Status of osgearth

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at
Thu Mar 25 10:15:44 GMT 2021

On 3/25/21 10:54 AM, Jarl Gullberg wrote:
> I'm writing to inquire about the status of osgearth in Debian -

At the time of writing it has been removed.

> specifically, the status of its future inclusion in Debian and the
> current status of version 2.10.0 in stable, which appears to have
> issues with the binary programs (such as osgearth_viewer - see

You're not the first to inquire about osgEarth, see the thread starting at:

Paul from Pelican Mapping expressed an interest in maintaining the
package as mentioned later in that thread:

But nothing has happened since then.

> Will osgearth be included in Debian 11, and if so, will it be updated
> to version 3?


Perhaps you can help get the package back into shape in time for the
bookworm release.

Kind Regards,


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