ITP: referencing -- Cross-specification JSON referencing for Python

Antonio Valentino antonio.valentino at
Sat Sep 30 15:02:00 BST 2023

Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel at, :debian-python at
Owner: Antonio Valentino <antonio.valentino at>

* Package name    : referencing
   Version         : 0.30.2
   Upstream Author : Julian Berman <Julian+referencing at>
* URL             :
* License         : MIT
   Programming Lang: Python
   Description     : Cross-specification JSON referencing for Python

Binary package names: python3-referencing pypy-referencing

  An implementation-agnostic JSON reference resolution.
  In other words, a way for e.g. JSON Schema tooling to resolve the $ref
  keywords across all drafts without needing to implement support
  This library is meant for use both by implementers of JSON
  referencing-related tooling – like JSON Schema implementations
  supporting the $ref keyword – as well as by end-users using said
  implementations who wish to then configure sets of resources (like
  schemas) for use at runtime.

This package is a new dependency of pystac.
It will be maintained in debian-gis.

kind regards
Antonio Valentino

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