/libmapserver2.symbols
- debian/source/lintian-overrides
- mapcontext.c
- mapfile.c
- maplabel.c
- mapogcsld.c
- mapogroutput.c → mapogroutput.cpp
- mapscript/swiginc/map.i
- mapscript/swiginc/mapzoom.i
- mapserver.h
- mapshape.c
- mapshape.h
- mapstring.c
- maputil.c
- mapxbase.c


@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ include(CheckCSourceCompiles)
 set (MapServer_VERSION_MAJOR 7)
 set (MapServer_VERSION_MINOR 6)
 set (MapServer_VERSION_REVISION 0)
-set (MapServer_VERSION_SUFFIX "-rc2")
+set (MapServer_VERSION_SUFFIX "-rc3")
 # Set C++ version
 # Make CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD available as cache option overridable by user
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ mapraster.c mapuvraster.c mapdummyrenderer.c mapobject.c maprasterquery.c
 mapwcs.c maperror.c mapogcfilter.c mapregex.c mapwcs11.c mapfile.c
 mapogcfiltercommon.cpp maprendering.c mapwcs20.c mapogcsld.c mapmetadata.c
 mapresample.c mapwfs.c mapgdal.c mapogcsos.c mapscale.c mapwfs11.c mapwfs20.c
-mapgeomtransform.c mapogroutput.c mapwfslayer.c mapagg.cpp mapkml.cpp
+mapgeomtransform.c mapogroutput.cpp mapwfslayer.c mapagg.cpp mapkml.cpp
 mapgeomutil.cpp mapkmlrenderer.cpp fontcache.c textlayout.c maputfgrid.cpp
 mapogr.cpp mapcontour.c mapsmoothing.c mapv8.cpp ${REGEX_SOURCES} kerneldensity.c 
 mapcompositingfilter.c mapmvt.c)

@@ -12,6 +12,13 @@ For a complete change history, please see the Git log comments.  For more
 details about recent point releases, please see the online changelog at:
+7.6.0-rc3 release (2020-04-24)
+- Handle special characters in paths on Windows (#5995)
+- Add attribute binding for label ALIGN, OFFSET, POSITION (#6052)
 7.6.0-rc2 release (2020-04-10)

@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+mapserver (7.6.0~rc3-1~exp1) experimental; urgency=medium
+  * New upstream release candidate.
+  * Update symbols for amd64.
+  * Add override for mailing-list-obsolete-in-debian-infrastructure.
+ -- Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org>  Sat, 25 Apr 2020 06:45:11 +0200
 mapserver (7.6.0~rc2-1~exp1) experimental; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release candidate.

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# SymbolsHelper-Confirmed: 7.6.0~beta1 amd64
+# SymbolsHelper-Confirmed: 7.6.0~rc3 amd64
 libmapserver.so.2 #PACKAGE# #MINVER#
 * Build-Depends-Package: libmapserver-dev
  BuildExpressionTree at Base 6.2.1
@@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ libmapserver.so.2 #PACKAGE# #MINVER#
  _Z22agg2RenderPolygonTiledP8imageObjP8shapeObjS0_ at Base 6.2.1
  _Z22agg2RenderVectorSymbolP8imageObjddP9symbolObjP14symbolStyleObj at Base 6.2.1
  _Z22aggGetRasterBufferCopyP8imageObjP15rasterBufferObj at Base 6.2.1
+ _Z22msOGRRecursiveFileListPKc at Base 7.6.0~rc3
  _Z23agg2RenderEllipseSymbolP8imageObjddP9symbolObjP14symbolStyleObj at Base 6.2.1
  _Z23msOGREscapePropertyNameP8layerObjPKc at Base 6.2.1
  _Z24aggCompositeRasterBufferP8imageObjP15rasterBufferObj20CompositingOperationi at Base 7.0.0
@@ -328,6 +329,7 @@ libmapserver.so.2 #PACKAGE# #MINVER#
  _ZN19polygon_adaptor_utfD0Ev at Base 7.0.0
  _ZN19polygon_adaptor_utfD1Ev at Base 7.0.0
  _ZN19polygon_adaptor_utfD2Ev at Base 7.0.0
+ (optional=templinst)_ZN9__gnu_cxx12__to_xstringINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEcEET_PFiPT0_mPKS8_P13__va_list_tagEmSB_z at Base 7.6.0~rc3
  (optional=templinst|arch=alpha amd64 arm64 hppa ia64 kfreebsd-amd64 mips64el ppc64 ppc64el riscv64 s390 s390x sh4 sparc sparc64 x32)_ZN9mapserver10conv_curveINS_20path_storage_integerIiLj6EEENS_6curve3ENS_6curve4EE6vertexEPdS6_ at Base 6.4.0
  (optional=templinst|arch=alpha amd64 arm64 hppa ia64 kfreebsd-amd64 mips64el ppc64 ppc64el riscv64 s390 s390x sh4 sparc sparc64 x32)_ZN9mapserver10conv_curveINS_20path_storage_integerIsLj6EEENS_6curve3ENS_6curve4EE6vertexEPdS6_ at Base 6.4.0
  (optional=templinst|arch=sparc)_ZN9mapserver10conv_curveINS_31serialized_integer_path_adaptorIsLj6EEENS_6curve3ENS_6curve4EED1Ev at Base 6.4.1
@@ -1538,7 +1540,6 @@ libmapserver.so.2 #PACKAGE# #MINVER#
  msOGRLayerNextShape at Base 6.2.1
  msOGRLayerOpen at Base 6.2.1
  msOGRLayerWhichShapes at Base 6.2.1
- msOGRRecursiveFileList at Base 6.2.1
  msOGRShapeFromWKT at Base 6.2.1
  msOGRShapeToWKT at Base 6.2.1
  msOGRUpdateStyleFromString at Base 6.2.1

@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
 # Not worth the effort
+# https://wiki.debian.org/Alioth/MailingListContinuation
+mailing-list-obsolete-in-debian-infrastructure *

@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
 #include "mapserver.h"
 #include "mapows.h"
+#include "cpl_vsi.h"
 #if defined(USE_WMS_LYR)
@@ -47,12 +49,12 @@
 char * msGetMapContextFileText(char *filename)
   char *pszBuffer;
-  FILE *stream;
+  VSILFILE *stream;
   int  nLength;
   /* open file */
   if(filename != NULL && strlen(filename) > 0) {
-    stream = fopen(filename, "rb");
+    stream = VSIFOpenL(filename, "rb");
     if(!stream) {
       msSetError(MS_IOERR, "(%s)", "msGetMapContextFileText()", filename);
       return NULL;
@@ -62,26 +64,26 @@ char * msGetMapContextFileText(char *filename)
     return NULL;
-  fseek( stream, 0, SEEK_END );
-  nLength = ftell( stream );
-  fseek( stream, 0, SEEK_SET );
+  VSIFSeekL( stream, 0, SEEK_END );
+  nLength = (int) VSIFTellL( stream );
+  VSIFSeekL( stream, 0, SEEK_SET );
   pszBuffer = (char *) malloc(nLength+1);
   if( pszBuffer == NULL ) {
     msSetError(MS_MEMERR, "(%s)", "msGetMapContextFileText()", filename);
-    fclose( stream );
+    VSIFCloseL( stream );
     return NULL;
-  if(fread( pszBuffer, nLength, 1, stream ) == 0 &&  !feof(stream)) {
+  if(VSIFReadL( pszBuffer, nLength, 1, stream ) == 0) {
     free( pszBuffer );
-    fclose( stream );
+    VSIFCloseL( stream );
     msSetError(MS_IOERR, "(%s)", "msGetMapContextFileText()", filename);
     return NULL;
   pszBuffer[nLength] = '\0';
-  fclose( stream );
+  VSIFCloseL( stream );
   return pszBuffer;
@@ -1275,7 +1277,7 @@ int msLoadMapContext(mapObj *map, char *filename, int unique_layer_names)
 int msSaveMapContext(mapObj *map, char *filename)
 #if defined(USE_WMS_LYR)
-  FILE *stream;
+  VSILFILE *stream;
   char szPath[MS_MAXPATHLEN];
   int nStatus;

@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ int msBuildPluginLibraryPath(char **dest, const char *lib_str, mapObj *map)
   char szLibPath[MS_MAXPATHLEN] = { '\0' };
   char szLibPathExt[MS_MAXPATHLEN] = { '\0' };
   const char *plugin_dir = NULL;
   if (map)
     plugin_dir = msLookupHashTable(&(map->configoptions), "MS_PLUGIN_DIR");
@@ -972,7 +972,7 @@ static int loadFeature(layerObj *player, int type)
         if(getString(&string) == MS_FAILURE) return(MS_FAILURE);
         if((shape = msShapeFromWKT(string)) == NULL)
           status = MS_FAILURE;
@@ -1529,7 +1529,16 @@ static int loadLabel(labelObj *label)
-        if((label->align = getSymbol(3, MS_ALIGN_LEFT,MS_ALIGN_CENTER,MS_ALIGN_RIGHT)) == -1) return(-1);
+        if((symbol = getSymbol(4, MS_ALIGN_LEFT,MS_ALIGN_CENTER,MS_ALIGN_RIGHT,MS_BINDING)) == -1)
+          return(-1);
+        if((symbol == MS_ALIGN_LEFT)||(symbol == MS_ALIGN_CENTER)||(symbol == MS_ALIGN_RIGHT)) {
+          label->align = symbol;
+        } else {
+          if (label->bindings[MS_LABEL_BINDING_ALIGN].item != NULL)
+            msFree(label->bindings[MS_LABEL_BINDING_ALIGN].item);
+          label->bindings[MS_LABEL_BINDING_ALIGN].item = msStrdup(msyystring_buffer);
+          label->numbindings++;
+        }
       case(ANTIALIAS): /*ignore*/
@@ -1633,8 +1642,25 @@ static int loadLabel(labelObj *label)
         if(getInteger(&(label->minsize)) == -1) return(-1);
-        if(getInteger(&(label->offsetx)) == -1) return(-1);
-        if(getInteger(&(label->offsety)) == -1) return(-1);
+        if((symbol = getSymbol(2, MS_NUMBER,MS_BINDING)) == -1) return(MS_FAILURE);
+        if(symbol == MS_NUMBER)
+          label->offsetx = (int) msyynumber;
+        else {
+          if (label->bindings[MS_LABEL_BINDING_OFFSET_X].item != NULL)
+            msFree(label->bindings[MS_LABEL_BINDING_OFFSET_X].item);
+          label->bindings[MS_LABEL_BINDING_OFFSET_X].item = msStrdup(msyystring_buffer);
+          label->numbindings++;
+        }
+        if((symbol = getSymbol(2, MS_NUMBER,MS_BINDING)) == -1) return(MS_FAILURE);
+        if(symbol == MS_NUMBER)
+          label->offsety = (int) msyynumber;
+        else {
+          if (label->bindings[MS_LABEL_BINDING_OFFSET_Y].item != NULL)
+            msFree(label->bindings[MS_LABEL_BINDING_OFFSET_Y].item);
+          label->bindings[MS_LABEL_BINDING_OFFSET_Y].item = msStrdup(msyystring_buffer);
+          label->numbindings++;
+        }
         if(loadColor(&(label->outlinecolor), &(label->bindings[MS_LABEL_BINDING_OUTLINECOLOR])) != MS_SUCCESS) return(-1);
@@ -1767,7 +1793,7 @@ int msUpdateLabelFromString(labelObj *label, char *string, int url_string)
   if(!label || !string) return MS_FAILURE;
   msAcquireLock( TLOCK_PARSER );
     msyystate = MS_TOKENIZE_URL_STRING;
@@ -1967,7 +1993,7 @@ void msFreeExpression(expressionObj *exp)
 int loadExpression(expressionObj *exp)
-  /* TODO: should we fall msFreeExpression if exp->string != NULL? We do some checking to avoid a leak but is it enough... */ 
+  /* TODO: should we fall msFreeExpression if exp->string != NULL? We do some checking to avoid a leak but is it enough... */
   msyystring_icase = MS_TRUE;
   if((exp->type = getSymbol(6, MS_STRING,MS_EXPRESSION,MS_REGEX,MS_ISTRING,MS_IREGEX,MS_LIST)) == -1) return(-1);
@@ -3627,9 +3653,9 @@ int initLayer(layerObj *layer, mapObj *map)
   layer->utfitem = NULL;
   layer->utfitemindex = -1;
   layer->encoding = NULL;
   layer->sortBy.nProperties = 0;
   layer->sortBy.properties = NULL;
   layer->orig_st = NULL;
@@ -3700,7 +3726,7 @@ int freeLayer(layerObj *layer)
   for(i=0; i<layer->maxclasses; i++) {
@@ -3754,9 +3780,9 @@ int freeLayer(layerObj *layer)
   if(layer->maskimage) {
   if(layer->compositer) {
-    freeLayerCompositer(layer->compositer);    
+    freeLayerCompositer(layer->compositer);
   if (layer->grid) {
@@ -3766,7 +3792,7 @@ int freeLayer(layerObj *layer)
@@ -3842,7 +3868,7 @@ int loadScaletoken(scaleTokenObj *token, layerObj *layer) {
                msSetError(MS_EOFERR, NULL, "loadScaletoken()");
-             case(END): 
+             case(END):
                stop = 1;
                if(token->n_entries == 0) {
                  msSetError(MS_PARSEERR,"Scaletoken (line:%d) has no VALUES defined","loadScaleToken()",msyylineno);
@@ -3853,7 +3879,7 @@ int loadScaletoken(scaleTokenObj *token, layerObj *layer) {
                /* we have a key */
                token->tokens = msSmallRealloc(token->tokens,(token->n_entries+1)*sizeof(scaleTokenEntryObj));
                if(1 != sscanf(msyystring_buffer,"%lf",&token->tokens[token->n_entries].minscale)) {
                  msSetError(MS_PARSEERR, "failed to parse SCALETOKEN VALUE (%s):(line %d), expecting \"minscale\"", "loadScaletoken()",
@@ -4661,7 +4687,7 @@ static void writeLayer(FILE *stream, int indent, layerObj *layer)
     writeIndent(stream, indent + 1);
     fprintf(stream, "GEOMTRANSFORM (%s)\n", layer->_geomtransform.string);
   writeString(stream, indent, "HEADER", NULL, layer->header);
   /* join - see below */
   writeKeyword(stream, indent, "LABELCACHE", layer->labelcache, 1, MS_OFF, "OFF");
@@ -5014,7 +5040,7 @@ static int loadOutputFormat(mapObj *map)
         msFree( name );
-        if((name = getToken()) == NULL) 
+        if((name = getToken()) == NULL)
           goto load_output_error;
@@ -6157,7 +6183,7 @@ int msSaveMap(mapObj *map, char *filename)
   FILE *stream;
   char szPath[MS_MAXPATHLEN];
   if(!map) {
     msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "Map is undefined.", "msSaveMap()");
@@ -6843,7 +6869,7 @@ static void layerSubstituteString(layerObj *layer, const char *from, const char
   if(layer->tileindex) layer->tileindex = msCaseReplaceSubstring(layer->tileindex, from, to);
   if(layer->connection) layer->connection = msCaseReplaceSubstring(layer->connection, from, to);
   if(layer->filter.string) layer->filter.string = msCaseReplaceSubstring(layer->filter.string, from, to);
   /* The bindvalues are most useful when able to substitute values from the URL */
   hashTableSubstituteString(&layer->bindvals, from, to);
   hashTableSubstituteString(&layer->metadata, from, to);

@@ -36,7 +36,8 @@
 #include "mapserver.h"
 #include "fontcache.h"
+#include "cpl_vsi.h"
+#include "cpl_string.h"
@@ -774,8 +775,8 @@ int msFreeFontSet(fontSetObj *fontset)
 int msLoadFontSet(fontSetObj *fontset, mapObj *map)
-  FILE *stream;
-  char buffer[MS_BUFFER_LENGTH];
+  VSILFILE *stream;
+  const char* line;
   char alias[64], file1[MS_PATH_LENGTH], file2[MS_PATH_LENGTH];
   char *path;
   char szPath[MS_MAXPATHLEN];
@@ -798,7 +799,7 @@ int msLoadFontSet(fontSetObj *fontset, mapObj *map)
   /* return(-1); */
   /* } */
-  stream = fopen( msBuildPath(szPath, fontset->map->mappath, fontset->filename), "r");
+  stream = VSIFOpenL( msBuildPath(szPath, fontset->map->mappath, fontset->filename), "rb");
   if(!stream) {
     msSetError(MS_IOERR, "Error opening fontset %s.", "msLoadFontset()",
@@ -806,12 +807,12 @@ int msLoadFontSet(fontSetObj *fontset, mapObj *map)
   i = 0;
-  while(fgets(buffer, MS_BUFFER_LENGTH, stream)) { /* while there's something to load */
+  while( (line = CPLReadLineL(stream)) != NULL ) { /* while there's something to load */
-    if(buffer[0] == '#' || buffer[0] == '\n' || buffer[0] == '\r' || buffer[0] == ' ')
+    if(line[0] == '#' || line[0] == '\n' || line[0] == '\r' || line[0] == ' ')
       continue; /* skip comments and blank lines */
-    sscanf(buffer,"%s %s", alias,  file1);
+    sscanf(line,"%s %s", alias,  file1);
     if (!(*file1) || !(*alias) || (strlen(file1) <= 0))
@@ -845,7 +846,7 @@ int msLoadFontSet(fontSetObj *fontset, mapObj *map)
   fontset->numfonts = i;
-  fclose(stream); /* close the file */
+  VSIFCloseL(stream); /* close the file */

@@ -1384,7 +1384,7 @@ int msSLDParseOgcExpression(CPLXMLNode *psRoot, void *psObj, int binding,
             propertyString = msStringConcatenate(propertyString, psRoot->psChild->pszValue);
             propertyString = msStringConcatenate(propertyString, "]");
             propertyString = msStringConcatenate(propertyString, strDelim);
-            msInitExpression(&(psStyle->exprBindings[binding]));
+            msInitExpression(&(exprBindings[binding])); 
             exprBindings[binding].string = propertyString;
             exprBindings[binding].type = MS_EXPRESSION;

mapogroutput.c → mapogroutput.cpp
@@ -33,13 +33,14 @@
 #include "mapthread.h"
 #include "mapows.h"
-#define __USE_LARGEFILE64 1
 #include "ogr_api.h"
 #include "ogr_srs_api.h"
 #include "cpl_conv.h"
 #include "cpl_vsi.h"
 #include "cpl_string.h"
+#include <string>
 /*                   msInitDefaultOGROutputFormat()                     */
@@ -717,21 +718,19 @@ int msOGRWriteFromQuery( mapObj *map, outputFormatObj *format, int sendheaders )
         CSLFetchNameValueDef(layer_options, "NATIVE_DATA", "{}");
       if( pszNativeData[strlen(pszNativeData)-1] == '}' )
-          char szTemp[32];
-          char* pszTemplate = msSmallMalloc(strlen(pszNativeData) + 32);
-          strcpy(pszTemplate, pszNativeData);
-          pszTemplate[strlen(pszTemplate)-1] = 0;
+          std::string tmpl(pszNativeData);
+          tmpl.resize(tmpl.size() - 1);
           if( strlen(pszNativeData) > 2 )
-              strcat(pszTemplate, ",");
-          sprintf(szTemp, "\"numberMatched\":%d}", nMatchingFeatures);
-          strcat(pszTemplate, szTemp);
+              tmpl += ',';
+          tmpl += "\"numberMatched\":";
+          tmpl += std::to_string(nMatchingFeatures);
+          tmpl += '}';
           layer_options = CSLSetNameValue(layer_options,
           layer_options = CSLSetNameValue(layer_options,
-                                          pszTemplate);
-          msFree(pszTemplate);
+                                          tmpl.c_str());
   if(!strcasecmp("true",msGetOutputFormatOption(format,"USE_FEATUREID","false"))) {
@@ -1129,11 +1128,11 @@ int msOGRWriteFromQuery( mapObj *map, outputFormatObj *format, int sendheaders )
         msShapeGetClass(layer, map, &resultshape, NULL, -1);
       if( resultshape.classindex >= 0
-          && (layer->class[resultshape.classindex]->text.string
+          && (layer->_class[resultshape.classindex]->text.string
               || layer->labelitem)
-          && layer->class[resultshape.classindex]->numlabels > 0
-          && layer->class[resultshape.classindex]->labels[0]->size != -1 ) {
-        resultshape.text = msShapeGetLabelAnnotation(layer,&resultshape,layer->class[resultshape.classindex]->labels[0]);
+          && layer->_class[resultshape.classindex]->numlabels > 0
+          && layer->_class[resultshape.classindex]->labels[0]->size != -1 ) {
+        resultshape.text = msShapeGetLabelAnnotation(layer,&resultshape,layer->_class[resultshape.classindex]->labels[0]);

@@ -111,6 +111,17 @@
         return msMapSetSize(self, width, height);
+    void pixelToGeoref(double pixPosX, double pixPosY, pointObj *geoPos)
+    {
+       geoPos->x = self->gt.geotransform[0] + self->gt.geotransform[1] * pixPosX + self->gt.geotransform[2] * pixPosY;
+       geoPos->y = self->gt.geotransform[3] + self->gt.geotransform[4] * pixPosX + self->gt.geotransform[5] * pixPosY;
+    }
+    double getRotation() 
+    {
+        return self->gt.rotation_angle;
+    }
     int setRotation( double rotation_angle ) 

@@ -73,6 +73,11 @@
         dY = dfDeltaY/((double)height);
         dfGeoPosX = poGeorefExt->minx + dX * (double)poPixPos->x;
         dfGeoPosY = poGeorefExt->maxy - dY * (double)poPixPos->y;
+        if (self->gt.rotation_angle != 0) {
+            dfGeoPosX = self->gt.geotransform[0] + self->gt.geotransform[1] * (double)poPixPos->x + self->gt.geotransform[2] * (double)poPixPos->y;
+            dfGeoPosY = self->gt.geotransform[3] + self->gt.geotransform[4] * (double)poPixPos->x + self->gt.geotransform[5] * (double)poPixPos->y;
+        }
         /* --- -------------------------------------------------------- */
         /*      zoom in                                                 */
@@ -427,6 +432,11 @@
         dY = dfDeltaY/((double)height);
         dfGeoPosX = poGeorefExt->minx + dX * (double)poPixPos->x;
         dfGeoPosY = poGeorefExt->maxy - dY * (double)poPixPos->y;
+        if (self->gt.rotation_angle != 0) {
+            dfGeoPosX = self->gt.geotransform[0] + self->gt.geotransform[1] * (double)poPixPos->x + self->gt.geotransform[2] * (double)poPixPos->y;
+            dfGeoPosY = self->gt.geotransform[3] + self->gt.geotransform[4] * (double)poPixPos->x + self->gt.geotransform[5] * (double)poPixPos->y;
+        }
         /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
         /*  Calculate new extents based on the scale.                   */

@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ extern "C" {
     char *filter;
     struct _CompositingFilter *next;
   } CompositingFilter;
   typedef struct _LayerCompositer{
     CompositingOperation comp_op;
     int opacity;
@@ -623,8 +623,8 @@ extern "C" {
   /* Define supported bindings here (only covers existing bindings at first). Not accessible directly using MapScript. */
   /*                         attributeBindingObj                          */
@@ -768,7 +768,7 @@ extern "C" {
     colorObj *pixel; /* for raster layers */
     shapeObj *shape; /* for vector layers */
     double dblval; /* for map cellsize used by simplify */
-    double dblval2; /* for data cellsize */    
+    double dblval2; /* for data cellsize */
     expressionObj *expr; /* expression to be evaluated (contains tokens) */
     int type; /* type of parse: boolean, string/text or shape/geometry */
     parseResultObj result; /* parse result */
@@ -877,10 +877,10 @@ extern "C" {
     long tileindex;
     int clear_resultcache;
-    int  maxfeatures; /* global maxfeatures */    
+    int  maxfeatures; /* global maxfeatures */
     int  startindex;
     int  only_cache_result_count; /* set to 1 sometimes by WFS 2.0 GetFeature request */
     expressionObj filter; /* by filter */
     char *filteritem;
@@ -1136,7 +1136,7 @@ extern "C" {
     labelLeaderObj *leader;
 #ifdef SWIG
 #ifdef	__cplusplus
 extern "C" {
@@ -1153,7 +1153,7 @@ typedef struct labelObj labelObj;
     lineObj *poly;
     rectObj bbox;
   } label_bounds;
   typedef struct {
     labelObj *label;
     char *annotext;
@@ -1176,14 +1176,14 @@ typedef struct labelObj labelObj;
   /*                                                                      */
   /*      basic symbolization and classification information              */
   struct classObj {
 #ifndef SWIG
     expressionObj expression; /* the expression to be matched */
     int status;
-    int isfallback; // TRUE if this class should be applied if and only if      
+    int isfallback; // TRUE if this class should be applied if and only if
                     // no other class is applicable (e.g. SLD <ElseFilter/>)
 #ifndef SWIG
@@ -1574,7 +1574,7 @@ typedef struct labelObj labelObj;
     double maxscale;
     char *value;
   } scaleTokenEntryObj;
   typedef struct {
      char *name;
      int n_entries;
@@ -1659,7 +1659,7 @@ typedef struct labelObj labelObj;
     scaleTokenObj *scaletokens;
     int numscaletokens;
     originalScaleTokenStrings *orig_st;
     char *data; /* filename, can be relative or full path */
@@ -1785,7 +1785,7 @@ typedef struct labelObj labelObj;
     char *mask;
-#ifndef SWIG    
+#ifndef SWIG
     expressionObj _geomtransform;
@@ -1799,7 +1799,7 @@ typedef struct labelObj labelObj;
 #ifndef SWIG
     sortByClause sortBy;
     LayerCompositer *compositer;
     hashTableObj connectionoptions;
@@ -2533,7 +2533,7 @@ void msPopulateTextSymbolForLabelAndString(textSymbolObj *ts, labelObj *l, char
   MS_DLL_EXPORT int msGraticuleLayerInitializeVirtualTable(layerObj *layer);
   MS_DLL_EXPORT int msRASTERLayerInitializeVirtualTable(layerObj *layer);
   MS_DLL_EXPORT int msUVRASTERLayerInitializeVirtualTable(layerObj *layer);
-  MS_DLL_EXPORT int msContourLayerInitializeVirtualTable(layerObj *layer);  
+  MS_DLL_EXPORT int msContourLayerInitializeVirtualTable(layerObj *layer);
   MS_DLL_EXPORT int msPluginLayerInitializeVirtualTable(layerObj *layer);
   MS_DLL_EXPORT int msUnionLayerInitializeVirtualTable(layerObj *layer);
   MS_DLL_EXPORT void msPluginFreeVirtualTableFactory(void);
@@ -2554,7 +2554,7 @@ void msPopulateTextSymbolForLabelAndString(textSymbolObj *ts, labelObj *l, char
   MS_DLL_EXPORT int msDrawQueryLayer(mapObj *map, layerObj *layer, imageObj *image);
   MS_DLL_EXPORT int msDrawWMSLayer(mapObj *map, layerObj *layer, imageObj *image);
   MS_DLL_EXPORT int msDrawWFSLayer(mapObj *map, layerObj *layer, imageObj *image);
 #define MS_DRAWMODE_FEATURES    0x00001
 #define MS_DRAWMODE_LABELS      0x00002
@@ -2700,7 +2700,7 @@ void msPopulateTextSymbolForLabelAndString(textSymbolObj *ts, labelObj *l, char
   MS_DLL_EXPORT unsigned char *msSaveImageBuffer(imageObj* image, int *size_ptr, outputFormatObj *format);
   MS_DLL_EXPORT shapeObj* msOffsetPolyline(shapeObj* shape, double offsetx, double offsety);
   MS_DLL_EXPORT int msMapSetLayerProjections(mapObj* map);
   /* Functions to chnage the drawing order of the layers. */
   /* Defined in mapobject.c */
   MS_DLL_EXPORT int msMoveLayerUp(mapObj *map, int nLayerIndex);
@@ -2946,8 +2946,8 @@ void msPopulateTextSymbolForLabelAndString(textSymbolObj *ts, labelObj *l, char
   MS_DLL_EXPORT void msStyleSetGeomTransform(styleObj *s, char *transform);
   MS_DLL_EXPORT char *msStyleGetGeomTransform(styleObj *style);
-  MS_DLL_EXPORT int msGeomTransformShape(mapObj *map, layerObj *layer, shapeObj *shape);  
+  MS_DLL_EXPORT int msGeomTransformShape(mapObj *map, layerObj *layer, shapeObj *shape);
   /* ==================================================================== */
   /*      end of prototypes for functions in mapgeomtransform.c                 */
   /* ==================================================================== */
@@ -2967,7 +2967,7 @@ void msPopulateTextSymbolForLabelAndString(textSymbolObj *ts, labelObj *l, char
   /*      prototypes for functions in mapsmoothing.c                      */
   /* ==================================================================== */
   MS_DLL_EXPORT shapeObj* msSmoothShapeSIA(shapeObj *shape, int ss, int si, char *preprocessing);
   /* ==================================================================== */
   /*      end of prototypes for functions in mapsmoothing.c               */
   /* ==================================================================== */
@@ -2982,7 +2982,7 @@ void msPopulateTextSymbolForLabelAndString(textSymbolObj *ts, labelObj *l, char
   MS_DLL_EXPORT char* msV8GetFeatureStyle(mapObj *map, const char *filename,
                                           layerObj *layer, shapeObj *shape);
   MS_DLL_EXPORT shapeObj *msV8TransformShape(shapeObj *shape,
-                                             const char* filename);  
+                                             const char* filename);
   /* ==================================================================== */
   /*      end of prototypes for functions in mapv8.cpp                    */
@@ -3112,10 +3112,10 @@ void msPopulateTextSymbolForLabelAndString(textSymbolObj *ts, labelObj *l, char
   int msSaveRasterBuffer(mapObj *map, rasterBufferObj *data, FILE *stream, outputFormatObj *format);
   int msSaveRasterBufferToBuffer(rasterBufferObj *data, bufferObj *buffer, outputFormatObj *format);
   int msLoadMSRasterBufferFromFile(char *path, rasterBufferObj *rb);
   /* in mapagg.cpp */
   void msApplyBlurringCompositingFilter(rasterBufferObj *rb, unsigned int radius);
   int WARN_UNUSED msApplyCompositingFilter(mapObj *map, rasterBufferObj *rb, CompositingFilter *filter);
   void msBufferInit(bufferObj *buffer);

@@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ static void writeHeader( SHPHandle psSHP )
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /*      Write .shp file header.                                         */
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-  fseek( psSHP->fpSHP, 0, 0 );
-  fwrite( abyHeader, 100, 1, psSHP->fpSHP );
+  VSIFSeekL( psSHP->fpSHP, 0, 0 );
+  VSIFWriteL( abyHeader, 100, 1, psSHP->fpSHP );
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /*      Prepare, and write .shx file header.                            */
@@ -161,8 +161,8 @@ static void writeHeader( SHPHandle psSHP )
   ByteCopy( &i32, abyHeader+24, 4 );
   if( !bBigEndian ) SwapWord( 4, abyHeader+24 );
-  fseek( psSHP->fpSHX, 0, 0 );
-  fwrite( abyHeader, 100, 1, psSHP->fpSHX );
+  VSIFSeekL( psSHP->fpSHX, 0, 0 );
+  VSIFWriteL( abyHeader, 100, 1, psSHP->fpSHX );
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /*      Write out the .shx contents.                                    */
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ static void writeHeader( SHPHandle psSHP )
-  fwrite( panSHX, sizeof(ms_int32) * 2, psSHP->nRecords, psSHP->fpSHX );
+  VSIFWriteL( panSHX, sizeof(ms_int32) * 2, psSHP->nRecords, psSHP->fpSHX );
   free( panSHX );
@@ -247,10 +247,10 @@ SHPHandle msSHPOpen( const char * pszLayer, const char * pszAccess )
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   pszFullname = (char *) msSmallMalloc(strlen(pszBasename) + 5);
   sprintf( pszFullname, "%s.shp", pszBasename );
-  psSHP->fpSHP = fopen(pszFullname, pszAccess );
+  psSHP->fpSHP = VSIFOpenL(pszFullname, pszAccess );
   if( psSHP->fpSHP == NULL ) {
     sprintf( pszFullname, "%s.SHP", pszBasename );
-    psSHP->fpSHP = fopen(pszFullname, pszAccess );
+    psSHP->fpSHP = VSIFOpenL(pszFullname, pszAccess );
   if( psSHP->fpSHP == NULL ) {
@@ -260,13 +260,13 @@ SHPHandle msSHPOpen( const char * pszLayer, const char * pszAccess )
   sprintf( pszFullname, "%s.shx", pszBasename );
-  psSHP->fpSHX = fopen(pszFullname, pszAccess );
+  psSHP->fpSHX = VSIFOpenL(pszFullname, pszAccess );
   if( psSHP->fpSHX == NULL ) {
     sprintf( pszFullname, "%s.SHX", pszBasename );
-    psSHP->fpSHX = fopen(pszFullname, pszAccess );
+    psSHP->fpSHX = VSIFOpenL(pszFullname, pszAccess );
   if( psSHP->fpSHX == NULL ) {
-    fclose(psSHP->fpSHP);
+    VSIFCloseL(psSHP->fpSHP);
@@ -280,9 +280,9 @@ SHPHandle msSHPOpen( const char * pszLayer, const char * pszAccess )
   /*   Read the file size from the SHP file.            */
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   pabyBuf = (uchar *) msSmallMalloc(100);
-  if(1 != fread( pabyBuf, 100, 1, psSHP->fpSHP )) {
-    fclose( psSHP->fpSHP );
-    fclose( psSHP->fpSHX );
+  if(1 != VSIFReadL( pabyBuf, 100, 1, psSHP->fpSHP )) {
+    VSIFCloseL( psSHP->fpSHP );
+    VSIFCloseL( psSHP->fpSHX );
     free( psSHP );
     return( NULL );
@@ -296,10 +296,10 @@ SHPHandle msSHPOpen( const char * pszLayer, const char * pszAccess )
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /*  Read SHX file Header info                                           */
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-  if(1 != fread( pabyBuf, 100, 1, psSHP->fpSHX )) {
+  if(1 != VSIFReadL( pabyBuf, 100, 1, psSHP->fpSHX )) {
     msSetError(MS_SHPERR, "Corrupted .shx file", "msSHPOpen()");
-    fclose( psSHP->fpSHP );
-    fclose( psSHP->fpSHX );
+    VSIFCloseL( psSHP->fpSHP );
+    VSIFCloseL( psSHP->fpSHX );
     free( psSHP );
     return( NULL );
@@ -307,8 +307,8 @@ SHPHandle msSHPOpen( const char * pszLayer, const char * pszAccess )
   if( pabyBuf[0] != 0 || pabyBuf[1] != 0 || pabyBuf[2] != 0x27  || (pabyBuf[3] != 0x0a && pabyBuf[3] != 0x0d) ) {
     msSetError(MS_SHPERR, "Corrupted .shp file", "msSHPOpen()");
-    fclose( psSHP->fpSHP );
-    fclose( psSHP->fpSHX );
+    VSIFCloseL( psSHP->fpSHP );
+    VSIFCloseL( psSHP->fpSHX );
     free( psSHP );
@@ -322,8 +322,8 @@ SHPHandle msSHPOpen( const char * pszLayer, const char * pszAccess )
   if( psSHP->nRecords < 0 || psSHP->nRecords > 256000000 ) {
     msSetError(MS_SHPERR, "Corrupted .shp file : nRecords = %d.", "msSHPOpen()",
-    fclose( psSHP->fpSHP );
-    fclose( psSHP->fpSHX );
+    VSIFCloseL( psSHP->fpSHP );
+    VSIFCloseL( psSHP->fpSHX );
     free( psSHP );
     return( NULL );
@@ -386,8 +386,8 @@ SHPHandle msSHPOpen( const char * pszLayer, const char * pszAccess )
-    fclose( psSHP->fpSHP );
-    fclose( psSHP->fpSHX );
+    VSIFCloseL( psSHP->fpSHP );
+    VSIFCloseL( psSHP->fpSHX );
     free( psSHP );
     msSetError(MS_MEMERR, "Out of memory", "msSHPOpen()");
     return( NULL );
@@ -421,8 +421,8 @@ void msSHPClose(SHPHandle psSHP )
-  fclose( psSHP->fpSHX );
-  fclose( psSHP->fpSHP );
+  VSIFCloseL( psSHP->fpSHX );
+  VSIFCloseL( psSHP->fpSHP );
   free( psSHP );
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ SHPHandle msSHPCreate( const char * pszLayer, int nShapeType )
   char *pszBasename, *pszFullname;
   int i;
-  FILE *fpSHP, *fpSHX;
   uchar abyHeader[100];
   ms_int32 i32;
   double dValue;
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ SHPHandle msSHPCreate( const char * pszLayer, int nShapeType )
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   pszFullname = (char *) msSmallMalloc(strlen(pszBasename) + 5);
   sprintf( pszFullname, "%s.shp", pszBasename );
-  fpSHP = fopen(pszFullname, "wb" );
+  fpSHP = VSIFOpenL(pszFullname, "wb" );
   if( fpSHP == NULL ) {
     free( pszFullname );
@@ -507,9 +507,9 @@ SHPHandle msSHPCreate( const char * pszLayer, int nShapeType )
   sprintf( pszFullname, "%s.shx", pszBasename );
-  fpSHX = fopen(pszFullname, "wb" );
+  fpSHX = VSIFOpenL(pszFullname, "wb" );
   if( fpSHX == NULL ) {
-    fclose(fpSHP);
+    VSIFCloseL(fpSHP);
     free( pszFullname );
     return( NULL );
@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ SHPHandle msSHPCreate( const char * pszLayer, int nShapeType )
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /*      Write .shp file header.                                         */
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-  fwrite( abyHeader, 100, 1, fpSHP );
+  VSIFWriteL( abyHeader, 100, 1, fpSHP );
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /*      Prepare, and write .shx file header.                            */
@@ -557,13 +557,13 @@ SHPHandle msSHPCreate( const char * pszLayer, int nShapeType )
   ByteCopy( &i32, abyHeader+24, 4 );
   if( !bBigEndian ) SwapWord( 4, abyHeader+24 );
-  fwrite( abyHeader, 100, 1, fpSHX );
+  VSIFWriteL( abyHeader, 100, 1, fpSHX );
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /*      Close the files, and then open them as regular existing files.  */
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-  fclose( fpSHP );
-  fclose( fpSHX );
+  VSIFCloseL( fpSHP );
+  VSIFCloseL( fpSHX );
   return( msSHPOpen( pszLayer, "rb+" ) );
@@ -677,8 +677,8 @@ int msSHPWritePoint(SHPHandle psSHP, pointObj *point )
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /*      Write out record.                                               */
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-  if(fseek( psSHP->fpSHP, nRecordOffset, 0 ) == 0) {
-    fwrite( pabyRec, nRecordSize+8, 1, psSHP->fpSHP );
+  if(VSIFSeekL( psSHP->fpSHP, nRecordOffset, 0 ) == 0) {
+    VSIFWriteL( pabyRec, nRecordSize+8, 1, psSHP->fpSHP );
     psSHP->panRecSize[psSHP->nRecords-1] = nRecordSize;
     psSHP->nFileSize += nRecordSize + 8;
@@ -969,8 +969,8 @@ int msSHPWriteShape(SHPHandle psSHP, shapeObj *shape )
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /*      Write out record.                                               */
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-  if(fseek( psSHP->fpSHP, nRecordOffset, 0 ) == 0) {
-    fwrite( pabyRec, nRecordSize+8, 1, psSHP->fpSHP );
+  if(VSIFSeekL( psSHP->fpSHP, nRecordOffset, 0 ) == 0) {
+    VSIFWriteL( pabyRec, nRecordSize+8, 1, psSHP->fpSHP );
     psSHP->panRecSize[psSHP->nRecords-1] = nRecordSize;
     psSHP->nFileSize += nRecordSize + 8;
@@ -1082,11 +1082,11 @@ int msSHPReadPoint( SHPHandle psSHP, int hEntity, pointObj *point )
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /*      Read the record.                                                */
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-  if( 0 != fseek( psSHP->fpSHP, msSHXReadOffset( psSHP, hEntity), 0 )) {
+  if( 0 != VSIFSeekL( psSHP->fpSHP, msSHXReadOffset( psSHP, hEntity), 0 )) {
     msSetError(MS_IOERR, "failed to seek offset", "msSHPReadPoint()");
-  if( 1 != fread( psSHP->pabyRec, nEntitySize, 1, psSHP->fpSHP )) {
+  if( 1 != VSIFReadL( psSHP->pabyRec, nEntitySize, 1, psSHP->fpSHP )) {
     msSetError(MS_IOERR, "failed to fread record", "msSHPReadPoint()");
@@ -1122,13 +1122,13 @@ int msSHXLoadPage( SHPHandle psSHP, int shxBufferPage )
   if( shxBufferPage < 0  )
-  if( 0 != fseek( psSHP->fpSHX, 100 + shxBufferPage * SHX_BUFFER_PAGE * 8, 0 )) {
+  if( 0 != VSIFSeekL( psSHP->fpSHX, 100 + shxBufferPage * SHX_BUFFER_PAGE * 8, 0 )) {
      * msSetError(MS_IOERR, "failed to seek offset", "msSHXLoadPage()");
      * return(MS_FAILURE);
-  if( SHX_BUFFER_PAGE != fread( buffer, 8, SHX_BUFFER_PAGE, psSHP->fpSHX )) {
+  if( SHX_BUFFER_PAGE != VSIFReadL( buffer, 8, SHX_BUFFER_PAGE, psSHP->fpSHX )) {
      * msSetError(MS_IOERR, "failed to fread SHX record", "msSHXLoadPage()");
      * return(MS_FAILURE);
@@ -1175,7 +1175,7 @@ int msSHXLoadAll( SHPHandle psSHP )
   uchar *pabyBuf;
   pabyBuf = (uchar *) msSmallMalloc(8 * psSHP->nRecords );
-  if(psSHP->nRecords != fread( pabyBuf, 8, psSHP->nRecords, psSHP->fpSHX )) {
+  if(psSHP->nRecords != VSIFReadL( pabyBuf, 8, psSHP->nRecords, psSHP->fpSHX )) {
     msSetError(MS_IOERR, "failed to read shx records", "msSHXLoadAll()");
     return MS_FAILURE;
@@ -1268,12 +1268,12 @@ void msSHPReadShape( SHPHandle psSHP, int hEntity, shapeObj *shape )
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /*      Read the record.                                                */
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-  if( 0 != fseek( psSHP->fpSHP, msSHXReadOffset( psSHP, hEntity), 0 )) {
+  if( 0 != VSIFSeekL( psSHP->fpSHP, msSHXReadOffset( psSHP, hEntity), 0 )) {
     msSetError(MS_IOERR, "failed to seek offset", "msSHPReadShape()");
     shape->type = MS_SHAPE_NULL;
-  if( 1 != fread( psSHP->pabyRec, nEntitySize, 1, psSHP->fpSHP )) {
+  if( 1 != VSIFReadL( psSHP->pabyRec, nEntitySize, 1, psSHP->fpSHP )) {
     msSetError(MS_IOERR, "failed to fread record", "msSHPReadPoint()");
     shape->type = MS_SHAPE_NULL;
@@ -1645,11 +1645,11 @@ int msSHPReadBounds( SHPHandle psSHP, int hEntity, rectObj *padBounds)
     if( psSHP->nShapeType != SHP_POINT && psSHP->nShapeType != SHP_POINTZ && psSHP->nShapeType != SHP_POINTM) {
-      if( 0 != fseek( psSHP->fpSHP, msSHXReadOffset( psSHP, hEntity) + 12, 0 )) {
+      if( 0 != VSIFSeekL( psSHP->fpSHP, msSHXReadOffset( psSHP, hEntity) + 12, 0 )) {
         msSetError(MS_IOERR, "failed to seek offset", "msSHPReadBounds()");
-      if( 1 != fread( padBounds, sizeof(double)*4, 1, psSHP->fpSHP )) {
+      if( 1 != VSIFReadL( padBounds, sizeof(double)*4, 1, psSHP->fpSHP )) {
         msSetError(MS_IOERR, "failed to fread record", "msSHPReadBounds()");
@@ -1671,11 +1671,11 @@ int msSHPReadBounds( SHPHandle psSHP, int hEntity, rectObj *padBounds)
       /*      minimum and maximum bound.                                      */
       /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-      if( 0 != fseek( psSHP->fpSHP, msSHXReadOffset( psSHP, hEntity) + 12, 0 )) {
+      if( 0 != VSIFSeekL( psSHP->fpSHP, msSHXReadOffset( psSHP, hEntity) + 12, 0 )) {
         msSetError(MS_IOERR, "failed to seek offset", "msSHPReadBounds()");
-      if( 1 != fread( padBounds, sizeof(double)*2, 1, psSHP->fpSHP )) {
+      if( 1 != VSIFReadL( padBounds, sizeof(double)*2, 1, psSHP->fpSHP )) {
         msSetError(MS_IOERR, "failed to fread record", "msSHPReadBounds()");
@@ -2678,14 +2678,14 @@ int msSHPLayerOpen(layerObj *layer)
     const char* pszPRJFilename = CPLResetExtension(szPath, "prj");
     int bOK = MS_FALSE;
-    FILE* fp = fopen(pszPRJFilename, "rb");
+    VSILFILE* fp = VSIFOpenL(pszPRJFilename, "rb");
     if( fp != NULL )
         char szPRJ[2048];
         OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS;
         int nRead;
-        nRead = (int)fread(szPRJ, 1, sizeof(szPRJ) - 1, fp);
+        nRead = (int)VSIFReadL(szPRJ, 1, sizeof(szPRJ) - 1, fp);
         szPRJ[nRead] = '\0';
         hSRS = OSRNewSpatialReference(szPRJ);
         if( hSRS != NULL )
@@ -2705,7 +2705,7 @@ int msSHPLayerOpen(layerObj *layer)
-      fclose(fp);
+      VSIFCloseL(fp);
     if( bOK != MS_TRUE )

@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
 #include "mapprimitive.h"
 #include "mapproject.h"
+#include "cpl_vsi.h"
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
@@ -79,8 +81,8 @@ extern "C" {
   typedef unsigned char uchar;
   typedef struct {
-    FILE  *fpSHP;
-    FILE  *fpSHX;
+    VSILFILE  *fpSHP;
+    VSILFILE  *fpSHX;
     int   nShapeType;       /* SHPT_* */
     int   nFileSize;        /* SHP file */
@@ -113,7 +115,7 @@ extern "C" {
 #ifdef SWIG
-    FILE  *fp;
+    VSILFILE  *fp;
     int   nRecords;

@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 #include "mapserver.h"
 #include "mapthread.h"
+#include "cpl_vsi.h"
 #include <ctype.h>
 #include <string.h>
@@ -760,17 +761,17 @@ char *msBuildPath3(char *pszReturnPath, const char *abs_path, const char *path1,
 char *msTryBuildPath(char *szReturnPath, const char *abs_path, const char *path)
-  FILE  *fp;
+  VSILFILE  *fp;
   if( msBuildPath( szReturnPath, abs_path, path ) == NULL )
     return NULL;
-  fp = fopen( szReturnPath, "r" );
+  fp = VSIFOpenL( szReturnPath, "r" );
   if( fp == NULL ) {
     strlcpy( szReturnPath, path, MS_MAXPATHLEN);
     return NULL;
   } else
-    fclose( fp );
+    VSIFCloseL( fp );
   return szReturnPath;
@@ -785,17 +786,17 @@ char *msTryBuildPath(char *szReturnPath, const char *abs_path, const char *path)
 char *msTryBuildPath3(char *szReturnPath, const char *abs_path, const char *path1, const char *path2)
-  FILE  *fp;
+  VSILFILE  *fp;
   if( msBuildPath3( szReturnPath, abs_path, path1, path2 ) == NULL )
     return NULL;
-  fp = fopen( szReturnPath, "r" );
+  fp = VSIFOpenL( szReturnPath, "r" );
   if( fp == NULL ) {
     strlcpy( szReturnPath, path2, MS_MAXPATHLEN);
     return NULL;
   } else
-    fclose( fp );
+    VSIFCloseL( fp );
   return szReturnPath;

@@ -304,6 +304,34 @@ static void bindLabel(layerObj *layer, shapeObj *shape, labelObj *label, int dra
       bindIntegerAttribute(&label->shadowsizey, shape->values[label->bindings[MS_LABEL_BINDING_SHADOWSIZEY].index]);
+    if(label->bindings[MS_LABEL_BINDING_OFFSET_X].index != -1) {
+      label->offsetx = 0;
+      bindIntegerAttribute(&label->offsetx, shape->values[label->bindings[MS_LABEL_BINDING_OFFSET_X].index]);
+    }
+    if(label->bindings[MS_LABEL_BINDING_OFFSET_Y].index != -1) {
+      label->offsety = 0;
+      bindIntegerAttribute(&label->offsety, shape->values[label->bindings[MS_LABEL_BINDING_OFFSET_Y].index]);
+    }
+    if(label->bindings[MS_LABEL_BINDING_ALIGN].index != -1) {
+      int tmpAlign = 0;
+      bindIntegerAttribute(&tmpAlign, shape->values[label->bindings[MS_LABEL_BINDING_ALIGN].index]);
+      if(tmpAlign != 0) { /* is this test sufficient? */
+        label->align = tmpAlign;
+      } else { /* Integer binding failed, look for strings like cc, ul, lr, etc... */
+        if(strlen(shape->values[label->bindings[MS_LABEL_BINDING_ALIGN].index]) >= 4) {
+          char *va = shape->values[label->bindings[MS_LABEL_BINDING_ALIGN].index];
+          if(!strncasecmp(va,"center",5))
+            label->align = MS_ALIGN_CENTER;
+          else if(!strncasecmp(va,"left",4))
+            label->align = MS_ALIGN_LEFT;
+          else if(!strncasecmp(va,"right",5))
+            label->align = MS_ALIGN_RIGHT;
+        }
+      }
+    }
     if(label->bindings[MS_LABEL_BINDING_POSITION].index != -1) {
       int tmpPosition = 0;
       bindIntegerAttribute(&tmpPosition, shape->values[label->bindings[MS_LABEL_BINDING_POSITION].index]);
@@ -2264,10 +2292,10 @@ void msRGBtoHSL(colorObj *rgb, double *h, double *s, double *l) {
   double r = rgb->red/255.0, g = rgb->green/255.0, b = rgb->blue/255.0;
   double maxv = MS_MAX(MS_MAX(r, g), b), minv = MS_MIN(MS_MIN(r, g), b);
   double d = maxv - minv;
   *h = 0, *s = 0;
   *l = (maxv + minv) / 2;
   if (maxv != minv)
     *s = *l > 0.5 ? d / (2 - maxv - minv) : d / (maxv + minv);
@@ -2289,11 +2317,11 @@ static double hue_to_rgb(double p, double q, double t) {
 void msHSLtoRGB(double h, double s, double l, colorObj *rgb) {
   double r, g, b;
   if(s == 0){
     r = g = b = l;
   } else {
     double q = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s;
     double p = 2 * l - q;
     r = hue_to_rgb(p, q, h + 0.33333333333333333);
@@ -2530,7 +2558,7 @@ char *msBuildOnlineResource(mapObj *map, cgiRequestObj *req)
   port = getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT");
     port = getenv("SERVER_PORT");
   script = getenv("SCRIPT_NAME");
   /* HTTPS is set by Apache to "on" in an HTTPS server ... if not set */
@@ -2715,15 +2743,15 @@ shapeObj* msGeneralize(shapeObj *shape, double tolerance)
   if (shape->numlines<1)
     return newShape;
   /* Clean shape */
   for (int i=0; i < newShape->numlines; i++)
   newShape->numlines = 0;
   if (newShape->line) free(newShape->line);
   msAddLine(newShape, &newLine);
   if (shape->line[0].numpoints==0) {
     return newShape;
@@ -2737,7 +2765,7 @@ shapeObj* msGeneralize(shapeObj *shape, double tolerance)
       double dX1 = shape->line[0].point[i].x;
       double dY1 = shape->line[0].point[i].y;
       const double dX = dX1-dX0;
       const double dY = dY1-dY0;
       const double dSqDist = dX*dX + dY*dY;
@@ -2746,15 +2774,15 @@ shapeObj* msGeneralize(shapeObj *shape, double tolerance)
           pointObj p;
           p.x = dX1;
           p.y = dY1;
           /* Keep this point (always keep the last point) */
-                           &p);          
+                           &p);
           dX0 = dX1;
           dY0 = dY1;
   return newShape;

@@ -28,22 +28,11 @@
-#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
 #include "mapserver.h"
 #include <stdlib.h> /* for atof() and atoi() */
 #include <math.h>
-/* try to use a large file version of fseek for files up to 4GB (#3514) */
-#if _MSC_VER > 1310
-#  define safe_fseek _fseeki64
-#elif defined(fseeko)
-#  define safe_fseek fseeko
-#  define safe_fseek fseek
+#include "cpl_vsi.h"
 static inline void IGUR_sizet(size_t ignored) { (void)ignored; }  /* Ignore GCC Unused Result */
@@ -98,9 +87,9 @@ static void writeHeader(DBFHandle psDBF)
   /*      Write the initial 32 byte file header, and all the field        */
   /*      descriptions.                                             */
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-  fseek( psDBF->fp, 0, 0 );
-  fwrite( abyHeader, 32, 1, psDBF->fp );
-  fwrite( psDBF->pszHeader, 32, psDBF->nFields, psDBF->fp );
+  VSIFSeekL( psDBF->fp, 0, 0 );
+  VSIFWriteL( abyHeader, 32, 1, psDBF->fp );
+  VSIFWriteL( psDBF->pszHeader, 32, psDBF->nFields, psDBF->fp );
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /*      Write out the newline character if there is room for it.        */
@@ -109,7 +98,7 @@ static void writeHeader(DBFHandle psDBF)
     char  cNewline;
     cNewline = 0x0d;
-    fwrite( &cNewline, 1, 1, psDBF->fp );
+    VSIFWriteL( &cNewline, 1, 1, psDBF->fp );
@@ -129,8 +118,8 @@ static void flushRecord( DBFHandle psDBF )
     nRecordOffset = psDBF->nRecordLength * psDBF->nCurrentRecord
                     + psDBF->nHeaderLength;
-    safe_fseek( psDBF->fp, nRecordOffset, 0 );
-    fwrite( psDBF->pszCurrentRecord, psDBF->nRecordLength, 1, psDBF->fp );
+    VSIFSeekL( psDBF->fp, nRecordOffset, 0 );
+    VSIFWriteL( psDBF->pszCurrentRecord, psDBF->nRecordLength, 1, psDBF->fp );
@@ -174,12 +163,12 @@ DBFHandle msDBFOpen( const char * pszFilename, const char * pszAccess )
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   psDBF = (DBFHandle) calloc( 1, sizeof(DBFInfo) );
   MS_CHECK_ALLOC(psDBF, sizeof(DBFInfo), NULL);
-  psDBF->fp = fopen( pszDBFFilename, pszAccess );
+  psDBF->fp = VSIFOpenL( pszDBFFilename, pszAccess );
   if( psDBF->fp == NULL )
     if( strcmp(pszDBFFilename+strlen(pszDBFFilename)-4,".dbf") == 0 ) {
       strcpy( pszDBFFilename+strlen(pszDBFFilename)-4, ".DBF");
-      psDBF->fp = fopen( pszDBFFilename, pszAccess );
+      psDBF->fp = VSIFOpenL( pszDBFFilename, pszAccess );
   if( psDBF->fp == NULL ) {
@@ -201,7 +190,7 @@ DBFHandle msDBFOpen( const char * pszFilename, const char * pszAccess )
   /*  Read Table Header info                                              */
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   pabyBuf = (uchar *) msSmallMalloc(500);
-  if( fread( pabyBuf, 32, 1, psDBF->fp ) != 1 )
+  if( VSIFReadL( pabyBuf, 32, 1, psDBF->fp ) != 1 )
@@ -224,8 +213,8 @@ DBFHandle msDBFOpen( const char * pszFilename, const char * pszAccess )
   pabyBuf = (uchar *) SfRealloc(pabyBuf,nHeadLen);
   psDBF->pszHeader = (char *) pabyBuf;
-  fseek( psDBF->fp, 32, 0 );
-  if( fread( pabyBuf, nHeadLen - 32, 1, psDBF->fp ) != 1 )
+  VSIFSeekL( psDBF->fp, 32, 0 );
+  if( VSIFReadL( pabyBuf, nHeadLen - 32, 1, psDBF->fp ) != 1 )
@@ -283,8 +272,8 @@ void  msDBFClose(DBFHandle psDBF)
   if( psDBF->bUpdated ) {
     uchar   abyFileHeader[32];
-    fseek( psDBF->fp, 0, 0 );
-    IGUR_sizet(fread( abyFileHeader, 32, 1, psDBF->fp ));
+    VSIFSeekL( psDBF->fp, 0, 0 );
+    IGUR_sizet(VSIFReadL( abyFileHeader, 32, 1, psDBF->fp ));
     abyFileHeader[1] = 95;      /* YY */
     abyFileHeader[2] = 7;     /* MM */
@@ -295,14 +284,14 @@ void  msDBFClose(DBFHandle psDBF)
     abyFileHeader[6] = (psDBF->nRecords/(256*256)) % 256;
     abyFileHeader[7] = (psDBF->nRecords/(256*256*256)) % 256;
-    fseek( psDBF->fp, 0, 0 );
-    fwrite( abyFileHeader, 32, 1, psDBF->fp );
+    VSIFSeekL( psDBF->fp, 0, 0 );
+    VSIFWriteL( abyFileHeader, 32, 1, psDBF->fp );
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /*      Close, and free resources.                                      */
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-  fclose( psDBF->fp );
+  VSIFCloseL( psDBF->fp );
   if( psDBF->panFieldOffset != NULL ) {
     free( psDBF->panFieldOffset );
@@ -328,19 +317,22 @@ DBFHandle msDBFCreate( const char * pszFilename )
   DBFHandle psDBF;
-  FILE  *fp;
+  VSILFILE  *fp;
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /*      Create the file.                                                */
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-  fp = fopen( pszFilename, "wb" );
+  fp = VSIFOpenL( pszFilename, "wb" );
   if( fp == NULL )
     return( NULL );
-  fputc( 0, fp );
-  fclose( fp );
+  {
+      char ch = 0;
+      VSIFWriteL(&ch, 1, 1, fp);
+  }
+  VSIFCloseL( fp );
-  fp = fopen( pszFilename, "rb+" );
+  fp = VSIFOpenL( pszFilename, "rb+" );
   if( fp == NULL )
     return( NULL );
@@ -351,7 +343,7 @@ DBFHandle msDBFCreate( const char * pszFilename )
   if (psDBF == NULL) {
     msSetError(MS_MEMERR, "%s: %d: Out of memory allocating %u bytes.\n", "msDBFCreate()",
                __FILE__, __LINE__, (unsigned int)sizeof(DBFInfo));
-    fclose(fp);
+    VSIFCloseL(fp);
     return NULL;
@@ -533,8 +525,8 @@ static const char *msDBFReadAttribute(DBFHandle psDBF, int hEntity, int iField )
     nRecordOffset = psDBF->nRecordLength * hEntity + psDBF->nHeaderLength;
-    safe_fseek( psDBF->fp, nRecordOffset, 0 );
-    if( fread( psDBF->pszCurrentRecord, psDBF->nRecordLength, 1, psDBF->fp ) != 1 )
+    VSIFSeekL( psDBF->fp, nRecordOffset, 0 );
+    if( VSIFReadL( psDBF->pszCurrentRecord, psDBF->nRecordLength, 1, psDBF->fp ) != 1 )
       msSetError(MS_DBFERR, "Cannot read record %d.", "msDBFReadAttribute()",hEntity );
       return( NULL );
@@ -724,8 +716,8 @@ static int msDBFWriteAttribute(DBFHandle psDBF, int hEntity, int iField, void *
     nRecordOffset = psDBF->nRecordLength * hEntity + psDBF->nHeaderLength;
-    safe_fseek( psDBF->fp, nRecordOffset, 0 );
-    if( fread( psDBF->pszCurrentRecord, psDBF->nRecordLength, 1, psDBF->fp ) != 1 )
+    VSIFSeekL( psDBF->fp, nRecordOffset, 0 );
+    if( VSIFReadL( psDBF->pszCurrentRecord, psDBF->nRecordLength, 1, psDBF->fp ) != 1 )
       return MS_FALSE;
     psDBF->nCurrentRecord = hEntity;

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