[Git][debian-gis-team/saga][upstream] New upstream version 8.2.1+dfsg

Johan Van de Wauw (@johanvdw-guest) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Tue May 10 09:23:16 BST 2022

Johan Van de Wauw pushed to branch upstream at Debian GIS Project / saga

8c59f0f6 by Johan Van de Wauw at 2022-05-10T10:20:26+02:00
New upstream version 8.2.1+dfsg
- - - - -

10 changed files:

- − saga-gis/src/tools/shapes/shapes_lines_ex/CMakeLists.txt
- − saga-gis/src/tools/shapes/shapes_lines_ex/Containers.h
- − saga-gis/src/tools/shapes/shapes_lines_ex/DPHull.h
- − saga-gis/src/tools/shapes/shapes_lines_ex/LineApproximator.h
- − saga-gis/src/tools/shapes/shapes_lines_ex/MLB_Interface.cpp
- − saga-gis/src/tools/shapes/shapes_lines_ex/MLB_Interface.h
- − saga-gis/src/tools/shapes/shapes_lines_ex/Makefile.am
- − saga-gis/src/tools/shapes/shapes_lines_ex/PathHull.h
- − saga-gis/src/tools/shapes/shapes_lines_ex/SimplifyShapes.cpp
- − saga-gis/src/tools/shapes/shapes_lines_ex/SimplifyShapes.h


saga-gis/src/tools/shapes/shapes_lines_ex/CMakeLists.txt deleted
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-option(WITH_TOOL_SHAPES_LINES_EX "Check to install shapes_lines_ex" OFF)
-	project(shapes_lines_ex)
-	# load common tool template
-	include(../../CMakePluginTemplate.cmake )

saga-gis/src/tools/shapes/shapes_lines_ex/Containers.h deleted
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
- * Version $Id$
- *********************************************************/
-// Containers.h: interface for the CContainers class.
-#if !defined(AFX_CONTAINERS_H__33EAD324_F802_4BC8_BEC8_39E69C1C21A7__INCLUDED_)
-#define AFX_CONTAINERS_H__33EAD324_F802_4BC8_BEC8_39E69C1C21A7__INCLUDED_
-#if _MSC_VER > 1000
-#pragma once
-#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
-#include <vector>
-#include <list>
-namespace hull
-	\defgroup DCGroup Double container groups
-	\ingroup LAGroup
-/*! \brief Virtual base class for Point double container
-\ingroup DCGroup	
-template<typename T, typename TVectorX, typename TVectorY>
-class TPointDoubleContainerBase
-	//! \name Typedefs
-	//@{
-	typedef TPoint<T> value_type;
-	typedef TPointRef<T> reference;
-	typedef TVectorX container_x;
-	typedef TVectorY container_y;
-	//@}
-	/*! \brief Constructor
-	\param pX pointer to x coordinate container,
-	\param pY pointer to y coordinate container
-	*/
-	TPointDoubleContainerBase(container_x* pX = NULL, container_y* pY =NULL):m_pX(pX),m_pY(pY){};
-	virtual ~TPointDoubleContainerBase(){};
-	//! return the size of the point container
-	size_t size() const			{	ASSERT(m_pX); ASSERT(m_pY); return __min( m_pX->size(), m_pY->size());};
-	/*! \brief resize the container
-	\param size the new size of the vector.
-	*/
-	void resize(size_t size)	{	ASSERT(m_pX); ASSERT(m_pY); m_pX->resize(size); m_pY->resize(size);};
-	//! return the value at position i
-	value_type operator[](UINT i) const	{	return value_type((*m_pX)[i],(*m_pY)[i]);};
-	//! return a reference to position i
-	reference operator[](UINT i)		{	return reference((*m_pX)[i],(*m_pY)[i]);};
-	//! Sets the container pointers
-	void SetContainers( container_x* pX, container_y* pY)	{	m_pX=pX; m_pY=pY;};
-	//! return the x coordinate pointer, const
-	const container_x* GetXContainer() const		{	return m_pX;};
-	//! return the y coordinate pointer, const
-	const container_y* GetYContainer() const		{	return m_pY;};
-	//! return the x coordinate pointer
-	container_x* GetXContainer()					{	return m_pX;};
-	//! return the y coordinate pointer
-	container_y* GetYContainer()					{	return m_pY;};
-	container_x* m_pX;
-	container_y* m_pY;
-/*! \brief Base class for point iterator
-\param T float or double
-\param TVectorX x coordinate container with random access iterator
-\param TVectorY y coordinate container with random access iterator
-	A random access iterator base class.
-  \ingroup DCGroup
-template<typename T,typename TVectorX, typename TVectorY>
-class TPointIt
-	TPointIt(const TPointDoubleContainerBase<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>* pV = NULL, UINT index = 0):m_pV(pV),m_index(index){};
-	virtual ~TPointIt(){};
-	TPointIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& operator = (const TPointIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& t)	
-	{	
-		if (&t!=this)
-		{
-			m_pV=t.m_pV;
-			m_index=t.m_index;
-		};
-		return *this;
-	};
-	friend UINT operator - (const TPointIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& t1, const TPointIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& t2){	return t1.m_index-t2.m_index; };
-	friend bool operator == ( const TPointIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& t1, const TPointIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& t2)	{	return t1.m_index==t2.m_index && t1.m_pV==t2.m_pV;};
-	friend bool operator != ( const TPointIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& t1, const TPointIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& t2)	{	return  t1.m_index!=t2.m_index || t1.m_pV!=t2.m_pV;};
-	friend bool operator < ( const TPointIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& t1, const TPointIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& t2)	{	return  t1.m_index<t2.m_index;};
-	friend bool operator > ( const TPointIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& t1, const TPointIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& t2)	{	return  t1.m_index>t2.m_index;};
-	friend bool operator <= ( const TPointIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& t1, const TPointIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& t2)	{	return  t1.m_index<=t2.m_index;};
-	friend bool operator >= ( const TPointIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& t1, const TPointIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& t2)	{	return  t1.m_index>=t2.m_index;};
-	long m_index;
-	const TPointDoubleContainerBase<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>* m_pV;
-/*! \brief PointDoubleContainer iterator
-\param T float or double
-\param TVectorX x coordinate container with random access iterator
-\param TVectorY y coordinate container with random access iterator
-  A random access iterator.
-  \ingroup DCGroup
-template<typename T, typename TVectorX, typename TVectorY>
-class TPointRandIt : public TPointIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>
-	TPointRandIt(const TPointDoubleContainerBase<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>* pV = NULL, UINT index = 0):TPointIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>(pV,index)
-	{};
-	TPointRandIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& operator = (const TPointRandIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& t)	
-	{	
-		if (&t!=this)
-		{
-			TPointIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>::operator=(t);
-		};
-		return *this;
-	};
-	TPoint<T> operator*() const			
-	{	
-		ASSERT(m_pV); 
-		ASSERT(m_index<m_pV->size()); 
-		return TPoint<T>((*m_pV->GetXContainer())[m_index], (*m_pV->GetYContainer())[m_index]);
-	};
-	TPointRef<T> operator*()						
-	{	
-		ASSERT(m_pV); 
-		ASSERT(m_index<m_pV->size());
-		return TPointRef<T>( (*m_pV->GetXContainer())[m_index], (*m_pV->GetYContainer())[m_index]);
-	};
-	TPointRandIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& operator++(int)				{	return TPointRandIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>( m_pV, m_index+1); };
-	TPointRandIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& operator--(int)				{	return TPointRandIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>( m_pV, m_index-1); };
-	TPointRandIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& operator++()					{	m_index++; return *this; };
-	TPointRandIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& operator--()					{	m_index--; return *this; };
-	TPointRandIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& operator+=(UINT i)			{	m_index+=i; return *this; };
-	TPointRandIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& operator-=(UINT i)			{	m_index-=i;  return *this; };
-	friend TPointRandIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY> operator + (const TPointRandIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& t, UINT i)	{	return TPointRandIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>( t.m_pV, t.m_index+i);};
-	friend TPointRandIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY> operator - (const TPointRandIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& t, UINT i)	{	return TPointRandIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>( t.m_pV, t.m_index-i);};
-/*! \brief PointDoubleContainer const_iterator
-\param T float or double
-\param TVectorX x coordinate container with random access iterator
-\param TVectorY y coordinate container with random access iterator
-	A const random access iterator.
-  \ingroup DCGroup
-template<typename T, typename TVectorX, typename TVectorY>
-class TPointConstRandIt : public TPointIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>
-	TPointConstRandIt(const TPointDoubleContainerBase<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>* pV = NULL, UINT index = 0):TPointIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>(pV,index){};
-	TPointConstRandIt& operator = (const TPointConstRandIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& t)	
-	{	
-		if (&t!=this)
-		{
-			TPointIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>::operator=(t);
-		};
-		return *this;
-	};
-	TPointConstRandIt& operator = (const TPointRandIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& t)	
-	{	
-		TPointIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>::operator=(t);
-		return *this;
-	};
-	TPoint<T> operator*() const							
-	{			
-		ASSERT(m_pV); 
-		ASSERT(m_index<m_pV->size());	
-		return TPoint<T>((*m_pV->GetXContainer())[m_index], (*m_pV->GetYContainer())[m_index]);
-	};
-	TPointConstRandIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& operator++(int)				{	return TPointConstRandIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>( t.m_pV, m_index+1); };
-	TPointConstRandIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& operator--(int)				{	return TPointConstRandIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>( t.m_pV, m_index-1); };
-	TPointConstRandIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& operator++()					{	m_index++; return *this; };
-	TPointConstRandIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& operator--()					{	m_index--; return *this; };
-	TPointConstRandIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& operator+=(UINT i)			{	m_index+=i; return *this; };
-	TPointConstRandIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& operator-=(UINT i)			{	m_index-=i;  return *this; };
-	friend TPointConstRandIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY> operator + (const TPointConstRandIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& t, UINT i)	{	return TPointConstRandIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>( t.m_pV, t.m_index+i);};
-	friend TPointConstRandIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY> operator - (const TPointConstRandIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>& t, UINT i)	{	return TPointConstRandIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>( t.m_pV, t.m_index-i);};
-/*! \brief A container linking two separate containers into a point container
-\param T float or double
-\param TVectorX x coordinate container with random access iterator
-\param TVectorY y coordinate container with random access iterator
-  \ingroup DCGroup
-template<typename T, typename TVectorX, typename TVectorY>
-class TPointDoubleContainer : virtual public TPointDoubleContainerBase<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>
-	TPointDoubleContainer(TVectorX* pX = NULL, TVectorY* pY =NULL):TPointDoubleContainerBase<T,TVectorX,TVectorY>(pX,pY){};
-	virtual~TPointDoubleContainer(){};
-	typedef TPointConstRandIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY> const_iterator;
-	typedef TPointRandIt<T,TVectorX,TVectorY> iterator;
-	iterator begin()	{	return iterator(this,0); };
-	iterator end()		{	return iterator(this,size()); };
-	const_iterator begin() const	{	return const_iterator(this,0); };
-	const_iterator end() const		{	return const_iterator(this,size()); };
-/*! \brief A container to export point to two containers
-\param T float or double
-\param TListX x coordinate container with single direction iterator
-\param TListY y coordinate container with single direction iterator
-\param TPointContainer The point container
-	\ingroup DCGroup
-template<typename T, typename TListX, typename TListY, typename TPointContainer>
-class TKeyDoubleContainer
-	typedef TPointContainer::const_iterator value_type;
-	typedef TListX container_x;
-	typedef TListY container_y;
-	TKeyDoubleContainer( container_x* pListX = NULL, container_y* pListY = NULL):m_pListX(pListX), m_pListY(pListY){};
-	void SetContainers( container_x* pListX, container_y* pListY)		{	m_pListX=pListX; m_pListY=pListY;};
-	container_x* GetXContainer()										{	return m_pListX;};
-	container_y* GetYContainer()										{	return m_pListY;};
-	const container_x* GetXContainer() const							{	return m_pListX;};
-	const container_y* GetYContainer() const							{	return m_pListY;};
-	void clear()		{	ASSERT(m_pListX); ASSERT(m_pListY); m_pListX->clear(); m_pListY->clear();};
-	size_t size() const	{	ASSERT(m_pListX); ASSERT(m_pListY); return __min( m_pListX->size(), m_pListY->size());};
-	void push_back( const value_type& p)	{ ASSERT(m_pListX); ASSERT(m_pListY); m_pListX->push_back((*p).x); m_pListY->push_back((*p).y);};
-	void push_front( const value_type& p)	{ ASSERT(m_pListX); ASSERT(m_pListY); m_pListX->push_front((*p).x); m_pListY->push_front((*p).y);};
-	container_x* m_pListX;
-	container_y* m_pListY;
-#endif // !defined(AFX_CONTAINERS_H__33EAD324_F802_4BC8_BEC8_39E69C1C21A7__INCLUDED_)

saga-gis/src/tools/shapes/shapes_lines_ex/DPHull.h deleted
@@ -1,536 +0,0 @@
- * Version $Id$
- *********************************************************/
-#if !defined(AFX_DPHULL1_H__6CE88E63_3AC7_4E18_87FB_CACF5BE62BE4__INCLUDED_)
-#define AFX_DPHULL1_H__6CE88E63_3AC7_4E18_87FB_CACF5BE62BE4__INCLUDED_
-#if _MSC_VER > 1000
-#pragma once
-#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
-#ifndef UINT
-	#define UINT unsigned int
-#include <tchar.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <stack>
-#include "PathHull.h"
-#include "DPHull.h"
-#include "Containers.h"
-namespace hull
-/*! \brief Douglas-Peukler Appromixation algorithm
-\ingroup LAGroup
-template <typename T, typename TPointContainer, typename TKeyContainer>
-class TDPHull : public TLineApproximator<T,TPointContainer,TKeyContainer>
-	//! Build step types
-	enum EBuildStep
-	{
-		//! Output to vertex
-		BuildStepOutputVertex,
-		//! Call DP
-		BuildStepDP,
-		//! Call Build
-		BuildStepBuild,
-		//! Is a return key
-		BuildStepReturnKey
-	};
-	//! A build step structure
-	struct SBuildStep
-	{
-		SBuildStep(TPointContainer::const_iterator _i,TPointContainer::const_iterator _j, EBuildStep _s):i(_i),j(_j),s(_s){};
-		TPointContainer::const_iterator i;
-		TPointContainer::const_iterator j;
-		EBuildStep s;
-	};
-	//! \name Constructors
-	//@{
-	//! Default constructor
-	explicit TDPHull(){};
-	//! Destructor
-	virtual ~TDPHull(){};
-	//@}
-	//! A path hull
-	typedef TPathHull<T,TPointContainer,TKeyContainer> PathHull;
-	typedef std::stack< SBuildStep > BuildStack;
-	//! Computes the keys
-	virtual void ComputeKeys();
-	//! \name Hull methods
-	//@{
-	/*! \brief Adds a function call to the stack
-	\param i left point iterator
-	\param j right point iterator
-	\param buildStep step description
-	*/
-	void AddBuildStep( TPointContainer::const_iterator i, TPointContainer::const_iterator j, EBuildStep buildStep) 
-	{	m_stack.push( BuildStack::value_type(i,j,buildStep) );	}
-	/*! \brief Apply Douglas-Peucker algo
-	\pre m_stack not empty
-	\pre m_stack.top().s == BuildStepDP
-	*/
-	void DP();
-	/*! \brief Builds the path hull
-	\pre m_stack not empty
-	\pre m_stack.top().s == BuildStepBuild
-	*/
-	void Build();
-	/*! \brief Stores key
-	\pre m_stack size = 2
-	\pre m_stack.top().s == BuildStepReturnKey
-	\pre m_stack.top()(twice).s == BuildStepOutputVertex
-	*/
-	void OutputVertex() 
-	{ 
-		ASSERT(!m_stack.empty());
-		ASSERT(m_stack.top().s==BuildStepReturnKey);
-		GetKeys().push_back(m_stack.top().i); 
-		m_stack.pop();
-		ASSERT(!m_stack.empty());
-		ASSERT(m_stack.top().s==BuildStepOutputVertex);
-		m_stack.pop();
-	};
-	//@}
-	//! \name Attributes
-	//@{
-	TPathHull<T,TPointContainer,TKeyContainer> m_phRight;
-	TPathHull<T,TPointContainer,TKeyContainer> m_phLeft;
-	TPointContainer::const_iterator m_pPHtag;
-	BuildStack m_stack;
-	//@}
-template<typename T, typename TPointContainer, typename TKeyContainer>
-void TDPHull<T,TPointContainer,TKeyContainer>::DP()
-	{
-		T ld, rd, len_sq;
-		SHomog l;
-		register TPointContainer::const_iterator le;
-		register TPointContainer::const_iterator re;
-		ASSERT( !m_stack.empty() );
-		ASSERT( m_stack.top().s == BuildStepDP );
-		TPointContainer::const_iterator i(m_stack.top().i);
-		TPointContainer::const_iterator j(m_stack.top().j);
-		m_stack.pop();
-		CrossProduct(i, j, l);
-		len_sq = l.x * l.x + l.y * l.y;
-		if (j - i < 8)
-		{		/* chain small */
-			rd  = 0.0;
-			for (le = i + 1; le < j; ++le)
-			{
-				ld = DotProduct(le, l);
-				if (ld < 0) ld = - ld;
-				if (ld > rd) 
-				{
-					rd = ld;
-					re = le;
-				}
-			}
-			if (rd * rd > GetTol() * len_sq)
-			{
-				AddBuildStep( re, j, BuildStepDP );
-				AddBuildStep( i, re, BuildStepOutputVertex );
-				AddBuildStep( i, re, BuildStepDP );
-				return;
-//				OutputVertex(DP(i, re)); 
-//				return(DP(re, j));
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				AddBuildStep(j,j,BuildStepReturnKey);
-				return;
-//				return j;
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{	
-			/* chain large */
-			int sbase, sbrk, mid, lo, m1, brk, m2, hi;
-			T d1, d2;
-			if ((m_phLeft.GetTop() - m_phLeft.GetBot()) > 8) 
-			{
-				/* left hull large */
-				lo = m_phLeft.GetBot(); 
-				hi = m_phLeft.GetTop() - 1;
-				sbase = m_phLeft.SlopeSign(hi, lo, l);
-				do
-				{
-					brk = (lo + hi) / 2;
-					if (sbase == (sbrk = m_phLeft.SlopeSign(brk, brk+1, l)))
-						if (sbase == (m_phLeft.SlopeSign(lo, brk+1, l)))
-							lo = brk + 1;
-						else
-							hi = brk;
-				}
-				while (sbase == sbrk && lo < hi);
-				m1 = brk;
-				while (lo < m1)
-				{
-					mid = (lo + m1) / 2;
-					if (sbase == (m_phLeft.SlopeSign(mid, mid+1, l)))
-						lo = mid + 1;
-					else
-						m1 = mid;
-				}
-				m2 = brk;
-				while (m2 < hi) 
-				{
-					mid = (m2 + hi) / 2;
-					if (sbase == (m_phLeft.SlopeSign(mid, mid+1, l)))
-						hi = mid;
-					else
-						m2 = mid + 1;
-				};
-				if ((d1 = DotProduct(m_phLeft.GetpElt(lo), l)) < 0) d1 = - d1;
-				if ((d2 = DotProduct(m_phLeft.GetpElt(m2), l)) < 0) d2 = - d2;
-				ld = (d1 > d2 ? (le = m_phLeft.GetpElt(lo), d1) : (le = m_phLeft.GetpElt(m2), d2));
-			}
-			else
-			{			/* Few SPoints in left hull */
-				ld = 0.0;
-				for (mid = m_phLeft.GetBot(); mid < m_phLeft.GetTop(); mid++)
-				{
-					if ((d1 = DotProduct(m_phLeft.GetpElt(mid), l)) < 0) d1 = - d1;
-					if (d1 > ld)
-					{
-						ld = d1;
-						le = m_phLeft.GetpElt(mid);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if ((m_phRight.GetTop() - m_phRight.GetBot()) > 8)
-			{			/* right hull large */
-				lo = m_phRight.GetBot(); hi = m_phRight.GetTop() - 1;
-				sbase = m_phRight.SlopeSign(hi, lo, l);
-				do
-				{
-					brk = (lo + hi) / 2;
-					if (sbase == (sbrk = m_phRight.SlopeSign(brk, brk+1, l)))
-						if (sbase == (m_phRight.SlopeSign(lo, brk+1, l)))
-							lo = brk + 1;
-						else
-							hi = brk;
-				}
-				while (sbase == sbrk && lo < hi);
-				m1 = brk;
-				while (lo < m1)
-				{
-					mid = (lo + m1) / 2;
-					if (sbase == (m_phRight.SlopeSign(mid, mid+1, l)))
-						lo = mid + 1;
-					else
-						m1 = mid;
-				}
-				m2 = brk;
-				while (m2 < hi) 
-				{
-					mid = (m2 + hi) / 2;
-					if (sbase == (m_phRight.SlopeSign(mid, mid+1, l)))
-						hi = mid;
-					else
-						m2 = mid + 1;
-				};
-				if ((d1 = DotProduct(m_phRight.GetpElt(lo), l)) < 0) d1 = - d1;
-				if ((d2 = DotProduct(m_phRight.GetpElt(m2), l)) < 0) d2 = - d2;
-				rd = (d1 > d2 ? (re = m_phRight.GetpElt(lo), d1) : (re = m_phRight.GetpElt(m2), d2));
-			}
-			else
-			{			/* Few SPoints in righthull */
-				rd = 0.0;
-				for (mid = m_phRight.GetBot(); mid < m_phRight.GetTop(); mid++)
-				{
-					if ((d1 = DotProduct(m_phRight.GetpElt(mid), l)) < 0) d1 = - d1;
-					if (d1 > rd)
-					{
-						rd = d1;
-						re = m_phRight.GetpElt(mid);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-    }
-	if (ld > rd)
-		if (ld * ld > GetTol() * len_sq)
-		{
-			/* split left */
-			register int tmpo; 
-			while ((m_phLeft.GetHp() >= 0) 
-				&& ( (tmpo = m_phLeft.GetOps()[m_phLeft.GetHp()] ), 
-				((re = m_phLeft.GetpHelt(m_phLeft.GetHp())) != le) || (tmpo != PathHull::StackPushOp)))
-			{
-				m_phLeft.DownHp();
-				switch (tmpo)
-				{
-				case PathHull::StackPushOp:
-					m_phLeft.DownTop();
-					m_phLeft.UpBot();
-					break;
-				case PathHull::StackTopOp:
-					m_phLeft.UpTop();
-					m_phLeft.SetTopElt(re);
-					break;
-				case PathHull::StackBotOp:
-					m_phLeft.DownBot();
-					m_phLeft.SetBotElt(re);
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			AddBuildStep( le, j, BuildStepDP );
-			AddBuildStep( le, j, BuildStepBuild);
-			AddBuildStep( i, le, BuildStepOutputVertex);
-			AddBuildStep( i, le, BuildStepDP);
-			AddBuildStep( i, le, BuildStepBuild);
-			return;
-//			Build(i, le);
-//			OutputVertex(DP(i, le));
-//			Build(le, j);
-//			return DP(le, j);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			AddBuildStep(j,j,BuildStepReturnKey);
-			return;
-//			return(j);
-		}
-		else				/* extreme on right */
-			if (rd * rd > GetTol() * len_sq)
-			{				/* split right or both */
-//				if (m_pPHtag == re)
-//				{
-//					AddBuildStep( i, re, BuildStepBuild);
-//					Build(i, re);
-//				}
-//				else
-				if (m_pPHtag != re)
-				{	
-					/* split right */
-					register int tmpo;
-					while ((m_phRight.GetHp() >= 0) 
-						&& ((tmpo = m_phRight.GetOps()[m_phRight.GetHp()]), 
-						((le = m_phRight.GetpHelt(m_phRight.GetHp())) != re) || (tmpo != PathHull::StackPushOp)))
-					{
-						m_phRight.DownHp();
-						switch (tmpo)
-						{
-						case PathHull::StackPushOp:
-							m_phRight.DownTop();
-							m_phRight.UpBot();
-							break;
-						case PathHull::StackTopOp:
-							m_phRight.UpTop();
-							m_phRight.SetTopElt(le);
-							break;
-						case PathHull::StackBotOp:
-							m_phRight.DownBot();
-							m_phRight.SetBotElt(le);
-							break;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				AddBuildStep( re, j ,BuildStepDP );
-				AddBuildStep( re, j, BuildStepBuild );
-				AddBuildStep( i, re, BuildStepOutputVertex );
-				AddBuildStep( i, re, BuildStepDP );
-				if (m_pPHtag == re)
-					AddBuildStep( i, re, BuildStepBuild);
-				return;
-//				OutputVertex(DP(i, re));
-//				Build(re, j);
-//				return(DP(re, j));
-			}
-			else
-				AddBuildStep( j,j, BuildStepReturnKey);
-//				return(j);	
-	}
-template<typename T, typename TPointContainer, typename TKeyContainer>
-void TDPHull<T,TPointContainer,TKeyContainer>::Build()
-		TPointContainer::const_iterator k;
-		int topflag, botflag;
-		ASSERT( !m_stack.empty() );
-		ASSERT( m_stack.top().s == BuildStepBuild );
-		TPointContainer::const_iterator i(m_stack.top().i);
-		TPointContainer::const_iterator j(m_stack.top().j);
-		m_stack.pop();
-		m_pPHtag = i + (j - i) / 2;	/* Assign tag vertex */
-		m_phLeft.Init(m_pPHtag, m_pPHtag - 1); /* \va{left} hull */
-		for (k = m_pPHtag - 2; k >= i; --k)
-		{
-			topflag = m_phLeft.LeftOfTop(k);
-			botflag = m_phLeft.LeftOfBot(k);
-			if ((topflag || botflag) && !(topflag && botflag))
-			{
-				while (topflag)
-				{
-					m_phLeft.PopTop();
-					topflag = m_phLeft.LeftOfTop(k);
-				}
-				while (botflag)
-				{
-					m_phLeft.PopBot();
-					botflag = m_phLeft.LeftOfBot(k);
-				}
-				m_phLeft.Push(k);
-			}
-		}
-		m_phRight.Init(m_pPHtag, m_pPHtag + 1); /* \va{right} hull */
-		for (k = m_pPHtag + 2; k <= j; ++k)
-		{
-			topflag = m_phRight.LeftOfTop(k);
-			botflag = m_phRight.LeftOfBot(k);
-			if ((topflag || botflag) && !(topflag && botflag))
-			{
-				while (topflag)
-				{
-					m_phRight.PopTop();
-					topflag = m_phRight.LeftOfTop(k);
-				}
-				while (botflag)
-				{
-					m_phRight.PopBot();
-					botflag = m_phRight.LeftOfBot(k);
-				}
-				m_phRight.Push(k);
-			}
-		}
-	};
-template<typename T, typename TPointContainer, typename TKeyContainer>
-void TDPHull<T,TPointContainer,TKeyContainer>::ComputeKeys()
-	using namespace std;
-	static const T epsilon2 = numeric_limits<T>::epsilon()*numeric_limits<T>::epsilon();
-	TLineApproximator<T,TPointContainer,TKeyContainer>::ComputeKeys();
-	const TPointContainer& pc=GetPoints();
-	TPointContainer::const_iterator pcend=pc.end();
-	--pcend;
-	T len_sq;
-	SHomog l;
-	/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	CrossProduct(pc.begin(), pcend, l);
-	len_sq = l.x * l.x + l.y * l.y;
-	if (len_sq < epsilon2)
-		throw _T("TDPHull<T,TKeyExporter>::DP failed: Start and end points are equal or at a distance < epsilon\n");
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	// prepraring path if needed...
-	m_phLeft.SetMaxSize(pc.size()+1);
-	m_phRight.SetMaxSize(pc.size()+1);
-	/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	// building hull
-//	Build(pc.begin(), pcend);	/* Build the initial path hull */	
-//	OutputVertex( pc.begin() );
-//	OutputVertex( DP(pc.begin(), pcend) ); /* Simplify */
-	AddBuildStep( pc.begin(), pcend, BuildStepBuild );
-	Build();
-	AddBuildStep( pc.begin(), pc.begin(), BuildStepOutputVertex );
-	AddBuildStep( pc.begin(), pc.begin(), BuildStepReturnKey );
-	OutputVertex();
-	AddBuildStep( pc.begin(), pc.begin(), BuildStepOutputVertex );
-	AddBuildStep( pc.begin(), pcend, BuildStepDP );
-	while (!m_stack.empty())
-	{
-//		std::cerr<<"stack size: "<<m_stack.size()<<std::endl;
-		switch( m_stack.top().s)
-		{
-		case BuildStepDP:
-			DP();
-			break;
-		case BuildStepBuild:
-			Build();
-			break;
-		case BuildStepReturnKey:
-			OutputVertex();	
-			break;
-		case BuildStepOutputVertex:
-			ASSERT(false);
-			break;
-		default:
-			ASSERT(false);
-		}
-	}
-	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	// cleaning path...
-	m_phLeft.SetMaxSize(0);
-	m_phRight.SetMaxSize(0);
-/*! \brief A single precision DPHull
- The classical DPHull object:
-	- PointContainer: vector<TPoint<float>>
-	- KeyContainer: list<PointContainer::const_iterator>
-  \ingroup LAGroup
-typedef TDPHull<float, std::vector< TPoint<float> >, std::vector< std::vector< TPoint< float > >::const_iterator > > CDPHullF;
-/*! \brief A double precision DPHull
- The classical DPHull object:
-	- PointContainer: vector<TPoint<double>>
-	- KeyContainer: list<PointContainer::const_iterator>
-  \ingroup LAGroup
-typedef TDPHull<double, std::vector< TPoint< double > >, std::vector< std::vector< TPoint< double  > >::const_iterator > > CDPHullD;
-#endif // !defined(AFX_DPHULL1_H__6CE88E63_3AC7_4E18_87FB_CACF5BE62BE4__INCLUDED_)

saga-gis/src/tools/shapes/shapes_lines_ex/LineApproximator.h deleted
@@ -1,802 +0,0 @@
- * Version $Id$
- *********************************************************/
-/* Plot Graphic Library
-	Copyright (C) 2002 Pelikhan, Inc. All rights reserved
-	Go to http://eauminerale.syldavie.csam.ucl.ac.be/peli/pgl/pgl.html for the latest PGL binaries
-	This software is NOT freeware.
-	This software is provided "as is", with no warranty.
-	Read the license agreement provided with the files
-	This software, and all accompanying files, data and materials, are distributed "AS IS" and with no warranties of any kind, 
-	whether express or implied.  his disclaimer of warranty constitutes an essential part of the agreement.  
-	In no event shall Pelikhan, or its principals, shareholders, officers, employees, affiliates, contractors, subsidiaries, 
-	or parent organizations, be liable for any incidental, consequential, or punitive damages whatsoever relating to the use of PGL, 
-	or your relationship with Pelikhan.
-	Author: Jonathan de Halleux, dehalleux at auto.ucl.ac.be
-#if !defined(AFX_LINEAPPROXIMATOR_H__F5E6E8DC_1185_4AC0_A061_7B3309700E9D__INCLUDED_)
-#define AFX_LINEAPPROXIMATOR_H__F5E6E8DC_1185_4AC0_A061_7B3309700E9D__INCLUDED_
-#if _MSC_VER > 1000
-#pragma once
-#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
-#include <crtdbg.h>
-#ifndef ASSERT
-	#ifdef _DEBUG
-		#define ASSERT(a)	_ASSERT(a);
-	#else
-		#define ASSERT(a)
-	#endif
-#ifdef min
-	#undef min
-#ifdef max
-	#undef max
-#include <iostream>
-#include <vector>
-#include <list>
-#include <limits>
-#include <algorithm>
-  \defgroup LAGroup Line approximation algorithms
-namespace hull
-/*! \brief A point (x,y)
-\param T float or double
-  A pair of (x,y) values.
-\ingroup LAGroup
-template<typename T>
-class TPoint
-	//! Default constructor
-	TPoint( T _x = 0, T _y=0):x(_x), y(_y){};
-	//! Assignement constructor
-	TPoint& operator = ( const TPoint<T>& t)	{	if (&t != this){ x=t.x; y=t.y;} return *this;};
-	//! x value
-	T x;
-	//! y value
-	T y;
-/*! \brief A point (x,y) with references
-\param T float or double
-  \ingroup LAGroup
-template<typename T>
-class TPointRef
-	//! Default contructor
-	TPointRef():x(xDummy),y(yDummy){};
-	/*! \brief Constructor with 2 values
-	\param _x value to get reference to.
-	\param _y value to get reference to.
-	*/
-	TPointRef(T& _x, T& _y):x(_x),y(_y){};
-	//! Assignement constructor
-	TPointRef<T>& operator = (const TPointRef<T>& t)	{	if (this != &t){ x=t.x;y=t.y;} return *this;};
-	//! Assignement constructor with point
-	TPointRef<T>& operator = (TPoint<T> t)		{	x=t.x;y=t.y; return *this;};
-	//! x, reference to a value
-	T& x;
-	//! y, reference to a value
-	T& y;
-	static T xDummy;
-	static T yDummy;
-template<typename T> T TPointRef<T>::xDummy=0;
-template<typename T> T TPointRef<T>::yDummy=0;
-/*! \brief Virtual base class for Line approximator classes
-\par Template arguments
-\param T float or double
-\param TPointContainer a container of points (structure with x,y) with random access iterators
-\param TKeyContainer a container of TPointContainer::const_iterator (structure with x,y) with single direction iterators
-\par Notations:
-  - points : data to interpolate
-  - keys : selected points from available set that interpolate within the desired tolerance
-\par Containers:
-  - Points are stored in a #PointContainer. #PointContainer is a container such that
-	#- has random access iterator,
-	#- value_type is a structure/class with x,y members
-  - Keys are stored in a #KeyContainer. #KeyContainer is a container such that:
-	#- has single directional iterator,
-	#- value_type is PointContainer::const_iterator 
-\par Data normalization:
-  To avoid numerical instability when computing cross product and so, data is normalized ( see #NormalizePoints ).
-  To enable/disable normalization, use #SetNormalization.
-  \ingroup LAGroup
-template<typename T, typename TPointContainer, typename TKeyContainer>
-class TLine
-	//! \name Structures and typedefs
-	//@{
-	//! Point container
-	typedef TPointContainer PointContainer;
-	//! Key container
-	typedef TKeyContainer KeyContainer;
-	//! 2D homogenous point
-	struct SHomog
-	{
-	public:
-		//! Default constructor
-		SHomog(T _x=0, T _y=0, T _w=1)	{ x=_x; y=_y; w=_w;};	
-		T x;
-		T y;
-		T w;
-	};
-	/*! \brief returns square of euclidian distance
-	*/
-	static T SqrDist( const TPointContainer::const_iterator& p, const TPointContainer::const_iterator& q)
-	{
-		T dx=p->x-q->x;
-		T dy=p->y-q->y;
-		return dx*dx+dy*dy;
-	}
-	/*! \brief Cross product
-	\param p an iterator with x,y members
-	\param q an iterator with x,y members
-	\result r cross product of p,q
-  	The euclidian cross product of p,q:
-	\f[ \vec r = \vec p \times \vec q = \left( \begin{array}{c} p_x q_y - p_y q_x \\ -q_y + p_y \\ q_x - p_x \end{array}\right)\f]
-	*/
-	static void CrossProduct( const TPointContainer::const_iterator& p, const TPointContainer::const_iterator& q, SHomog& r)
-	{
-			r.w = p->x * q->y - p->y * q->x;
-			r.x = - q->y + p->y;
-			r.y = q->x - p->x;
-	};
-	/*! \brief Dot product
-	\param p an iterator with x,y members
-	\param q an 2D homogenous point
-	\result dot product of p,q
-	The euclidian dot product of p,q:
-	\f[ <\vec p, \vec q> = q_w + p_x q_x + p_y q_y \f]
-	*/
-	static T DotProduct( const TPointContainer::const_iterator& p, const SHomog& q)
-	{
-		return q.w + p->x*q.x + p->y*q.y;
-	};
-	/*! \brief Dot product
-	\param p an iterator with x,y members
-	\param q an iterator with x,y members
-	\result dot product of p,q 
-	The euclidian dot product of p,q:
-	\f[ < \vec p,\vec q> = p_x q_x + p_y q_y \f]
-	*/
-	static T DotProduct( const TPointContainer::const_iterator& p, const TPointContainer::const_iterator& q)
-	{
-		return p->x*q->x + p->y*q->y;
-	};
-	/*! \brief Linear combination of points
-	\param a p multiplier
-	\param p a point
-	\param b q multiplier
-	\param q a point
-	\param r linear combination of p,q
-	The linear combination is:
-	\f[ \vec r = a \vec p + b \vec q \f]
-	*/
-	static void LinComb( T a, const TPointContainer::const_iterator& p, T b, const TPointContainer::const_iterator& q, const TPointContainer::const_iterator& r)
-	{
-		r->x = a * p->x + b * q->x;
-		r->y = a * p->y + b * q->y;
-	};
-	//! Internal limit structure
-	struct SLimits
-	{
-		T dMinX;
-		T dMaxX;
-		T dMinY;
-		T dMaxY;
-		T GetCenterX()	{	return static_cast<T>((dMaxX+dMinX)/2.0);};
-		T GetCenterY()	{	return static_cast<T>((dMaxY+dMinY)/2.0);};
-		T GetWidth()	{	return static_cast<T>(dMaxX-dMinX);};
-		T GetHeight()	{	return static_cast<T>(dMaxY-dMinY);};
-	};
-	//! T container
-	typedef std::vector<T> TVector;
-	//@}
-	//! Default constructor
-	TLine():m_bNormalization(true){};
-	//! \name Point handling
-	//@{
-	//! returns number of points
-	size_t GetPointSize() const				{	return m_cPoints.size();};
-	//! return vector of points
-	PointContainer& GetPoints()				{	return m_cPoints;};
-	//! return vector of points, const
-	const PointContainer& GetPoints() const	{	return m_cPoints;};
-	//@}
-	//! \name Key handling
-	//@{
-	//! returns number of keys
-	size_t GetKeySize() const					{	return m_cKeys.size();};
-	//! return keys
-	KeyContainer& GetKeys()					{	return m_cKeys;};
-	//! return keys, const
-	const KeyContainer& GetKeys() const		{	return m_cKeys;};
-	//@}
-	//! \name Helpers
-	//@{
-	//! Setting points from vectors
-	void SetPoints( const std::vector<T>& vX, const std::vector<T>& vY);
-	//! Returning keys to vectors
-	void GetKeys( std::vector<T>& vX, std::vector<T>& vY) const;
-	//@}
-	//! \name Bounding box
-	//@{
-	//! compute the bounding box
-	void ComputeBoundingBox();
-	//! return the point bounding box
-	const SLimits& GetBoundingBox() const		{	return m_limits;};
-	//@}
-	//! \name Normalization
-	//@{
-	/*! \brief Point normalization
-	 Let \f$(x_i,y_i)\f$, the original points and \f$(\hat x_x, \hat y_i)\f$ the normalized points:
-	 \f[
-	 \hat x_i = \frac{x_i - \bar x]}{\max_i (x_i-x_j)}
-	 \f]
-	where \f$\bar x\f$, \f$\bar y\f$ denote respectively the mean value of the \f$x_i\f$ and \f$y_i\f$.
-	\sa DeNormalizePoints
-	*/
-	void NormalizePoints();
-	/*! \brief Roll back normalization
-	\sa NormalizePoints
-	*/
-	void DeNormalizePoints();
-	//! enabled, disable normalization
-	void SetNormalization( bool bEnabled = true)	{	m_bNormalization = true;};
-	//! returns true if normalizing
-	bool IsNormalization() const					{	return m_bNormalization;};
-	//@}
-	//! \name Double points checking and loop...
-	//@{
-	/*! \brief Discard double points
-	For each pair of points \f$p_i, p_{i+1}\f$, discards \f$p_{i+1}\f$ if 
-	\f[ \| p_i - p_{i+1} \| < \varepsilon \f]
-	*/
-	void DiscardDoublePoints();
-	//! Test for loops
-	void FindLoop(size_t uStartPoint, size_t& uEndPoint);
-	//@}
-	//! \name Attributes
-	//@{
-	TPointContainer m_cPoints;
-	TKeyContainer m_cKeys;
-	SLimits m_limits;
-	bool m_bNormalization;
-	//@}
-namespace priv
-	template<class Container, class Pred>
-	struct PredX : public std::binary_function< Container::iterator, Container::iterator, bool>
-	{
-		bool operator()( const Container::value_type& p1, const Container::value_type& p2)	
-		{	return m_pred(p1.x, p2.x); };
-	protected:
-		Pred m_pred;
-	};
-	template<class Container, class Pred>
-	struct PredY : public std::binary_function< Container::iterator, Container::iterator, bool>
-	{
-		bool operator()( const Container::value_type& p1, const Container::value_type& p2)	
-		{	return m_pred(p1.y, p2.y); };
-	protected:
-		Pred m_pred;
-	};
-template <typename T, typename TPointContainer, typename TKeyContainer>
-void TLine<T, TPointContainer,TKeyContainer>::ComputeBoundingBox()
-	if (m_cPoints.size() < 2)
-		return;
-	PointContainer::const_iterator it = (*((const TPointContainer*)&m_cPoints)).begin();
-	//finding minimum and maximum...
-	m_limits.dMinX=std::min_element( m_cPoints.begin(), m_cPoints.end(), priv::PredX<TPointContainer, std::less<T> >() )->x ;
-	m_limits.dMaxX=std::max_element( m_cPoints.begin(), m_cPoints.end(), priv::PredX<TPointContainer, std::less<T> >() )->x ;
-	m_limits.dMinY=std::min_element( m_cPoints.begin(), m_cPoints.end(), priv::PredY<TPointContainer, std::less<T> >() )->y ;
-	m_limits.dMaxY=std::max_element( m_cPoints.begin(), m_cPoints.end(), priv::PredY<TPointContainer, std::less<T> >() )->y ;
-	if ( fabs( m_limits.GetWidth() ) < std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon() )
-	{
-		m_limits.dMaxX = m_limits.dMinX+1;
-	}
-	if ( fabs( m_limits.GetHeight() ) < std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon() )
-	{
-		m_limits.dMaxY = m_limits.dMinY+1;
-	}
-namespace priv
-	template<typename T>
-	struct Rect
-	{
-		Rect( T xm, T ym, T dx, T dy)
-			:m_xm(xm),m_ym(ym),m_dx(dx),m_dy(dy){};
-	protected:
-		T m_xm;
-		T m_ym;
-		T m_dx;
-		T m_dy;
-	};
-	template<typename T>
-	struct NormalizePoint : public std::unary_function< TPoint<T>& , int>, public Rect<T>
-	{
-		NormalizePoint( T xm, T ym, T dx, T dy)
-			: Rect<T>(xm,ym,dx,dy){};
-		int operator() ( TPoint<T>& point)
-		{	
-			point.x=(point.x-m_xm)/m_dx;
-			point.y=(point.y-m_ym)/m_dy;
-			return 0;
-		};
-	};
-	template<typename T>
-	struct DeNormalizePoint : public std::unary_function< TPoint<T>& , int>, public Rect<T>
-	{
-		DeNormalizePoint( T xm, T ym, T dx, T dy)
-			: Rect<T>(xm,ym,dx,dy){};
-		int operator() ( TPoint<T>& point)
-		{	
-			point.x=m_xm+point.x*m_dx;
-			point.y=m_ym+point.y*m_dy;
-			return 0;
-		};
-	};
-template <typename T, typename TPointContainer, typename TKeyContainer>
-void TLine<T, TPointContainer, TKeyContainer>::NormalizePoints()
-	T xm,ym,dx,dy;
-	// normalizing...
-	xm=m_limits.GetCenterX();
-	ym=m_limits.GetCenterY();
-	dx=m_limits.GetWidth();
-	dy=m_limits.GetHeight();
-	std::for_each( 
-		m_cPoints.begin(), 
-		m_cPoints.end(), 
-		priv::NormalizePoint<T>( xm, ym, dx, dy) 
-		);
-template <typename T, typename TPointContainer, typename TKeyContainer>
-void TLine<T, TPointContainer, TKeyContainer>::DeNormalizePoints()
-	T xm,ym,dx,dy;
-	// normalizing...
-	xm=m_limits.GetCenterX();
-	ym=m_limits.GetCenterY();
-	dx=m_limits.GetWidth();
-	dy=m_limits.GetHeight();
-	std::for_each( 
-		m_cPoints.begin(), 
-		m_cPoints.end(), 
-		priv::DeNormalizePoint<T>( xm, ym, dx, dy) 
-		);
-template <typename T, typename TPointContainer, typename TKeyContainer>
-void TLine<T, TPointContainer, TKeyContainer>::DiscardDoublePoints()
-	// creating a list...
-	TPointContainer& pc=GetPoints();
-	TPointContainer::iterator it, it1;
-	T epsilon2=std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon();
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-	size_t count=0;
-	it1=it=pc.begin();
-	++it1;
-	while (it !=pc.end() && it1!=pc.end())
-	{
-		if ( SqrDist(it, it1) < epsilon2 )
-		{
-			it1=pc.erase(it1);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			++it; ++it1;
-		}
-	}
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-	TRACE( _T("Numer of (double) points erased: %d\n"), count);
-template <typename T, typename TPointContainer, typename TKeyContainer>
-void TLine<T, TPointContainer, TKeyContainer>::SetPoints( const std::vector<T>& vX, const std::vector<T>& vY)
-	TPointContainer& pc=GetPoints();
-	const size_t n = __min( vX.size(), vY.size());
-	pc.resize(n);
-	for (size_t i=0;i<n;i++)
-	{
-		pc[i]= TPoint<T>( vX[i], vY[i]);
-	}
-template <typename T, typename TPointContainer, typename TKeyContainer>
-void TLine<T, TPointContainer, TKeyContainer>::GetKeys( std::vector<T>& vX, std::vector<T>& vY) const
-	const TKeyContainer& kc=GetKeys();
-	TKeyContainer::const_iterator it;
-	size_t i;
-	vX.resize(kc.size());
-	vY.resize(kc.size());
-	for (it=kc.begin(), i=0;it!=kc.end();it++, i++)
-	{
-		vX[i]=(*it)->x;
-		vY[i]=(*it)->y;
-	}
-template <typename T, typename TPointContainer, typename TKeyContainer>
-void TLine<T, TPointContainer, TKeyContainer>::FindLoop(size_t uStartPoint, size_t& uEndPoint)
-/*! \brief Base class for line approximators
-  \ingroup LAGroup
-template <typename T, typename TPointContainer, typename TKeyContainer>
-class TLineApproximator : virtual public TLine<T,TPointContainer, TKeyContainer>
-	//! \name Constructor
-	//@{
-	TLineApproximator(): m_dTol(0)
-	{m_limits.dMinX=m_limits.dMinY=0;m_limits.dMaxX=m_limits.dMaxY=1;};
-	~TLineApproximator(){};
-	//@}
-	//! \name Tolerance
-	//@{
-	//! sets the tolerance
-	void SetTol( double dTol)				{	m_dTol = __max( dTol, 0);};
-	//! return current tolerance
-	double GetTol() const					{	return m_dTol;};
-	//@}
-	//! \name Simplification functions
-	//@{
-	//! Initialize simplification
-	void ClearKeys()								{	m_cKeys.clear();};
-	//! Compute the keys
-	void Simplify();
-	/*! Shrink to compression level 
-	\param dScale scaling to apply [0...1]
-	\param dScaleTol [optional] tolerance with respect to dScale, default is 0.05
-	\param eTolRight [optional] first estimate on right tolerance
-	\param nMaxIter [optional] maximum number of iterations, default is 250
-	\return number of estimations
-	*/
-	size_t ShrinkNorm( T dScale, T dScaleTol = 0.05, T eTolRight = -1, size_t nMaxIter = 250);
-	/*! Shrink to a specified number of points
-	\param n desired number of points in the approximate curve
-	\param nTol [optional] tolerance with respect to n, default is 10
-	\param eTolRight [optional] first estimate on right tolerance
-	\param nMaxIter [optional] maximum number of iterations, default is 250
-	\return number of estimations
-	*/
-	size_t Shrink( size_t nDesiredPoints, size_t nTol = 10, T eTolRight = -1, size_t nMaxIter = 250);
-	//@}
-	//! \name Virtual functions
-	//@{
-	/*! \brief Virtual approximation function
-	This function must be overriden in inherited classes. To implement your own algorithm,
-	override this function.
-	*/
-	virtual void ComputeKeys()		{	ClearKeys();};
-	//@}
-	T m_dTol;
-template <typename T, typename TPointContainer, typename TKeyContainer>
-size_t TLineApproximator<T,TPointContainer,TKeyContainer>::ShrinkNorm( T dScale, T dScaleTol, T eTolRight ,size_t nMaxIter)
-	// number of points wanted...
-	size_t uWantedPoints= __min(m_cPoints.size(), __max(2, static_cast<size_t>(floor(m_cPoints.size()*dScale))));
-	size_t uTol = __min(m_cPoints.size(), __max(0, static_cast<size_t>(floor(m_cPoints.size()*dScaleTol)) ));
-	return Shrink( uWantedPoints, uTol, eTolRight, nMaxIter);
-namespace priv
-//  (C) Copyright Gennadiy Rozental 2001-2002.
-//  Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software
-//  is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies.
-//  This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty,
-//  and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.
-//  See http://www.boost.org for most recent version including documentation.
-//  File        : $RCSfile: LineApproximator.h,v $
-//  Version     : $Id$
-//  Description : defines algoirthms for comparing 2 floating point values
-// ***************************************************************************
-	template<typename FPT>
-	inline FPT
-	fpt_abs( FPT arg ) 
-	{
-	    return arg < 0 ? -arg : arg;
-	}
-	// both f1 and f2 are unsigned here
-	template<typename FPT>
-	inline FPT 
-	safe_fpt_division( FPT uf1, FPT uf2 )
-	{
-	    return  ( uf1 < 1 && uf1 > uf2 * std::numeric_limits<FPT>::max())   
-			? std::numeric_limits<FPT>::max() :
-	           ((uf2 > 1 && uf1 < uf2 * std::numeric_limits<FPT>::min() || 
-	             uf1 == 0)                                               ? 0                               :
-	                                                                      uf1/uf2 );
-	}
-	template<typename FPT>
-	class close_at_tolerance 
-	{
-	public:
-	    explicit close_at_tolerance( FPT tolerance, bool strong_or_weak = true ) 
-			: p_tolerance( tolerance ),m_strong_or_weak( strong_or_weak ) { };
-	 explicit    close_at_tolerance( int number_of_rounding_errors, bool strong_or_weak = true ) 
-	    : p_tolerance( std::numeric_limits<FPT>::epsilon() * number_of_rounding_errors/2 ), 
-	   m_strong_or_weak( strong_or_weak ) {}
-	    bool        operator()( FPT left, FPT right ) const
-	    {
-	        FPT diff = fpt_abs( left - right );
-	     FPT d1   = safe_fpt_division( diff, fpt_abs( right ) );
-	     FPT d2   = safe_fpt_division( diff, fpt_abs( left ) );
-	        return m_strong_or_weak ? (d1 <= p_tolerance.get() && d2 <= p_tolerance.get()) 
-	                             : (d1 <= p_tolerance.get() || d2 <= p_tolerance.get());
-	    }
-	    // Data members
-		class p_tolerance_class
-		{
-		private:
-			FPT f;
-		public:
-			p_tolerance_class(FPT _f=0):f(_f){};
-			FPT  get() const{	return f;};
-		};
-		p_tolerance_class p_tolerance;	
-	private:
-	bool        m_strong_or_weak;
-	};
-	template <typename T>
-	inline bool IsEqual(T x, T y)		
-	{ 
-	  static close_at_tolerance<T> comp( std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon()/2*10);
-	  return comp(fpt_abs(x),fpt_abs(y));
-	};
-	template <typename T>
-	inline bool IsEmptyInterval(T x, T y)
-	{
-		return ( x>=y || IsEqual(x,y) );
-	}
-template<typename T, typename TPointContainer, typename TKeyContainer>
-size_t TLineApproximator<T,TPointContainer,TKeyContainer>::Shrink( size_t nDesiredPoints, size_t nTol, T eTolRight, size_t nMaxIter)
-	if (m_cPoints.size()<2)
-		return 0;
-	// number of points wanted...
-	T dWantedPoints= __min(m_cPoints.size(), __max(2, nDesiredPoints));
-	T uMinWantedPoints = __min(m_cPoints.size(), __max(2, nDesiredPoints-nTol ));
-	T uMaxWantedPoints = __min(m_cPoints.size(), __max(2, nDesiredPoints+nTol ));
-	T eLeft, eRight, eMiddle;
-	T dResultLeft, dResultRight;
-	size_t iter=0;
-	// compute limits
-	ComputeBoundingBox();
-	// normalize if needed
-	if (m_bNormalization)
-		NormalizePoints();
-	// first estimation
-	eLeft = 0;
-	SetTol(eLeft);
-	ComputeKeys();
-	dResultLeft =  m_cKeys.size();
-	iter++;
-	// test if success
-	if ( (m_cKeys.size()<=uMaxWantedPoints) && (m_cKeys.size() >= uMinWantedPoints)  )
-		goto PostProcess;
-	// second estimation
-	if (eTolRight<=0)
-		eRight=__max( m_limits.GetWidth(), m_limits.GetHeight()); 
-	else
-		eRight=eTolRight;
-	SetTol(eRight);
-	ComputeKeys();
-	dResultRight =  m_cKeys.size();
-	// test if optimization possible
-//	if (dResultLeft<uMinWantedPoints ||  dResultRight>uMaxWantedPoints)
-//		throw _T("TLineApproximator<T>::Shrink failed: Desired compression ratio not possible in the tolerance domain.");
-	iter++;
-	// test if success
-	if ( ((m_cKeys.size()<=uMaxWantedPoints) && (m_cKeys.size() >= uMinWantedPoints)) || (dResultLeft == dResultRight) )
-		goto PostProcess;
-	// main loop, dichotomy
-	do
-	{ 
-		// test middle
-		eMiddle=(eLeft +eRight)/2;
-		SetTol(eMiddle);
-		// computing new DP...
-		ComputeKeys();
-		// updating...
-		if ( (m_cKeys.size()-dWantedPoints)*( dResultLeft-dResultRight) < 0 )
-		{
-			eRight=eMiddle;
-			dResultRight=m_cKeys.size();
-		}
-		else 
-		{
-			eLeft=eMiddle;
-			dResultLeft=m_cKeys.size();
-		}
-		iter++;
-	} while ( ((m_cKeys.size()>uMaxWantedPoints) || (m_cKeys.size() < uMinWantedPoints)) /* checking that we are in the acceptable compression */
-		&& !priv::IsEmptyInterval(eLeft,eRight) /* interval is non empty */
-		&& (dResultRight != dResultLeft)
-		&& iter<nMaxIter /* checking for maximum number of iterations */);
-	if (m_bNormalization)
-		DeNormalizePoints();
-	return iter;
-template <typename T, typename TPointContainer, typename TKeyContainer>
-void TLineApproximator<T,TPointContainer, TKeyContainer>::Simplify()
-	if (m_cPoints.size()<2)
-		return;
-	// compute limits
-	ComputeBoundingBox();
-	// preprocess...
-	if (m_bNormalization)
-		NormalizePoints();
-	ComputeKeys();
-	if (m_bNormalization)
-		DeNormalizePoints();
-}; // namespace hull
-#endif // !defined(AFX_LINEAPPROXIMATOR_H__F5E6E8DC_1185_4AC0_A061_7B3309700E9D__INCLUDED_)

saga-gis/src/tools/shapes/shapes_lines_ex/MLB_Interface.cpp deleted
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- * Version $Id$
- *********************************************************/
-//                                                       //
-//                         SAGA                          //
-//                                                       //
-//      System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses      //
-//                                                       //
-//                     Tool Library                      //
-//                     shapes_lines                      //
-//                                                       //
-//                                                       //
-//                   TLB_Interface.cpp                   //
-//                                                       //
-//                 Copyright (C) 2005 by                 //
-//                     Victor Olaya                      //
-//                                                       //
-//                                                       //
-// This file is part of 'SAGA - System for Automated     //
-// Geoscientific Analyses'. SAGA is free software; you   //
-// can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms  //
-// of the GNU General Public License as published by the //
-// Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.   //
-//                                                       //
-// SAGA is distributed in the hope that it will be       //
-// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the    //
-// implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A  //
-// PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public        //
-// License for more details.                             //
-//                                                       //
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General    //
-// Public License along with this program; if not,       //
-// write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,          //
-// 51 Franklin Street, 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, //
-// USA.                                                  //
-//                                                       //
-//                                                       //
-//    e-mail:     volaya at saga-gis.org                    //
-//                                                       //
-//    contact:    Victor Olaya                           //
-//                Spain                                  //
-//                                                       //
-//														 //
-//           The Tool Link Library Interface             //
-//														 //
-// 1. Include the appropriate SAGA-API header...
-#include "MLB_Interface.h"
-// 2. Place general tool library informations here...
-CSG_String Get_Info(int i)
-	switch( i )
-	{
-	case TLB_INFO_Name:	default:
-		return( _TL("Lines (extended)") );
-	case TLB_INFO_Category:
-		return( _TL("Shapes") );
-	case TLB_INFO_Author:
-		return( _TL("Victor Olaya (c) 2005") );
-	case TLB_INFO_Description:
-		return( _TL("Tools for lines.") );
-	case TLB_INFO_Version:
-		return( SG_T("1.0") );
-	case TLB_INFO_Menu_Path:
-		return( _TL("Shapes|Lines") );
-	}
-// 3. Include the headers of your tools here...
-#include "SimplifyShapes.h"
-// 4. Allow your tools to be created here...
-CSG_Tool *		Create_Tool(int i)
-	// Don't forget to continuously enumerate the case switches
-	// when adding new tools! Also bear in mind that the
-	// enumeration always has to start with [case 0:] and
-	// that [default:] must return NULL!...
-	CSG_Tool	*pTool;
-	switch( i )
-	{
-	case 0:
-		pTool	= new CSimplifyShapes;
-		break;
-	default:
-		pTool	= NULL;
-		break;
-	}
-	return( pTool );
-//														 //
-//														 //
-//														 //

saga-gis/src/tools/shapes/shapes_lines_ex/MLB_Interface.h deleted
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
- * Version $Id$
- *********************************************************/
-//                                                       //
-//                         SAGA                          //
-//                                                       //
-//      System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses      //
-//                                                       //
-//                     Tool Library                      //
-//                    shapes_lines_ex                    //
-//                                                       //
-//                                                       //
-//                    TLB_Interface.h                    //
-//                                                       //
-//                 Copyright (C) 2003 by                 //
-//                      Olaf Conrad                      //
-//                                                       //
-//                                                       //
-// This file is part of 'SAGA - System for Automated     //
-// Geoscientific Analyses'. SAGA is free software; you   //
-// can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms  //
-// of the GNU General Public License as published by the //
-// Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.   //
-//                                                       //
-// SAGA is distributed in the hope that it will be       //
-// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the    //
-// implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A  //
-// PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public        //
-// License for more details.                             //
-//                                                       //
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General    //
-// Public License along with this program; if not,       //
-// write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,          //
-// 51 Franklin Street, 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, //
-// USA.                                                  //
-//                                                       //
-//                                                       //
-//    e-mail:     oconrad at saga-gis.org                   //
-//                                                       //
-//    contact:    Olaf Conrad                            //
-//                Institute of Geography                 //
-//                University of Goettingen               //
-//                Goldschmidtstr. 5                      //
-//                37077 Goettingen                       //
-//                Germany                                //
-//                                                       //
-//														 //
-//				Include the SAGA-API here				 //
-//														 //
-#ifndef HEADER_INCLUDED__shapes_lines_ex_H
-#define HEADER_INCLUDED__shapes_lines_ex_H
-#include <saga_api/saga_api.h>
-#ifdef shapes_lines_ex_EXPORTS
-	#define	shapes_lines_ex_EXPORT	_SAGA_DLL_EXPORT
-	#define	shapes_lines_ex_EXPORT	_SAGA_DLL_IMPORT
-//														 //
-//														 //
-//														 //
-#endif // #ifndef HEADER_INCLUDED__shapes_lines_ex_H

saga-gis/src/tools/shapes/shapes_lines_ex/Makefile.am deleted
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-CXX_INCS           = -I$(top_srcdir)/src/saga_core
-AM_LDFLAGS         = -fPIC -shared -avoid-version
-pkglib_LTLIBRARIES = libshapes_lines_ex.la
-libshapes_lines_ex_la_SOURCES =\
-libshapes_lines_ex_la_LIBADD = $(top_srcdir)/src/saga_core/saga_api/libsaga_api.la

saga-gis/src/tools/shapes/shapes_lines_ex/PathHull.h deleted
@@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
- * Version $Id$
- *********************************************************/
-// PathHull.h: interface for the CPathHull class.
-#if !defined(AFX_PATHHULL_H__50C639BA_585B_4272_9AF4_4632128D8938__INCLUDED_)
-#define AFX_PATHHULL_H__50C639BA_585B_4272_9AF4_4632128D8938__INCLUDED_
-#if _MSC_VER > 1000
-#pragma once
-#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
-#include "LineApproximator.h"
-namespace hull
-#define DP_SGN(a) (a >= 0)
-/*! \brief A path
-	\ingroup 
-template<typename T, typename TPointContainer, typename TKeyContainer>
-class TPathHull  
-	enum EStackOp
-	{
-		StackPushOp=0,
-		StackTopOp=1,
-		StackBotOp=2
-	};
-	typedef std::vector<signed char> OpContainer;
-	typedef std::vector<TPointContainer::const_iterator> PCItContainer;
-	TPathHull(): m_iHullMax(0)
-	{};
-	virtual ~TPathHull()
-	{};
-	void SetMaxSize(int iHullMax);
-	int GetHp() const												{	return m_iHp;};
-	int GetBot() const												{	return m_iBot;};
-	int GetTop() const												{	return m_iTop;};
-	const TPointContainer::const_iterator& GetpElt(int i)	const	{	ASSERT(i<m_ppElt.size()); return m_ppElt[i];};
-	const TPointContainer::const_iterator& GetpHelt(int i)	const	{	ASSERT(i<m_ppHelt.size()); return m_ppHelt[i];};
-	OpContainer& GetOps()											{	return m_pOp;};
-	void SetHp(int hp)												{	m_iHp=hp;};
-	void UpHp()		{	m_iHp++;};
-	void UpTop()	{	m_iTop++;};
-	void UpBot()	{	m_iBot++;};
-	void DownHp()	{	m_iHp--;};
-	void DownTop()	{	m_iTop--;};
-	void DownBot()	{	m_iBot--;};
-	void SetTopElt(const TPointContainer::const_iterator& p)		{	ASSERT(m_iTop>=0); ASSERT(m_iTop<m_ppElt.size()); m_ppElt[m_iTop]=p;};
-	void SetBotElt(const TPointContainer::const_iterator& p)		{	ASSERT(m_iBot>=0); ASSERT(m_iBot<m_ppElt.size()); m_ppElt[m_iBot]=p;};
-	void Split(const TPointContainer::const_iterator& e)
-	{
-		TPointContainer::const_iterator tmpe;
-		int tmpo;
-		ASSERT(m_iHp<m_ppHelt.size());
-		ASSERT(m_iHp<m_pOp.size());
-		while ((m_iHp >= 0) 
-			&& ((tmpo = m_pOp[m_iHp]), 
-			((tmpe = m_ppHelt[m_iHp]) != e) || (tmpo != StackPushOp)))
-		{
-			m_iHp--;
-			switch (tmpo)
-			{
-			case StackPushOp:
-				m_iTop--;
-				m_iBot++;
-				break;
-			case StackTopOp:
-				ASSERT(m_iTop-1>=0);
-				ASSERT(m_iTop+1<m_ppElt.size());
-				m_ppElt[++m_iTop] = tmpe;
-				break;
-			case StackBotOp:
-				ASSERT(m_iBot-1>=0);
-				ASSERT(m_iBot-1<m_ppElt.size());
-				m_ppElt[--m_iBot] = tmpe;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	void FindExtreme(const TLine<T,TPointContainer,TKeyContainer>::SHomog& line, TPointContainer::const_iterator* e, T& dist)
-	{
-	int sbase, sbrk, mid,lo, m1, brk, m2, hi;
-	T d1, d2;
-	if ((m_iTop - m_iBot) > 8) 
-    {
-		lo = m_iBot; hi = m_iTop - 1;
-		sbase = SlopeSign(hi, lo, line);
-		do
-		{
-			brk = (lo + hi) / 2;
-			if (sbase == (sbrk = SlopeSign(brk, brk+1, line)))
-				if (sbase == (SlopeSign(lo, brk+1, line)))
-					lo = brk + 1;
-				else
-					hi = brk;
-		}
-		while (sbase == sbrk);
-		m1 = brk;
-		while (lo < m1)
-		{
-			mid = (lo + m1) / 2;
-			if (sbase == (SlopeSign(mid, mid+1, line)))
-				lo = mid + 1;
-			else
-				m1 = mid;
-		}
-		m2 = brk;
-		while (m2 < hi) 
-		{
-			mid = (m2 + hi) / 2;
-			if (sbase == (SlopeSign(mid, mid+1, line)))
-				hi = mid;
-			else
-				m2 = mid + 1;
-		}
-		ASSERT(lo>=0);
-		ASSERT(lo <m_ppElt.size());
-		if ((d1 = TLine<T,TPointContainer,TKeyContainer>::DotProduct(*m_ppElt[lo], line)) < 0) 
-			d1 = - d1;
-		ASSERT(m2>=0);
-		ASSERT(m2 <m_ppElt.size());
-		if ((d2 = TLine<T,TPointContainer,TKeyContainer>::DotProduct(*m_ppElt[m2], line)) < 0) 
-			d2 = - d2;
-		dist = (d1 > d2 ? (*e = m_ppElt[lo], d1) : (*e = m_ppElt[m2], d2));
-    }
-	else				/* Few DP_POINTs in hull */
-    {
-		dist = 0.0;
-		for (mid = m_iBot; mid < m_iTop; mid++)
-		{
-			ASSERT(mid>=0);
-			ASSERT(mid<m_ppElt->size());
-			if ((d1 = TLine<T,TPointContainer,TKeyContainer>::::DotProduct(*m_ppElt[mid], line)) < 0) 
-				d1 = - d1;
-			if (d1 > *dist)
-			{
-				dist = d1;
-				*e = m_ppElt[mid];
-			}
-		}
-    }
-	void Init(const TPointContainer::const_iterator& e1, const TPointContainer::const_iterator& e2)
-	{
-		/* Initialize path hull and history  */
-		ASSERT(m_iHullMax>=0);
-		ASSERT(m_iHullMax+1<m_ppElt.size());
-		m_ppElt[m_iHullMax] = e1;
-		m_ppElt[m_iTop = m_iHullMax + 1] = 
-			m_ppElt[m_iBot = m_iHullMax - 1] = 
-			m_ppHelt[m_iHp = 0] = e2;
-		m_pOp[0] = StackPushOp;
-	}
-	void Push(const TPointContainer::const_iterator& e)
-	{
-		ASSERT(m_iTop+1 >= 0);
-		ASSERT(m_iTop+1 < m_ppElt.size());
-		ASSERT(m_iBot-1 >= 0);
-		ASSERT(m_iBot-1 < m_ppElt.size());
-		ASSERT(m_iHp+1 >= 0);
-		ASSERT(m_iHp+1 < m_ppHelt.size());
-		ASSERT(m_iHp+1 < m_pOp.size());
-		/* Push element $e$ onto path hull $h$ */
-		m_ppElt[++m_iTop] = m_ppElt[--m_iBot] = m_ppHelt[++m_iHp] = e;
-		m_pOp[m_iHp] = StackPushOp;
-	}
-	void PopTop()
-	{	
-		ASSERT(m_iTop >= 0);
-		ASSERT(m_iTop < m_ppElt.size());
-		ASSERT(m_iHp+1 >= 0);
-		ASSERT(m_iHp+1 < m_ppHelt.size());
-		ASSERT(m_iHp+1 < m_pOp.size());
-		m_ppHelt[++m_iHp] = m_ppElt[m_iTop--];
-		m_pOp[m_iHp] = StackTopOp;
-	}
-	void PopBot()
-	{
-		ASSERT(m_iBot >= 0);
-		ASSERT(m_iBot < m_ppElt.size());
-		ASSERT(m_iHp+1 >= 0);
-		ASSERT(m_iHp+1 < m_ppHelt.size());
-		ASSERT(m_iHp+1 < m_pOp.size());
-		/* Pop from bottom */
-		m_ppHelt[++m_iHp] = m_ppElt[m_iBot++];
-		m_pOp[m_iHp] = StackBotOp;
-	}
-	void Add(const TPointContainer::const_iterator& p)
-	{
-		int topflag, botflag;
-		topflag = LeftOfTop(p);
-		botflag = LeftOfBot(p);
-		if (topflag || botflag)
-		{
-			while (topflag)
-			{
-				PopTop();
-				topflag = LeftOfTop(p);
-			}
-			while (botflag)
-			{
-				PopBot();
-				botflag = LeftOfBot(p);
-			}
-			Push(p);
-		}
-	}
-	int LeftOfTop(const TPointContainer::const_iterator& c)
-	{
-		ASSERT(m_iTop >= 1);
-		ASSERT(m_iTop < m_ppElt.size());
-		/* Determine if point c is left of line a to b */
-		return (((*m_ppElt[m_iTop]).x - (*c).x)*((*m_ppElt[m_iTop-1]).y - (*c).y) 
-			>= ((*m_ppElt[m_iTop-1]).x - (*c).x)*((*m_ppElt[m_iTop]).y - (*c).y));
-	}
-	int LeftOfBot(const TPointContainer::const_iterator& c)
-	{
-		ASSERT(m_iBot >= 0);
-		ASSERT(m_iBot+1 < m_ppElt.size());
-		/* Determine if point c is left of line a to b */
-		return (((*m_ppElt[m_iBot+1]).x - (*c).x)*((*m_ppElt[m_iBot]).y - (*c).y) 
-			>= ((*m_ppElt[m_iBot]).x - (*c).x)*((*m_ppElt[m_iBot+1]).y - (*c).y));
-	}
-	int SlopeSign(int p, int q, const TLine<T,TPointContainer,TKeyContainer>::SHomog& l)
-	{
-		ASSERT(p >= 0);
-		ASSERT(p < m_ppElt.size());
-		ASSERT(q >= 0);
-		ASSERT(q < m_ppElt.size());
-		/* Return the sign of the projection 
-				   of $h[q] - h[p]$ onto the normal 
-				   to line $l$ */ 
-		return (int) (DP_SGN( 
-			(l.x)*((*m_ppElt[q]).x - (*m_ppElt[p]).x) 
-			+ (l.y)*((*m_ppElt[q]).y - (*m_ppElt[p]).y) ) ) ;
-	};
-	/// Maxium number of elements in hull
-	int m_iHullMax;
-	/// internal values
-	int m_iTop;
-	int m_iBot; 
-	int m_iHp;
-	OpContainer m_pOp;	
-	PCItContainer m_ppElt; 
-	PCItContainer m_ppHelt;
-template <typename T,typename TPointContainer,typename TKeyContainer>
-void TPathHull<T,TPointContainer,TKeyContainer>::SetMaxSize(int iHullMax)
-	if (m_iHullMax == iHullMax)
-		return;
-	m_iHullMax=iHullMax;
-	m_pOp.resize(3*m_iHullMax);
-	m_ppElt.resize(2*m_iHullMax);
-	m_ppHelt.resize(3*m_iHullMax);
-#endif // !defined(AFX_PATHHULL_H__50C639BA_585B_4272_9AF4_4632128D8938__INCLUDED_)

saga-gis/src/tools/shapes/shapes_lines_ex/SimplifyShapes.cpp deleted
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
- * Version $Id$
- *********************************************************/
-    SimplifyShapes.cpp
-    Copyright (C) Victor Olaya
-    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-    (at your option) any later version.
-    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    GNU General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA
-#include "SimplifyShapes.h"
-#include "DPHull.h"
-#include "PathHull.h"
-#include "Containers.h"
-using namespace hull;
-using namespace std;
-	Parameters.Set_Name(_TL("Simplify Lines"));
-	Parameters.Set_Description(_TW(
-		"(c) 2004 by Victor Olaya. Use this tool to simplify a lines layer, removing points from it."));
-	Parameters.Add_Shapes(NULL, 
-						"OUT", 
-						_TL("Output"), 
-						_TL(""), 
-	Parameters.Add_Shapes(NULL, 
-						"IN", 
-						_TL("Lines"),
-						_TL(""),
-	Parameters.Add_Choice(NULL, 
-						"METHOD", 
-						_TL("Method"), 
-						_TL(""), _TW(
-						"Tolerance|"
-						"Percentage of initial points|"
-						"Number of total points|"),						
-						0);
-	Parameters.Add_Value(NULL, 
-						"NUMPOINTS", 
-						_TL("Number of points"),
-						_TL("Number of points in the simplified line"), 
-						20);
-	Parameters.Add_Value(NULL, 
-						"TOLERANCE", 
-						_TL("Tolerance"),
-						_TL("Tolerance"), 
-						PARAMETER_TYPE_Double, 
-						0.1,
-						0,
-						true);
-	Parameters.Add_Value(NULL, 
-						"PERCENTAGE", 
-						_TL("Percentage of points"),
-						_TL("Percentage of points remaining in the simplified line"), 
-						PARAMETER_TYPE_Double, 
-						10,
-						0,
-						true);
-	Parameters.Add_Value(NULL, 
-						"ERROR", 
-						_TL("Possible error"),
-						_TL("Possible error"), 
-						PARAMETER_TYPE_Double, 
-						20);
-bool CSimplifyShapes::On_Execute(void){
-	bool bCopy;
-	CSG_Shapes *pIn = Parameters("IN")->asShapes();
-	CSG_Shapes *pOut= Parameters("OUT")->asShapes();
-	double dError = Parameters("ERROR")->asDouble();
-	double dPercentage = Parameters("PERCENTAGE")->asDouble();
-	double dTolerance = Parameters("TOLERANCE")->asDouble();
-	int iNumPoints = Parameters("NUMPOINTS")->asInt();
-	int iMethod = Parameters("METHOD")->asInt();
-	TSG_Point	Pt;	
-	CSG_Shape *pShape, *pShape2;
-	int i;
-	if(pIn == pOut){
-		bCopy = true;
-		pOut = SG_Create_Shapes();
-	}//if
-	else{
-		bCopy = false;
-	}//else
-	pOut->Create(pIn->Get_Type(), _TL("Simplified Lines"), pIn);	
-	vector<float> vx(5000),vy(5000);
-	for(i=0; i<pIn->Get_Count(); i++){	
-		pShape = pIn->Get_Shape(i);					
-		pShape2 = pOut->Add_Shape();
-		for(int j=0; j<pShape->Get_Part_Count(); j++){		
-			vx.clear(); 
-			vy.clear();	
-			for(int k=0; k<pShape->Get_Point_Count(j); k++){
-				Pt = pShape->Get_Point(k,j);				
-				vx.push_back(Pt.x);
-				vy.push_back(Pt.y);
-			}//for
-			CDPHullF dp;				
-			dp.SetPoints(vx,vy);
-			dp.GetKeys(vx,vy);
-			dp.SetTol(dTolerance);
-			try{
-				switch (iMethod){
-				case 0:
-					dp.Simplify();
-					break;
-				case 1:
-					dp.ShrinkNorm(dPercentage / 100., dError);
-					break;
-				case 2:
-					dp.Shrink(iNumPoints, ceil(dError));
-					break;
-				}//switch
-			}
-			catch(TCHAR* str){}    			
-			const CDPHullF::KeyContainer& kc=dp.GetKeys();
-			CDPHullF::KeyContainer::const_iterator it;
-			TPoint<float> key;
-			for (it=kc.begin(); it!=kc.end(); ++it){
-				pShape2->Add_Point((*it)->x, (*it)->y, j);
-			}//for
-		}//for
-	}//for
-	if(bCopy){
-		pIn->Assign(pOut);
-		delete(pOut);
-	}//if
-	return true;

saga-gis/src/tools/shapes/shapes_lines_ex/SimplifyShapes.h deleted
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
- * Version $Id$
- *********************************************************/
-    SimplifyShapes.h
-    Copyright (C) Victor Olaya
-    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-    (at your option) any later version.
-    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    GNU General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA
-#if _MSC_VER > 1000
-#pragma once
-#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
-#include "MLB_Interface.h"
-class CSimplifyShapes : public CSG_Tool{
-	CSimplifyShapes(void);
-	virtual ~CSimplifyShapes(void);
-	virtual bool is_ProjectDependent(void) {return( false );}
-	virtual bool On_Execute(void);
-	double m_dScaleX;
-	double m_dScaleY;
-	double m_dDX;
-	double m_dDY;
-	double m_dAngle;
-	double m_dAnchorX;
-	double m_dAnchorY;
\ No newline at end of file

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