
Felix Delattre debian at
Sun Sep 19 14:10:40 BST 2021

Hi Bas,

On 9/19/21 10:48 AM, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
> The disclaimer in the Installation section of the README is not very
> encouraging:

Nominatim has been constantly improving and is at a much better state now. This has been an old message that doesn't apply to it anymore - and has just been removed.

- You can import a osm data file with one command.
- There is also a cli to fire searches. (web endpoint configuration could be made optional, or realized in separate packages for apache and nginx)

Packaging would be a good next step to make the software accessible for people.
> The hardware requirements for a full planet database are excessive too,
> putting that out of range for most systems. Troubleshooting will be a PITA.

Nominatim also works well with (country) extracts.
> Before sinking a lot of time into packaging nominatim, finishing the
> work on tirex & tilemaker is probably a better idea.

Sure, I fully agree, priority is on tirex and tilemaker and there is no rush with nominatim.


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