tirex | Draft: new tirex release (!2)

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at debian.org
Wed Feb 28 14:49:58 GMT 2024

On 2/28/24 3:45 PM, Amanda McCann wrote:
> On Mi, 28 Feb 2024 13:35 +01:00, Sebastiaan Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org> wrote:
>> There are no changes on your pristine-tar branch
> Weird… I must have made a mistake.

How did you import the new upstream tarball?

Do you perhaps have a system wide or personal gbp configuration that 
disables pristine-tar?

>> This is what I did for the new upstream release:
>>>> How does this procedure differ from what you did to package the new
>> upstream release?
> That's basically what I did. Felix had given me a guide a while ago too. I got the same output.
>>    <Notice lintian error: alien-tag>
>>    vi debian/tirex.lintian-overrides
>>    <Remove the now alien tag>
> I didn't see this. 🤔 I can see the change you made to remove that lintian. I don't know much about lintian anyway.

Did you configure the lintian hook?


> Thanks for doing the new release. I'll keep it all in mind, and try to do the next on myself. (or other packaging tasks). I want to backport this 0.7.1. to Ubuntu 20.04 focal & Jammy 22.04.

The packaging hasn't been finalized yet, and hence not uploaded yet.

Kind Regards,


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