[Git][debian-gis-team/rasterio][upstream] New upstream version 1.2.5
Bas Couwenberg (@sebastic)
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Tue Jun 22 05:52:07 BST 2021
Bas Couwenberg pushed to branch upstream at Debian GIS Project / rasterio
d781a3fc by Bas Couwenberg at 2021-06-22T06:07:09+02:00
New upstream version 1.2.5
- - - - -
12 changed files:
- rasterio/__init__.py
- rasterio/_base.pyx
- rasterio/_io.pyx
- rasterio/merge.py
- rasterio/rio/warp.py
- tests/test_complex_dtypes.py
- + tests/test_int8.py
- tests/test_merge.py
- tests/test_plot.py
- tests/test_rio_info.py
- tests/test_rio_warp.py
@@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
+1.2.5 (2021-06-21)
+- Change rio-warp to unrotate imagery by default to match gdalwarp (#2125).
+- Internal to write() cast int8 arrays to uint8 (#2180).
+- Get correct nodata values for complex_int16 data (#2206).
+- Prevent merge failures due to window and slicing mismatches (#2204 and
+ #2202).
1.2.4 (2021-05-31)
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ import rasterio.enums
import rasterio.path
__all__ = ['band', 'open', 'pad', 'Env']
-__version__ = "1.2.4"
+__version__ = "1.2.5"
__gdal_version__ = gdal_version()
# Rasterio attaches NullHandler to the 'rasterio' logger and its
@@ -493,9 +493,12 @@ cdef class DatasetBase(object):
dtype = "float64"
elif dtype == "complex64":
dtype = "float32"
+ elif dtype == "complex_int16":
+ dtype = "int16"
nodataval = GDALGetRasterNoDataValue(band, &success)
val = nodataval
# GDALGetRasterNoDataValue() has two ways of telling you that
# there's no nodata value. The success flag might come back
# 0 (FALSE). Even if it comes back 1 (TRUE), you still need
@@ -504,9 +507,7 @@ cdef class DatasetBase(object):
# there's no nodata value.
if dtype not in dtypes.dtype_ranges:
- elif (success == 0 or
- val < dtypes.dtype_ranges[dtype][0] or
- val > dtypes.dtype_ranges[dtype][1]):
+ elif (success == 0 or val < dtypes.dtype_ranges[dtype][0] or val > dtypes.dtype_ranges[dtype][1]):
val = None
"Nodata success: %d, Nodata value: %f", success, nodataval)
@@ -1042,6 +1042,7 @@ cdef class DatasetWriterBase(DatasetReaderBase):
cdef char **options = NULL
cdef char *key_c = NULL
@@ -1137,17 +1138,18 @@ cdef class DatasetWriterBase(DatasetReaderBase):
gdal_dtype = dtypes.dtype_rev.get(self._init_dtype)
- if self._init_dtype == 'int8':
+ if _getnpdtype(self._init_dtype) == _getnpdtype('int8'):
options = CSLSetNameValue(options, 'PIXELTYPE', 'SIGNEDBYTE')
# Create a GDAL dataset handle.
self._hds = exc_wrap_pointer(
- GDALCreate(drv, fname, width, height,
- count, gdal_dtype, options))
+ GDALCreate(drv, fname, width, height, count, gdal_dtype, options)
+ )
except CPLE_BaseError as exc:
raise RasterioIOError(str(exc))
if options != NULL:
@@ -1376,6 +1378,9 @@ cdef class DatasetWriterBase(DatasetReaderBase):
dtype = _getnpdtype(dtype)
+ if dtype.name == "int8":
+ arr = arr.astype("uint8")
# Require C-continguous arrays (see #108).
arr = np.require(arr, dtype=dtype, requirements='C')
@@ -1755,7 +1760,7 @@ cdef class InMemoryRaster:
"in a `with rasterio.Env()` or `with rasterio.open()` "
- if dtype == 'int8':
+ if _getnpdtype(dtype) == _getnpdtype("int8"):
options = CSLSetNameValue(options, 'PIXELTYPE', 'SIGNEDBYTE')
datasetname = str(uuid4()).encode('utf-8')
@@ -2019,7 +2024,7 @@ cdef class BufferedDatasetWriterBase(DatasetWriterBase):
# We've mapped numpy scalar types to GDAL types so see
# if we can crosswalk those.
if hasattr(self._init_dtype, 'type'):
- if self._init_dtype == 'int8':
+ if _getnpdtype(self._init_dtype) == _getnpdtype('int8'):
options = CSLSetNameValue(options, 'PIXELTYPE', 'SIGNEDBYTE')
tp = self._init_dtype.type
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ def merge(
+ target_aligned_pixels=False,
@@ -140,6 +141,10 @@ def merge(
coff: int
column offset in base array
+ target_aligned_pixels : bool, optional
+ Whether to adjust output image bounds so that pixel coordinates
+ are integer multiples of pixel size, matching the ``-tap``
+ options of GDAL utilities. Default: False.
dst_path : str or Pathlike, optional
Path of output dataset
dst_kwds : dict, optional
@@ -217,10 +222,6 @@ def merge(
ys.extend([bottom, top])
dst_w, dst_s, dst_e, dst_n = min(xs), min(ys), max(xs), max(ys)
- logger.debug("Output bounds: %r", (dst_w, dst_s, dst_e, dst_n))
- output_transform = Affine.translation(dst_w, dst_n)
- logger.debug("Output transform, before scaling: %r", output_transform)
# Resolution/pixel size
if not res:
res = first_res
@@ -228,18 +229,19 @@ def merge(
res = (res, res)
elif len(res) == 1:
res = (res[0], res[0])
- output_transform *= Affine.scale(res[0], -res[1])
- logger.debug("Output transform, after scaling: %r", output_transform)
+ if target_aligned_pixels:
+ dst_w = math.floor(dst_w / res[0]) * res[0]
+ dst_e = math.ceil(dst_e / res[0]) * res[0]
+ dst_s = math.floor(dst_s / res[1]) * res[1]
+ dst_n = math.ceil(dst_n / res[1]) * res[1]
# Compute output array shape. We guarantee it will cover the output
# bounds completely
- output_width = int(math.ceil((dst_e - dst_w) / res[0]))
- output_height = int(math.ceil((dst_n - dst_s) / res[1]))
+ output_width = int(round((dst_e - dst_w) / res[0]))
+ output_height = int(round((dst_n - dst_s) / res[1]))
- # Adjust bounds to fit
- dst_e, dst_s = output_transform * (output_width, output_height)
- logger.debug("Output width: %d, height: %d", output_width, output_height)
- logger.debug("Adjusted bounds: %r", (dst_w, dst_s, dst_e, dst_n))
+ output_transform = Affine.translation(dst_w, dst_n) * Affine.scale(res[0], -res[1])
if dtype is not None:
dt = dtype
@@ -314,13 +316,17 @@ def merge(
# 4. Read data in source window into temp
- src_window = src_window.round_shape(pixel_precision=0)
- dst_window = dst_window.round_shape(pixel_precision=0)
- trows, tcols = dst_window.height, dst_window.width
- temp_shape = (src_count, trows, tcols)
- temp = src.read(
+ src_window_rnd_shp = src_window.round_shape(pixel_precision=0)
+ dst_window_rnd_shp = dst_window.round_shape(pixel_precision=0)
+ dst_window_rnd_off = dst_window_rnd_shp.round_offsets(pixel_precision=0)
+ temp_height, temp_width = (
+ dst_window_rnd_off.height,
+ dst_window_rnd_off.width,
+ )
+ temp_shape = (src_count, temp_height, temp_width)
+ temp_src = src.read(
- window=src_window,
+ window=src_window_rnd_shp,
@@ -328,9 +334,11 @@ def merge(
# 5. Copy elements of temp into dest
- dst_window = dst_window.round_offsets(pixel_precision=0)
- roff, coff = dst_window.row_off, dst_window.col_off
- region = dest[:, roff:roff + trows, coff:coff + tcols]
+ roff, coff = (
+ max(0, dst_window_rnd_off.row_off),
+ max(0, dst_window_rnd_off.col_off),
+ )
+ region = dest[:, roff : roff + temp_height, coff : coff + temp_width]
if math.isnan(nodataval):
region_mask = np.isnan(region)
@@ -339,8 +347,9 @@ def merge(
region_mask = region == nodataval
+ # Ensure common shape, resolving issue #2202.
+ temp = temp_src[:, : region.shape[1], : region.shape[2]]
temp_mask = np.ma.getmask(temp)
copyto(region, temp, region_mask, temp_mask, index=idx, roff=roff, coff=coff)
if dst_path is None:
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
"""$ rio warp"""
import logging
-from math import ceil
+from math import ceil, floor
+import sys
import click
@@ -148,7 +149,8 @@ def warp(ctx, files, output, driver, like, dst_crs, dimensions, src_bounds,
with rasterio.open(files[0]) as src:
- l, b, r, t = src.bounds
+ left, bottom, right, top = src.bounds
out_kwargs = src.profile
out_kwargs.pop("driver", None)
if driver:
@@ -232,7 +234,7 @@ def warp(ctx, files, output, driver, like, dst_crs, dimensions, src_bounds,
# Same projection, different dimensions, calculate resolution.
dst_crs = src.crs
dst_width, dst_height = dimensions
- l, b, r, t = src_bounds or (l, b, r, t)
+ l, b, r, t = src_bounds or (left, bottom, right, top)
dst_transform = Affine(
(r - l) / float(dst_width),
0, l, 0,
@@ -249,21 +251,38 @@ def warp(ctx, files, output, driver, like, dst_crs, dimensions, src_bounds,
dst_crs = src.crs
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = (src_bounds or dst_bounds)
dst_transform = Affine(res[0], 0, xmin, 0, -res[1], ymax)
- dst_width = max(int(ceil((xmax - xmin) / res[0])), 1)
- dst_height = max(int(ceil((ymax - ymin) / res[1])), 1)
+ dst_width = max(int(round((xmax - xmin) / res[0])), 1)
+ dst_height = max(int(round((ymax - ymin) / res[1])), 1)
elif res:
# Same projection, different resolution.
dst_crs = src.crs
- dst_transform = Affine(res[0], 0, l, 0, -res[1], t)
- dst_width = max(int(ceil((r - l) / res[0])), 1)
- dst_height = max(int(ceil((t - b) / res[1])), 1)
+ dst_transform = Affine(res[0], 0, left, 0, -res[1], top)
+ dst_width = max(int(round((right - left) / res[0])), 1)
+ dst_height = max(int(round((top - bottom) / res[1])), 1)
dst_crs = src.crs
- dst_transform = src.transform
- dst_width = src.width
- dst_height = src.height
+ inv_transform = ~src.transform
+ eps = sys.float_info.epsilon
+ c1, r1 = inv_transform * (left + eps, top + eps)
+ c2, r2 = inv_transform * (right + eps, top + eps)
+ c3, r3 = inv_transform * (right + eps, bottom + eps)
+ c4, r4 = inv_transform * (left + eps, bottom + eps)
+ col1 = min(c1, c2, c3, c4)
+ col2 = max(c1, c2, c3, c4)
+ row1 = min(r1, r2, r3, r4)
+ row2 = max(r1, r2, r3, r4)
+ col1 = floor(col1)
+ col2 = ceil(col2)
+ row1 = floor(row1)
+ row2 = ceil(row2)
+ px = (right - left) / (col2 - col1)
+ py = (top - bottom) / (row2 - row1)
+ res = max(px, py)
+ dst_width = max(int(round((right - left) / res)), 1)
+ dst_height = max(int(round((top - bottom) / res)), 1)
+ dst_transform = Affine.translation(left, top) * Affine.scale(res, -res)
if target_aligned_pixels:
dst_transform, dst_width, dst_height = aligned_target(dst_transform, dst_width, dst_height, res)
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ def test_complex_int16(tmpdir):
- nodata=0,
+ nodata=None,
@@ -94,5 +94,6 @@ def test_complex_int16(tmpdir):
with rasterio.open(tempfile) as dst:
+ assert dst.nodatavals == (None,)
data = dst.read()
assert data.dtype == np.complex64
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+import affine
+import numpy
+import pytest
+import rasterio
+ at pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Likely upstream bug")
+ at pytest.mark.parametrize("nodata", [-1, -128])
+def test_write_int8_mem(nodata):
+ profile = {
+ "driver": "GTiff",
+ "width": 2,
+ "height": 1,
+ "count": 1,
+ "dtype": "int8",
+ "crs": "EPSG:3857",
+ "transform": affine.Affine(10, 0, 0, 0, -10, 0),
+ "nodata": nodata,
+ }
+ values = numpy.array([[nodata, nodata]], dtype="int8")
+ with rasterio.open("/vsimem/test.tif", "w", **profile) as src:
+ src.write(values, indexes=1)
+ with rasterio.open("/vsimem/test.tif") as src:
+ read = src.read(indexes=1)
+ assert read[0][0] == nodata
+ assert read[0][1] == nodata
+ at pytest.mark.parametrize("nodata", [None, -1, -128])
+def test_write_int8_fs(tmp_path, nodata):
+ filename = tmp_path.joinpath("test.tif")
+ profile = {
+ "driver": "GTiff",
+ "width": 2,
+ "height": 1,
+ "count": 1,
+ "dtype": "int8",
+ "crs": "EPSG:3857",
+ "transform": affine.Affine(10, 0, 0, 0, -10, 0),
+ "nodata": nodata,
+ }
+ values = numpy.array([[127, -128]], dtype="int8")
+ with rasterio.open(filename, "w", **profile) as src:
+ src.write(values, indexes=1)
+ with rasterio.open(filename) as src:
+ read = src.read(indexes=1)
+ assert read[0][0] == 127
+ assert read[0][1] == -128
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
"""Tests of rasterio.merge"""
+import boto3
+from hypothesis import given, settings
+from hypothesis.strategies import floats
import numpy
import pytest
@@ -58,7 +61,7 @@ def test_issue2163():
with rasterio.open("tests/data/float_raster_with_nodata.tif") as src:
data = src.read()
result, transform = merge([src])
- assert numpy.allclose(data, result)
+ assert numpy.allclose(data, result[:, : data.shape[1], : data.shape[2]])
def test_unsafe_casting():
@@ -66,3 +69,38 @@ def test_unsafe_casting():
with rasterio.open("tests/data/float_raster_with_nodata.tif") as src:
result, transform = merge([src], dtype="uint8", nodata=0.0)
assert not result.any() # this is why it's called "unsafe".
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(
+ not (boto3.Session()._session.get_credentials()),
+ reason="S3 raster access requires credentials",
+ at pytest.mark.network
+ at pytest.mark.slow
+ at settings(deadline=None, max_examples=5)
+ at given(
+ dx=floats(min_value=-0.05, max_value=0.05),
+ dy=floats(min_value=-0.05, max_value=0.05),
+def test_issue2202(dx, dy):
+ import rasterio.merge
+ from shapely import wkt
+ from shapely.affinity import translate
+ aoi = wkt.loads(
+ r"POLYGON((11.09 47.94, 11.06 48.01, 11.12 48.11, 11.18 48.11, 11.18 47.94, 11.09 47.94))"
+ )
+ aoi = translate(aoi, dx, dy)
+ with rasterio.Env(AWS_NO_SIGN_REQUEST=True,):
+ ds = [
+ rasterio.open(i)
+ for i in [
+ "/vsis3/copernicus-dem-30m/Copernicus_DSM_COG_10_N47_00_E011_00_DEM/Copernicus_DSM_COG_10_N47_00_E011_00_DEM.tif",
+ "/vsis3/copernicus-dem-30m/Copernicus_DSM_COG_10_N48_00_E011_00_DEM/Copernicus_DSM_COG_10_N48_00_E011_00_DEM.tif",
+ ]
+ ]
+ aux_array, aux_transform = rasterio.merge.merge(datasets=ds, bounds=aoi.bounds)
+ from rasterio.plot import show
+ show(aux_array)
@@ -55,12 +55,15 @@ def test_show_cmyk_interp(tmpdir):
"""A CMYK TIFF has cyan, magenta, yellow, black bands."""
matplotlib = pytest.importorskip('matplotlib')
with rasterio.open('tests/data/RGB.byte.tif') as src:
- meta = src.meta
- meta['photometric'] = 'cmyk'
- meta['count'] = 4
- del meta["nodata"]
+ profile = src.profile
+ profile['photometric'] = "CMYK"
+ profile['count'] = 4
+ del profile["nodata"]
tiffname = str(tmpdir.join('foo.tif'))
- with rasterio.open(tiffname, 'w', **meta) as dst:
+ with rasterio.open(tiffname, 'w', **profile) as dst:
assert dst.colorinterp == (
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import json
+import boto3
import pytest
import rasterio
@@ -416,7 +417,7 @@ def test_info_no_credentials(tmpdir, monkeypatch, runner):
['info', 'tests/data/RGB.byte.tif'])
assert result.exit_code == 0
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(not(boto3.Session()._session.get_credentials()), reason="S3 raster access requires credentials")
@requires_gdal23(reason="Unsigned S3 requests require GDAL ~= 2.3")
def test_info_aws_unsigned(runner):
@@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ def test_warp_no_reproject_res(runner, tmpdir):
with rasterio.open(outputname) as output:
assert output.crs == src.crs
assert np.allclose([30, 30], [output.transform.a, -output.transform.e])
- assert output.width == 327
- assert output.height == 327
+ assert output.width == 326
+ assert output.height == 326
def test_warp_no_reproject_bounds(runner, tmpdir):
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ def test_warp_no_reproject_bounds(runner, tmpdir):
assert np.allclose([src.transform.a, src.transform.e],
[output.transform.a, output.transform.e])
assert output.width == 105
- assert output.height == 210
+ assert output.height == 209
def test_warp_no_reproject_bounds_res(runner, tmpdir):
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ def test_warp_no_reproject_bounds_res(runner, tmpdir):
assert output.crs == src.crs
assert np.allclose(output.bounds, out_bounds)
assert np.allclose([30, 30], [output.transform.a, -output.transform.e])
- assert output.width == 34
+ assert output.width == 33
assert output.height == 67
# dst-bounds should be an alias to bounds
@@ -609,3 +609,14 @@ def test_warp_resampling_not_yet_supported(
assert result.exit_code == 2
assert "Invalid value for" in result.output
assert "--resampling" in result.output
+def test_unrotate(runner, tmp_path):
+ """rio-warp unrotates imagery by default, like gdalwarp"""
+ outputname = tmp_path.joinpath("test.tif").as_posix()
+ runner.invoke(main_group, ["warp", "tests/data/rotated.tif", outputname])
+ # There is no skew in the output.
+ with rasterio.open(outputname) as src:
+ assert src.transform.b == 0.0
+ assert src.transform.d == 0.0
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/rasterio/-/commit/d781a3fc856316611c41fa0af7f970c2fe09b5fe
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/rasterio/-/commit/d781a3fc856316611c41fa0af7f970c2fe09b5fe
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