tirex review

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Fri Sep 3 09:54:55 BST 2021


 * debian/changelog

   "Targeted packaging to debian archive." and "Initial package" entries
   can be merged, and the entry closing the ITP should be the first
   changelog entry. Also treat the changelog entry as a sentence ending
   with a period.

   Version using ~exp1 suffix but distribution is set to UNRELEASED, the
   suffix is only appropriate when distribution is set to experimental.
   Which is correct for an package like this that has to pass NEW before
   entering the archive.

 * debian/control:

   tirex-syncd is Architecture: any but lacks ${shlibs:Depends}.

   Since it only contains a Perl script, it should be Architecture: all.

   Trailing comma for the last dependency is unusual, should be removed.

   Should use HTTPS for Homepage URL.

 * debian/copyright:

   Copyright years are incorrect, and incomplete. Based on
   `licensecheck --deb-machine -r *` output and manual review it should

 Files: *
 Copyright: 2010, 2019-2020, Frederik Ramm <frederik.ramm at geofabrik.de>
                  2010-2011, Jochen Topf <jochen.topf at geofabrik.de>
                       2012, Sven Geggus <sven-osm at geggus.net>
 License: GPL-2+

   The file utils/analyze_postgis_log.pl might not be GPL-2+ but

 # Written by Frederik Ramm <frederik at remote.org>, PD.

 * debian/etc/logrotate.d/tirex-master

   File is included in tirex package and hence should not use the
   -master suffix.

 * debian/etc/tirex/renderer/mapnik.conf

   Might want to make this a template and set plugindir based on the
   version of mapnik the package it built with.

 * debian/get-orig-source

   Should be removed since debian/watch is used.


   Could be marked as Forwarded: not-needed

 * debian/rules

   Why are test failures ignored?

 * debian/tirex.install

   Use usr/lib/systemd instead of lib/systemd.

   I: tirex: package-contains-empty-directory lib/systemd/

 * debian/tirex-syncd.install:

   Remove prefixed / like tirex.install.

 * lintian:

   Can be ignored, check not updated yet for new path.

   Not sure why mapnik backend has not debug symbols.

   changelog can be cleaned up.

   See above for new usr/lib/systemd change.

   Adding an init script is optional if systemd service is used,
   add an init script or lintian override.

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