[Git][debian-gis-team/postgis][bullseye] 2 commits: Add upstream patches to fix axis order regession. (closes: #1035921)
Bas Couwenberg (@sebastic)
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu May 11 10:01:09 BST 2023
Bas Couwenberg pushed to branch bullseye at Debian GIS Project / postgis
703f959e by Bas Couwenberg at 2023-05-11T10:39:27+02:00
Add upstream patches to fix axis order regession. (closes: #1035921)
- - - - -
23ba7cf7 by Bas Couwenberg at 2023-05-11T10:39:38+02:00
Set distribution to bullseye.
- - - - -
5 changed files:
- debian/changelog
- + debian/patches/0001-Flip-N-E-systems-to-E-N-and-geodetic-systems-to-Lon-.patch
- + debian/patches/0001-Handle-more-deeply-nested-CRS-objects-when-extractin.patch
- debian/patches/0001-Only-do-axis-flips-on-CRS-that-have-a-Lat-as-the-fir.patch
- debian/patches/series
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+postgis (3.1.1+dfsg-1+deb11u2) bullseye; urgency=medium
+ * Add upstream patches to fix axis order regession.
+ (closes: #1035921)
+ -- Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org> Thu, 11 May 2023 10:39:28 +0200
postgis (3.1.1+dfsg-1+deb11u1) bullseye; urgency=medium
* Update branch in gbp.conf & Vcs-Git URL.
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+Description: Flip N/E systems to E/N and geodetic systems to Lon/Lat, while leaving Polar systems as-is, references #4949, 3.1 branch
+Author: Paul Ramsey <pramsey at cleverelephant.ca>
+Origin: https://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/changeset/8baf0b07b26df12d246c82bdae8ecd77371f3d24/git
+Bug: https://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/4949
+Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/1035921
+--- a/liblwgeom/lwgeom_transform.c
++++ b/liblwgeom/lwgeom_transform.c
+@@ -261,43 +261,63 @@ proj_cs_get_simplecs(const PJ *pj_crs)
+ return NULL;
+ }
++#define STR_EQUALS(A, B) strcmp((A), (B)) == 0
++#define STR_IEQUALS(A, B) (strcasecmp((A), (B)) == 0)
++#define STR_ISTARTS(A, B) (strncasecmp((A), (B), strlen((B))) == 0)
+ static uint8_t
+ proj_crs_is_swapped(const PJ *pj_crs)
+ {
+- PJ *pj_cs;
+- uint8_t rv = LW_FALSE;
++ int axis_count;
++ PJ *pj_cs = proj_cs_get_simplecs(pj_crs);
++ if (!pj_cs)
++ lwerror("%s: proj_cs_get_simplecs returned NULL", __func__);
++ axis_count = proj_cs_get_axis_count(NULL, pj_cs);
++ if (axis_count >= 2)
++ {
++ const char *out_name1, *out_abbrev1, *out_direction1;
++ const char *out_name2, *out_abbrev2, *out_direction2;
++ /* Read first axis */
++ proj_cs_get_axis_info(NULL,
++ pj_cs, 0,
++ &out_name1, &out_abbrev1, &out_direction1,
++ /* Read second axis */
++ proj_cs_get_axis_info(NULL,
++ pj_cs, 1,
++ &out_name2, &out_abbrev2, &out_direction2,
++ proj_destroy(pj_cs);
++ /* Directions agree, this is a northing/easting CRS, so reverse it */
++ if(out_direction1 && STR_IEQUALS(out_direction1, "north") &&
++ out_direction2 && STR_IEQUALS(out_direction2, "east") )
++ {
++ return LW_TRUE;
++ }
++ /* Oddball case? Both axes north / both axes south, swap */
++ if(out_direction1 && out_direction2 &&
++ ((STR_IEQUALS(out_direction1, "north") && STR_IEQUALS(out_direction2, "north")) ||
++ (STR_IEQUALS(out_direction1, "south") && STR_IEQUALS(out_direction2, "south"))) &&
++ out_name1 && STR_ISTARTS(out_name1, "northing") &&
++ out_name2 && STR_ISTARTS(out_name2, "easting"))
++ {
++ return LW_TRUE;
++ }
++ /* Any lat/lon system with Lat in first axis gets swapped */
++ if (STR_ISTARTS(out_abbrev1, "Lat"))
++ return LW_TRUE;
++ return LW_FALSE;
++ }
+- pj_cs = proj_cs_get_simplecs(pj_crs);
+- if (!pj_cs) {
+- lwerror("%s: proj_cs_get_simplecs returned NULL", __func__);
+- }
+- int axis_count = proj_cs_get_axis_count(NULL, pj_cs);
+- if (axis_count > 0)
+- {
+- const char *out_name, *out_abbrev, *out_direction;
+- double out_unit_conv_factor;
+- const char *out_unit_name, *out_unit_auth_name, *out_unit_code;
+- /* Read only first axis */
+- proj_cs_get_axis_info(NULL,
+- pj_cs,
+- 0,
+- &out_name,
+- &out_abbrev,
+- &out_direction,
+- &out_unit_conv_factor,
+- &out_unit_name,
+- &out_unit_auth_name,
+- &out_unit_code);
+- /* Only swap Lat/Lon systems */
+- /* Use whatever ordering planar systems default to */
+- if (strcasecmp(out_abbrev, "Lat") == 0)
+- rv = LW_TRUE;
+- else
+- rv = LW_FALSE;
+- }
+- proj_destroy(pj_cs);
+- return rv;
++ /* Failed the axis count test, leave quietly */
++ proj_destroy(pj_cs);
++ return LW_FALSE;
+ }
+--- a/regress/core/tickets.sql
++++ b/regress/core/tickets.sql
+@@ -1318,3 +1318,25 @@ SELECT '#4727', _ST_DistanceTree('SRID=4
+ SELECT '#4796', st_astext(st_snaptogrid(st_normalize(st_simplifypreservetopology('MULTISURFACE(((178632.044 397744.007,178631.118 397743.786,178646.399 397679.574,178693.864 397690.889,178698.958 397669.487,178700.206 397669.784,178758.532 397683.689,178748.351 397726.468,178752.199 397727.384,178748.782 397741.904,178744.897 397740.98,178738.157 397769.303,178632.044 397744.007)))'::geometry,1)),1));
+ SELECT '#4812', st_srid('SRID=999999;POINT(1 1)'::geometry);
++-- New Zealand forward -- SRID=2193;POINT(1766289 5927325)
++SELECT '#4949', 'NZ forward', ST_AsEWKT(ST_SnapToGrid(ST_Transform(
++ 'SRID=4326;POINT(174.863597538742 -36.785298415230315)'::geometry, 2193),0.1));
++--- New Zealand inverse (opposite EPSG order) -- SRID=4326;POINT(174.863598 -36.785298)
++SELECT '#4949', 'NZ inverse', ST_AsEWKT(ST_SnapToGrid(ST_Transform(
++ 'SRID=2193;POINT(1766289 5927325)'::geometry, 4326),0.000001));
++-- British Columbia forward (respect EPSG order) -- SRID=3005;POINT(1286630.44 561883.98)
++SELECT '#4949', 'BC forward', ST_AsEWKT(ST_SnapToGrid(ST_Transform(
++ 'SRID=4269;POINT(-122 50)'::geometry, 3005),0.01));
++-- British Columbia inverse (respect EPSG order) -- SRID=4269;POINT(-122 50)
++SELECT '#4949', 'BC inverse', ST_AsEWKT(ST_SnapToGrid(ST_Transform(
++ 'SRID=3005;POINT(1286630.44 561883.98)'::geometry, 4269),0.000001));
++-- North Pole LAEA Europe inverse -- SRID=4326;POINT(19.4921659 69.7902258)
++SELECT '#4949', 'North Pole LAEA inverse', ST_AsEWKT(ST_SnapToGrid(ST_Transform(
++ 'SRID=3575;POINT(370182 -2213980)'::geometry,4326),0.0000001));
++-- Polar Stereographic forward -- SRID=3413;POINT(2218082.1 -1409150)
++SELECT '#4949', 'Arctic Stereographic forward', ST_AsEWKT(ST_SnapToGrid(ST_Transform(
++ 'SRID=4326;POINT(12.572160 66.081084)'::geometry,3413),0.1));
++-- Antarctic Polar Stereographic -- SRID=3031;POINT(-2399498.7 3213318.5)
++SELECT '#4949', 'Antarctic Stereographic forward', ST_AsEWKT(ST_SnapToGrid(ST_Transform(
++ 'SRID=4326;POINT(-36.75 -54.25)'::geometry, 3031),0.1));
+--- a/regress/core/tickets_expected
++++ b/regress/core/tickets_expected
+@@ -440,3 +440,10 @@ ERROR: LWGEOM_addpoint: Invalid offset
+ #4727|0
+ #4796|POLYGON((178632 397744,178738 397769,178745 397741,178749 397742,178752 397727,178748 397726,178759 397684,178699 397669,178694 397691,178646 397680,178632 397744))
+ #4812|999999
++#4949|NZ forward|SRID=2193;POINT(1766289 5927325)
++#4949|NZ inverse|SRID=4326;POINT(174.863598 -36.785298)
++#4949|BC forward|SRID=3005;POINT(1286630.44 561883.98)
++#4949|BC inverse|SRID=4269;POINT(-122 50)
++#4949|North Pole LAEA inverse|SRID=4326;POINT(19.4921659 69.7902258)
++#4949|Arctic Stereographic forward|SRID=3413;POINT(2218082.1 -1409150)
++#4949|Antarctic Stereographic forward|SRID=3031;POINT(-2399498.7 3213318.5)
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+Description: Handle more deeply nested CRS objects when extracting CS objects to find axis ordering. References #4817
+Author: Paul Ramsey <pramsey at cleverelephant.ca>
+Origin: https://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/changeset/11efb9f0cdc71cf2bdc4850491218495a07b18ba/git
+Bug: https://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/4817
+Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/1035921
+--- a/liblwgeom/lwgeom_transform.c
++++ b/liblwgeom/lwgeom_transform.c
+@@ -211,34 +211,66 @@ projpj_from_string(const char *str1)
+ #else /* POSTGIS_PROJ_VERION >= 60 */
+-static uint8_t
+-proj_crs_is_swapped(const PJ *pj_crs)
++static PJ *
++proj_cs_get_simplecs(const PJ *pj_crs)
+ {
+- PJ *pj_cs;
+- uint8_t rv = LW_FALSE;
++ PJ *pj_sub = NULL;
+ if (proj_get_type(pj_crs) == PJ_TYPE_COMPOUND_CRS)
+ {
+- PJ *pj_horiz_crs = proj_crs_get_sub_crs(NULL, pj_crs, 0);
+- if (!pj_horiz_crs)
+- lwerror("%s: proj_crs_get_sub_crs returned NULL", __func__);
+- pj_cs = proj_crs_get_coordinate_system(NULL, pj_horiz_crs);
+- proj_destroy(pj_horiz_crs);
++ /* Sub-CRS[0] is the horizontal component */
++ pj_sub = proj_crs_get_sub_crs(NULL, pj_crs, 0);
++ if (!pj_sub)
++ lwerror("%s: proj_crs_get_sub_crs(0) returned NULL", __func__);
+ }
+ else if (proj_get_type(pj_crs) == PJ_TYPE_BOUND_CRS)
+ {
+- PJ *pj_src_crs = proj_get_source_crs(NULL, pj_crs);
+- if (!pj_src_crs)
++ pj_sub = proj_get_source_crs(NULL, pj_crs);
++ if (!pj_sub)
+ lwerror("%s: proj_get_source_crs returned NULL", __func__);
+- pj_cs = proj_crs_get_coordinate_system(NULL, pj_src_crs);
+- proj_destroy(pj_src_crs);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+- pj_cs = proj_crs_get_coordinate_system(NULL, pj_crs);
++ /* If this works, we have a CS so we can return */
++ pj_sub = proj_crs_get_coordinate_system(NULL, pj_crs);
++ if (pj_sub)
++ return pj_sub;
++ }
++ /* Only sub-components of the Compound or Bound CRS's get here */
++ /* If we failed to get sub-components, or we failed to extract */
++ /* a CS from a generic CRS, then this is another case we don't */
++ /* handle */
++ if (!pj_sub)
++ lwerror("%s: %s", __func__, proj_errno_string(proj_context_errno(NULL)));
++ /* If the components are usable, we can extract the CS and return */
++ int pj_type = proj_get_type(pj_sub);
++ if (pj_type == PJ_TYPE_GEOGRAPHIC_2D_CRS || pj_type == PJ_TYPE_PROJECTED_CRS)
++ {
++ PJ *pj_2d = proj_crs_get_coordinate_system(NULL, pj_sub);
++ proj_destroy(pj_sub);
++ return pj_2d;
++ }
++ /* If the components are *themselves* Bound/Compound, we can recurse */
++ if (pj_type == PJ_TYPE_COMPOUND_CRS || pj_type == PJ_TYPE_BOUND_CRS)
++ return proj_cs_get_simplecs(pj_sub);
++ /* This is a case we don't know how to handle */
++ lwerror("%s: un-handled CRS sub-type: %s", __func__, pj_type);
++ return NULL;
++static uint8_t
++proj_crs_is_swapped(const PJ *pj_crs)
++ PJ *pj_cs;
++ uint8_t rv = LW_FALSE;
++ pj_cs = proj_cs_get_simplecs(pj_crs);
++ if (!pj_cs) {
++ lwerror("%s: proj_cs_get_simplecs returned NULL", __func__);
+ }
+- if (!pj_cs)
+- lwerror("%s: proj_crs_get_coordinate_system returned NULL", __func__);
+ int axis_count = proj_cs_get_axis_count(NULL, pj_cs);
+ if (axis_count > 0)
+ {
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/1031392
--- a/liblwgeom/lwgeom_transform.c
+++ b/liblwgeom/lwgeom_transform.c
-@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ proj_crs_is_swapped(const PJ *pj_crs)
+@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ proj_crs_is_swapped(const PJ *pj_crs)
const char *out_name, *out_abbrev, *out_direction;
double out_unit_conv_factor;
const char *out_unit_name, *out_unit_auth_name, *out_unit_code;
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/1031392
-@@ -256,13 +256,10 @@ proj_crs_is_swapped(const PJ *pj_crs)
+@@ -288,13 +288,10 @@ proj_crs_is_swapped(const PJ *pj_crs)
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/postgis/-/compare/0568c80f23306c3105885c9a2de292dcdcbe6223...23ba7cf74ef6959f8c0074f69fdbb2e4748444a8
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/postgis/-/compare/0568c80f23306c3105885c9a2de292dcdcbe6223...23ba7cf74ef6959f8c0074f69fdbb2e4748444a8
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