Bug#1042494: otb still uses ITK 4

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Sat Jul 29 10:30:30 BST 2023

On 7/29/23 11:03, Adrian Bunk wrote:
> Forwarded: https://gitlab.orfeo-toolbox.org/orfeotoolbox/otb/-/issues/1917

The MR linked from that issue got closed without being merged, there is 
another one which is still marked as WIP:


OTB 9.0 was supposed to get ITK5 support but this was postponed to OTB 10.0:


It's unclear when we can expect ITK5 support in OTB, so I think we 
should remove OTB from Debian to unblock the insighttoolkit4 removal. I 
don't use the package, and popcon shows only a handful of votes too.

Kind Regards,


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