Bug#993680: transition: proj

Bas Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Sat Sep 4 18:49:39 BST 2021

Package: release.debian.org
Severity: normal
User: release.debian.org at packages.debian.org
Usertags: transition
X-Debbugs-Cc: pkg-grass-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org
Control: forwarded -1 https://release.debian.org/transitions/html/auto-proj.html
Control: block -1 by 983222 983224 983229 983230 983253 983254 983299 983345

For the Debian GIS team I'd like to transition to PROJ 8.

This release drops the deprecated proj_api.h for which not all rdeps have been updated yet.

Several got updated with support for proj.h since the 8.0.0 release in February however.

Transition: proj

 libproj19 (7.2.1-1) -> libproj22 (8.1.1-1~exp1)

The status of the most recent rebuilds is as follows.

 atlas-ecmwf             (0.26.0-1)                             OK
 gammaray                (2.11.2-2)                             OK
 libgeotiff              (1.7.0-2)                              OK
 mshr                    (2019.2.0~git20200924.c27eb18+dfsg1-5) OK
 octave-octproj          (2.0.1-4)                              OK
 osm2pgsql               (1.5.1+ds-1)                           OK
 pdl                     (1:2.057-3)                            OK
 proj-rdnap              (2008+2018-5)                          OK
 python-cartopy          (0.19.0+dfsg-2)                        FTBFS
 python-pyproj           (3.1.0-1)                              OK
 sosi2osm                (1.0.0-7)                              FTBFS
 spatialite              (5.0.1-2)                              OK
 survex                  (1.2.45-1)                             FTBFS
 xygrib                  (1.2.6-2)                              FTBFS

 gdal                    (3.2.2+dfsg-3)                         OK
 gnudatalanguage         (1.0.0-4)                              OK
 librasterlite2          (1.1.0~beta1-2)                        OK
 magics++                (4.9.0-1)                              OK
 spatialite-tools        (5.0.1-1)                              OK
 xastir                  (2.1.6-3)                              OK

 cdo                     (2.0.0~rc5-1)                          OK
 mapnik                  (3.1.0+ds-1)                           OK
 mapserver               (7.6.4-1)                              OK
 merkaartor              (0.19.0+ds-2)                          OK
 metview                 (5.13.0-1)                             OK
 mysql-workbench         (8.0.26+dfsg-1)                        OK
 ncl                     (6.6.2-7)                              FTBFS
 openorienteering-mapper (0.9.4-2)                              FTBFS
 pdal                    (2.2.0+ds-1)                           OK
 postgis                 (3.1.3+dfsg-1)                         OK
 qmapshack               (1.16.0-2)                             OK
 r-cran-rgdal            (1.5-23+dfsg-1)                        OK
 r-cran-sf               (0.9-7+dfsg-5)                         OK
 saga                    (7.3.0+dfsg-5)                         OK
 spatialite-gui          (2.1.0~beta1-1)                        OK
 sumo                    (1.8.0+dfsg2-5)                        OK
 vtk7                    (7.1.1+dfsg2-10)                       OK
 vtk9                    (9.0.1+dfsg1-8)                        FTBFS

 freecad                 (0.19.1+dfsg1-2)                       OK
 grass                   (7.8.5-2)                              OK
 r-cran-lwgeom           (0.2-5-2)                              OK
 therion                 (5.5.7ds1-2)                           FTBFS

 qgis                    (3.16.10+dfsg-1)                       OK

Kind Regards,


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