[Git][debian-gis-team/jeolib-miallib] Pushed new branch master

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Tue Jul 2 08:11:21 BST 2024

I've pushed a few commits the fix the formatting of the control and 
copyright file to be consistent with our other packages.

The .dirs files are useless, you should remove them.

The upstream metadata is still the example template.

The watch file is not consistent with our other packages.

The builddir is set in overrides instead of passing it to dh.

The install files move libraries to the MultiArch path instead of 
letting CMake install them there directly.

The dh_auto_configure override contains duplicates of what debhelper 
already sets.

-Wno-deprecated-declarations is likely a bad work around, patching the 
issue is better.

Kind Regards,


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