[Git][debian-gis-team/mkgmap][master] 4 commits: New upstream version 0.0.0+svn4919

Bas Couwenberg (@sebastic) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Wed May 1 04:24:58 BST 2024

Bas Couwenberg pushed to branch master at Debian GIS Project / mkgmap

9beab52e by Bas Couwenberg at 2024-05-01T05:19:59+02:00
New upstream version 0.0.0+svn4919
- - - - -
d39665c8 by Bas Couwenberg at 2024-05-01T05:20:11+02:00
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/0.0.0+svn4919'

Update to upstream version '0.0.0+svn4919'
with Debian dir 56527a7e62f40dea3cfa1be7c7c7a0bcfb42814e
- - - - -
fa06a1e5 by Bas Couwenberg at 2024-05-01T05:21:18+02:00
New upstream SVN snapshot.

- - - - -
fd15b202 by Bas Couwenberg at 2024-05-01T05:21:58+02:00
Set distribution to unstable.

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- debian/changelog
- resources/mkgmap-version.properties
- src/uk/me/parabola/imgfmt/sys/ImgFS.java


@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+mkgmap (0.0.0+svn4919-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * New upstream SVN snapshot.
+ -- Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org>  Wed, 01 May 2024 05:21:48 +0200
 mkgmap (0.0.0+svn4918-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New upstream SVN snapshot.

@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-svn.version: 4918
-build.timestamp: 2024-03-06T07:04:17+0000
+svn.version: 4919
+build.timestamp: 2024-04-04T10:16:18+0100

@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ public class ImgFS implements FileSystem {
 		int bestBlockSize = 0;
 		int reserved = 0;
 		int sizeInBlocks = 0;
-		int bestSize = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+		long bestSize = Long.MAX_VALUE;
 		for (int blockSize = param.getBlockSize(); blockSize < (1 << 24); blockSize <<= 1) {
 			int headerSlotsRequired = 1;  // for the top level directory entry
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ public class ImgFS implements FileSystem {
 			int requiredSlots = param.getDirectoryStartEntry() + headerSlotsRequired;
 			int headerBlocks = (requiredSlots * ENTRY_SIZE + blockSize - 1) / blockSize;
 			int totalBlocks = headerBlocks + fileBlocks;
-			int size = totalBlocks * blockSize;
+			long size = (long) totalBlocks * blockSize;
 			log.infof("bs=%d, whole size=%d, hb=%d, fb=%d, blocks=%d", blockSize, size,
 					headerBlocks, fileBlocks, totalBlocks);

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/mkgmap/-/compare/6eb6aaae882cd6e6edb16cff58d11f13d2a657b8...fd15b20254c558685409ea1906bc8ea0b74b292a

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/mkgmap/-/compare/6eb6aaae882cd6e6edb16cff58d11f13d2a657b8...fd15b20254c558685409ea1906bc8ea0b74b292a
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