[Git][debian-gis-team/postgis][master] 2 commits: Update update metadata for move to git.
Bas Couwenberg
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Tue Jan 21 16:48:04 GMT 2020
Bas Couwenberg pushed to branch master at Debian GIS Project / postgis
a08428f8 by Bas Couwenberg at 2020-01-21T15:19:33+01:00
Update update metadata for move to git.
- - - - -
1f12becf by Bas Couwenberg at 2020-01-21T17:47:52+01:00
Add patch to use pkg-config for libxml2. (closes: #949426)
- - - - -
4 changed files:
- debian/changelog
- + debian/patches/libxml2.patch
- debian/patches/series
- debian/upstream/metadata
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ postgis (3.0.0+dfsg-7) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* Don't hardcode test exit status for failures.
* Don't bother with autopkgtest on problematic architectures.
(closes: #949026)
+ * Update update metadata for move to git.
+ * Add patch to use pkg-config for libxml2.
+ (closes: #949426)
-- Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org> Thu, 16 Jan 2020 10:16:23 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+Description: Use pkg-config for libxml2.
+Author: Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org>
+Bug: https://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/4626
+Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/949426
+Forwarded: https://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/attachment/ticket/4626/libxml2.patch
+--- a/configure.ac
++++ b/configure.ac
+@@ -308,6 +308,16 @@ fi
+ dnl ===========================================================================
++dnl Detect if pkg-config installed
++dnl ===========================================================================
++# check for pkg-config
++if test -z "$PKG_CONFIG"; then
++ AC_MSG_WARN([Cannot find pkg-config, make sure it is installed in your PATH])
++dnl ===========================================================================
+ dnl Detect CUnit if it is installed (used for unit testing)
+ dnl
+ dnl Note that we pass any specified CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS into the Makefile
+@@ -584,13 +594,32 @@ AC_ARG_WITH([xml2config],
+ [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-xml2config=FILE], [specify an alternative xml2-config file])],
+ [XML2CONFIG="$withval"], [XML2CONFIG=""])
+ if test "x$XML2CONFIG" = "x"; then
+ dnl XML2CONFIG was not specified, so search within the current path
+ AC_PATH_PROG([XML2CONFIG], [xml2-config])
+- dnl If we couldn't find xml2-config, display a warning
++ dnl If we couldn't find xml2-config, display a warning if pkg-config fails too
+ if test "x$XML2CONFIG" = "x"; then
+- AC_MSG_ERROR([could not find xml2-config from libxml2 within the current path. You may need to try re-running configure with a --with-xml2config parameter.])
++ if test ! -z "$PKG_CONFIG"; then
++ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([LIBXML2], [libxml-2.0], [
++ POSTGIS_LIBXML2_VERSION=`$PKG_CONFIG libxml-2.0 --modversion`
++ ], [])
++ else
++ AC_MSG_ERROR([could not find xml2-config from libxml2 within the current path. You may need to try re-running configure with a --with-xml2config parameter.])
++ fi
++ else
++ dnl Extract the linker and include flags
++ dnl Extract the version
+ fi
+ else
+ dnl XML2CONFIG was specified; display a message to the user
+@@ -599,6 +628,13 @@ else
+ else
+ if test -f $XML2CONFIG; then
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([Using user-specified xml2-config file: $XML2CONFIG])
++ dnl Extract the linker and include flags
++ dnl Extract the version
+ else
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([the user-specified xml2-config file $XML2CONFIG does not exist])
+ fi
+@@ -606,11 +642,6 @@ else
+ fi
+-dnl Extract the linker and include flags
+ dnl
+ dnl XCode in 10.12 supplies bad flags in xml2config resulting
+ dnl in compile errors. For that one version, we force the prefix
+@@ -633,10 +664,6 @@ case $host_os in
+ ;;
+ esac
+-dnl Extract the version
+ dnl Check headers file
+@@ -825,16 +852,6 @@ CFLAGS="$CFLAGS_SAVE"
+ dnl ===========================================================================
+-dnl Detect if pkg-config installed
+-dnl ===========================================================================
+-# check for pkg-config
+-if test -z "$PKG_CONFIG"; then
+- AC_MSG_WARN([Cannot find pkg-config, make sure it is installed in your PATH])
+-dnl ===========================================================================
+ dnl Detect the version of PROJ.4 installed
+ dnl ===========================================================================
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
@@ -3,5 +3,5 @@ Bug-Database: http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/report
#Bug-Submit: http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/newticket
Contact: PostGIS Developers <postgis-devel at lists.osgeo.org>
Registration: https://www.osgeo.org/cgi-bin/ldap_create_user.py
-Repository: https://svn.osgeo.org/postgis/
-Repository-Browse: http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/browser
+Repository: https://git.osgeo.org/gitea/postgis/postgis.git
+Repository-Browse: https://git.osgeo.org/gitea/postgis/postgis
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/postgis/compare/cdca82b798fe5db9ff56226cdbf5d07c0721609e...1f12becfb634389f481f5f7de8c0610d695f9342
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/postgis/compare/cdca82b798fe5db9ff56226cdbf5d07c0721609e...1f12becfb634389f481f5f7de8c0610d695f9342
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