[Git][debian-gis-team/antimeridian][upstream] New upstream version 0.3.5

Antonio Valentino (@antonio.valentino) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Wed May 8 06:16:58 BST 2024

Antonio Valentino pushed to branch upstream at Debian GIS Project / antimeridian

0d8532d9 by Antonio Valentino at 2024-05-08T04:56:33+00:00
New upstream version 0.3.5
- - - - -

7 changed files:

- .pre-commit-config.yaml
- pyproject.toml
- src/antimeridian/_implementation.py
- + tests/data/input/issues-81.json
- + tests/data/output/issues-81.json
- tests/test_polygon.py


@@ -6,24 +6,17 @@ repos:
       - id: end-of-file-fixer
       - id: check-yaml
       - id: check-added-large-files
-  - repo: https://github.com/psf/black
-    rev: 24.3.0
-    hooks:
-      - id: black
-  - repo: https://github.com/adamchainz/blacken-docs
-    rev: "1.16.0"
-    hooks:
-      - id: blacken-docs
-        additional_dependencies:
-          - black~=23.3
   - repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/mirrors-mypy
     rev: v1.9.0
       - id: mypy
           - click~=8.1.6
-          - pytest~=7.3
+          - pytest~=8.0
   - repo: https://github.com/charliermarsh/ruff-pre-commit
     rev: v0.3.4
       - id: ruff
+        types_or: [python, pyi, jupyter]
+      - id: ruff-format
+        types_or: [python, pyi, jupyter]

@@ -6,7 +6,13 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/),
 ## [Unreleased]
-## [0.3.4]
+## [0.3.5] - 2024-05-05
+### Fixed
+- Correct the case when neighboring points are on 180 and -180 and are not part of a latitude band ([#114](https://github.com/gadomski/antimeridian/pull/114))
+## [0.3.4] - 2024-03-29
 ### Fixed
@@ -122,7 +128,9 @@ This v0.1.0 release is to indicate that we think that this package is ready to u
 Initial release.
-[unreleased]: https://github.com/gadomski/antimeridian/compare/v0.3.3...HEAD
+[unreleased]: https://github.com/gadomski/antimeridian/compare/v0.3.5...HEAD
+[0.3.5]: https://github.com/gadomsk/antimeridian/compare/v0.3.4...v0.3.5
+[0.3.4]: https://github.com/gadomsk/antimeridian/compare/v0.3.3...v0.3.4
 [0.3.3]: https://github.com/gadomsk/antimeridian/compare/v0.3.2...v0.3.3
 [0.3.2]: https://github.com/gadomsk/antimeridian/compare/v0.3.1...v0.3.2
 [0.3.1]: https://github.com/gadomsk/antimeridian/compare/v0.3.0...v0.3.1

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 name = "antimeridian"
-version = "0.3.4"
+version = "0.3.5"
 authors = [{ name = "Pete Gadomski", email = "pete.gadomski at gmail.com" }]
 description = "Fix GeoJSON geometries that cross the antimeridian"
 readme = "README.md"
@@ -21,14 +21,12 @@ Changelog = "https://github.com/gadomski/antimeridian/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md"
 cli = ["click~=8.1.6"]
 dev = [
-    "black~=24.0",
-    "blacken-docs~=1.13",
-    "ruff==0.3.4",
+    "ruff~=0.4.2",
     "tomli~=2.0; python_version<'3.11'",
     "typing_extensions; python_version<'3.10'",
@@ -62,7 +60,7 @@ ignore_missing_imports = true
 filterwarnings = ["error"]
-select = ["F", "E", "W", "I", "ERA", "RUF"]
+lint.select = ["F", "E", "W", "I", "ERA", "RUF"]
 requires = ["setuptools >= 64"]

@@ -381,8 +381,10 @@ def fix_polygon_to_list(
     force_south_pole: bool,
     fix_winding: bool,
 ) -> List[Polygon]:
-    segments = segment(list(polygon.exterior.coords))
+    exterior = normalize(list(polygon.exterior.coords))
+    segments = segment(exterior)
     if not segments:
+        polygon = Polygon(shell=exterior, holes=polygon.interiors)
         if fix_winding and (
             not shapely.is_ccw(polygon.exterior)
             or any(shapely.is_ccw(interior) for interior in polygon.interiors)
@@ -425,18 +427,40 @@ def fix_polygon_to_list(
     return polygons
-def segment(coords: List[XY]) -> List[List[XY]]:
-    segment = []
-    segments = []
+def normalize(coords: List[XY]) -> List[XY]:
+    original = list(coords)
+    all_are_on_antimeridian = True
     for i, point in enumerate(coords):
         # Ensure all longitudes are between -180 and 180, and that tiny floating
         # point differences are ignored.
         if numpy.isclose(point[0], 180):
-            coords[i] = (180, point[1])
+            # https://github.com/gadomski/antimeridian/issues/81
+            if abs(coords[i][1]) != 90 and numpy.isclose(
+                coords[(i - 1) % len(coords)][0], -180
+            ):
+                coords[i] = (-180, point[1])
+            else:
+                coords[i] = (180, point[1])
         elif numpy.isclose(point[0], -180):
-            coords[i] = (-180, point[1])
+            # https://github.com/gadomski/antimeridian/issues/81
+            if abs(coords[i][1]) != 90 and numpy.isclose(
+                coords[(i - 1) % len(coords)][0], 180
+            ):
+                coords[i] = (180, point[1])
+            else:
+                coords[i] = (-180, point[1])
             coords[i] = (((point[0] + 180) % 360) - 180, point[1])
+            all_are_on_antimeridian = False
+    if all_are_on_antimeridian:
+        return original
+    else:
+        return coords
+def segment(coords: List[XY]) -> List[List[XY]]:
+    segment = []
+    segments = []
     for start, end in zip(coords, coords[1:]):
         if (end[0] - start[0] > 180) and (end[0] - start[0] != 360):  # left

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+  "type": "Polygon",
+  "coordinates": [
+    [
+      [
+        166,
+        77
+      ],
+      [
+        180,
+        78
+      ],
+      [
+        -180,
+        81
+      ],
+      [
+        162,
+        81
+      ],
+      [
+        166,
+        77
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+  "type": "Polygon",
+  "coordinates": [
+    [
+      [
+        166,
+        77
+      ],
+      [
+        180,
+        78
+      ],
+      [
+        180,
+        81
+      ],
+      [
+        162,
+        81
+      ],
+      [
+        166,
+        77
+      ]
+    ]
+  ]

@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ from .conftest import Reader
+        "issues-81",

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/antimeridian/-/commit/0d8532d91aea721587852bb0a0a78d1fb46cafe9

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/antimeridian/-/commit/0d8532d91aea721587852bb0a0a78d1fb46cafe9
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