[Git][debian-gis-team/gmtsar][master] 6 commits: Sort files to clean.

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Sun May 26 08:57:34 BST 2024

On 5/26/24 9:23 AM, Antonio Valentino wrote:
> Sebastiaan, just for my curiosity, do you use wrap-and-sort for cleaning 
> the d/control files? .. or any other automatic tool?

wrap-and-sort didn't do what I wanted when I tried it many years ago, so 
I just manually order the dependencies following these guidelines:

  * inter-package dependencies first
  * other packages second
  * substvars third, sorted by alphabetically
  ** misc: substvars always last as it's quite often empty

Kind Regards,


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