[Git][debian-gis-team/pyspectral][master] 7 commits: New upstream version 0.13.0+ds

Antonio Valentino (@antonio.valentino) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sat Dec 2 20:49:04 GMT 2023

Antonio Valentino pushed to branch master at Debian GIS Project / pyspectral

14cabd37 by Antonio Valentino at 2023-12-02T15:18:46+00:00
New upstream version 0.13.0+ds
- - - - -
46dfd9e1 by Antonio Valentino at 2023-12-02T15:18:48+00:00
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/0.13.0+ds'

Update to upstream version '0.13.0+ds'
with Debian dir 54be938a8f953bdcf20939bee62d4734c9140557
- - - - -
8d93b0a1 by Antonio Valentino at 2023-12-02T15:19:31+00:00
New upstream release

- - - - -
ab8dc36b by Antonio Valentino at 2023-12-02T15:26:48+00:00
Regresh all patches

- - - - -
950718b7 by Antonio Valentino at 2023-12-02T15:30:29+00:00
Fix python3-pyspectral.lintian-overrides

- - - - -
f55d9f84 by Antonio Valentino at 2023-12-02T15:31:55+00:00

- - - - -
76573dab by Antonio Valentino at 2023-12-02T20:46:52+00:00
Fix lintian warning

- - - - -

28 changed files:

- continuous_integration/environment.yaml
- debian/changelog
- debian/control
- debian/patches/0002-Fix-install-data.patch
- debian/python3-pyspectral-doc.docs
- debian/python3-pyspectral.lintian-overrides
- debian/rules
- doc/37_reflectance.rst
- doc/rad_definitions.rst
- doc/usage.rst
- pyspectral/bandnames.py
- pyspectral/blackbody.py
- pyspectral/config.py
- pyspectral/etc/pyspectral.yaml
- pyspectral/near_infrared_reflectance.py
- pyspectral/radiance_tb_conversion.py
- pyspectral/solar.py
- pyspectral/tests/test_blackbody.py
- pyspectral/tests/test_rad_tb_conversions.py
- pyspectral/tests/test_rayleigh.py
- pyspectral/tests/test_reflectance.py
- pyspectral/tests/test_solarflux.py
- pyspectral/tests/unittest_helpers.py
- pyspectral/utils.py
- + rsr_convert_scripts/epic_reader.py
- setup.py


@@ -1,3 +1,26 @@
+## Version <v0.13.0> (2023/11/27)
+### Issues Closed
+* [Issue 205](https://github.com/pytroll/pyspectral/issues/205) - Near infrared reflectance calculation does not preserve input dtype ([PR 206](https://github.com/pytroll/pyspectral/pull/206) by [@pnuu](https://github.com/pnuu))
+* [Issue 201](https://github.com/pytroll/pyspectral/issues/201) - blackbody functions not dask friendly, trigger early dask computation
+In this release 2 issues were closed.
+### Pull Requests Merged
+#### Features added
+* [PR 208](https://github.com/pytroll/pyspectral/pull/208) - Update the solar spectrum code to use the included reference spectra
+* [PR 207](https://github.com/pytroll/pyspectral/pull/207) - Remove pkg_resources usage in config handling
+* [PR 206](https://github.com/pytroll/pyspectral/pull/206) - Return 3.x um reflectance with the same dtype as the NIR data ([205](https://github.com/pytroll/pyspectral/issues/205))
+* [PR 204](https://github.com/pytroll/pyspectral/pull/204) - Bump up python versions
+* [PR 203](https://github.com/pytroll/pyspectral/pull/203) - Allow dataarrays and preserve dtype in rad2temp
+* [PR 202](https://github.com/pytroll/pyspectral/pull/202) - Update the solar spectrum code to use the included reference spectra
+In this release 6 pull requests were closed.
 ## Version <v0.12.5> (2023/09/21)
 ### Pull Requests Merged

@@ -2,6 +2,20 @@ Changelog for the Relative Spectral Response data
+Version <v1.2.4> (Sat Oct 21 12:25:00 PM CEST 2023)
+ * Normalized RSR responses for the EPIC sensor. Now values are sclaed to be
+   between 0 and 1.
+Version <v1.2.3> (Fri Oct 20 01:58:29 2023)
+ * Added RSR file for EPIC on DSCOVR (responses not normalized)
 Version <v1.2.2> (Tue Nov 15 14:44:03 2022)

@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ dependencies:
   - behave
   - netcdf4
   - h5py
-  - h5netcdf
-  - pyhdf
   - mock
   - pytest
   - pytest-cov

@@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
-pyspectral (0.12.5+ds-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+pyspectral (0.13.0+ds-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+  * New upstream release.
   * debian/control:
     - Move the common package description to source.
+  * debian/patches:
+    - Refresh all patches.
+  * Fix d/python3-pyspectral.lintian-overrides.
+  * Fix lintian warning in documentation file.
  -- Antonio Valentino <antonio.valentino at tiscali.it>  Sun, 26 Nov 2023 08:26:43 +0000

@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ Depends: ${sphinxdoc:Depends},
 Suggests: python3-pyspectral,
-Description: ${source:Synopsis} -- docuentation
+Description: ${source:Synopsis} -- documentation
  This package includes the PySpectral documentation in HTML format.

@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Forwarded: not-needed
  1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
-index 51bebff..4bb72c6 100644
+index 739b038..cbc5f6d 100644
 --- a/setup.py
 +++ b/setup.py
 @@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ setup(name=NAME,
@@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ index 51bebff..4bb72c6 100644
 +      #                        'pyspectral/data/MSG_SEVIRI_Spectral_Response_Characterisation.XLS'])],
-       python_requires='>=3.7',
+       python_requires='>=3.10',

@@ -1 +1 @@

@@ -1 +1 @@
-package-contains-documentation-outside-usr-share-doc [usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pyspectral-0.12.5+ds.*-info/*]
+package-contains-documentation-outside-usr-share-doc [usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pyspectral-*.*-info/*]

@@ -14,8 +14,9 @@ execute_after_dh_auto_build: export http_proxy=
 execute_after_dh_auto_build: export https_proxy=
 ifeq (,$(filter nodoc,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
-	PYTHONPATH=. python3 -m sphinx -N -bhtml doc build/html # HTML generator
-	# PYTHONPATH=. python3 -m sphinx -N -bman doc build/man # Manpage generator
+	PYTHONPATH=. python3 -m sphinx -N -bhtml doc .pybuild/build/html # HTML generator
+	# PYTHONPATH=. python3 -m sphinx -N -bman doc .pybuild/build/man # Manpage generator
+	sed -i "s:\'.\*/pyspectral/data/e490_00a.dat\':\'/usr/lib/dist-packages/pyspectral/data/e490_00a.dat\':g" .pybuild/build/html/api.html

@@ -123,9 +123,9 @@ would be:
 where :math:`S(\lambda)` is the spectral solar irradiance.
   >>> from pyspectral.rsr_reader import RelativeSpectralResponse
-  >>> from pyspectral.solar import (SolarIrradianceSpectrum, TOTAL_IRRADIANCE_SPECTRUM_2000ASTM)
+  >>> from pyspectral.solar import SolarIrradianceSpectrum
   >>> viirs = RelativeSpectralResponse('Suomi-NPP', 'viirs')
-  >>> solar_irr = SolarIrradianceSpectrum(TOTAL_IRRADIANCE_SPECTRUM_2000ASTM, dlambda=0.005)
+  >>> solar_irr = SolarIrradianceSpectrum(dlambda=0.005)
   >>> sflux = solar_irr.inband_solarflux(viirs.rsr['M12'])
   >>> print(np.round(sflux, 7))

@@ -156,8 +156,8 @@ TOA Solar irradiance and solar constant
 First, the TOA solar irradiance in wavelength space:
-  >>> from pyspectral.solar import (SolarIrradianceSpectrum, TOTAL_IRRADIANCE_SPECTRUM_2000ASTM)
-  >>> solar_irr = SolarIrradianceSpectrum(TOTAL_IRRADIANCE_SPECTRUM_2000ASTM, dlambda=0.0005) 
+  >>> from pyspectral.solar import SolarIrradianceSpectrum
+  >>> solar_irr = SolarIrradianceSpectrum(dlambda=0.0005)
   >>> print("Solar irradiance = {}".format(round(solar_irr.solar_constant(), 3)))
   Solar irradiance = 1366.091
   >>> solar_irr.plot('/tmp/solar_irradiance.png')
@@ -201,8 +201,8 @@ In python code it may look like this:
    >>> from pyspectral.utils import convert2wavenumber, get_central_wave
    >>> seviri = RelativeSpectralResponse('Meteosat-8', 'seviri')
    >>> rsr, info = convert2wavenumber(seviri.rsr)
-   >>> from pyspectral.solar import (SolarIrradianceSpectrum, TOTAL_IRRADIANCE_SPECTRUM_2000ASTM)
-   >>> solar_irr = SolarIrradianceSpectrum(TOTAL_IRRADIANCE_SPECTRUM_2000ASTM, dlambda=0.0005, wavespace='wavenumber')
+   >>> from pyspectral.solar import SolarIrradianceSpectrum
+   >>> solar_irr = SolarIrradianceSpectrum(dlambda=0.0005, wavespace='wavenumber')
    >>> print("Solar Irradiance (SEVIRI band VIS008) = {sflux:12.6f}".format(sflux=solar_irr.inband_solarflux(rsr['VIS0.8'])))
    Solar Irradiance (SEVIRI band VIS008) = 63767.908405

@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ Now, you can work with the data as you wish, make some simple plot for instance:
 A simple use case:
   >>> from pyspectral.rsr_reader import RelativeSpectralResponse
-  >>> from pyspectral.solar import (SolarIrradianceSpectrum, TOTAL_IRRADIANCE_SPECTRUM_2000ASTM)
+  >>> from pyspectral.solar import SolarIrradianceSpectrum
   >>> modis = RelativeSpectralResponse('EOS-Aqua', 'modis')
-  >>> solar_irr = SolarIrradianceSpectrum(TOTAL_IRRADIANCE_SPECTRUM_2000ASTM, dlambda=0.005)
+  >>> solar_irr = SolarIrradianceSpectrum(dlambda=0.005)
   >>> sflux = solar_irr.inband_solarflux(modis.rsr['20'])
   >>> print("Solar flux over Band: {sflux}".format(sflux=round(sflux, 6)))
   Solar flux over Band: 2.002928

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Adam.Dybbroe
+# Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Pytroll developers
 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ for chan_num in range(1, 37):
 # MODIS RSR files were made before 'chX' became standard in pyspectral
 BANDNAMES['modis'] = {str(chan_num): str(chan_num) for chan_num in range(1, 37)}
 BANDNAMES['seviri'] = {'VIS006': 'VIS0.6',
                        'VIS008': 'VIS0.8',
                        'IR_016': 'NIR1.6',

@@ -28,96 +28,50 @@ try:
 except ImportError:
     da = np
+from pyspectral.utils import use_map_blocks_on
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 H_PLANCK = 6.62606957 * 1e-34  # SI-unit = [J*s]
 K_BOLTZMANN = 1.3806488 * 1e-23  # SI-unit = [J/K]
 C_SPEED = 2.99792458 * 1e8  # SI-unit = [m/s]
 EPSILON = 0.000001
+ at use_map_blocks_on("radiance")
 def blackbody_rad2temp(wavelength, radiance):
-    """Derive brightness temperatures from radiance using the Planck function.
-    Wavelength space. Assumes SI units as input and returns
-    temperature in Kelvin
-    """
-    mask = False
-    if np.isscalar(radiance):
-        rad = np.array([radiance, ], dtype='float64')
-    else:
-        rad = np.array(radiance, dtype='float64')
-        if np.ma.is_masked(radiance):
-            mask = radiance.mask
-    rad = np.ma.masked_array(rad, mask=mask)
-    rad = np.ma.masked_less_equal(rad, 0)
-    if np.isscalar(wavelength):
-        wvl = np.array([wavelength, ], dtype='float64')
-    else:
-        wvl = np.array(wavelength, dtype='float64')
+    """Derive brightness temperatures from radiance using the inverse Planck function.
-    const1 = H_PLANCK * C_SPEED / K_BOLTZMANN
-    const2 = 2 * H_PLANCK * C_SPEED**2
-    res = const1 / (wvl * np.log(np.divide(const2, rad * wvl**5) + 1.0))
+    Args:
+        wavelength: The wavelength to use, in SI units (metre).
+        radiance: The radiance to derive temperatures from, in SI units (W/m^2 sr^-1). Scalar or arrays are accepted.
-    shape = rad.shape
-    resshape = res.shape
+    Returns:
+        The derived temperature in Kelvin.
-    if wvl.shape[0] == 1:
-        if rad.shape[0] == 1:
-            return res[0]
-        else:
-            return res[::].reshape(shape)
-    else:
-        if rad.shape[0] == 1:
-            return res[0, :]
-        else:
-            if len(shape) == 1:
-                return np.reshape(res, (shape[0], resshape[1]))
-            else:
-                return np.reshape(res, (shape[0], shape[1], resshape[1]))
+    """
+    with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
+        return PLANCK_C1 / (wavelength * np.log(PLANCK_C2 / (radiance * wavelength**5) + 1.0))
+ at use_map_blocks_on("radiance")
 def blackbody_wn_rad2temp(wavenumber, radiance):
-    """Derive brightness temperatures from radiance using the Planck function.
+    """Derive brightness temperatures from radiance using the inverse Planck function.
+    Args:
+        wavenumber: The wavenumber to use, in SI units (1/metre).
+        radiance: The radiance to derive temperatures from, in SI units (W/m^2 sr^-1). Scalar or arrays are accepted.
-    Wavenumber space
+    Returns:
+        The derived temperature in Kelvin.
-    if np.isscalar(radiance):
-        radiance = np.array([radiance], dtype='float64')
-    elif isinstance(radiance, (list, tuple)):
-        radiance = np.array(radiance, dtype='float64')
-    if np.isscalar(wavenumber):
-        wavnum = np.array([wavenumber], dtype='float64')
-    elif isinstance(wavenumber, (list, tuple)):
-        wavnum = np.array(wavenumber, dtype='float64')
-    const1 = H_PLANCK * C_SPEED / K_BOLTZMANN
-    const2 = 2 * H_PLANCK * C_SPEED**2
-    res = const1 * wavnum / np.log(
-        np.divide(const2 * wavnum**3, radiance) + 1.0)
-    shape = radiance.shape
-    resshape = res.shape
-    if wavnum.shape[0] == 1:
-        if radiance.shape[0] == 1:
-            return res[0]
-        else:
-            return res[::].reshape(shape)
-    else:
-        if radiance.shape[0] == 1:
-            return res[0, :]
-        else:
-            if len(shape) == 1:
-                return res.reshape((shape[0], resshape[1]))
-            else:
-                return res.reshape((shape[0], shape[1], resshape[1]))
+    with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
+        return PLANCK_C1 * wavenumber / np.log((PLANCK_C2 * wavenumber**3) / radiance + 1.0)
 def planck(wave, temperature, wavelength=True):
@@ -145,24 +99,12 @@ def planck(wave, temperature, wavelength=True):
         LOG.debug("Using {0} when calculating the Blackbody radiance".format(
             units[(wavelength is True) - 1]))
-    if np.isscalar(temperature):
-        temperature = np.array([temperature, ], dtype='float64')
-    elif isinstance(temperature, (list, tuple)):
-        temperature = np.array(temperature, dtype='float64')
-    shape = temperature.shape
-    if np.isscalar(wave):
-        wln = np.array([wave, ], dtype='float64')
-    else:
-        wln = np.array(wave, dtype='float64')
     if wavelength:
-        const = 2 * H_PLANCK * C_SPEED ** 2
-        nom = const / wln ** 5
-        arg1 = H_PLANCK * C_SPEED / (K_BOLTZMANN * wln)
+        nom = PLANCK_C2 / wave ** 5
+        arg1 = PLANCK_C1 / wave
-        nom = 2 * H_PLANCK * (C_SPEED ** 2) * (wln ** 3)
-        arg1 = H_PLANCK * C_SPEED * wln / K_BOLTZMANN
+        nom = PLANCK_C2 * wave ** 3
+        arg1 = PLANCK_C1 * wave
     with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
         # use dask functions when needed
@@ -178,7 +120,7 @@ def planck(wave, temperature, wavelength=True):
                   str(np.nanmax(arg2)), str(np.nanmin(arg2)))
-        exp_arg = np.multiply(arg1.astype('float64'), arg2.astype('float64'))
+        exp_arg = np.multiply(arg1, arg2)
     except MemoryError:
         LOG.warning(("Dimensions used in numpy.multiply probably reached "
@@ -197,21 +139,7 @@ def planck(wave, temperature, wavelength=True):
     with np.errstate(over='ignore'):
         denom = np.exp(exp_arg) - 1
-        rad = nom / denom
-        radshape = rad.shape
-        if wln.shape[0] == 1:
-            if temperature.shape[0] == 1:
-                return rad[0, 0]
-            else:
-                return rad[:, 0].reshape(shape)
-        else:
-            if temperature.shape[0] == 1:
-                return rad[0, :]
-            else:
-                if len(shape) == 1:
-                    return rad.reshape((shape[0], radshape[1]))
-                else:
-                    return rad.reshape((shape[0], shape[1], radshape[1]))
+        return nom / denom
 def blackbody_wn(wavenumber, temp):

@@ -21,20 +21,13 @@
 import logging
 import os
+from collections.abc import Mapping
 from os.path import expanduser
+from pathlib import Path
 import yaml
 from appdirs import AppDirs
-    # python 3.3+
-    from collections.abc import Mapping
-except ImportError:
-    # deprecated (above can't be done in 2.7)
-    from collections import Mapping
-import pkg_resources
     from yaml import UnsafeLoader
 except ImportError:
@@ -43,16 +36,7 @@ except ImportError:
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-BUILTIN_CONFIG_FILE = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__,
-                                                      os.path.join('etc', 'pyspectral.yaml'))
-CONFIG_FILE = os.environ.get('PSP_CONFIG_FILE')
-if CONFIG_FILE is not None and (not os.path.exists(CONFIG_FILE) or
-                                not os.path.isfile(CONFIG_FILE)):
-    raise IOError(str(CONFIG_FILE) + " pointed to by the environment " +
-                  "variable PSP_CONFIG_FILE is not a file or does not exist!")
+BUILTIN_CONFIG_FILE = Path(__file__).resolve().parent / "etc" / "pyspectral.yaml"
 def recursive_dict_update(d, u):
@@ -72,15 +56,13 @@ def recursive_dict_update(d, u):
     return d
-def get_config():
-    """Get the configuration from file."""
-    if CONFIG_FILE is not None:
-        configfile = CONFIG_FILE
-    else:
-        configfile = BUILTIN_CONFIG_FILE
+def get_config(config_file: str | Path = None) -> dict:
+    """Get configuration options from YAML file."""
+    if config_file is None:
+        config_file = _get_env_or_builtin_config_path()
     config = {}
-    with open(configfile, 'r') as fp_:
+    with open(config_file, 'r') as fp_:
         config = recursive_dict_update(config, yaml.load(fp_, Loader=UnsafeLoader))
     app_dirs = AppDirs('pyspectral', 'pytroll')
@@ -91,3 +73,13 @@ def get_config():
     os.makedirs(config['rayleigh_dir'], exist_ok=True)
     return config
+def _get_env_or_builtin_config_path() -> Path:
+    config_file = os.environ.get('PSP_CONFIG_FILE')
+    if config_file is not None and not os.path.isfile(config_file):
+        raise IOError(f"{config_file} pointed to by the environment variable "
+                      f"'PSP_CONFIG_FILE' is not a file or does not exist!")
+    if config_file is None:
+        return BUILTIN_CONFIG_FILE
+    return Path(config_file)

@@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ download_from_internet: True
 #   path: /home/a000680/data/SpectralResponses/modis/aqua
 #   tb2rad_lut_filename: /path/to/radiance/tb/lut/data/tb2rad_lut_aqua_modis_ir3.7.npz
+#  path: C:/Users/Simon/Downloads/EPIC_Filters_Original_Data.xlsx
 # NOAA-20-viirs:
 #   # J1_VIIRS_RSR_M1_Detector_Fused_V2.txt

@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ except ImportError:
 from pyspectral.config import get_config
 from pyspectral.radiance_tb_conversion import RadTbConverter
-from pyspectral.solar import TOTAL_IRRADIANCE_SPECTRUM_2000ASTM, SolarIrradianceSpectrum
+from pyspectral.solar import SolarIrradianceSpectrum
 from pyspectral.utils import BANDNAMES, WAVE_LENGTH, get_bandname_from_wavelength
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -161,8 +161,7 @@ class Calculator(RadTbConverter):
     def _get_solarflux(self):
         """Derive the in-band solar flux from rsr over the Near IR band (3.7 or 3.9 microns)."""
         solar_spectrum = \
-            SolarIrradianceSpectrum(TOTAL_IRRADIANCE_SPECTRUM_2000ASTM,
-                                    dlambda=0.0005,
+            SolarIrradianceSpectrum(dlambda=0.0005,
         self.solar_flux = solar_spectrum.inband_solarflux(self.rsr[self.bandname])
@@ -243,11 +242,11 @@ class Calculator(RadTbConverter):
         # Assume rsr is in microns!!!
         # FIXME!
         self._rad3x_t11 = self.tb2radiance(tb_therm, lut=lut)['radiance']
-        thermal_emiss_one = self._rad3x_t11 * self.rsr_integral
+        rsr_integral = tb_therm.dtype.type(self.rsr_integral)
+        thermal_emiss_one = self._rad3x_t11 * rsr_integral
         l_nir = self.tb2radiance(tb_nir, lut=lut)['radiance']
         self._rad3x = l_nir.copy()
-        l_nir *= self.rsr_integral
+        l_nir *= rsr_integral
         if thermal_emiss_one.ravel().shape[0] < 10:
             LOG.info('thermal_emiss_one = %s', str(thermal_emiss_one))
@@ -268,7 +267,8 @@ class Calculator(RadTbConverter):
             self.derive_rad39_corr(tb_therm, tbco2)
             LOG.info("CO2 correction applied...")
-            self._rad3x_correction = 1.0
+            self._rad3x_correction = np.float64(1.0)
+        self._rad3x_correction = self._rad3x_correction.astype(tb_nir.dtype)
         corrected_thermal_emiss_one = thermal_emiss_one * self._rad3x_correction
         nomin = l_nir - corrected_thermal_emiss_one

@@ -201,15 +201,16 @@ class RadTbConverter(object):
             scale = 1.0
         if lut:
+            lut_radiance = lut['radiance'].astype(tb_.dtype)
             ntb = (tb_ * self.tb_scale).astype('int16')
             start = int(lut['tb'][0] * self.tb_scale)
             retv = {}
-            bounds = 0, lut['radiance'].shape[0] - 1
+            bounds = 0, lut_radiance.shape[0] - 1
             index = (ntb - start).clip(bounds[0], bounds[1])
-                retv['radiance'] = index.map_blocks(self._getitem, lut['radiance'], dtype=lut['radiance'].dtype)
+                retv['radiance'] = index.map_blocks(self._getitem, lut_radiance, dtype=lut_radiance.dtype)
             except AttributeError:
-                retv['radiance'] = lut['radiance'][index]
+                retv['radiance'] = lut_radiance[index]
                 retv['radiance'] = retv['radiance'].item()
             except (ValueError, AttributeError):

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2013-2022 Pytroll developers
+# Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Pytroll developers
 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
@@ -26,17 +26,16 @@ various instrument bands given their relative spectral response functions
 import logging
+from pathlib import Path
 import numpy as np
-from pkg_resources import resource_filename
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 # STANDARD SPECTRA from Air Mass Zero: http://rredc.nrel.gov/solar/spectra/am0/
 #    * 2000 ASTM Standard Extraterrestrial Spectrum Reference E-490-00
 #      (119.5 - 1,000,000.0 nm)
-TOTAL_IRRADIANCE_SPECTRUM_2000ASTM = resource_filename(__name__,
-                                                       'data/e490_00a.dat')
+TOTAL_IRRADIANCE_SPECTRUM_2000ASTM = Path(__file__).resolve().parent / "data" / "e490_00a.dat"
 class SolarIrradianceSpectrum(object):
@@ -48,14 +47,26 @@ class SolarIrradianceSpectrum(object):
     in units of W/m^2/micron
-    def __init__(self, filename, **options):
+    def __init__(self, filename=TOTAL_IRRADIANCE_SPECTRUM_2000ASTM, **options):
         """Initialize the top of atmosphere solar irradiance spectrum object from file.
+        By default, this will use the following spectra:
+        2000 ASTM Standard Extraterrestrial Spectrum Reference E-490-00
+        To use a different spectra, specify the `filename` when initialising the class.
-        filename: Filename of the solar irradiance spectrum
-        dlambda:
-        Delta wavelength: the step in wavelength defining the resolution on
-        which to integrate/convolute.
+        filename: Filename of the solar irradiance spectrum (default: 2000 ASTM)
+        options:
+          dlambda:
+            Delta wavelength: the step in wavelength defining the resolution on
+            which to integrate/convolute.
+            Default is 0.005 if 'wavespace' is 'wavelength' and 2.0 if 'wavenumber'.
+          wavespace:
+            It is possible to specify if the solar irradiance spectrum should
+            be given in terms of wavelength (default) or in terms of
+            wavenumber. If the latter is desired 'wavespace' should be set to
+            'wavenumber'.
         self.wavelength = None

@@ -19,12 +19,13 @@
 """Unit testing the Blackbody/Plack radiation derivation."""
-import unittest
+import dask
+import dask.array as da
 import numpy as np
+import pytest
 from pyspectral.blackbody import blackbody, blackbody_rad2temp, blackbody_wn, blackbody_wn_rad2temp
-from pyspectral.tests.unittest_helpers import assertNumpyArraysEqual
+from pyspectral.tests.unittest_helpers import ComputeCountingScheduler
 RAD_11MICRON_300KELVIN = 9573176.935507433
 RAD_11MICRON_301KELVIN = 9714686.576498277
@@ -36,92 +37,65 @@ WN_RAD_11MICRON_301KELVIN = 0.00117547716523
 __unittest = True
-class CustomScheduler(object):
-    """Custom dask scheduler that raises an exception if dask is computed too many times."""
-    def __init__(self, max_computes=1):
-        """Set starting and maximum compute counts."""
-        self.max_computes = max_computes
-        self.total_computes = 0
-    def __call__(self, dsk, keys, **kwargs):
-        """Compute dask task and keep track of number of times we do so."""
-        import dask
-        self.total_computes += 1
-        if self.total_computes > self.max_computes:
-            raise RuntimeError("Too many dask computations were scheduled: {}".format(self.total_computes))
-        return dask.get(dsk, keys, **kwargs)
-class TestBlackbody(unittest.TestCase):
+class TestBlackbody:
     """Unit testing the blackbody function."""
     def test_blackbody(self):
         """Calculate the blackbody radiation from wavelengths and temperatures."""
         wavel = 11. * 1E-6
-        black = blackbody((wavel, ), [300., 301])
-        self.assertEqual(black.shape[0], 2)
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(black[0], RAD_11MICRON_300KELVIN)
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(black[1], RAD_11MICRON_301KELVIN)
-        temp1 = blackbody_rad2temp(wavel, black[0])
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(temp1, 300.0, 4)
-        temp2 = blackbody_rad2temp(wavel, black[1])
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(temp2, 301.0, 4)
+        black = blackbody(wavel, 300.)
+        assert black == pytest.approx(RAD_11MICRON_300KELVIN)
+        temp1 = blackbody_rad2temp(wavel, black)
+        assert temp1 == pytest.approx(300.0, 4)
-        black = blackbody(13. * 1E-6, 200.)
-        self.assertTrue(np.isscalar(black))
+        black = blackbody(wavel, 301.)
+        assert black == pytest.approx(RAD_11MICRON_301KELVIN)
+        temp2 = blackbody_rad2temp(wavel, black)
+        assert temp2 == pytest.approx(301.0, 4)
         tb_therm = np.array([[300., 301], [299, 298], [279, 286]])
-        black = blackbody((10. * 1E-6, 11.e-6), tb_therm)
-        self.assertIsInstance(black, np.ndarray)
+        black = blackbody(10. * 1E-6, tb_therm)
+        assert isinstance(black, np.ndarray)
-        tb_therm = np.array([[300., 301], [0., 298], [279, 286]])
-        black = blackbody((10. * 1E-6, 11.e-6), tb_therm)
-        self.assertIsInstance(black, np.ndarray)
-    def test_blackbody_dask(self):
+    def test_blackbody_dask_wave_tuple(self):
         """Calculate the blackbody radiation from wavelengths and temperatures with dask arrays."""
-        import dask
-        import dask.array as da
-        tb_therm = da.from_array([[300., 301], [299, 298], [279, 286]], chunks=2)
-        with dask.config.set(scheduler=CustomScheduler(0)):
-            black = blackbody((10. * 1E-6, 11.e-6), tb_therm)
-        self.assertIsInstance(black, da.Array)
-        tb_therm = da.from_array([[300., 301], [0., 298], [279, 286]], chunks=2)
-        with dask.config.set(scheduler=CustomScheduler(0)):
-            black = blackbody((10. * 1E-6, 11.e-6), tb_therm)
-        self.assertIsInstance(black, da.Array)
+        tb_therm = da.array([[300., 301], [299, 298], [279, 286]])
+        with dask.config.set(scheduler=ComputeCountingScheduler(0)):
+            black = blackbody(10. * 1E-6, tb_therm)
+        assert isinstance(black, da.Array)
+        assert black.dtype == np.float64
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", (np.float32, np.float64, float))
+    def test_blackbody_dask_wave_array(self, dtype):
+        """Test blackbody calculations with dask arrays as inputs."""
+        tb_therm = da.array([[300., 301], [0., 298], [279, 286]], dtype=dtype)
+        with dask.config.set(scheduler=ComputeCountingScheduler(0)):
+            black = blackbody(da.array([10. * 1E-6, 11.e-6], dtype=dtype), tb_therm)
+        assert isinstance(black, da.Array)
+        assert black.dtype == dtype
     def test_blackbody_wn(self):
         """Calculate the blackbody radiation from wavenumbers and temperatures."""
         wavenumber = 90909.1  # 11 micron band
-        black = blackbody_wn((wavenumber, ), [300., 301])
-        self.assertEqual(black.shape[0], 2)
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(black[0], WN_RAD_11MICRON_300KELVIN)
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(black[1], WN_RAD_11MICRON_301KELVIN)
+        black = blackbody_wn(wavenumber, 300.)
+        assert black == pytest.approx(WN_RAD_11MICRON_300KELVIN)
+        temp1 = blackbody_wn_rad2temp(wavenumber, black)
+        assert temp1 == pytest.approx(300.0, 4)
-        temp1 = blackbody_wn_rad2temp(wavenumber, black[0])
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(temp1, 300.0, 4)
-        temp2 = blackbody_wn_rad2temp(wavenumber, black[1])
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(temp2, 301.0, 4)
+        black = blackbody_wn(wavenumber, 301.)
+        assert black == pytest.approx(WN_RAD_11MICRON_301KELVIN)
+        temp2 = blackbody_wn_rad2temp(wavenumber, black)
+        assert temp2 == pytest.approx(301.0, 4)
-        t__ = blackbody_wn_rad2temp(wavenumber, [0.001, 0.0009])
+        t__ = blackbody_wn_rad2temp(wavenumber, np.array([0.001, 0.0009]))
         expected = [290.3276916, 283.76115441]
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(t__[0], expected[0])
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(t__[1], expected[1])
+        np.testing.assert_allclose(t__, expected)
         radiances = np.array([0.001, 0.0009, 0.0012, 0.0018]).reshape(2, 2)
         t__ = blackbody_wn_rad2temp(wavenumber, radiances)
         expected = np.array([290.3276916, 283.76115441,
                              302.4181330, 333.1414164]).reshape(2, 2)
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(t__[1, 1], expected[1, 1], 5)
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(t__[0, 0], expected[0, 0], 5)
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(t__[0, 1], expected[0, 1], 5)
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(t__[1, 0], expected[1, 0], 5)
-        assertNumpyArraysEqual(t__, expected)
+        np.testing.assert_allclose(t__, expected)
     def test_blackbody_wn_dask(self):
         """Test that blackbody rad2temp preserves dask arrays."""
@@ -129,15 +103,10 @@ class TestBlackbody(unittest.TestCase):
         import dask.array as da
         wavenumber = 90909.1  # 11 micron band
         radiances = da.from_array([0.001, 0.0009, 0.0012, 0.0018], chunks=2).reshape(2, 2)
-        with dask.config.set(scheduler=CustomScheduler(0)):
+        with dask.config.set(scheduler=ComputeCountingScheduler(0)):
             t__ = blackbody_wn_rad2temp(wavenumber, radiances)
-        self.assertIsInstance(t__, da.Array)
+        assert isinstance(t__, da.Array)
         t__ = t__.compute()
         expected = np.array([290.3276916, 283.76115441,
                              302.4181330, 333.1414164]).reshape(2, 2)
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(t__[1, 1], expected[1, 1], 5)
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(t__[0, 0], expected[0, 0], 5)
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(t__[0, 1], expected[0, 1], 5)
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(t__[1, 0], expected[1, 0], 5)
-        assertNumpyArraysEqual(t__, expected)
+        np.testing.assert_allclose(t__, expected)

@@ -19,24 +19,17 @@
 """Testing the radiance to brightness temperature conversion."""
-import sys
+import unittest
+import warnings
+from unittest.mock import patch
 import numpy as np
+import pytest
-from pyspectral.radiance_tb_conversion import RadTbConverter, SeviriRadTbConverter
+from pyspectral.radiance_tb_conversion import RadTbConverter, SeviriRadTbConverter, radiance2tb
 from pyspectral.utils import get_central_wave
-if sys.version_info < (2, 7):
-    import unittest2 as unittest
-    import unittest
-if sys.version_info < (3,):
-    from mock import patch
-    from unittest.mock import patch
-TEST_TBS = np.array([200., 270., 300., 302., 350.], dtype='float32')
+TEST_TBS = np.array([200., 270., 300., 302., 350.])
 TRUE_RADS = np.array([856.937353205, 117420.385297,
                       479464.582505, 521412.9511, 2928735.18944],
@@ -45,8 +38,7 @@ TRUE_RADS_SEVIRI = np.array([2.391091e-08,
-                             5.531423e-05],
-                            dtype='float64')
+                             5.531423e-05])
 TEST_RSR = {'20': {}}
 TEST_RSR['20']['det-1'] = {}
@@ -231,10 +223,10 @@ class RSRTestDataModis(object):
         self.rsr = TEST_RSR
-class TestSeviriConversions(unittest.TestCase):
+class TestSeviriConversions:
     """Testing the conversions between radiances and brightness temperatures."""
-    def setUp(self):
+    def setup_method(self):
         """Set up."""
         with patch('pyspectral.radiance_tb_conversion.RelativeSpectralResponse') as mymock:
             instance = mymock.return_value
@@ -247,32 +239,38 @@ class TestSeviriConversions(unittest.TestCase):
         self.sev2 = SeviriRadTbConverter('Meteosat-9', 'IR3.9')
-    def test_rad2tb(self):
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", (np.float32, np.float64, float))
+    def test_rad2tb(self, dtype):
         """Unit testing the radiance to brightness temperature conversion."""
-        res = self.sev1.tb2radiance(TEST_TBS, lut=False)
-        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(TRUE_RADS_SEVIRI, res['radiance']))
+        res = self.sev1.tb2radiance(TEST_TBS.astype(dtype), lut=False)
+        assert res['radiance'].dtype == dtype
+        np.testing.assert_allclose(TRUE_RADS_SEVIRI.astype(dtype), res['radiance'], atol=1e-8)
-    def test_conversion_simple(self):
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", (np.float32, np.float64, float))
+    def test_conversion_simple(self, dtype):
         """Test the conversion based on the non-linear approximation (SEVIRI).
         Test the tb2radiance function to convert radiances to Tb's
         using tabulated coefficients based on a non-linear approximation
-        retv = self.sev2.tb2radiance(TEST_TBS)
+        retv = self.sev2.tb2radiance(TEST_TBS.astype(dtype))
         rads = retv['radiance']
         # Units space = wavenumber (cm-1):
-        tbs = self.sev2.radiance2tb(rads)
-        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(TEST_TBS, tbs))
+        tbs = self.sev2.radiance2tb(rads.astype(dtype))
+        assert tbs.dtype == dtype
+        np.testing.assert_allclose(TEST_TBS.astype(dtype), tbs, rtol=1e-6)
         tbs1 = 200.0 + np.random.random(50) * 150.0
-        retv = self.sev2.tb2radiance(tbs1)
+        retv = self.sev2.tb2radiance(tbs1.astype(dtype))
         rads = retv['radiance']
         tbs = self.sev2.radiance2tb(rads)
-        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(tbs1, tbs))
+        assert tbs.dtype == dtype
+        np.testing.assert_allclose(tbs1, tbs, rtol=1e-6)
-    def test_conversions_methods(self):
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", (np.float32, np.float64, float))
+    def test_conversions_methods(self, dtype):
         """Test the conversion methods.
         Using the two diferent conversion methods to verify that they give
@@ -281,12 +279,14 @@ class TestSeviriConversions(unittest.TestCase):
         # Units space = wavenumber (cm-1):
-        retv2 = self.sev2.tb2radiance(TEST_TBS)
-        retv1 = self.sev1.tb2radiance(TEST_TBS)
+        retv2 = self.sev2.tb2radiance(TEST_TBS.astype(dtype))
+        retv1 = self.sev1.tb2radiance(TEST_TBS.astype(dtype))
         rads1 = retv1['radiance']
         rads2 = retv2['radiance']
-        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(rads1, rads2))
+        assert rads1.dtype == dtype
+        assert rads2.dtype == dtype
+        np.testing.assert_allclose(rads1, rads2, atol=1e-8)
 class TestRadTbConversions(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -327,33 +327,106 @@ class TestRadTbConversions(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_rad2tb(self):
         """Unit testing the radiance to brightness temperature conversion."""
         res = self.modis.tb2radiance(TEST_TBS, lut=False)
-        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(TRUE_RADS, res['radiance']))
+        np.testing.assert_allclose(TRUE_RADS, res['radiance'], rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-8)
         res = self.modis2.tb2radiance(TEST_TBS, lut=False)
-        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(TRUE_RADS, res['radiance']))
+        np.testing.assert_allclose(TRUE_RADS, res['radiance'], rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-8)
         rad = res['radiance']
         tbs = self.modis.radiance2tb(rad)
-        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(TEST_TBS, tbs, atol=0.25))
+        np.testing.assert_allclose(TEST_TBS, tbs, atol=0.25)
         res = self.modis.tb2radiance(TEST_TBS, lut=False, normalized=False)
         integral = self.modis.rsr_integral
-        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(TRUE_RADS * integral, res['radiance']))
+        np.testing.assert_allclose(TRUE_RADS * integral, res['radiance'], rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-8)
         res = self.modis.tb2radiance(237., lut=False)
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(16570.579551068, res['radiance'])
+        assert res['radiance'] == pytest.approx(16570.579551068)
         res = self.modis.tb2radiance(277., lut=False)
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(167544.39368663222, res['radiance'])
+        assert res['radiance'] == pytest.approx(167544.39368663222)
         res = self.modis.tb2radiance(1.1, lut=False)
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0, res['radiance'])
+        assert res['radiance'] == pytest.approx(0.0)
         res = self.modis.tb2radiance(11.1, lut=False)
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0, res['radiance'])
+        assert res['radiance'] == pytest.approx(0.0)
         res = self.modis.tb2radiance(100.1, lut=False)
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(5.3940515573e-06, res['radiance'])
+        assert res['radiance'] == pytest.approx(5.3940515573e-06, abs=1e-7)
         res = self.modis.tb2radiance(200.1, lut=False)
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(865.09759706, res['radiance'])
+        assert res['radiance'] == pytest.approx(865.09759706)
+def test_rad2tb_types():
+    """Test radiance to brightness temperature conversion preserves shape and type."""
+    # 1d rads
+    rad = TRUE_RADS
+    central_wavelength = TEST_RSR['20']['det-1']['central_wavelength'] * 1e-6
+    tbs = radiance2tb(rad, central_wavelength)
+    np.testing.assert_allclose(tbs, TEST_TBS, atol=0.25)
+    # 2d rads
+    rad_2d = np.vstack((TRUE_RADS, TRUE_RADS))
+    tbs = radiance2tb(rad_2d, central_wavelength)
+    assert tbs.shape == rad_2d.shape
+    tbs = radiance2tb(rad_2d.astype(np.float32), central_wavelength)
+    assert tbs.dtype == np.float32
+def test_rad2tb_xarray_types():
+    """Test radiance to brightness temperature conversion works with xarray."""
+    xr = pytest.importorskip("xarray")
+    central_wavelength = 3.78e-6
+    rad_2d = np.vstack((TRUE_RADS, TRUE_RADS))
+    rad = xr.DataArray(rad_2d, dims=["y", "x"])
+    tbs = radiance2tb(rad, central_wavelength)
+    assert isinstance(tbs, xr.DataArray)
+    rad = xr.DataArray(rad_2d.astype(np.float32), dims=["y", "x"])
+    tbs = radiance2tb(rad, central_wavelength)
+    assert tbs.dtype == np.float32
+def test_rad2tb_does_not_warn_about_invalid_log_values():
+    """Test that radiance to temp does not warn about invalid log values."""
+    xr = pytest.importorskip("xarray")
+    central_wavelength = 3.78e-6
+    rad = xr.DataArray(np.array([-1, 2, 3]).astype(np.float32), dims=["x"])
+    with warnings.catch_warnings():
+        warnings.simplefilter("error")
+        tbs = radiance2tb(rad, central_wavelength)
+        assert np.isnan(tbs[0])
+    da = pytest.importorskip("dask.array")
+    rad = da.from_array(np.array([-1, 2, 3]), chunks=2).astype(np.float32)
+    with warnings.catch_warnings():
+        warnings.simplefilter("error")
+        tbs = da.map_blocks(radiance2tb, rad, wavelength=central_wavelength)
+        assert np.isnan(tbs[0])
+    rad = xr.DataArray(da.from_array(np.array([-1, 2, 3]), chunks=2).astype(np.float32), dims=["x"])
+    with warnings.catch_warnings():
+        warnings.simplefilter("error")
+        tbs = xr.map_blocks(radiance2tb, rad, kwargs=dict(wavelength=central_wavelength))
+        assert np.isnan(tbs[0])
+    rad = da.from_array(np.array([-1, 2, 3]), chunks=2).astype(np.float32)
+    with warnings.catch_warnings():
+        warnings.simplefilter("error")
+        tbs = radiance2tb(rad, central_wavelength)
+        assert np.isnan(tbs[0])
+    rad = xr.DataArray(da.from_array(np.array([-1, 2, 3]), chunks=2).astype(np.float32), dims=["x"])
+    with warnings.catch_warnings():
+        warnings.simplefilter("error")
+        tbs = radiance2tb(rad, central_wavelength)
+        assert np.isnan(tbs[0])
+        assert isinstance(tbs, xr.DataArray)

@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ class TestRayleighDask:
             refl_corr = rayl.get_reflectance(sun_zenith, sat_zenith, azidiff, 1.2, redband_refl)
             np.testing.assert_allclose(refl_corr, 0)
             assert isinstance(refl_corr, da.Array)
-            assert rsr_obj.not_called()
+            rsr_obj.assert_not_called()
 class TestRayleigh:
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ class TestRayleigh:
             refl_corr = rayl.get_reflectance(sun_zenith, sat_zenith, azidiff, 0.634, redband_refl)
             np.testing.assert_allclose(refl_corr, TEST_RAYLEIGH_RESULT3)
             assert isinstance(refl_corr, np.ndarray)
-            assert rsr_obj.not_called()
+            rsr_obj.assert_not_called()
     @patch('pyspectral.rayleigh.da', None)
     def test_get_reflectance_wvl_outside_range(self, fake_lut_hdf5):
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ class TestRayleigh:
             refl_corr = rayl.get_reflectance(sun_zenith, sat_zenith, azidiff, 1.2, redband_refl)
             np.testing.assert_allclose(refl_corr, 0)
             assert isinstance(refl_corr, np.ndarray)
-            assert rsr_obj.not_called()
+            rsr_obj.assert_not_called()
     def test_get_reflectance_no_lut(self, fake_lut_hdf5):
         """Test that missing a LUT causes an exception.."""

@@ -203,13 +203,25 @@ class TestReflectance(unittest.TestCase):
         refl = refl37.reflectance_from_tbs(sunz, tb3, tb4)
         self.assertTrue(hasattr(refl, 'mask'))
+        sunz = np.array([80.], dtype=np.float32)
+        tb3 = np.array([295.], dtype=np.float32)
+        tb4 = np.array([282.], dtype=np.float32)
+        refl = refl37.reflectance_from_tbs(sunz, tb3, tb4)
+        np.testing.assert_allclose(refl, np.array([0.45249779], np.float32))
+        assert refl.dtype == np.float32
             import dask.array as da
-            sunz = da.from_array([50.], chunks=10)
-            tb3 = da.from_array([300.], chunks=10)
-            tb4 = da.from_array([285.], chunks=10)
-            refl = refl37.reflectance_from_tbs(sunz, tb3, tb4)
-            self.assertTrue(hasattr(refl, 'compute'))
+            import dask.config
+            from pyspectral.tests.unittest_helpers import ComputeCountingScheduler
+            with dask.config.set(scheduler=ComputeCountingScheduler(max_computes=0)):
+                sunz = da.from_array([50.], chunks=10)
+                tb3 = da.from_array([300.], chunks=10)
+                tb4 = da.from_array([285.], chunks=10)
+                refl = refl37.reflectance_from_tbs(sunz, tb3, tb4)
+                self.assertTrue(hasattr(refl, 'compute'))
         except ImportError:

@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import unittest
 import numpy as np
-from pyspectral.solar import TOTAL_IRRADIANCE_SPECTRUM_2000ASTM, SolarIrradianceSpectrum
+from pyspectral.solar import SolarIrradianceSpectrum
 TEST_RSR = {}
 TEST_RSR['det-1'] = {}
@@ -59,8 +59,7 @@ class TestSolarflux(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
         """Set up."""
-        self.solar_irr = SolarIrradianceSpectrum(TOTAL_IRRADIANCE_SPECTRUM_2000ASTM,
-                                                 dlambda=0.005)
+        self.solar_irr = SolarIrradianceSpectrum(dlambda=0.005)
         self.rsr = TEST_RSR
     def test_read(self):

@@ -28,3 +28,21 @@ def assertNumpyArraysEqual(self, other):
         raise AssertionError("Shapes don't match")
     if not np.allclose(self, other):
         raise AssertionError("Elements don't match!")
+class ComputeCountingScheduler:
+    """Scheduler raising an exception if data are computed too many times."""
+    def __init__(self, max_computes=1):
+        """Set starting and maximum compute counts."""
+        self.max_computes = max_computes
+        self.total_computes = 0
+    def __call__(self, dsk, keys, **kwargs):
+        """Compute dask task and keep track of number of times we do so."""
+        import dask
+        self.total_computes += 1
+        if self.total_computes > self.max_computes:
+            raise RuntimeError("Too many dask computations were scheduled: "
+                               "{}".format(self.total_computes))
+        return dask.get(dsk, keys, **kwargs)

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Pytroll developers
+# Copyright (c) 2014-2023 Pytroll developers
 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ import logging
 import os
 import tarfile
 import warnings
+from functools import wraps
+from inspect import getfullargspec
 import numpy as np
 import requests
@@ -91,17 +93,18 @@ INSTRUMENTS = {'Envisat': 'aatsr',
                'NOAA-21': 'viirs',
                'Suomi-NPP': 'viirs',
                'FY-3B': 'virr',
-               'FY-3C': 'virr'}
+               'FY-3C': 'virr',
+               'DSCOVR': 'epic'}
                                      'avhrr-2': 'avhrr/2',
                                      'avhrr-3': 'avhrr/3'}
-HTTP_PYSPECTRAL_RSR = "https://zenodo.org/record/7311143/files/pyspectral_rsr_data.tgz"
+HTTP_PYSPECTRAL_RSR = "https://zenodo.org/records/10029746/files/pyspectral_rsr_data.tgz"
-RSR_DATA_VERSION = "v1.2.2"
+RSR_DATA_VERSION = "v1.2.4"
 ATM_CORRECTION_LUT_VERSION['antarctic_aerosol'] = {'version': 'v1.0.1',
@@ -579,3 +582,35 @@ def are_instruments_identical(name1, name2):
     if name1 == INSTRUMENT_TRANSLATION_DASH2SLASH.get(name2):
         return True
     return False
+def use_map_blocks_on(argument_to_run_map_blocks_on):
+    """Use map blocks on a given argument.
+    This decorator assumes only one of the arguments of the decorated function is chunked.
+    """
+    def decorator(f):
+        argspec = getfullargspec(f)
+        argument_index = argspec.args.index(argument_to_run_map_blocks_on)
+        @wraps(f)
+        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+            array = args[argument_index]
+            chunks = getattr(array, "chunks", None)
+            if chunks is None:
+                return f(*args, **kwargs)
+            import dask.array as da
+            import xarray as xr
+            if isinstance(array, da.Array):
+                return da.map_blocks(f, *args, **kwargs)
+            elif isinstance(array, xr.DataArray):
+                new_array = array.copy()
+                new_args = list(args)
+                new_args[argument_index] = array.data
+                new_data = da.map_blocks(f, *new_args, **kwargs)
+                new_array.data = new_data
+                return new_array
+            else:
+                raise NotImplementedError(f"Don't know how to map_blocks on {type(array)}")
+        return wrapper
+    return decorator

@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2023 Pytroll developers
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+"""Read the DSCOVR-EPIC spectral response functions.
+Data from the NASA Goddard website:
+import logging
+import os
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from pyspectral.raw_reader import InstrumentRSR
+from pyspectral.utils import convert2hdf5 as tohdf5
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+EPIC_BAND_NAMES = {'B317': 'T(317.5) %',
+                   'B325': 'T(325) %',
+                   'B340': 'T(340) %',
+                   'B388': 'T(388) %',
+                   'B443': 'T(443) %',
+                   'B551': 'T(551) %',
+                   'B680': 'T(680) %',
+                   'B688': 'T(687.75) %',
+                   'B764': 'T(764) %',
+                   'B780': 'T(779.5) %'}
+#: Default time format
+_DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
+#: Default log format
+_DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT = '[%(levelname)s: %(asctime)s : %(name)s] %(message)s'
+class EpicRSR(InstrumentRSR):
+    """Container for the DSCOVR EPIC relative spectral response data."""
+    def __init__(self, bandname, platform_name):
+        """Initialize the EPIC RSR class."""
+        super(EpicRSR, self).__init__(
+            bandname, platform_name, EPIC_BAND_NAMES.keys())
+        self.instrument = 'epic'
+        self._get_options_from_config()
+        LOG.debug("Filename: %s", str(self.path))
+        if os.path.exists(self.path):
+            self._load()
+        else:
+            LOG.warning("Couldn't find an existing file for this band: %s",
+                        str(self.bandname))
+        # To be compatible with VIIRS....
+        self.filename = self.requested_band_filename
+        self.unit = 'micrometer'
+        self.wavespace = 'wavelength'
+    def _load(self, scale=10000.0):
+        """Load the EPIC relative spectral responses."""
+        df1 = pd.read_excel(self.path,
+                            sheet_name='Data',
+                            skiprows=4,
+                            engine='openpyxl')
+        # Remove empty row from the data
+        df1.drop(df1.index[0], inplace=True)
+        # Column names don't match band names - so we use a dict to find correct
+        # columns. We also need to find the column with the wavelength data.
+        # This is the column before the actual RSR data for each band.
+        col_pos = df1.columns.get_loc(EPIC_BAND_NAMES[self.bandname])
+        wvl_data = df1.iloc[:, col_pos - 1]
+        srf_data = df1.iloc[:, col_pos]
+        # Not all bands have an identical number of RSR points, so we need to
+        # remove NaNs from the data.
+        wvl_data.dropna(inplace=True)
+        srf_data.dropna(inplace=True)
+        # Data is in nanometers, so we need to convert to micrometers.
+        self.rsr = {'wavelength': np.array(wvl_data) / 1000,
+                    'response': np.array(srf_data) / np.nanmax(srf_data)}
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import sys
+    LOG = logging.getLogger('epic_rsr')
+    handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)
+    formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt=_DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT,
+                                  datefmt=_DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT)
+    handler.setFormatter(formatter)
+    handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    LOG.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    LOG.addHandler(handler)
+    for platform_name in ['DSCOVR', ]:
+        tohdf5(EpicRSR, platform_name, list(EPIC_BAND_NAMES.keys()))

@@ -82,6 +82,6 @@ setup(name=NAME,
-      python_requires='>=3.7',
+      python_requires='>=3.10',

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