[Git][debian-gis-team/openstreetmap-carto][master] 4 commits: New upstream version 5.8.0

Bas Couwenberg (@sebastic) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sat Mar 16 10:38:56 GMT 2024

Bas Couwenberg pushed to branch master at Debian GIS Project / openstreetmap-carto

b5ceb469 by Bas Couwenberg at 2024-03-16T11:35:01+01:00
New upstream version 5.8.0
- - - - -
4187629a by Bas Couwenberg at 2024-03-16T11:35:09+01:00
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/5.8.0'

Update to upstream version '5.8.0'
with Debian dir 6385a330fee0925c66b642dc177d49f3a8fe6fed
- - - - -
3ec28dd8 by Bas Couwenberg at 2024-03-16T11:35:21+01:00
New upstream release.

- - - - -
9c69285d by Bas Couwenberg at 2024-03-16T11:36:19+01:00
Set distribution to unstable.

- - - - -

18 changed files:

- debian/changelog
- preview.png
- project.mml
- scripts/get-fonts.sh
- style/amenity-points.mss
- style/golf.mss
- style/landcover.mss
- style/roads.mss
- style/stations.mss
- + style/tourism.mss
- style/water.mss
- + symbols/flowerbed_high_zoom.svg
- + symbols/flowerbed_mid_zoom.svg
- + symbols/generating_patterns/flowerbed.md


@@ -1,10 +1,29 @@
-## [Unreleased](https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/compare/v5.6.2...master)
+## [Unreleased](https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/compare/v5.8.0...master)
+## [v5.8.0](https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/compare/v5.7.0...v5.8.0) - 2023-11-26
+### Changes
+- Changing color of leisure=pitch to be more distinct and less similar to the water color (#4480)
+- Fixing color of ref label for railway=subway_entrance (#4835)
+- Fixes for highway=mini_roundabout rendering on various road types (#4904)
+- Fixing merge error in previous change of rendering natural=bay/natural=strait (#4841)
+- Removing point symbol rendering for golf=hole (#4857)
+- Restoring rendering for railway=platform + covered=yes (#4797)
+- Adding rendering of roller_coaster=track (#4666)
+- Adding rendering of landuse=flowerbed (#4889)
+## [v5.7.0](https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/compare/v5.6.2...v5.7.0) - 2023-01-11
 ### Changes
-- Unpaved roads are now indicated on the map
+- Unpaved roads are now indicated on the map (#3399)
+- Country label placement improved, particularly for countries in the north (#4616)
+- Added elevation to wilderness huts (#4648)
+- New index for low-zoom performance (#4617)
+- Added a script to switch between script variations for CJK languages (#4707)
+- Ordering fixes for piers (#4703)
+- Numerous CI improvements
-## [v5.6.1](https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/compare/v5.6.1...v5.6.2) - 2022-11-10
+## [v5.6.2](https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/compare/v5.6.1...v5.6.2) - 2022-11-10
 ### Changes
-- Locally installed fonts fixed
+- Locally installed fonts fixed (#4672)
 ## [v5.6.1](https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/compare/v5.6.0...v5.6.1) - 2022-08-12
 ### Changes

@@ -1,49 +1,55 @@
 # Running OpenStreetMap Carto with Docker
-[Docker](https://www.docker.com/) is a virtualized environment running a [_Docker demon_](https://docs.docker.com/get-started/overview/), in which you can run software without altering your host system permanently. The software components run in _containers_ that are easy to setup and tear down individually. The Docker demon can use operating-system-level virtualization (Linux, Windows) or a virtual machine (macOS, Windows).
+[Docker](https://www.docker.com/) is a virtualized environment running a [_Docker daemon_](https://docs.docker.com/get-started/overview/), in which you can run software without altering your host system permanently. The software components run in _containers_ that are easy to setup and tear down individually. The Docker demon can use operating-system-level virtualization (Linux, Windows) or a virtual machine (macOS, Windows).
-This allows to set up a development environment for OpenStreetMap Carto easily. Specifically, this environment consists of a
+This enables easily setting up a development environment for OpenStreetMap Carto. Specifically, this environment consists of a
 PostgreSQL database to store the OpenStreetMap data and [Kosmtik](https://github.com/kosmtik/kosmtik) for previewing the style.
 ## Prerequisites
-Docker is available for Linux, macOS and Windows. [Install](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop/) the software packaged for your host system in order
-to be able to run Docker containers. You also need Docker Compose, which should be available once you installed
-Docker itself. Otherwise you need to [install Docker Compose manually](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/).
+* Docker is available for Linux, macOS and Windows. [Install](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop/) the software packaged for your host system in order
+to be able to run Docker containers. You also need Docker Compose, which should be available once you install
+Docker itself. Otherwise, you need to [install Docker Compose manually](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/).
-You need sufficient disk space of _several Gigabytes_. Docker creates a disk image for its virtual machine that holds the virtualised operating system and the containers. The format (Docker.raw, Docker.qcow2, \*.vhdx, etc.) depends on the host system. It can be a sparse file allocating large amounts of disk space, but still the physical size starts with 2-3 GB for the virtual OS and grows to 6-7 GB when filled with the containers needed for the database, Kosmtik, and a small OSM region. Further 1-2 GB are needed for shape files in the openstreetmap-carto/data repository.
+* You need sufficient disk space of _several Gigabytes_. 
+	* Docker creates a disk image for its virtual machine that holds the virtualised operating system and the containers. 
+	* The format (Docker.raw, Docker.qcow2, \*.vhdx, etc.) depends on the host system. It can be a sparse file allocating large amounts of disk space, but still the physical size starts with 2-3 GB for the virtual OS and grows to 6-7 GB when filled with the containers needed for the database, Kosmtik, and a chosen small region of OSM data. 
+	* An additional 1-2 GB are needed for shapefiles to be downloaded and stored in the openstreetmap-carto/data repository.
 ## Quick start
-If you are eager to get started here is an overview over the necessary steps.
-Read on below to get the details.
+If you are eager to get started, here is an overview over the necessary steps:
 * `git clone https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto.git` to clone openstreetmap-carto repository into a directory on your host system
-* download OpenStreetMap data in osm.pbf format to a file `data.osm.pbf` and place it within the openstreetmap-carto directory (for example some small area from [Geofabrik](https://download.geofabrik.de/))
-* If necessary, `sudo service postgresql stop` to make sure you don't have currently running a native PostgreSQL server which would conflict with Docker's PostgreSQL server.
-* `docker-compose up import` to import the data (only necessary the first time or when you change the data file). Additionally you can set import options through [environment variables](#Importing-data). More on that [later](#Hands-on-approach)
+* Download OpenStreetMap data in osm.pbf format to a file `data.osm.pbf` and place it within the openstreetmap-carto directory (for example some small area from [Geofabrik](https://download.geofabrik.de/))
+* If necessary, `sudo service postgresql stop` to make sure you don't have a currently-running native PostgreSQL server which would conflict with Docker's PostgreSQL server.
+* `docker-compose up import` to import the data (only necessary the first time or when you change the data file). Additionally, you can set import options through [environment variables](#Importing-data). More on that [later](#Hands-on-approach)
 * `docker-compose up kosmtik` to run the style preview application
-* browse to []( to view the output of Kosmtik
+* Browse to []( to view the output of Kosmtik
 * Ctrl+C to stop the style preview application
 * `docker-compose stop db` to stop the database container
 ## Repositories
-Instructions above will clone main OpenStreetMap Carto repository. To test your own changes you should [fork](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/fork-a-repo) gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto repository and [clone your fork](https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/creating-and-managing-repositories/cloning-a-repository).
+The instructions above will clone the main OpenStreetMap Carto repository. To test your own changes, you should [fork](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/fork-a-repo) gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto repository and [clone your fork](https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/creating-and-managing-repositories/cloning-a-repository).
 This OpenStreetMap Carto repository needs to be a directory that is shared between your host system and the Docker virtual machine. Home directories are shared by default; if your repository is in another place you need to add this to the Docker sharing list (e.g. macOS: Docker Preferences > File Sharing; Windows: Docker Settings > Shared Drives).
 ## Importing data
 OpenStreetMap Carto needs a database populated with rendering data to work. You first need a data file to import.
-It's probably easiest to grab an PBF of OSM data from [Geofabrik](https://download.geofabrik.de/).
+For testing purposes, it's probably easiest to grab a PBF export of OSM data from [Geofabrik](https://download.geofabrik.de
 Once you have that file put it into the openstreetmap-carto directory and run `docker-compose up import` in the openstreetmap-carto directory.
 This starts the PostgreSQL container (downloads it if it not exists) and starts a container that runs [osm2pgsql](https://github.com/openstreetmap/osm2pgsql) to import the data. The container is built the first time you run that command if it not exists.
 At startup of the container the script `scripts/docker-startup.sh` is invoked which prepares the database and itself starts osm2pgsql for importing the data. Then the `scripts/get-external-data.py` is called to download and import needed shapefiles.
 ### Supplying command line options as environment variables
-**osm2pgsql** has a few [command line options](https://manpages.debian.org/testing/osm2pgsql/osm2pgsql.1.en.html) and the import by default uses a RAM cache of 512 MB, 1 worker and expects the import file to be named `data.osm.pbf`. If you want to customize any of these parameters you have to set the environment variables `OSM2PGSQL_CACHE` (e.g. `export OSM2PGSQL_CACHE=1024` on Linux to set the cache to 1 GB) for the RAM cache (the value depends on the amount of RAM you have available, the more you can use here the faster the import may be), `OSM2PGSQL_NUMPROC` for the number of workers (this depends on the number of processors you have and whether your harddisk is fast enough e.g. is a SSD), or `OSM2PGSQL_DATAFILE` if your file has a different name.
+**osm2pgsql** has a few [command line options](https://manpages.debian.org/testing/osm2pgsql/osm2pgsql.1.en.html) and the import by default uses a RAM cache of 512 MB, 1 worker, **and expects the import file to be named `data.osm.pbf`**. 
+If you want to customize any of these parameters, you have to set any number of the following environment variables:
+* `OSM2PGSQL_CACHE` (e.g. `export OSM2PGSQL_CACHE=1024` on Linux to set the cache to 1 GB) for the RAM cache (the value depends on the amount of RAM you have available - the more you can use here the faster the import may be)
+* `OSM2PGSQL_NUMPROC` for the number of workers (this depends on the number of processors you have and whether your hard disk is fast enough e.g. is a SSD)
+* `OSM2PGSQL_DATAFILE` if your file has a different name
 You can also [tune the **PostgreSQL**](https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Tuning_Your_PostgreSQL_Server) during the import phases, with `PG_WORK_MEM` (default to 16MB) and `PG_MAINTENANCE_WORK_MEM` (default to 256MB), which will eventually write `work_mem` and `maintenance_work_mem` to the `postgresql.auto.conf` once, making them applied each time the database started. Note that unlike osm2pgsql variables, once thay are set, you can only change them by running `ALTER SYSTEM` on your own, changing `postgresql.auto.conf` or remove the database volume by `docker-compose down -v && docker-compose rm -v` and import again.
@@ -76,13 +82,13 @@ Depending on your machine and the size of the extract the import can take a whil
 ## Test rendering
-After you have the necessary data available you can start Kosmtik to produce a test rendering. For that you run `docker-compose up kosmtik` in the openstreetmap-carto directory. This starts a container with Kosmtik and also starts the PostgreSQL database container if it is not already running. The Kosmtik container is built the first time you run that command if it not exists.
-At startup of the container the script `scripts/docker-startup.sh` is invoked which downloads necessary shapefiles with `scripts/get-external-data.py` (if they are not already present). It afterwards runs Kosmtik. If you have to customize anything, you can do so in the script. The Kosmtik config file can be found in `.kosmtik-config.yml`.
-If you want to have a [local configuration](https://github.com/kosmtik/kosmtik#local-config) for our `project.mml` you can place a `localconfig.js` or `localconfig.json` file into the openstreetmap-carto directory.
+After you have the necessary data available you can start Kosmtik to produce a test rendering. To do that, run `docker-compose up kosmtik` in the openstreetmap-carto directory. This starts a container with Kosmtik and also starts the PostgreSQL database container if it is not already running. The Kosmtik container is built the first time you run the command if it does not yet exist.
+When the container starts, the script `scripts/docker-startup.sh` is invoked, which downloads supplemental shapefiles specified in `scripts/get-external-data.py` (if they are not already present). Afterward, it runs the Kosmtik server. If you have to customize anything, you can do so in the script. The Kosmtik config file can be found in `.kosmtik-config.yml`.
+If you want to have a [local configuration](https://github.com/kosmtik/kosmtik#local-config) for your `project.mml`, you can place a `localconfig.js` or `localconfig.json` file into the openstreetmap-carto directory.
 The shapefile data that is downloaded is owned by the user with UID 1000. If you have another default user id on your system, consider changing the line `USER 1000` in the file `Dockerfile`.
-After startup is complete you can browse to []( to view the output of Kosmtik. By pressing Ctrl+C on the command line you can stop the container. The PostgreSQL database container is still running then (you can check with `docker ps`). If you want to stop the database container as well you can do so by running `docker-compose stop db` in the openstreetmap-carto directory.
+After startup is complete you can browse to []( to use the Kosmtik web tool. You can stop the container by pressing Ctrl+C on the command line used to start the container. If this happens, the PostgreSQL database container is still running (you can check with `docker ps`). If you want to stop the database container as well, you can do so by running `docker-compose stop db` in the openstreetmap-carto directory.
 ## Troubleshooting
@@ -92,7 +98,7 @@ Docker copies log files from the virtual machine into the host system, their [lo
 While installing software in the containers and populating the database, the disk image of the virtual machine grows in size, by Docker allocating more clusters. When the disk on the host system is full (only a few MB remaining), Docker can appear stuck. Watch the system log files of your host system for failed allocations.
-Docker stores its disk image by default in the home directories of the user. If you don't have enough space here, you can move it elsewhere. (E.g. macOS: Docker > Preferences > Disk).
+Docker stores its disk image by default in the home directory of the user. If you don't have enough space here, you can move the images elsewhere. (E.g. macOS: Docker > Preferences > Disk).
 ## Style Debugging

@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Enable PostGIS and hstore extensions with
 psql -d gis -c 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis; CREATE EXTENSION hstore;'
-then grab some OSM data. It's probably easiest to grab an PBF of OSM data from [Geofabrik](https://download.geofabrik.de/). Once you've done that, import with osm2pgsql:
+Then, grab some OSM data; It's probably easiest to grab an PBF of OSM data from [Geofabrik](https://download.geofabrik.de/). Once you've done that, import with osm2pgsql:
 osm2pgsql -G --hstore --style openstreetmap-carto.style --tag-transform-script openstreetmap-carto.lua -d gis ~/path/to/data.osm.pbf
@@ -50,16 +50,16 @@ scripts/indexes.py -0 | xargs -0 -P0 -I{} psql -d gis -c "{}"
 ## Scripted download
 Some features are rendered using preprocessed shapefiles.
-To download them and import them into the database you can run the following script
+To download them and import them into the database you can run the following script:
-The script downloads shapefiles, loads them into the database and sets up the tables for rendering. Additional script option documentation can be seen with `scripts/get-external-data.py --help`.
+The script downloads shapefiles, loads them into the database, and sets up the tables for rendering. Additional script options and corresponding documentation is available by invoking `scripts/get-external-data.py --help`.
 ## Fonts
-The stylesheet uses Noto, an openly licensed font family from Google with support for multiple scripts. The stylesheet uses Noto's "Sans" style where available. If not available, this stylesheet uses another appropriate style of the Noto family. The "UI" version is used where available, with its vertical metrics which fit better with Latin text.
+The stylesheet uses Noto, an openly licensed font family from Google with support for multiple scripts. The stylesheet uses Noto's "Sans" style where available. If not available, this stylesheet uses another appropriate style from the Noto family. The "UI" version is used where available, as its vertical metrics fit better with Latin text.
 Hanazono is used a fallback for seldom used CJK characters that are not covered by Noto.
@@ -74,11 +74,11 @@ scripts/get-fonts.sh
 ## Dependencies
 For development, a style design studio is needed.
-* [Kosmtik](https://github.com/kosmtik/kosmtik) - Kosmtik can be launched with `node index.js serve path/to/openstreetmap-carto/project.mml` The 0.0.17 release of Kosmtik is not enough because we need up-to-date CartoCSS and Mapnik versions. To install the current master branch of Kosmtik, you can clone the Kosmtik repository and execute `npm install` within it.
+* [Kosmtik](https://github.com/kosmtik/kosmtik) - Kosmtik can be launched with `node index.js serve path/to/openstreetmap-carto/project.mml`
+	* The 0.0.17 release of Kosmtik is not enough because we need up-to-date CartoCSS and Mapnik versions. To install the current master branch of Kosmtik, you can clone the Kosmtik repository and execute `npm install` within it.
+* [TileMill](https://tilemill-project.github.io/tilemill/) is not officially supported, but you may be able to use a recent TileMill version by copying or symlinking the project directly into your Mapbox/project directory.
-[TileMill](https://tilemill-project.github.io/tilemill/) is not officially supported, but you may be able to use a recent TileMill version by copying or symlinking the project directly into your Mapbox/project directory.
-To display any map a database containing OpenStreetMap data and some utilities are required
+To display *any* map, a database containing OpenStreetMap data and some utilities are required:
 * [PostgreSQL](https://www.postgresql.org/)
 * [PostGIS](https://postgis.net/)
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ To display any map a database containing OpenStreetMap data and some utilities a
 Some colours, SVGs and other files are generated with helper scripts. Not all users will need these dependencies
 * Python and Ruby to run helper scripts
-* [Color Math](https://github.com/gtaylor/python-colormath) and [numpy](https://numpy.org/) if running generate_road_colors.py helper script (may be obtained with `pip install colormath numpy`)
+* [Color Math](https://github.com/gtaylor/python-colormath) and [numpy](https://numpy.org/) (if running) feature a  `generate_road_colors.py` helper script, which may be obtained with `pip install colormath numpy`)
 ### Additional deployment dependencies
@@ -100,4 +100,4 @@ For deployment, CartoCSS and Mapnik are required.
 * [CartoCSS](https://github.com/mapbox/carto) >= 1.2.0 *(we're using YAML)*
 * [Mapnik](https://github.com/mapnik/mapnik/wiki/Mapnik-Installation) >= 3.0.22
-With CartoCSS you compile these sources into a Mapnik compatible XML file. When running CartoCSS, specify the Mapnik API version you are using (at least 3.0.22: `carto -a "3.0.22"`).
+With CartoCSS, these sources are compiled into a Mapnik compatible XML file. When running CartoCSS, specify the Mapnik API version you are using (at least 3.0.22: `carto -a "3.0.22"`).

@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ that need some cartographic judgement.
 There are many open-source stylesheets written for creating OpenStreetMap-based
 maps using Mapnik, many based on this project. Some alternatives are:
-* [OSM Bright](https://github.com/mapbox/osm-bright)
+* [OSM Bright](https://github.com/geofabrik/osm-bright)
 * [XML-based stylesheets](https://github.com/openstreetmap/mapnik-stylesheets)
 * [OpenStreetMap "FR" Carto](https://github.com/cquest/osmfr-cartocss)
 * [OpenStreetMap Carto German](https://github.com/giggls/openstreetmap-carto-de)

@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
-openstreetmap-carto (5.7.0-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+openstreetmap-carto (5.8.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Team upload.
+  * New upstream release.
   * Bump Standards-Version to 4.6.2, no changes.
   * Replace fonts-noto-hinted with fonts-noto-core & fonts-noto-ui-core.
     (closes: #1050051)
- -- Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org>  Wed, 18 Jan 2023 17:03:55 +0100
+ -- Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org>  Sat, 16 Mar 2024 11:35:57 +0100
 openstreetmap-carto (5.7.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium

Binary files a/preview.png and b/preview.png differ

@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ Stylesheet:
   - style/admin.mss
   - style/addressing.mss
   - style/golf.mss
+  - style/tourism.mss
   - id: landcover-low-zoom
     geometry: polygon
@@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ Layer:
               ('landuse_' || (CASE WHEN landuse IN ('quarry', 'vineyard', 'orchard', 'cemetery', 'residential', 'garages', 'meadow', 'grass',
                                                     'allotments', 'forest', 'farmyard', 'farmland', 'greenhouse_horticulture',
                                                     'recreation_ground', 'village_green', 'retail', 'industrial', 'railway', 'commercial',
-                                                    'brownfield', 'landfill', 'salt_pond', 'construction', 'plant_nursery', 'religious') THEN landuse END)) AS landuse,
+                                                    'brownfield', 'landfill', 'salt_pond', 'construction', 'plant_nursery', 'religious', 'flowerbed') THEN landuse END)) AS landuse,
               ('shop_' || (CASE WHEN shop IN ('mall') AND (tags->'location' NOT IN ('underground') OR (tags->'location') IS NULL) THEN shop END)) AS shop,
               ('leisure_' || (CASE WHEN leisure IN ('swimming_pool', 'playground', 'park', 'garden',
                                                     'golf_course', 'miniature_golf', 'sports_centre', 'stadium', 'pitch', 'ice_rink',
@@ -622,14 +623,15 @@ Layer:
             JOIN planet_osm_line l
               ON ST_DWithin(p.way, l.way, 0.1) -- Assumes Mercator
             JOIN (VALUES
-                ('primary', 1),
-                ('secondary', 2),
-                ('tertiary', 3),
-                ('unclassified', 4),
-                ('residential', 5),
-                ('living_street', 6),
-                ('service', 7),
-                ('track', 8)
+                ('trunk', 1),
+                ('primary', 2),
+                ('secondary', 3),
+                ('tertiary', 4),
+                ('unclassified', 5),
+                ('residential', 6),
+                ('living_street', 7),
+                ('service', 8),
+                ('track', 9)
               ) AS v (highway, prio)
               ON v.highway = l.highway
           WHERE p.highway IN (
@@ -654,16 +656,14 @@ Layer:
               'highway_' || (CASE WHEN highway IN ('pedestrian', 'footway', 'service', 'platform') THEN highway END)),
               ('railway_' || (CASE WHEN (railway IN ('platform')
                               AND (tags->'location' NOT IN ('underground') OR (tags->'location') IS NULL)
-                              AND (tunnel NOT IN ('yes', 'building_passage') OR tunnel IS NULL)
-                              AND (covered NOT IN ('yes') OR covered IS NULL))
+                              AND (tunnel NOT IN ('yes', 'building_passage') OR tunnel IS NULL))
                               THEN railway END))
             ) AS feature
           FROM planet_osm_polygon
           WHERE highway IN ('pedestrian', 'footway', 'service', 'platform')
             OR (railway IN ('platform')
                 AND (tags->'location' NOT IN ('underground') OR (tags->'location') IS NULL)
-                AND (tunnel NOT IN ('yes', 'building_passage') OR tunnel IS NULL)
-                AND (covered NOT IN ('yes') OR covered IS NULL))
+                AND (tunnel NOT IN ('yes', 'building_passage') OR tunnel IS NULL))
           ORDER BY COALESCE(layer,0), way_area DESC
         ) AS highway_area_casing
@@ -753,8 +753,9 @@ Layer:
               FROM planet_osm_line
               WHERE (tunnel IS NULL OR NOT tunnel IN ('yes', 'building_passage'))
-                AND (covered IS NULL OR NOT covered = 'yes')
+                AND (covered IS NULL OR NOT covered = 'yes' OR railway IN ('platform'))
                 AND (bridge IS NULL OR NOT bridge IN ('yes', 'boardwalk', 'cantilever', 'covered', 'low_water_crossing', 'movable', 'trestle', 'viaduct'))
+                AND (railway NOT IN ('platform') OR (tags->'location' NOT IN ('underground')) OR (tags->'location') IS NULL)
                 AND railway IS NOT NULL -- end of rail select
             ) AS features
           ORDER BY
@@ -782,8 +783,7 @@ Layer:
                                                     'platform', 'services') THEN highway END)),
               ('railway_' || (CASE WHEN (railway IN ('platform')
                               AND (tags->'location' NOT IN ('underground') OR (tags->'location') IS NULL)
-                              AND (tunnel NOT IN ('yes', 'building_passage') OR tunnel IS NULL)
-                              AND (covered NOT IN ('yes') OR covered IS NULL))
+                              AND (tunnel NOT IN ('yes', 'building_passage') OR tunnel IS NULL))
                               THEN railway END)),
               (('aeroway_' || CASE WHEN aeroway IN ('runway', 'taxiway', 'helipad') THEN aeroway ELSE NULL END))
             ) AS feature,
@@ -797,8 +797,7 @@ Layer:
           WHERE highway IN ('pedestrian', 'footway', 'service', 'living_street', 'platform', 'services')
             OR (railway IN ('platform')
                 AND (tags->'location' NOT IN ('underground') OR (tags->'location') IS NULL)
-                AND (tunnel NOT IN ('yes', 'building_passage') OR tunnel IS NULL)
-                AND (covered NOT IN ('yes') OR covered IS NULL))
+                AND (tunnel NOT IN ('yes', 'building_passage') OR tunnel IS NULL))
             OR aeroway IN ('runway', 'taxiway', 'helipad')
           ORDER BY COALESCE(layer,0), way_area desc
         ) AS highway_area_fill
@@ -1004,6 +1003,40 @@ Layer:
         ) AS guideways
       minzoom: 11
+  - id: roller-coaster-gap-fill
+    geometry: linestring
+    <<: *extents
+    Datasource:
+      <<: *osm2pgsql
+      table: |-
+        (SELECT
+            way,
+            CASE WHEN (tunnel = 'yes' OR tunnel = 'building_passage' OR covered = 'yes' OR tags->'indoor' = 'yes') THEN 'yes' ELSE 'no' END AS tunnel,
+            CASE WHEN (bridge = 'yes' OR bridge = 'covered' OR bridge = 'viaduct') THEN 'yes' ELSE 'no' END AS bridge
+          FROM planet_osm_line
+          WHERE tags @> 'roller_coaster=>track' AND railway IS NULL
+        ) AS roller_coaster
+    properties:
+      minzoom: 15
+  - id: roller-coaster
+    geometry: linestring
+    <<: *extents
+    Datasource:
+      <<: *osm2pgsql
+      table: |-
+        (SELECT
+            way,
+            COALESCE(layer,0) AS layernotnull,
+            CASE WHEN (tunnel = 'yes' OR tunnel = 'building_passage' OR covered = 'yes' OR tags->'indoor' = 'yes') THEN 'yes' ELSE 'no' END AS tunnel,
+            CASE WHEN (bridge = 'yes' OR bridge = 'covered' OR bridge = 'viaduct') THEN 'yes' ELSE 'no' END AS bridge
+          FROM planet_osm_line
+          WHERE tags @> 'roller_coaster=>track' AND railway IS NULL
+          ORDER BY
+            layernotnull -- put bottom layered track first
+        ) AS roller_coaster
+    properties:
+      group-by: layernotnull
+      minzoom: 15
   - id: entrances
     geometry: point
     <<: *extents
@@ -1586,7 +1619,7 @@ Layer:
                                    THEN amenity END,
                 'tourism_' || CASE WHEN tourism IN ('viewpoint', 'attraction') THEN tourism END,
                 'place_' || CASE WHEN place IN ('locality') AND way_area IS NULL THEN place END,
-                'golf_' || CASE WHEN tags->'golf' IN ('hole', 'pin') THEN tags->'golf' END
+                'golf_' || CASE WHEN tags->'golf' IN ('pin') THEN tags->'golf' END
               ) AS feature,
               CASE WHEN access IN ('private', 'no', 'customers', 'permit', 'delivery') THEN 'restricted' ELSE 'yes' END AS int_access,

@@ -127,6 +127,6 @@ unzip -oqq "${TMPDIR}/Noto_Emoji.zip" static/NotoEmoji-Regular.ttf static/NotoEm
 mv "${FONTDIR}/static/NotoEmoji-Regular.ttf" "${FONTDIR}"
 mv "${FONTDIR}/static/NotoEmoji-Bold.ttf" "${FONTDIR}"
-curl --fail -A "get-fonts.sh/osm-carto" -o "${TMPDIR}/hanazono.zip" -L 'https://osdn.net/frs/redir.php?f=hanazono-font%2F68253%2Fhanazono-20170904.zip'
+curl --fail -A "get-fonts.sh/osm-carto" -o "${TMPDIR}/hanazono.zip" -L 'https://mirrors.dotsrc.org/osdn/hanazono-font/68253/hanazono-20170904.zip'
 unzip -oqq "${TMPDIR}/hanazono.zip" HanaMinA.ttf HanaMinB.ttf -d "${FONTDIR}"

@@ -2268,7 +2268,6 @@
       [feature = 'landuse_farmyard'] {
         text-fill: darken(@farmyard, 50%);
-      [feature = 'landuse_farm'],
       [feature = 'landuse_farmland'],
       [feature = 'landuse_greenhouse_horticulture'] {
         text-fill: darken(@farmland, 50%);

@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@
 #amenity-points[zoom >= 16] {
-  [feature = 'golf_hole'],
   [feature = 'golf_pin'] {
     marker-file: url('symbols/leisure/golf_pin.svg');
     marker-fill: @golf-color;

@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
 // --- Sports ---
- at pitch: #aae0cb;           // Lch(85,22,168) also track
+ at pitch: #88e0be;           // Lch(83,35,166) also track
 @track: @pitch;
 @stadium: @leisure; // also sports_centre
 @golf_course: @campsite;
@@ -168,6 +168,26 @@
+  [feature = 'landuse_flowerbed'] {
+    [zoom >= 10] {
+      polygon-fill: @grass;
+      [way_pixels >= 4]  { polygon-gamma: 0.75; }
+      [way_pixels >= 64] { polygon-gamma: 0.3;  }
+    }
+    [zoom >= 15] {
+      polygon-pattern-file: url('symbols/flowerbed_mid_zoom.svg');
+      polygon-pattern-alignment: global;
+      [way_pixels >= 4]  { polygon-pattern-gamma: 0.75; }
+      [way_pixels >= 64] { polygon-pattern-gamma: 0.3;  }
+    }
+    [zoom >= 17] {
+      polygon-pattern-file: url('symbols/flowerbed_high_zoom.svg');
+      polygon-pattern-alignment: global;
+      [way_pixels >= 4]  { polygon-pattern-gamma: 0.75; }
+      [way_pixels >= 64] { polygon-pattern-gamma: 0.3;  }
+    }
+  }
   [feature = 'landuse_plant_nursery'] {
     [zoom >= 10] {
       polygon-fill: @orchard;

@@ -2780,21 +2780,42 @@ tertiary is rendered from z10 and is not included in osm_planet_roads. */
 #turning-circle-casing {
+  [int_tc_type = 'trunk'][zoom >= 15] {
+    marker-fill: @trunk-casing;
+    marker-width: @trunk-width-z15 * 1.6 + 2 * @major-casing-width-z15;
+    marker-height: @trunk-width-z15 * 1.6 + 2 * @major-casing-width-z15;
+    [zoom >= 17] {
+      marker-width: @trunk-width-z17 * 1.6 + 2 * @major-casing-width-z17;
+      marker-height: @trunk-width-z17 * 1.6 + 2 * @major-casing-width-z17;
+    }
+    [zoom >= 18] {
+      marker-width: @trunk-width-z18 * 1.6 + 2 * @major-casing-width-z18;
+      marker-height: @trunk-width-z18 * 1.6 + 2 * @major-casing-width-z18;
+    }
+    [zoom >= 19] {
+      marker-width: @trunk-width-z19 * 1.6 + 2 * @major-casing-width-z19;
+      marker-height: @trunk-width-z19 * 1.6 + 2 * @major-casing-width-z19;
+    }
+    marker-allow-overlap: true;
+    marker-ignore-placement: true;
+    marker-line-width: 0;
+  }
   [int_tc_type = 'primary'][zoom >= 15] {
     marker-fill: @primary-casing;
-    marker-width: @primary-width-z15 * 1.6 + 2 * @casing-width-z15;
-    marker-height: @primary-width-z15 * 1.6 + 2 * @casing-width-z15;
+    marker-width: @primary-width-z15 * 1.6 + 2 * @major-casing-width-z15;
+    marker-height: @primary-width-z15 * 1.6 + 2 * @major-casing-width-z15;
     [zoom >= 17] {
-      marker-width: @primary-width-z17 * 1.6 + 2 * @casing-width-z17;
-      marker-height: @primary-width-z17 * 1.6 + 2 * @casing-width-z17;
+      marker-width: @primary-width-z17 * 1.6 + 2 * @major-casing-width-z17;
+      marker-height: @primary-width-z17 * 1.6 + 2 * @major-casing-width-z17;
     [zoom >= 18] {
-      marker-width: @primary-width-z18 * 1.6 + 2 * @casing-width-z18;
-      marker-height: @primary-width-z18 * 1.6 + 2 * @casing-width-z18;
+      marker-width: @primary-width-z18 * 1.6 + 2 * @major-casing-width-z18;
+      marker-height: @primary-width-z18 * 1.6 + 2 * @major-casing-width-z18;
     [zoom >= 19] {
-      marker-width: @primary-width-z19 * 1.6 + 2 * @casing-width-z19;
-      marker-height: @primary-width-z19 * 1.6 + 2 * @casing-width-z19;
+      marker-width: @primary-width-z19 * 1.6 + 2 * @major-casing-width-z19;
+      marker-height: @primary-width-z19 * 1.6 + 2 * @major-casing-width-z19;
     marker-allow-overlap: true;
     marker-ignore-placement: true;
@@ -2803,23 +2824,23 @@ tertiary is rendered from z10 and is not included in osm_planet_roads. */
   [int_tc_type = 'secondary'][zoom >= 15] {
     marker-fill: @secondary-casing;
-    marker-width: @secondary-width-z15 * 1.6 + 2 * @casing-width-z15;
-    marker-height: @secondary-width-z15 * 1.6 + 2 * @casing-width-z15;
+    marker-width: @secondary-width-z15 * 1.6 + 2 * @secondary-casing-width-z15;
+    marker-height: @secondary-width-z15 * 1.6 + 2 * @secondary-casing-width-z15;
     [zoom >= 16] {
-      marker-width: @secondary-width-z16 * 1.6 + 2 * @casing-width-z16;
-      marker-height: @secondary-width-z16 * 1.6 + 2 * @casing-width-z16;
+      marker-width: @secondary-width-z16 * 1.6 + 2 * @secondary-casing-width-z16;
+      marker-height: @secondary-width-z16 * 1.6 + 2 * @secondary-casing-width-z16;
     [zoom >= 17] {
-      marker-width: @secondary-width-z17 * 1.6 + 2 * @casing-width-z17;
-      marker-height: @secondary-width-z17 * 1.6 + 2 * @casing-width-z17;
+      marker-width: @secondary-width-z17 * 1.6 + 2 * @secondary-casing-width-z17;
+      marker-height: @secondary-width-z17 * 1.6 + 2 * @secondary-casing-width-z17;
     [zoom >= 18] {
-      marker-width: @secondary-width-z18 * 1.6 + 2 * @casing-width-z18;
-      marker-height: @secondary-width-z18 * 1.6 + 2 * @casing-width-z18;
+      marker-width: @secondary-width-z18 * 1.6 + 2 * @secondary-casing-width-z18;
+      marker-height: @secondary-width-z18 * 1.6 + 2 * @secondary-casing-width-z18;
     [zoom >= 19] {
-      marker-width: @secondary-width-z19 * 1.6 + 2 * @casing-width-z19;
-      marker-height: @secondary-width-z19 * 1.6 + 2 * @casing-width-z19;
+      marker-width: @secondary-width-z19 * 1.6 + 2 * @secondary-casing-width-z19;
+      marker-height: @secondary-width-z19 * 1.6 + 2 * @secondary-casing-width-z19;
     marker-allow-overlap: true;
     marker-ignore-placement: true;
@@ -2946,6 +2967,27 @@ tertiary is rendered from z10 and is not included in osm_planet_roads. */
 #turning-circle-fill {
+  [int_tc_type = 'trunk'][zoom >= 15] {
+    marker-fill: @trunk-fill;
+    marker-width: @trunk-width-z15 * 1.6;
+    marker-height: @trunk-width-z15 * 1.6;
+    [zoom >= 17] {
+      marker-width: @trunk-width-z17 * 1.6;
+      marker-height: @trunk-width-z17 * 1.6;
+    }
+    [zoom >= 18] {
+      marker-width: @trunk-width-z18 * 1.6;
+      marker-height: @trunk-width-z18 * 1.6;
+    }
+    [zoom >= 19] {
+      marker-width: @trunk-width-z19 * 1.6;
+      marker-height: @trunk-width-z19 * 1.6;
+    }
+    marker-allow-overlap: true;
+    marker-ignore-placement: true;
+    marker-line-width: 0;
+  }
   [int_tc_type = 'primary'][zoom >= 15] {
     marker-fill: @primary-fill;
     marker-width: @primary-width-z15 * 1.6;
@@ -3131,9 +3173,11 @@ tertiary is rendered from z10 and is not included in osm_planet_roads. */
     marker-ignore-placement: true;
     marker-line-width: 0;
+    [int_tc_type = 'trunk'] { marker-fill: @trunk-casing; }
     [int_tc_type = 'primary'] { marker-fill: @primary-casing; }
     [int_tc_type = 'secondary'] { marker-fill: @secondary-casing; }
-    [int_tc_type = 'tertiary'] { marker-fill: @primary-casing; }
+    [int_tc_type = 'tertiary'] { marker-fill: @tertiary-casing; }
+    [int_tc_type = 'unclassified'] { marker-fill: @residential-casing; }
     [int_tc_type = 'residential'] { marker-fill: @residential-casing; }
     [int_tc_type = 'living_street'] { marker-fill: @living-street-casing; }
     [int_tc_type = 'service'] { marker-fill: @service-casing; }

@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
       text-name: [ref];
       text-face-name: @book-fonts;
       text-size: 10;
-      text-fill: @transportation-icon;
+      text-fill: @transportation-text;
       text-dy: 10;
       text-halo-radius: @standard-halo-radius * 1.5;
       text-halo-fill: @standard-halo-fill;

@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+/* For tourism features like roller coasters */
+ at roller-coaster-casing: #707070;
+ at roller-coaster-fill: #ddd;
+/* The purpose of “roller-coaster-gap-fill” layer is to fill in the gaps between sections of roller coaster track. */
+#roller-coaster-gap-fill[zoom >= 15] {
+  ::bridges { line-cap: round; }
+  ::casing { line-cap: round; }
+  ::fill { line-cap: round; }
+#roller-coaster, #roller-coaster-gap-fill {
+  [zoom >= 15] {
+    ::bridges[bridge = 'yes'][zoom >= 16] {
+      line-width: 2.5 + @bridge-casing-width-z16;
+      line-color: #000;
+      line-join: round;
+      [tunnel = 'yes'] { line-color: lighten(#000, 20%); }
+      [zoom >= 17] { line-width: 4 + @bridge-casing-width-z17; }
+      [zoom >= 18] { line-width: 6 + 1.5 * @bridge-casing-width-z18; }
+      [zoom >= 19] { line-width: 8 + 2 * @bridge-casing-width-z19; }
+      [zoom >= 20] { line-width: 12 + 2 * @bridge-casing-width-z20; }
+    }
+    ::casing {
+      line-width: 1;
+      line-color: mix(@roller-coaster-casing, @roller-coaster-fill, 50%);
+      line-join: round;
+      [tunnel = 'yes'][zoom >= 16] {
+        line-color: lighten(@roller-coaster-casing, 20%);
+      }
+      [zoom >= 16] { 
+        line-color: @roller-coaster-casing;
+        line-width: 2.5;
+      }
+      [zoom >= 17] { line-width: 4; }
+      [zoom >= 18] { line-width: 6; }
+      [zoom >= 19] { line-width: 8; }
+      [zoom >= 20] { line-width: 12; }
+    }
+    ::fill[zoom >= 16] {
+      line-width: 1.25;
+      line-color: @roller-coaster-fill;
+      line-join: round;
+      [tunnel = 'yes'] {
+        line-color: lighten(@roller-coaster-fill, 5%);
+      }
+      [zoom >= 17] { line-width: 2; }
+      [zoom >= 18] { line-width: 3; }
+      [zoom >= 19] { line-width: 4; }
+      [zoom >= 20] { line-width: 6; }
+    }
+  }
+#roller-coaster::fill[zoom >= 16] {
+  line-dasharray: 2.5,0.5;
+  [zoom >= 17] { line-dasharray: 4,0.8; }
+  [zoom >= 18] { line-dasharray: 6,1.2; }
+  [zoom >= 19] { line-dasharray: 8,1.6; }
+  [zoom >= 20] { line-dasharray: 12,2.4; }

@@ -289,30 +289,24 @@
   [feature = 'natural_water'],
   [feature = 'landuse_reservoir'],
   [feature = 'landuse_basin'],
-  [feature = 'waterway_dock'],
-  [feature = 'natural_strait'],
-  [feature = 'natural_bay'] {
+  [feature = 'waterway_dock'] {
     [zoom >= 5][way_pixels > 3000][way_pixels <= 768000],
-    [zoom >= 14][way_pixels <= 768000][feature = 'natural_bay'],
-    [zoom >= 14][way_pixels <= 768000][feature = 'natural_strait'],
     [zoom >= 17][way_pixels <= 768000] {
       text-name: "[name]";
       text-size: 10;
       text-wrap-width: 25; // 2.5 em
       text-line-spacing: -1.5; // -0.15 em
-      [way_pixels > 12000][feature != 'natural_strait'][feature != 'natural_bay'],
-      [zoom >= 15][feature = 'natural_strait'],
-      [zoom >= 15][feature = 'natural_bay'] {
+      [way_pixels > 12000] {
         text-size: 12;
         text-wrap-width: 37; // 3.1 em
         text-line-spacing: -1.6; // -0.13 em
-      [way_pixels > 48000][feature != 'natural_strait'][feature != 'natural_bay'] {
+      [way_pixels > 48000] {
         text-size: 15;
         text-wrap-width: 59; // 3.9 em
         text-line-spacing: -1.5; // -0.10 em
-      [way_pixels > 192000][feature != 'natural_strait'][feature != 'natural_bay'] {
+      [way_pixels > 192000] {
         text-size: 19;
         text-wrap-width: 95; // 5.0 em
         text-line-spacing: -0.95; // -0.05 em
@@ -325,3 +319,23 @@
+#text-point[zoom >= 14] {
+  [feature = 'natural_bay'],
+  [feature = 'natural_strait'] {
+    text-name: "[name]";
+    text-size: 10;
+    text-wrap-width: 25; // 2.5 em
+    text-line-spacing: -1.5; // -0.15 em
+    text-fill: @water-text;
+    text-face-name: @oblique-fonts;
+    text-halo-radius: @standard-halo-radius;
+    text-halo-fill: @standard-halo-fill;
+    text-placement: interior;
+    [zoom >= 15] {
+      text-size: 12;
+      text-wrap-width: 37; // 3.1 em
+      text-line-spacing: -1.6; // -0.13 em
+    }
+  }

@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+   id="Svg"
+   width="128"
+   height="128"
+   version="1.1"
+   xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
+   xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
+  <defs
+     id="defs1" />
+  <path
+     id="path400"
+     clip-path="none"
+     style="fill:#eef6c0"
+     d="M 9.0292969 0 L 9.0664062 0.81445312 L 9.8769531 1.4023438 L 10.464844 0.59375 L 10.300781 0 L 9.0292969 0 z M 17.699219 0 L 16.140625 0.58789062 L 15.832031 1.5390625 L 16.783203 1.8476562 L 19.326172 0.17578125 L 19.466797 3.2148438 L 20.277344 3.8027344 L 20.865234 2.9941406 L 20.058594 0.05859375 L 22.994141 0.86523438 L 23.802734 0.27734375 L 23.601562 0 L 19.425781 0 L 19.414062 0.001953125 L 19.412109 0 L 17.699219 0 z M 27.013672 0 L 27.013672 0.013671875 L 29.390625 1.9140625 L 26.541016 2.9882812 L 26.232422 3.9394531 L 27.183594 4.2480469 L 29.726562 2.5761719 L 29.867188 5.6152344 L 30.677734 6.203125 L 31.265625 5.3945312 L 30.458984 2.4589844 L 33.394531 3.265625 L 34.203125 2.6777344 L 33.615234 1.8671875 L 30.576172 1.7265625 L 31.710938 0 L 30.4375 0 L 29.914062 1.390625 L 28.802734 0 L 27.013672 0 z M 48.267578 0 L 48.267578 0.015625 L 49.076172 0.60351562 L 49.515625 0 L 48.267578 0 z M 55.273438 0 L 55.033203 0.73828125 L 55.984375 1.0488281 L 57.578125 0 L 55.273438 0 z M 58.556641 0 L 58.667969 2.4160156 L 59.476562 3.0039062 L 60.064453 2.1953125 L 59.462891 0 L 58.556641 0 z M 61.960938 0 L 62.195312 0.064453125 L 62.283203 0 L 61.960938 0 z M 67.197266 0 L 68.589844 1.1132812 L 65.740234 2.1875 L 65.431641 3.1386719 L 66.382812 3.4472656 L 68.925781 1.7753906 L 69.066406 4.8144531 L 69.876953 5.4023438 L 70.464844 4.59375 L 69.658203 1.6582031 L 72.59375 2.4648438 L 73.402344 1.8769531 L 72.814453 1.0664062 L 69.775391 0.92578125 L 70.384766 0 L 69.335938 0 L 69.113281 0.58984375 L 68.642578 0 L 67.197266 0 z M 81.021484 0 L 80.587891 0.140625 L 79.513672 2.9902344 L 77.613281 0.61328125 L 76.613281 0.61328125 L 76.613281 1.6132812 L 78.990234 3.5136719 L 76.140625 4.5878906 L 75.832031 5.5390625 L 76.783203 5.8476562 L 79.326172 4.1757812 L 79.466797 7.2148438 L 80.277344 7.8027344 L 80.865234 6.9941406 L 80.058594 4.0585938 L 82.994141 4.8652344 L 83.802734 4.2773438 L 83.214844 3.4667969 L 80.175781 3.3261719 L 81.847656 0.78320312 L 81.59375 0 L 81.021484 0 z M 94.419922 0 L 95.183594 0.24804688 L 95.560547 0 L 94.419922 0 z M 97.792969 0 L 97.867188 1.6152344 L 98.677734 2.203125 L 99.265625 1.3945312 L 98.882812 0 L 97.792969 0 z M 107.39648 0 L 107.78906 0.31445312 L 104.94141 1.3867188 L 104.63281 2.3378906 L 105.58398 2.6484375 L 108.12695 0.97460938 L 108.26758 4.015625 L 109.07617 4.6035156 L 109.66406 3.7949219 L 108.85938 0.859375 L 111.79492 1.6640625 L 112.60352 1.0761719 L 112.01562 0.26757812 L 108.97461 0.12695312 L 109.05859 0 L 108.38281 0 L 108.80273 0.21484375 L 108.7207 0.72265625 L 108.21484 0.80273438 L 107.98047 0.34375 L 108.32422 0 L 107.39648 0 z M 115.8125 0 L 115.8125 0.8125 L 118.18945 2.7148438 L 115.3418 3.7871094 L 115.0332 4.7382812 L 115.98438 5.0488281 L 118.52734 3.375 L 118.66797 6.4160156 L 119.47656 7.0039062 L 120.06445 6.1953125 L 119.25977 3.2597656 L 122.19531 4.0644531 L 123.00391 3.4765625 L 122.41602 2.6679688 L 119.375 2.5273438 L 121.03906 0 L 119.53906 0 L 118.71484 2.1894531 L 116.96289 0 L 115.8125 0 z M 42.337891 0.6328125 L 41.386719 0.94140625 L 40.314453 3.7890625 L 38.412109 1.4121094 L 37.412109 1.4121094 L 37.412109 2.4121094 L 39.789062 4.3144531 L 36.941406 5.3867188 L 36.632812 6.3378906 L 37.583984 6.6484375 L 40.126953 4.9746094 L 40.267578 8.015625 L 41.076172 8.6035156 L 41.664062 7.7949219 L 40.859375 4.859375 L 43.794922 5.6640625 L 44.603516 5.0761719 L 44.015625 4.2675781 L 40.974609 4.1269531 L 42.648438 1.5839844 L 42.337891 0.6328125 z M 69.144531 0.78125 L 69.601562 1.0136719 L 69.521484 1.5214844 L 69.013672 1.6015625 L 68.78125 1.1445312 L 69.144531 0.78125 z M 3.1386719 1.4316406 L 2.1875 1.7402344 L 1.1132812 4.5898438 L 0 3.1972656 L 0 4.6425781 L 0.58984375 5.1132812 L 0 5.3359375 L 0 6.3847656 L 0.92578125 5.7753906 L 1.0664062 8.8144531 L 1.8769531 9.4023438 L 2.4648438 8.59375 L 1.6582031 5.6582031 L 4.59375 6.4648438 L 5.4023438 5.8769531 L 4.8144531 5.0664062 L 1.7753906 4.9257812 L 3.4472656 2.3828125 L 3.1386719 1.4316406 z M 29.945312 1.5820312 L 30.402344 1.8144531 L 30.322266 2.3222656 L 29.814453 2.4023438 L 29.582031 1.9453125 L 29.945312 1.5820312 z M 126.21289 2.2128906 L 126.21289 3.2128906 L 128 4.6425781 L 128 3.1972656 L 127.21289 2.2128906 L 126.21289 2.2128906 z M 91.939453 2.2324219 L 90.988281 2.5410156 L 89.914062 5.390625 L 88.013672 3.0136719 L 87.013672 3.0136719 L 87.013672 4.0136719 L 89.390625 5.9140625 L 86.541016 6.9882812 L 86.232422 7.9394531 L 87.183594 8.2480469 L 89.726562 6.5761719 L 89.867188 9.6152344 L 90.677734 10.203125 L 91.265625 9.3945312 L 90.458984 6.4589844 L 93.394531 7.265625 L 94.203125 6.6777344 L 93.615234 5.8671875 L 90.576172 5.7265625 L 92.248047 3.1835938 L 91.939453 2.2324219 z M 118.74414 2.3808594 L 119.20312 2.6152344 L 119.12109 3.1230469 L 118.61523 3.203125 L 118.38086 2.7441406 L 118.74414 2.3808594 z M 52.738281 3.0332031 L 51.787109 3.3417969 L 50.714844 6.1894531 L 48.8125 3.8125 L 47.8125 3.8125 L 47.8125 4.8125 L 50.189453 6.7148438 L 47.341797 7.7871094 L 47.033203 8.7382812 L 47.984375 9.0488281 L 50.527344 7.375 L 50.667969 10.416016 L 51.476562 11.003906 L 52.064453 10.195312 L 51.259766 7.2597656 L 54.195312 8.0644531 L 55.003906 7.4765625 L 54.416016 6.6679688 L 51.375 6.5273438 L 53.048828 3.984375 L 52.738281 3.0332031 z M 79.544922 3.1816406 L 80.001953 3.4140625 L 79.921875 3.921875 L 79.414062 4.0019531 L 79.181641 3.5449219 L 79.544922 3.1816406 z M 13.539062 3.8320312 L 12.587891 4.140625 L 11.513672 6.9902344 L 9.6132812 4.6132812 L 8.6132812 4.6132812 L 8.6132812 5.6132812 L 10.990234 7.5136719 L 8.140625 8.5878906 L 7.8320312 9.5390625 L 8.7832031 9.8476562 L 11.326172 8.1757812 L 11.466797 11.214844 L 12.277344 11.802734 L 12.865234 10.994141 L 12.058594 8.0585938 L 14.994141 8.8652344 L 15.802734 8.2773438 L 15.214844 7.4667969 L 12.175781 7.3261719 L 13.847656 4.7832031 L 13.539062 3.8320312 z M 40.34375 3.9804688 L 40.802734 4.2148438 L 40.720703 4.7226562 L 40.214844 4.8027344 L 39.980469 4.34375 L 40.34375 3.9804688 z M 102.33789 4.6328125 L 101.38672 4.9414062 L 100.31445 7.7890625 L 98.412109 5.4121094 L 97.412109 5.4121094 L 97.412109 6.4121094 L 99.789062 8.3144531 L 96.941406 9.3867188 L 96.632812 10.337891 L 97.583984 10.648438 L 100.12695 8.9746094 L 100.26758 12.015625 L 101.07617 12.603516 L 101.66406 11.794922 L 100.85938 8.859375 L 103.79492 9.6640625 L 104.60352 9.0761719 L 104.01562 8.2675781 L 100.97461 8.1269531 L 102.64844 5.5839844 L 102.33789 4.6328125 z M 1.1445312 4.78125 L 1.6015625 5.0136719 L 1.5214844 5.5214844 L 1.0136719 5.6015625 L 0.78125 5.1445312 L 1.1445312 4.78125 z M 128 5.3359375 L 125.74023 6.1875 L 125.43164 7.1386719 L 126.38281 7.4472656 L 128 6.3847656 L 128 5.3359375 z M 63.138672 5.4316406 L 62.1875 5.7402344 L 61.113281 8.5898438 L 59.212891 6.2128906 L 58.212891 6.2128906 L 58.212891 7.2128906 L 60.589844 9.1132812 L 57.740234 10.1875 L 57.431641 11.138672 L 58.382812 11.447266 L 60.925781 9.7753906 L 61.066406 12.814453 L 61.876953 13.402344 L 62.464844 12.59375 L 61.658203 9.6582031 L 64.59375 10.464844 L 65.402344 9.8769531 L 64.814453 9.0664062 L 61.775391 8.9257812 L 63.447266 6.3828125 L 63.138672 5.4316406 z M 89.945312 5.5820312 L 90.402344 5.8144531 L 90.322266 6.3222656 L 89.814453 6.4023438 L 89.582031 5.9453125 L 89.945312 5.5820312 z M 23.939453 6.2324219 L 22.988281 6.5410156 L 21.914062 9.390625 L 20.013672 7.0136719 L 19.013672 7.0136719 L 19.013672 8.0136719 L 21.390625 9.9140625 L 18.541016 10.988281 L 18.232422 11.939453 L 19.183594 12.248047 L 21.726562 10.576172 L 21.867188 13.615234 L 22.677734 14.203125 L 23.265625 13.394531 L 22.458984 10.458984 L 25.394531 11.265625 L 26.203125 10.677734 L 25.615234 9.8671875 L 22.576172 9.7265625 L 24.248047 7.1835938 L 23.939453 6.2324219 z M 50.744141 6.3808594 L 51.203125 6.6152344 L 51.121094 7.1230469 L 50.615234 7.203125 L 50.380859 6.7441406 L 50.744141 6.3808594 z M 112.73828 7.0332031 L 111.78711 7.3417969 L 110.71484 10.189453 L 108.8125 7.8125 L 107.8125 7.8125 L 107.8125 8.8125 L 110.18945 10.714844 L 107.3418 11.787109 L 107.0332 12.738281 L 107.98438 13.048828 L 110.52734 11.375 L 110.66797 14.416016 L 111.47656 15.003906 L 112.06445 14.195312 L 111.25977 11.259766 L 114.19531 12.064453 L 115.00391 11.476562 L 114.41602 10.667969 L 111.375 10.527344 L 113.04883 7.984375 L 112.73828 7.0332031 z M 11.544922 7.1816406 L 12.001953 7.4140625 L 11.921875 7.921875 L 11.414062 8.0019531 L 11.181641 7.5449219 L 11.544922 7.1816406 z M 73.539062 7.8320312 L 72.587891 8.140625 L 71.513672 10.990234 L 69.613281 8.6132812 L 68.613281 8.6132812 L 68.613281 9.6132812 L 70.990234 11.513672 L 68.140625 12.587891 L 67.832031 13.539062 L 68.783203 13.847656 L 71.326172 12.175781 L 71.466797 15.214844 L 72.277344 15.802734 L 72.865234 14.994141 L 72.058594 12.058594 L 74.994141 12.865234 L 75.802734 12.277344 L 75.214844 11.466797 L 72.175781 11.326172 L 73.847656 8.7832031 L 73.539062 7.8320312 z M 100.34375 7.9804688 L 100.80273 8.2148438 L 100.7207 8.7226562 L 100.21484 8.8027344 L 99.980469 8.34375 L 100.34375 7.9804688 z M 34.337891 8.6328125 L 33.386719 8.9414062 L 32.314453 11.789062 L 30.412109 9.4121094 L 29.412109 9.4121094 L 29.412109 10.412109 L 31.789062 12.314453 L 28.941406 13.386719 L 28.632812 14.337891 L 29.583984 14.648438 L 32.126953 12.974609 L 32.267578 16.015625 L 33.076172 16.603516 L 33.664062 15.794922 L 32.859375 12.859375 L 35.794922 13.664062 L 36.603516 13.076172 L 36.015625 12.267578 L 32.974609 12.126953 L 34.648438 9.5839844 L 34.337891 8.6328125 z M 61.144531 8.78125 L 61.601562 9.0136719 L 61.521484 9.5214844 L 61.013672 9.6015625 L 60.78125 9.1445312 L 61.144531 8.78125 z M 123.13867 9.4316406 L 122.1875 9.7402344 L 121.11328 12.589844 L 119.21289 10.212891 L 118.21289 10.212891 L 118.21289 11.212891 L 120.58984 13.113281 L 117.74023 14.1875 L 117.43164 15.138672 L 118.38281 15.447266 L 120.92578 13.775391 L 121.06641 16.814453 L 121.87695 17.402344 L 122.46484 16.59375 L 121.6582 13.658203 L 124.59375 14.464844 L 125.40234 13.876953 L 124.81445 13.066406 L 121.77539 12.925781 L 123.44727 10.382812 L 123.13867 9.4316406 z M 21.945312 9.5820312 L 22.402344 9.8144531 L 22.322266 10.322266 L 21.814453 10.402344 L 21.582031 9.9453125 L 21.945312 9.5820312 z M 83.939453 10.232422 L 82.988281 10.541016 L 81.914062 13.390625 L 80.013672 11.013672 L 79.013672 11.013672 L 79.013672 12.013672 L 81.390625 13.914062 L 78.541016 14.988281 L 78.232422 15.939453 L 79.183594 16.248047 L 81.726562 14.576172 L 81.867188 17.615234 L 82.677734 18.203125 L 83.265625 17.394531 L 82.458984 14.458984 L 85.394531 15.265625 L 86.203125 14.677734 L 85.615234 13.867188 L 82.576172 13.726562 L 84.248047 11.183594 L 83.939453 10.232422 z M 110.74414 10.380859 L 111.20312 10.615234 L 111.12109 11.123047 L 110.61523 11.203125 L 110.38086 10.744141 L 110.74414 10.380859 z M 44.738281 11.033203 L 43.787109 11.341797 L 42.714844 14.189453 L 40.8125 11.8125 L 39.8125 11.8125 L 39.8125 12.8125 L 42.189453 14.714844 L 39.341797 15.787109 L 39.033203 16.738281 L 39.984375 17.048828 L 42.527344 15.375 L 42.667969 18.416016 L 43.476562 19.003906 L 44.064453 18.195312 L 43.259766 15.259766 L 46.195312 16.064453 L 47.003906 15.476562 L 46.416016 14.667969 L 43.375 14.527344 L 45.048828 11.984375 L 44.738281 11.033203 z M 71.544922 11.181641 L 72.001953 11.414062 L 71.921875 11.921875 L 71.414062 12.001953 L 71.181641 11.544922 L 71.544922 11.181641 z M 5.5390625 11.832031 L 4.5878906 12.140625 L 3.5136719 14.990234 L 1.6132812 12.613281 L 0.61328125 12.613281 L 0.61328125 13.613281 L 2.9902344 15.513672 L 0.140625 16.587891 L 0 17.021484 L 0 17.59375 L 0.78320312 17.847656 L 3.3261719 16.175781 L 3.4667969 19.214844 L 4.2773438 19.802734 L 4.8652344 18.994141 L 4.0585938 16.058594 L 6.9941406 16.865234 L 7.8027344 16.277344 L 7.2148438 15.466797 L 4.1757812 15.326172 L 5.8476562 12.783203 L 5.5390625 11.832031 z M 32.34375 11.980469 L 32.802734 12.214844 L 32.720703 12.722656 L 32.214844 12.802734 L 31.980469 12.34375 L 32.34375 11.980469 z M 94.337891 12.632812 L 93.386719 12.941406 L 92.314453 15.789062 L 90.412109 13.412109 L 89.412109 13.412109 L 89.412109 14.412109 L 91.789062 16.314453 L 88.941406 17.386719 L 88.632812 18.337891 L 89.583984 18.648438 L 92.126953 16.974609 L 92.267578 20.015625 L 93.076172 20.603516 L 93.664062 19.794922 L 92.859375 16.859375 L 95.794922 17.664062 L 96.603516 17.076172 L 96.015625 16.267578 L 92.974609 16.126953 L 94.648438 13.583984 L 94.337891 12.632812 z M 121.14453 12.78125 L 121.60156 13.013672 L 121.52148 13.521484 L 121.01367 13.601562 L 120.78125 13.144531 L 121.14453 12.78125 z M 55.138672 13.431641 L 54.1875 13.740234 L 53.113281 16.589844 L 51.212891 14.212891 L 50.212891 14.212891 L 50.212891 15.212891 L 52.589844 17.113281 L 49.740234 18.1875 L 49.431641 19.138672 L 50.382812 19.447266 L 52.925781 17.775391 L 53.066406 20.814453 L 53.876953 21.402344 L 54.464844 20.59375 L 53.658203 17.658203 L 56.59375 18.464844 L 57.402344 17.876953 L 56.814453 17.066406 L 53.775391 16.925781 L 55.447266 14.382812 L 55.138672 13.431641 z M 81.945312 13.582031 L 82.402344 13.814453 L 82.322266 14.322266 L 81.814453 14.402344 L 81.582031 13.945312 L 81.945312 13.582031 z M 15.939453 14.232422 L 14.988281 14.541016 L 13.914062 17.390625 L 12.013672 15.013672 L 11.013672 15.013672 L 11.013672 16.013672 L 13.390625 17.914062 L 10.541016 18.988281 L 10.232422 19.939453 L 11.183594 20.248047 L 13.726562 18.576172 L 13.867188 21.615234 L 14.677734 22.203125 L 15.265625 21.394531 L 14.458984 18.458984 L 17.394531 19.265625 L 18.203125 18.677734 L 17.615234 17.867188 L 14.576172 17.726562 L 16.248047 15.183594 L 15.939453 14.232422 z M 42.744141 14.380859 L 43.203125 14.615234 L 43.121094 15.123047 L 42.615234 15.203125 L 42.380859 14.744141 L 42.744141 14.380859 z M 104.73828 15.033203 L 103.78711 15.341797 L 102.71484 18.189453 L 100.8125 15.8125 L 99.8125 15.8125 L 99.8125 16.8125 L 102.18945 18.714844 L 99.341797 19.787109 L 99.033203 20.738281 L 99.984375 21.048828 L 102.52734 19.375 L 102.66797 22.416016 L 103.47656 23.003906 L 104.06445 22.195312 L 103.25977 19.259766 L 106.19531 20.064453 L 107.00391 19.476562 L 106.41602 18.667969 L 103.375 18.527344 L 105.04883 15.984375 L 104.73828 15.033203 z M 3.5449219 15.181641 L 4.0019531 15.414062 L 3.921875 15.921875 L 3.4140625 16.001953 L 3.1816406 15.544922 L 3.5449219 15.181641 z M 65.539062 15.832031 L 64.587891 16.140625 L 63.513672 18.990234 L 61.613281 16.613281 L 60.613281 16.613281 L 60.613281 17.613281 L 62.990234 19.513672 L 60.140625 20.587891 L 59.832031 21.539062 L 60.783203 21.847656 L 63.326172 20.175781 L 63.466797 23.214844 L 64.277344 23.802734 L 64.865234 22.994141 L 64.058594 20.058594 L 66.994141 20.865234 L 67.802734 20.277344 L 67.214844 19.466797 L 64.175781 19.326172 L 65.847656 16.783203 L 65.539062 15.832031 z M 92.34375 15.980469 L 92.802734 16.214844 L 92.720703 16.722656 L 92.214844 16.802734 L 91.980469 16.34375 L 92.34375 15.980469 z M 26.337891 16.632812 L 25.386719 16.941406 L 24.314453 19.789062 L 22.412109 17.412109 L 21.412109 17.412109 L 21.412109 18.412109 L 23.789062 20.314453 L 20.941406 21.386719 L 20.632812 22.337891 L 21.583984 22.648438 L 24.126953 20.974609 L 24.267578 24.015625 L 25.076172 24.603516 L 25.664062 23.794922 L 24.859375 20.859375 L 27.794922 21.664062 L 28.603516 21.076172 L 28.015625 20.267578 L 24.974609 20.126953 L 26.648438 17.583984 L 26.337891 16.632812 z M 53.144531 16.78125 L 53.601562 17.013672 L 53.521484 17.521484 L 53.013672 17.601562 L 52.78125 17.144531 L 53.144531 16.78125 z M 128 17.021484 L 127.83203 17.539062 L 128 17.59375 L 128 17.021484 z M 115.13867 17.431641 L 114.1875 17.740234 L 113.11328 20.589844 L 111.21289 18.212891 L 110.21289 18.212891 L 110.21289 19.212891 L 112.58984 21.113281 L 109.74023 22.1875 L 109.43164 23.138672 L 110.38281 23.447266 L 112.92578 21.775391 L 113.06641 24.814453 L 113.87695 25.402344 L 114.46484 24.59375 L 113.6582 21.658203 L 116.59375 22.464844 L 117.40234 21.876953 L 116.81445 21.066406 L 113.77539 20.925781 L 115.44727 18.382812 L 115.13867 17.431641 z M 13.945312 17.582031 L 14.402344 17.814453 L 14.322266 18.322266 L 13.814453 18.402344 L 13.582031 17.945312 L 13.945312 17.582031 z M 75.939453 18.232422 L 74.988281 18.541016 L 73.914062 21.390625 L 72.013672 19.013672 L 71.013672 19.013672 L 71.013672 20.013672 L 73.390625 21.914062 L 70.541016 22.988281 L 70.232422 23.939453 L 71.183594 24.248047 L 73.726562 22.576172 L 73.867188 25.615234 L 74.677734 26.203125 L 75.265625 25.394531 L 74.458984 22.458984 L 77.394531 23.265625 L 78.203125 22.677734 L 77.615234 21.867188 L 74.576172 21.726562 L 76.248047 19.183594 L 75.939453 18.232422 z M 102.74414 18.380859 L 103.20312 18.615234 L 103.12109 19.123047 L 102.61523 19.203125 L 102.38086 18.744141 L 102.74414 18.380859 z M 36.738281 19.033203 L 35.787109 19.341797 L 34.714844 22.189453 L 32.8125 19.8125 L 31.8125 19.8125 L 31.8125 20.8125 L 34.189453 22.714844 L 31.341797 23.787109 L 31.033203 24.738281 L 31.984375 25.048828 L 34.527344 23.375 L 34.667969 26.416016 L 35.476562 27.003906 L 36.064453 26.195312 L 35.259766 23.259766 L 38.195312 24.064453 L 39.003906 23.476562 L 38.416016 22.667969 L 35.375 22.527344 L 37.048828 19.984375 L 36.738281 19.033203 z M 63.544922 19.181641 L 64.001953 19.414062 L 63.921875 19.921875 L 63.414062 20.001953 L 63.181641 19.544922 L 63.544922 19.181641 z M 125.53906 19.832031 L 124.58789 20.140625 L 123.51367 22.990234 L 121.61328 20.613281 L 120.61328 20.613281 L 120.61328 21.613281 L 122.99023 23.513672 L 120.14062 24.587891 L 119.83203 25.539062 L 120.7832 25.847656 L 123.32617 24.175781 L 123.4668 27.214844 L 124.27734 27.802734 L 124.86523 26.994141 L 124.05859 24.058594 L 126.99414 24.865234 L 127.80273 24.277344 L 127.21484 23.466797 L 124.17578 23.326172 L 125.84766 20.783203 L 125.53906 19.832031 z M 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L 5.7402344 126.1875 L 5.4316406 127.13867 L 6.3828125 127.44727 L 8.9257812 125.77539 L 9.0292969 128 L 10.300781 128 L 9.6582031 125.6582 L 12.59375 126.46484 L 13.402344 125.87695 L 12.814453 125.06641 L 9.7753906 124.92578 L 11.447266 122.38281 L 11.138672 121.43164 z M 37.945312 121.58203 L 38.402344 121.81445 L 38.322266 122.32227 L 37.814453 122.40234 L 37.582031 121.94531 L 37.945312 121.58203 z M 99.939453 122.23242 L 98.988281 122.54102 L 97.914062 125.39062 L 96.013672 123.01367 L 95.013672 123.01367 L 95.013672 124.01367 L 97.390625 125.91406 L 94.541016 126.98828 L 94.232422 127.93945 L 94.419922 128 L 95.560547 128 L 97.726562 126.57617 L 97.792969 128 L 98.882812 128 L 98.458984 126.45898 L 101.39453 127.26562 L 102.20312 126.67773 L 101.61523 125.86719 L 98.576172 125.72656 L 100.24805 123.18359 L 99.939453 122.23242 z M 126.74414 122.38086 L 127.20312 122.61523 L 127.12109 123.12305 L 126.61523 123.20312 L 126.38086 122.74414 L 126.74414 122.38086 z M 0 122.55664 L 0 123.46289 L 2.1953125 124.06445 L 3.0039062 123.47656 L 2.4160156 122.66797 L 0 122.55664 z M 60.738281 123.0332 L 59.787109 123.3418 L 58.714844 126.18945 L 56.8125 123.8125 L 55.8125 123.8125 L 55.8125 124.8125 L 58.189453 126.71484 L 55.341797 127.78711 L 55.273438 128 L 57.578125 128 L 58.527344 127.375 L 58.556641 128 L 59.462891 128 L 59.259766 127.25977 L 61.960938 128 L 62.283203 128 L 63.003906 127.47656 L 62.416016 126.66797 L 59.375 126.52734 L 61.048828 123.98438 L 60.738281 123.0332 z M 87.544922 123.18164 L 88.001953 123.41406 L 87.921875 123.92188 L 87.414062 124.00195 L 87.181641 123.54492 L 87.544922 123.18164 z M 21.539062 123.83203 L 20.587891 124.14062 L 19.513672 126.99023 L 17.613281 124.61328 L 16.613281 124.61328 L 16.613281 125.61328 L 18.990234 127.51367 L 17.699219 128 L 19.412109 128 L 19.181641 127.54492 L 19.544922 127.18164 L 20.001953 127.41406 L 19.921875 127.92188 L 19.425781 128 L 23.601562 128 L 23.214844 127.4668 L 20.175781 127.32617 L 21.847656 124.7832 L 21.539062 123.83203 z M 48.34375 123.98047 L 48.802734 124.21484 L 48.720703 124.72266 L 48.214844 124.80273 L 47.980469 124.34375 L 48.34375 123.98047 z M 110.33789 124.63281 L 109.38672 124.94141 L 108.31445 127.78906 L 106.41211 125.41211 L 105.41211 125.41211 L 105.41211 126.41211 L 107.39648 128 L 108.32422 128 L 108.34375 127.98047 L 108.38281 128 L 109.05859 128 L 110.64844 125.58398 L 110.33789 124.63281 z M 9.1445312 124.78125 L 9.6015625 125.01367 L 9.5214844 125.52148 L 9.0136719 125.60156 L 8.78125 125.14453 L 9.1445312 124.78125 z M 71.138672 125.43164 L 70.1875 125.74023 L 69.335938 128 L 70.384766 128 L 71.447266 126.38281 L 71.138672 125.43164 z M 97.945312 125.58203 L 98.402344 125.81445 L 98.322266 126.32227 L 97.814453 126.40234 L 97.582031 125.94531 L 97.945312 125.58203 z M 0 125.96094 L 0 126.2832 L 0.064453125 126.19531 L 0 125.96094 z M 66.212891 126.21289 L 66.212891 127.21289 L 67.197266 128 L 68.642578 128 L 67.212891 126.21289 L 66.212891 126.21289 z M 31.939453 126.23242 L 30.988281 126.54102 L 30.4375 128 L 31.710938 128 L 32.248047 127.18359 L 31.939453 126.23242 z M 58.744141 126.38086 L 59.203125 126.61523 L 59.121094 127.12305 L 58.615234 127.20312 L 58.380859 126.74414 L 58.744141 126.38086 z M 27.013672 127.01367 L 27.013672 128 L 28.802734 128 L 28.013672 127.01367 L 27.013672 127.01367 z M 120.73828 127.0332 L 119.78711 127.3418 L 119.53906 128 L 121.03906 128 L 121.04883 127.98438 L 120.73828 127.0332 z M 115.8125 127.8125 L 115.8125 128 L 116.96289 128 L 116.8125 127.8125 L 115.8125 127.8125 z M 81.539062 127.83203 L 81.021484 128 L 81.59375 128 L 81.539062 127.83203 z " />
+  <rect
+     width="128"
+     height="128"
+     rx="0"
+     x="0"
+     y="0"
+     id="rect8566"
+     style="fill:none;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none" />
+  <desc
+     id="desc400">Created with Snap</desc>

The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+The rendering for the flowerbed is split into two patterns: one for mid-zoom levels, and one for high zoom levels.
+### Flowerbed mid zoom
+The pattern is generated using [jsdotpattern (command sequence is recorded)](https://imagico.de/map/jsdotpattern.php#x,128,jdp47459;gv,6,32,32;tr;ts;rd,0,0,0,dot,0.125,4,4,0,jdp75205,eef6c0,cdebb0;).
+Generated SVG image is sanitized for use with Mapnik by the script svg_pattern.sh from the jsdotpattern repository at http://github.com/imagico/jsdotpattern.
+The final file is `flowerbed_mid_zoom.svg`
+### Flowerbed high zoom
+The pattern is generated using [jsdotpattern (command sequence is recorded)](https://imagico.de/map/jsdotpattern.php#x,128,jdp62563;gv,15,32,32;tr;rd,0,0,0,flower1,1,5,5,0,jdp49618,eef6c0,cdebb0;).
+Generated SVG image is sanitized for use with Mapnik by the script svg_pattern.sh from the jsdotpattern repository at http://github.com/imagico/jsdotpattern.
+The final file is `flowerbed_high_zoom.svg`

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/openstreetmap-carto/-/compare/84d1cd61ab95c9361a587d924637092ff16bf34f...9c69285d265d0c0304a6ad2650ac0a595be2a5c8

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/openstreetmap-carto/-/compare/84d1cd61ab95c9361a587d924637092ff16bf34f...9c69285d265d0c0304a6ad2650ac0a595be2a5c8
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