[Git][debian-gis-team/pystac-client][master] Fix autopkgtest

Antonio Valentino (@antonio.valentino) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Fri May 24 21:59:04 BST 2024

Antonio Valentino pushed to branch master at Debian GIS Project / pystac-client

fc456652 by Antonio Valentino at 2024-05-24T20:56:28+00:00
Fix autopkgtest

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- debian/rules


@@ -4,6 +4,61 @@ export PYBUILD_TEST_ARGS=\
 -k "not test_localized_datetime_converted_to_utc" \
+-k "not test_instance \
+and not test_links \
+and not test_from_file \
+and not test_search_max_items_unlimited_default \
+and not test_signing \
+and not test_sign_with_return_warns \
+and not test_get_queryables \
+and not test_get_queryables_collections \
+and not test_changing_conforms_to_changes_behavior \
+and not test_collections_are_clients \
+and not test_get_items_without_ids \
+and not test_non_recursion_on_fallback \
+and not test_instance \
+and not test_get_items \
+and not test_get_items_with_ids \
+and not test_get_item \
+and not test_get_item_with_item_search \
+and not test_get_queryables \
+and not test_localized_datetime_converted_to_utc \
+and not test_results \
+and not test_ids_results \
+and not test_datetime_results \
+and not test_intersects_results \
+and not test_result_paging \
+and not test_result_paging_max_items \
+and not test_item_collection \
+and not test_deprecations \
+and not test_items_as_dicts \
+and not test_query_shortcut_syntax \
+and not test_query_json_syntax \
+and not test_multiple_collections \
+and not test_request_input \
+and not test_str_input \
+and not test_timeout_smoke_test \
+and not test_get_collections_without_conformance_fallsback_to_pystac \
+and not test_fallback_strategy \
+and not test_fields \
+and not test_item_search \
+and not test_filter \
+and not test_intersects \
+and not test_intersects_despite_warning \
+and not test_non_conformant_raises_by_default \
+and not test_non_conformant_raises_if_warning_set_to_error \
+and not test_non_conformant_can_be_fixed \
+and not test_non_conformant_can_be_ignored \
+and not test_altering_conforms_to \
+and not test_matched_not_available \
+and not test_matched \
+and not test_save \
+and not test_collections \
+and not test_save"
 	dh $@ --buildsystem=pybuild

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/pystac-client/-/commit/fc4566522fec7c051c3a5d6b9535dc06b1cfe97c

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View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/pystac-client/-/commit/fc4566522fec7c051c3a5d6b9535dc06b1cfe97c
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