[Git][debian-gis-team/python-geopandas][upstream] New upstream version 0.8.1
Bas Couwenberg
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu Jul 16 04:48:29 BST 2020
Bas Couwenberg pushed to branch upstream at Debian GIS Project / python-geopandas
0f68386c by Bas Couwenberg at 2020-07-16T05:37:45+02:00
New upstream version 0.8.1
- - - - -
14 changed files:
- geopandas/_version.py
- geopandas/array.py
- geopandas/geodataframe.py
- geopandas/io/sql.py
- + geopandas/io/tests/data/pickle/0.5.1_pd-0.25.3_py-3.7.3_x86_64_linux.pickle
- + geopandas/io/tests/data/pickle/0.6.3_pd-0.25.3_py-3.8.0_x86_64_linux.pickle
- + geopandas/io/tests/data/pickle/0.7.0_pd-1.0.4_py-3.7.6_x86_64_linux.pickle
- + geopandas/io/tests/data/pickle/0.8.0_pd-1.0.5_py-3.8.3_x86_64_linux.pickle
- + geopandas/io/tests/generate_legacy_storage_files.py
- + geopandas/io/tests/test_pickle.py
- geopandas/plotting.py
- geopandas/tests/test_extension_array.py
- geopandas/tests/test_plotting.py
@@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
+Version 0.8.1 (July 15, 2020)
+Small bug-fix release:
+- Fix a regression in the `plot()` method when visualizing with a
+ JenksCaspallSampled or FisherJenksSampled scheme (#1486).
+- Fix spurious warning in `GeoDataFrame.to_postgis` (#1497).
+- Fix the un-pickling with `pd.read_pickle` of files written with older
+ GeoPandas versions (#1511).
Version 0.8.0 (June 24, 2020)
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ def get_keywords():
# setup.py/versioneer.py will grep for the variable names, so they must
# each be defined on a line of their own. _version.py will just call
# get_keywords().
- git_refnames = " (HEAD -> master, tag: v0.8.0)"
- git_full = "0d2c621516d8fc0f6eddac7aeb6bf6d9fea78bb9"
+ git_refnames = " (tag: v0.8.1, 0.8.x)"
+ git_full = "03546f483e358b6565b11333f576e1bc68df1b57"
keywords = {"refnames": git_refnames, "full": git_full}
return keywords
@@ -384,6 +384,13 @@ class GeometryArray(ExtensionArray):
self.data = geoms
self.base = None
+ else:
+ def __setstate__(self, state):
+ if "_crs" not in state:
+ state["_crs"] = None
+ self.__dict__.update(state)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Geometry related methods
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -329,6 +329,28 @@ class GeoDataFrame(GeoPandasBase, DataFrame):
# column called 'geometry' without geometry
self._crs = None if not value else CRS.from_user_input(value)
+ def __setstate__(self, state):
+ # overriding DataFrame method for compat with older pickles (CRS handling)
+ if isinstance(state, dict):
+ if "_metadata" in state and "crs" in state["_metadata"]:
+ metadata = state["_metadata"]
+ metadata[metadata.index("crs")] = "_crs"
+ if "crs" in state and "_crs" not in state:
+ crs = state.pop("crs")
+ state["_crs"] = CRS.from_user_input(crs) if crs is not None else crs
+ super().__setstate__(state)
+ # for some versions that didn't yet have CRS at array level -> crs is set
+ # at GeoDataFrame level with '_crs' (and not 'crs'), so without propagating
+ # to the GeoSeries/GeometryArray
+ try:
+ if self.crs is not None:
+ if self.geometry.values.crs is None:
+ self.crs = self.crs
+ except Exception:
+ pass
def from_file(cls, filename, **kwargs):
"""Alternate constructor to create a ``GeoDataFrame`` from a file.
@@ -248,8 +248,12 @@ def _convert_to_ewkb(gdf, geom_name, srid):
geoms = [dumps(geom, srid=srid, hex=True) for geom in gdf[geom_name]]
- gdf[geom_name] = geoms
- return gdf
+ # The gdf will warn that the geometry column doesn't hold in-memory geometries
+ # now that they are EWKB, so convert back to a regular dataframe to avoid warning
+ # the user that the dtypes are unexpected.
+ df = pd.DataFrame(gdf, copy=False)
+ df[geom_name] = geoms
+ return df
def _psql_insert_copy(tbl, conn, keys, data_iter):
Binary files /dev/null and b/geopandas/io/tests/data/pickle/0.5.1_pd-0.25.3_py-3.7.3_x86_64_linux.pickle differ
Binary files /dev/null and b/geopandas/io/tests/data/pickle/0.6.3_pd-0.25.3_py-3.8.0_x86_64_linux.pickle differ
Binary files /dev/null and b/geopandas/io/tests/data/pickle/0.7.0_pd-1.0.4_py-3.7.6_x86_64_linux.pickle differ
Binary files /dev/null and b/geopandas/io/tests/data/pickle/0.8.0_pd-1.0.5_py-3.8.3_x86_64_linux.pickle differ
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+Script to create the data and write legacy storage (pickle) files.
+Based on pandas' generate_legacy_storage_files.py script.
+To use this script, create an environment for which you want to
+generate pickles, activate the environment, and run this script as:
+$ python geopandas/geopandas/io/tests/generate_legacy_storage_files.py \
+ geopandas/geopandas/io/tests/data/pickle/ pickle
+This script generates a storage file for the current arch, system,
+The idea here is you are using the *current* version of the
+generate_legacy_storage_files with an *older* version of geopandas to
+generate a pickle file. We will then check this file into a current
+branch, and test using test_pickle.py. This will load the *older*
+pickles and test versus the current data that is generated
+(with master). These are then compared.
+import os
+import pickle
+import platform
+import sys
+import pandas as pd
+import geopandas
+from shapely.geometry import Point
+def create_pickle_data():
+ """ create the pickle data """
+ # custom geometry column name
+ gdf_the_geom = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(
+ {"a": [1, 2, 3], "the_geom": [Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2), Point(3, 3)]},
+ geometry="the_geom",
+ )
+ # with crs
+ gdf_crs = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(
+ {"a": [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], "geometry": [Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2), Point(3, 3)]},
+ crs="EPSG:4326",
+ )
+ return dict(gdf_the_geom=gdf_the_geom, gdf_crs=gdf_crs)
+def platform_name():
+ return "_".join(
+ [
+ str(geopandas.__version__),
+ "pd-" + str(pd.__version__),
+ "py-" + str(platform.python_version()),
+ str(platform.machine()),
+ str(platform.system().lower()),
+ ]
+ )
+def write_legacy_pickles(output_dir):
+ print(
+ "This script generates a storage file for the current arch, system, "
+ "and python version"
+ )
+ print("geopandas version: {}").format(geopandas.__version__)
+ print(" output dir : {}".format(output_dir))
+ print(" storage format: pickle")
+ pth = "{}.pickle".format(platform_name())
+ fh = open(os.path.join(output_dir, pth), "wb")
+ pickle.dump(create_pickle_data(), fh, pickle.DEFAULT_PROTOCOL)
+ fh.close()
+ print("created pickle file: {}".format(pth))
+def main():
+ if len(sys.argv) != 3:
+ exit(
+ "Specify output directory and storage type: generate_legacy_"
+ "storage_files.py <output_dir> <storage_type> "
+ )
+ output_dir = str(sys.argv[1])
+ storage_type = str(sys.argv[2])
+ if storage_type == "pickle":
+ write_legacy_pickles(output_dir=output_dir)
+ else:
+ exit("storage_type must be one of {'pickle'}")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+See generate_legacy_storage_files.py for the creation of the legacy files.
+from distutils.version import LooseVersion
+import glob
+import os
+import pathlib
+import pandas as pd
+import pyproj
+import pytest
+from geopandas.testing import assert_geodataframe_equal
+from geopandas import _compat as compat
+DATA_PATH = pathlib.Path(os.path.dirname(__file__)) / "data"
+ at pytest.fixture(scope="module")
+def current_pickle_data():
+ # our current version pickle data
+ from .generate_legacy_storage_files import create_pickle_data
+ return create_pickle_data()
+files = glob.glob(str(DATA_PATH / "pickle" / "*.pickle"))
+ at pytest.fixture(params=files, ids=[p.split("/")[-1] for p in files])
+def legacy_pickle(request):
+ return request.param
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(
+ compat.USE_PYGEOS or (str(pyproj.__version__) < LooseVersion("2.4")),
+ reason=(
+ "pygeos-based unpickling currently only works for pygeos-written files; "
+ "old pyproj versions can't read pickles from newer pyproj versions"
+ ),
+def test_legacy_pickles(current_pickle_data, legacy_pickle):
+ result = pd.read_pickle(legacy_pickle)
+ for name, value in result.items():
+ expected = current_pickle_data[name]
+ assert_geodataframe_equal(value, expected)
+def test_round_trip_current(tmpdir, current_pickle_data):
+ data = current_pickle_data
+ for name, value in data.items():
+ path = str(tmpdir / "{}.pickle".format(name))
+ value.to_pickle(path)
+ result = pd.read_pickle(path)
+ assert_geodataframe_equal(result, value)
@@ -916,7 +916,7 @@ def _mapclassify_choro(values, scheme, **classification_kwds):
if "k" not in spec.args:
del classification_kwds["k"]
- binning = scheme_class(values, **classification_kwds)
+ binning = scheme_class(np.asarray(values), **classification_kwds)
except TypeError:
raise TypeError("Invalid keyword argument for %r " % scheme)
return binning
@@ -497,6 +497,18 @@ class TestMethods(extension_tests.BaseMethodsTests):
def test_argsort_missing_array(self):
+ @no_sorting
+ def test_argmin_argmax(self):
+ pass
+ @no_sorting
+ def test_argmin_argmax_empty_array(self):
+ pass
+ @no_sorting
+ def test_argmin_argmax_all_na(self):
+ pass
class TestCasting(extension_tests.BaseCastingTests):
@@ -902,6 +902,8 @@ class TestMapclassifyPlotting:
import mapclassify # noqa
except ImportError:
+ cls.classifiers = list(mapclassify.classifiers.CLASSIFIERS)
+ cls.classifiers.remove("UserDefined")
pth = get_path("naturalearth_lowres")
cls.df = read_file(pth)
cls.df["NEGATIVES"] = np.linspace(-10, 10, len(cls.df.index))
@@ -970,6 +972,11 @@ class TestMapclassifyPlotting:
ax = self.df.plot(column="NEGATIVES", scheme=scheme, k=3, legend=True)
assert len(ax.get_legend().get_texts()) == 3
+ def test_schemes(self):
+ # test if all available classifiers pass
+ for scheme in self.classifiers:
+ self.df.plot(column="pop_est", scheme=scheme, legend=True)
def test_classification_kwds(self):
ax = self.df.plot(
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/python-geopandas/-/commit/0f68386cd71302e10858aa2ae837027981461475
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/python-geopandas/-/commit/0f68386cd71302e10858aa2ae837027981461475
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