[Git][debian-gis-team/satpy][master] 2 commits: Re-enable tests with lazy-fixture

Antonio Valentino (@antonio.valentino) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu May 16 06:44:09 BST 2024

Antonio Valentino pushed to branch master at Debian GIS Project / satpy

beeb02e5 by Antonio Valentino at 2024-05-16T05:17:11+00:00
Re-enable tests with lazy-fixture

- - - - -
d68befec by Antonio Valentino at 2024-05-16T05:17:47+00:00
Set distribution to unstable

- - - - -

5 changed files:

- debian/changelog
- debian/control
- − debian/patches/0009-No-lazy-fixture.patch
- + debian/patches/0009-Switch-to-pytest-lazy-fixtures.patch
- debian/patches/series


@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+satpy (0.48.0-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * debian/patches:
+    - Drop 0009-No-lazy-fixture.patch.
+    - New 0009-Switch-to-pytest-lazy-fixtures.patch.
+  * debian/control:
+    - Add dependency on pytest-lazy-fixtures.
+ -- Antonio Valentino <antonio.valentino at tiscali.it>  Thu, 16 May 2024 05:17:29 +0000
 satpy (0.48.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release.

@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13),
                python3-pyresample (>= 1.24.0),
                python3-pytest <!nocheck>,
+               python3-pytest-lazy-fixtures <!nocheck>,
@@ -118,6 +119,7 @@ Recommends: libjs-mathjax,
+            python3-pytest-lazy-fixtures,

debian/patches/0009-No-lazy-fixture.patch deleted
@@ -1,1617 +0,0 @@
-From: Antonio Valentino <antonio.valentino at tiscali.it>
-Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2024 07:29:13 +0000
-Subject: No lazy fixture
-Forwarded: not-needed
- .../reader_tests/modis_tests/test_modis_l1b.py     | 146 +++----
- .../reader_tests/modis_tests/test_modis_l2.py      | 202 ++++-----
- .../reader_tests/modis_tests/test_modis_l3.py      |  74 ++--
- satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_abi_l1b.py           |  94 ++---
- satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_fci_l1c_nc.py        | 454 ++++++++++-----------
- satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_goci2_l2_nc.py       |  98 ++---
- satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_seadas_l2.py         |  86 ++--
- satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_viirs_edr.py         | 172 ++++----
- satpy/tests/test_modifiers.py                      |  32 +-
- satpy/tests/test_readers.py                        |  52 +--
- 10 files changed, 705 insertions(+), 705 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/satpy/tests/reader_tests/modis_tests/test_modis_l1b.py b/satpy/tests/reader_tests/modis_tests/test_modis_l1b.py
-index d4998a6..2dccfd7 100644
---- a/satpy/tests/reader_tests/modis_tests/test_modis_l1b.py
-+++ b/satpy/tests/reader_tests/modis_tests/test_modis_l1b.py
-@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ from __future__ import annotations
- import dask
- import numpy as np
- import pytest
--from pytest_lazyfixture import lazy_fixture
-+# from pytest_lazyfixture import lazy_fixture
- from satpy import Scene, available_readers
- from satpy.tests.utils import CustomScheduler, make_dataid
-@@ -97,78 +97,78 @@ class TestModisL1b:
-         """Test that MODIS L1b reader is available."""
-         assert "modis_l1b" in available_readers()
--    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
--        ("input_files", "expected_names", "expected_data_res", "expected_geo_res"),
--        [
--            (lazy_fixture("modis_l1b_nasa_mod021km_file"),
--             [1000], [5000, 1000]),
--            (lazy_fixture("modis_l1b_imapp_1000m_file"),
--             [1000], [5000, 1000]),
--            (lazy_fixture("modis_l1b_nasa_mod02hkm_file"),
--             AVAILABLE_HKM_PRODUCT_NAMES + AVAILABLE_QKM_PRODUCT_NAMES, [500], [1000, 500, 250]),
--        (lazy_fixture("modis_l1b_nasa_mod02qkm_file"),
--             AVAILABLE_QKM_PRODUCT_NAMES, [250], [1000, 500, 250]),
--        ]
--    )
--    def test_scene_available_datasets(self, input_files, expected_names, expected_data_res, expected_geo_res):
--        """Test that datasets are available."""
--        scene = Scene(reader="modis_l1b", filenames=input_files)
--        available_datasets = scene.available_dataset_names()
--        assert len(available_datasets) > 0
--        assert "longitude" in available_datasets
--        assert "latitude" in available_datasets
--        for chan_name in expected_names:
--            assert chan_name in available_datasets
--        available_data_ids = scene.available_dataset_ids()
--        available_datas = {x: [] for x in expected_data_res}
--        available_geos = {x: [] for x in expected_geo_res}
--        # Make sure that every resolution from the reader is what we expect
--        for data_id in available_data_ids:
--            res = data_id["resolution"]
--            if data_id["name"] in ["longitude", "latitude"]:
--                assert res in expected_geo_res
--                available_geos[res].append(data_id)
--            else:
--                assert res in expected_data_res
--                available_datas[res].append(data_id)
--        # Make sure that every resolution we expect has at least one dataset
--        for exp_res, avail_id in available_datas.items():
--            assert avail_id, f"Missing datasets for data resolution {exp_res}"
--        for exp_res, avail_id in available_geos.items():
--            assert avail_id, f"Missing geo datasets for geo resolution {exp_res}"
--    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
--        ("input_files", "has_5km", "has_500", "has_250", "default_res"),
--        [
--            (lazy_fixture("modis_l1b_nasa_mod021km_file"),
--             True, False, False, 1000),
--            (lazy_fixture("modis_l1b_imapp_1000m_file"),
--             True, False, False, 1000),
--            (lazy_fixture("modis_l1b_nasa_mod02hkm_file"),
--             False, True, True, 250),
--            (lazy_fixture("modis_l1b_nasa_mod02qkm_file"),
--             False, True, True, 250),
--            (lazy_fixture("modis_l1b_nasa_1km_mod03_files"),
--             True, True, True, 250),
--        ]
--    )
--    def test_load_longitude_latitude(self, input_files, has_5km, has_500, has_250, default_res):
--        """Test that longitude and latitude datasets are loaded correctly."""
--        scene = Scene(reader="modis_l1b", filenames=input_files)
--        shape_5km = _shape_for_resolution(5000)
--        shape_500m = _shape_for_resolution(500)
--        shape_250m = _shape_for_resolution(250)
--        default_shape = _shape_for_resolution(default_res)
--        scheduler = CustomScheduler(max_computes=1 + has_5km + has_500 + has_250)
--        with dask.config.set({"scheduler": scheduler, "array.chunk-size": "1 MiB"}):
--            _load_and_check_geolocation(scene, "*", default_res, default_shape, True)
--            _load_and_check_geolocation(scene, 5000, 5000, shape_5km, has_5km)
--            _load_and_check_geolocation(scene, 500, 500, shape_500m, has_500)
--            _load_and_check_geolocation(scene, 250, 250, shape_250m, has_250)
-+#     @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-+#         ("input_files", "expected_names", "expected_data_res", "expected_geo_res"),
-+#         [
-+#             (lazy_fixture("modis_l1b_nasa_mod021km_file"),
-+#              [1000], [5000, 1000]),
-+#             (lazy_fixture("modis_l1b_imapp_1000m_file"),
-+#              [1000], [5000, 1000]),
-+#             (lazy_fixture("modis_l1b_nasa_mod02hkm_file"),
-+#              AVAILABLE_HKM_PRODUCT_NAMES + AVAILABLE_QKM_PRODUCT_NAMES, [500], [1000, 500, 250]),
-+#         (lazy_fixture("modis_l1b_nasa_mod02qkm_file"),
-+#              AVAILABLE_QKM_PRODUCT_NAMES, [250], [1000, 500, 250]),
-+#         ]
-+#     )
-+#     def test_scene_available_datasets(self, input_files, expected_names, expected_data_res, expected_geo_res):
-+#         """Test that datasets are available."""
-+#         scene = Scene(reader="modis_l1b", filenames=input_files)
-+#         available_datasets = scene.available_dataset_names()
-+#         assert len(available_datasets) > 0
-+#         assert "longitude" in available_datasets
-+#         assert "latitude" in available_datasets
-+#         for chan_name in expected_names:
-+#             assert chan_name in available_datasets
-+#         available_data_ids = scene.available_dataset_ids()
-+#         available_datas = {x: [] for x in expected_data_res}
-+#         available_geos = {x: [] for x in expected_geo_res}
-+#         # Make sure that every resolution from the reader is what we expect
-+#         for data_id in available_data_ids:
-+#             res = data_id["resolution"]
-+#             if data_id["name"] in ["longitude", "latitude"]:
-+#                 assert res in expected_geo_res
-+#                 available_geos[res].append(data_id)
-+#             else:
-+#                 assert res in expected_data_res
-+#                 available_datas[res].append(data_id)
-+#         # Make sure that every resolution we expect has at least one dataset
-+#         for exp_res, avail_id in available_datas.items():
-+#             assert avail_id, f"Missing datasets for data resolution {exp_res}"
-+#         for exp_res, avail_id in available_geos.items():
-+#             assert avail_id, f"Missing geo datasets for geo resolution {exp_res}"
-+#     @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-+#         ("input_files", "has_5km", "has_500", "has_250", "default_res"),
-+#         [
-+#             (lazy_fixture("modis_l1b_nasa_mod021km_file"),
-+#              True, False, False, 1000),
-+#             (lazy_fixture("modis_l1b_imapp_1000m_file"),
-+#              True, False, False, 1000),
-+#             (lazy_fixture("modis_l1b_nasa_mod02hkm_file"),
-+#              False, True, True, 250),
-+#             (lazy_fixture("modis_l1b_nasa_mod02qkm_file"),
-+#              False, True, True, 250),
-+#             (lazy_fixture("modis_l1b_nasa_1km_mod03_files"),
-+#              True, True, True, 250),
-+#         ]
-+#     )
-+#     def test_load_longitude_latitude(self, input_files, has_5km, has_500, has_250, default_res):
-+#         """Test that longitude and latitude datasets are loaded correctly."""
-+#         scene = Scene(reader="modis_l1b", filenames=input_files)
-+#         shape_5km = _shape_for_resolution(5000)
-+#         shape_500m = _shape_for_resolution(500)
-+#         shape_250m = _shape_for_resolution(250)
-+#         default_shape = _shape_for_resolution(default_res)
-+#         scheduler = CustomScheduler(max_computes=1 + has_5km + has_500 + has_250)
-+#         with dask.config.set({"scheduler": scheduler, "array.chunk-size": "1 MiB"}):
-+#             _load_and_check_geolocation(scene, "*", default_res, default_shape, True)
-+#             _load_and_check_geolocation(scene, 5000, 5000, shape_5km, has_5km)
-+#             _load_and_check_geolocation(scene, 500, 500, shape_500m, has_500)
-+#             _load_and_check_geolocation(scene, 250, 250, shape_250m, has_250)
-     def test_load_sat_zenith_angle(self, modis_l1b_nasa_mod021km_file):
-         """Test loading satellite zenith angle band."""
-diff --git a/satpy/tests/reader_tests/modis_tests/test_modis_l2.py b/satpy/tests/reader_tests/modis_tests/test_modis_l2.py
-index 8876dec..a88d1d7 100644
---- a/satpy/tests/reader_tests/modis_tests/test_modis_l2.py
-+++ b/satpy/tests/reader_tests/modis_tests/test_modis_l2.py
-@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import dask
- import dask.array as da
- import numpy as np
- import pytest
--from pytest_lazyfixture import lazy_fixture
-+# from pytest_lazyfixture import lazy_fixture
- from satpy import Scene, available_readers
- from satpy.tests.utils import CustomScheduler, make_dataid
-@@ -69,30 +69,30 @@ class TestModisL2:
-         assert "latitude" in available_datasets
-         assert "longitude" in available_datasets
--    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
--        ("input_files", "has_5km", "has_500", "has_250", "default_res"),
--        [
--            (lazy_fixture("modis_l2_nasa_mod35_file"),
--             True, False, False, 1000),
--        ]
--    )
--    def test_load_longitude_latitude(self, input_files, has_5km, has_500, has_250, default_res):
--        """Test that longitude and latitude datasets are loaded correctly."""
--        from .test_modis_l1b import _load_and_check_geolocation
--        scene = Scene(reader="modis_l2", filenames=input_files)
--        shape_5km = _shape_for_resolution(5000)
--        shape_500m = _shape_for_resolution(500)
--        shape_250m = _shape_for_resolution(250)
--        default_shape = _shape_for_resolution(default_res)
--        with dask.config.set(scheduler=CustomScheduler(max_computes=1 + has_5km + has_500 + has_250)):
--            _load_and_check_geolocation(scene, "*", default_res, default_shape, True,
--                                        check_callback=_check_shared_metadata)
--            _load_and_check_geolocation(scene, 5000, 5000, shape_5km, has_5km,
--                                        check_callback=_check_shared_metadata)
--            _load_and_check_geolocation(scene, 500, 500, shape_500m, has_500,
--                                        check_callback=_check_shared_metadata)
--            _load_and_check_geolocation(scene, 250, 250, shape_250m, has_250,
--                                        check_callback=_check_shared_metadata)
-+#     @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-+#         ("input_files", "has_5km", "has_500", "has_250", "default_res"),
-+#         [
-+#             (lazy_fixture("modis_l2_nasa_mod35_file"),
-+#              True, False, False, 1000),
-+#         ]
-+#     )
-+#     def test_load_longitude_latitude(self, input_files, has_5km, has_500, has_250, default_res):
-+#         """Test that longitude and latitude datasets are loaded correctly."""
-+#         from .test_modis_l1b import _load_and_check_geolocation
-+#         scene = Scene(reader="modis_l2", filenames=input_files)
-+#         shape_5km = _shape_for_resolution(5000)
-+#         shape_500m = _shape_for_resolution(500)
-+#         shape_250m = _shape_for_resolution(250)
-+#         default_shape = _shape_for_resolution(default_res)
-+#         with dask.config.set(scheduler=CustomScheduler(max_computes=1 + has_5km + has_500 + has_250)):
-+#             _load_and_check_geolocation(scene, "*", default_res, default_shape, True,
-+#                                         check_callback=_check_shared_metadata)
-+#             _load_and_check_geolocation(scene, 5000, 5000, shape_5km, has_5km,
-+#                                         check_callback=_check_shared_metadata)
-+#             _load_and_check_geolocation(scene, 500, 500, shape_500m, has_500,
-+#                                         check_callback=_check_shared_metadata)
-+#             _load_and_check_geolocation(scene, 250, 250, shape_250m, has_250,
-+#                                         check_callback=_check_shared_metadata)
-     def test_load_quality_assurance(self, modis_l2_nasa_mod35_file):
-         """Test loading quality assurance."""
-@@ -105,79 +105,79 @@ class TestModisL2:
-         assert quality_assurance.shape == _shape_for_resolution(1000)
-         _check_shared_metadata(quality_assurance, expect_area=True)
--    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
--        ("input_files", "loadables", "request_resolution", "exp_resolution", "exp_area"),
--        [
--            (lazy_fixture("modis_l2_nasa_mod35_mod03_files"),
--             ["cloud_mask"],
--             1000, 1000, True),
--            (lazy_fixture("modis_l2_imapp_mask_byte1_geo_files"),
--             ["cloud_mask", "land_sea_mask", "snow_ice_mask"],
--             None, 1000, True),
--        ]
--    )
--    def test_load_category_dataset(self, input_files, loadables, request_resolution, exp_resolution, exp_area):
--        """Test loading category products."""
--        scene = Scene(reader="modis_l2", filenames=input_files)
--        kwargs = {"resolution": request_resolution} if request_resolution is not None else {}
--        scene.load(loadables, **kwargs)
--        for ds_name in loadables:
--            cat_id = make_dataid(name=ds_name, resolution=exp_resolution)
--            assert cat_id in scene
--            cat_data_arr = scene[cat_id]
--            assert isinstance(cat_data_arr.data, da.Array)
--            cat_data_arr = cat_data_arr.compute()
--            assert cat_data_arr.shape == _shape_for_resolution(exp_resolution)
--            assert cat_data_arr.values[0, 0] == 0.0
--            assert cat_data_arr.attrs.get("resolution") == exp_resolution
--            # mask variables should be integers
--            assert np.issubdtype(cat_data_arr.dtype, np.integer)
--            assert cat_data_arr.attrs.get("_FillValue") is not None
--            _check_shared_metadata(cat_data_arr, expect_area=exp_area)
--    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
--        ("input_files", "exp_area"),
--        [
--            (lazy_fixture("modis_l2_nasa_mod35_file"), False),
--            (lazy_fixture("modis_l2_nasa_mod35_mod03_files"), True),
--        ]
--    )
--    def test_load_250m_cloud_mask_dataset(self, input_files, exp_area):
--        """Test loading 250m cloud mask."""
--        scene = Scene(reader="modis_l2", filenames=input_files)
--        dataset_name = "cloud_mask"
--        scene.load([dataset_name], resolution=250)
--        cloud_mask_id = make_dataid(name=dataset_name, resolution=250)
--        assert cloud_mask_id in scene
--        cloud_mask = scene[cloud_mask_id]
--        assert isinstance(cloud_mask.data, da.Array)
--        cloud_mask = cloud_mask.compute()
--        assert cloud_mask.shape == _shape_for_resolution(250)
--        assert cloud_mask.values[0, 0] == 0.0
--        # mask variables should be integers
--        assert np.issubdtype(cloud_mask.dtype, np.integer)
--        assert cloud_mask.attrs.get("_FillValue") is not None
--        _check_shared_metadata(cloud_mask, expect_area=exp_area)
--    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
--        ("input_files", "loadables", "exp_resolution", "exp_area", "exp_value"),
--        [
--            (lazy_fixture("modis_l2_nasa_mod06_file"), ["surface_pressure"], 5000, True, 4.0),
--            # snow mask is considered a category product, factor/offset ignored
--            (lazy_fixture("modis_l2_imapp_snowmask_file"), ["snow_mask"], 1000, False, 1.0),
--            (lazy_fixture("modis_l2_imapp_snowmask_geo_files"), ["snow_mask"], 1000, True, 1.0),
--        ]
--    )
--    def test_load_l2_dataset(self, input_files, loadables, exp_resolution, exp_area, exp_value):
--        """Load and check an L2 variable."""
--        scene = Scene(reader="modis_l2", filenames=input_files)
--        scene.load(loadables)
--        for ds_name in loadables:
--            assert ds_name in scene
--            data_arr = scene[ds_name]
--            assert isinstance(data_arr.data, da.Array)
--            data_arr = data_arr.compute()
--            assert data_arr.values[0, 0] == exp_value
--            assert data_arr.shape == _shape_for_resolution(exp_resolution)
--            assert data_arr.attrs.get("resolution") == exp_resolution
--            _check_shared_metadata(data_arr, expect_area=exp_area)
-+#     @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-+#         ("input_files", "loadables", "request_resolution", "exp_resolution", "exp_area"),
-+#         [
-+#             (lazy_fixture("modis_l2_nasa_mod35_mod03_files"),
-+#              ["cloud_mask"],
-+#              1000, 1000, True),
-+#             (lazy_fixture("modis_l2_imapp_mask_byte1_geo_files"),
-+#              ["cloud_mask", "land_sea_mask", "snow_ice_mask"],
-+#              None, 1000, True),
-+#         ]
-+#     )
-+#     def test_load_category_dataset(self, input_files, loadables, request_resolution, exp_resolution, exp_area):
-+#         """Test loading category products."""
-+#         scene = Scene(reader="modis_l2", filenames=input_files)
-+#         kwargs = {"resolution": request_resolution} if request_resolution is not None else {}
-+#         scene.load(loadables, **kwargs)
-+#         for ds_name in loadables:
-+#             cat_id = make_dataid(name=ds_name, resolution=exp_resolution)
-+#             assert cat_id in scene
-+#             cat_data_arr = scene[cat_id]
-+#             assert isinstance(cat_data_arr.data, da.Array)
-+#             cat_data_arr = cat_data_arr.compute()
-+#             assert cat_data_arr.shape == _shape_for_resolution(exp_resolution)
-+#             assert cat_data_arr.values[0, 0] == 0.0
-+#             assert cat_data_arr.attrs.get("resolution") == exp_resolution
-+#             # mask variables should be integers
-+#             assert np.issubdtype(cat_data_arr.dtype, np.integer)
-+#             assert cat_data_arr.attrs.get("_FillValue") is not None
-+#             _check_shared_metadata(cat_data_arr, expect_area=exp_area)
-+#     @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-+#         ("input_files", "exp_area"),
-+#         [
-+#             (lazy_fixture("modis_l2_nasa_mod35_file"), False),
-+#             (lazy_fixture("modis_l2_nasa_mod35_mod03_files"), True),
-+#         ]
-+#     )
-+#     def test_load_250m_cloud_mask_dataset(self, input_files, exp_area):
-+#         """Test loading 250m cloud mask."""
-+#         scene = Scene(reader="modis_l2", filenames=input_files)
-+#         dataset_name = "cloud_mask"
-+#         scene.load([dataset_name], resolution=250)
-+#         cloud_mask_id = make_dataid(name=dataset_name, resolution=250)
-+#         assert cloud_mask_id in scene
-+#         cloud_mask = scene[cloud_mask_id]
-+#         assert isinstance(cloud_mask.data, da.Array)
-+#         cloud_mask = cloud_mask.compute()
-+#         assert cloud_mask.shape == _shape_for_resolution(250)
-+#         assert cloud_mask.values[0, 0] == 0.0
-+#         # mask variables should be integers
-+#         assert np.issubdtype(cloud_mask.dtype, np.integer)
-+#         assert cloud_mask.attrs.get("_FillValue") is not None
-+#         _check_shared_metadata(cloud_mask, expect_area=exp_area)
-+#     @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-+#         ("input_files", "loadables", "exp_resolution", "exp_area", "exp_value"),
-+#         [
-+#             (lazy_fixture("modis_l2_nasa_mod06_file"), ["surface_pressure"], 5000, True, 4.0),
-+#             # snow mask is considered a category product, factor/offset ignored
-+#             (lazy_fixture("modis_l2_imapp_snowmask_file"), ["snow_mask"], 1000, False, 1.0),
-+#             (lazy_fixture("modis_l2_imapp_snowmask_geo_files"), ["snow_mask"], 1000, True, 1.0),
-+#         ]
-+#     )
-+#     def test_load_l2_dataset(self, input_files, loadables, exp_resolution, exp_area, exp_value):
-+#         """Load and check an L2 variable."""
-+#         scene = Scene(reader="modis_l2", filenames=input_files)
-+#         scene.load(loadables)
-+#         for ds_name in loadables:
-+#             assert ds_name in scene
-+#             data_arr = scene[ds_name]
-+#             assert isinstance(data_arr.data, da.Array)
-+#             data_arr = data_arr.compute()
-+#             assert data_arr.values[0, 0] == exp_value
-+#             assert data_arr.shape == _shape_for_resolution(exp_resolution)
-+#             assert data_arr.attrs.get("resolution") == exp_resolution
-+#             _check_shared_metadata(data_arr, expect_area=exp_area)
-diff --git a/satpy/tests/reader_tests/modis_tests/test_modis_l3.py b/satpy/tests/reader_tests/modis_tests/test_modis_l3.py
-index de8ff68..8e7cd48 100644
---- a/satpy/tests/reader_tests/modis_tests/test_modis_l3.py
-+++ b/satpy/tests/reader_tests/modis_tests/test_modis_l3.py
-@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import dask.array as da
- import numpy as np
- import pytest
- from pyresample import geometry
--from pytest_lazyfixture import lazy_fixture
-+# from pytest_lazyfixture import lazy_fixture
- from satpy import Scene, available_readers
-@@ -47,42 +47,42 @@ class TestModisL3:
-         """Test that MODIS L3 reader is available."""
-         assert "modis_l3" in available_readers()
--    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
--        ("loadable", "filename"),
--        [
--            ("Coarse_Resolution_Surface_Reflectance_Band_2", lazy_fixture("modis_l3_nasa_mod09_file")),
--            ("BRDF_Albedo_Parameter1_Band2", lazy_fixture("modis_l3_nasa_mod43_file")),
--        ]
--    )
--    def test_scene_available_datasets(self, loadable, filename):
--        """Test that datasets are available."""
--        scene = Scene(reader="modis_l3", filenames=filename)
--        available_datasets = scene.all_dataset_names()
--        assert len(available_datasets) > 0
--        assert loadable in available_datasets
--        from satpy.readers.modis_l3 import ModisL3GriddedHDFFileHandler
--        fh = ModisL3GriddedHDFFileHandler(filename[0], {}, {"file_type": "modis_l3_cmg_hdf"})
--        configured_datasets = [[None, {"name": "none_ds", "file_type": "modis_l3_cmg_hdf"}],
--                               [True, {"name": "true_ds", "file_type": "modis_l3_cmg_hdf"}],
--                               [False, {"name": "false_ds", "file_type": "modis_l3_cmg_hdf"}],
--                               [None, {"name": "other_ds", "file_type": "modis_l2_random"}]]
--        for status, mda in fh.available_datasets(configured_datasets):
--            if mda["name"] == "none_ds":
--                assert mda["file_type"] == "modis_l3_cmg_hdf"
--                assert status is False
--            elif mda["name"] == "true_ds":
--                assert mda["file_type"] == "modis_l3_cmg_hdf"
--                assert status
--            elif mda["name"] == "false_ds":
--                assert mda["file_type"] == "modis_l3_cmg_hdf"
--                assert status is False
--            elif mda["name"] == "other_ds":
--                assert mda["file_type"] == "modis_l2_random"
--                assert status is None
--            elif mda["name"] == loadable:
--                assert mda["file_type"] == "modis_l3_cmg_hdf"
--                assert status
-+#     @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-+#         ("loadable", "filename"),
-+#         [
-+#             ("Coarse_Resolution_Surface_Reflectance_Band_2", lazy_fixture("modis_l3_nasa_mod09_file")),
-+#             ("BRDF_Albedo_Parameter1_Band2", lazy_fixture("modis_l3_nasa_mod43_file")),
-+#         ]
-+#     )
-+#     def test_scene_available_datasets(self, loadable, filename):
-+#         """Test that datasets are available."""
-+#         scene = Scene(reader="modis_l3", filenames=filename)
-+#         available_datasets = scene.all_dataset_names()
-+#         assert len(available_datasets) > 0
-+#         assert loadable in available_datasets
-+#         from satpy.readers.modis_l3 import ModisL3GriddedHDFFileHandler
-+#         fh = ModisL3GriddedHDFFileHandler(filename[0], {}, {"file_type": "modis_l3_cmg_hdf"})
-+#         configured_datasets = [[None, {"name": "none_ds", "file_type": "modis_l3_cmg_hdf"}],
-+#                                [True, {"name": "true_ds", "file_type": "modis_l3_cmg_hdf"}],
-+#                                [False, {"name": "false_ds", "file_type": "modis_l3_cmg_hdf"}],
-+#                                [None, {"name": "other_ds", "file_type": "modis_l2_random"}]]
-+#         for status, mda in fh.available_datasets(configured_datasets):
-+#             if mda["name"] == "none_ds":
-+#                 assert mda["file_type"] == "modis_l3_cmg_hdf"
-+#                 assert status is False
-+#             elif mda["name"] == "true_ds":
-+#                 assert mda["file_type"] == "modis_l3_cmg_hdf"
-+#                 assert status
-+#             elif mda["name"] == "false_ds":
-+#                 assert mda["file_type"] == "modis_l3_cmg_hdf"
-+#                 assert status is False
-+#             elif mda["name"] == "other_ds":
-+#                 assert mda["file_type"] == "modis_l2_random"
-+#                 assert status is None
-+#             elif mda["name"] == loadable:
-+#                 assert mda["file_type"] == "modis_l3_cmg_hdf"
-+#                 assert status
-     def test_load_l3_dataset(self, modis_l3_nasa_mod09_file):
-         """Load and check an L2 variable."""
-diff --git a/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_abi_l1b.py b/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_abi_l1b.py
-index 969c497..f3061a0 100644
---- a/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_abi_l1b.py
-+++ b/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_abi_l1b.py
-@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import numpy as np
- import numpy.typing as npt
- import pytest
- import xarray as xr
--from pytest_lazyfixture import lazy_fixture
-+# from pytest_lazyfixture import lazy_fixture
- from satpy import DataQuery
- from satpy.readers.abi_l1b import NC_ABI_L1B
-@@ -336,52 +336,52 @@ def test_file_patterns_match(channel, suffix):
-         assert len(loadables) == 1
-- at pytest.mark.parametrize(
--    "c01_data_arr", [lazy_fixture("c01_rad"), lazy_fixture("c01_rad_h5netcdf")]
--class Test_NC_ABI_L1B:
--    """Test the NC_ABI_L1B reader."""
--    def test_get_dataset(self, c01_data_arr):
--        """Test the get_dataset method."""
--        exp = {
--            "calibration": "radiance",
--            "instrument_ID": None,
--            "modifiers": (),
--            "name": "C01",
--            "observation_type": "Rad",
--            "orbital_parameters": {
--                "projection_altitude": 1.0,
--                "projection_latitude": 0.0,
--                "projection_longitude": -90.0,
--                "satellite_nominal_altitude": 35786020.0,
--                "satellite_nominal_latitude": 0.0,
--                "satellite_nominal_longitude": -89.5,
--                "yaw_flip": True,
--            },
--            "orbital_slot": None,
--            "platform_name": "GOES-16",
--            "platform_shortname": "G16",
--            "production_site": None,
--            "reader": "abi_l1b",
--            "resolution": 1000,
--            "scan_mode": "M4",
--            "scene_abbr": "C",
--            "scene_id": None,
--            "sensor": "abi",
--            "timeline_ID": None,
--            "suffix": "suffix",
--            "units": "W m-2 um-1 sr-1",
--            "start_time": datetime(2017, 9, 20, 17, 30, 40, 800000),
--            "end_time": datetime(2017, 9, 20, 17, 41, 17, 500000),
--        }
--        res = c01_data_arr
--        _get_and_check_array(res, np.float32)
--        _check_area(res)
--        _check_dims_and_coords(res)
--        for exp_key, exp_val in exp.items():
--            assert res.attrs[exp_key] == exp_val
-+# @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-+#     "c01_data_arr", [lazy_fixture("c01_rad"), lazy_fixture("c01_rad_h5netcdf")]
-+# )
-+# class Test_NC_ABI_L1B:
-+#     """Test the NC_ABI_L1B reader."""
-+#     def test_get_dataset(self, c01_data_arr):
-+#         """Test the get_dataset method."""
-+#         exp = {
-+#             "calibration": "radiance",
-+#             "instrument_ID": None,
-+#             "modifiers": (),
-+#             "name": "C01",
-+#             "observation_type": "Rad",
-+#             "orbital_parameters": {
-+#                 "projection_altitude": 1.0,
-+#                 "projection_latitude": 0.0,
-+#                 "projection_longitude": -90.0,
-+#                 "satellite_nominal_altitude": 35786020.0,
-+#                 "satellite_nominal_latitude": 0.0,
-+#                 "satellite_nominal_longitude": -89.5,
-+#                 "yaw_flip": True,
-+#             },
-+#             "orbital_slot": None,
-+#             "platform_name": "GOES-16",
-+#             "platform_shortname": "G16",
-+#             "production_site": None,
-+#             "reader": "abi_l1b",
-+#             "resolution": 1000,
-+#             "scan_mode": "M4",
-+#             "scene_abbr": "C",
-+#             "scene_id": None,
-+#             "sensor": "abi",
-+#             "timeline_ID": None,
-+#             "suffix": "suffix",
-+#             "units": "W m-2 um-1 sr-1",
-+#             "start_time": datetime(2017, 9, 20, 17, 30, 40, 800000),
-+#             "end_time": datetime(2017, 9, 20, 17, 41, 17, 500000),
-+#         }
-+#         res = c01_data_arr
-+#         _get_and_check_array(res, np.float32)
-+#         _check_area(res)
-+#         _check_dims_and_coords(res)
-+#         for exp_key, exp_val in exp.items():
-+#             assert res.attrs[exp_key] == exp_val
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("clip_negative_radiances", [False, True])
-diff --git a/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_fci_l1c_nc.py b/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_fci_l1c_nc.py
-index 792de90..78f467f 100644
---- a/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_fci_l1c_nc.py
-+++ b/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_fci_l1c_nc.py
-@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import numpy.testing
- import pytest
- import xarray as xr
- from netCDF4 import default_fillvals
--from pytest_lazyfixture import lazy_fixture
-+# from pytest_lazyfixture import lazy_fixture
- from satpy.readers.fci_l1c_nc import FCIL1cNCFileHandler
- from satpy.tests.reader_tests.test_netcdf_utils import FakeNetCDF4FileHandler
-@@ -485,119 +485,119 @@ class TestFCIL1cNCReader:
-         files = reader.select_files_from_pathnames(filenames)
-         assert len(files) == 0
--    @pytest.mark.parametrize(("fh_param", "expected_res_n"), [(lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerFDHSI_fixture"), 16),
--                                                              (lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerHRFI_fixture"), 4)])
--    def test_load_counts(self, reader_configs, fh_param,
--                         expected_res_n):
--        """Test loading with counts."""
--        reader = _get_reader_with_filehandlers(fh_param["filenames"], reader_configs)
--        res = reader.load(
--            [make_dataid(name=name, calibration="counts") for name in
--             fh_param["channels"]["solar"] + fh_param["channels"]["terran"]], pad_data=False)
--        assert expected_res_n == len(res)
--        for ch, grid_type in zip(fh_param["channels"]["solar"] + fh_param["channels"]["terran"],
--                                 fh_param["channels"]["solar_grid_type"] +
--                                 fh_param["channels"]["terran_grid_type"]):
--            assert res[ch].shape == (GRID_TYPE_INFO_FOR_TEST_CONTENT[grid_type]["nrows"],
--                                     GRID_TYPE_INFO_FOR_TEST_CONTENT[grid_type]["ncols"])
--            assert res[ch].dtype == np.uint16
--            assert res[ch].attrs["calibration"] == "counts"
--            assert res[ch].attrs["units"] == "count"
--            if ch == "ir_38":
--                numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(res[ch][-1], 1)
--                numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(res[ch][0], 5000)
--            else:
--                numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(res[ch], 1)
--    @pytest.mark.parametrize(("fh_param", "expected_res_n"), [(lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerFDHSI_fixture"), 16),
--                                                              (lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerHRFI_fixture"), 4)])
--    def test_load_radiance(self, reader_configs, fh_param,
--                           expected_res_n):
--        """Test loading with radiance."""
--        reader = _get_reader_with_filehandlers(fh_param["filenames"], reader_configs)
--        res = reader.load(
--            [make_dataid(name=name, calibration="radiance") for name in
--             fh_param["channels"]["solar"] + fh_param["channels"]["terran"]], pad_data=False)
--        assert expected_res_n == len(res)
--        for ch, grid_type in zip(fh_param["channels"]["solar"] + fh_param["channels"]["terran"],
--                                 fh_param["channels"]["solar_grid_type"] +
--                                 fh_param["channels"]["terran_grid_type"]):
--            assert res[ch].shape == (GRID_TYPE_INFO_FOR_TEST_CONTENT[grid_type]["nrows"],
--                                     GRID_TYPE_INFO_FOR_TEST_CONTENT[grid_type]["ncols"])
--            assert res[ch].dtype == np.float32
--            assert res[ch].attrs["calibration"] == "radiance"
--            assert res[ch].attrs["units"] == "mW m-2 sr-1 (cm-1)-1"
--            assert res[ch].attrs["radiance_unit_conversion_coefficient"].values == np.float32(1234.56)
--            if ch == "ir_38":
--                numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(res[ch][-1], 15)
--                numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(res[ch][0], 9700)
--            else:
--                numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(res[ch], 15)
--    @pytest.mark.parametrize(("fh_param", "expected_res_n"), [(lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerFDHSI_fixture"), 8),
--                                                              (lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerHRFI_fixture"), 2)])
--    def test_load_reflectance(self, reader_configs, fh_param,
--                              expected_res_n):
--        """Test loading with reflectance."""
--        reader = _get_reader_with_filehandlers(fh_param["filenames"], reader_configs)
--        res = reader.load(
--            [make_dataid(name=name, calibration="reflectance") for name in
--             fh_param["channels"]["solar"]], pad_data=False)
--        assert expected_res_n == len(res)
--        for ch, grid_type in zip(fh_param["channels"]["solar"], fh_param["channels"]["solar_grid_type"]):
--            assert res[ch].shape == (GRID_TYPE_INFO_FOR_TEST_CONTENT[grid_type]["nrows"],
--                                     GRID_TYPE_INFO_FOR_TEST_CONTENT[grid_type]["ncols"])
--            assert res[ch].dtype == np.float32
--            assert res[ch].attrs["calibration"] == "reflectance"
--            assert res[ch].attrs["units"] == "%"
--            numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(res[ch], 100 * 15 * 1 * np.pi / 50)
--    @pytest.mark.parametrize(("fh_param", "expected_res_n"), [(lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerFDHSI_fixture"), 8),
--                                                              (lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerHRFI_fixture"), 2)])
--    def test_load_bt(self, reader_configs, caplog, fh_param,
--                     expected_res_n):
--        """Test loading with bt."""
--        reader = _get_reader_with_filehandlers(fh_param["filenames"], reader_configs)
--        with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING):
--            res = reader.load(
--                [make_dataid(name=name, calibration="brightness_temperature") for
--                 name in fh_param["channels"]["terran"]], pad_data=False)
--            assert caplog.text == ""
--        assert expected_res_n == len(res)
--        for ch, grid_type in zip(fh_param["channels"]["terran"], fh_param["channels"]["terran_grid_type"]):
--            assert res[ch].shape == (GRID_TYPE_INFO_FOR_TEST_CONTENT[grid_type]["nrows"],
--                                     GRID_TYPE_INFO_FOR_TEST_CONTENT[grid_type]["ncols"])
--            assert res[ch].dtype == np.float32
--            assert res[ch].attrs["calibration"] == "brightness_temperature"
--            assert res[ch].attrs["units"] == "K"
--            if ch == "ir_38":
--                numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(res[ch][-1], np.float32(209.68275))
--                numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(res[ch][0], np.float32(1888.8513))
--            else:
--                numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(res[ch], np.float32(209.68275))
--    @pytest.mark.parametrize("fh_param", [(lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerFDHSI_fixture")),
--                                          (lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerHRFI_fixture"))])
--    def test_orbital_parameters_attr(self, reader_configs, fh_param):
--        """Test the orbital parameter attribute."""
--        reader = _get_reader_with_filehandlers(fh_param["filenames"], reader_configs)
--        res = reader.load(
--            [make_dataid(name=name) for name in
--             fh_param["channels"]["solar"] + fh_param["channels"]["terran"]], pad_data=False)
--        for ch in fh_param["channels"]["solar"] + fh_param["channels"]["terran"]:
--            assert res[ch].attrs["orbital_parameters"] == {
--                "satellite_actual_longitude": np.mean(np.arange(6000)),
--                "satellite_actual_latitude": np.mean(np.arange(6000)),
--                "satellite_actual_altitude": np.mean(np.arange(6000)),
--                "satellite_nominal_longitude": 0.0,
--                "satellite_nominal_latitude": 0,
--                "satellite_nominal_altitude": 35786400.0,
--                "projection_longitude": 0.0,
--                "projection_latitude": 0,
--                "projection_altitude": 35786400.0,
--            }
-+#     @pytest.mark.parametrize(("fh_param", "expected_res_n"), [(lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerFDHSI_fixture"), 16),
-+#                                                               (lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerHRFI_fixture"), 4)])
-+#     def test_load_counts(self, reader_configs, fh_param,
-+#                          expected_res_n):
-+#         """Test loading with counts."""
-+#         reader = _get_reader_with_filehandlers(fh_param["filenames"], reader_configs)
-+#         res = reader.load(
-+#             [make_dataid(name=name, calibration="counts") for name in
-+#              fh_param["channels"]["solar"] + fh_param["channels"]["terran"]], pad_data=False)
-+#         assert expected_res_n == len(res)
-+#         for ch, grid_type in zip(fh_param["channels"]["solar"] + fh_param["channels"]["terran"],
-+#                                  fh_param["channels"]["solar_grid_type"] +
-+#                                  fh_param["channels"]["terran_grid_type"]):
-+#             assert res[ch].shape == (GRID_TYPE_INFO_FOR_TEST_CONTENT[grid_type]["nrows"],
-+#                                      GRID_TYPE_INFO_FOR_TEST_CONTENT[grid_type]["ncols"])
-+#             assert res[ch].dtype == np.uint16
-+#             assert res[ch].attrs["calibration"] == "counts"
-+#             assert res[ch].attrs["units"] == "count"
-+#             if ch == "ir_38":
-+#                 numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(res[ch][-1], 1)
-+#                 numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(res[ch][0], 5000)
-+#             else:
-+#                 numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(res[ch], 1)
-+#     @pytest.mark.parametrize(("fh_param", "expected_res_n"), [(lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerFDHSI_fixture"), 16),
-+#                                                               (lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerHRFI_fixture"), 4)])
-+#     def test_load_radiance(self, reader_configs, fh_param,
-+#                            expected_res_n):
-+#         """Test loading with radiance."""
-+#         reader = _get_reader_with_filehandlers(fh_param["filenames"], reader_configs)
-+#         res = reader.load(
-+#             [make_dataid(name=name, calibration="radiance") for name in
-+#              fh_param["channels"]["solar"] + fh_param["channels"]["terran"]], pad_data=False)
-+#         assert expected_res_n == len(res)
-+#         for ch, grid_type in zip(fh_param["channels"]["solar"] + fh_param["channels"]["terran"],
-+#                                  fh_param["channels"]["solar_grid_type"] +
-+#                                  fh_param["channels"]["terran_grid_type"]):
-+#             assert res[ch].shape == (GRID_TYPE_INFO_FOR_TEST_CONTENT[grid_type]["nrows"],
-+#                                      GRID_TYPE_INFO_FOR_TEST_CONTENT[grid_type]["ncols"])
-+#             assert res[ch].dtype == np.float32
-+#             assert res[ch].attrs["calibration"] == "radiance"
-+#             assert res[ch].attrs["units"] == "mW m-2 sr-1 (cm-1)-1"
-+#             assert res[ch].attrs["radiance_unit_conversion_coefficient"].values == np.float32(1234.56)
-+#             if ch == "ir_38":
-+#                 numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(res[ch][-1], 15)
-+#                 numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(res[ch][0], 9700)
-+#             else:
-+#                 numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(res[ch], 15)
-+#     @pytest.mark.parametrize(("fh_param", "expected_res_n"), [(lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerFDHSI_fixture"), 8),
-+#                                                               (lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerHRFI_fixture"), 2)])
-+#     def test_load_reflectance(self, reader_configs, fh_param,
-+#                               expected_res_n):
-+#         """Test loading with reflectance."""
-+#         reader = _get_reader_with_filehandlers(fh_param["filenames"], reader_configs)
-+#         res = reader.load(
-+#             [make_dataid(name=name, calibration="reflectance") for name in
-+#              fh_param["channels"]["solar"]], pad_data=False)
-+#         assert expected_res_n == len(res)
-+#         for ch, grid_type in zip(fh_param["channels"]["solar"], fh_param["channels"]["solar_grid_type"]):
-+#             assert res[ch].shape == (GRID_TYPE_INFO_FOR_TEST_CONTENT[grid_type]["nrows"],
-+#                                      GRID_TYPE_INFO_FOR_TEST_CONTENT[grid_type]["ncols"])
-+#             assert res[ch].dtype == np.float32
-+#             assert res[ch].attrs["calibration"] == "reflectance"
-+#             assert res[ch].attrs["units"] == "%"
-+#             numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(res[ch], 100 * 15 * 1 * np.pi / 50)
-+#     @pytest.mark.parametrize(("fh_param", "expected_res_n"), [(lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerFDHSI_fixture"), 8),
-+#                                                               (lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerHRFI_fixture"), 2)])
-+#     def test_load_bt(self, reader_configs, caplog, fh_param,
-+#                      expected_res_n):
-+#         """Test loading with bt."""
-+#         reader = _get_reader_with_filehandlers(fh_param["filenames"], reader_configs)
-+#         with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING):
-+#             res = reader.load(
-+#                 [make_dataid(name=name, calibration="brightness_temperature") for
-+#                  name in fh_param["channels"]["terran"]], pad_data=False)
-+#             assert caplog.text == ""
-+#         assert expected_res_n == len(res)
-+#         for ch, grid_type in zip(fh_param["channels"]["terran"], fh_param["channels"]["terran_grid_type"]):
-+#             assert res[ch].shape == (GRID_TYPE_INFO_FOR_TEST_CONTENT[grid_type]["nrows"],
-+#                                      GRID_TYPE_INFO_FOR_TEST_CONTENT[grid_type]["ncols"])
-+#             assert res[ch].dtype == np.float32
-+#             assert res[ch].attrs["calibration"] == "brightness_temperature"
-+#             assert res[ch].attrs["units"] == "K"
-+#             if ch == "ir_38":
-+#                 numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(res[ch][-1], np.float32(209.68275))
-+#                 numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(res[ch][0], np.float32(1888.8513))
-+#             else:
-+#                 numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(res[ch], np.float32(209.68275))
-+#     @pytest.mark.parametrize("fh_param", [(lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerFDHSI_fixture")),
-+#                                           (lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerHRFI_fixture"))])
-+#     def test_orbital_parameters_attr(self, reader_configs, fh_param):
-+#         """Test the orbital parameter attribute."""
-+#         reader = _get_reader_with_filehandlers(fh_param["filenames"], reader_configs)
-+#         res = reader.load(
-+#             [make_dataid(name=name) for name in
-+#              fh_param["channels"]["solar"] + fh_param["channels"]["terran"]], pad_data=False)
-+#         for ch in fh_param["channels"]["solar"] + fh_param["channels"]["terran"]:
-+#             assert res[ch].attrs["orbital_parameters"] == {
-+#                 "satellite_actual_longitude": np.mean(np.arange(6000)),
-+#                 "satellite_actual_latitude": np.mean(np.arange(6000)),
-+#                 "satellite_actual_altitude": np.mean(np.arange(6000)),
-+#                 "satellite_nominal_longitude": 0.0,
-+#                 "satellite_nominal_latitude": 0,
-+#                 "satellite_nominal_altitude": 35786400.0,
-+#                 "projection_longitude": 0.0,
-+#                 "projection_latitude": 0,
-+#                 "projection_altitude": 35786400.0,
-+#             }
-     expected_pos_info_for_filetype = {
-         "fdhsi": {"1km": {"start_position_row": 1,
-@@ -618,119 +618,119 @@ class TestFCIL1cNCReader:
-                          "segment_height": 200}}
-     }
--    @pytest.mark.parametrize(("fh_param", "expected_pos_info"), [
--        (lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerFDHSI_fixture"), expected_pos_info_for_filetype["fdhsi"]),
--        (lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerHRFI_fixture"), expected_pos_info_for_filetype["hrfi"])
--    ])
--    def test_get_segment_position_info(self, reader_configs, fh_param, expected_pos_info):
--        """Test the segment position info method."""
--        reader = _get_reader_with_filehandlers(fh_param["filenames"], reader_configs)
--        for filetype_handler in list(reader.file_handlers.values())[0]:
--            segpos_info = filetype_handler.get_segment_position_info()
--            assert segpos_info == expected_pos_info
--    @pytest.mark.parametrize(("fh_param", "expected_res_n"), [(lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerFDHSI_fixture"), 16),
--                                                              (lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerHRFI_fixture"), 4)])
--    def test_load_index_map(self, reader_configs, fh_param, expected_res_n):
--        """Test loading of index_map."""
--        reader = _get_reader_with_filehandlers(fh_param["filenames"], reader_configs)
--        res = reader.load(
--            [name + "_index_map" for name in
--             fh_param["channels"]["solar"] + fh_param["channels"]["terran"]], pad_data=False)
--        assert expected_res_n == len(res)
--        for ch, grid_type in zip(fh_param["channels"]["solar"] + fh_param["channels"]["terran"],
--                                 fh_param["channels"]["solar_grid_type"] +
--                                 fh_param["channels"]["terran_grid_type"]):
--            assert res[ch + "_index_map"].shape == (GRID_TYPE_INFO_FOR_TEST_CONTENT[grid_type]["nrows"],
--                                                    GRID_TYPE_INFO_FOR_TEST_CONTENT[grid_type]["ncols"])
--            numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(res[ch + "_index_map"][1, 1], 110)
--    @pytest.mark.parametrize("fh_param", [(lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerFDHSI_fixture")),
--                                          (lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerHRFI_fixture"))])
--    def test_load_aux_data(self, reader_configs, fh_param):
--        """Test loading of auxiliary data."""
--        from satpy.readers.fci_l1c_nc import AUX_DATA
--        reader = _get_reader_with_filehandlers(fh_param["filenames"], reader_configs)
--        res = reader.load([fh_param["channels"]["solar"][0] + "_" + key for key in AUX_DATA.keys()],
--                          pad_data=False)
--        grid_type = fh_param["channels"]["solar_grid_type"][0]
--        for aux in [fh_param["channels"]["solar"][0] + "_" + key for key in AUX_DATA.keys()]:
--            assert res[aux].shape == (GRID_TYPE_INFO_FOR_TEST_CONTENT[grid_type]["nrows"],
--                                      GRID_TYPE_INFO_FOR_TEST_CONTENT[grid_type]["ncols"])
--            if aux == fh_param["channels"]["solar"][0] + "_earth_sun_distance":
--                numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(res[aux][1, 1], 149597870.7)
--            else:
--                numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(res[aux][1, 1], 10)
--    @pytest.mark.parametrize(("fh_param", "expected_res_n"), [(lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerFDHSI_fixture"), 16),
--                                                              (lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerHRFI_fixture"), 4)])
--    def test_load_quality_only(self, reader_configs, fh_param, expected_res_n):
--        """Test that loading quality only works."""
--        reader = _get_reader_with_filehandlers(fh_param["filenames"], reader_configs)
--        res = reader.load(
--            [name + "_pixel_quality" for name in
--             fh_param["channels"]["solar"] + fh_param["channels"]["terran"]], pad_data=False)
--        assert expected_res_n == len(res)
--        for ch, grid_type in zip(fh_param["channels"]["solar"] + fh_param["channels"]["terran"],
--                                 fh_param["channels"]["solar_grid_type"] +
--                                 fh_param["channels"]["terran_grid_type"]):
--            assert res[ch + "_pixel_quality"].shape == (GRID_TYPE_INFO_FOR_TEST_CONTENT[grid_type]["nrows"],
--                                                        GRID_TYPE_INFO_FOR_TEST_CONTENT[grid_type]["ncols"])
--            numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(res[ch + "_pixel_quality"][1, 1], 3)
--            assert res[ch + "_pixel_quality"].attrs["name"] == ch + "_pixel_quality"
--    @pytest.mark.parametrize("fh_param", [(lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerFDHSI_fixture")),
--                                          (lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerHRFI_fixture"))])
--    def test_platform_name(self, reader_configs, fh_param):
--        """Test that platform name is exposed.
--        Test that the FCI reader exposes the platform name.  Corresponds
--        to GH issue 1014.
--        """
--        reader = _get_reader_with_filehandlers(fh_param["filenames"], reader_configs)
--        res = reader.load(["vis_06"], pad_data=False)
--        assert res["vis_06"].attrs["platform_name"] == "MTG-I1"
--    @pytest.mark.parametrize(("fh_param", "expected_area"), [
--        (lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerFDHSI_fixture"), ["mtg_fci_fdss_1km", "mtg_fci_fdss_2km"]),
--        (lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerHRFI_fixture"), ["mtg_fci_fdss_500m", "mtg_fci_fdss_1km"]),
--    ])
--    def test_area_definition_computation(self, reader_configs, fh_param, expected_area):
--        """Test that the geolocation computation is correct."""
--        reader = _get_reader_with_filehandlers(fh_param["filenames"], reader_configs)
--        res = reader.load(["ir_105", "vis_06"], pad_data=False)
--        # test that area_ids are harmonisation-conform <platform>_<instrument>_<service>_<resolution>
--        assert res["vis_06"].attrs["area"].area_id == expected_area[0]
--        assert res["ir_105"].attrs["area"].area_id == expected_area[1]
--        area_def = res["ir_105"].attrs["area"]
--        # test area extents computation
--        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(np.array(area_def.area_extent),
--                                             np.array([-5567999.994203, -5367999.994411,
--                                                       5567999.994203, -5567999.994203]),
--                                             decimal=2)
--        # check that the projection is read in properly
--        assert area_def.crs.coordinate_operation.method_name == "Geostationary Satellite (Sweep Y)"
--        assert area_def.crs.coordinate_operation.params[0].value == 0.0  # projection origin longitude
--        assert area_def.crs.coordinate_operation.params[1].value == 35786400.0  # projection height
--        assert area_def.crs.ellipsoid.semi_major_metre == 6378137.0
--        assert area_def.crs.ellipsoid.inverse_flattening == 298.257223563
--        assert area_def.crs.ellipsoid.is_semi_minor_computed
--    @pytest.mark.parametrize("fh_param", [(lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerFDHSI_fixture")),
--                                          (lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerHRFI_fixture"))])
--    def test_excs(self, reader_configs, fh_param):
--        """Test that exceptions are raised where expected."""
--        reader = _get_reader_with_filehandlers(fh_param["filenames"], reader_configs)
--        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Unknown dataset key, not a channel, quality or auxiliary data: invalid"):
--            reader.file_handlers[fh_param["filetype"]][0].get_dataset(make_dataid(name="invalid"), {})
--        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="unknown invalid value for <enum 'calibration'>"):
--            reader.file_handlers[fh_param["filetype"]][0].get_dataset(
--                make_dataid(name="ir_123", calibration="unknown"),
--                {"units": "unknown"})
-+#     @pytest.mark.parametrize(("fh_param", "expected_pos_info"), [
-+#         (lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerFDHSI_fixture"), expected_pos_info_for_filetype["fdhsi"]),
-+#         (lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerHRFI_fixture"), expected_pos_info_for_filetype["hrfi"])
-+#     ])
-+#     def test_get_segment_position_info(self, reader_configs, fh_param, expected_pos_info):
-+#         """Test the segment position info method."""
-+#         reader = _get_reader_with_filehandlers(fh_param["filenames"], reader_configs)
-+#         for filetype_handler in list(reader.file_handlers.values())[0]:
-+#             segpos_info = filetype_handler.get_segment_position_info()
-+#             assert segpos_info == expected_pos_info
-+#     @pytest.mark.parametrize(("fh_param", "expected_res_n"), [(lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerFDHSI_fixture"), 16),
-+#                                                               (lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerHRFI_fixture"), 4)])
-+#     def test_load_index_map(self, reader_configs, fh_param, expected_res_n):
-+#         """Test loading of index_map."""
-+#         reader = _get_reader_with_filehandlers(fh_param["filenames"], reader_configs)
-+#         res = reader.load(
-+#             [name + "_index_map" for name in
-+#              fh_param["channels"]["solar"] + fh_param["channels"]["terran"]], pad_data=False)
-+#         assert expected_res_n == len(res)
-+#         for ch, grid_type in zip(fh_param["channels"]["solar"] + fh_param["channels"]["terran"],
-+#                                  fh_param["channels"]["solar_grid_type"] +
-+#                                  fh_param["channels"]["terran_grid_type"]):
-+#             assert res[ch + "_index_map"].shape == (GRID_TYPE_INFO_FOR_TEST_CONTENT[grid_type]["nrows"],
-+#                                                     GRID_TYPE_INFO_FOR_TEST_CONTENT[grid_type]["ncols"])
-+#             numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(res[ch + "_index_map"][1, 1], 110)
-+#     @pytest.mark.parametrize("fh_param", [(lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerFDHSI_fixture")),
-+#                                           (lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerHRFI_fixture"))])
-+#     def test_load_aux_data(self, reader_configs, fh_param):
-+#         """Test loading of auxiliary data."""
-+#         from satpy.readers.fci_l1c_nc import AUX_DATA
-+#         reader = _get_reader_with_filehandlers(fh_param["filenames"], reader_configs)
-+#         res = reader.load([fh_param["channels"]["solar"][0] + "_" + key for key in AUX_DATA.keys()],
-+#                           pad_data=False)
-+#         grid_type = fh_param["channels"]["solar_grid_type"][0]
-+#         for aux in [fh_param["channels"]["solar"][0] + "_" + key for key in AUX_DATA.keys()]:
-+#             assert res[aux].shape == (GRID_TYPE_INFO_FOR_TEST_CONTENT[grid_type]["nrows"],
-+#                                       GRID_TYPE_INFO_FOR_TEST_CONTENT[grid_type]["ncols"])
-+#             if aux == fh_param["channels"]["solar"][0] + "_earth_sun_distance":
-+#                 numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(res[aux][1, 1], 149597870.7)
-+#             else:
-+#                 numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(res[aux][1, 1], 10)
-+#     @pytest.mark.parametrize(("fh_param", "expected_res_n"), [(lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerFDHSI_fixture"), 16),
-+#                                                               (lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerHRFI_fixture"), 4)])
-+#     def test_load_quality_only(self, reader_configs, fh_param, expected_res_n):
-+#         """Test that loading quality only works."""
-+#         reader = _get_reader_with_filehandlers(fh_param["filenames"], reader_configs)
-+#         res = reader.load(
-+#             [name + "_pixel_quality" for name in
-+#              fh_param["channels"]["solar"] + fh_param["channels"]["terran"]], pad_data=False)
-+#         assert expected_res_n == len(res)
-+#         for ch, grid_type in zip(fh_param["channels"]["solar"] + fh_param["channels"]["terran"],
-+#                                  fh_param["channels"]["solar_grid_type"] +
-+#                                  fh_param["channels"]["terran_grid_type"]):
-+#             assert res[ch + "_pixel_quality"].shape == (GRID_TYPE_INFO_FOR_TEST_CONTENT[grid_type]["nrows"],
-+#                                                         GRID_TYPE_INFO_FOR_TEST_CONTENT[grid_type]["ncols"])
-+#             numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(res[ch + "_pixel_quality"][1, 1], 3)
-+#             assert res[ch + "_pixel_quality"].attrs["name"] == ch + "_pixel_quality"
-+#     @pytest.mark.parametrize("fh_param", [(lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerFDHSI_fixture")),
-+#                                           (lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerHRFI_fixture"))])
-+#     def test_platform_name(self, reader_configs, fh_param):
-+#         """Test that platform name is exposed.
-+#         Test that the FCI reader exposes the platform name.  Corresponds
-+#         to GH issue 1014.
-+#         """
-+#         reader = _get_reader_with_filehandlers(fh_param["filenames"], reader_configs)
-+#         res = reader.load(["vis_06"], pad_data=False)
-+#         assert res["vis_06"].attrs["platform_name"] == "MTG-I1"
-+#     @pytest.mark.parametrize(("fh_param", "expected_area"), [
-+#         (lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerFDHSI_fixture"), ["mtg_fci_fdss_1km", "mtg_fci_fdss_2km"]),
-+#         (lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerHRFI_fixture"), ["mtg_fci_fdss_500m", "mtg_fci_fdss_1km"]),
-+#     ])
-+#     def test_area_definition_computation(self, reader_configs, fh_param, expected_area):
-+#         """Test that the geolocation computation is correct."""
-+#         reader = _get_reader_with_filehandlers(fh_param["filenames"], reader_configs)
-+#         res = reader.load(["ir_105", "vis_06"], pad_data=False)
-+#         # test that area_ids are harmonisation-conform <platform>_<instrument>_<service>_<resolution>
-+#         assert res["vis_06"].attrs["area"].area_id == expected_area[0]
-+#         assert res["ir_105"].attrs["area"].area_id == expected_area[1]
-+#         area_def = res["ir_105"].attrs["area"]
-+#         # test area extents computation
-+#         np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(np.array(area_def.area_extent),
-+#                                              np.array([-5567999.994203, -5367999.994411,
-+#                                                        5567999.994203, -5567999.994203]),
-+#                                              decimal=2)
-+#         # check that the projection is read in properly
-+#         assert area_def.crs.coordinate_operation.method_name == "Geostationary Satellite (Sweep Y)"
-+#         assert area_def.crs.coordinate_operation.params[0].value == 0.0  # projection origin longitude
-+#         assert area_def.crs.coordinate_operation.params[1].value == 35786400.0  # projection height
-+#         assert area_def.crs.ellipsoid.semi_major_metre == 6378137.0
-+#         assert area_def.crs.ellipsoid.inverse_flattening == 298.257223563
-+#         assert area_def.crs.ellipsoid.is_semi_minor_computed
-+#    @pytest.mark.parametrize("fh_param", [(lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerFDHSI_fixture")),
-+#                                          (lazy_fixture("FakeFCIFileHandlerHRFI_fixture"))])
-+#    def test_excs(self, reader_configs, fh_param):
-+#        """Test that exceptions are raised where expected."""
-+#        reader = _get_reader_with_filehandlers(fh_param["filenames"], reader_configs)
-+#        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Unknown dataset key, not a channel, quality or auxiliary data: invalid"):
-+#            reader.file_handlers[fh_param["filetype"]][0].get_dataset(make_dataid(name="invalid"), {})
-+#        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="unknown invalid value for <enum 'calibration'>"):
-+#            reader.file_handlers[fh_param["filetype"]][0].get_dataset(
-+#                make_dataid(name="ir_123", calibration="unknown"),
-+#                {"units": "unknown"})
-     def test_load_composite(self):
-         """Test that composites are loadable."""
-diff --git a/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_goci2_l2_nc.py b/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_goci2_l2_nc.py
-index 865ac31..9483524 100644
---- a/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_goci2_l2_nc.py
-+++ b/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_goci2_l2_nc.py
-@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ from datetime import datetime
- import numpy as np
- import pytest
- import xarray as xr
--from pytest_lazyfixture import lazy_fixture
-+# from pytest_lazyfixture import lazy_fixture
- from satpy import Scene
-@@ -160,51 +160,51 @@ def generic_bad_file(tmp_path_factory):
- class TestGOCI2Reader:
-     """Test the GOCI-II L2 netcdf file reader."""
--    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
--        "test_files",
--        [
--            lazy_fixture("ac_file"),
--            lazy_fixture("iop_file"),
--            lazy_fixture("generic_file"),
--            lazy_fixture("generic_bad_file"),
--        ],
--    )
--    def test_scene_available_datasets(self, test_files):
--        """Test that datasets are available."""
--        scene = Scene(filenames=[test_files], reader="goci2_l2_nc")
--        available_datasets = scene.all_dataset_names()
--        assert len(available_datasets) > 0
--        assert "longitude" in available_datasets
--        assert "latitude" in available_datasets
--    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
--        "test_files",
--        [
--            lazy_fixture("ac_file"),
--            lazy_fixture("iop_file"),
--            lazy_fixture("generic_file"),
--            lazy_fixture("generic_bad_file"),
--        ],
--    )
--    def test_start_end_time(self, test_files):
--        """Test dataset start_time and end_time."""
--        scene = Scene(filenames=[test_files], reader="goci2_l2_nc")
--        assert scene.start_time == start_time
--        assert scene.end_time == end_time
--    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
--        ("test_files", "datasets"),
--        [
--            (lazy_fixture("ac_file"), ["RhoC_555", "Rrs_555"]),
--            (lazy_fixture("iop_file"), ["a_total_555", "bb_total_555"]),
--            (lazy_fixture("generic_file"), ["Chl"]),
--            (lazy_fixture("generic_bad_file"), ["PP"]),
--        ],
--    )
--    def test_load_dataset(self, test_files, datasets):
--        """Test dataset loading."""
--        scene = Scene(filenames=[test_files], reader="goci2_l2_nc")
--        scene.load(datasets)
--        for dataset in datasets:
--            data_arr = scene[dataset]
--            assert data_arr.dims == ("y", "x")
-+    # @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-+    #     "test_files",
-+    #     [
-+    #         lazy_fixture("ac_file"),
-+    #         lazy_fixture("iop_file"),
-+    #         lazy_fixture("generic_file"),
-+    #         lazy_fixture("generic_bad_file"),
-+    #     ],
-+    # )
-+    # def test_scene_available_datasets(self, test_files):
-+    #     """Test that datasets are available."""
-+    #     scene = Scene(filenames=[test_files], reader="goci2_l2_nc")
-+    #     available_datasets = scene.all_dataset_names()
-+    #     assert len(available_datasets) > 0
-+    #     assert "longitude" in available_datasets
-+    #     assert "latitude" in available_datasets
-+    # @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-+    #     "test_files",
-+    #     [
-+    #         lazy_fixture("ac_file"),
-+    #         lazy_fixture("iop_file"),
-+    #         lazy_fixture("generic_file"),
-+    #         lazy_fixture("generic_bad_file"),
-+    #     ],
-+    # )
-+    # def test_start_end_time(self, test_files):
-+    #     """Test dataset start_time and end_time."""
-+    #     scene = Scene(filenames=[test_files], reader="goci2_l2_nc")
-+    #     assert scene.start_time == start_time
-+    #     assert scene.end_time == end_time
-+    # @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-+    #     ("test_files", "datasets"),
-+    #     [
-+    #         (lazy_fixture("ac_file"), ["RhoC_555", "Rrs_555"]),
-+    #         (lazy_fixture("iop_file"), ["a_total_555", "bb_total_555"]),
-+    #         (lazy_fixture("generic_file"), ["Chl"]),
-+    #         (lazy_fixture("generic_bad_file"), ["PP"]),
-+    #     ],
-+    # )
-+    # def test_load_dataset(self, test_files, datasets):
-+    #     """Test dataset loading."""
-+    #     scene = Scene(filenames=[test_files], reader="goci2_l2_nc")
-+    #     scene.load(datasets)
-+    #     for dataset in datasets:
-+    #         data_arr = scene[dataset]
-+    #         assert data_arr.dims == ("y", "x")
-diff --git a/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_seadas_l2.py b/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_seadas_l2.py
-index d3037e6..c32d55b 100644
---- a/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_seadas_l2.py
-+++ b/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_seadas_l2.py
-@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
- import numpy as np
- import pytest
- from pyresample.geometry import SwathDefinition
--from pytest_lazyfixture import lazy_fixture
-+# from pytest_lazyfixture import lazy_fixture
- from satpy import Scene, available_readers
-@@ -211,45 +211,45 @@ class TestSEADAS:
-         """Test that SEADAS L2 reader is available."""
-         assert "seadas_l2" in available_readers()
--    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
--        "input_files",
--        [
--            lazy_fixture("seadas_l2_modis_chlor_a"),
--            lazy_fixture("seadas_l2_viirs_npp_chlor_a"),
--            lazy_fixture("seadas_l2_viirs_j01_chlor_a"),
--        ])
--    def test_scene_available_datasets(self, input_files):
--        """Test that datasets are available."""
--        scene = Scene(reader="seadas_l2", filenames=input_files)
--        available_datasets = scene.all_dataset_names()
--        assert len(available_datasets) > 0
--        assert "chlor_a" in available_datasets
--    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
--        ("input_files", "exp_plat", "exp_sensor", "exp_rps"),
--        [
--            (lazy_fixture("seadas_l2_modis_chlor_a"), "Aqua", {"modis"}, 10),
--            (lazy_fixture("seadas_l2_viirs_npp_chlor_a"), "Suomi-NPP", {"viirs"}, 16),
--            (lazy_fixture("seadas_l2_viirs_j01_chlor_a"), "NOAA-20", {"viirs"}, 16),
--            (lazy_fixture("seadas_l2_modis_chlor_a_netcdf"), "Terra", {"modis"}, 10),
--        ])
--    @pytest.mark.parametrize("apply_quality_flags", [False, True])
--    def test_load_chlor_a(self, input_files, exp_plat, exp_sensor, exp_rps, apply_quality_flags):
--        """Test that we can load 'chlor_a'."""
--        reader_kwargs = {"apply_quality_flags": apply_quality_flags}
--        scene = Scene(reader="seadas_l2", filenames=input_files, reader_kwargs=reader_kwargs)
--        scene.load(["chlor_a"])
--        data_arr = scene["chlor_a"]
--        assert data_arr.dims == ("y", "x")
--        assert data_arr.attrs["platform_name"] == exp_plat
--        assert data_arr.attrs["sensor"] == exp_sensor
--        assert data_arr.attrs["units"] == "mg m^-3"
--        assert data_arr.dtype.type == np.float32
--        assert isinstance(data_arr.attrs["area"], SwathDefinition)
--        assert data_arr.attrs["rows_per_scan"] == exp_rps
--        data = data_arr.data.compute()
--        if apply_quality_flags:
--            assert np.isnan(data[2, 2])
--            assert np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(data)) == 1
--        else:
--            assert np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(data)) == 0
-+#     @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-+#         "input_files",
-+#         [
-+#             lazy_fixture("seadas_l2_modis_chlor_a"),
-+#             lazy_fixture("seadas_l2_viirs_npp_chlor_a"),
-+#             lazy_fixture("seadas_l2_viirs_j01_chlor_a"),
-+#         ])
-+#     def test_scene_available_datasets(self, input_files):
-+#         """Test that datasets are available."""
-+#         scene = Scene(reader="seadas_l2", filenames=input_files)
-+#         available_datasets = scene.all_dataset_names()
-+#         assert len(available_datasets) > 0
-+#         assert "chlor_a" in available_datasets
-+#     @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-+#         ("input_files", "exp_plat", "exp_sensor", "exp_rps"),
-+#         [
-+#             (lazy_fixture("seadas_l2_modis_chlor_a"), "Aqua", {"modis"}, 10),
-+#             (lazy_fixture("seadas_l2_viirs_npp_chlor_a"), "Suomi-NPP", {"viirs"}, 16),
-+#             (lazy_fixture("seadas_l2_viirs_j01_chlor_a"), "NOAA-20", {"viirs"}, 16),
-+#             (lazy_fixture("seadas_l2_modis_chlor_a_netcdf"), "Terra", {"modis"}, 10),
-+#         ])
-+#     @pytest.mark.parametrize("apply_quality_flags", [False, True])
-+#     def test_load_chlor_a(self, input_files, exp_plat, exp_sensor, exp_rps, apply_quality_flags):
-+#         """Test that we can load 'chlor_a'."""
-+#         reader_kwargs = {"apply_quality_flags": apply_quality_flags}
-+#         scene = Scene(reader="seadas_l2", filenames=input_files, reader_kwargs=reader_kwargs)
-+#         scene.load(["chlor_a"])
-+#         data_arr = scene["chlor_a"]
-+#         assert data_arr.dims == ("y", "x")
-+#         assert data_arr.attrs["platform_name"] == exp_plat
-+#         assert data_arr.attrs["sensor"] == exp_sensor
-+#         assert data_arr.attrs["units"] == "mg m^-3"
-+#         assert data_arr.dtype.type == np.float32
-+#         assert isinstance(data_arr.attrs["area"], SwathDefinition)
-+#         assert data_arr.attrs["rows_per_scan"] == exp_rps
-+#         data = data_arr.data.compute()
-+#         if apply_quality_flags:
-+#             assert np.isnan(data[2, 2])
-+#             assert np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(data)) == 1
-+#         else:
-+#             assert np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(data)) == 0
-diff --git a/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_viirs_edr.py b/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_viirs_edr.py
-index d764891..f2615ba 100644
---- a/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_viirs_edr.py
-+++ b/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_viirs_edr.py
-@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import pytest
- import xarray as xr
- from pyresample import SwathDefinition
- from pytest import TempPathFactory  # noqa: PT013
--from pytest_lazyfixture import lazy_fixture
-+# from pytest_lazyfixture import lazy_fixture
- I_COLS = 6400
- I_ROWS = 32  # one scan
-@@ -326,73 +326,73 @@ def test_available_datasets(aod_file):
- class TestVIIRSJRRReader:
-     """Test the VIIRS JRR L2 reader."""
--    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
--        "data_files",
--        [
--            lazy_fixture("surface_reflectance_file"),
--            lazy_fixture("multiple_surface_reflectance_files"),
--        ],
--    )
--    def test_get_dataset_surf_refl(self, data_files):
--        """Test retrieval of datasets."""
--        from satpy import Scene
--        if not isinstance(data_files, list):
--            data_files = [data_files]
--        is_multiple = len(data_files) > 1
--        bytes_in_m_row = 4 * 3200
--        with dask.config.set({"array.chunk-size": f"{bytes_in_m_row * 4}B"}):
--            scn = Scene(reader="viirs_edr", filenames=data_files)
--            scn.load(["surf_refl_I01", "surf_refl_M01"])
--        assert scn.start_time == START_TIME
--        assert scn.end_time == END_TIME
--        _check_surf_refl_data_arr(scn["surf_refl_I01"], multiple_files=is_multiple)
--        _check_surf_refl_data_arr(scn["surf_refl_M01"], multiple_files=is_multiple)
--    @pytest.mark.parametrize("filter_veg", [False, True])
--    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
--        "data_files",
--        [
--            lazy_fixture("surface_reflectance_with_veg_indices_file2"),
--            lazy_fixture("multiple_surface_reflectance_files_with_veg_indices"),
--        ],
--    )
--    def test_get_dataset_surf_refl_with_veg_idx(
--            self,
--            data_files,
--            filter_veg,
--    ):
--        """Test retrieval of vegetation indices from surface reflectance files."""
--        from satpy import Scene
--        if not isinstance(data_files, list):
--            data_files = [data_files]
--        is_multiple = len(data_files) > 1
--        bytes_in_m_row = 4 * 3200
--        with dask.config.set({"array.chunk-size": f"{bytes_in_m_row * 4}B"}):
--            scn = Scene(reader="viirs_edr", filenames=data_files,
--                        reader_kwargs={"filter_veg": filter_veg})
--            scn.load(["NDVI", "EVI", "surf_refl_qf1"])
--        _check_vi_data_arr(scn["NDVI"], filter_veg, is_multiple)
--        _check_vi_data_arr(scn["EVI"], filter_veg, is_multiple)
--        _check_surf_refl_qf_data_arr(scn["surf_refl_qf1"], is_multiple)
--    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
--        ("var_names", "data_file"),
--        [
--            (("CldTopTemp", "CldTopHght", "CldTopPres"), lazy_fixture("cloud_height_file")),
--            (("VLST",), lazy_fixture("lst_file")),
--        ]
--    )
--    def test_get_dataset_generic(self, var_names, data_file):
--        """Test datasets from cloud height files."""
--        from satpy import Scene
--        bytes_in_m_row = 4 * 3200
--        with dask.config.set({"array.chunk-size": f"{bytes_in_m_row * 4}B"}):
--            scn = Scene(reader="viirs_edr", filenames=[data_file])
--            scn.load(var_names)
--        for var_name in var_names:
--            _check_continuous_data_arr(scn[var_name])
-+#     @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-+#         "data_files",
-+#         [
-+#             lazy_fixture("surface_reflectance_file"),
-+#             lazy_fixture("multiple_surface_reflectance_files"),
-+#         ],
-+#     )
-+#     def test_get_dataset_surf_refl(self, data_files):
-+#         """Test retrieval of datasets."""
-+#         from satpy import Scene
-+#         if not isinstance(data_files, list):
-+#             data_files = [data_files]
-+#         is_multiple = len(data_files) > 1
-+#         bytes_in_m_row = 4 * 3200
-+#         with dask.config.set({"array.chunk-size": f"{bytes_in_m_row * 4}B"}):
-+#             scn = Scene(reader="viirs_edr", filenames=data_files)
-+#             scn.load(["surf_refl_I01", "surf_refl_M01"])
-+#         assert scn.start_time == START_TIME
-+#         assert scn.end_time == END_TIME
-+#         _check_surf_refl_data_arr(scn["surf_refl_I01"], multiple_files=is_multiple)
-+#         _check_surf_refl_data_arr(scn["surf_refl_M01"], multiple_files=is_multiple)
-+#     @pytest.mark.parametrize("filter_veg", [False, True])
-+#     @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-+#         "data_files",
-+#         [
-+#             lazy_fixture("surface_reflectance_with_veg_indices_file2"),
-+#             lazy_fixture("multiple_surface_reflectance_files_with_veg_indices"),
-+#         ],
-+#     )
-+#     def test_get_dataset_surf_refl_with_veg_idx(
-+#             self,
-+#             data_files,
-+#             filter_veg,
-+#     ):
-+#         """Test retrieval of vegetation indices from surface reflectance files."""
-+#         from satpy import Scene
-+#         if not isinstance(data_files, list):
-+#             data_files = [data_files]
-+#         is_multiple = len(data_files) > 1
-+#         bytes_in_m_row = 4 * 3200
-+#         with dask.config.set({"array.chunk-size": f"{bytes_in_m_row * 4}B"}):
-+#             scn = Scene(reader="viirs_edr", filenames=data_files,
-+#                         reader_kwargs={"filter_veg": filter_veg})
-+#             scn.load(["NDVI", "EVI", "surf_refl_qf1"])
-+#         _check_vi_data_arr(scn["NDVI"], filter_veg, is_multiple)
-+#         _check_vi_data_arr(scn["EVI"], filter_veg, is_multiple)
-+#         _check_surf_refl_qf_data_arr(scn["surf_refl_qf1"], is_multiple)
-+#     @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-+#         ("var_names", "data_file"),
-+#         [
-+#             (("CldTopTemp", "CldTopHght", "CldTopPres"), lazy_fixture("cloud_height_file")),
-+#             (("VLST",), lazy_fixture("lst_file")),
-+#         ]
-+#     )
-+#     def test_get_dataset_generic(self, var_names, data_file):
-+#         """Test datasets from cloud height files."""
-+#         from satpy import Scene
-+#         bytes_in_m_row = 4 * 3200
-+#         with dask.config.set({"array.chunk-size": f"{bytes_in_m_row * 4}B"}):
-+#             scn = Scene(reader="viirs_edr", filenames=[data_file])
-+#             scn.load(var_names)
-+#         for var_name in var_names:
-+#             _check_continuous_data_arr(scn[var_name])
-     @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-         ("aod_qc_filter", "exp_masked_pixel"),
-@@ -419,24 +419,24 @@ class TestVIIRSJRRReader:
-         assert not np.isnan(lons[-1, -1].compute())
-         assert not np.isnan(lats[-1, -1].compute())
--    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
--        ("data_file", "exp_available"),
--        [
--            (lazy_fixture("surface_reflectance_file"), False),
--            (lazy_fixture("surface_reflectance_with_veg_indices_file"), True),
--        ]
--    )
--    def test_availability_veg_idx(self, data_file, exp_available):
--        """Test that vegetation indexes aren't available when they aren't present."""
--        from satpy import Scene
--        scn = Scene(reader="viirs_edr", filenames=[data_file])
--        avail = scn.available_dataset_names()
--        if exp_available:
--            assert "NDVI" in avail
--            assert "EVI" in avail
--        else:
--            assert "NDVI" not in avail
--            assert "EVI" not in avail
-+#     @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-+#         ("data_file", "exp_available"),
-+#         [
-+#             (lazy_fixture("surface_reflectance_file"), False),
-+#             (lazy_fixture("surface_reflectance_with_veg_indices_file"), True),
-+#         ]
-+#     )
-+#     def test_availability_veg_idx(self, data_file, exp_available):
-+#         """Test that vegetation indexes aren't available when they aren't present."""
-+#         from satpy import Scene
-+#         scn = Scene(reader="viirs_edr", filenames=[data_file])
-+#         avail = scn.available_dataset_names()
-+#         if exp_available:
-+#             assert "NDVI" in avail
-+#             assert "EVI" in avail
-+#         else:
-+#             assert "NDVI" not in avail
-+#             assert "EVI" not in avail
-     @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-         ("filename_platform", "exp_shortname"),
-diff --git a/satpy/tests/test_modifiers.py b/satpy/tests/test_modifiers.py
-index 0c8eb51..041eb11 100644
---- a/satpy/tests/test_modifiers.py
-+++ b/satpy/tests/test_modifiers.py
-@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import numpy as np
- import pytest
- import xarray as xr
- from pyresample.geometry import AreaDefinition, StackedAreaDefinition
--from pytest_lazyfixture import lazy_fixture
-+# from pytest_lazyfixture import lazy_fixture
- def _sunz_area_def():
-@@ -139,21 +139,21 @@ class TestSunZenithCorrector:
-         res = comp((sunz_ds1,), test_attr="test")
-         np.testing.assert_allclose(res.values, np.array([[66.853262, 68.168939], [66.30742, 67.601493]]))
--    @pytest.mark.parametrize("data_arr", [lazy_fixture("sunz_ds1"), lazy_fixture("sunz_ds1_stacked")])
--    def test_basic_default_provided(self, data_arr, sunz_sza):
--        """Test default limits when SZA is provided."""
--        from satpy.modifiers.geometry import SunZenithCorrector
--        comp = SunZenithCorrector(name="sza_test", modifiers=tuple())
--        res = comp((data_arr, sunz_sza), test_attr="test")
--        np.testing.assert_allclose(res.values, np.array([[22.401667, 22.31777], [22.437503, 22.353533]]))
--    @pytest.mark.parametrize("data_arr", [lazy_fixture("sunz_ds1"), lazy_fixture("sunz_ds1_stacked")])
--    def test_basic_lims_provided(self, data_arr, sunz_sza):
--        """Test custom limits when SZA is provided."""
--        from satpy.modifiers.geometry import SunZenithCorrector
--        comp = SunZenithCorrector(name="sza_test", modifiers=tuple(), correction_limit=90)
--        res = comp((data_arr, sunz_sza), test_attr="test")
--        np.testing.assert_allclose(res.values, np.array([[66.853262, 68.168939], [66.30742, 67.601493]]))
-+#     @pytest.mark.parametrize("data_arr", [lazy_fixture("sunz_ds1"), lazy_fixture("sunz_ds1_stacked")])
-+#     def test_basic_default_provided(self, data_arr, sunz_sza):
-+#         """Test default limits when SZA is provided."""
-+#         from satpy.modifiers.geometry import SunZenithCorrector
-+#         comp = SunZenithCorrector(name="sza_test", modifiers=tuple())
-+#         res = comp((data_arr, sunz_sza), test_attr="test")
-+#         np.testing.assert_allclose(res.values, np.array([[22.401667, 22.31777], [22.437503, 22.353533]]))
-+#     @pytest.mark.parametrize("data_arr", [lazy_fixture("sunz_ds1"), lazy_fixture("sunz_ds1_stacked")])
-+#     def test_basic_lims_provided(self, data_arr, sunz_sza):
-+#         """Test custom limits when SZA is provided."""
-+#         from satpy.modifiers.geometry import SunZenithCorrector
-+#         comp = SunZenithCorrector(name="sza_test", modifiers=tuple(), correction_limit=90)
-+#         res = comp((data_arr, sunz_sza), test_attr="test")
-+#         np.testing.assert_allclose(res.values, np.array([[66.853262, 68.168939], [66.30742, 67.601493]]))
-     def test_imcompatible_areas(self, sunz_ds2, sunz_sza):
-         """Test sunz correction on incompatible areas."""
-diff --git a/satpy/tests/test_readers.py b/satpy/tests/test_readers.py
-index db3d1cc..7eabd51 100644
---- a/satpy/tests/test_readers.py
-+++ b/satpy/tests/test_readers.py
-@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ from unittest import mock
- import numpy as np
- import pytest
- import xarray as xr
--from pytest_lazyfixture import lazy_fixture
-+# from pytest_lazyfixture import lazy_fixture
- from satpy.dataset.data_dict import get_key
- from satpy.dataset.dataid import DataID, ModifierTuple, WavelengthRange
-@@ -1204,28 +1204,28 @@ def _open_h5py():
-     return h5py.File
-- at pytest.mark.parametrize(
--    ("file_thing", "create_read_func"),
--    [
--        (lazy_fixture("local_netcdf_filename"), _open_xarray_default),
--        (lazy_fixture("local_netcdf_filename"), _open_xarray_netcdf4),
--        (lazy_fixture("local_netcdf_filename"), _open_xarray_h5netcdf),
--        (lazy_fixture("local_netcdf_path"), _open_xarray_default),
--        (lazy_fixture("local_netcdf_path"), _open_xarray_netcdf4),
--        (lazy_fixture("local_netcdf_path"), _open_xarray_h5netcdf),
--        (lazy_fixture("local_netcdf_fsspec"), _open_xarray_default),
--        (lazy_fixture("local_netcdf_fsspec"), _open_xarray_h5netcdf),
--        (lazy_fixture("local_netcdf_fsfile"), _open_xarray_default),
--        (lazy_fixture("local_netcdf_fsfile"), _open_xarray_h5netcdf),
--        (lazy_fixture("local_hdf5_filename"), _open_h5py),
--        (lazy_fixture("local_hdf5_path"), _open_h5py),
--        (lazy_fixture("local_hdf5_fsspec"), _open_h5py),
--    ],
--def test_open_file_or_filename(file_thing, create_read_func):
--    """Test various combinations of file-like things and opening them with various libraries."""
--    from satpy.readers import open_file_or_filename
--    read_func = create_read_func()
--    open_thing = open_file_or_filename(file_thing)
--    read_func(open_thing)
-+# @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-+#     ("file_thing", "create_read_func"),
-+#     [
-+#         (lazy_fixture("local_netcdf_filename"), _open_xarray_default),
-+#         (lazy_fixture("local_netcdf_filename"), _open_xarray_netcdf4),
-+#         (lazy_fixture("local_netcdf_filename"), _open_xarray_h5netcdf),
-+#         (lazy_fixture("local_netcdf_path"), _open_xarray_default),
-+#         (lazy_fixture("local_netcdf_path"), _open_xarray_netcdf4),
-+#         (lazy_fixture("local_netcdf_path"), _open_xarray_h5netcdf),
-+#         (lazy_fixture("local_netcdf_fsspec"), _open_xarray_default),
-+#         (lazy_fixture("local_netcdf_fsspec"), _open_xarray_h5netcdf),
-+#         (lazy_fixture("local_netcdf_fsfile"), _open_xarray_default),
-+#         (lazy_fixture("local_netcdf_fsfile"), _open_xarray_h5netcdf),
-+#         (lazy_fixture("local_hdf5_filename"), _open_h5py),
-+#         (lazy_fixture("local_hdf5_path"), _open_h5py),
-+#         (lazy_fixture("local_hdf5_fsspec"), _open_h5py),
-+#     ],
-+# )
-+# def test_open_file_or_filename(file_thing, create_read_func):
-+#     """Test various combinations of file-like things and opening them with various libraries."""
-+#     from satpy.readers import open_file_or_filename
-+#     read_func = create_read_func()
-+#     open_thing = open_file_or_filename(file_thing)
-+#     read_func(open_thing)

@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+From: Antonio Valentino <antonio.valentino at tiscali.it>
+Date: Thu, 16 May 2024 05:15:45 +0000
+Subject: Switch to pytest-lazy-fixtures
+Forwarded: not-needed
+ satpy/tests/reader_tests/modis_tests/test_modis_l1b.py | 2 +-
+ satpy/tests/reader_tests/modis_tests/test_modis_l2.py  | 2 +-
+ satpy/tests/reader_tests/modis_tests/test_modis_l3.py  | 2 +-
+ satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_abi_l1b.py               | 2 +-
+ satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_fci_l1c_nc.py            | 2 +-
+ satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_goci2_l2_nc.py           | 2 +-
+ satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_seadas_l2.py             | 2 +-
+ satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_viirs_edr.py             | 2 +-
+ satpy/tests/test_modifiers.py                          | 2 +-
+ satpy/tests/test_readers.py                            | 2 +-
+ 10 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/satpy/tests/reader_tests/modis_tests/test_modis_l1b.py b/satpy/tests/reader_tests/modis_tests/test_modis_l1b.py
+index d4998a6..47f5f92 100644
+--- a/satpy/tests/reader_tests/modis_tests/test_modis_l1b.py
++++ b/satpy/tests/reader_tests/modis_tests/test_modis_l1b.py
+@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ from __future__ import annotations
+ import dask
+ import numpy as np
+ import pytest
+-from pytest_lazyfixture import lazy_fixture
++from pytest_lazy_fixtures import lf as lazy_fixture
+ from satpy import Scene, available_readers
+ from satpy.tests.utils import CustomScheduler, make_dataid
+diff --git a/satpy/tests/reader_tests/modis_tests/test_modis_l2.py b/satpy/tests/reader_tests/modis_tests/test_modis_l2.py
+index 8876dec..a30bfc3 100644
+--- a/satpy/tests/reader_tests/modis_tests/test_modis_l2.py
++++ b/satpy/tests/reader_tests/modis_tests/test_modis_l2.py
+@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import dask
+ import dask.array as da
+ import numpy as np
+ import pytest
+-from pytest_lazyfixture import lazy_fixture
++from pytest_lazy_fixtures import lf as lazy_fixture
+ from satpy import Scene, available_readers
+ from satpy.tests.utils import CustomScheduler, make_dataid
+diff --git a/satpy/tests/reader_tests/modis_tests/test_modis_l3.py b/satpy/tests/reader_tests/modis_tests/test_modis_l3.py
+index de8ff68..ca6c5e3 100644
+--- a/satpy/tests/reader_tests/modis_tests/test_modis_l3.py
++++ b/satpy/tests/reader_tests/modis_tests/test_modis_l3.py
+@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import dask.array as da
+ import numpy as np
+ import pytest
+ from pyresample import geometry
+-from pytest_lazyfixture import lazy_fixture
++from pytest_lazy_fixtures import lf as lazy_fixture
+ from satpy import Scene, available_readers
+diff --git a/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_abi_l1b.py b/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_abi_l1b.py
+index 969c497..37fd1d7 100644
+--- a/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_abi_l1b.py
++++ b/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_abi_l1b.py
+@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import numpy as np
+ import numpy.typing as npt
+ import pytest
+ import xarray as xr
+-from pytest_lazyfixture import lazy_fixture
++from pytest_lazy_fixtures import lf as lazy_fixture
+ from satpy import DataQuery
+ from satpy.readers.abi_l1b import NC_ABI_L1B
+diff --git a/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_fci_l1c_nc.py b/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_fci_l1c_nc.py
+index 792de90..4bdf71e 100644
+--- a/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_fci_l1c_nc.py
++++ b/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_fci_l1c_nc.py
+@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import numpy.testing
+ import pytest
+ import xarray as xr
+ from netCDF4 import default_fillvals
+-from pytest_lazyfixture import lazy_fixture
++from pytest_lazy_fixtures import lf as lazy_fixture
+ from satpy.readers.fci_l1c_nc import FCIL1cNCFileHandler
+ from satpy.tests.reader_tests.test_netcdf_utils import FakeNetCDF4FileHandler
+diff --git a/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_goci2_l2_nc.py b/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_goci2_l2_nc.py
+index 865ac31..5060148 100644
+--- a/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_goci2_l2_nc.py
++++ b/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_goci2_l2_nc.py
+@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ from datetime import datetime
+ import numpy as np
+ import pytest
+ import xarray as xr
+-from pytest_lazyfixture import lazy_fixture
++from pytest_lazy_fixtures import lf as lazy_fixture
+ from satpy import Scene
+diff --git a/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_seadas_l2.py b/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_seadas_l2.py
+index d3037e6..8343abb 100644
+--- a/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_seadas_l2.py
++++ b/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_seadas_l2.py
+@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
+ import numpy as np
+ import pytest
+ from pyresample.geometry import SwathDefinition
+-from pytest_lazyfixture import lazy_fixture
++from pytest_lazy_fixtures import lf as lazy_fixture
+ from satpy import Scene, available_readers
+diff --git a/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_viirs_edr.py b/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_viirs_edr.py
+index d764891..f38e8ab 100644
+--- a/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_viirs_edr.py
++++ b/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_viirs_edr.py
+@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import pytest
+ import xarray as xr
+ from pyresample import SwathDefinition
+ from pytest import TempPathFactory  # noqa: PT013
+-from pytest_lazyfixture import lazy_fixture
++from pytest_lazy_fixtures import lf as lazy_fixture
+ I_COLS = 6400
+ I_ROWS = 32  # one scan
+diff --git a/satpy/tests/test_modifiers.py b/satpy/tests/test_modifiers.py
+index 0c8eb51..dee3195 100644
+--- a/satpy/tests/test_modifiers.py
++++ b/satpy/tests/test_modifiers.py
+@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import numpy as np
+ import pytest
+ import xarray as xr
+ from pyresample.geometry import AreaDefinition, StackedAreaDefinition
+-from pytest_lazyfixture import lazy_fixture
++from pytest_lazy_fixtures import lf as lazy_fixture
+ def _sunz_area_def():
+diff --git a/satpy/tests/test_readers.py b/satpy/tests/test_readers.py
+index db3d1cc..5c57d1a 100644
+--- a/satpy/tests/test_readers.py
++++ b/satpy/tests/test_readers.py
+@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ from unittest import mock
+ import numpy as np
+ import pytest
+ import xarray as xr
+-from pytest_lazyfixture import lazy_fixture
++from pytest_lazy_fixtures import lf as lazy_fixture
+ from satpy.dataset.data_dict import get_key
+ from satpy.dataset.dataid import DataID, ModifierTuple, WavelengthRange

@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@

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