pykdtree_1.3.6+ds-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

Antonio Valentino antonio.valentino at
Wed Nov 2 06:52:24 GMT 2022

Il 01/11/22 11:47, Antonio Valentino ha scritto:
> Il 01/11/22 11:17, Sebastiaan Couwenberg ha scritto:
>> On 11/1/22 10:22, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
>>> On 11/1/22 10:03, Antonio Valentino wrote:
>>>> Il 01/11/22 09:27, Sebastiaan Couwenberg ha scritto:
>>>>> On 11/1/22 09:17, Antonio Valentino wrote:
>>>>>> Il 01/11/22 08:45, Sebastiaan Couwenberg ha scritto:
>>>>>>> On 11/1/22 08:37, Antonio Valentino wrote:
>>>>>>>> Il 01/11/22 08:23, Sebastiaan Couwenberg ha scritto:
>>>>>>>>  > Testing migration is blocked by autopkgtest failures:
>>>>>>>>  >
>>>>>>>>  >
>>>>>>>> satpy currently fails autopkdtest mainly due to the recent 
>>>>>>>> update of xarray (2022.10.0).
>>>>>>>> I have pushed to git a small patch backported form upstream but 
>>>>>>>> the main issue is still there.
>>>>>>>> According to [1], updating both xarray and dask to v2022.10.0 
>>>>>>>> would work.
>>>>>>>> An keeping bot to the previous version would work as well.
>>>>>>>> Updating only xarray seems to create problems to satpy.
>>>>>>>> There are to bugreports: 1022255 [2] for both xarray and satpy, 
>>>>>>>> and 1022338 [3] for satpy only, but I thing that the source of 
>>>>>>>> the problem is the same.
>>>>>>>> Not sure what is the best way to proceed.
>>>>>>>> Maybe I could submit a patch for updating dask to the latest 
>>>>>>>> version.
>>>>>>>> Do you have recommendations?
>>>>>>> Getting dask updated seems like the best option.
>>>>>>> Getting satpy removed from testing would resolve this issue for 
>>>>>>> pykdtree.
>>>>>> yes, satpy is currently scheduled for auto-removal due to its 
>>>>>> dependency on g2clib and python-pint that seem to have release 
>>>>>> critical bugs.
>>>>>> By the way I do not think it will be actually removed form testing.
>>>>>> The issue with xarray is in unstable only.
>>>>> #1022338 affects the version in testing so that will also become a 
>>>>> reason for autoremoval.
>>>> umh, the version in testing is the dame of unstable but in testing 
>>>> there is no problem with satpy.
>>>> Probably #1022338 should be re assigned to xarray.
>>> The autopkgtest of satpy from testing fails with pykdtree from unstable.
>>> That's using python3-xarray (2022.06.0-7) & python3-dask 
>>> (2022.02.0+dfsg-2) from testing instead of python3-xarray 
>>> (2022.10.0-1) from unstable.
>>> This suggests a different issue than #1022255 or #1022338.
>> satpy (0.37.1-1) FTBFS in bookworm due to test failures:
>> =========================== short test summary info 
>> ============================
>> satpy/tests/reader_tests/[modis_l1b_nasa_mod021km_file-True-False-False-1000]
>> satpy/tests/reader_tests/[modis_l1b_imapp_1000m_file-True-False-False-1000]
>> satpy/tests/reader_tests/[modis_l1b_nasa_1km_mod03_files-True-True-True-250]
>> satpy/tests/reader_tests/[modis_l2_nasa_mod35_file-True-False-False-1000]
>> = 4 failed, 1691 passed, 8 skipped, 64 deselected, 7 xfailed, 782 
>> warnings in 429.18s (0:07:09) =
>> Kind Regards,
>> Bas
> thanks
> I'm looking into it

Tests seem to pass now.
Not sure what the issue was.

Antonio Valentino

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