Bug#983629: consider demoting the grass-core -> grass-doc dependency to Recommends

Helmut Grohne helmut at subdivi.de
Sat Feb 27 13:56:29 GMT 2021

Package: grass-core
Version: 7.8.5-1
User: debian-cross at lists.debian.org
Usertags: cross-satisfiability
Control: affects -1 + src:libgdal-grass src:qgis

The affected packages cannot satisfy their cross Build-Depends, because
their transitive dependency on grass-doc is not satisfiable. In this
case, the dependency seems dubious. Why should building software against
grass require its documentation? I'm therefore asking whether it would
be reasonable to demote this dependency to Recommends. Package builds
would no longer include grass-doc, but developer installations (that do
not opt out of Recommends) would continue to include grass-doc. Please
either close this bug as wontfix or demote the dependency.


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