Bug#1043409: [DKIM] Bug#1043409: 'nco' misses UDUnits2 conversions
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
sebastic at xs4all.nl
Thu Aug 10 18:15:26 BST 2023
Control: reassign -1 src:nco
Control: found -1 nco/5.1.4-1
Control: severity -1 important
Control: tags -1 pending
On 8/10/23 15:18, Vries de, Hans (KNMI) wrote:
> In bookworm the package ‘nco’ misses the UDUnits2 conversions, below the output of ncap2 —revision, at the bottom.
> [...]
> UDUnits2 conversions No http://nco.sf.net/nco.html#udunits
> In bullseye this was active. Is it possible to switch it on in bookworm as well?
Nothing has changed to the packaging, it still build depends on
libudunits2-dev and debian/rules uses --enable-udunits2 explicitly.
--disable-udunits is also used explicitly, which turns out to now
disable udunits2 support instead of udunits support. Dropping this
option from debian/rules resolves the issue.
Kind Regards,
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