[Git][debian-gis-team/spatialite-tools][experimental] 20 commits: Revert "Update branch in gbp.conf & Vcs-Git URL."

Bas Couwenberg (@sebastic) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Tue Jul 25 13:54:08 BST 2023

Bas Couwenberg pushed to branch experimental at Debian GIS Project / spatialite-tools

a0c5b8d1 by Bas Couwenberg at 2021-02-07T20:21:50+01:00
Revert "Update branch in gbp.conf & Vcs-Git URL."

This reverts commit dd5142de81d8684d6e01fdc17fb747b327067215.

- - - - -
077d943e by Bas Couwenberg at 2021-02-07T20:22:20+01:00
New upstream version 5.0.1
- - - - -
17373e60 by Bas Couwenberg at 2021-02-07T20:22:24+01:00
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/5.0.1'

Update to upstream version '5.0.1'
with Debian dir e367a7c8e6d8ffcb4332a06f544e0a866bee94c5
- - - - -
bc9420e5 by Bas Couwenberg at 2021-02-07T20:22:43+01:00
New upstream release.

- - - - -
b6778373 by Bas Couwenberg at 2021-02-07T20:22:56+01:00
Bump libspatialite-dev version requirement to 5.0.1.

- - - - -
46fb810c by Bas Couwenberg at 2021-02-07T20:26:27+01:00
Set distribution to unstable.

- - - - -
98a83169 by Bas Couwenberg at 2021-09-08T17:45:49+02:00
Bump Standards-Version to 4.6.0, no changes.

- - - - -
1d855c89 by Bas Couwenberg at 2021-09-14T14:16:15+02:00
Bump debhelper compat to 12, no changes.

- - - - -
9bbb3ac2 by Bas Couwenberg at 2022-06-21T07:23:37+02:00
Bump Standards-Version to 4.6.1, no changes.

- - - - -
785e54ba by Bas Couwenberg at 2022-11-29T18:28:13+01:00
Add Rules-Requires-Root to control file.

- - - - -
08be1d8b by Bas Couwenberg at 2022-11-29T18:40:42+01:00
Update lintian overrides.

- - - - -
3626492d by Bas Couwenberg at 2022-12-01T20:37:08+01:00
Set distribution to unstable.

- - - - -
5c89583e by Bas Couwenberg at 2023-01-18T17:20:52+01:00
Bump Standards-Version to 4.6.2, no changes.

- - - - -
47f4403a by Bas Couwenberg at 2023-06-13T15:57:33+02:00
Bump debhelper compat to 13.

- - - - -
1f04aee0 by Bas Couwenberg at 2023-07-25T14:42:47+02:00
Update branch in gbp.conf & Vcs-Git URL.

- - - - -
2c3b0965 by Bas Couwenberg at 2023-07-25T14:42:57+02:00
New upstream version 5.1.0~rc0
- - - - -
1ae1ef18 by Bas Couwenberg at 2023-07-25T14:43:00+02:00
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/5.1.0_rc0'

Update to upstream version '5.1.0~rc0'
with Debian dir a2756169bdc9033bf3538cf29d677b9eceeedc41
- - - - -
88ac8981 by Bas Couwenberg at 2023-07-25T14:44:04+02:00
New upstream release candidate.

- - - - -
d4e0a815 by Bas Couwenberg at 2023-07-25T14:44:29+02:00
Require at least libspatialite-dev 5.1.0~.

- - - - -
503e0d91 by Bas Couwenberg at 2023-07-25T14:45:52+02:00
Set distribution to experimental.

- - - - -

22 changed files:

- Makefile-static-mingw32
- Makefile-static-mingw64
- Makefile.in
- aclocal.m4
- compile
- config.h
- config.h.in
- configure
- configure.ac
- debian/changelog
- − debian/compat
- debian/control
- debian/spatialite-bin.lintian-overrides
- depcomp
- ltmain.sh
- m4/libtool.m4
- m4/ltoptions.m4
- m4/ltsugar.m4
- m4/ltversion.m4
- m4/lt~obsolete.m4
- missing
- spatialite_xml_validator.c


@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw32/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw32/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libcurl.a \
@@ -36,9 +37,10 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libgeos_c.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libgeos.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libfreexl.a \
+	/mingw32/local/lib/libexpat.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libz.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libiconv.a \
-	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
+	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -lcrypt32 -lbcrypt -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
 	strip --strip-all ./static_bin/spatialite.exe
 ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe: spatialite_tool.o
@@ -52,6 +54,7 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw32/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw32/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libcurl.a \
@@ -59,9 +62,10 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libgeos_c.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libgeos.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libfreexl.a \
+	/mingw32/local/lib/libexpat.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libz.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libiconv.a \
-	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
+	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -lcrypt32 -lbcrypt -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
 	strip --strip-all ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe
 ./static_bin/spatialite_convert.exe: spatialite_convert.o
@@ -75,6 +79,7 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw32/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw32/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libcurl.a \
@@ -82,9 +87,10 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libgeos_c.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libgeos.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libfreexl.a \
+	/mingw32/local/lib/libexpat.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libz.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libiconv.a \
-	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
+	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -lcrypt32 -lbcrypt -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
 	strip --strip-all ./static_bin/spatialite_convert.exe
 ./static_bin/spatialite_dxf.exe: spatialite_dxf.o
@@ -98,6 +104,7 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw32/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw32/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libcurl.a \
@@ -105,9 +112,10 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libgeos_c.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libgeos.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libfreexl.a \
+	/mingw32/local/lib/libexpat.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libz.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libiconv.a \
-	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
+	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -lcrypt32 -lbcrypt -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
 	strip --strip-all ./static_bin/spatialite_dxf.exe
 ./static_bin/spatialite_network.exe: spatialite_network.o
@@ -120,6 +128,7 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw32/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw32/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libcurl.a \
@@ -127,9 +136,10 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libgeos_c.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libgeos.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libfreexl.a \
+	/mingw32/local/lib/libexpat.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libz.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libiconv.a \
-	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
+	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -lcrypt32 -lbcrypt -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
 	strip --strip-all ./static_bin/spatialite_network.exe
 ./static_bin/shp_doctor.exe: shp_doctor.o
@@ -142,6 +152,7 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw32/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw32/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libcurl.a \
@@ -164,6 +175,7 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw32/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw32/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libcurl.a \
@@ -171,9 +183,10 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libgeos_c.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libgeos.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libfreexl.a \
+	/mingw32/local/lib/libexpat.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libz.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libiconv.a \
-	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
+	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -lcrypt32 -lbcrypt -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
 	strip --strip-all ./static_bin/shp_sanitize.exe
 ./static_bin/exif_loader.exe: exif_loader.o
@@ -186,6 +199,7 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw32/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw32/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libcurl.a \
@@ -193,9 +207,10 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libgeos_c.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libgeos.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libfreexl.a \
+	/mingw32/local/lib/libexpat.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libz.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libiconv.a \
-	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
+	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -lcrypt32 -lbcrypt -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
 	strip --strip-all ./static_bin/exif_loader.exe
 ./static_bin/spatialite_osm_net.exe: spatialite_osm_net.o
@@ -208,6 +223,7 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw32/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw32/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libcurl.a \
@@ -219,7 +235,7 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libiconv.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libexpat.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libz.a \
-	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
+	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -lcrypt32 -lbcrypt -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
 	strip --strip-all ./static_bin/spatialite_osm_net.exe
 ./static_bin/spatialite_osm_map.exe: spatialite_osm_map.o
@@ -232,6 +248,7 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw32/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw32/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libcurl.a \
@@ -243,7 +260,7 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libreadosm.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libexpat.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libz.a \
-	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
+	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lcrypt32 -lbcrypt -lwldap32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
 	strip --strip-all ./static_bin/spatialite_osm_map.exe
 ./static_bin/spatialite_gml.exe: spatialite_gml.o
@@ -256,6 +273,7 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw32/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw32/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libcurl.a \
@@ -266,7 +284,7 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libz.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libiconv.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libexpat.a \
-	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
+	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -lcrypt32 -lbcrypt -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
 	strip --strip-all ./static_bin/spatialite_gml.exe
 ./static_bin/spatialite_osm_raw.exe: spatialite_osm_raw.o
@@ -279,6 +297,7 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw32/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw32/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libcurl.a \
@@ -290,7 +309,7 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libiconv.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libexpat.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libz.a \
-	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
+	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -lcrypt32 -lbcrypt -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
 	strip --strip-all ./static_bin/spatialite_osm_raw.exe
 ./static_bin/spatialite_osm_filter.exe: spatialite_osm_filter.o
@@ -303,6 +322,7 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw32/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw32/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libcurl.a \
@@ -310,9 +330,10 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libgeos_c.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libgeos.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libfreexl.a \
+	/mingw32/local/lib/libexpat.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libz.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libiconv.a \
-	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc 
+	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -lcrypt32 -lbcrypt -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc 
 	strip --strip-all ./static_bin/spatialite_osm_filter.exe
 ./static_bin/spatialite_osm_overpass.exe: spatialite_osm_overpass.o
@@ -325,6 +346,7 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw32/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw32/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libcurl.a \
@@ -347,6 +369,7 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw32/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw32/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libcurl.a \
@@ -354,9 +377,10 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libgeos_c.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libgeos.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libfreexl.a \
+	/mingw32/local/lib/libexpat.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libz.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libiconv.a \
-	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc 
+	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -lcrypt32 -lbcrypt -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc 
 	strip --strip-all ./static_bin/spatialite_xml_collapse.exe
 ./static_bin/spatialite_xml_validator.exe: spatialite_xml_validator.o
@@ -378,6 +402,7 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw32/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw32/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libcurl.a \
@@ -388,7 +413,7 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libexpat.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libz.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libiconv.a \
-	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc 
+	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -lcrypt32 -lbcrypt -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc 
 	strip --strip-all ./static_bin/spatialite_xml_load.exe
 ./static_bin/spatialite_dem.exe: spatialite_dem.o
@@ -401,6 +426,7 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw32/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw32/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libcurl.a \
@@ -408,9 +434,10 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libgeos_c.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libgeos.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libfreexl.a \
+	/mingw32/local/lib/libexpat.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libz.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libiconv.a \
-	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc 
+	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -lcrypt32 -lbcrypt -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc 
 	strip --strip-all ./static_bin/spatialite_dem.exe
 ./static_bin/spatialite_xml2utf8.exe: spatialite_xml2utf8.o
@@ -429,6 +456,7 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw32/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw32/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libcurl.a \
@@ -436,9 +464,10 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libgeos_c.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libgeos.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libfreexl.a \
+	/mingw32/local/lib/libexpat.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libz.a \
 	/mingw32/local/lib/libiconv.a \
-	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc 
+	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -lcrypt32 -lbcrypt -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc 
 	strip --strip-all ./static_bin/spatialite_xml_print.exe

@@ -29,16 +29,18 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw64/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libcurl.a \
-	/mingw64/local/lib/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib/libcrypto.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib64/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib64/libcrypto.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos_c.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libfreexl.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib/libexpat.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libz.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libiconv.a \
-	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
+	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -lcrypt32 -lbcrypt -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
 	strip --strip-all ./static_bin/spatialite.exe
 ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe: spatialite_tool.o
@@ -52,16 +54,18 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw64/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libcurl.a \
-	/mingw64/local/lib/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib/libcrypto.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib64/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib64/libcrypto.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos_c.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libfreexl.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib/libexpat.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libz.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libiconv.a \
-	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
+	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -lcrypt32 -lbcrypt -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
 	strip --strip-all ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe
 ./static_bin/spatialite_convert.exe: spatialite_convert.o
@@ -75,16 +79,18 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw64/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libcurl.a \
-	/mingw64/local/lib/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib/libcrypto.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib64/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib64/libcrypto.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos_c.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libfreexl.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib/libexpat.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libz.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libiconv.a \
-	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
+	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -lcrypt32 -lbcrypt -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
 	strip --strip-all ./static_bin/spatialite_convert.exe
 ./static_bin/spatialite_dxf.exe: spatialite_dxf.o
@@ -98,16 +104,18 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw64/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libcurl.a \
-	/mingw64/local/lib/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib/libcrypto.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib64/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib64/libcrypto.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos_c.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libfreexl.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib/libexpat.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libz.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libiconv.a \
-	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
+	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -lcrypt32 -lbcrypt -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
 	strip --strip-all ./static_bin/spatialite_dxf.exe
 ./static_bin/spatialite_network.exe: spatialite_network.o
@@ -120,16 +128,18 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw64/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libcurl.a \
-	/mingw64/local/lib/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib/libcrypto.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib64/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib64/libcrypto.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos_c.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libfreexl.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib/libexpat.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libz.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libiconv.a \
-	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
+	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -lcrypt32 -lbcrypt -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
 	strip --strip-all ./static_bin/spatialite_network.exe
 ./static_bin/shp_doctor.exe: shp_doctor.o
@@ -142,10 +152,11 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw64/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libcurl.a \
-	/mingw64/local/lib/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib/libcrypto.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib64/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib64/libcrypto.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos_c.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libfreexl.a \
@@ -164,16 +175,18 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw64/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libcurl.a \
-	/mingw64/local/lib/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib/libcrypto.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib64/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib64/libcrypto.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos_c.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libfreexl.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib/libexpat.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libz.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libiconv.a \
-	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
+	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -lcrypt32 -lbcrypt -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
 	strip --strip-all ./static_bin/shp_sanitize.exe
 ./static_bin/exif_loader.exe: exif_loader.o
@@ -186,16 +199,18 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw64/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libcurl.a \
-	/mingw64/local/lib/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib/libcrypto.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib64/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib64/libcrypto.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos_c.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libfreexl.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib/libexpat.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libz.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libiconv.a \
-	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
+	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -lcrypt32 -lbcrypt -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
 	strip --strip-all ./static_bin/exif_loader.exe
 ./static_bin/spatialite_osm_net.exe: spatialite_osm_net.o
@@ -208,10 +223,11 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw64/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libcurl.a \
-	/mingw64/local/lib/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib/libcrypto.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib64/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib64/libcrypto.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos_c.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libfreexl.a \
@@ -219,7 +235,7 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libiconv.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libexpat.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libz.a \
-	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
+	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -lcrypt32 -lbcrypt -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
 	strip --strip-all ./static_bin/spatialite_osm_net.exe
 ./static_bin/spatialite_osm_map.exe: spatialite_osm_map.o
@@ -232,10 +248,11 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw64/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libcurl.a \
-	/mingw64/local/lib/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib/libcrypto.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib64/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib64/libcrypto.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos_c.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libiconv.a \
@@ -243,7 +260,7 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libreadosm.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libexpat.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libz.a \
-	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
+	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -lcrypt32 -lbcrypt -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
 	strip --strip-all ./static_bin/spatialite_osm_map.exe
 ./static_bin/spatialite_gml.exe: spatialite_gml.o
@@ -256,17 +273,18 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw64/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libcurl.a \
-	/mingw64/local/lib/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib/libcrypto.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib64/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib64/libcrypto.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos_c.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libfreexl.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libz.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libiconv.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libexpat.a \
-	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
+	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -lcrypt32 -lbcrypt -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
 	strip --strip-all ./static_bin/spatialite_gml.exe
 ./static_bin/spatialite_osm_raw.exe: spatialite_osm_raw.o
@@ -279,10 +297,11 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw64/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libcurl.a \
-	/mingw64/local/lib/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib/libcrypto.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib64/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib64/libcrypto.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos_c.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libfreexl.a \
@@ -290,7 +309,7 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libiconv.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libexpat.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libz.a \
-	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
+	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -lcrypt32 -lbcrypt -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc
 	strip --strip-all ./static_bin/spatialite_osm_raw.exe
 ./static_bin/spatialite_osm_filter.exe: spatialite_osm_filter.o
@@ -303,16 +322,18 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw64/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libcurl.a \
-	/mingw64/local/lib/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib/libcrypto.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib64/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib64/libcrypto.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos_c.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libfreexl.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib/libexpat.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libz.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libiconv.a \
-	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc 
+	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -lcrypt32 -lbcrypt -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc 
 	strip --strip-all ./static_bin/spatialite_osm_filter.exe
 ./static_bin/spatialite_osm_overpass.exe: spatialite_osm_overpass.o
@@ -325,10 +346,11 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw64/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libcurl.a \
-	/mingw64/local/lib/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib/libcrypto.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib64/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib64/libcrypto.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos_c.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libfreexl.a \
@@ -347,16 +369,18 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw64/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libcurl.a \
-	/mingw64/local/lib/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib/libcrypto.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib64/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib64/libcrypto.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos_c.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libfreexl.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib/libexpat.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libz.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libiconv.a \
-	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc 
+	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -lcrypt32 -lbcrypt -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc 
 	strip --strip-all ./static_bin/spatialite_xml_collapse.exe
 ./static_bin/spatialite_xml_validator.exe: spatialite_xml_validator.o
@@ -378,17 +402,18 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw64/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libcurl.a \
-	/mingw64/local/lib/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib/libcrypto.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib64/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib64/libcrypto.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos_c.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libfreexl.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libexpat.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libz.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libiconv.a \
-	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc 
+	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -lcrypt32 -lbcrypt -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc 
 	strip --strip-all ./static_bin/spatialite_xml_load.exe
 ./static_bin/spatialite_xml2utf8.exe: spatialite_xml2utf8.o
@@ -407,16 +432,18 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw64/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libcurl.a \
-	/mingw64/local/lib/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib/libcrypto.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib64/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib64/libcrypto.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos_c.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libfreexl.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib/libexpat.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libz.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libiconv.a \
-	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc 
+	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -lcrypt32 -lbcrypt -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc 
 	strip --strip-all ./static_bin/spatialite_xml_print.exe
 ./static_bin/spatialite_dem.exe: spatialite_dem.o
@@ -429,16 +456,18 @@ all: ./static_bin/spatialite.exe ./static_bin/spatialite_tool.exe \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libproj.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libtiff.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libwebp.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib/libsharpyuv.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libjpeg.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libzstd.a /mingw64/local/lib/liblzma.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libcurl.a \
-	/mingw64/local/lib/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib/libcrypto.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib64/libssl.a /mingw64/local/lib64/libcrypto.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos_c.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libgeos.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libfreexl.a \
+	/mingw64/local/lib/libexpat.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libz.a \
 	/mingw64/local/lib/libiconv.a \
-	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc 
+	-lm -lmsimg32 -lws2_32 -lwldap32 -lcrypt32 -lbcrypt -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc 
 	strip --strip-all ./static_bin/spatialite_dem.exe

@@ -402,6 +402,7 @@ LIBXML2_LIBS = @LIBXML2_LIBS@
 LN_S = @LN_S@
@@ -475,6 +476,7 @@ pdfdir = @pdfdir@
 prefix = @prefix@
 program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@
 psdir = @psdir@
+runstatedir = @runstatedir@
 sbindir = @sbindir@
 sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@
 srcdir = @srcdir@

@@ -1099,35 +1099,6 @@ else
-#  -*- Autoconf -*-
-# Obsolete and "removed" macros, that must however still report explicit
-# error messages when used, to smooth transition.
-# Copyright (C) 1996-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation
-# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
-# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
-['$0': this macro is obsolete.
-You should use the 'AC][_CONFIG_HEADERS' macro instead.])dnl
-['$0': this macro is obsolete.
-You should simply use the 'AC][_PROG_CC' macro instead.
-Also, your code should no longer depend upon 'am_cv_prog_cc_stdc',
-but upon 'ac_cv_prog_cc_stdc'.])])
-         [AC_FATAL([automatic de-ANSI-fication support has been removed])])
 # Helper functions for option handling.                     -*- Autoconf -*-
 # Copyright (C) 2001-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

@@ -1 +1,348 @@
\ No newline at end of file
+#! /bin/sh
+# Wrapper for compilers which do not understand '-c -o'.
+scriptversion=2018-03-07.03; # UTC
+# Copyright (C) 1999-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Written by Tom Tromey <tromey at cygnus.com>.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you
+# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a
+# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under
+# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program.
+# This file is maintained in Automake, please report
+# bugs to <bug-automake at gnu.org> or send patches to
+# <automake-patches at gnu.org>.
+# We need space, tab and new line, in precisely that order.  Quoting is
+# there to prevent tools from complaining about whitespace usage.
+IFS=" ""	$nl"
+# func_file_conv build_file lazy
+# Convert a $build file to $host form and store it in $file
+# Currently only supports Windows hosts. If the determined conversion
+# type is listed in (the comma separated) LAZY, no conversion will
+# take place.
+func_file_conv ()
+  file=$1
+  case $file in
+    / | /[!/]*) # absolute file, and not a UNC file
+      if test -z "$file_conv"; then
+	# lazily determine how to convert abs files
+	case `uname -s` in
+	  MINGW*)
+	    file_conv=mingw
+	    ;;
+	  CYGWIN* | MSYS*)
+	    file_conv=cygwin
+	    ;;
+	  *)
+	    file_conv=wine
+	    ;;
+	esac
+      fi
+      case $file_conv/,$2, in
+	*,$file_conv,*)
+	  ;;
+	mingw/*)
+	  file=`cmd //C echo "$file " | sed -e 's/"\(.*\) " *$/\1/'`
+	  ;;
+	cygwin/* | msys/*)
+	  file=`cygpath -m "$file" || echo "$file"`
+	  ;;
+	wine/*)
+	  file=`winepath -w "$file" || echo "$file"`
+	  ;;
+      esac
+      ;;
+  esac
+# func_cl_dashL linkdir
+# Make cl look for libraries in LINKDIR
+func_cl_dashL ()
+  func_file_conv "$1"
+  if test -z "$lib_path"; then
+    lib_path=$file
+  else
+    lib_path="$lib_path;$file"
+  fi
+  linker_opts="$linker_opts -LIBPATH:$file"
+# func_cl_dashl library
+# Do a library search-path lookup for cl
+func_cl_dashl ()
+  lib=$1
+  found=no
+  save_IFS=$IFS
+  IFS=';'
+  for dir in $lib_path $LIB
+  do
+    IFS=$save_IFS
+    if $shared && test -f "$dir/$lib.dll.lib"; then
+      found=yes
+      lib=$dir/$lib.dll.lib
+      break
+    fi
+    if test -f "$dir/$lib.lib"; then
+      found=yes
+      lib=$dir/$lib.lib
+      break
+    fi
+    if test -f "$dir/lib$lib.a"; then
+      found=yes
+      lib=$dir/lib$lib.a
+      break
+    fi
+  done
+  IFS=$save_IFS
+  if test "$found" != yes; then
+    lib=$lib.lib
+  fi
+# func_cl_wrapper cl arg...
+# Adjust compile command to suit cl
+func_cl_wrapper ()
+  # Assume a capable shell
+  lib_path=
+  shared=:
+  linker_opts=
+  for arg
+  do
+    if test -n "$eat"; then
+      eat=
+    else
+      case $1 in
+	-o)
+	  # configure might choose to run compile as 'compile cc -o foo foo.c'.
+	  eat=1
+	  case $2 in
+	    *.o | *.[oO][bB][jJ])
+	      func_file_conv "$2"
+	      set x "$@" -Fo"$file"
+	      shift
+	      ;;
+	    *)
+	      func_file_conv "$2"
+	      set x "$@" -Fe"$file"
+	      shift
+	      ;;
+	  esac
+	  ;;
+	-I)
+	  eat=1
+	  func_file_conv "$2" mingw
+	  set x "$@" -I"$file"
+	  shift
+	  ;;
+	-I*)
+	  func_file_conv "${1#-I}" mingw
+	  set x "$@" -I"$file"
+	  shift
+	  ;;
+	-l)
+	  eat=1
+	  func_cl_dashl "$2"
+	  set x "$@" "$lib"
+	  shift
+	  ;;
+	-l*)
+	  func_cl_dashl "${1#-l}"
+	  set x "$@" "$lib"
+	  shift
+	  ;;
+	-L)
+	  eat=1
+	  func_cl_dashL "$2"
+	  ;;
+	-L*)
+	  func_cl_dashL "${1#-L}"
+	  ;;
+	-static)
+	  shared=false
+	  ;;
+	-Wl,*)
+	  arg=${1#-Wl,}
+	  save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS=','
+	  for flag in $arg; do
+	    IFS="$save_ifs"
+	    linker_opts="$linker_opts $flag"
+	  done
+	  IFS="$save_ifs"
+	  ;;
+	-Xlinker)
+	  eat=1
+	  linker_opts="$linker_opts $2"
+	  ;;
+	-*)
+	  set x "$@" "$1"
+	  shift
+	  ;;
+	*.cc | *.CC | *.cxx | *.CXX | *.[cC]++)
+	  func_file_conv "$1"
+	  set x "$@" -Tp"$file"
+	  shift
+	  ;;
+	*.c | *.cpp | *.CPP | *.lib | *.LIB | *.Lib | *.OBJ | *.obj | *.[oO])
+	  func_file_conv "$1" mingw
+	  set x "$@" "$file"
+	  shift
+	  ;;
+	*)
+	  set x "$@" "$1"
+	  shift
+	  ;;
+      esac
+    fi
+    shift
+  done
+  if test -n "$linker_opts"; then
+    linker_opts="-link$linker_opts"
+  fi
+  exec "$@" $linker_opts
+  exit 1
+case $1 in
+  '')
+     echo "$0: No command.  Try '$0 --help' for more information." 1>&2
+     exit 1;
+     ;;
+  -h | --h*)
+    cat <<\EOF
+Usage: compile [--help] [--version] PROGRAM [ARGS]
+Wrapper for compilers which do not understand '-c -o'.
+Remove '-o dest.o' from ARGS, run PROGRAM with the remaining
+arguments, and rename the output as expected.
+If you are trying to build a whole package this is not the
+right script to run: please start by reading the file 'INSTALL'.
+Report bugs to <bug-automake at gnu.org>.
+    exit $?
+    ;;
+  -v | --v*)
+    echo "compile $scriptversion"
+    exit $?
+    ;;
+  cl | *[/\\]cl | cl.exe | *[/\\]cl.exe | \
+  icl | *[/\\]icl | icl.exe | *[/\\]icl.exe )
+    func_cl_wrapper "$@"      # Doesn't return...
+    ;;
+for arg
+  if test -n "$eat"; then
+    eat=
+  else
+    case $1 in
+      -o)
+	# configure might choose to run compile as 'compile cc -o foo foo.c'.
+	# So we strip '-o arg' only if arg is an object.
+	eat=1
+	case $2 in
+	  *.o | *.obj)
+	    ofile=$2
+	    ;;
+	  *)
+	    set x "$@" -o "$2"
+	    shift
+	    ;;
+	esac
+	;;
+      *.c)
+	cfile=$1
+	set x "$@" "$1"
+	shift
+	;;
+      *)
+	set x "$@" "$1"
+	shift
+	;;
+    esac
+  fi
+  shift
+if test -z "$ofile" || test -z "$cfile"; then
+  # If no '-o' option was seen then we might have been invoked from a
+  # pattern rule where we don't need one.  That is ok -- this is a
+  # normal compilation that the losing compiler can handle.  If no
+  # '.c' file was seen then we are probably linking.  That is also
+  # ok.
+  exec "$@"
+# Name of file we expect compiler to create.
+cofile=`echo "$cfile" | sed 's|^.*[\\/]||; s|^[a-zA-Z]:||; s/\.c$/.o/'`
+# Create the lock directory.
+# Note: use '[/\\:.-]' here to ensure that we don't use the same name
+# that we are using for the .o file.  Also, base the name on the expected
+# object file name, since that is what matters with a parallel build.
+lockdir=`echo "$cofile" | sed -e 's|[/\\:.-]|_|g'`.d
+while true; do
+  if mkdir "$lockdir" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    break
+  fi
+  sleep 1
+# FIXME: race condition here if user kills between mkdir and trap.
+trap "rmdir '$lockdir'; exit 1" 1 2 15
+# Run the compile.
+if test -f "$cofile"; then
+  test "$cofile" = "$ofile" || mv "$cofile" "$ofile"
+elif test -f "${cofile}bj"; then
+  test "${cofile}bj" = "$ofile" || mv "${cofile}bj" "$ofile"
+rmdir "$lockdir"
+exit $ret
+# Local Variables:
+# mode: shell-script
+# sh-indentation: 2
+# eval: (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'time-stamp)
+# time-stamp-start: "scriptversion="
+# time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d.%02H"
+# time-stamp-time-zone: "UTC0"
+# time-stamp-end: "; # UTC"
+# End:

@@ -166,8 +166,7 @@
    slash. */
-/* Define to the sub-directory in which libtool stores uninstalled libraries.
-   */
+/* Define to the sub-directory where libtool stores uninstalled libraries. */
 #define LT_OBJDIR ".libs/"
 /* Should be defined in order to disable ReadOSM support. */
@@ -183,7 +182,7 @@
 #define PACKAGE_NAME "spatialite-tools"
 /* Define to the full name and version of this package. */
-#define PACKAGE_STRING "spatialite-tools 5.0.1-rc1"
+#define PACKAGE_STRING "spatialite-tools 5.1.0-RC0"
 /* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */
 #define PACKAGE_TARNAME "spatialite-tools"
@@ -192,7 +191,7 @@
 #define PACKAGE_URL ""
 /* Define to the version of this package. */
-#define PACKAGE_VERSION "5.0.1-rc1"
+#define PACKAGE_VERSION "5.1.0-RC0"
 /* must be defined when using libspatialite-amalgamation */
@@ -200,14 +199,11 @@
 /* Define to 1 if you have the ANSI C header files. */
 #define STDC_HEADERS 1
-/* Define to 1 if you can safely include both <sys/time.h> and <time.h>. */
 /* Define to 1 if your <sys/time.h> declares `struct tm'. */
 /* #undef TM_IN_SYS_TIME */
 /* Version number of package */
-#define VERSION "5.0.1-rc1"
+#define VERSION "5.1.0-RC0"
 /* Must be =64 in order to enable huge-file support. */
 #define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64

@@ -165,8 +165,7 @@
    slash. */
-/* Define to the sub-directory in which libtool stores uninstalled libraries.
-   */
+/* Define to the sub-directory where libtool stores uninstalled libraries. */
 #undef LT_OBJDIR
 /* Should be defined in order to disable ReadOSM support. */
@@ -199,9 +198,6 @@
 /* Define to 1 if you have the ANSI C header files. */
-/* Define to 1 if you can safely include both <sys/time.h> and <time.h>. */
 /* Define to 1 if your <sys/time.h> declares `struct tm'. */
 #undef TM_IN_SYS_TIME

The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.

@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
 # Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
-AC_INIT(spatialite-tools, 5.0.1-rc1, a.furieri at lqt.it)
+AC_INIT(spatialite-tools, 5.1.0-RC0, a.furieri at lqt.it)
 # enabling huge-file support (64 bit file pointers)
@@ -84,14 +84,12 @@ AC_PROG_CPP
 # Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics.
@@ -129,7 +127,7 @@ AC_SUBST(READLINE_LIBS)
 AC_CHECK_HEADERS(expat.h,, [AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot find expat.h, bailing out])])
 AC_CHECK_LIB(expat,XML_ParserCreate,,AC_MSG_ERROR(['expat' is required but it doesn't seem to be installed on this system.]))
-PKG_CHECK_MODULES([LIBSPATIALITE], [spatialite], , AC_MSG_ERROR(['libspatialite' is required but it doesn't seem to be installed on this system.]))
+PKG_CHECK_MODULES([LIBSPATIALITE], [spatialite >= 5.1], , AC_MSG_ERROR(['libspatialite' >= 5.1.0 is required but it doesn't seem to be installed on this system.]))
 # testing for libspatialite-amalgamation
 if test "x$(pkg-config --cflags spatialite|grep "DSPATIALITE_AMALGAMATION=1")" != "x"; then

@@ -1,3 +1,29 @@
+spatialite-tools (5.1.0~rc0-1~exp1) experimental; urgency=medium
+  * New upstream release candidate.
+  * Bump Standards-Version to 4.6.2, no changes.
+  * Bump debhelper compat to 13.
+  * Require at least libspatialite-dev 5.1.0~.
+ -- Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org>  Tue, 25 Jul 2023 14:45:40 +0200
+spatialite-tools (5.0.1-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Bump Standards-Version to 4.6.1, no changes.
+  * Bump debhelper compat to 12, no changes.
+  * Add Rules-Requires-Root to control file.
+  * Update lintian overrides.
+ -- Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org>  Thu, 01 Dec 2022 20:36:58 +0100
+spatialite-tools (5.0.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * New upstream release.
+  * Bump libspatialite-dev version requirement to 5.0.1.
+  * Move from experimental to unstable.
+ -- Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org>  Sun, 07 Feb 2021 20:26:13 +0100
 spatialite-tools (5.0.1~rc1-1~exp1) experimental; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release candidate.

debian/compat deleted
@@ -1 +0,0 @@

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Uploaders: Francesco Paolo Lovergine <frankie at debian.org>,
            Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org>
 Section: science
 Priority: optional
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 10~),
+Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13),
                libgeos-dev (>= 3.3.0),
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 10~),
-               libspatialite-dev (>= 5.0.1~),
+               libspatialite-dev (>= 5.1.0~),
@@ -23,10 +23,11 @@ Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 10~),
-Standards-Version: 4.5.1
+Standards-Version: 4.6.2
 Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/spatialite-tools
 Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/spatialite-tools.git -b experimental
 Homepage: https://www.gaia-gis.it/fossil/spatialite-tools/
+Rules-Requires-Root: no
 Package: spatialite-bin
 Architecture: any

@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
 # Upstream doesn't provide manpages
 no-manual-page *
+# False positive, lat/lon
+spelling-error-in-binary lon long *

@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
 #! /bin/sh
 # depcomp - compile a program generating dependencies as side-effects
-scriptversion=2009-04-28.21; # UTC
+scriptversion=2018-03-07.03; # UTC
-# Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009 Free
-# Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Copyright (C) 1999-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -17,7 +16,7 @@ scriptversion=2009-04-28.21; # UTC
 # GNU General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 # As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you
 # distribute this file as part of a program that contains a
@@ -28,9 +27,9 @@ scriptversion=2009-04-28.21; # UTC
 case $1 in
-     echo "$0: No command.  Try \`$0 --help' for more information." 1>&2
-     exit 1;
-     ;;
+    echo "$0: No command.  Try '$0 --help' for more information." 1>&2
+    exit 1;
+    ;;
   -h | --h*)
     cat <<\EOF
 Usage: depcomp [--help] [--version] PROGRAM [ARGS]
@@ -40,11 +39,11 @@ as side-effects.
 Environment variables:
   depmode     Dependency tracking mode.
-  source      Source file read by `PROGRAMS ARGS'.
-  object      Object file output by `PROGRAMS ARGS'.
+  source      Source file read by 'PROGRAMS ARGS'.
+  object      Object file output by 'PROGRAMS ARGS'.
   DEPDIR      directory where to store dependencies.
   depfile     Dependency file to output.
-  tmpdepfile  Temporary file to use when outputing dependencies.
+  tmpdepfile  Temporary file to use when outputting dependencies.
   libtool     Whether libtool is used (yes/no).
 Report bugs to <bug-automake at gnu.org>.
@@ -57,6 +56,66 @@ EOF
+# Get the directory component of the given path, and save it in the
+# global variables '$dir'.  Note that this directory component will
+# be either empty or ending with a '/' character.  This is deliberate.
+set_dir_from ()
+  case $1 in
+    */*) dir=`echo "$1" | sed -e 's|/[^/]*$|/|'`;;
+      *) dir=;;
+  esac
+# Get the suffix-stripped basename of the given path, and save it the
+# global variable '$base'.
+set_base_from ()
+  base=`echo "$1" | sed -e 's|^.*/||' -e 's/\.[^.]*$//'`
+# If no dependency file was actually created by the compiler invocation,
+# we still have to create a dummy depfile, to avoid errors with the
+# Makefile "include basename.Plo" scheme.
+make_dummy_depfile ()
+  echo "#dummy" > "$depfile"
+# Factor out some common post-processing of the generated depfile.
+# Requires the auxiliary global variable '$tmpdepfile' to be set.
+aix_post_process_depfile ()
+  # If the compiler actually managed to produce a dependency file,
+  # post-process it.
+  if test -f "$tmpdepfile"; then
+    # Each line is of the form 'foo.o: dependency.h'.
+    # Do two passes, one to just change these to
+    #   $object: dependency.h
+    # and one to simply output
+    #   dependency.h:
+    # which is needed to avoid the deleted-header problem.
+    { sed -e "s,^.*\.[$lower]*:,$object:," < "$tmpdepfile"
+      sed -e "s,^.*\.[$lower]*:[$tab ]*,," -e 's,$,:,' < "$tmpdepfile"
+    } > "$depfile"
+    rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
+  else
+    make_dummy_depfile
+  fi
+# A tabulation character.
+tab='	'
+# A newline character.
+# Character ranges might be problematic outside the C locale.
+# These definitions help.
 if test -z "$depmode" || test -z "$source" || test -z "$object"; then
   echo "depcomp: Variables source, object and depmode must be set" 1>&2
   exit 1
@@ -69,6 +128,9 @@ tmpdepfile=${tmpdepfile-`echo "$depfile" | sed 's/\.\([^.]*\)$/.T\1/'`}
 rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
+# Avoid interferences from the environment.
+gccflag= dashmflag=
 # Some modes work just like other modes, but use different flags.  We
 # parameterize here, but still list the modes in the big case below,
 # to make depend.m4 easier to write.  Note that we *cannot* use a case
@@ -80,18 +142,32 @@ if test "$depmode" = hp; then
 if test "$depmode" = dashXmstdout; then
-   # This is just like dashmstdout with a different argument.
-   dashmflag=-xM
-   depmode=dashmstdout
+  # This is just like dashmstdout with a different argument.
+  dashmflag=-xM
+  depmode=dashmstdout
 cygpath_u="cygpath -u -f -"
 if test "$depmode" = msvcmsys; then
-   # This is just like msvisualcpp but w/o cygpath translation.
-   # Just convert the backslash-escaped backslashes to single forward
-   # slashes to satisfy depend.m4
-   cygpath_u="sed s,\\\\\\\\,/,g"
-   depmode=msvisualcpp
+  # This is just like msvisualcpp but w/o cygpath translation.
+  # Just convert the backslash-escaped backslashes to single forward
+  # slashes to satisfy depend.m4
+  cygpath_u='sed s,\\\\,/,g'
+  depmode=msvisualcpp
+if test "$depmode" = msvc7msys; then
+  # This is just like msvc7 but w/o cygpath translation.
+  # Just convert the backslash-escaped backslashes to single forward
+  # slashes to satisfy depend.m4
+  cygpath_u='sed s,\\\\,/,g'
+  depmode=msvc7
+if test "$depmode" = xlc; then
+  # IBM C/C++ Compilers xlc/xlC can output gcc-like dependency information.
+  gccflag=-qmakedep=gcc,-MF
+  depmode=gcc
 case "$depmode" in
@@ -114,8 +190,7 @@ gcc3)
-  if test $stat -eq 0; then :
-  else
+  if test $stat -ne 0; then
     rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
     exit $stat
@@ -123,13 +198,17 @@ gcc3)
+## Note that this doesn't just cater to obsosete pre-3.x GCC compilers.
+## but also to in-use compilers like IMB xlc/xlC and the HP C compiler.
+## (see the conditional assignment to $gccflag above).
 ## There are various ways to get dependency output from gcc.  Here's
 ## why we pick this rather obscure method:
 ## - Don't want to use -MD because we'd like the dependencies to end
 ##   up in a subdir.  Having to rename by hand is ugly.
 ##   (We might end up doing this anyway to support other compilers.)
 ## - The DEPENDENCIES_OUTPUT environment variable makes gcc act like
-##   -MM, not -M (despite what the docs say).
+##   -MM, not -M (despite what the docs say).  Also, it might not be
+##   supported by the other compilers which use the 'gcc' depmode.
 ## - Using -M directly means running the compiler twice (even worse
 ##   than renaming).
   if test -z "$gccflag"; then
@@ -137,31 +216,31 @@ gcc)
   "$@" -Wp,"$gccflag$tmpdepfile"
-  if test $stat -eq 0; then :
-  else
+  if test $stat -ne 0; then
     rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
     exit $stat
   rm -f "$depfile"
   echo "$object : \\" > "$depfile"
-  alpha=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
-## The second -e expression handles DOS-style file names with drive letters.
+  # The second -e expression handles DOS-style file names with drive
+  # letters.
   sed -e 's/^[^:]*: / /' \
       -e 's/^['$alpha']:\/[^:]*: / /' < "$tmpdepfile" >> "$depfile"
-## This next piece of magic avoids the `deleted header file' problem.
+## This next piece of magic avoids the "deleted header file" problem.
 ## The problem is that when a header file which appears in a .P file
 ## is deleted, the dependency causes make to die (because there is
 ## typically no way to rebuild the header).  We avoid this by adding
 ## dummy dependencies for each header file.  Too bad gcc doesn't do
 ## this for us directly.
-  tr ' ' '
-' < "$tmpdepfile" |
-## Some versions of gcc put a space before the `:'.  On the theory
+## Some versions of gcc put a space before the ':'.  On the theory
 ## that the space means something, we add a space to the output as
-## well.
+## well.  hp depmode also adds that space, but also prefixes the VPATH
+## to the object.  Take care to not repeat it in the output.
 ## Some versions of the HPUX 10.20 sed can't process this invocation
 ## correctly.  Breaking it into two sed invocations is a workaround.
-    sed -e 's/^\\$//' -e '/^$/d' -e '/:$/d' | sed -e 's/$/ :/' >> "$depfile"
+  tr ' ' "$nl" < "$tmpdepfile" \
+    | sed -e 's/^\\$//' -e '/^$/d' -e "s|.*$object$||" -e '/:$/d' \
+    | sed -e 's/$/ :/' >> "$depfile"
   rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
@@ -179,8 +258,7 @@ sgi)
     "$@" -MDupdate "$tmpdepfile"
-  if test $stat -eq 0; then :
-  else
+  if test $stat -ne 0; then
     rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
     exit $stat
@@ -188,43 +266,41 @@ sgi)
   if test -f "$tmpdepfile"; then  # yes, the sourcefile depend on other files
     echo "$object : \\" > "$depfile"
     # Clip off the initial element (the dependent).  Don't try to be
     # clever and replace this with sed code, as IRIX sed won't handle
     # lines with more than a fixed number of characters (4096 in
     # IRIX 6.2 sed, 8192 in IRIX 6.5).  We also remove comment lines;
-    # the IRIX cc adds comments like `#:fec' to the end of the
+    # the IRIX cc adds comments like '#:fec' to the end of the
     # dependency line.
-    tr ' ' '
-' < "$tmpdepfile" \
-    | sed -e 's/^.*\.o://' -e 's/#.*$//' -e '/^$/ d' | \
-    tr '
-' ' ' >> "$depfile"
+    tr ' ' "$nl" < "$tmpdepfile" \
+      | sed -e 's/^.*\.o://' -e 's/#.*$//' -e '/^$/ d' \
+      | tr "$nl" ' ' >> "$depfile"
     echo >> "$depfile"
     # The second pass generates a dummy entry for each header file.
-    tr ' ' '
-' < "$tmpdepfile" \
-   | sed -e 's/^.*\.o://' -e 's/#.*$//' -e '/^$/ d' -e 's/$/:/' \
-   >> "$depfile"
+    tr ' ' "$nl" < "$tmpdepfile" \
+      | sed -e 's/^.*\.o://' -e 's/#.*$//' -e '/^$/ d' -e 's/$/:/' \
+      >> "$depfile"
-    # The sourcefile does not contain any dependencies, so just
-    # store a dummy comment line, to avoid errors with the Makefile
-    # "include basename.Plo" scheme.
-    echo "#dummy" > "$depfile"
+    make_dummy_depfile
   rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
+  # This case exists only to let depend.m4 do its work.  It works by
+  # looking at the text of this script.  This case will never be run,
+  # since it is checked for above.
+  exit 1
+  ;;
   # The C for AIX Compiler uses -M and outputs the dependencies
   # in a .u file.  In older versions, this file always lives in the
-  # current directory.  Also, the AIX compiler puts `$object:' at the
+  # current directory.  Also, the AIX compiler puts '$object:' at the
   # start of each line; $object doesn't have directory information.
   # Version 6 uses the directory in both cases.
-  dir=`echo "$object" | sed -e 's|/[^/]*$|/|'`
-  test "x$dir" = "x$object" && dir=
-  base=`echo "$object" | sed -e 's|^.*/||' -e 's/\.o$//' -e 's/\.lo$//'`
+  set_dir_from "$object"
+  set_base_from "$object"
   if test "$libtool" = yes; then
@@ -237,9 +313,7 @@ aix)
     "$@" -M
-  if test $stat -eq 0; then :
-  else
+  if test $stat -ne 0; then
     rm -f "$tmpdepfile1" "$tmpdepfile2" "$tmpdepfile3"
     exit $stat
@@ -248,44 +322,100 @@ aix)
     test -f "$tmpdepfile" && break
-  if test -f "$tmpdepfile"; then
-    # Each line is of the form `foo.o: dependent.h'.
-    # Do two passes, one to just change these to
-    # `$object: dependent.h' and one to simply `dependent.h:'.
-    sed -e "s,^.*\.[a-z]*:,$object:," < "$tmpdepfile" > "$depfile"
-    # That's a tab and a space in the [].
-    sed -e 's,^.*\.[a-z]*:[	 ]*,,' -e 's,$,:,' < "$tmpdepfile" >> "$depfile"
-  else
-    # The sourcefile does not contain any dependencies, so just
-    # store a dummy comment line, to avoid errors with the Makefile
-    # "include basename.Plo" scheme.
-    echo "#dummy" > "$depfile"
+  aix_post_process_depfile
+  ;;
+  # tcc (Tiny C Compiler) understand '-MD -MF file' since version 0.9.26
+  # FIXME: That version still under development at the moment of writing.
+  #        Make that this statement remains true also for stable, released
+  #        versions.
+  # It will wrap lines (doesn't matter whether long or short) with a
+  # trailing '\', as in:
+  #
+  #   foo.o : \
+  #    foo.c \
+  #    foo.h \
+  #
+  # It will put a trailing '\' even on the last line, and will use leading
+  # spaces rather than leading tabs (at least since its commit 0394caf7
+  # "Emit spaces for -MD").
+  "$@" -MD -MF "$tmpdepfile"
+  stat=$?
+  if test $stat -ne 0; then
+    rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
+    exit $stat
+  rm -f "$depfile"
+  # Each non-empty line is of the form 'foo.o : \' or ' dep.h \'.
+  # We have to change lines of the first kind to '$object: \'.
+  sed -e "s|.*:|$object :|" < "$tmpdepfile" > "$depfile"
+  # And for each line of the second kind, we have to emit a 'dep.h:'
+  # dummy dependency, to avoid the deleted-header problem.
+  sed -n -e 's|^  *\(.*\) *\\$|\1:|p' < "$tmpdepfile" >> "$depfile"
   rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
-  # Intel's C compiler understands `-MD -MF file'.  However on
-  #    icc -MD -MF foo.d -c -o sub/foo.o sub/foo.c
-  # ICC 7.0 will fill foo.d with something like
-  #    foo.o: sub/foo.c
-  #    foo.o: sub/foo.h
-  # which is wrong.  We want:
-  #    sub/foo.o: sub/foo.c
-  #    sub/foo.o: sub/foo.h
-  #    sub/foo.c:
-  #    sub/foo.h:
-  # ICC 7.1 will output
+## The order of this option in the case statement is important, since the
+## shell code in configure will try each of these formats in the order
+## listed in this file.  A plain '-MD' option would be understood by many
+## compilers, so we must ensure this comes after the gcc and icc options.
+  # Portland's C compiler understands '-MD'.
+  # Will always output deps to 'file.d' where file is the root name of the
+  # source file under compilation, even if file resides in a subdirectory.
+  # The object file name does not affect the name of the '.d' file.
+  # pgcc 10.2 will output
   #    foo.o: sub/foo.c sub/foo.h
-  # and will wrap long lines using \ :
+  # and will wrap long lines using '\' :
   #    foo.o: sub/foo.c ... \
   #     sub/foo.h ... \
   #     ...
+  set_dir_from "$object"
+  # Use the source, not the object, to determine the base name, since
+  # that's sadly what pgcc will do too.
+  set_base_from "$source"
+  tmpdepfile=$base.d
+  # For projects that build the same source file twice into different object
+  # files, the pgcc approach of using the *source* file root name can cause
+  # problems in parallel builds.  Use a locking strategy to avoid stomping on
+  # the same $tmpdepfile.
+  lockdir=$base.d-lock
+  trap "
+    echo '$0: caught signal, cleaning up...' >&2
+    rmdir '$lockdir'
+    exit 1
+  " 1 2 13 15
+  numtries=100
+  i=$numtries
+  while test $i -gt 0; do
+    # mkdir is a portable test-and-set.
+    if mkdir "$lockdir" 2>/dev/null; then
+      # This process acquired the lock.
+      "$@" -MD
+      stat=$?
+      # Release the lock.
+      rmdir "$lockdir"
+      break
+    else
+      # If the lock is being held by a different process, wait
+      # until the winning process is done or we timeout.
+      while test -d "$lockdir" && test $i -gt 0; do
+        sleep 1
+        i=`expr $i - 1`
+      done
+    fi
+    i=`expr $i - 1`
+  done
+  trap - 1 2 13 15
+  if test $i -le 0; then
+    echo "$0: failed to acquire lock after $numtries attempts" >&2
+    echo "$0: check lockdir '$lockdir'" >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
-  "$@" -MD -MF "$tmpdepfile"
-  stat=$?
-  if test $stat -eq 0; then :
-  else
+  if test $stat -ne 0; then
     rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
     exit $stat
@@ -297,8 +427,8 @@ icc)
   sed "s,^[^:]*:,$object :," < "$tmpdepfile" > "$depfile"
   # Some versions of the HPUX 10.20 sed can't process this invocation
   # correctly.  Breaking it into two sed invocations is a workaround.
-  sed 's,^[^:]*: \(.*\)$,\1,;s/^\\$//;/^$/d;/:$/d' < "$tmpdepfile" |
-    sed -e 's/$/ :/' >> "$depfile"
+  sed 's,^[^:]*: \(.*\)$,\1,;s/^\\$//;/^$/d;/:$/d' < "$tmpdepfile" \
+    | sed -e 's/$/ :/' >> "$depfile"
   rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
@@ -309,9 +439,8 @@ hp2)
   # 'foo.d', which lands next to the object file, wherever that
   # happens to be.
   # Much of this is similar to the tru64 case; see comments there.
-  dir=`echo "$object" | sed -e 's|/[^/]*$|/|'`
-  test "x$dir" = "x$object" && dir=
-  base=`echo "$object" | sed -e 's|^.*/||' -e 's/\.o$//' -e 's/\.lo$//'`
+  set_dir_from  "$object"
+  set_base_from "$object"
   if test "$libtool" = yes; then
@@ -322,8 +451,7 @@ hp2)
     "$@" +Maked
-  if test $stat -eq 0; then :
-  else
+  if test $stat -ne 0; then
      rm -f "$tmpdepfile1" "$tmpdepfile2"
      exit $stat
@@ -333,77 +461,107 @@ hp2)
     test -f "$tmpdepfile" && break
   if test -f "$tmpdepfile"; then
-    sed -e "s,^.*\.[a-z]*:,$object:," "$tmpdepfile" > "$depfile"
-    # Add `dependent.h:' lines.
+    sed -e "s,^.*\.[$lower]*:,$object:," "$tmpdepfile" > "$depfile"
+    # Add 'dependent.h:' lines.
     sed -ne '2,${
-	       s/^ *//
-	       s/ \\*$//
-	       s/$/:/
-	       p
-	     }' "$tmpdepfile" >> "$depfile"
+               s/^ *//
+               s/ \\*$//
+               s/$/:/
+               p
+             }' "$tmpdepfile" >> "$depfile"
-    echo "#dummy" > "$depfile"
+    make_dummy_depfile
   rm -f "$tmpdepfile" "$tmpdepfile2"
-   # The Tru64 compiler uses -MD to generate dependencies as a side
-   # effect.  `cc -MD -o foo.o ...' puts the dependencies into `foo.o.d'.
-   # At least on Alpha/Redhat 6.1, Compaq CCC V6.2-504 seems to put
-   # dependencies in `foo.d' instead, so we check for that too.
-   # Subdirectories are respected.
-   dir=`echo "$object" | sed -e 's|/[^/]*$|/|'`
-   test "x$dir" = "x$object" && dir=
-   base=`echo "$object" | sed -e 's|^.*/||' -e 's/\.o$//' -e 's/\.lo$//'`
-   if test "$libtool" = yes; then
-      # With Tru64 cc, shared objects can also be used to make a
-      # static library.  This mechanism is used in libtool 1.4 series to
-      # handle both shared and static libraries in a single compilation.
-      # With libtool 1.4, dependencies were output in $dir.libs/$base.lo.d.
-      #
-      # With libtool 1.5 this exception was removed, and libtool now
-      # generates 2 separate objects for the 2 libraries.  These two
-      # compilations output dependencies in $dir.libs/$base.o.d and
-      # in $dir$base.o.d.  We have to check for both files, because
-      # one of the two compilations can be disabled.  We should prefer
-      # $dir$base.o.d over $dir.libs/$base.o.d because the latter is
-      # automatically cleaned when .libs/ is deleted, while ignoring
-      # the former would cause a distcleancheck panic.
-      tmpdepfile1=$dir.libs/$base.lo.d   # libtool 1.4
-      tmpdepfile2=$dir$base.o.d          # libtool 1.5
-      tmpdepfile3=$dir.libs/$base.o.d    # libtool 1.5
-      tmpdepfile4=$dir.libs/$base.d      # Compaq CCC V6.2-504
-      "$@" -Wc,-MD
-   else
-      tmpdepfile1=$dir$base.o.d
-      tmpdepfile2=$dir$base.d
-      tmpdepfile3=$dir$base.d
-      tmpdepfile4=$dir$base.d
-      "$@" -MD
-   fi
-   stat=$?
-   if test $stat -eq 0; then :
-   else
-      rm -f "$tmpdepfile1" "$tmpdepfile2" "$tmpdepfile3" "$tmpdepfile4"
-      exit $stat
-   fi
-   for tmpdepfile in "$tmpdepfile1" "$tmpdepfile2" "$tmpdepfile3" "$tmpdepfile4"
-   do
-     test -f "$tmpdepfile" && break
-   done
-   if test -f "$tmpdepfile"; then
-      sed -e "s,^.*\.[a-z]*:,$object:," < "$tmpdepfile" > "$depfile"
-      # That's a tab and a space in the [].
-      sed -e 's,^.*\.[a-z]*:[	 ]*,,' -e 's,$,:,' < "$tmpdepfile" >> "$depfile"
-   else
-      echo "#dummy" > "$depfile"
-   fi
-   rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
-   ;;
+  # The Tru64 compiler uses -MD to generate dependencies as a side
+  # effect.  'cc -MD -o foo.o ...' puts the dependencies into 'foo.o.d'.
+  # At least on Alpha/Redhat 6.1, Compaq CCC V6.2-504 seems to put
+  # dependencies in 'foo.d' instead, so we check for that too.
+  # Subdirectories are respected.
+  set_dir_from  "$object"
+  set_base_from "$object"
+  if test "$libtool" = yes; then
+    # Libtool generates 2 separate objects for the 2 libraries.  These
+    # two compilations output dependencies in $dir.libs/$base.o.d and
+    # in $dir$base.o.d.  We have to check for both files, because
+    # one of the two compilations can be disabled.  We should prefer
+    # $dir$base.o.d over $dir.libs/$base.o.d because the latter is
+    # automatically cleaned when .libs/ is deleted, while ignoring
+    # the former would cause a distcleancheck panic.
+    tmpdepfile1=$dir$base.o.d          # libtool 1.5
+    tmpdepfile2=$dir.libs/$base.o.d    # Likewise.
+    tmpdepfile3=$dir.libs/$base.d      # Compaq CCC V6.2-504
+    "$@" -Wc,-MD
+  else
+    tmpdepfile1=$dir$base.d
+    tmpdepfile2=$dir$base.d
+    tmpdepfile3=$dir$base.d
+    "$@" -MD
+  fi
+  stat=$?
+  if test $stat -ne 0; then
+    rm -f "$tmpdepfile1" "$tmpdepfile2" "$tmpdepfile3"
+    exit $stat
+  fi
+  for tmpdepfile in "$tmpdepfile1" "$tmpdepfile2" "$tmpdepfile3"
+  do
+    test -f "$tmpdepfile" && break
+  done
+  # Same post-processing that is required for AIX mode.
+  aix_post_process_depfile
+  ;;
+  if test "$libtool" = yes; then
+    showIncludes=-Wc,-showIncludes
+  else
+    showIncludes=-showIncludes
+  fi
+  "$@" $showIncludes > "$tmpdepfile"
+  stat=$?
+  grep -v '^Note: including file: ' "$tmpdepfile"
+  if test $stat -ne 0; then
+    rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
+    exit $stat
+  fi
+  rm -f "$depfile"
+  echo "$object : \\" > "$depfile"
+  # The first sed program below extracts the file names and escapes
+  # backslashes for cygpath.  The second sed program outputs the file
+  # name when reading, but also accumulates all include files in the
+  # hold buffer in order to output them again at the end.  This only
+  # works with sed implementations that can handle large buffers.
+  sed < "$tmpdepfile" -n '
+/^Note: including file:  *\(.*\)/ {
+  s//\1/
+  s/\\/\\\\/g
+  p
+}' | $cygpath_u | sort -u | sed -n '
+s/ /\\ /g
+s/\(.*\)/'"$tab"'\1 \\/p
+s/.\(.*\) \\/\1:/
+$ {
+  s/.*/'"$tab"'/
+  G
+  p
+}' >> "$depfile"
+  echo >> "$depfile" # make sure the fragment doesn't end with a backslash
+  rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
+  ;;
+  # This case exists only to let depend.m4 do its work.  It works by
+  # looking at the text of this script.  This case will never be run,
+  # since it is checked for above.
+  exit 1
+  ;;
   # This comment above is used by automake to tell side-effect
@@ -422,7 +580,7 @@ dashmstdout)
-  # Remove `-o $object'.
+  # Remove '-o $object'.
   IFS=" "
   for arg
@@ -442,18 +600,18 @@ dashmstdout)
   test -z "$dashmflag" && dashmflag=-M
-  # Require at least two characters before searching for `:'
+  # Require at least two characters before searching for ':'
   # in the target name.  This is to cope with DOS-style filenames:
-  # a dependency such as `c:/foo/bar' could be seen as target `c' otherwise.
+  # a dependency such as 'c:/foo/bar' could be seen as target 'c' otherwise.
   "$@" $dashmflag |
-    sed 's:^[  ]*[^: ][^:][^:]*\:[    ]*:'"$object"'\: :' > "$tmpdepfile"
+    sed "s|^[$tab ]*[^:$tab ][^:][^:]*:[$tab ]*|$object: |" > "$tmpdepfile"
   rm -f "$depfile"
   cat < "$tmpdepfile" > "$depfile"
-  tr ' ' '
-' < "$tmpdepfile" | \
-## Some versions of the HPUX 10.20 sed can't process this invocation
-## correctly.  Breaking it into two sed invocations is a workaround.
-    sed -e 's/^\\$//' -e '/^$/d' -e '/:$/d' | sed -e 's/$/ :/' >> "$depfile"
+  # Some versions of the HPUX 10.20 sed can't process this sed invocation
+  # correctly.  Breaking it into two sed invocations is a workaround.
+  tr ' ' "$nl" < "$tmpdepfile" \
+    | sed -e 's/^\\$//' -e '/^$/d' -e '/:$/d' \
+    | sed -e 's/$/ :/' >> "$depfile"
   rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
@@ -503,12 +661,15 @@ makedepend)
   touch "$tmpdepfile"
   ${MAKEDEPEND-makedepend} -o"$obj_suffix" -f"$tmpdepfile" "$@"
   rm -f "$depfile"
-  cat < "$tmpdepfile" > "$depfile"
-  sed '1,2d' "$tmpdepfile" | tr ' ' '
-' | \
-## Some versions of the HPUX 10.20 sed can't process this invocation
-## correctly.  Breaking it into two sed invocations is a workaround.
-    sed -e 's/^\\$//' -e '/^$/d' -e '/:$/d' | sed -e 's/$/ :/' >> "$depfile"
+  # makedepend may prepend the VPATH from the source file name to the object.
+  # No need to regex-escape $object, excess matching of '.' is harmless.
+  sed "s|^.*\($object *:\)|\1|" "$tmpdepfile" > "$depfile"
+  # Some versions of the HPUX 10.20 sed can't process the last invocation
+  # correctly.  Breaking it into two sed invocations is a workaround.
+  sed '1,2d' "$tmpdepfile" \
+    | tr ' ' "$nl" \
+    | sed -e 's/^\\$//' -e '/^$/d' -e '/:$/d' \
+    | sed -e 's/$/ :/' >> "$depfile"
   rm -f "$tmpdepfile" "$tmpdepfile".bak
@@ -525,7 +686,7 @@ cpp)
-  # Remove `-o $object'.
+  # Remove '-o $object'.
   IFS=" "
   for arg
@@ -544,10 +705,10 @@ cpp)
-  "$@" -E |
-    sed -n -e '/^# [0-9][0-9]* "\([^"]*\)".*/ s:: \1 \\:p' \
-       -e '/^#line [0-9][0-9]* "\([^"]*\)".*/ s:: \1 \\:p' |
-    sed '$ s: \\$::' > "$tmpdepfile"
+  "$@" -E \
+    | sed -n -e '/^# [0-9][0-9]* "\([^"]*\)".*/ s:: \1 \\:p' \
+             -e '/^#line [0-9][0-9]* "\([^"]*\)".*/ s:: \1 \\:p' \
+    | sed '$ s: \\$::' > "$tmpdepfile"
   rm -f "$depfile"
   echo "$object : \\" > "$depfile"
   cat < "$tmpdepfile" >> "$depfile"
@@ -579,23 +740,23 @@ msvisualcpp)
-	set fnord "$@"
-	shift
-	shift
-	;;
+        set fnord "$@"
+        shift
+        shift
+        ;;
-	set fnord "$@" "$arg"
-	shift
-	shift
-	;;
+        set fnord "$@" "$arg"
+        shift
+        shift
+        ;;
   "$@" -E 2>/dev/null |
   sed -n '/^#line [0-9][0-9]* "\([^"]*\)"/ s::\1:p' | $cygpath_u | sort -u > "$tmpdepfile"
   rm -f "$depfile"
   echo "$object : \\" > "$depfile"
-  sed < "$tmpdepfile" -n -e 's% %\\ %g' -e '/^\(.*\)$/ s::	\1 \\:p' >> "$depfile"
-  echo "	" >> "$depfile"
+  sed < "$tmpdepfile" -n -e 's% %\\ %g' -e '/^\(.*\)$/ s::'"$tab"'\1 \\:p' >> "$depfile"
+  echo "$tab" >> "$depfile"
   sed < "$tmpdepfile" -n -e 's% %\\ %g' -e '/^\(.*\)$/ s::\1\::p' >> "$depfile"
   rm -f "$tmpdepfile"
@@ -622,9 +783,9 @@ exit 0
 # Local Variables:
 # mode: shell-script
 # sh-indentation: 2
-# eval: (add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'time-stamp)
+# eval: (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'time-stamp)
 # time-stamp-start: "scriptversion="
 # time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d.%02H"
-# time-stamp-time-zone: "UTC"
+# time-stamp-time-zone: "UTC0"
 # time-stamp-end: "; # UTC"
 # End:

The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.

The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.

@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # Helper functions for option handling.                    -*- Autoconf -*-
-#   Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation,
-#   Inc.
+#   Copyright (C) 2004-2005, 2007-2009, 2011-2015 Free Software
+#   Foundation, Inc.
 #   Written by Gary V. Vaughan, 2004
 # This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation gives
 # unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, with or without
 # modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
-# serial 7 ltoptions.m4
+# serial 8 ltoptions.m4
 # This is to help aclocal find these macros, as it can't see m4_define.
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ m4_define([_LT_SET_OPTION],
 [m4_define(_LT_MANGLE_OPTION([$1], [$2]))dnl
 m4_ifdef(_LT_MANGLE_DEFUN([$1], [$2]),
         _LT_MANGLE_DEFUN([$1], [$2]),
-    [m4_warning([Unknown $1 option `$2'])])[]dnl
+    [m4_warning([Unknown $1 option '$2'])])[]dnl
@@ -75,13 +75,15 @@ m4_if([$1],[LT_INIT],[
   dnl If no reference was made to various pairs of opposing options, then
   dnl we run the default mode handler for the pair.  For example, if neither
-  dnl `shared' nor `disable-shared' was passed, we enable building of shared
+  dnl 'shared' nor 'disable-shared' was passed, we enable building of shared
   dnl archives by default:
   _LT_UNLESS_OPTIONS([LT_INIT], [shared disable-shared], [_LT_ENABLE_SHARED])
   _LT_UNLESS_OPTIONS([LT_INIT], [static disable-static], [_LT_ENABLE_STATIC])
   _LT_UNLESS_OPTIONS([LT_INIT], [pic-only no-pic], [_LT_WITH_PIC])
   _LT_UNLESS_OPTIONS([LT_INIT], [fast-install disable-fast-install],
+  _LT_UNLESS_OPTIONS([LT_INIT], [aix-soname=aix aix-soname=both aix-soname=svr4],
+		   [_LT_WITH_AIX_SONAME([aix])])
@@ -112,7 +114,7 @@ AU_DEFUN([AC_LIBTOOL_DLOPEN],
 [_LT_SET_OPTION([LT_INIT], [dlopen])
 [$0: Remove this warning and the call to _LT_SET_OPTION when you
-put the `dlopen' option into LT_INIT's first parameter.])
+put the 'dlopen' option into LT_INIT's first parameter.])
 dnl aclocal-1.4 backwards compatibility:
@@ -148,7 +150,7 @@ AU_DEFUN([AC_LIBTOOL_WIN32_DLL],
 _LT_SET_OPTION([LT_INIT], [win32-dll])
 [$0: Remove this warning and the call to _LT_SET_OPTION when you
-put the `win32-dll' option into LT_INIT's first parameter.])
+put the 'win32-dll' option into LT_INIT's first parameter.])
 dnl aclocal-1.4 backwards compatibility:
@@ -157,9 +159,9 @@ dnl AC_DEFUN([AC_LIBTOOL_WIN32_DLL], [])
 # ----------------------------
-# implement the --enable-shared flag, and supports the `shared' and
-# `disable-shared' LT_INIT options.
-# DEFAULT is either `yes' or `no'.  If omitted, it defaults to `yes'.
+# implement the --enable-shared flag, and supports the 'shared' and
+# 'disable-shared' LT_INIT options.
+# DEFAULT is either 'yes' or 'no'.  If omitted, it defaults to 'yes'.
 [m4_define([_LT_ENABLE_SHARED_DEFAULT], [m4_if($1, no, no, yes)])dnl
@@ -172,14 +174,14 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE([shared],
       # Look at the argument we got.  We use all the common list separators.
-      lt_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}$PATH_SEPARATOR,"
+      lt_save_ifs=$IFS; IFS=$IFS$PATH_SEPARATOR,
       for pkg in $enableval; do
-	IFS="$lt_save_ifs"
+	IFS=$lt_save_ifs
 	if test "X$pkg" = "X$p"; then
-      IFS="$lt_save_ifs"
+      IFS=$lt_save_ifs
@@ -211,9 +213,9 @@ dnl AC_DEFUN([AM_DISABLE_SHARED], [])
 # ----------------------------
-# implement the --enable-static flag, and support the `static' and
-# `disable-static' LT_INIT options.
-# DEFAULT is either `yes' or `no'.  If omitted, it defaults to `yes'.
+# implement the --enable-static flag, and support the 'static' and
+# 'disable-static' LT_INIT options.
+# DEFAULT is either 'yes' or 'no'.  If omitted, it defaults to 'yes'.
 [m4_define([_LT_ENABLE_STATIC_DEFAULT], [m4_if($1, no, no, yes)])dnl
@@ -226,14 +228,14 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE([static],
       # Look at the argument we got.  We use all the common list separators.
-      lt_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}$PATH_SEPARATOR,"
+      lt_save_ifs=$IFS; IFS=$IFS$PATH_SEPARATOR,
       for pkg in $enableval; do
-	IFS="$lt_save_ifs"
+	IFS=$lt_save_ifs
 	if test "X$pkg" = "X$p"; then
-      IFS="$lt_save_ifs"
+      IFS=$lt_save_ifs
@@ -265,9 +267,9 @@ dnl AC_DEFUN([AM_DISABLE_STATIC], [])
 # ----------------------------------
-# implement the --enable-fast-install flag, and support the `fast-install'
-# and `disable-fast-install' LT_INIT options.
-# DEFAULT is either `yes' or `no'.  If omitted, it defaults to `yes'.
+# implement the --enable-fast-install flag, and support the 'fast-install'
+# and 'disable-fast-install' LT_INIT options.
+# DEFAULT is either 'yes' or 'no'.  If omitted, it defaults to 'yes'.
 [m4_define([_LT_ENABLE_FAST_INSTALL_DEFAULT], [m4_if($1, no, no, yes)])dnl
@@ -280,14 +282,14 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE([fast-install],
       # Look at the argument we got.  We use all the common list separators.
-      lt_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}$PATH_SEPARATOR,"
+      lt_save_ifs=$IFS; IFS=$IFS$PATH_SEPARATOR,
       for pkg in $enableval; do
-	IFS="$lt_save_ifs"
+	IFS=$lt_save_ifs
 	if test "X$pkg" = "X$p"; then
-      IFS="$lt_save_ifs"
+      IFS=$lt_save_ifs
@@ -304,14 +306,14 @@ AU_DEFUN([AC_ENABLE_FAST_INSTALL],
 [_LT_SET_OPTION([LT_INIT], m4_if([$1], [no], [disable-])[fast-install])
 [$0: Remove this warning and the call to _LT_SET_OPTION when you put
-the `fast-install' option into LT_INIT's first parameter.])
+the 'fast-install' option into LT_INIT's first parameter.])
 [_LT_SET_OPTION([LT_INIT], [disable-fast-install])
 [$0: Remove this warning and the call to _LT_SET_OPTION when you put
-the `disable-fast-install' option into LT_INIT's first parameter.])
+the 'disable-fast-install' option into LT_INIT's first parameter.])
 dnl aclocal-1.4 backwards compatibility:
@@ -319,19 +321,85 @@ dnl AC_DEFUN([AC_ENABLE_FAST_INSTALL], [])
+# ----------------------------------
+# implement the --with-aix-soname flag, and support the `aix-soname=aix'
+# and `aix-soname=both' and `aix-soname=svr4' LT_INIT options. DEFAULT
+# is either `aix', `both' or `svr4'.  If omitted, it defaults to `aix'.
+[m4_define([_LT_WITH_AIX_SONAME_DEFAULT], [m4_if($1, svr4, svr4, m4_if($1, both, both, aix))])dnl
+case $host,$enable_shared in
+  AC_MSG_CHECKING([which variant of shared library versioning to provide])
+  AC_ARG_WITH([aix-soname],
+    [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-aix-soname=aix|svr4|both],
+      [shared library versioning (aka "SONAME") variant to provide on AIX, @<:@default=]_LT_WITH_AIX_SONAME_DEFAULT[@:>@.])],
+    [case $withval in
+    aix|svr4|both)
+      ;;
+    *)
+      AC_MSG_ERROR([Unknown argument to --with-aix-soname])
+      ;;
+    esac
+    lt_cv_with_aix_soname=$with_aix_soname],
+    [AC_CACHE_VAL([lt_cv_with_aix_soname],
+      [lt_cv_with_aix_soname=]_LT_WITH_AIX_SONAME_DEFAULT)
+    with_aix_soname=$lt_cv_with_aix_soname])
+  AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_aix_soname])
+  if test aix != "$with_aix_soname"; then
+    # For the AIX way of multilib, we name the shared archive member
+    # based on the bitwidth used, traditionally 'shr.o' or 'shr_64.o',
+    # and 'shr.imp' or 'shr_64.imp', respectively, for the Import File.
+    # Even when GNU compilers ignore OBJECT_MODE but need '-maix64' flag,
+    # the AIX toolchain works better with OBJECT_MODE set (default 32).
+    if test 64 = "${OBJECT_MODE-32}"; then
+      shared_archive_member_spec=shr_64
+    else
+      shared_archive_member_spec=shr
+    fi
+  fi
+  ;;
+  with_aix_soname=aix
+  ;;
+_LT_DECL([], [shared_archive_member_spec], [0],
+    [Shared archive member basename, for filename based shared library versioning on AIX])dnl
+LT_OPTION_DEFINE([LT_INIT], [aix-soname=aix], [_LT_WITH_AIX_SONAME([aix])])
+LT_OPTION_DEFINE([LT_INIT], [aix-soname=both], [_LT_WITH_AIX_SONAME([both])])
+LT_OPTION_DEFINE([LT_INIT], [aix-soname=svr4], [_LT_WITH_AIX_SONAME([svr4])])
 # --------------------
-# implement the --with-pic flag, and support the `pic-only' and `no-pic'
+# implement the --with-pic flag, and support the 'pic-only' and 'no-pic'
 # LT_INIT options.
-# MODE is either `yes' or `no'.  If omitted, it defaults to `both'.
+# MODE is either 'yes' or 'no'.  If omitted, it defaults to 'both'.
-    [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-pic],
+    [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-pic@<:@=PKGS@:>@],
 	[try to use only PIC/non-PIC objects @<:@default=use both@:>@])],
-    [pic_mode="$withval"],
-    [pic_mode=default])
-test -z "$pic_mode" && pic_mode=m4_default([$1], [default])
+    [lt_p=${PACKAGE-default}
+    case $withval in
+    yes|no) pic_mode=$withval ;;
+    *)
+      pic_mode=default
+      # Look at the argument we got.  We use all the common list separators.
+      lt_save_ifs=$IFS; IFS=$IFS$PATH_SEPARATOR,
+      for lt_pkg in $withval; do
+	IFS=$lt_save_ifs
+	if test "X$lt_pkg" = "X$lt_p"; then
+	  pic_mode=yes
+	fi
+      done
+      IFS=$lt_save_ifs
+      ;;
+    esac],
+    [pic_mode=m4_default([$1], [default])])
 _LT_DECL([], [pic_mode], [0], [What type of objects to build])dnl
@@ -344,7 +412,7 @@ AU_DEFUN([AC_LIBTOOL_PICMODE],
 [_LT_SET_OPTION([LT_INIT], [pic-only])
 [$0: Remove this warning and the call to _LT_SET_OPTION when you
-put the `pic-only' option into LT_INIT's first parameter.])
+put the 'pic-only' option into LT_INIT's first parameter.])
 dnl aclocal-1.4 backwards compatibility:

@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 # ltsugar.m4 -- libtool m4 base layer.                         -*-Autoconf-*-
-# Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Copyright (C) 2004-2005, 2007-2008, 2011-2015 Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc.
 # Written by Gary V. Vaughan, 2004
 # This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation gives
@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ m4_define([_lt_join],
 # ------------
 # Manipulate m4 lists.
 # These macros are necessary as long as will still need to support
-# Autoconf-2.59 which quotes differently.
+# Autoconf-2.59, which quotes differently.
 m4_define([lt_car], [[$1]])
 [m4_if([$#], 0, [m4_fatal([$0: cannot be called without arguments])],
@@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ m4_define([lt_unquote], $1)
 # ------------------------------------------
-# Redefine MACRO-NAME to hold its former content plus `SEPARATOR'`STRING'.
+# Redefine MACRO-NAME to hold its former content plus 'SEPARATOR''STRING'.
 # Note that neither SEPARATOR nor STRING are expanded; they are appended
 # to MACRO-NAME as is (leaving the expansion for when MACRO-NAME is invoked).
 # No SEPARATOR is output if MACRO-NAME was previously undefined (different

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # ltversion.m4 -- version numbers			-*- Autoconf -*-
-#   Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+#   Copyright (C) 2004, 2011-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 #   Written by Scott James Remnant, 2004
 # This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation gives
@@ -9,15 +9,15 @@
 # @configure_input@
-# serial 3293 ltversion.m4
+# serial 4179 ltversion.m4
 # This file is part of GNU Libtool
-m4_define([LT_PACKAGE_VERSION], [2.4])
-m4_define([LT_PACKAGE_REVISION], [1.3293])
+m4_define([LT_PACKAGE_VERSION], [2.4.6])
+m4_define([LT_PACKAGE_REVISION], [2.4.6])
 _LT_DECL(, macro_version, 0, [Which release of libtool.m4 was used?])
 _LT_DECL(, macro_revision, 0)

@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 # lt~obsolete.m4 -- aclocal satisfying obsolete definitions.    -*-Autoconf-*-
-#   Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+#   Copyright (C) 2004-2005, 2007, 2009, 2011-2015 Free Software
+#   Foundation, Inc.
 #   Written by Scott James Remnant, 2004.
 # This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation gives
@@ -11,7 +12,7 @@
 # These exist entirely to fool aclocal when bootstrapping libtool.
-# In the past libtool.m4 has provided macros via AC_DEFUN (or AU_DEFUN)
+# In the past libtool.m4 has provided macros via AC_DEFUN (or AU_DEFUN),
 # which have later been changed to m4_define as they aren't part of the
 # exported API, or moved to Autoconf or Automake where they belong.
@@ -25,7 +26,7 @@
 # included after everything else.  This provides aclocal with the
 # AC_DEFUNs it wants, but when m4 processes it, it doesn't do anything
 # because those macros already exist, or will be overwritten later.
-# We use AC_DEFUN over AU_DEFUN for compatibility with aclocal-1.6. 
+# We use AC_DEFUN over AU_DEFUN for compatibility with aclocal-1.6.
 # Anytime we withdraw an AC_DEFUN or AU_DEFUN, remember to add it here.
 # Yes, that means every name once taken will need to remain here until

@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
 #! /bin/sh
-# Common stub for a few missing GNU programs while installing.
+# Common wrapper for a few potentially missing GNU programs.
-scriptversion=2009-04-28.21; # UTC
+scriptversion=2018-03-07.03; # UTC
-# Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
-# 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# Originally by Fran,cois Pinard <pinard at iro.umontreal.ca>, 1996.
+# Copyright (C) 1996-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Originally written by Fran,cois Pinard <pinard at iro.umontreal.ca>, 1996.
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -18,7 +17,7 @@ scriptversion=2009-04-28.21; # UTC
 # GNU General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 # As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you
 # distribute this file as part of a program that contains a
@@ -26,69 +25,40 @@ scriptversion=2009-04-28.21; # UTC
 # the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program.
 if test $# -eq 0; then
-  echo 1>&2 "Try \`$0 --help' for more information"
+  echo 1>&2 "Try '$0 --help' for more information"
   exit 1
-sed_output='s/.* --output[ =]\([^ ]*\).*/\1/p'
-sed_minuso='s/.* -o \([^ ]*\).*/\1/p'
-# In the cases where this matters, `missing' is being run in the
-# srcdir already.
-if test -f configure.ac; then
-  configure_ac=configure.ac
-  configure_ac=configure.in
+case $1 in
-msg="missing on your system"
+  --is-lightweight)
+    # Used by our autoconf macros to check whether the available missing
+    # script is modern enough.
+    exit 0
+    ;;
-case $1 in
-  # Try to run requested program, and just exit if it succeeds.
-  run=
-  shift
-  "$@" && exit 0
-  # Exit code 63 means version mismatch.  This often happens
-  # when the user try to use an ancient version of a tool on
-  # a file that requires a minimum version.  In this case we
-  # we should proceed has if the program had been absent, or
-  # if --run hadn't been passed.
-  if test $? = 63; then
-    run=:
-    msg="probably too old"
-  fi
-  ;;
+  --run)
+    # Back-compat with the calling convention used by older automake.
+    shift
+    ;;
     echo "\
-Handle \`PROGRAM [ARGUMENT]...' for when PROGRAM is missing, or return an
-error status if there is no known handling for PROGRAM.
+Run 'PROGRAM [ARGUMENT]...', returning a proper advice when this fails due
+to PROGRAM being missing or too old.
   -h, --help      display this help and exit
   -v, --version   output version information and exit
-  --run           try to run the given command, and emulate it if it fails
 Supported PROGRAM values:
-  aclocal      touch file \`aclocal.m4'
-  autoconf     touch file \`configure'
-  autoheader   touch file \`config.h.in'
-  autom4te     touch the output file, or create a stub one
-  automake     touch all \`Makefile.in' files
-  bison        create \`y.tab.[ch]', if possible, from existing .[ch]
-  flex         create \`lex.yy.c', if possible, from existing .c
-  help2man     touch the output file
-  lex          create \`lex.yy.c', if possible, from existing .c
-  makeinfo     touch the output file
-  tar          try tar, gnutar, gtar, then tar without non-portable flags
-  yacc         create \`y.tab.[ch]', if possible, from existing .[ch]
+  aclocal   autoconf  autoheader   autom4te  automake  makeinfo
+  bison     yacc      flex         lex       help2man
-Version suffixes to PROGRAM as well as the prefixes \`gnu-', \`gnu', and
-\`g' are ignored when checking the name.
+Version suffixes to PROGRAM as well as the prefixes 'gnu-', 'gnu', and
+'g' are ignored when checking the name.
 Send bug reports to <bug-automake at gnu.org>."
     exit $?
@@ -100,277 +70,146 @@ Send bug reports to <bug-automake at gnu.org>."
-    echo 1>&2 "$0: Unknown \`$1' option"
-    echo 1>&2 "Try \`$0 --help' for more information"
+    echo 1>&2 "$0: unknown '$1' option"
+    echo 1>&2 "Try '$0 --help' for more information"
     exit 1
-# normalize program name to check for.
-program=`echo "$1" | sed '
-  s/^gnu-//; t
-  s/^gnu//; t
-  s/^g//; t'`
-# Now exit if we have it, but it failed.  Also exit now if we
-# don't have it and --version was passed (most likely to detect
-# the program).  This is about non-GNU programs, so use $1 not
-# $program.
-case $1 in
-  lex*|yacc*)
-    # Not GNU programs, they don't have --version.
-    ;;
-  tar*)
-    if test -n "$run"; then
-       echo 1>&2 "ERROR: \`tar' requires --run"
-       exit 1
-    elif test "x$2" = "x--version" || test "x$2" = "x--help"; then
-       exit 1
-    fi
-    ;;
-  *)
-    if test -z "$run" && ($1 --version) > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-       # We have it, but it failed.
-       exit 1
-    elif test "x$2" = "x--version" || test "x$2" = "x--help"; then
-       # Could not run --version or --help.  This is probably someone
-       # running `$TOOL --version' or `$TOOL --help' to check whether
-       # $TOOL exists and not knowing $TOOL uses missing.
-       exit 1
-    fi
-    ;;
-# If it does not exist, or fails to run (possibly an outdated version),
-# try to emulate it.
-case $program in
-  aclocal*)
-    echo 1>&2 "\
-WARNING: \`$1' is $msg.  You should only need it if
-         you modified \`acinclude.m4' or \`${configure_ac}'.  You might want
-         to install the \`Automake' and \`Perl' packages.  Grab them from
-         any GNU archive site."
-    touch aclocal.m4
-    ;;
-  autoconf*)
-    echo 1>&2 "\
-WARNING: \`$1' is $msg.  You should only need it if
-         you modified \`${configure_ac}'.  You might want to install the
-         \`Autoconf' and \`GNU m4' packages.  Grab them from any GNU
-         archive site."
-    touch configure
-    ;;
-  autoheader*)
-    echo 1>&2 "\
-WARNING: \`$1' is $msg.  You should only need it if
-         you modified \`acconfig.h' or \`${configure_ac}'.  You might want
-         to install the \`Autoconf' and \`GNU m4' packages.  Grab them
-         from any GNU archive site."
-    files=`sed -n 's/^[ ]*A[CM]_CONFIG_HEADER(\([^)]*\)).*/\1/p' ${configure_ac}`
-    test -z "$files" && files="config.h"
-    touch_files=
-    for f in $files; do
-      case $f in
-      *:*) touch_files="$touch_files "`echo "$f" |
-				       sed -e 's/^[^:]*://' -e 's/:.*//'`;;
-      *) touch_files="$touch_files $f.in";;
-      esac
-    done
-    touch $touch_files
-    ;;
-  automake*)
-    echo 1>&2 "\
-WARNING: \`$1' is $msg.  You should only need it if
-         you modified \`Makefile.am', \`acinclude.m4' or \`${configure_ac}'.
-         You might want to install the \`Automake' and \`Perl' packages.
-         Grab them from any GNU archive site."
-    find . -type f -name Makefile.am -print |
-	   sed 's/\.am$/.in/' |
-	   while read f; do touch "$f"; done
-    ;;
-  autom4te*)
-    echo 1>&2 "\
-WARNING: \`$1' is needed, but is $msg.
-         You might have modified some files without having the
-         proper tools for further handling them.
-         You can get \`$1' as part of \`Autoconf' from any GNU
-         archive site."
-    file=`echo "$*" | sed -n "$sed_output"`
-    test -z "$file" && file=`echo "$*" | sed -n "$sed_minuso"`
-    if test -f "$file"; then
-	touch $file
-    else
-	test -z "$file" || exec >$file
-	echo "#! /bin/sh"
-	echo "# Created by GNU Automake missing as a replacement of"
-	echo "#  $ $@"
-	echo "exit 0"
-	chmod +x $file
-	exit 1
-    fi
-    ;;
-  bison*|yacc*)
-    echo 1>&2 "\
-WARNING: \`$1' $msg.  You should only need it if
-         you modified a \`.y' file.  You may need the \`Bison' package
-         in order for those modifications to take effect.  You can get
-         \`Bison' from any GNU archive site."
-    rm -f y.tab.c y.tab.h
-    if test $# -ne 1; then
-        eval LASTARG="\${$#}"
-	case $LASTARG in
-	*.y)
-	    SRCFILE=`echo "$LASTARG" | sed 's/y$/c/'`
-	    if test -f "$SRCFILE"; then
-	         cp "$SRCFILE" y.tab.c
-	    fi
-	    SRCFILE=`echo "$LASTARG" | sed 's/y$/h/'`
-	    if test -f "$SRCFILE"; then
-	         cp "$SRCFILE" y.tab.h
-	    fi
-	  ;;
-	esac
-    fi
-    if test ! -f y.tab.h; then
-	echo >y.tab.h
-    fi
-    if test ! -f y.tab.c; then
-	echo 'main() { return 0; }' >y.tab.c
-    fi
-    ;;
-  lex*|flex*)
-    echo 1>&2 "\
-WARNING: \`$1' is $msg.  You should only need it if
-         you modified a \`.l' file.  You may need the \`Flex' package
-         in order for those modifications to take effect.  You can get
-         \`Flex' from any GNU archive site."
-    rm -f lex.yy.c
-    if test $# -ne 1; then
-        eval LASTARG="\${$#}"
-	case $LASTARG in
-	*.l)
-	    SRCFILE=`echo "$LASTARG" | sed 's/l$/c/'`
-	    if test -f "$SRCFILE"; then
-	         cp "$SRCFILE" lex.yy.c
-	    fi
-	  ;;
-	esac
-    fi
-    if test ! -f lex.yy.c; then
-	echo 'main() { return 0; }' >lex.yy.c
-    fi
-    ;;
-  help2man*)
-    echo 1>&2 "\
-WARNING: \`$1' is $msg.  You should only need it if
-	 you modified a dependency of a manual page.  You may need the
-	 \`Help2man' package in order for those modifications to take
-	 effect.  You can get \`Help2man' from any GNU archive site."
-    file=`echo "$*" | sed -n "$sed_output"`
-    test -z "$file" && file=`echo "$*" | sed -n "$sed_minuso"`
-    if test -f "$file"; then
-	touch $file
-    else
-	test -z "$file" || exec >$file
-	echo ".ab help2man is required to generate this page"
-	exit $?
-    fi
-    ;;
-  makeinfo*)
-    echo 1>&2 "\
-WARNING: \`$1' is $msg.  You should only need it if
-         you modified a \`.texi' or \`.texinfo' file, or any other file
-         indirectly affecting the aspect of the manual.  The spurious
-         call might also be the consequence of using a buggy \`make' (AIX,
-         DU, IRIX).  You might want to install the \`Texinfo' package or
-         the \`GNU make' package.  Grab either from any GNU archive site."
-    # The file to touch is that specified with -o ...
-    file=`echo "$*" | sed -n "$sed_output"`
-    test -z "$file" && file=`echo "$*" | sed -n "$sed_minuso"`
-    if test -z "$file"; then
-      # ... or it is the one specified with @setfilename ...
-      infile=`echo "$*" | sed 's/.* \([^ ]*\) *$/\1/'`
-      file=`sed -n '
-	/^@setfilename/{
-	  s/.* \([^ ]*\) *$/\1/
-	  p
-	  q
-	}' $infile`
-      # ... or it is derived from the source name (dir/f.texi becomes f.info)
-      test -z "$file" && file=`echo "$infile" | sed 's,.*/,,;s,.[^.]*$,,'`.info
-    fi
-    # If the file does not exist, the user really needs makeinfo;
-    # let's fail without touching anything.
-    test -f $file || exit 1
-    touch $file
-    ;;
-  tar*)
-    shift
-    # We have already tried tar in the generic part.
-    # Look for gnutar/gtar before invocation to avoid ugly error
-    # messages.
-    if (gnutar --version > /dev/null 2>&1); then
-       gnutar "$@" && exit 0
-    fi
-    if (gtar --version > /dev/null 2>&1); then
-       gtar "$@" && exit 0
-    fi
-    firstarg="$1"
-    if shift; then
-	case $firstarg in
-	*o*)
-	    firstarg=`echo "$firstarg" | sed s/o//`
-	    tar "$firstarg" "$@" && exit 0
-	    ;;
-	esac
-	case $firstarg in
-	*h*)
-	    firstarg=`echo "$firstarg" | sed s/h//`
-	    tar "$firstarg" "$@" && exit 0
-	    ;;
-	esac
-    fi
-    echo 1>&2 "\
-WARNING: I can't seem to be able to run \`tar' with the given arguments.
-         You may want to install GNU tar or Free paxutils, or check the
-         command line arguments."
-    exit 1
-    ;;
-  *)
-    echo 1>&2 "\
-WARNING: \`$1' is needed, and is $msg.
-         You might have modified some files without having the
-         proper tools for further handling them.  Check the \`README' file,
-         it often tells you about the needed prerequisites for installing
-         this package.  You may also peek at any GNU archive site, in case
-         some other package would contain this missing \`$1' program."
-    exit 1
-    ;;
+# Run the given program, remember its exit status.
+"$@"; st=$?
+# If it succeeded, we are done.
+test $st -eq 0 && exit 0
+# Also exit now if we it failed (or wasn't found), and '--version' was
+# passed; such an option is passed most likely to detect whether the
+# program is present and works.
+case $2 in --version|--help) exit $st;; esac
+# Exit code 63 means version mismatch.  This often happens when the user
+# tries to use an ancient version of a tool on a file that requires a
+# minimum version.
+if test $st -eq 63; then
+  msg="probably too old"
+elif test $st -eq 127; then
+  # Program was missing.
+  msg="missing on your system"
+  # Program was found and executed, but failed.  Give up.
+  exit $st
-exit 0
+program_details ()
+  case $1 in
+    aclocal|automake)
+      echo "The '$1' program is part of the GNU Automake package:"
+      echo "<$gnu_software_URL/automake>"
+      echo "It also requires GNU Autoconf, GNU m4 and Perl in order to run:"
+      echo "<$gnu_software_URL/autoconf>"
+      echo "<$gnu_software_URL/m4/>"
+      echo "<$perl_URL>"
+      ;;
+    autoconf|autom4te|autoheader)
+      echo "The '$1' program is part of the GNU Autoconf package:"
+      echo "<$gnu_software_URL/autoconf/>"
+      echo "It also requires GNU m4 and Perl in order to run:"
+      echo "<$gnu_software_URL/m4/>"
+      echo "<$perl_URL>"
+      ;;
+  esac
+give_advice ()
+  # Normalize program name to check for.
+  normalized_program=`echo "$1" | sed '
+    s/^gnu-//; t
+    s/^gnu//; t
+    s/^g//; t'`
+  printf '%s\n' "'$1' is $msg."
+  configure_deps="'configure.ac' or m4 files included by 'configure.ac'"
+  case $normalized_program in
+    autoconf*)
+      echo "You should only need it if you modified 'configure.ac',"
+      echo "or m4 files included by it."
+      program_details 'autoconf'
+      ;;
+    autoheader*)
+      echo "You should only need it if you modified 'acconfig.h' or"
+      echo "$configure_deps."
+      program_details 'autoheader'
+      ;;
+    automake*)
+      echo "You should only need it if you modified 'Makefile.am' or"
+      echo "$configure_deps."
+      program_details 'automake'
+      ;;
+    aclocal*)
+      echo "You should only need it if you modified 'acinclude.m4' or"
+      echo "$configure_deps."
+      program_details 'aclocal'
+      ;;
+   autom4te*)
+      echo "You might have modified some maintainer files that require"
+      echo "the 'autom4te' program to be rebuilt."
+      program_details 'autom4te'
+      ;;
+    bison*|yacc*)
+      echo "You should only need it if you modified a '.y' file."
+      echo "You may want to install the GNU Bison package:"
+      echo "<$gnu_software_URL/bison/>"
+      ;;
+    lex*|flex*)
+      echo "You should only need it if you modified a '.l' file."
+      echo "You may want to install the Fast Lexical Analyzer package:"
+      echo "<$flex_URL>"
+      ;;
+    help2man*)
+      echo "You should only need it if you modified a dependency" \
+           "of a man page."
+      echo "You may want to install the GNU Help2man package:"
+      echo "<$gnu_software_URL/help2man/>"
+    ;;
+    makeinfo*)
+      echo "You should only need it if you modified a '.texi' file, or"
+      echo "any other file indirectly affecting the aspect of the manual."
+      echo "You might want to install the Texinfo package:"
+      echo "<$gnu_software_URL/texinfo/>"
+      echo "The spurious makeinfo call might also be the consequence of"
+      echo "using a buggy 'make' (AIX, DU, IRIX), in which case you might"
+      echo "want to install GNU make:"
+      echo "<$gnu_software_URL/make/>"
+      ;;
+    *)
+      echo "You might have modified some files without having the proper"
+      echo "tools for further handling them.  Check the 'README' file, it"
+      echo "often tells you about the needed prerequisites for installing"
+      echo "this package.  You may also peek at any GNU archive site, in"
+      echo "case some other package contains this missing '$1' program."
+      ;;
+  esac
+give_advice "$1" | sed -e '1s/^/WARNING: /' \
+                       -e '2,$s/^/         /' >&2
+# Propagate the correct exit status (expected to be 127 for a program
+# not found, 63 for a program that failed due to version mismatch).
+exit $st
 # Local variables:
-# eval: (add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'time-stamp)
+# eval: (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'time-stamp)
 # time-stamp-start: "scriptversion="
 # time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d.%02H"
-# time-stamp-time-zone: "UTC"
+# time-stamp-time-zone: "UTC0"
 # time-stamp-end: "; # UTC"
 # End:

@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ validate_xml_document (struct schema_cache *cache, const char *path)
     saved = find_cached_schema (cache, schemaURI);
     if (saved == NULL)
-	  /* not already cache XSD */
+	  /* not already cached XSD */
 	  new_schema = 1;
 	  fprintf (stderr,
 		   "step #3) attempting to load and parse the XML Schema Definition (XSD)\n");

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