[Git][debian-gis-team/python-mapnik][master] Add patch to use pytest instead of nose.
Bas Couwenberg (@sebastic)
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sun Aug 11 08:55:15 BST 2024
Bas Couwenberg pushed to branch master at Debian GIS Project / python-mapnik
33585308 by Bas Couwenberg at 2024-08-11T09:54:44+02:00
Add patch to use pytest instead of nose.
- - - - -
3 changed files:
- debian/changelog
- + debian/patches/nose2pytest.patch
- debian/patches/series
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ python-mapnik (1:0.0~20240222-5ab32f020-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* Bump Standards-Version to 4.7.0, no changes.
* Drop python3-nose from build dependencies.
(closes: #1018529)
+ * Add patch to use pytest instead of nose.
-- Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org> Sun, 28 Jul 2024 19:59:11 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+Description: Use pytest instead of nose.
+Author: Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org>
+Bug: https://github.com/mapnik/python-mapnik/issues/282
+--- a/setup.py
++++ b/setup.py
+@@ -251,12 +251,11 @@ setup(
+ keywords="mapnik mapbox mapping cartography",
+ url="http://mapnik.org/",
+ tests_require=[
+- 'nose',
++ 'pytest',
+ ],
+ package_data={
+ 'mapnik': ['lib/*.*', 'lib/*/*/*', 'share/*/*'],
+ },
+- test_suite='nose.collector',
+ cmdclass={
+ 'whichboost': WhichBoostCommand,
+ },
+--- a/test/python_tests/pgraster_test.py
++++ b/test/python_tests/pgraster_test.py
+@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ if 'pgraster' in mapnik.DatasourceCache.
+ prescale_rasters=rescale, clip_rasters=clip)
+ fs = ds.featureset()
+ feature = fs.next()
+- eq_(feature['rid'], 1)
++ assert feature['rid'] == 1
+ lyr = mapnik.Layer('dataraster_16bsi')
+ lyr.datasource = ds
+ expenv = mapnik.Box2d(-14637, 3903178, 1126863, 4859678)
+@@ -183,10 +183,10 @@ if 'pgraster' in mapnik.DatasourceCache.
+ pixsize = 500 # see gdalinfo dataraster.tif
+ pixsize = 2497 # see gdalinfo dataraster-small.tif
+ tol = pixsize * max(overview.split(',')) if overview else 0
+- assert_almost_equal(env.minx, expenv.minx)
+- assert_almost_equal(env.miny, expenv.miny, delta=tol)
+- assert_almost_equal(env.maxx, expenv.maxx, delta=tol)
+- assert_almost_equal(env.maxy, expenv.maxy)
++ assert env.minx == pytest.approx(expenv.minx, abs=1e-7)
++ assert env.miny == pytest.approx(expenv.miny, abs=tol)
++ assert env.maxx == pytest.approx(expenv.maxx, abs=tol)
++ assert env.maxy == pytest.approx(expenv.maxy, abs=1e-7)
+ mm = mapnik.Map(256, 256)
+ style = mapnik.Style()
+ col = mapnik.RasterColorizer()
+@@ -209,18 +209,18 @@ if 'pgraster' in mapnik.DatasourceCache.
+ lap = time.time() - t0
+ log('T ' + str(lap) + ' -- ' + lbl + ' E:full')
+ # no data
+- eq_(im.view(1, 1, 1, 1).tostring(), b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')
+- eq_(im.view(255, 255, 1, 1).tostring(), b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')
+- eq_(im.view(195, 116, 1, 1).tostring(), b'\x00\x00\x00\x00')
++ assert im.view(1, 1, 1, 1).tostring() == b'\x00\x00\x00\x00'
++ assert im.view(255, 255, 1, 1).tostring() == b'\x00\x00\x00\x00'
++ assert im.view(195, 116, 1, 1).tostring() == b'\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+ # A0A0A0
+- eq_(im.view(100, 120, 1, 1).tostring(), b'\xa0\xa0\xa0\xff')
+- eq_(im.view(75, 80, 1, 1).tostring(), b'\xa0\xa0\xa0\xff')
++ assert im.view(100, 120, 1, 1).tostring() == b'\xa0\xa0\xa0\xff'
++ assert im.view(75, 80, 1, 1).tostring() == b'\xa0\xa0\xa0\xff'
+ # 808080
+- eq_(im.view(74, 170, 1, 1).tostring(), b'\x80\x80\x80\xff')
+- eq_(im.view(30, 50, 1, 1).tostring(), b'\x80\x80\x80\xff')
++ assert im.view(74, 170, 1, 1).tostring() == b'\x80\x80\x80\xff'
++ assert im.view(30, 50, 1, 1).tostring() == b'\x80\x80\x80\xff'
+ # 404040
+- eq_(im.view(190, 70, 1, 1).tostring(), b'\x40\x40\x40\xff')
+- eq_(im.view(140, 170, 1, 1).tostring(), b'\x40\x40\x40\xff')
++ assert im.view(190, 70, 1, 1).tostring() == b'\x40\x40\x40\xff'
++ assert im.view(140, 170, 1, 1).tostring() == b'\x40\x40\x40\xff'
+ # Now zoom over a portion of the env (1/10)
+ newenv = mapnik.Box2d(273663, 4024478, 330738, 4072303)
+@@ -230,16 +230,16 @@ if 'pgraster' in mapnik.DatasourceCache.
+ lap = time.time() - t0
+ log('T ' + str(lap) + ' -- ' + lbl + ' E:1/10')
+ # nodata
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(255, 255, 1, 1).tostring()), b'00000000')
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(200, 254, 1, 1).tostring()), b'00000000')
++ assert hexlify(im.view(255, 255, 1, 1).tostring()) == b'00000000'
++ assert hexlify(im.view(200, 254, 1, 1).tostring()) == b'00000000'
+ # A0A0A0
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(90, 232, 1, 1).tostring()), b'a0a0a0ff')
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(96, 245, 1, 1).tostring()), b'a0a0a0ff')
++ assert hexlify(im.view(90, 232, 1, 1).tostring()) == b'a0a0a0ff'
++ assert hexlify(im.view(96, 245, 1, 1).tostring()) == b'a0a0a0ff'
+ # 808080
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(1, 1, 1, 1).tostring()), b'808080ff')
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(128, 128, 1, 1).tostring()), b'808080ff')
++ assert hexlify(im.view(1, 1, 1, 1).tostring()) == b'808080ff'
++ assert hexlify(im.view(128, 128, 1, 1).tostring()) == b'808080ff'
+ # 404040
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(255, 0, 1, 1).tostring()), b'404040ff')
++ assert hexlify(im.view(255, 0, 1, 1).tostring()) == b'404040ff'
+ def _test_dataraster_16bsi(lbl, tilesize, constraint, overview):
+ import_raster(
+@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ if 'pgraster' in mapnik.DatasourceCache.
+ prescale_rasters=rescale, clip_rasters=clip)
+ fs = ds.featureset()
+ feature = fs.next()
+- eq_(feature['rid'], 1)
++ assert feature['rid'] == 1
+ lyr = mapnik.Layer('rgba_8bui')
+ lyr.datasource = ds
+ expenv = mapnik.Box2d(0, -210, 256, 0)
+@@ -293,10 +293,10 @@ if 'pgraster' in mapnik.DatasourceCache.
+ # NOTE: the overview table extent only grows north and east
+ pixsize = 1 # see gdalinfo river.tif
+ tol = pixsize * max(overview.split(',')) if overview else 0
+- assert_almost_equal(env.minx, expenv.minx)
+- assert_almost_equal(env.miny, expenv.miny, delta=tol)
+- assert_almost_equal(env.maxx, expenv.maxx, delta=tol)
+- assert_almost_equal(env.maxy, expenv.maxy)
++ assert env.minx == pytest.approx(expenv.minx, abs=1e-7)
++ assert env.miny == pytest.approx(expenv.miny, abs=tol)
++ assert env.maxx == pytest.approx(expenv.maxx, abs=tol)
++ assert env.maxy == pytest.approx(expenv.maxy, abs=1e-7)
+ mm = mapnik.Map(256, 256)
+ style = mapnik.Style()
+ sym = mapnik.RasterSymbolizer()
+@@ -316,10 +316,10 @@ if 'pgraster' in mapnik.DatasourceCache.
+ lyr.name, lbl, overview, clip)
+ compare_images(expected, im)
+ # no data
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(3, 3, 1, 1).tostring()), b'00000000')
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(250, 250, 1, 1).tostring()), b'00000000')
++ assert hexlify(im.view(3, 3, 1, 1).tostring()) == b'00000000'
++ assert hexlify(im.view(250, 250, 1, 1).tostring()) == b'00000000'
+ # full opaque river color
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(175, 118, 1, 1).tostring()), b'b9d8f8ff')
++ assert hexlify(im.view(175, 118, 1, 1).tostring()) == b'b9d8f8ff'
+ # half-transparent pixel
+ pxstr = hexlify(im.view(122, 138, 1, 1).tostring()).decode()
+ apat = ".*(..)$"
+@@ -341,10 +341,10 @@ if 'pgraster' in mapnik.DatasourceCache.
+ lyr.name, lbl, overview, clip)
+ compare_images(expected, im)
+ # no data
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(255, 255, 1, 1).tostring()), b'00000000')
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(200, 40, 1, 1).tostring()), b'00000000')
++ assert hexlify(im.view(255, 255, 1, 1).tostring()) == b'00000000'
++ assert hexlify(im.view(200, 40, 1, 1).tostring()) == b'00000000'
+ # full opaque river color
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(100, 168, 1, 1).tostring()), b'b9d8f8ff')
++ assert hexlify(im.view(100, 168, 1, 1).tostring()) == b'b9d8f8ff'
+ # half-transparent pixel
+ pxstr = hexlify(im.view(122, 138, 1, 1).tostring()).decode()
+ apat = ".*(..)$"
+@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ if 'pgraster' in mapnik.DatasourceCache.
+ prescale_rasters=rescale, clip_rasters=clip)
+ fs = ds.featureset()
+ feature = fs.next()
+- eq_(feature['rid'], 1)
++ assert feature['rid'] == 1
+ lyr = mapnik.Layer('rgba_8bui')
+ lyr.datasource = ds
+ expenv = mapnik.Box2d(-12329035.7652168, 4508650.39854396,
+@@ -405,10 +405,10 @@ if 'pgraster' in mapnik.DatasourceCache.
+ # NOTE: the overview table extent only grows north and east
+ pixsize = 2 # see gdalinfo nodata-edge.tif
+ tol = pixsize * max(overview.split(',')) if overview else 0
+- assert_almost_equal(env.minx, expenv.minx, places=0)
+- assert_almost_equal(env.miny, expenv.miny, delta=tol)
+- assert_almost_equal(env.maxx, expenv.maxx, delta=tol)
+- assert_almost_equal(env.maxy, expenv.maxy, places=0)
++ assert env.minx == pytest.approx(expenv.minx, abs=1e-0)
++ assert env.miny == pytest.approx(expenv.miny, abs=tol)
++ assert env.maxx == pytest.approx(expenv.maxx, abs=tol)
++ assert env.maxy == pytest.approx(expenv.maxy, abs=1e-0)
+ mm = mapnik.Map(256, 256)
+ style = mapnik.Style()
+ sym = mapnik.RasterSymbolizer()
+@@ -428,16 +428,16 @@ if 'pgraster' in mapnik.DatasourceCache.
+ lyr.name, tnam, lbl, overview, clip)
+ compare_images(expected, im)
+ # no data
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(3, 16, 1, 1).tostring()), b'00000000')
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(128, 16, 1, 1).tostring()), b'00000000')
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(250, 16, 1, 1).tostring()), b'00000000')
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(3, 240, 1, 1).tostring()), b'00000000')
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(128, 240, 1, 1).tostring()), b'00000000')
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(250, 240, 1, 1).tostring()), b'00000000')
++ assert hexlify(im.view(3, 16, 1, 1).tostring()) == b'00000000'
++ assert hexlify(im.view(128, 16, 1, 1).tostring()) == b'00000000'
++ assert hexlify(im.view(250, 16, 1, 1).tostring()) == b'00000000'
++ assert hexlify(im.view(3, 240, 1, 1).tostring()) == b'00000000'
++ assert hexlify(im.view(128, 240, 1, 1).tostring()) == b'00000000'
++ assert hexlify(im.view(250, 240, 1, 1).tostring()) == b'00000000'
+ # dark brown
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(174, 39, 1, 1).tostring()), b'c3a698ff')
++ assert hexlify(im.view(174, 39, 1, 1).tostring()) == b'c3a698ff'
+ # dark gray
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(195, 132, 1, 1).tostring()), b'575f62ff')
++ assert hexlify(im.view(195, 132, 1, 1).tostring()) == b'575f62ff'
+ # Now zoom over a portion of the env (1/10)
+ newenv = mapnik.Box2d(-12329035.7652168, 4508926.651484220,
+ -12328997.49148983, 4508957.34625536)
+@@ -451,17 +451,17 @@ if 'pgraster' in mapnik.DatasourceCache.
+ lyr.name, tnam, lbl, overview, clip)
+ compare_images(expected, im)
+ # no data
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(3, 16, 1, 1).tostring()), b'00000000')
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(128, 16, 1, 1).tostring()), b'00000000')
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(250, 16, 1, 1).tostring()), b'00000000')
++ assert hexlify(im.view(3, 16, 1, 1).tostring()) == b'00000000'
++ assert hexlify(im.view(128, 16, 1, 1).tostring()) == b'00000000'
++ assert hexlify(im.view(250, 16, 1, 1).tostring()) == b'00000000'
+ # black
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(3, 42, 1, 1).tostring()), b'000000ff')
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(3, 134, 1, 1).tostring()), b'000000ff')
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(3, 244, 1, 1).tostring()), b'000000ff')
++ assert hexlify(im.view(3, 42, 1, 1).tostring()) == b'000000ff'
++ assert hexlify(im.view(3, 134, 1, 1).tostring()) == b'000000ff'
++ assert hexlify(im.view(3, 244, 1, 1).tostring()) == b'000000ff'
+ # gray
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(135, 157, 1, 1).tostring()), b'4e555bff')
++ assert hexlify(im.view(135, 157, 1, 1).tostring()) == b'4e555bff'
+ # brown
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(195, 223, 1, 1).tostring()), b'f2cdbaff')
++ assert hexlify(im.view(195, 223, 1, 1).tostring()) == b'f2cdbaff'
+ def _test_rgb_8bui(lbl, tilesize, constraint, overview):
+ tnam = 'nodataedge'
+@@ -524,15 +524,15 @@ if 'pgraster' in mapnik.DatasourceCache.
+ prescale_rasters=rescale, clip_rasters=clip)
+ fs = ds.featureset()
+ feature = fs.next()
+- eq_(feature['i'], 3)
++ assert feature['i'] == 3
+ lyr = mapnik.Layer('grayscale_subquery')
+ lyr.datasource = ds
+ expenv = mapnik.Box2d(0, 0, 14, 14)
+ env = lyr.envelope()
+- assert_almost_equal(env.minx, expenv.minx, places=0)
+- assert_almost_equal(env.miny, expenv.miny, places=0)
+- assert_almost_equal(env.maxx, expenv.maxx, places=0)
+- assert_almost_equal(env.maxy, expenv.maxy, places=0)
++ assert env.minx == pytest.approx(expenv.minx, abs=1e-0)
++ assert env.miny == pytest.approx(expenv.miny, abs=1e-0)
++ assert env.maxx == pytest.approx(expenv.maxx, abs=1e-0)
++ assert env.maxy == pytest.approx(expenv.maxy, abs=1e-0)
+ mm = mapnik.Map(15, 15)
+ style = mapnik.Style()
+ sym = mapnik.RasterSymbolizer()
+@@ -560,15 +560,15 @@ if 'pgraster' in mapnik.DatasourceCache.
+ h = format(val_b, '02x')
+ hex_b = h + h + h + 'ff'
+ hex_b = hex_b.encode()
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(3, 3, 1, 1).tostring()), hex_v)
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(8, 3, 1, 1).tostring()), hex_v)
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(13, 3, 1, 1).tostring()), hex_v)
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(3, 8, 1, 1).tostring()), hex_v)
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(8, 8, 1, 1).tostring()), hex_v)
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(13, 8, 1, 1).tostring()), hex_a)
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(3, 13, 1, 1).tostring()), hex_v)
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(8, 13, 1, 1).tostring()), hex_b)
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(13, 13, 1, 1).tostring()), hex_v)
++ assert hexlify(im.view(3, 3, 1, 1).tostring()) == hex_v
++ assert hexlify(im.view(8, 3, 1, 1).tostring()) == hex_v
++ assert hexlify(im.view(13, 3, 1, 1).tostring()) == hex_v
++ assert hexlify(im.view(3, 8, 1, 1).tostring()) == hex_v
++ assert hexlify(im.view(8, 8, 1, 1).tostring()) == hex_v
++ assert hexlify(im.view(13, 8, 1, 1).tostring()) == hex_a
++ assert hexlify(im.view(3, 13, 1, 1).tostring()) == hex_v
++ assert hexlify(im.view(8, 13, 1, 1).tostring()) == hex_b
++ assert hexlify(im.view(13, 13, 1, 1).tostring()) == hex_v
+ def test_grayscale_2bui_subquery():
+ _test_grayscale_subquery('grayscale_2bui_subquery', '2BUI', 3)
+@@ -637,15 +637,15 @@ if 'pgraster' in mapnik.DatasourceCache.
+ band=1, prescale_rasters=rescale, clip_rasters=clip)
+ fs = ds.featureset()
+ feature = fs.next()
+- eq_(feature['i'], 3)
++ assert feature['i'] == 3
+ lyr = mapnik.Layer('data_subquery')
+ lyr.datasource = ds
+ expenv = mapnik.Box2d(0, 0, 14, 14)
+ env = lyr.envelope()
+- assert_almost_equal(env.minx, expenv.minx, places=0)
+- assert_almost_equal(env.miny, expenv.miny, places=0)
+- assert_almost_equal(env.maxx, expenv.maxx, places=0)
+- assert_almost_equal(env.maxy, expenv.maxy, places=0)
++ assert env.minx == pytest.approx(expenv.minx, abs=1e-0)
++ assert env.miny == pytest.approx(expenv.miny, abs=1e-0)
++ assert env.maxx == pytest.approx(expenv.maxx, abs=1e-0)
++ assert env.maxy == pytest.approx(expenv.maxy, abs=1e-0)
+ mm = mapnik.Map(15, 15)
+ style = mapnik.Style()
+ col = mapnik.RasterColorizer()
+@@ -761,15 +761,15 @@ if 'pgraster' in mapnik.DatasourceCache.
+ prescale_rasters=rescale, clip_rasters=clip)
+ fs = ds.featureset()
+ feature = fs.next()
+- eq_(feature['i'], 3)
++ assert feature['i'] == 3
+ lyr = mapnik.Layer('rgba_subquery')
+ lyr.datasource = ds
+ expenv = mapnik.Box2d(0, 0, 14, 14)
+ env = lyr.envelope()
+- assert_almost_equal(env.minx, expenv.minx, places=0)
+- assert_almost_equal(env.miny, expenv.miny, places=0)
+- assert_almost_equal(env.maxx, expenv.maxx, places=0)
+- assert_almost_equal(env.maxy, expenv.maxy, places=0)
++ assert env.minx == pytest.approx(expenv.minx, abs=1e-0)
++ assert env.miny == pytest.approx(expenv.miny, abs=1e-0)
++ assert env.maxx == pytest.approx(expenv.maxx, abs=1e-0)
++ assert env.maxy == pytest.approx(expenv.maxy, abs=1e-0)
+ mm = mapnik.Map(15, 15)
+ style = mapnik.Style()
+ sym = mapnik.RasterSymbolizer()
+@@ -791,15 +791,15 @@ if 'pgraster' in mapnik.DatasourceCache.
+ hex_v = format(r << 24 | g << 16 | b << 8 | a, '08x').encode()
+ hex_a = format(r << 24 | g1 << 16 | b << 8 | a, '08x').encode()
+ hex_b = format(r << 24 | g << 16 | b1 << 8 | a, '08x').encode()
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(3, 3, 1, 1).tostring()), hex_v)
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(8, 3, 1, 1).tostring()), hex_v)
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(13, 3, 1, 1).tostring()), hex_v)
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(3, 8, 1, 1).tostring()), hex_v)
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(8, 8, 1, 1).tostring()), hex_v)
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(13, 8, 1, 1).tostring()), hex_a)
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(3, 13, 1, 1).tostring()), hex_v)
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(8, 13, 1, 1).tostring()), hex_b)
+- eq_(hexlify(im.view(13, 13, 1, 1).tostring()), hex_v)
++ assert hexlify(im.view(3, 3, 1, 1).tostring()) == hex_v
++ assert hexlify(im.view(8, 3, 1, 1).tostring()) == hex_v
++ assert hexlify(im.view(13, 3, 1, 1).tostring()) == hex_v
++ assert hexlify(im.view(3, 8, 1, 1).tostring()) == hex_v
++ assert hexlify(im.view(8, 8, 1, 1).tostring()) == hex_v
++ assert hexlify(im.view(13, 8, 1, 1).tostring()) == hex_a
++ assert hexlify(im.view(3, 13, 1, 1).tostring()) == hex_v
++ assert hexlify(im.view(8, 13, 1, 1).tostring()) == hex_b
++ assert hexlify(im.view(13, 13, 1, 1).tostring()) == hex_v
+ def test_rgba_8bui_subquery():
+ _test_rgba_subquery(
+--- a/.travis.yml
++++ b/.travis.yml
+@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ before_install:
+ sudo easy_install pip;
+ export LDSHARED=$(python -c "import os;from distutils import sysconfig;print sysconfig.get_config_var('LDSHARED').replace('cc ','clang++ ')");
+ fi
+- - pip install --upgrade --user nose
++ - pip install --upgrade --user pytest
+ - pip install --upgrade --user wheel
+ - pip install --upgrade --user twine
+ - pip install --upgrade --user setuptools
+@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ before_script:
+ - ./mason_packages/.link/bin/postgres -k ${PGHOST} > postgres.log &
+ script:
+- - python test/run_tests.py
++ - python -m pytest -v test/
+ - python test/visual.py -q
+ # stop postgres
+ - ./mason_packages/.link/bin/pg_ctl -w stop
+--- a/test/run_tests.py
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
+-#!/usr/bin/env python
+-import getopt
+-import os
+-import sys
+-from python_tests.utilities import TodoPlugin
+- import nose
+-except ImportError as e:
+- sys.stderr.write(
+- "Unable to run python tests: the third party 'nose' module is required"
+- "\nTo install 'nose' do:"
+- "\n\tsudo pip install nose (or on debian systems: "
+- "apt-get install python-nose): %s\n" % e)
+- sys.exit(1)
+- from nose.plugins.doctests import Doctest
+-def usage():
+- print("test.py -h | --help")
+- print("test.py [-q | -v] [-p | --prefix <path>]")
+-def main():
+- try:
+- opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hvqp:", ["help", "prefix="])
+- except getopt.GetoptError as err:
+- print(str(err))
+- usage()
+- sys.exit(2)
+- prefix = None
+- verbose = False
+- quiet = False
+- for o, a in opts:
+- if o == "-q":
+- quiet = True
+- elif o == "-v":
+- verbose = True
+- elif o in ("-h", "--help"):
+- usage()
+- sys.exit()
+- elif o in ("-p", "--prefix"):
+- prefix = a
+- else:
+- assert False, "Unhandled option"
+- if quiet and verbose:
+- usage()
+- sys.exit(2)
+- if prefix:
+- # Allow python to find libraries for testing on the buildbot
+- sys.path.insert(
+- 0,
+- os.path.join(
+- prefix,
+- "lib/python%s/site-packages" %
+- sys.version[
+- :3]))
+- import mapnik
+- if not quiet:
+- print("- mapnik path: %s" % mapnik.__file__)
+- if hasattr(mapnik, '_mapnik'):
+- print("- _mapnik.so path: %s" % mapnik._mapnik.__file__)
+- if hasattr(mapnik, 'inputpluginspath'):
+- print("- Input plugins path: %s" % mapnik.inputpluginspath)
+- if hasattr(mapnik, 'fontscollectionpath'):
+- print("- Font path: %s" % mapnik.fontscollectionpath)
+- if 'MAPNIK_FONT_DIRECTORY' in os.environ:
+- print(
+- "- MAPNIK_FONT_DIRECTORY env: %s" %
+- os.environ.get('MAPNIK_FONT_DIRECTORY'))
+- print('')
+- print("- Running nosetests:")
+- print('')
+- argv = [
+- __file__,
+- '--exe',
+- '--with-todo',
+- '--with-doctest',
+- '--doctest-tests']
+- if not quiet:
+- argv.append('-v')
+- if verbose:
+- # 3 * '-v' gets us debugging information from nose
+- argv.append('-v')
+- argv.append('-v')
+- dirname = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
+- argv.extend(['-w', os.path.join(dirname, 'python_tests')])
+- if not nose.run(argv=argv, plugins=[TodoPlugin(), Doctest()]):
+- sys.exit(1)
+- else:
+- sys.exit(0)
+-if __name__ == "__main__":
+- main()
+--- a/setup.cfg
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
@@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ clean.patch
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/python-mapnik/-/commit/335853088f3bfe4ef2e74242251f7ad7f14966a0
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/python-mapnik/-/commit/335853088f3bfe4ef2e74242251f7ad7f14966a0
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