Bug#999828: grass-gui: Some tools (v.import; v.in.ogr; r.import) do not start on GUI

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Wed Nov 17 11:41:04 GMT 2021

On 11/17/21 11:21, Tomas Senabre wrote:
> To Reproduce
> Just launch these tools (v.import; v.in.ogr; r.import) from the GUI or from
> command console. I get errors in the console like this:

This works correctly with 7.8.6 on Debian unstable.

>    File "/usr/lib/grass78/gui/wxpython/core/utils.py", line 675, in
> _parseFormats
>      key, name = map(lambda x: x.strip(), line.strip().rsplit(':', -1))
> ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)
> OnInit returned false, exiting...

That looks like this issue:


Can you confirm that the commits from that issue fixes the problem for 
you as well?

Kind Regards,


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