[Git][debian-gis-team/ncview][upstream] New upstream version 2.1.11+ds
Bas Couwenberg (@sebastic)
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Wed Nov 27 06:26:41 GMT 2024
Bas Couwenberg pushed to branch upstream at Debian GIS Project / ncview
e46db18e by Bas Couwenberg at 2024-11-27T04:59:55+01:00
New upstream version 2.1.11+ds
- - - - -
23 changed files:
- + '
- Makefile.am
- README.sgi
- + a/configure.in
- configure.in
- data/ncview.1.sed
- src/file.c
- src/file_netcdf.c
- src/interface/dataedit.c
- src/interface/filesel.c
- src/interface/x_interface.c
- src/ncview.c
- src/ncview.defines.h
- src/ncview.protos.h
- src/stringlist.c
- src/stringlist.h
- src/util.c
- src/view.c
- + t.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
+ * Ncview by David W. Pierce. A visual netCDF file viewer.
+ * Copyright (C) 1993 through 2008 by David W. Pierce
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License, version 3, for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ *
+ * David W. Pierce
+ * 6259 Caminito Carrena
+ * San Diego, CA 92122
+ * pierce at cirrus.ucsd.edu
+ */
+ ncview.defines.h
+ #defines, and structure definitions
+#include <udunits.h>
+#define PROGRAM_ID "Ncview 1.93f David W. Pierce 12 September 2008"
+#define PROGRAM_VERSION 1.93
+#define APP_RES_VERSION 1.93
+#ifndef TRUE
+#define TRUE 1
+#ifndef FALSE
+#define FALSE 0
+/******************** Buttons in the user interface **********************/
+#define BUTTON_REWIND 1
+#define BUTTON_PAUSE 3
+#define BUTTON_COLORMAP_SELECT 6 /* this is also a label */
+#define BUTTON_MAXIMUM 10
+#define BUTTON_QUIT 11
+#define BUTTON_BLOWUP 12 /* this is also a label */
+#define BUTTON_RESTART 13
+#define BUTTON_TRANSFORM 14 /* this is also a label */
+#define BUTTON_DIMSET 15
+#define BUTTON_RANGE 16
+#define BUTTON_BLOWUP_TYPE 17 /* this is also a label */
+#define BUTTON_SKIP 18 /* this is also a label */
+#define BUTTON_EDIT 19
+#define BUTTON_INFO 20
+#define BUTTON_PRINT 21
+#define BUTTON_OPTIONS 22
+ * These are the overlays we know about
+ */
+#define OVERLAY_NONE 0
+#define OVERLAY_P8DEG 1
+#define OVERLAY_P08DEG 2
+#define OVERLAY_USA 3
+ * General purpose writable labels in the user interface. These are the
+ * 'real' names; to actually use them, associate a more easily
+ * remembered #define with them, as shown below.
+ */
+#define LABEL_1 1
+#define LABEL_2 2
+#define LABEL_3 3
+#define LABEL_4 4
+#define LABEL_5 11
+/* Specific purpose writable labels in the user interface. */
+#define LABEL_COLORMAP_NAME 5 /* this is also a button */
+#define LABEL_BLOWUP 6 /* this is also a button */
+#define LABEL_CCINFO_1 8
+#define LABEL_CCINFO_2 9
+#define LABEL_BLOWUP_TYPE 10 /* this is also a button */
+#define LABEL_SKIP 12 /* this is also a button */
+/* Transforming the data before turning it into pixels is supported */
+#define N_TRANSFORMS 3
+#define TRANSFORM_LOW 2
+#define TRANSFORM_HI 3
+ * Maximum number of X-Y plot windows which can pop up, and the max
+ * number of lines on one plot.
+ */
+#define MAX_PLOT_XY 10
+ * This is for the popup windows which show all of a variable's attributes.
+ */
+/* Types of file data formats supported */
+/* Maximum name length of a variable */
+#define MAX_VAR_NAME_LEN 132
+/* Maximum name length of a file */
+#define MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN 1024
+/* Maximum name length of a recdim units */
+#define MAX_RECDIM_UNITS_LEN 1024
+/* Possible interpretations for the change_view routine; either change
+ * the specified number of FRAMES or the specified PERCENT.
+ */
+#define FRAMES 1
+#define PERCENT 2
+/* Truncate displayed strings which are longer than this */
+/* What dimension button sets we have */
+#define DIMENSION_X 1
+#define DIMENSION_Y 2
+/* Button-press modification indicators */
+#define MOD_1 1
+#define MOD_2 2
+#define MOD_3 3
+#define MOD_4 4
+/* Messages which a dialog popup can return */
+#define MESSAGE_OK 1
+/* This is used in x_interface.c, even though it has nothing to do with
+ * the X interface, because the X mechanism has a way of
+ * reading in resource files, and there is no point in reading in TWO
+ * different configuration files. Sigh. For use of this, see routine
+ * 'check_app_res' in file x_interface.c
+ */
+/* Ways in which the file's min and max can be calculated */
+/* Data which has the fill_value is IGNORED. It is assumed to represent
+ * out of domain or out of range data. Netcdf has its own values for this
+ * which replace this value, so in Netcdf implementations, this particular
+ * value is not the one which is actually used.
+ */
+#define DEFAULT_FILL_VALUE 1.0e35
+ * Ways to expand a small pixmap into a large one.
+ */
+ * Ways to contract a large pixmap into a small one.
+ */
+ * Possible states which the data inside the current buffer can be in
+ */
+#define VDS_VALID 1
+#define VDS_INVALID 2
+#define VDS_EDITED 3
+ * Where postscript output can go.
+ */
+#define DEVICE_FILE 2
+ * Ways of handling the variable-select area. We can either list
+ * all the variables, or make a pull-down menu for selecting them.
+ */
+#define VARSEL_LIST 1
+#define VARSEL_MENU 2
+ * Recognized standards by which the time axis may be described
+ */
+#define TSTD_UDUNITS 1 /* Ex: units="days since 1900-01-01" */
+#define TSTD_EPIC_0 2 /* Ex: units="True Julian Day" w/att epic_code=624 */
+#define TSTD_MONTHS 3 /* Ex: units="months", Jan 1 AD = month 1 */
+ * Kinds of time-like granularity.
+ */
+#define TGRAN_SEC 1
+#define TGRAN_MIN 2
+#define TGRAN_HOUR 3
+#define TGRAN_DAY 4
+#define TGRAN_MONTH 5
+#define TGRAN_YEAR 6
+ *
+ * The main concept here is the 'variable'. Variables are
+ * things which might possibly be displayed by ncview. Variables
+ * live in one or more files, and within each of those files
+ * have a size, and minimum and maximum values. Different
+ * variables can be in different files, but if you have the
+ * same variable in different files it must have the EXACT SAME
+ * layout in all files, with the exception of the first index
+ * (which is the time index in netCDF files). So, you can have
+ * 20 time entries in the first file, then 7 in the second, and
+ * 14 in the third; but you can't have the resolution of the
+ * variable be different in the different files.
+ *
+ ********************************************************************/
+typedef unsigned char ncv_pixel;/* If you change this, make sure to change
+ * routine 'data_to_pixels' in util.c! It
+ * assumes a size of one byte. Some of the
+ * X routines do also.
+ */
+/* A general purpose list of character strings */
+typedef struct {
+ char *string;
+ void *next, *prev;
+ int index; /* initialized to position in list */
+ void *aux; /* auxilliary data */
+} Stringlist;
+/* This describes the file which the relevant variable lives in */
+typedef struct {
+ void *next, *prev;
+ int id; /* internally used ID number */
+ char *filename;
+ void *aux_data; /* For specific datafile implementations */
+ size_t *var_size; /* Multi-dimensional size of variables which live in this file */
+ float data_min, data_max; /* for a specific variable in the file */
+ /* Following is an ugly hack for an ugly problem. Basically, different files can have
+ * different units for the unlimited dimension, and some people actually do this. So
+ * we must store the recdim units for each file. In a way this is a property more of
+ * the dimensions, so maybe should be in the NCDim structure somehow, but the units live
+ * in each file and have a 1-1 association with each file, so I'm putting them here.
+ */
+ char *recdim_units;
+ utUnit *udunits; /* only non-null if utScan worked on these units */
+} FDBlist;
+ * A specific set of data for netCDF-type files. These won't necessarily
+ * be applicable to different types of data file formats.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ int valid_range_set,
+ valid_min_set,
+ valid_max_set,
+ scale_factor_set,
+ add_offset_set;
+ float valid_range[2],
+ valid_min,
+ valid_max,
+ scale_factor,
+ add_offset;
+} NetCDFOptions;
+/* The dimension structure. This is more for convienence and efficiency
+ * than because dimensions are so fundamental; actually, it's the variables
+ * which are more important.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ char *name, *long_name, *units;
+ int units_change; /* if 1, then a virtully concatenated timelike dimension has different units in different input files */
+ float min, max, *values;
+ int have_calc_minmax; /* 0 initially, 1 after min & max have been calculated */
+ size_t size;
+ int timelike; /* 0 if NOT timelike, 1 if is. If is, MUST */
+ /* have an identified time standard (below). */
+ int time_std; /* TSTD_UDUNITS, TSTD_EPIC_0, TSTD_MONTHS */
+ char *calendar; /* ONLY applicable if time_std==TSTD_UDUNITS; can be any CF-1.0 value. Defaults to "standard" */
+ int tgran; /* time granularity; i.e., frequency of entries (daily, hourly, etc). Must be one of the TGRAN_* defined above */
+ int global_id; /* Used internally, goes from 1..total number of dims we know about */
+ int is_lat, is_lon; /* Just a guess if these are lat/lon. Used to put on coastlines automatically */
+} NCDim;
+/* A dimension can be "mapped", by which it means that, for example, the lat
+ * or lon coordinates are two dimensional, and a variable is supplied that
+ * gives the lat and/or lon values as a function of X and Y.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ void *var_i_map; /* this is a NCVar * ; it gives the "var that I map". */
+ char *coord_att; /* Contents of the "coordinates" attribute */
+ char *coord_var_name; /* Name of the VAR in the file that holds mapping info */
+ int coord_var_ndims; /* # of dims in the mapping var */
+ size_t *coord_var_size; /* size of the mapping var (MULTIDIMENSIONAL) */
+ int *matching_var_dims; /* This has n_dims equal to the DATA VARIABLE, NOT the coord var! */
+ float *data_cache; /* Cached info from the mapping var */
+ size_t *index_place_factor; /* Array of size var_i_map->n_dims, is 0 or factor to mult loc by */
+} NCDim_map_info;
+/* Here it is: the variable structure. Aspects of the variable which are
+ * different from file to file are kept in the pointed-to file descriptor
+ * blocks (FDBs).
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ char *name;
+ void *next, *prev; /* for global list of variables */
+ float fill_value; /* Any data with this special
+ * value will be IGNORED. It
+ * is assumed to indicate
+ * out-of-range or out-of-domain
+ * data.
+ */
+ int have_set_range; /* boolean -- have we set the
+ * valid range for this var yet?
+ */
+ int n_dims; /* how many dimensions this var has */
+ FDBlist *first_file, *last_file; /* What files this variable lives in */
+ float global_min, global_max, /* These are diffferent from the */
+ user_min, user_max; /* min & max in the FDBs because these
+ * are global, rather than local to
+ * a file.
+ */
+ size_t *size; /* The accumulated size of
+ * this variable, from all
+ * the files which hold it.
+ */
+ int effective_dimensionality; /* # of entries in 'size' array > 1 */
+ NCDim **dim; /* An array of 'n_dim' pointers to
+ * Dimension structures. This
+ * is only filled out for
+ * scannable dimensions!! If
+ * the dim is not scannable,
+ * a NULL is inserted instead.
+ */
+ NCDim_map_info **dim_map_info; /* Pointer to the first entry in an
+ array of NCDim_map_info pointers
+ that hold information describing
+ the 2-D mapping for this dim.
+ This itself should never be null,
+ but the entries CAN BE NULL,
+ in which event that dim has
+ no mapping. Note that the
+ dim mapping is a function of
+ the VARIABLE rather than the
+ dim, which is an oddity of the
+ way CF conventions handle mapping.
+ */
+ int is_virtual; /* Boolean -- true if this var lives
+ * in more than one input file, false
+ * otherwise.
+ */
+} NCVar;
+/* Our current view--the view is the 2D field which is being color-contoured.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ NCVar *variable;
+ size_t *var_place; /* Where we currently are in that var's space, in that file */
+ void *data; /* The actual 2-D data to colorcontour */
+ int data_status; /* Either valid, invalid, or edited (changed) */
+ unsigned char *pixels; /* Scaled, replicated, byte array version of data */
+ int x_axis_id, /* which axes the 2-D data lies on. 'scan' */
+ y_axis_id, /* is the one accessed by the pushbuttons */
+ scan_axis_id;
+ int skip; /* Number of time entries to stride each time */
+ int plot_XY_axis, /* Which axis to plot along in XY plots */
+ plot_XY_nlines; /* # of XY lines for this variable on current plot */
+ size_t plot_XY_position[MAX_LINES_PER_PLOT][10];
+} View;
+ * Place to store the frames in, if we want in-core displaying.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ int valid; /* Is ANYTHING in the frame store valid? */
+ size_t n; /* # of frames in the store. Can be > than nt cuz we allocate some extra to handle file growth */
+ ncv_pixel *frame; /* Actual store of the frames */
+ int *frame_valid; /* Is this particular frame valid? */
+} FrameStore;
+/* program options */
+/* Options for the overlay feature */
+typedef struct {
+ int doit;
+ int *overlay;
+} OverlayOptions;
+typedef struct {
+ int invert_physical,
+ invert_colors,
+ t_conv,
+ debug,
+ show_sel,
+ no_autoflip,
+ no_char_dims,
+ private_colormap,
+ want_extra_info,
+ n_colors,
+ small,
+ dump_frames,
+ no_1d_vars,
+ min_max_method,
+ delta_step, /* if > 0, percent of total frames to step when pressing the
+ * 'forward' or 'backward' button and holding down the Ctrl
+ * key; if < 0, absolute number of frames to step.
+ */
+ transform,
+ varsel_style, /* can be VARSEL_LIST or VARSEL_MENU */
+ listsel_max, /* if # of vars is more than this, auto switch from VARSEL_LIST to VARSEL_MENU */
+ color_by_ndims, /* if 1, then button is color coded by # of effective dims */
+ beep_on_restart,
+ auto_overlay, /* if 1, then tries to figure out if coastlines should automatically be added */
+ blowup,
+ maxsize_pct, /* -1 if a width/height pair specified instead */
+ maxsize_width, /* in pixels */
+ maxsize_height, /* in pixels */
+ shrink_method,
+ blowup_default_size,
+ display_type; /* This uses std 'X' defines; PseudoColor, DirectColor, etc */
+ char *ncview_base_dir,
+ *window_title,
+ *calendar; /* This OVERRIDES any 'calendar' attribute in the data file */
+ int blowup_type; /* can be BLOWUP_REPLICATE or BLOWUP_BILINEAR */
+ int save_frames; /* If true, try to save frames in core for faster display */
+ float frame_delay; /* Normalied to be between 0.0 and 1.0 */
+ OverlayOptions *overlay;
+} Options;
+/* Postscript printer output options */
+typedef struct {
+ float page_width, page_height, /* In inches */
+ page_x_margin, page_upper_y_margin, /* In inches */
+ page_lower_y_margin, ppi; /* Points per inch */
+ int font_size,
+ leading,
+ header_font_size; /* In points */
+ char font_name[132], /* Postscript name */
+ out_file_name[1024];
+ int output_device,
+ include_outline,
+ include_id,
+ include_title,
+ include_axis_labels,
+ include_extra_info,
+ test_only;
+} PrintOptions;
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ You can also install by hand if you want. A quick overview:
Copying, etc.
Ncview is freely redistributable, but is not public domain.
-It is copyright (C) 1993 through 2008 David W. Pierce.
+It is copyright (C) 1993 through 2024 David W. Pierce.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
published by the Free Software Foundation.
@@ -136,7 +136,5 @@ http://www.ae.utexas.edu/~rwmcm/SciPlot.html.
David W. Pierce
-6259 Caminito Carrena
-San Diego, CA 92122
-dpierce at ucsd.edu
+davidwilliampierce at gmail.com
@@ -1 +1,6 @@
+AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = subdir-objects
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Ncview 1.93d June 13, 2008 -- (C) David W. Pierce
+Ncview 2.1.11 Nov 5, 2024 -- (C) David W. Pierce
Overview: What Ncview *is*.
@@ -61,6 +61,4 @@ http://www.ae.utexas.edu/~rwmcm/SciPlot.html.
David W. Pierce
-6259 Caminito Carrena
-San Diego, CA 92122
-dpierce at ucsd.edu
+davidwilliampierce at gmail.com
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ to have a 32 bit version of the netcdf library to link to if you
want to build from scratch. Otherwise, you can contact me about
getting a pre-made binary version for IRIX 6.2.
-dpierce at ucsd.edu
+davidwilliampierce at gmail.com
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-./configure --prefix=$HOME --with-udunits2_incdir=/home/pierce/src/packages/data/udunits/udunits-2.2.26/install_dir/include --with-udunits2_libdir=/home/pierce/src/packages/data/udunits/udunits-2.2.26/install_dir/lib --with-nc-config=/home/pierce/src/packages/data/netcdf/netcdf-c-4.3.2/install/bin/nc-config
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
-2.0: 21 Jan 2010
+2.1.11: 5 Nov 2024
+* Some patches and updates courtesy of Sebastiaan Couwenberg
* ncview now REQUIRES netcdf version 4 with full HDF5 support. I am not
going to maintain two code bases, one of which supports netcdf-4 and
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
+dnl set version
+m4_define([ncview_release_date],[15 Feb 2010])
+AC_INIT([ncview],[ncview_version],[dpierce at ucsd.edu])
+# Handle netcdf
+# For ncview-2.0, I've chosen to REQUIRE the netcdf V4 interface.
+if test $NETCDF_V4 = "no"; then
+ echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ echo "ncview version 2.0 REQUIRES the netcdf library be version 4 or above,"
+ echo "AND installed with HDF-5 support (i.e., the netcdf library must be"
+ echo "compiled with the --enable-netcdf-4 flag). If you don't want to install"
+ echo "the full version of netcdf-4 with HDF-5 support, then please install"
+ echo "ncview version 1.93g instead."
+ echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ exit -1
+# Check for C compiler. NOTE that this must come AFTER the netcdf check.
+# The netcdf library could have been compiled with, for example, Intel C;
+# we have to specifically check if the same compiler used to compile the
+# netcdf library exists.
+if test "x$no_x" == "xyes"; then
+ echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ echo "Error, the X libraries and development headers must be installed for ncview to work!"
+ echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ echo "More information: You are trying to compile ncview. The machine you are compiling on"
+ echo "probably already has the X windows *runtime* libraries installed, but to *compile*"
+ echo "a program you need more than just the runtime libraries. You need what are usually"
+ echo "called the 'development headers', named because they are used when developing or"
+ echo "compiling X windows programs. The best advice I can give you is to use your package"
+ echo "manager to look for a package whose name is something along the lines of x11-devel,"
+ echo "or xorg-x11-proto-devel, or something along those lines that indicates the package"
+ echo "contains the X windows development headers. Install that package first, then try to"
+ echo "remake ncview. "
+ echo "Note: If that still fails, even after you've installed the X windows *development*"
+ echo "headers, then you may be on a machine where the automatic configuration system is not"
+ echo "set up quite as it probably should be. In that case, you might have to specify the"
+ echo "location of the X libraries and X headers manually. For example, on some machines"
+ echo "the following will work:"
+ echo " ./configure --x-libraries=/usr/lib64 --x-includes=/usr/include/X11"
+ echo " ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ these are what"
+ echo "you want to set to reflect the location of files such as libX11.so and X.h on your"
+ echo "particular system."
+ exit -1
+#looking for Athena widgets
+# This snippet of code is Copyright (c) 2009 Magnus Hagdorn <Magnus.Hagdorn at ed.ac.uk>
+# released under GPL-3; extended by David Pierce to check Xaw3d if Xaw fails, apparently
+# Fedoras ship with Xaw3d but not Xaw
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([for the Athena widgets])
+AC_CHECK_LIB(Xaw, XawScrollbarSetThumb,[],[haveAthena=no])
+if test x"$haveAthena"x = "xnox"; then
+ haveAthena=yes
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([for the Athena 3d widgets instead])
+ AC_CHECK_LIB(Xaw3d, XawScrollbarSetThumb,[],[haveAthena=no])
+if test x"$haveAthena"x != "xyesx"; then
+ # On AIX this fails because the Xmu header needs to be there as well...
+ AC_CHECK_HEADER([X11/Xaw/Simple.h],[],[haveAthena=no],[[
+ if test x"$haveAthena"x != "xyesx"; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find Athena widgets library and header (checked w/Xmu.h included as well). Use your package manager to install the X windows development libraries and headers.])
+ fi
+echo "X Athena widget (Xaw) libraries: $XAW_LIBS"
+# Check for X11 library. It's not clear to me why this is necessary, yet Darwin
+# requires a separate check
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([for X11 library])
+if test x"$haveX11"x != "xyesx"; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find X11 library. Use your package manager to install the X windows development libraries and headers.])
+echo "X11 libraries: $X11_LIBS"
+# Handle udunits2
+if test x$UDUNITS2_INCDIR != x; then
+ if test x$UDUNITS2_LIBDIR != x; then
+ do_udunits2=true
+ fi
+if test $do_udunits2 = true; then
+ echo "****************************************************************************"
+ echo "Udunits library version 2 support enabled. "
+ echo "udunits2 dirs: include: $UDUNITS2_INCDIR library: $UDUNITS2_LIBDIR libname: $UDUNITS2_LIBNAME"
+ echo "****************************************************************************"
+ echo "************************************************************************"
+ echo "Note: udunits2 support is NOT enabled, because I could not find the "
+ echo "location of the udunits2 include file 'udunits2.h' or library file"
+ echo "'libudunits2.a'. Ncview uses the udunits2 package to format date strings"
+ echo "with units of the form 'days since 1900-01-01'. If you do not use"
+ echo "these udunits2-standard date formats, then don't worry about the lack"
+ echo "of udunits2 support. If you DO use udunits2 format date strings, and"
+ echo "you want the udunits2 support, then you must tell me where to find"
+ echo "the udunits2 package by giving arguments to configure, as follows:"
+ echo " ./configure --with-udunits2_incdir=include_directory --with-udunits2_libdir=library_directory"
+ echo "************************************************************************"
+# Handle png
+if test x$PNG_INCDIR != x; then
+ if test x$PNG_LIBDIR != x; then
+ do_png=true
+ fi
+if test $do_png = true; then
+ echo "************************************************************************"
+ echo "Note: the -frames option is NOT enabled, because I could not find the "
+ echo "location of the PNG include file 'png.h' or library file"
+ echo "'libpng.so'. Ncview uses the png package to dump out the frames viewed,"
+ echo "which is an easy way to make an mpeg video of the data if you want."
+ echo "If you do not want this feature, then don't worry about the lack"
+ echo "of png support. If you DO want this, then you must install libpng, or tell "
+ echo "me where to find the png package by giving arguments to configure, as follows:"
+ echo " ./configure -with-png_incdir=include_directory -with-png_libdir=library_directory"
+ echo "************************************************************************"
+# We want to test if the same compiler was used for the netcdf library as for
+# ncview. This might be complicated by the fact that often "gcc" and "cc"
+# end up invoking the same compiler. Use an ugly hack that I have no idea
+# if it generally works or not. Probably not.
+# Point of following obscure manipulations is that $CC can have multiple
+# words, for example, it could be "gcc -fPIC -lm". We want to keep only
+# the first word, so use 'set' and then take the first arg ($1).
+if test x$CC_TEST_SAME = xcc; then
+if test x$NETCDF_CC_TEST_SAME = xcc; then
+if test x$CC_TEST_SAME != x$NETCDF_CC_TEST_SAME; then
+ echo "======================================================================"
+ echo "Configuration error: You specified that the \"$CC\" C compiler should be"
+ echo "used to build ncview, but the netcdf library was compiled with the \"$NETCDF_CC\""
+ echo "compiler. Here is the path where I found the netcdf library:"
+ echo "You must use the same compiler for ncview as was used to build the netcdf library!"
+ echo " "
+ echo "There are two possible ways to fix this."
+ echo " "
+ echo "1) Download the netcdf library and compile it with the $CC compiler,"
+ echo "install it, and try again to build ncview. NOTE that if you do this,"
+ echo "you might have more than one version of the netcdf library on your system,"
+ echo "built with differnt compilers, which can get confusing. If you do this,"
+ echo "you will have to specify the path to the (new) version of nc-config"
+ echo "that was compiled using the $CC compiler by configuring ncview in a "
+ echo "way similar to this:"
+ echo " "
+ echo " ./configure --with-nc-config=/path/to/newly/compiled/nc-config"
+ echo " "
+ echo "2) Configure ncview to use the $NETCDF_CC compiler."
+ echo "To do this, set environmental variable CC to $NETCDF_CC"
+ echo "and run ./configure again"
+ echo "==================================================================="
+ exit -1
+# Construct our RPATH flags. Idea here is that we have LDFLAGS that might look,
+# for example, something like this:
+# LIBS="-L/usr/local/lib -lnetcdf -L/home/pierce/lib -ludunits"
+# We want to convert this to -rpath flags suitable for the compiler, which would
+# have this format:
+# "-Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib -Wl,-rpath,/home/pierce/lib"
+# As a safety check, I only do this for the GNU compiler, as I don't know if this
+# is anything like correct syntax for other compilers. Note that this *does* work
+# for the Intel icc compiler, but also that the icc compiler sets $ac_compiler_gnu
+# to "yes". Go figure.
+echo "ac_computer_gnu: $ac_compiler_gnu"
+if test x$ac_compiler_gnu = xyes; then
+ if test `expr $word : -L/` -eq 3; then
+ #RPDIR=`expr substr $word 3 999`;
+ RPDIR=${word:2}
+ fi
+ done
+AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile src/Makefile])
+echo " "
+echo "----------- Configure Summary ----------"
+echo "Compiler:"
+echo " CC = $CC"
+echo " Runtime path flags = $RPATH_FLAGS"
+echo " "
+echo "UDUNITS:"
+if test $do_udunits2 = true; then
+echo " "
+echo " not found. Specify --with-udunits2_incdir=... and --with-udunits2_libdir=... flags to enable"
+echo " "
+echo "NETCDF:"
+echo " NETCDF_V4 = $NETCDF_V4"
+echo " "
+echo "X:"
+echo " X_CFLAGS = $X_CFLAGS"
+echo " X11_LIBS = $X11_LIBS"
+echo " XAW_LIBS = $XAW_LIBS"
+echo " X_PRE_LIBS = $X_PRE_LIBS"
+echo " X_LIBS = $X_LIBS"
+echo " "
+echo "PNG:"
+if test $do_png = true; then
+echo " PNG_LIBS = $PNG_LIBS"
+echo " "
+echo " not found. Install libpng, or specify --with-png_incdir=... and --with-png_libdir=... flags to enable"
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ AC_HEADER_STDC
if test "x$no_x" == "xyes"; then
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
ncview \- graphically display netCDF files under X windows
.B ncview
-[-beep] [-copying] [-frames] [-warranty] [-private] [-ncolors XX] [-extrainfo] [-mtitle "title"] [-minmax fast | med | slow | all] datafiles ...
+[\-beep] [\-copying] [\-frames] [\-warranty] [\-private] [\-ncolors XX] [\-extrainfo] [\-mtitle "title"] [\-minmax fast | med | slow | all] datafiles ...
.I Ncview
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ the name of a directory which contains additional colormap
If that is not defined, then colormaps are sought in
the user's home directory, and in the directory which
-.i ncview
+.I ncview
was run from.
Colormap files have 256 lines, each consisting of
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ fi_initialize( char *name, int nfiles )
if( file_type == FILE_TYPE_NETCDF ) {
if( options.debug )
- fprintf( stderr, "Initializing file %s\n", name );
+ printf( "Initializing file %s\n", name );
id = netcdf_fi_initialize( name );
@@ -95,12 +95,12 @@ fi_initialize( char *name, int nfiles )
if( options.debug )
- fprintf( stderr, "Getting list of variables for file %s\n", name );
+ printf( "Getting list of variables for file %s\n", name );
var_list = fi_list_vars( id );
add_vars_to_list( var_list, id, name, nfiles );
if( options.debug )
- fprintf( stderr, "Done initializing file %s\n", name );
+ printf( "Done initializing file %s\n", name );
return( id );
@@ -34,14 +34,15 @@
extern NCVar *variables;
extern Options options;
-void warn_about_char_dims();
-int safe_ncdimid( int fileid, char *dim_name1 );
-int netcdf_dimvar_id( int fileid, char *dim_name );
-int netcdf_get_att_util( int id, int varid, char *var_name, char *att_name, int expected_len, void *value );
-int nc_inq_varid_grp( int ncid, char *varname, int *varid, int *groupid );
-void varname_no_groups( char *varname, char *varname_sans_groups );
-char *ncview_groupname( int gid );
-char *ncview_varname( int gid, int varid );
+void warn_about_char_dims();
+int safe_ncdimid( int fileid, char *dim_name1 );
+int netcdf_dimvar_id( int fileid, char *dim_name, int *dimvar_gid );
+int netcdf_get_att_util( int id, int varid, char *var_name, char *att_name, int expected_len, void *value );
+int nc_inq_varid_grp( int ncid, char *varname, int *varid, int *groupid );
+char *ncview_groupname( int gid );
+char *ncview_varname( int gid, int varid );
+void nc_print_group_structure( int fileid );
+int nc_root_id_from_group_id( int gid );
char *nc_type_to_string( nc_type type );
@@ -307,7 +308,7 @@ Stringlist *netcdf_scannable_dims( int fileid, char *var_name )
- varname_no_groups( var_name, var_name_ng );
+ varname_no_groups( var_name, var_name_ng, NULL );
err = nc_inq_var( gid, var_id, var_name_ng, &var_type, &n_dims, dim, &n_atts );
if( err != NC_NOERR ) {
@@ -357,7 +358,7 @@ int netcdf_fi_n_dims( int fileid, char *var_name )
/* Strip off leading group names */
- varname_no_groups( var_name, var_name_nogroups );
+ varname_no_groups( var_name, var_name_nogroups, NULL );
err = nc_inq_var( groupid, varid, var_name_nogroups, &var_type, &n_dims, dim, &n_atts );
if( err != NC_NOERR ) {
@@ -409,7 +410,7 @@ size_t * netcdf_fi_var_size( int fileid, char *var_name )
/* Strip off leading group names */
- varname_no_groups( var_name, var_name_nogroups );
+ varname_no_groups( var_name, var_name_nogroups, NULL );
err = nc_inq_var( groupid, varid, var_name_nogroups, &var_type, &n_dims, dim, &n_atts );
if( err != NC_NOERR ) {
@@ -429,12 +430,15 @@ size_t * netcdf_fi_var_size( int fileid, char *var_name )
return( ret_val );
+ * for the given variable, which has N dims, return the fully qualified name of the
+ * "dim_id"'th dim (dim_id is an index from 0 to 1-NDIMS(var_name))
+ */
char *netcdf_dim_id_to_name( int fileid, char *var_name, int dim_id )
int netcdf_dim_id, netcdf_var_id, gid;
int n_dims, *dim, err, n_atts;
- char *dim_name, var_name_ng[MAX_NC_NAME];
+ char *dim_name, var_name_ng[MAX_NC_NAME], groupname[MAX_NC_NAME], *fq_dim_name;
nc_type var_type;
/* see notes under "netcdf_dim_name_to_id". "dim_id" is NOT
@@ -448,7 +452,15 @@ char *netcdf_dim_id_to_name( int fileid, char *var_name, int dim_id )
- varname_no_groups( var_name, var_name_ng );
+ /* At this point fully qualified var name "var_name" lives in group "gid" with varid "netcdf_var_id" */
+ varname_no_groups( var_name, var_name_ng, groupname );
+ /*
+ printf( "VVVV %s %d netcdf_dim_id_to_name for dim var_name: >%s< var_name_ng: >%s< groupname: >%s<\n",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__,
+ var_name, var_name_ng, groupname );
+ */
n_dims = fi_n_dims( gid, var_name_ng );
dim = (int *)malloc( n_dims * sizeof( int ));
@@ -461,14 +473,39 @@ char *netcdf_dim_id_to_name( int fileid, char *var_name, int dim_id )
netcdf_dim_id = *(dim+dim_id);
- dim_name = (char *)malloc( MAX_NC_NAME ); /* defined in netcdf.h */
+ dim_name = (char *)malloc( MAX_NC_NAME ); /* defined in netcdf.h */
+ fq_dim_name = (char *)malloc( MAX_NC_NAME ); /* defined in netcdf.h */
err = nc_inq_dimname( gid, netcdf_dim_id, dim_name );
if( err != NC_NOERR ) {
fprintf( stderr, "ncview: netcdf_dim_id_to_name: error on ");
fprintf( stderr, "nc_inq_dimname call. Variable=%s\n", var_name );
exit( -1 );
- return( dim_name );
+ /*
+ printf( "VVVV %s %d netcdf_dim_id_to_name for netcdf_dim_id=%d here is dim_name:>%s<\n",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__,
+ netcdf_dim_id, dim_name );
+ */
+ /* 2024-11-05: return fully qualified dim name, not short version */
+ /* return( dim_name ); */
+ if( (groupname == NULL) || (groupname[0] == '\0') )
+ strcpy( fq_dim_name, dim_name );
+ else
+ {
+ strcpy( fq_dim_name, groupname );
+ strcat( fq_dim_name, "/" );
+ strcat( fq_dim_name, dim_name );
+ }
+ /*
+ printf( "VVVV %s %d netcdf_dim_id_to_name for dim >%s< here is full varname, varname_ng: >%s< >%s< FULLY QUAL DIM NAME: >%s<\n",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__,
+ dim_name, var_name, var_name_ng, fq_dim_name );
+ */
+ return( fq_dim_name );
@@ -513,7 +550,7 @@ int netcdf_dim_name_to_id( int fileid, char *var_name, char *dim_name )
ncview_varname(gid, netcdf_var_id) );
- varname_no_groups( var_name, var_name_ng );
+ varname_no_groups( var_name, var_name_ng, NULL );
if( debug == 1 ) printf( "netcdf_dim_name_to_id: group_id=%d var_name_no_groups=%s\n",
gid, var_name_ng );
@@ -564,7 +601,7 @@ void netcdf_fi_get_data( int fileid, char *var_name, size_t *start_pos,
- varname_no_groups( var_name, var_name_ng );
+ varname_no_groups( var_name, var_name_ng, NULL );
tot_size = 1L;
n_dims = netcdf_fi_n_dims( gid, var_name_ng );
@@ -689,39 +726,13 @@ void netcdf_fi_close( int fileid )
/* netCDF utility routines. Analogs are not required for each data file format. */
- * Given a varname string of format: groupname0/groupname1/groupnameN/varname
- * this returns ONLY the trailing groupname
- */
-void varname_no_groups( char *varname, char *varname_sans_groups )
- int i, i0, i1, idx_slash[MAX_NC_NAME], nslash;
- char ts[MAX_NC_NAME];
- /* Get indices of the slashes */
- nslash = 0;
- for( i=0; i<strlen(varname); i++ ) {
- if( varname[i] == '/' ) {
- idx_slash[nslash] = i;
- nslash++;
- }
- }
- if( nslash == 0 ) {
- strcpy( varname_sans_groups, varname );
- return;
- }
- strcpy( varname_sans_groups, varname+idx_slash[nslash-1]+1 );
* A version of 'nc_inq_varid' that has been enhanced to return a groupid/varid pair
* given a var name of form "groupname/varname" (NOTE: *NO* leading slash!!)
int nc_inq_varid_grp( int ncid, char *varname, int *varid, int *groupid )
- int ns, ig, gid, ierr, group_depth, cur_gid, debug, retval;
+ int ns, ig, gid, ierr, group_depth, cur_gid, debug, retval, ncid2use;
char groupname[MAX_NC_NAME], varname_sans_groups[MAX_NC_NAME], cur_gid_groupname[MAX_NC_NAME];
debug = 0;
@@ -729,6 +740,15 @@ int nc_inq_varid_grp( int ncid, char *varname, int *varid, int *groupid )
if( debug ) printf( "nc_inq_varid_grp: entering with ncid=%d (%s) varname=>%s<\n",
ncid, ncview_groupname(ncid), varname );
+ /* Since we are generally called with a fully qualified varname, we need
+ * to start at the root ID, not the group id, which can be passed in 'ncid'
+ */
+ /* ncid2use = nc_root_id_from_group_id( ncid ); */
+ ncid2use = ncid;
+ if( debug ) printf( "nc_inq_varid_grp: original ncid=%d (%s) ncid2use=%d (%s)\n",
+ ncid, ncview_groupname(ncid), ncid2use, ncview_groupname(ncid2use) );
if( varname[0] == '/' ) {
fprintf( stderr, "Internal error, called nc_inq_varid_grp with a varname that starts with a slash: >%s<\n",
varname );
@@ -739,7 +759,7 @@ int nc_inq_varid_grp( int ncid, char *varname, int *varid, int *groupid )
if( debug ) printf( "nc_inq_varid_grp: number of slashes in varname: %d\n", ns );
if( ns > 0 ) {
- cur_gid = ncid;
+ cur_gid = ncid2use;
group_depth = ns;
/* Traverse to the LAST group in the chain of groups, that's where
@@ -757,11 +777,22 @@ int nc_inq_varid_grp( int ncid, char *varname, int *varid, int *groupid )
if( debug ) printf( "nc_inq_varid_grp: looking for subgroup >%s< in root group >%s<\n",
groupname, cur_gid_groupname );
+ if( strcmp( groupname, cur_gid_groupname ) == 0 ) {
+ /* It is possible for this routine to be called with a groupname ID
+ * instead of a root file id. In that case, we might have the case
+ * that the groupname is ALREADY the current gid groupname, and
+ * we don't need to proceed further
+ */
+ break;
+ }
ierr = nc_inq_ncid( cur_gid, groupname, &gid );
if( ierr != NC_NOERR ) {
- fprintf( stderr, "nc_inq_varid_grp: Error, did not find group named >%s< in base group >%s<\n",
+ fprintf( stderr, "%s %d nc_inq_varid_grp: Error, did not find group named >%s< in base group >%s<\n",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__,
groupname, cur_gid_groupname );
- fprintf( stderr, "nc_inq_varid_grp was called with id=%d (%s) varname=>%s<\n", ncid, cur_gid_groupname, varname );
+ fprintf( stderr, "nc_inq_varid_grp was called with id=%d (%s) ncid2use=%d varname=>%s<\n",
+ ncid, cur_gid_groupname, ncid2use, varname );
@@ -774,8 +805,8 @@ int nc_inq_varid_grp( int ncid, char *varname, int *varid, int *groupid )
*groupid = cur_gid;
if( debug ) printf( "nc_inq_varid_grp: should now be on the LAST group, here is groupname: >%s<\n", ncview_groupname( cur_gid ));
- varname_no_groups( varname, varname_sans_groups );
- if( debug ) printf( "nc_inq_varid_grp: calling regular nc_inq_varid with group %d (%s) and varname_sans_gruops >%s<\n",
+ varname_no_groups( varname, varname_sans_groups, NULL );
+ if( debug ) printf( "nc_inq_varid_grp: calling regular nc_inq_varid with group %d (%s) and varname_sans_groups >%s<\n",
cur_gid, ncview_groupname(cur_gid), varname_sans_groups );
retval = nc_inq_varid( cur_gid, varname_sans_groups, varid );
@@ -785,8 +816,8 @@ int nc_inq_varid_grp( int ncid, char *varname, int *varid, int *groupid )
- *groupid = ncid;
- return( nc_inq_varid( ncid, varname, varid ));
+ *groupid = ncid2use;
+ return( nc_inq_varid( ncid2use, varname, varid ));
@@ -917,7 +948,7 @@ int netcdf_att_id( int fileid, int varid, char *name )
char * netcdf_title( int fileid )
- int err, attid;
+ int err, attid, max_title_len;
char *ret_val;
nc_type type;
size_t title_len;
@@ -943,6 +974,22 @@ char * netcdf_title( int fileid )
if( *(ret_val+title_len-1) != '\0' )
*(ret_val + title_len) = '\0';
+ /* Get rid of trailing spaces / blanks. This is necessary if
+ * title is too long, which seems to give X a core dump
+ */
+ for( int kk=title_len-1; kk>0; kk-- ) {
+ if( ret_val[kk] == ' ' )
+ ret_val[kk] = '\0';
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Protection from X windows crash if title is too long */
+ max_title_len = 100;
+ if( strlen( ret_val ) > max_title_len )
+ ret_val[ max_title_len-1 ] = '\0';
return( ret_val );
@@ -972,7 +1019,7 @@ char *netcdf_get_char_att( int fileid, char *var_name, char *att_name )
- varname_no_groups( var_name, var_name_ng );
+ varname_no_groups( var_name, var_name_ng, NULL );
if( netcdf_att_id( gid, varid, att_name ) < 0 )
return( NULL );
@@ -1013,50 +1060,113 @@ char *netcdf_var_units( int fileid, char *var_name )
char *netcdf_dim_calendar( int fileid, char *dim_name )
- int dimvar_id;
+ int dimvar_id, dimvar_gid;
- dimvar_id = netcdf_dimvar_id( fileid, dim_name );
+ dimvar_id = netcdf_dimvar_id( fileid, dim_name, &dimvar_gid );
if( dimvar_id < 0 )
return( NULL );
- return( netcdf_get_char_att( fileid, dim_name, "calendar" ));
+ return( netcdf_get_char_att( dimvar_gid, dim_name, "calendar" ));
char *netcdf_dim_units( int fileid, char *dim_name )
- int dimvar_id;
+ int dimvar_id, dimvar_gid;
- dimvar_id = netcdf_dimvar_id( fileid, dim_name );
+ dimvar_id = netcdf_dimvar_id( fileid, dim_name, &dimvar_gid );
if( dimvar_id < 0 )
return( NULL );
- return( netcdf_var_units( fileid, dim_name ));
+ return( netcdf_var_units( dimvar_gid, dim_name ));
-int netcdf_dimvar_id( int fileid, char *dim_name )
+ * Given the (fully qualified) name of a dim, such as "group_obs_fine/time", returns
+ * the id of the associated dimvar, or -1 if no associted dimvar is found
+ *
+ * Group update: this tends to be called with the root fileid, but sometimes the
+ * dimvar is in a group (i.e., NOT the root fileid). If returned parameter
+ * dimvar_gid == -1, then this is not an issue and just go ahead and use the
+ * passed fileid. If dimvar_gid is NOT equal to -1, you must access the dimvar
+ * using the returned dimvar_gid, NOT the originally passed fileid!
+ */
+int netcdf_dimvar_id( int fileid, char *dim_name, int *dimvar_gid )
- int i, err, n_dims, n_vars, rec_dim;
- char var_name[256];
+ int i, err, n_dims, n_vars, rec_dim, gid, fileid2use;
+ char var_name[256], dim_name_ng[MAX_NC_NAME], groupname[MAX_NC_NAME], gn_slash[MAX_NC_NAME];
+ char dim_name_2use[ MAX_NC_NAME ];
nc_type var_type;
int n_atts, dim[MAX_VAR_DIMS];
+int parent_id;
+int id1, id2, id3;
+ *dimvar_gid = fileid;
+ fileid2use = fileid;
+ strcpy( dim_name_2use, dim_name );
+ /* If we enter with a fully qualified dim name, such as group_obs_fine/time,
+ * make sure we proceed with the fileid corresponding to that group. Note that
+ * the netcdf library preceeds all group names with a slash
+ */
+ /* First see if there is a slash in dim_name; if so, it is fully qualified */
+ if( count_nslashes( dim_name_2use ) > 0 ) {
- err = nc_inq( fileid, &n_dims, &n_vars, &n_atts, &rec_dim );
+ /* Get group name */
+ varname_no_groups( dim_name_2use, dim_name_ng, groupname );
+ /* I have to admit I don't understand the netcdf library
+ * at this point. Since it returns group names with a
+ * leading slash it only makes sense it should accept/require
+ * group names with a leading slash. Yet it seems to require
+ * NO leading slashes to find the group!
+ */
+ /*strcpy( gn_slash, "/" );*/
+ /*strcat( gn_slash, groupname );*/
+ /* err = nc_inq_grp_ncid( fileid, gn_slash, &gid ); */
+ err = nc_inq_grp_ncid( fileid, groupname, &gid );
+ /* If we were called with a group ID to begin with, try agian
+ * with the root ID
+ */
+ if( err = NC_ENOGRP )
+ err = nc_inq_grp_ncid( nc_root_id_from_group_id(fileid), groupname, &gid );
+ if( err != NC_NOERR ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "%s line %d : Error: nc_inq_grp_ncid failed in routine netcdf_dimvar_id:\n",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+ fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", nc_strerror( err ) );
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ /* Found a group ID to use instead of the passed fileid */
+ fileid2use = gid;
+ /* For the rest of the code, the dim name to use is the
+ * UNqualifed dim name
+ */
+ strcpy( dim_name_2use, dim_name_ng );
+ }
+ err = nc_inq( fileid2use, &n_dims, &n_vars, &n_atts, &rec_dim );
if( err != NC_NOERR )
return( -1 );
for( i=0; i<n_vars; i++ ) {
- err = nc_inq_var( fileid, i, var_name, &var_type, &n_dims, dim, &n_atts );
+ err = nc_inq_var( fileid2use, i, var_name, &var_type, &n_dims, dim, &n_atts );
if( err != NC_NOERR )
return( -1 );
- if( strcmp( dim_name, var_name ) == 0 ) {
+ if( strcmp( dim_name_2use, var_name ) == 0 ) {
if( (var_type == NC_CHAR) && (options.no_char_dims) )
return( -1 );
+ {
+ *dimvar_gid = fileid2use;
return( i );
+ }
@@ -1066,24 +1176,24 @@ int netcdf_dimvar_id( int fileid, char *dim_name )
char *netcdf_dim_longname( int fileid, char *dim_name )
- int dimvar_id, err;
+ int dimvar_id, err, dimvar_gid;
size_t len;
nc_type att_type;
char *dim_longname;
- dimvar_id = netcdf_dimvar_id( fileid, dim_name );
+ dimvar_id = netcdf_dimvar_id( fileid, dim_name, &dimvar_gid );
if( dimvar_id < 0 )
return( dim_name );
- if( netcdf_att_id( fileid, dimvar_id, "long_name" ) < 0 )
+ if( netcdf_att_id( dimvar_gid, dimvar_id, "long_name" ) < 0 )
return( dim_name );
- err = nc_inq_att( fileid, dimvar_id, "long_name", &att_type, &len );
+ err = nc_inq_att( dimvar_gid, dimvar_id, "long_name", &att_type, &len );
if( (err != NC_NOERR) || (att_type != NC_CHAR))
return( dim_name );
dim_longname = (char *)malloc( len+1 );
- err = nc_get_att_text( fileid, dimvar_id, "long_name", dim_longname );
+ err = nc_get_att_text( dimvar_gid, dimvar_id, "long_name", dim_longname );
if( err < 0 )
return( dim_name );
@@ -1100,9 +1210,10 @@ char *netcdf_dim_longname( int fileid, char *dim_name )
int netcdf_has_dim_values( int fileid, char *dim_name )
- int dimvar_id;
+ int dimvar_id, dimvar_gid;
+ dimvar_id = netcdf_dimvar_id( fileid, dim_name, &dimvar_gid );
- dimvar_id = netcdf_dimvar_id( fileid, dim_name );
if( dimvar_id < 0 )
return( FALSE );
@@ -1119,7 +1230,7 @@ nc_type netcdf_dim_value( int fileid, char *dim_name, size_t place,
double *ret_val_double, char *ret_val_char, size_t virt_place,
int *return_has_bounds, double *return_bounds_min, double *return_bounds_max )
- int err, dimvar_id, nvertices;
+ int err, dimvar_id, nvertices, dimvar_gid;
char var_name[MAX_NC_NAME];
nc_type type, ret_type;
size_t limit;
@@ -1130,7 +1241,7 @@ nc_type netcdf_dim_value( int fileid, char *dim_name, size_t place,
debug = 0;
- if( debug ) printf( "netcdf_dim_value: entering with dim=%s place=%ld\n", dim_name, place );
+ if( debug ) printf( "netcdf_dim_value: entering with dim_name=>%s< place=%ld\n", dim_name, place );
if( ! netcdf_has_dim_values( fileid, dim_name ) ) {
*ret_val_double = (double)virt_place;
@@ -1138,14 +1249,14 @@ nc_type netcdf_dim_value( int fileid, char *dim_name, size_t place,
return( NC_DOUBLE );
- dimvar_id = netcdf_dimvar_id( fileid, dim_name );
+ dimvar_id = netcdf_dimvar_id( fileid, dim_name, &dimvar_gid );
if( dimvar_id < 0 ) {
*ret_val_double = (double)virt_place;
*return_has_bounds = 0;
return( NC_DOUBLE );
- err = nc_inq_var( fileid, dimvar_id, var_name, &type, &n_dims, dim, &n_atts );
+ err = nc_inq_var( dimvar_gid, dimvar_id, var_name, &type, &n_dims, dim, &n_atts );
if( err != NC_NOERR ) {
fprintf( stderr, "netcdf_dim_value: failed on nc_inq_var call!\n" );
@@ -1163,14 +1274,14 @@ nc_type netcdf_dim_value( int fileid, char *dim_name, size_t place,
ret_type = NC_CHAR;
if( n_dims == 2 )
- limit = netcdf_dim_size( fileid, dim[1] );
+ limit = netcdf_dim_size( dimvar_gid, dim[1] );
limit = 1024;
i = 0L;
char_place[0] = place;
do {
char_place[1] = i;
- err = nc_get_var1_uchar( fileid, dimvar_id, char_place, (((unsigned char *)(ret_val_char))+i));
+ err = nc_get_var1_uchar( dimvar_gid, dimvar_id, char_place, (((unsigned char *)(ret_val_char))+i));
@@ -1191,11 +1302,11 @@ nc_type netcdf_dim_value( int fileid, char *dim_name, size_t place,
* centered between the boundaries. Some files have the dim value NOT
* centered between the boundaries, which isn't so useful.
- dimvar_bounds_id = netcdf_dimvar_bounds_id( fileid, dim_name, &nvertices );
+ dimvar_bounds_id = netcdf_dimvar_bounds_id( dimvar_gid, dim_name, &nvertices );
if( dimvar_bounds_id < 0 ) {
*return_has_bounds = 0;
- err = nc_get_var1_double( fileid, dimvar_id, &place, ret_val_double );
+ err = nc_get_var1_double( dimvar_gid, dimvar_id, &place, ret_val_double );
/* Eliminate denormalized numbers */
c = (unsigned char *)ret_val_double;
@@ -1222,7 +1333,7 @@ nc_type netcdf_dim_value( int fileid, char *dim_name, size_t place,
bstart[1] = 0L;
bcount[0] = 1L;
bcount[1] = nvertices;
- err = nc_get_vara_double( fileid, dimvar_bounds_id, bstart, bcount, boundvals );
+ err = nc_get_vara_double( dimvar_gid, dimvar_bounds_id, bstart, bcount, boundvals );
if( err != NC_NOERR ) {
fprintf( stderr, "Error reading boundary dim values from file!\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", nc_strerror( err ) );
@@ -1283,7 +1394,7 @@ void netcdf_fill_aux_data( int id, char *var_name, FDBlist *fdb )
- varname_no_groups( var_name, var_name_ng );
+ varname_no_groups( var_name, var_name_ng, NULL );
/* Record the recdim units in this file
@@ -1578,8 +1689,7 @@ void netcdf_fill_value( int file_id, char *var_name, float *v, NetCDFOptions *au
nc_type vartype;
if( options.debug )
- fprintf( stderr, "Checking %s for a missing value...\n",
- var_name );
+ printf( "Checking %s for a missing value...\n", var_name );
foundit = FALSE;
err = nc_inq_varid_grp( file_id, var_name, &varid, &gid );
@@ -1589,18 +1699,18 @@ void netcdf_fill_value( int file_id, char *var_name, float *v, NetCDFOptions *au
- varname_no_groups( var_name, var_name_ng );
+ varname_no_groups( var_name, var_name_ng, NULL );
if( netcdf_get_att_util( gid, varid, var_name_ng, "missing_value", 1, v ) ) {
if( options.debug )
- fprintf( stderr, "found a \"missing_value\" attribute=%g\n",
+ printf( "found a \"missing_value\" attribute=%g\n",
*v );
foundit = TRUE;
if( netcdf_get_att_util( gid, varid, var_name_ng, "_FillValue", 1, v ) ) {
if( options.debug )
- fprintf( stderr, "found a \"_FillValue\" attribute=%g\n",
+ printf( "found a \"_FillValue\" attribute=%g\n",
*v );
foundit = TRUE;
@@ -1608,7 +1718,7 @@ void netcdf_fill_value( int file_id, char *var_name, float *v, NetCDFOptions *au
/* Is there a global missing value? */
if( netcdf_get_att_util( gid, NC_GLOBAL, var_name_ng, "missing_value", 1, v ) ) {
if( options.debug )
- fprintf( stderr, "found a \"missing_value\" attribute=%g\n",
+ printf( "found a \"missing_value\" attribute=%g\n",
*v );
foundit = TRUE;
@@ -1656,8 +1766,7 @@ void netcdf_fill_value( int file_id, char *var_name, float *v, NetCDFOptions *au
if( options.debug )
- fprintf( stderr, "setting fillvalue to default for var type=%g\n",
- *v );
+ printf( "setting fillvalue to default for var type=%g\n", *v );
@@ -1927,7 +2036,8 @@ void warn_about_char_dims()
int netcdf_dimvar_bounds_id( int fileid, char *dim_name, int *nvertices )
- int reg_dimvar_id, bounds_dimvar_id, dimvar_ndims, err, name_length, debug;
+ int reg_dimvar_id, bounds_dimvar_id, dimvar_ndims, err, name_length, debug,
+ dimvar_gid;
char *attname = "bounds";
char *bounds_dimvarname;
nc_type type;
@@ -1941,21 +2051,21 @@ int netcdf_dimvar_bounds_id( int fileid, char *dim_name, int *nvertices )
/* First get the regular dimvar for this dim, then see if that dimvar
* has an attribute named "bounds".
- reg_dimvar_id = netcdf_dimvar_id( fileid, dim_name );
+ reg_dimvar_id = netcdf_dimvar_id( fileid, dim_name, &dimvar_gid );
if( reg_dimvar_id < 0 ) {
if( debug ) printf( "netcdf_dimvar_bounds_id: dim %s does NOT have a regular dimvar, returning -1\n", dim_name );
return( -1 );
- if( netcdf_att_id( fileid, reg_dimvar_id, attname ) < 0 )
+ if( netcdf_att_id( dimvar_gid, reg_dimvar_id, attname ) < 0 )
return( -1 );
- err = ncattinq( fileid, reg_dimvar_id, attname, &type, &name_length );
+ err = ncattinq( dimvar_gid, reg_dimvar_id, attname, &type, &name_length );
if( (err < 0) || (type != NC_CHAR))
return( -1 );
bounds_dimvarname = (char *)malloc( name_length+1 );
- err = ncattget( fileid, reg_dimvar_id, attname, bounds_dimvarname );
+ err = ncattget( dimvar_gid, reg_dimvar_id, attname, bounds_dimvarname );
if( err < 0 ) {
free( bounds_dimvarname );
return( -1 );
@@ -1964,14 +2074,14 @@ int netcdf_dimvar_bounds_id( int fileid, char *dim_name, int *nvertices )
if( *(bounds_dimvarname+name_length-1) != '\0' )
*(bounds_dimvarname + name_length) = '\0';
- err = nc_inq_varid( fileid, bounds_dimvarname, &bounds_dimvar_id );
+ err = nc_inq_varid( dimvar_gid, bounds_dimvarname, &bounds_dimvar_id );
if( err != 0 ) {
free( bounds_dimvarname );
return( -1 );
/* Currently only know how to handle 2-d bounds variables */
- err = nc_inq_varndims( fileid, bounds_dimvar_id, &dimvar_ndims );
+ err = nc_inq_varndims( dimvar_gid, bounds_dimvar_id, &dimvar_ndims );
if( (err != NC_NOERR) || (dimvar_ndims != 2)) {
fprintf( stderr, "Currently can only handle bounds dims with ndims=2; bounds var %s has ndims=%d. Ignoring!\n",
bounds_dimvarname, dimvar_ndims );
@@ -1982,13 +2092,13 @@ int netcdf_dimvar_bounds_id( int fileid, char *dim_name, int *nvertices )
/* Get the dim ids of the bounds var so we can get the length of the trailing
* one, which is the number of vertices
- err = nc_inq_vardimid( fileid, bounds_dimvar_id, dimids );
+ err = nc_inq_vardimid( dimvar_gid, bounds_dimvar_id, dimids );
if( err != NC_NOERR ) {
fprintf( stderr, "Error reading bounds info for boundary variable %s. Ignoring!\n", bounds_dimvarname );
free( bounds_dimvarname );
return( -1 );
- err = nc_inq_dimlen( fileid, dimids[1], &st_nvertices );
+ err = nc_inq_dimlen( dimvar_gid, dimids[1], &st_nvertices );
if( err != NC_NOERR ) {
fprintf( stderr, "Error reading nvertices info for boundary variable %s. Ignoring!\n", bounds_dimvarname );
free( bounds_dimvarname );
@@ -2027,3 +2137,81 @@ char *ncview_varname( int gid, int varid )
return( &(buffer[0]) );
+ * Given a ncid (file id) which may or may not be the root id, prints the entire group structure
+ * of the file. Useful for debugging
+ */
+void nc_print_group_structure( int fileid )
+ int rootid, cursor, parent;
+ int *gid, ig, ndims, nvars, natts, unlimdimid;
+ int ierr, ng;
+ size_t gnl;
+ char *group_name;
+ /* Get root */
+ cursor = fileid;
+ while( nc_inq_grp_parent( cursor, &parent ) == 0 ) {
+ cursor = parent;
+ }
+ rootid = cursor;
+ printf( "nc_print_group_structure: fileid=%d rootid=%d\n", fileid, rootid );
+ ierr = nc_inq_grps( rootid, &ng, NULL ); /* first call to get num groups */
+ if( ng == 0 ) {
+ printf("nc_print_group_structure: no groups in this file\n" );
+ return;
+ }
+ gid = (int *)malloc( sizeof(int) * ng );
+ ierr = nc_inq_grps( rootid, &ng, gid );
+ printf( "nc_print_group_structure: fileid=%d rootid=%d has %d groups:\n", fileid, rootid, ng );
+ for( ig=0; ig<ng; ig++ ) {
+ /* Get group name */
+ ierr = nc_inq_grpname_len( gid[ig], &gnl );
+ group_name = malloc( sizeof(char) * (gnl+2) );
+ ierr = nc_inq_grpname_full( gid[ig], &gnl, group_name );
+ /* find info about this group: number of dims, vars, atts */
+ ierr = nc_inq( gid[ig], &ndims, &nvars, &natts, &unlimdimid );
+ printf( " group %d: id=%d >%s<\n",
+ ig, gid[ig], group_name );
+ printf( " ndims:%d nvars:%d natts:%d unlimdimid:%d\n",
+ ndims, nvars, natts, unlimdimid );
+ free( group_name );
+ }
+ * Given a fileid, which may be a root ID or a group ID, returns the root group ID
+ */
+int nc_root_id_from_group_id( int gid )
+ int err, cursor, parentid;
+ cursor = gid;
+ /* It is usually the case that the passed gid is the root id, so short circuit */
+ if( nc_inq_grp_parent( gid, &parentid ) == NC_ENOGRP )
+ return( gid );
+ cursor = gid;
+ while( (err = nc_inq_grp_parent( cursor, &parentid )) == 0 )
+ cursor = parentid;
+ if( err == NC_ENOGRP )
+ return( cursor ); /* at the root of the chain */
+ fprintf( stderr, "%s line %d : nc_root_id_from_group_id failed with error %d : %s\n",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__,
+ err, nc_strerror(err) );
+ exit(0);
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ XtPointer call_data;
index = (size_t)list->list_index;
in_change_dat( index, new_val );
strcpy( *(list_text+list->list_index), line );
- XawListChange( dataedit_list_widget, (const char **)list_text, 0, 0, True );
+ XawListChange( dataedit_list_widget, (_Xconst char **)list_text, 0, 0, True );
XawListHighlight( dataedit_list_widget, list->list_index );
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ fs_double_click(Widget w, XButtonEvent *e, String *p, Cardinal *n )
fprintf( stderr, "Error when trying to chdir to %s\n", highlited_entry->string );
fs_get_file_dir_list( &files_and_dirs );
XawListChange( fs_list_widget,
- (const char **)stringlist_to_Xawlist( files_and_dirs ),
+ (_Xconst char **)stringlist_to_Xawlist( files_and_dirs ),
0, 0, False );
XtVaSetValues( fs_pathname_text_widget,
XtNstring, fs_cwd(), NULL );
@@ -1332,16 +1332,16 @@ void x_init_widgets_varsel_menu_grp( Widget menu_box, Widget *varsel_menu_widget
* the group named "/"
if( (count_nslashes( var_cursor->name )==0) && (strncmp( "/", group_cursor->string, 1)==0)) {
-printf( "root check: putting var %s in gruop %s\n", var_cursor->name, group_cursor->string );
+printf( "root check: putting var %s in group %s\n", var_cursor->name, group_cursor->string );
my_grp_num[i] = igrp;
/* Var has at least one slash in its name */
else if( strncmp( var_cursor->name, group_cursor->string, strlen(group_cursor->string) ) == 0 ) {
-printf( "non root check: putting var %s in gruop %s\n", var_cursor->name, group_cursor->string );
- /* At this point a var with a group name that STARTS with another gruop name,
+/* printf( "non root check: putting var %s in group %s\n", var_cursor->name, group_cursor->string ); */
+ /* At this point a var with a group name that STARTS with another group name,
* but is longer, will match. So we check to see if the var's name actually
- * ends with a slash where it should, if this is the right gruop. If it does
+ * ends with a slash where it should, if this is the right group. If it does
* end with a slash, then it's the right group name
if( var_cursor->name[ strlen(group_cursor->string) ] == '/' ) {
@@ -1500,7 +1500,7 @@ void x_init_widgets_varsel_list( Widget parent )
if( var == NULL )
fprintf( stderr, "ncview: x_init_widgets: internal ");
- fprintf( stderr, "inconsistancy -- empty variable list\n" );
+ fprintf( stderr, "inconsistency -- empty variable list\n" );
exit( -1 );
if( i == 0 ) {
@@ -2558,6 +2558,9 @@ void x_indicate_active_dim( int dimension, char *dim_name )
String label;
int i = 0;
char new_label[ 132 ];
+ char dim_name_ng[ MAX_NC_NAME ];
+ varname_no_groups( dim_name, dim_name_ng, NULL );
if( dimension == DIMENSION_X )
snprintf( new_label, 130, "X:" );
@@ -2578,7 +2581,7 @@ void x_indicate_active_dim( int dimension, char *dim_name )
w = diminfo_name_widget;
while( *w != NULL ) {
XtVaGetValues( *w, XtNlabel, &label, NULL );
- if( strcmp( label, dim_name ) == 0 ) {
+ if( strcmp( label, dim_name_ng ) == 0 ) {
XtVaSetValues( *(diminfo_dim_widget+i),
XtNlabel, new_label,
XtNwidth, app_data.dimlabel_width, NULL);
@@ -2589,7 +2592,7 @@ void x_indicate_active_dim( int dimension, char *dim_name )
fprintf( stderr, "ncview: x_indicate_active_dim: cannot find " );
fprintf( stderr, "widget for dimension %d, named %s\n",
- dimension, dim_name );
+ dimension, dim_name_ng );
exit( -1 );
@@ -3092,12 +3095,16 @@ void x_fill_dim_info( NCDim *d, int please_flip )
String widget_name;
int i;
char temp_label[132];
+ char dimname_ng[ MAX_NC_NAME ];
+ /* Get the dimname sans group */
+ varname_no_groups( d->name, dimname_ng, NULL );
/* first, find the row we want */
i = 0;
while( (w = diminfo_name_widget + i) != NULL ) {
XtVaGetValues( *w, XtNlabel, &widget_name, NULL );
- if( strcmp( widget_name, d->name ) == 0 ) {
+ if( strcmp( widget_name, dimname_ng ) == 0 ) {
if( please_flip )
snprintf( temp_label, 130, "%g", d->max );
@@ -3134,7 +3141,7 @@ void x_fill_dim_info( NCDim *d, int please_flip )
fprintf( stderr, "ncview: x_fill_dim_info: error, can't find " );
- fprintf( stderr, "dim info widget named \"%s\"\n", d->name );
+ fprintf( stderr, "dim info widget named \"%s\"\n", dimname_ng );
exit( -1 );
@@ -3144,11 +3151,14 @@ void x_set_cur_dim_value( char *dim_name, char *string )
int i;
Widget *w;
String label;
+ char dim_name_ng[ MAX_NC_NAME ];
+ varname_no_groups( dim_name, dim_name_ng, NULL );
i = 0;
while( (w = diminfo_name_widget+i) != NULL ) {
XtVaGetValues( *w, XtNlabel, &label, NULL );
- if( strcmp( label, dim_name ) == 0 ) {
+ if( strcmp( label, dim_name_ng ) == 0 ) {
XtVaSetValues( *(diminfo_cur_widget+i),
XtNlabel, string, NULL );
@@ -3156,7 +3166,7 @@ void x_set_cur_dim_value( char *dim_name, char *string )
fprintf( stderr, "ncview: x_set_cur_dim: error; widget for dimension ");
- fprintf( stderr, "named \"%s\" not found.\n", dim_name );
+ fprintf( stderr, "named \"%s\" not found.\n", dim_name_ng );
exit( -1 );
@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ get_cmaps_from_dir( char *dir_name )
int n_colormaps = 0, n_suffix;
if( options.debug )
- fprintf( stderr, "Getting colormaps from dir >%s<\n", dir_name );
+ printf( "Getting colormaps from dir >%s<\n", dir_name );
ncdir = opendir( dir_name );
if( ncdir == NULL )
@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ init_cmap_from_data( char *colormap_name, int *data )
unsigned char r[256], g[256], b[256];
if( options.debug )
- fprintf( stderr, " ... initting cmap >%s< from supplied data\n", colormap_name );
+ printf( " ... initting cmap >%s< from supplied data\n", colormap_name );
for( i=0; i<256; i++ ) {
r[i] = (unsigned char)data[i*3+0];
@@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ init_cmap_from_file( char *dir_name, char *file_name, int n_suffix )
size_t slen;
if( options.debug )
- fprintf( stderr, " ... initting cmap >%s<\n", file_name );
+ printf( " ... initting cmap >%s<\n", file_name );
/* Colormap name is the file name without the '.ncmap' or '.ncm' extension */
colormap_name = (char *)malloc( strlen(file_name)-(n_suffix-1) );
@@ -660,7 +660,7 @@ initialize_file_interface( Stringlist *input_files )
NCVar *var;
if( options.debug )
- fprintf( stderr, "Initializing file interface...\n" );
+ printf( "Initializing file interface...\n" );
nfiles = stringlist_len( input_files );
@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ initialize_file_interface( Stringlist *input_files )
input_files = input_files->next;
if( options.debug )
- fprintf( stderr, "...calculating dim min & maxes...\n" );
+ printf( "...calculating dim min & maxes...\n" );
/* Get the effective dimensionality of all the vars.
@@ -685,12 +685,12 @@ initialize_file_interface( Stringlist *input_files )
if( *(var->size + idim) > 1 )
if( options.debug )
- fprintf( stderr, "var %s has %d dims, dim %d: >%s< len %ld\n",
+ printf( "var %s has %d dims, dim %d: >%s< len %ld\n",
var->name, var->n_dims, idim,
var->dim[idim]->name, var->dim[idim]->size );
if( options.debug ) {
- fprintf( stderr, "variable %s had effective_dimensionality of %d\n",
+ printf( "variable %s had effective_dimensionality of %d\n",
var->name, var->effective_dimensionality );
var = var->next;
@@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ initialize_file_interface( Stringlist *input_files )
options.varsel_style = VARSEL_MENU;
if( options.debug )
- fprintf( stderr, "Done initializing file interface...\n" );
+ printf( "Done initializing file interface...\n" );
@@ -799,7 +799,7 @@ fprintf( stderr, " (\"-minmax slow\"), or all entries (\"-minmax all\").\n" );
fprintf( stderr, " -frames: Dump out PNG images (to make a movie, for instance)\n" );
fprintf( stderr, " -nc: Specify number of colors to use.\n" );
fprintf( stderr, " -no1d: Do NOT allow 1-D variables to be displayed.\n" );
-fprintf( stderr, " -repl: Set default blowup type to replicate rathern than bilinear.\n" );
+fprintf( stderr, " -repl: Set default blowup type to replicate rather than bilinear.\n" );
fprintf( stderr, " -calendar: Specify time calendar to use, overriding value in file. Known: noleap standard gregorian 365_day 360_day.\n" );
fprintf( stderr, " -private: Use a private colormap.\n" );
fprintf( stderr, " -debug: Print lots of debugging info.\n" );
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
#include <udunits2.h>
-#define PROGRAM_ID "Ncview 2.1.10 David W. Pierce 7 February 2024"
-#define PROGRAM_VERSION_STRING "2.1.10"
+#define PROGRAM_ID "Ncview 2.1.11 David W. Pierce 7 November 2024"
+#define PROGRAM_VERSION_STRING "2.1.11"
#define APP_RES_VERSION 1.93
#ifndef TRUE
@@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ int unpack_groupname( char *varname, int ig, char *groupname );
void cache_scalar_coord_info( NCVar *vars );
int count_nslashes ( char *s );
Stringlist *get_group_list ( NCVar *vars );
+void varname_no_groups ( char *varname, char *varname_sans_groups, char *groupname );
* in interface.c
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ stringlist_match_string_exact( Stringlist *list, char *str )
- * Adds the given string and auxilliary data to the list.
+ * Adds the given string and auxiliary data to the list.
* The first time this is called, assuming you want to make a new stringlist, pass
* with *list == NULL. This will make a new stringlist with the passed string (and
* aux info) as the first element of the new string.
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ stringlist_add_string_ordered( Stringlist **list, char *new_string, void *aux, i
- * Allocates space in the stringlist element for the auxilliary data, and copies it over
+ * Allocates space in the stringlist element for the auxiliary data, and copies it over
* Returns 0 on success, -1 on error (usually inability to allocate memory)
static int
@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ stringlist_check_args( Stringlist **list, char *new_string, void *aux, int sltyp
if( (sltype == SLTYPE_STRING) && (strlen( (char *)aux ) > STRINGLIST_MAX_LEN) ) {
- fprintf( stderr, "stringlist_check_args: error, trying to add auxilliary string data to a stringlist element and that string is longer than allowed max of %d\n",
+ fprintf( stderr, "stringlist_check_args: error, trying to add auxiliary string data to a stringlist element and that string is longer than allowed max of %d\n",
return( -68 );
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ typedef struct {
char *string;
void *next, *prev;
int index; /* initialized to position in list */
- void *aux; /* auxilliary data */
+ void *aux; /* auxiliary data */
int sltype; /* one of the defined SLTYPEs, indicating type of aux */
} Stringlist;
@@ -401,16 +401,16 @@ add_vars_to_list( Stringlist *var_list, int id, char *filename, int nfiles )
Stringlist *var;
if( options.debug )
- fprintf( stderr, "add_vars_to_list: entering, adding vars to list for file %s\n", filename );
+ printf( "add_vars_to_list: entering, adding vars to list for file %s\n", filename );
var = var_list;
while( var != NULL ) {
if( options.debug )
- fprintf( stderr, "adding variable %s to list\n", var->string );
+ printf( "adding variable %s to list\n", var->string );
add_var_to_list( var->string, id, filename, nfiles );
var = var->next;
if( options.debug )
- fprintf( stderr, "done adding vars for file %s\n", filename );
+ printf( "done adding vars for file %s\n", filename );
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ add_var_to_list( char *var_name, int file_id, char *filename, int nfiles )
strcpy( new_fdb->filename, filename );
- /* fill out auxilliary (data-file format dependent) information
+ /* fill out auxiliary (data-file format dependent) information
* for the new fdb.
fi_fill_aux_data( file_id, var_name, new_fdb );
@@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ add_var_to_list( char *var_name, int file_id, char *filename, int nfiles )
n_dims = fi_n_dims( file_id, var_name );
new_var->n_dims = n_dims;
if( options.debug )
- fprintf( stderr, "adding variable %s with %d dimensions\n",
+ printf( "adding variable %s with %d dimensions\n",
var_name, n_dims );
new_var->first_file = new_fdb;
new_var->last_file = new_fdb;
@@ -491,11 +491,11 @@ add_var_to_list( char *var_name, int file_id, char *filename, int nfiles )
/* Go to the end of the file list and add it there */
if( options.debug )
- fprintf( stderr, "adding another file with variable %s in it\n",
+ printf( "adding another file with variable %s in it\n",
var_name );
if( var->last_file == NULL ) {
fprintf( stderr, "ncview: add_var_to_list: internal ");
- fprintf( stderr, "inconsistancy; var has no last_file\n" );
+ fprintf( stderr, "inconsistency; var has no last_file\n" );
exit( -1 );
fdb = var->first_file;
@@ -1152,9 +1152,9 @@ handle_dim_mapping_2d( NCVar *v, char *coord_var_name, char *coord_att, size_t *
must_be_left_of = v->n_dims; /* Start out by setting all the way to right edge */
for( i=map_info->coord_var_ndims-1; i>=0; i--) {/* Want to find a dim in v that matches size of coord_var dim number i... */
- fprintf( stderr, "Searching for a dim in var %s that matches dim number %d in %s, which is of size %d\n",
+ printf( "Searching for a dim in var %s that matches dim number %d in %s, which is of size %d\n",
v->name, i, s, coord_var_eff_size[i] );
- fprintf( stderr, "the match must be to the left of %d\n", must_be_left_of );
+ printf( "the match must be to the left of %d\n", must_be_left_of );
for( j=must_be_left_of-1; j>=0; j-- ) { /* ...subject to constraint that match be left of (have lower numerical value then) j */
if( coord_var_eff_size[i] == v->size[j] ) {
@@ -1340,14 +1340,14 @@ fill_dim_structs( NCVar *v )
d->global_id = ++global_id;
handle_time_dim( fileid, v, i );
if( options.debug )
- fprintf( stderr, "adding scannable dim to var %s: dimname: %s dimsize: %ld\n", v->name, dim_name, d->size );
+ printf( "adding scannable dim to var %s: dimname: %s dimsize: %ld\n", v->name, dim_name, d->size );
/* Indicate non-scannable dimensions by a NULL */
*(v->dim + i) = NULL;
if( options.debug )
- fprintf( stderr, "adding non-scannable dim to var %s: dim name: %s size: %ld\n",
+ printf( "adding non-scannable dim to var %s: dim name: %s size: %ld\n",
v->name, fi_dim_id_to_name( fileid, v->name, i), *(v->size+i) );
@@ -1513,8 +1513,11 @@ copy_info_to_identical_dims( NCVar *vsrc, NCDim *dsrc, size_t dim_len )
dims_are_same = (strcmp( dsrc->name, d->name ) == 0 ) &&
equivalent_FDBs( vsrc, v );
if( dims_are_same ) {
- if( options.debug )
- fprintf( stderr, "Dim %s (%d) is same as dim %s (%d), copying min&max from former to latter...\n", dsrc->name, dsrc->global_id, d->name, d->global_id );
+ if( options.debug ) {
+ printf( "Dim %s (%d) is same as dim %s (%d), copying min&max from former to latter... min=%f max=%f\n",
+ dsrc->name, dsrc->global_id, d->name, d->global_id,
+ dsrc->min, dsrc->max );
+ }
d->min = dsrc->min;
d->max = dsrc->max;
d->have_calc_minmax = 1;
@@ -1554,7 +1557,8 @@ calc_dim_minmaxes( void )
d = *(v->dim+i);
if( (d != NULL) && (d->have_calc_minmax == 0)) {
if( options.debug )
- fprintf( stderr, "...min & maxes for dim %s (%d)...\n", d->name, d->global_id );
+ printf( "%s %d ...min & maxes for dim d->name=>%s< (d->global_id=%d)...\n",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, d->name, d->global_id );
dim_len = *(v->size+i);
d->values = (float *)malloc(dim_len*sizeof(float));
@@ -1575,7 +1579,7 @@ calc_dim_minmaxes( void )
if( options.debug )
- fprintf( stderr, "**Note: non-float dim found; i=%d\n", i );
+ printf( "**Note: non-float dim found; i=%d\n", i );
d->min = 1.0;
d->max = (float)dim_len;
for( j=0; j<dim_len; j++ )
@@ -2427,3 +2431,43 @@ int unpack_groupname( char *varname, int ig, char *groupname )
return( 0 );
+ * Given a varname string of format: groupname0/groupname1/groupnameN/varname
+ * this returns ONLY the trailing varname in "varname_sans_groups", and ONLY the
+ * groupname with no leading or trailing slash ( "root/groupa" ) in "groupname"
+ */
+void varname_no_groups( char *varname, char *varname_sans_groups, char *groupname )
+ int i, i0, i1, idx_slash[MAX_NC_NAME], nslash;
+ char ts[MAX_NC_NAME];
+ /* Get indices of the slashes */
+ nslash = 0;
+ for( i=0; i<strlen(varname); i++ ) {
+ if( varname[i] == '/' ) {
+ idx_slash[nslash] = i;
+ nslash++;
+ }
+ }
+ if( nslash == 0 ) {
+ strcpy( varname_sans_groups, varname );
+ if( groupname != NULL )
+ groupname[0] = '\0';
+ return;
+ }
+ strcpy( varname_sans_groups, varname+idx_slash[nslash-1]+1 );
+ if( groupname != NULL ) {
+ strncpy( groupname, varname, idx_slash[nslash-1] );
+ groupname[ idx_slash[nslash-1] ] = '\0';
+ }
+ /*
+ printf( "UUUU varname_no_groups, varname: >%s< varname_sans_groups: >%s< groupname: >%s<\n",
+ varname,
+ varname_sans_groups,
+ ((groupname == NULL) ? "NULL" : groupname));
+ */
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ set_scan_variable( NCVar *var )
* the previous scan place.
if( options.debug )
- fprintf( stderr, "...determing scan axes (PREVIOUS)\n" );
+ fprintf( stderr, "...determining scan axes (PREVIOUS)\n" );
determine_scan_axes( new_view, var, old_view );
if( var->effective_dimensionality == 1 ) {
view = new_view;
@@ -1961,7 +1961,7 @@ calculate_blowup( View *view, NCVar *var, int val_to_set_to )
draw_file_info( NCVar *var )
char *title, *units, *var_long_name;
- char range_label[256], temp_label[256];
+ char range_label[256], temp_label[600];
title = fi_title( var->first_file->id );
if( title == NULL )
@@ -1997,7 +1997,7 @@ draw_file_info( NCVar *var )
limit_string(units) );
- snprintf( temp_label, 255, "displayed range: %s", range_label );
+ snprintf( temp_label, 599, "displayed range: %s", range_label );
in_set_label( LABEL_DATA_EXTREMA, temp_label );
var_long_name = fi_long_var_name( view->variable->first_file->id,
@@ -2006,17 +2006,17 @@ draw_file_info( NCVar *var )
snprintf( temp_label, 255, "variable=%s", limit_string(view->variable->name) );
in_set_label( LABEL_SCANVAR_NAME, temp_label );
if( options.want_extra_info ) {
- snprintf( temp_label, 255, "%s (%s)", limit_string(view->variable->name),
+ snprintf( temp_label, 599, "%s (%s)", limit_string(view->variable->name),
range_label );
in_set_label( LABEL_CCINFO_1, temp_label );
- snprintf( temp_label, 255, "displaying %s", limit_string(var_long_name) );
+ snprintf( temp_label, 599, "displaying %s", limit_string(var_long_name) );
in_set_label( LABEL_SCANVAR_NAME, temp_label );
if( options.want_extra_info ) {
- snprintf( temp_label, 255, "%s (%s)", limit_string(var_long_name), range_label );
+ snprintf( temp_label, 599, "%s (%s)", limit_string(var_long_name), range_label );
in_set_label( LABEL_CCINFO_1, temp_label );
@@ -2142,7 +2142,7 @@ view_report_position( int x, int y, unsigned int button_mask )
int type, has_bounds, i, x_is_mapped, y_is_mapped;
float val;
double new_dimval, bound_min, bound_max;
- char current_value_label[80], temp_string[1024];
+ char current_value_label[500], temp_string[1024];
char xdim_str[80], ydim_str[80];
NCDim *xdim, *ydim;
size_t virt_cursor_pos[MAX_NC_DIMS];
@@ -2224,7 +2224,7 @@ view_report_position( int x, int y, unsigned int button_mask )
strncpy( ydim_str, temp_string, 80 );
- snprintf( current_value_label, 79, "Current: (i=%1ld, j=%1ld) %g (x=%s, y=%s)\n",
+ snprintf( current_value_label, 499, "Current: (i=%1ld, j=%1ld) %g (x=%s, y=%s)\n",
data_x, data_y, val, xdim_str, ydim_str );
in_set_label( LABEL_DATA_VALUE, current_value_label );
@@ -2313,7 +2313,7 @@ view_construct_scalar_coord_str( char *str, int slen )
view_report_position_vals( float xval, float yval, int plot_index )
- char current_value_label[80], temp[80];
+ char current_value_label[200], temp[80];
NCDim *dim;
dim = plot_XY_dim[plot_index];
@@ -2321,7 +2321,7 @@ view_report_position_vals( float xval, float yval, int plot_index )
/* If the X dimension is timelike, consider formatting that value */
if( (dim != NULL) && dim->timelike && options.t_conv ) {
fmt_time( temp, 79, xval, dim, 1 );
- snprintf( current_value_label, 79, "Current: x=%s, y=%g",
+ snprintf( current_value_label, 199, "Current: x=%s, y=%g",
temp, yval );
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+Description: Modernize autotools for clean autoreconf.
+ The issues in question:
+ .
+ configure.in:39: warning: AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE: two- and three-arguments forms are deprecated. For more info, see:
+ configure.in:39: http://www.gnu.org/software/automake/manual/automake.html#Modernize-AM_005fINIT_005fAUTOMAKE-invocation
+ configure.in:33: installing './compile'
+ src/Makefile.am:21: warning: source file 'interface/interface.c' is in a subdirectory,
+ src/Makefile.am:21: but option 'subdir-objects' is disabled
+ automake: warning: possible forward-incompatibility.
+ automake: At least a source file is in a subdirectory, but the 'subdir-objects'
+ automake: automake option hasn't been enabled. For now, the corresponding output
+ automake: object file(s) will be placed in the top-level directory. However,
+ automake: this behaviour will change in future Automake versions: they will
+ automake: unconditionally cause object files to be placed in the same subdirectory
+ automake: of the corresponding sources.
+ automake: You are advised to start using 'subdir-objects' option throughout your
+ automake: project, to avoid future incompatibilities.
+Author: Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org>
+Forwarded: yes, mailto:dpierce at ucsd.edu
+--- a/configure.in
++++ b/configure.in
+@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ AC_HEADER_STDC
+ AC_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h)
+ if test "x$no_x" == "xyes"; then
+--- a/src/Makefile.am
++++ b/src/Makefile.am
+@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
++AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = subdir-objects
+ bin_PROGRAMS=ncview
+ noinst_PROGRAMS=geteuid
+ geteuid_SOURCES=geteuid.c
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/ncview/-/commit/e46db18ee568e007a4fbc6bd38f1700ee105e439
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/ncview/-/commit/e46db18ee568e007a4fbc6bd38f1700ee105e439
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