Doris not migrating to testing

Antonio Valentino antonio.valentino at
Sat Jun 1 18:33:22 BST 2024

Dear Bas,

Il 01/06/24 18:56, Sebastiaan Couwenberg ha scritto:
> On 6/1/24 6:44 PM, Antonio Valentino wrote:
>> could you please help me to understand why doris is not migration to 
>> testing?
>  From the testing removal message:
> "
>    Previous version: 5.0.3~beta+dfsg-17
>    Current version:  (not in testing)
>    Hint: <>
>      # 1068290 in fastkml
> "
> fastkml should likely be ported from pygeoif to shapely.

Yes, I did it.
fastkml 0.12-4 has bee uploaded few days ago and yesterday it migrated 
to testing.
Maybe it is just too early, but the message in the tracker [1] looks 
misleading to me.


Antonio Valentino

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