Bug#986975: libgdal28: please add Breaks: libgdal20

Andreas Beckmann anbe at debian.org
Fri Apr 16 09:39:57 BST 2021

Hi Sebastiaan,

On 15/04/2021 07.34, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
> This issue cannot be fixed in bullseye because gdal cannot be updated
> via unstable.

Can you try to get this in via tpu? Apply to and upload the sid version 
first ...

> The release team is unlikely to unblock the package in unstable because
> it also has changes for 3.2.2 which was uploaded to unstable by mistake.
> The issue cannot be reproduced when only gdal-bin and its dependencies
> are installed. `apt full-upgrade` has no issues.
> When monteverdi is installed, after `apt upgrade && apt full-upgrade`
> apt finds a solution when the kept back packages are explicitly
> installed/upgraded.
> Shouldn't this issue be fixed in hdf5 since that causes the problem?

I can fix some of the hdf5 problems by adding some Breaks to libsz2 
(currently being tested). libsz2 is a dependency of libhdf5-103{,-1} and 
usually has a higher score than it. Adding a Breaks against libgdal20 
there too works only for a part of the cases since libgdal20 usually has 
a higher score (that scoring is sometimes a bit like magic), but in 
these cases libgdal28 would have a winning score. (But libsz2 seems to 
solve the cases where libgdal28 loses to libgdal20, so both are needed.)

The bigger hammer would be gcc-10-base ... I'll need to add some Breaks 
there for some difficult upgrade paths, but would like to keep that as 
minimal as possible.


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