[Git][debian-gis-team/saga][upstream] New upstream version 8.2.0+dfsg
Bas Couwenberg (@sebastic)
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu Apr 14 12:38:53 BST 2022
Bas Couwenberg pushed to branch upstream at Debian GIS Project / saga
6acfb381 by Bas Couwenberg at 2022-04-14T13:37:33+02:00
New upstream version 8.2.0+dfsg
- - - - -
3 changed files:
- − saga-gis/src/accessories/docs/saga_on_mac.odt
- − saga-gis/src/accessories/docs/saga_toolchains_cheat_sheet.xml
- − saga-gis/src/accessories/docs/saga_toolchains_manual.odt
saga-gis/src/accessories/docs/saga_on_mac.odt deleted
Binary files a/saga-gis/src/accessories/docs/saga_on_mac.odt and /dev/null differ
saga-gis/src/accessories/docs/saga_toolchains_cheat_sheet.xml deleted
@@ -1,968 +0,0 @@
- cheat sheat
- Volker Wichmann, 2017-19
-1. Separate metafile for toolchain category (optional)
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<toolchains version="1.0.0">
- <group>lis_toolchains</group>
- <identifier>lis_toolchains</identifier>
- <name>LiS Tool Chains</name>
- <author>(c) 2017 by LASERDATA</author>
- <menu absolute="TRUE">LiS Pro 3D|Tool Chains</menu>
- <description>
- Tool chains for LASERDATA LiS.
- </description>
->> note the "toolchainS" root tag here, instead of "toolchain"
-2. Main file structure
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<toolchain saga-version="2.4.0">
- <group>lis_toolchains</group>
- <identifier>mls_classification</identifier>
- <name>MLS Classification</name>
- <author>(c) 2017 by LASERDATA</author>
- <menu absolute="TRUE">LiS Pro 3D|Toolchains</menu>
- <description>Classification of MLS point clouds.</description>
- <reference>
- <authors>Zhu, Z., Woodcock, C.E.</authors>
- <year>2012</year>
- <title>Object-based cloud and cloud shadow detection in Landsat imagery</title>
- <where>Remote Sensing of Environment 118, 83-94.</where>
- <link>https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0034425711003853</link>
- <link_text>ScienceDirect</link_text>
- </reference>
- <parameters>
- ... the parameter interface visible to the user
- </parameters>
- <tools>
- ... the chained tools
- </tools>
-If the menu path should be relative, set "absolute" to "FALSE" or omit the
-attribute completely:
-TODO: In general, you can place comments either by the XML convention
-<!-- this is a comment -->
-or by using the <comment> element (!??)
-3. Parameter Interface
-The parameter interface is described within the <parameters> element. A
-parameter is either <input>, <output> or <option>.
-Common to all parameters are the <name> and <description> elements:
-<name>The parameter name</name>
-<description>The parameter description</description>
-Individual parameters can be exposed depending on the application (GUI, CMD)
-from which the tool chain is called.
-For parameters only valid in saga_gui, set the attribute "with_gui" in the
-<input>, <output> or <option> element:
-For parameters only valid in saga_cmd, set the attribute "with_cmd" in the
-<input>, <output> or <option> element:
-3.1. Dataobjects
-Dataobjects are defined either as <input> or <output> (note: file(s) and file
-path(s) are defined as <option>!).
-All parameters have a "varname" attribute, defining the parameter identifier.
-The identifier is used in a <tool> element to access the parameters.
-Additionally, the "type" attribute defines the type of the dataobject, like grid
-or shapes.
-Besides that, all <input> and <output> parameters share the additional
-attribute "optional", indicating whether a dataset is mandatory or optional.
-Some attributes are special to certain dataobjects, see the examples below.
-The name of output datasets can be set explicitely:
-<output varname="OUTPUT_GRID" type="grid">
- <name>Output Grid</name>
- <output_name>overwrite_name_with_this_one</output_name>
-It is also possible to use the input name (here from parameter "GRIDS") and add
-an suffix:
-<output_name input="true" suffix="Gaussian Filter">GRIDS</output_name>
-For ouput datasets there is also the possibility to specify a colour palette
-with the <colours> element (using the SAGA API enumerator value):
-The <colours> element has a "revert" attribute to indicate if the colour
-palette should be mirrored:
-<colours revert="TRUE">14</colours>
-3.1.1. Grids
-Grid inputs/outputs can use a defined grid system (otherwise each grid defines
-its own grid system, cluttering up the parameter interface):
-<option varname="GRID_SYSTEM" type="grid_system">
- <name>Grid System</name>
-The grid system is then provided with the "parent" attribute (if you do not
-like to pass a grid system, simply omit the "parent" attribute).
-An input grid is defined as:
-<input varname="INPUT_GRID" type="grid" parent="GRID_SYSTEM">
- <name>Input Grid</name>
-An output grid is defined as:
-<output varname="OUTPUT_GRID" type="grid" parent="GRID_SYSTEM">
- <name>Output Grid</name>
-Both input and output datasets can be "optional":
-<output varname="OUTPUT_GRID" type="grid" optional="true" parent="GRID_SYSTEM">
- <name>Optional Output Grid</name>
-An output grid can also have the "target" attribute set to "none" in case the
-grid system of the output grid is unknown:
-<output varname="OUTPUT_GRID" type="grid" target="none">
- <name>Optional Output Grid</name>
-3.1.2. Grid Lists
-Grid lists are defined as of type "grid_list", besides that they share most of
-the attributes available for single grids.
-Grid lists can be input or output:
-<input varname="INPUT_GRID_LIST" type="grid_list">
- <name>Input Grid List</name>
-<output varname="OUTPUT_GRID_LIST" type="grid_list">
- <name>Output Grid List</name>
-3.1.3. Grid Collections
-Grid collections are of type "grids":
-<input varname="INPUT_GRID_COLLECTION" type="grids">
- <name>Input Grid Collection</name>
-<output varname="OUTPUT_GRID_COLLECTION" type="grids">
- <name>Output Grid Collection</name>
-3.1.4. Grid Collections Lists
-Grid collection lists are of type "grids_list":
-<input varname="INPUT_GRID_COLLECTION_LIST" type="grids_list">
- <name>Input Grid Collection List</name>
-<output varname="OUTPUT_GRID_COLLECTION_LIST" type="grids_list">
- <name>Output Grid Collection List</name>
-3.1.5. Shapes
-Shapes layers are defined as of type "shapes" and can be input or output:
-<input varname="INPUT_SHAPES" type="shapes">
- <name>Input Shapes</name>
-<output varname="OUTPUT_SHAPES" type="shapes">
- <name>Output Shapes</name>
-The feature type of an input or output shapes layer can be defined explicitely
-with the "feature_type" attribute:
-<input varname="INPUT_POINT_SHAPE" type="shapes" feature_type="point">
- <name>Input Point Shape</name>
-<input varname="INPUT_LINE_SHAPE" type="shapes" feature_type="line">
- <name>Input Line Shape</name>
-<input varname="INPUT_POLYGON_SHAPE" type="shapes" feature_type="polygon">
- <name>Input Polygon Shape</name>
-Table fields of shapes layers are defined in an <option> element and must define
-the "varname" (parameter identifier) of the shapes layer as "parent":
-<input varname="INPUT_SHAPES" type="shapes">
- <name>Input Shape</name>
-<option varname="ATTRIBUTE" type="table_field" parent="INPUT_SHAPES">
- <name>Attribute</name>
-TODO: ... type "table_fields"
-3.1.6. Shapes List
-Shapes lists are defined as of type "shapes_list". They share most of
-the attributes available for single shapes layers.
-<input varname="INPUT_SHAPES_LIST" type="shapes_list">
- <name>Input Shape</name>
-3.1.7. Tables
-Tables are defined as oy type "table". Table fields are defined like with
-shapes datasets:
-<input varname="INPUT_TABLE" type="table">
- <name>Input Table</name>
-<option varname="FIELD_A" type="table_field" parent="INPUT_TABLE">
- <name>Field A</name>
-<option varname="FIELD_B" type="table_field" parent="INPUT_TABLE">
- <name>Field B</name>
-Note: fixed tables are a special case, such tables can be defined directly
-within the <tool> element, see below.
-3.1.8. Table List
-Table lists are defined as of type "table_list". They share most of
-the attributes available for single tables.
-<input varname="INPUT_TABLE_LIST" type="table_list">
- <name>Input Table List</name>
-3.1.9. Point Clouds
-Point clouds are defined as of type "points". Similar to tables and shapes,
-table fields can be defined.
-<input varname="INPUT_POINTCLOUD" type="points">
- <name>Input Point Cloud</name>
-<option varname="FIELD_A" type="table_field" parent="INPUT_POINTCLOUD">
- <name>Field A</name>
-<output varname="OUTPUT_POINTCLOUD" type="points">
- <name>Output Point Cloud</name>
-3.1.10. Point Cloud Lists
-Point cloud lists are defined as of type "points_list".
-<input varname="INPUT_PC_LIST" type="points_list">
- <name>Input Point Cloud List</name>
-<output varname="OUTPUT_PC_LIST" type="points_list">
- <name>Output Point Cloud List</name>
-3.1.11. TIN
-TINs are defined as of type "tin".
-<input varname="INPUT_TIN" type="tin">
- <name>Input TIN</name>
-<output varname="OUTPUT_TIN" type="tin">
- <name>Output TIN</name>
-3.1.12. TIN Lists
-TIN lists are defined as of type "tin_list".
-<input varname="INPUT_TIN" type="tin">
- <name>Input TIN</name>
-<output varname="OUTPUT_TIN" type="tin">
- <name>Output TIN</name>
-3.1.13. Files and File Paths
-Files and filepaths are not defined as dataobjects in the SAGA API, but from a
-user perspective they are quite similar. Nevertheless they are not defined in
-<input> or <output> elements, but in an <option> element. Input and output files
-and directories are distinguished by the "save" attribute:
-<option varname="INPUT_FILE" type="file" save="false">
- <name>Input File</name>
- <description>The full path to the input file (*.png)"</description>
- <value></value>
- <filter>png|*.png|All Files|*.*</filter>
-<option varname="OUTPUT_FILE" type="file" save="true">
- <name>Output File</name>
- <description>The full path to the output file (*.txt)"</description>
- <value></value>
- <filter>Tab delimited text|*.txt|All Files|*.*</filter>
-Besides the name, description and default value elements, it is good practice to
-also specify a <filter> element, so that only files of the expected type are
-displayed in the file dialog.
-Files and filepaths are distinguished by the "directory" attribute:
-<option varname="OUTPUT_DIRECTORY" type="file" save="true" directory="true">
- <name>Output Directory</name>
-Finally, there is the "multiple" attribute to indicate that several files can
-be selected:
-<option varname="INPUT_FILES" type="file" save="false" multiple="true">
- <name>Input File</name>
- <description>The full path to the input file (*.png)"</description>
- <value></value>
- <filter>png|*.png|All Files|*.*</filter>
-NOTE: in order to pass such a parameter to a tool interface (see below), it is
-necessary to indicate this by setting varname="true", e.g.:
- ...
- <option id="FILE" varname="true">INPUT_FILE</option>
- ...
-Otherwise the tool does not expect that the "INPUT_FILE" variable is actually
-a parameter identifier defined in the parameter interface of the tool chain.
-This is not required for <input> and <output> dataobjects, here the provided
-variable is checked against the parameter interface automatically.
-3.2. Options
-Besides the file and filepath parameers, the following parameter types are
-defined as <option>:
-- boolean
-- integer
-- double
-- range
-- choice
-- choices
-- degree
-- text
-- long_text
-- date
-- colours (with attribute "revert")
-Options can have a default value, specified with the <value> element. The
-<value> element can also have the attributes "min" and "max" to define the
-minimum and maximum values allowed for that parameter:
-<option varname="RF_TREE_COUNT" type="integer">
- <name>Random Forest Tree Count</name>
- <value min="1">32</value>
- <description>The number of trees to create</description>
-There is also a <unit> element to indicate the unit of the value:
-<option varname="FILL_SINKS" type="boolean">
- <name>Fill Sinks</name>
- <description>Check this parameter to fill sinks in the DEM"</description>
- <value>FALSE</value>
-<option varname="CLUSTERS" type="integer">
- <name>Number of Clusters</name>
- <value>5</value>
-<option varname="CELL_SIZE" type="double">
- <name>Cell Size</name>
- <description>The cell size of the target grid</description>
- <value>10.0</value>
-<option varname="RANGE" type="range">
- <name>Range</name>
- <description>The minimum and maximum range</description>
- <value>1.0;5.0</value>
-<option varname="METHOD" type="choice">
- <name>Thinning Method</name>
- <choices>lowest|highest|nearest|mean</choices>
- <description>The available thinning methods (choice index starts at zero)</description>
- <value>2</value>
-<option varname="ATTRIBUTE_SUFFIX" type="text">
- <name>Attribute Suffix</name>
- <description>The suffix to append to the attribute name</description>
- <value>_suffix</value>
-<option varname="LINE_WKT" type="long_text">
- <name>Line as WKT</name>
- <description>The profile line in WKT format</description>
- <value>LINESTRING(75400 164080, 75400 164180, 75500 164180)</value>
-Parameters can also be nested in order to make their relation more obvious to
-the user. This is accomplished with the "parent" attribute:
-<option varname="SEPARATOR" type="choice">
- <name>Separator</name>
- <choices>tabulator|;|,|space|other</choices>
-<option varname="SEP_OTHER" type="text" parent="SEPARATOR">
- <name>Separator (other)</name>
- <value>*</value>
-TO DO: parameter nodes !?
-4. Tools
-4.1. Tool calls
-The actual chaining of tools is done within the <tools> element. Each tool is
-encapsulated in a <tool> element. The tool elements are processed from top to
-Like in the tool chain's parameter interface, the tools have either <input>,
-<output> or <option> elements. The <tool> element has the following attrinbutes:
-- id: an arbitrary identifier, optional
-- library: the tool library to be called
-- tool: the tool, i.e. its identifier in the tool library, to be called
-- name: the name of the tool to be called, optional
-<tool id="tool_01" library="ta_lighting" tool="0" name="Analytical Hillshading">
- <input id="ELEVATION">DTM</input>
- <output id="SHADE">SHADING</output>
- <option id="METHOD">0</option>
- <option id="AZIMUTH">315.000000</option>
- <option id="DECLINATION">45.000000</option>
- <option id="EXAGGERATION">4.000000</option>
-4.2. Parameter Passing
-As stated above, <input> and <output> parameter identifiers defined in the tool
-chain's parameter interface can be passed directly to a tool interface. In the
-above example this would be the case for the "DTM" and "SHADING" identifiers.
-If we would like to also pass the azimuth parameter from the tool chain's
-parameter interface, we must (i) define it there as "double" parameter
-<option varname="SUN_AZIMUTH" type="double">
- <name>Azimuth of the Sun</name>
- <value min="0.0" max="360.0">315.0</value>
-and then (ii) use the "varname" attribute in the tool call to indicate that we
-want to use the variable from the parameter interface
-<tool id="tool_01" library="ta_lighting" tool="0" name="Analytical Hillshading">
- <input id="ELEVATION">DTM</input>
- <output id="SHADE">SHADING</output>
- <option id="METHOD">0</option>
- <option id="AZIMUTH" varname="true">SUN_AZIMUTH</option>
- <option id="DECLINATION">45.000000</option>
- <option id="EXAGGERATION">4.000000</option>
-So setting the varname="true" attribute in a tool parameter indicates that tool
-parameter should get passed a variable from the tool chain's parameter
-interface. Here is another example:
-<tool library="ta_hydrology" tool="0" name="Flow Accumulation (Top-Down)">
- <input id="ELEVATION">DTM</input>
- <output id="FLOW">FLOWACC</output>
- <option id="STEP">1</option>
- <option id="FLOW_UNIT">1</option>
- <option id="METHOD" varname="true">IDENTIFIER_FROM_PARAM_INTERFACE</option>
- <option id="LINEAR_DO">FALSE</option>
- <option id="CONVERGENCE">1.100000</option>
-Take care of the exact definition of a parameter type. If the tool expects a
-certain parameter type, e.g. a polygon shapes layer, then you have to pass
-exactly such a data type. If this is an input dataset, you would have to define
-the tool chain's input parameter as
-<input varname="INPUT_POLYGON_SHAPE" type="shapes" feature_type="polygon">
- <name>Input Polygon Shape</name>
-Sometimes it is necessary to be able to pass a single data object to a parameter
-list or, vice versa, a data object in a parameter list to a parameter expecting
-a single data object. As this is not directly possible (this violates the exact
-parameter type definition), there are mechanisms to pass single data objects
-to a parameter list and to address single data objects within a parameter list.
-If the tool's parameter interface has in input data list, like the "Grid
-Calculator" tool for example, you can pass several single datasets to this list
-by passing the parameter identifier of the list (here "GRIDS") several times:
-<tool library="grid_calculus" tool="1" name="Grid Calculator">
- <input id="GRIDS" >GRID_A</input>
- <input id="GRIDS" >GRID_B</input>
- <input id="GRIDS" >GRID_C</input>
- <output id="RESULT" >RESULT</output>
- <option id="FORMULA">g2 + g1 * g3 / 100</option>
- <option id="NAME" >Temperature at Sea Level</option>
-This is an other example, this time with a shapes input list:
-<tool library="shapes_tools" tool="2" name="Merge Layers">
- <input id="INPUT">SHAPES_1</input>
- <input id="INPUT">SHAPES_2</input>
- <input id="INPUT">SHAPES_3</input>
- <output id="MERGED">SHAPES_MERGED</output>
-Single data objects in parameter lists can be adressed via the index operator:
-<input id="ELEVATION">CLIPPED[0]</input>
-with 'CLIPPED' being defined as parameter list. The index values start at 0,
-i.e. the fist data object in a list is adressed by [0], the second by [1] and
-so on.
-Table fields are passed as a comma seperated string with the field numbers:
-<tool library="table_calculus" tool="14" name="Cluster Analysis (Shapes)">
- <option id="FIELDS">3,4,5,10,11</option>
- <option id="METHOD">1</option>
- <option id="NCLUSTER" varname="TRUE">NCLUSTER</option>
- <option id="NORMALISE" varname="TRUE">NORMALIZE</option>
- <input id="INPUT" >OBJECTS</input>
- <output id="RESULT">CLUSTERS</output>
-4.3. Conditions
-Within the <tools> element it is possible to check for certain conditions. An
-example is to execute a tool only if a certain conditions evaluates to "true",
-for example:
-<condition type="=" value="TRUE" variable="FILL_SINKS">
- <tool id="tool_02" library="ta_preprocessor" tool="3" name="Fill Sinks (Planchon/Darboux, 2001)">
- <input id="DEM">DTM</input>
- <output id="RESULT">DTM</output>
- <option id="MINSLOPE">0.010000</option>
- </tool>
-Within the <tools> element it is possible to check for certain conditions. An
-example is to execute a tool only if a certain conditions evaluates to "true",
-for example:
-<condition type="=" value="TRUE" variable="FILL_SINKS">
- <tool id="tool_02" library="ta_preprocessor" tool="3" name="Fill Sinks (Planchon/Darboux, 2001)">
- <input id="DEM">DTM</input>
- <output id="RESULT">DTM</output>
- <option id="MINSLOPE">0.010000</option>
- </tool>
-4.3.1. Condition Types
-The condition element has the attributes "type" "value" and "variable". The
-part of the tool chain that should only be executed if the condition evaluates
-to "true" is enculapsed by the <condition> tags.
-Here is a list of the available condition types:
-- execution environment:
-<condition type="has_gui" value="true"></condition>
---> is tool chain executed from saga_gui?
-- data objects:
-<condition type="exists">DATASET_IDENTIFIER</condition>
---> does data object exist?
-<condition type="not_exists">DATASET_IDENTIFIER</condition>
---> does data object not exist?
-- boolean parameters:
-<condition type="equal" value="TRUE" variable="PARAM_IDENTIFIER">
-<condition type="not_equal" value="TRUE" variable="PARAM_IDENTIFIER">
-- parameter types integer, double, degree, color, choice, string, text and
- file path:
-<condition type="equal" value="TRUE" variable="PARAM_IDENTIFIER">
-<condition type="not_equal" value="TRUE" variable="PARAM_IDENTIFIER">
-<condition type="less" value="TRUE" variable="PARAM_IDENTIFIER">
-<condition type="greater" value="TRUE" variable="PARAM_IDENTIFIER">
-Note that "equal" can also be written as "=", "not_equal" as "!", "less" as "<"
-and "greater" ">"
-Here is another example, where the condition checks the availability of a
-<condition type="exists" variable="THERMAL">
- <tool library="grid_calculus" tool="1" name="Grid Calculator">
- <option id="FORMULA">ifelse(lt(h1-273.15,27),g1,nodata())</option>
- <option id= "TYPE">2</option>
- <input id= "XGRIDS">THERMAL</input>
- <input id= "GRIDS">CLOUDS</input>
- <output id= "RESULT">CLOUDS</output>
- </tool>
-4.3.2. If/Else Statements
-Within a <condition> element, a <if> and <else> elements can be used to control
-which code is executed if the condition evaluates to "true" and which code
-when the condition evaluates to "false". For example, if the "CHANNEL_LINES"
-dataset alraedy exists, it is directly converted to a grid, otherwise it is
-first created from a DEM and then gridded:
-<condition type="exists" variable="CHANNEL_LINES">
- <if>
- <tool library="grid_gridding" tool="0" name="Shapes to Grid">
- <option id="MULTIPLE">3</option>
- <option id="TARGET_DEFINITION">1</option>
- <input id="INPUT">CHANNEL_LINES</input>
- <option id="FIELD" varname="true">CHANNEL_ORDER</option>
- <output id="GRID">CHANNEL_GRID</output>
- </tool>
- </if>
- <else>
- <tool library="ta_preprocessor" tool="2" name="Sink Removal">
- <input id="DEM">DEM</input>
- <output id="DEM_PREPROC">DEM_NOSINKS</output>
- </tool>
- <tool library="ta_channels" tool="5" name="Channel Network and Drainage Basins">
- <option id="THRESHOLD">5</option>
- <input id="DEM">DEM_NOSINKS</input>
- <output id="SEGMENTS">CHANNEL_LINES</output>
- </tool>
- <tool library="grid_gridding" tool="0" name="Shapes to Grid">
- <option id="OUTPUT">2</option>
- <option id="MULTIPLE">3</option>
- <option id="TARGET_DEFINITION">1</option>
- <input id="INPUT">CHANNEL_LINES</input>
- <option id="FIELD" varname="false">ORDER</option>
- <output id="GRID">CHANNEL_GRID</output>
- </tool>
- </else>
-4.3.3. Parameter Enabling
-Conditions can also be used in the tool chain's parameter interface in order to
-show some parameters only if a certain condition is met. In the following
-example, the "Kernel Radius" parameter is only shown in the parameter interface
-if the "Method" parameter is set to choice number 3 (index starts at zero), i.e.
-if "user defined kernel" is chosen:
-<option varname="METHOD" type="choice">
- <name>Method</name>
- <choices>standard kernel 1|standard kernel 2|standard kernel 3|user defined kernel</choices>
- <value>3</value>
-<option varname="KERNEL_RADIUS" type="integer">
- <condition value="3" type="=">METHOD</condition>
- <name>Kernel Radius</name>
- <value>2</value>
-Otherwise, the "Kernel Radius" parameter is hidden.
-4.4. For Each Statements
-Within the <tools> element, a <foreach> element can be used to iterate over
-data object lists and call a tool (or several) for each of the datasets in the
-<foreach input="FILES">
- <tool library="io_table" tool="1" name="Import Text Table">
- <option id="HEADLINE" varname="true">HEADLINE</option>
- <option id="SEPARATOR" varname="true">SEPARATOR</option>
- <option id="SEP_OTHER" varname="true">SEP_OTHER</option>
- <option id="FILENAME" varname="true">FILES</option>
- <output id="TABLE">TABLES</output>
- </tool>
-It is obvious, that such a construct creates several output datasets. These
-datasets have to be gathered in a data object list. Such a list can be defined
-and used directly within the <tools> element:
-<datalist type="grid_list">LIST</datalist>
-<foreach input="GRIDS">
- <tool library="grid_filter" tool="1" name="Gaussian Filter">
- <option id="SIGMA" varname="1">SIGMA</option>
- <option id="KERNEL_TYPE" varname="1">KERNEL_TYPE</option>
- <option id="KERNEL_RADIUS" varname="1">KERNEL_RADIUS</option>
- <input id="INPUT" >GRIDS</input>
- <output id="RESULT">LIST</output>
- </tool>
-"For each" statements can also be used to iterate over parameter values. For
-this, the attributes "varname" (to indicate the tool parameter which should be
-iterated), "begin", "end" and "step" are used. The latter describe the initial
-parameter value, the final parameter value and the increment applied after each
-For the "begin", "end", and "steps" attributes corresponding parameters must be
-defined in the tool chain's parameter interface:
- <option varname="BEGIN" type="double">
- <name>Start Direction</name><value>0</value><description>[degree]</description>
- </option>
- <option varname="END" type="double">
- <name>Stop Direction</name><value>359</value><description>[degree]</description>
- </option>
- <option varname="STEP" type="double">
- <name>Directional Step</name><value min="1">45.0</value><description>[degree]</description>
- </option>
-These parameters can then be used in the "for each" statement, here to iterate
-of the "DIRECTION" parameter:
- <foreach varname="DIRECTION" begin="BEGIN" end="END" step="STEP">
- <tool library="statistics_grid" tool="6" name="Directional Statistics for Single Grid">
- <option id="DIRECTION" varname="true">DIRECTION</option>
- <option id="TOLERANCE" varname="true">TOLERANCE</option>
- <option id="MAXDISTANCE" varname="true">MAXDISTANCE</option>
- <option id="DW_WEIGHTING" varname="true">DW_WEIGHTING</option>
- <option id="DW_IDW_POWER" varname="true">DW_IDW_POWER</option>
- <option id="DW_IDW_OFFSET" varname="true">DW_IDW_OFFSET</option>
- <option id="DW_BANDWIDTH" varname="true">DW_BANDWIDTH</option>
- <input id="GRID">GRID</input>
- <output id="MEAN">MEAN</output>
- </tool>
- </foreach>
-5. Fixed Tables
-Fixed tables are a special type of input tables. These tables are defined and
-edited within a tool's parameter interface. Such tables can also be used and
-defined within tool chains. They must be defined within the <tool> element of
-a tool, just like every other tool parameter. The example shows the definition
-of a fixed table (parameter identifier "RETAB"). The table is used for
-reclassification and has three fields (min, max, new) and two records:
-<option id="RETAB">
- <OPTION type="static_table" id="RETAB" name="Lookup Table">
- <FIELD type="DOUBLE">minimum</FIELD>
- <FIELD type="DOUBLE">maximum</FIELD>
- <FIELD type="DOUBLE">new</FIELD>
- <FIELD>14.000000</FIELD>
- <FIELD>15.000000</FIELD>
- <FIELD>7.000000</FIELD>
- <FIELD>15.000000</FIELD>
- <FIELD>16.000000</FIELD>
- <FIELD>8.000000</FIELD>
-TODO: tag "delete" ???
saga-gis/src/accessories/docs/saga_toolchains_manual.odt deleted
Binary files a/saga-gis/src/accessories/docs/saga_toolchains_manual.odt and /dev/null differ
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/saga/-/commit/6acfb38156c82286662031328dd044e21d6abc9a
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/saga/-/commit/6acfb38156c82286662031328dd044e21d6abc9a
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