[Git][debian-gis-team/pyresample][master] 5 commits: New upstream version 1.31.0

Antonio Valentino (@antonio.valentino) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Mon Oct 28 07:04:05 GMT 2024

Antonio Valentino pushed to branch master at Debian GIS Project / pyresample

a58319aa by Antonio Valentino at 2024-10-28T06:32:20+00:00
New upstream version 1.31.0
- - - - -
cb16beff by Antonio Valentino at 2024-10-28T06:32:58+00:00
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/1.31.0'

Update to upstream version '1.31.0'
with Debian dir 8af85491ad651d0e052147a2a1c4a8bf0fa85143
- - - - -
db21c393 by Antonio Valentino at 2024-10-28T06:46:18+00:00
New updtream release

- - - - -
bcb9dd9d by Antonio Valentino at 2024-10-28T06:46:37+00:00
Drop 0006-Setup-requires.patch

- - - - -
c42a71eb by Antonio Valentino at 2024-10-28T06:48:05+00:00
Set distribution to unstable

- - - - -

19 changed files:

- .github/workflows/ci.yaml
- .github/workflows/deploy.yaml
- .gitignore
- .pre-commit-config.yaml
- debian/changelog
- − debian/patches/0006-Setup-requires.patch
- debian/patches/series
- pyresample/geometry.py
- pyresample/gradient/__init__.py
- pyresample/gradient/_gradient_search.pyx
- pyresample/resampler.py
- pyresample/slicer.py
- pyresample/test/test_geometry/test_area.py
- pyresample/test/test_gradient.py
- pyresample/test/test_resample_blocks.py
- pyresample/test/test_slicer.py
- pyresample/version.py
- setup.py


@@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ jobs:
       - name: Setup Conda Environment
         uses: conda-incubator/setup-miniconda at v3
-          miniforge-variant: Mambaforge
           miniforge-version: latest
-          use-mamba: true
+          mamba-version: "1.5.10"
           python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
           environment-file: continuous_integration/environment.yaml
           activate-environment: test-environment
+          channels: conda-forge
       - name: Install unstable dependencies
         if: matrix.experimental == true

@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ jobs:
           path: dist
       - name: Publish package to PyPI
         if: github.event.action != 'published'
-        uses: pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish at v1.9.0
+        uses: pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish at v1.10.0
           user: __token__
           password: ${{ secrets.test_pypi_password }}
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ jobs:
           path: dist
       - name: Publish package to PyPI
         if: github.event.action == 'published'
-        uses: pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish at v1.9.0
+        uses: pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish at v1.10.0
           user: __token__
           password: ${{ secrets.pypi_password }}

@@ -62,3 +62,6 @@ nosetests.xml
+# don't include doctest files

@@ -2,23 +2,23 @@ exclude: '^$'
 fail_fast: false
 - repo: https://github.com/astral-sh/ruff-pre-commit
-  rev: 'v0.6.2'
+  rev: 'v0.6.9'
   - id: ruff
 - repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks
-  rev: v4.6.0
+  rev: v5.0.0
     - id: trailing-whitespace
     - id: end-of-file-fixer
     - id: check-yaml
       args: [--unsafe]
 - repo: https://github.com/PyCQA/bandit
-  rev: '1.7.9' # Update me!
+  rev: '1.7.10' # Update me!
     - id: bandit
       args: [--ini, .bandit]
 - repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/mirrors-mypy
-  rev: 'v1.11.1'  # Use the sha / tag you want to point at
+  rev: 'v1.11.2'  # Use the sha / tag you want to point at
     - id: mypy

@@ -1,3 +1,26 @@
+## Version 1.31.0 (2024/10/25)
+### Issues Closed
+* [Issue 620](https://github.com/pytroll/pyresample/issues/620) - Gradient search resampling swath data gives transposed results ([PR 626](https://github.com/pytroll/pyresample/pull/626) by [@mraspaud](https://github.com/mraspaud))
+In this release 1 issue was closed.
+### Pull Requests Merged
+#### Bugs fixed
+* [PR 624](https://github.com/pytroll/pyresample/pull/624) - Move setuptools to setup_requires
+#### Features added
+* [PR 626](https://github.com/pytroll/pyresample/pull/626) - Replace stacking gradient search with resample_blocks variant ([620](https://github.com/pytroll/pyresample/issues/620))
+* [PR 623](https://github.com/pytroll/pyresample/pull/623) - Make use of bounding_box for area freezing when available
+* [PR 618](https://github.com/pytroll/pyresample/pull/618) - Fix dtype for swath -> area resampling with gradient search
+In this release 4 pull requests were closed.
 ## Version 1.30.0 (2024/08/28)
 ### Pull Requests Merged

@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+pyresample (1.31.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * New upstream release.
+  * debian/patches:
+    - Drop 0006-Setup-requires.patch, applied upstream.
+ -- Antonio Valentino <antonio.valentino at tiscali.it>  Mon, 28 Oct 2024 06:47:57 +0000
 pyresample (1.30.0-2) unstable; urgency=medium
   * debian/patches:

debian/patches/0006-Setup-requires.patch deleted
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-From: Antonio Valentino <antonio.valentino at tiscali.it>
-Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2024 18:23:49 +0000
-Subject: Setup requires
-Forwarded: https://github.com/pytroll/pyresample/pull/624
- setup.py | 3 ++-
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
-index 8857778..8c1d27a 100644
---- a/setup.py
-+++ b/setup.py
-@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ from setuptools import find_packages, setup
- import versioneer
--requirements = ['setuptools>=3.2', 'pyproj>=3.0', 'configobj',
-+requirements = ['pyproj>=3.0', 'configobj',
-                 'pykdtree>=1.3.1', 'pyyaml', 'numpy>=1.21.0',
-                 "shapely", "donfig", "platformdirs",
-                 ]
-@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
-           package_data={'pyresample.test': ['test_files/*']},
-           include_package_data=True,
-           python_requires='>=3.9',
-+          setup_requires=['setuptools>=3.2'],
-           install_requires=requirements,
-           extras_require=extras_require,
-           ext_modules=extensions,

@@ -3,4 +3,3 @@

@@ -1228,6 +1228,8 @@ class DynamicAreaDefinition(object):
         lonlats : SwathDefinition or tuple
           The geographical coordinates to contain in the resulting area.
           A tuple should be ``(lons, lats)``.
+          If a SwathDefinition is provided, and it has a "bounding_box" attribute, it will be used instead of the full
+          longitude and latitude to avoid potentially slow computations.
           the resolution of the resulting area.
@@ -1317,7 +1319,10 @@ class DynamicAreaDefinition(object):
             lons, lats = lonslats
         except (TypeError, ValueError):
-            lons, lats = lonslats.get_lonlats()
+            try:
+                lons, lats = lonslats.attrs["bounding_box"]
+            except (AttributeError, KeyError):
+                lons, lats = lonslats.get_lonlats()
         return lons, lats
     def _compute_new_x_corners_for_antimeridian(self, xarr, antimeridian_mode):

@@ -53,256 +53,26 @@ def GradientSearchResampler(source_geo_def, target_geo_def):
 def create_gradient_search_resampler(source_geo_def, target_geo_def):
     """Create a gradient search resampler."""
-    if isinstance(source_geo_def, AreaDefinition) and isinstance(target_geo_def, AreaDefinition):
+    if (is_area_to_area(source_geo_def, target_geo_def) or
+        is_swath_to_area(source_geo_def, target_geo_def) or
+        is_area_to_swath(source_geo_def, target_geo_def)):
         return ResampleBlocksGradientSearchResampler(source_geo_def, target_geo_def)
-    elif isinstance(source_geo_def, SwathDefinition) and isinstance(target_geo_def, AreaDefinition):
-        return StackingGradientSearchResampler(source_geo_def, target_geo_def)
     raise NotImplementedError
- at da.as_gufunc(signature='(),()->(),()')
-def transform(x_coords, y_coords, src_prj=None, dst_prj=None):
-    """Calculate projection coordinates."""
-    transformer = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(src_prj, dst_prj)
-    return transformer.transform(x_coords, y_coords)
+def is_area_to_area(source_geo_def, target_geo_def):
+    """Check if source is area and target is area."""
+    return isinstance(source_geo_def, AreaDefinition) and isinstance(target_geo_def, AreaDefinition)
-class StackingGradientSearchResampler(BaseResampler):
-    """Resample using gradient search based bilinear interpolation, using stacking for dask processing."""
-    def __init__(self, source_geo_def, target_geo_def):
-        """Init GradientResampler."""
-        super().__init__(source_geo_def, target_geo_def)
-        import warnings
-        warnings.warn("You are using the Gradient Search Resampler, which is still EXPERIMENTAL.", stacklevel=2)
-        self.use_input_coords = None
-        self._src_dst_filtered = False
-        self.prj = None
-        self.src_x = None
-        self.src_y = None
-        self.src_slices = None
-        self.dst_x = None
-        self.dst_y = None
-        self.dst_slices = None
-        self.src_gradient_xl = None
-        self.src_gradient_xp = None
-        self.src_gradient_yl = None
-        self.src_gradient_yp = None
-        self.dst_polys = {}
-        self.dst_mosaic_locations = None
-        self.coverage_status = None
-    def _get_projection_coordinates(self, datachunks):
-        """Get projection coordinates."""
-        if self.use_input_coords is None:
-            try:
-                self.src_x, self.src_y = self.source_geo_def.get_proj_coords(
-                    chunks=datachunks)
-                src_crs = self.source_geo_def.crs
-                self.use_input_coords = True
-            except AttributeError:
-                self.src_x, self.src_y = self.source_geo_def.get_lonlats(
-                    chunks=datachunks)
-                src_crs = pyproj.CRS.from_string("+proj=longlat")
-                self.use_input_coords = False
-            try:
-                self.dst_x, self.dst_y = self.target_geo_def.get_proj_coords(
-                    chunks=CHUNK_SIZE)
-                dst_crs = self.target_geo_def.crs
-            except AttributeError as err:
-                if self.use_input_coords is False:
-                    raise NotImplementedError('Cannot resample lon/lat to lon/lat with gradient search.') from err
-                self.dst_x, self.dst_y = self.target_geo_def.get_lonlats(
-                    chunks=CHUNK_SIZE)
-                dst_crs = pyproj.CRS.from_string("+proj=longlat")
-            if self.use_input_coords:
-                self.dst_x, self.dst_y = transform(
-                    self.dst_x, self.dst_y,
-                    src_prj=dst_crs, dst_prj=src_crs)
-                self.prj = pyproj.Proj(self.source_geo_def.crs)
-            else:
-                self.src_x, self.src_y = transform(
-                    self.src_x, self.src_y,
-                    src_prj=src_crs, dst_prj=dst_crs)
-                self.prj = pyproj.Proj(self.target_geo_def.crs)
-    def _get_prj_poly(self, geo_def):
-        # - None if out of Earth Disk
-        # - False is SwathDefinition
-        if isinstance(geo_def, SwathDefinition):
-            return False
-        try:
-            poly = get_polygon(self.prj, geo_def)
-        except (NotImplementedError, ValueError):  # out-of-earth disk area or any valid projected boundary coordinates
-            poly = None
-        return poly
-    def _get_src_poly(self, src_y_start, src_y_end, src_x_start, src_x_end):
-        """Get bounding polygon for source chunk."""
-        geo_def = self.source_geo_def[src_y_start:src_y_end,
-                                      src_x_start:src_x_end]
-        return self._get_prj_poly(geo_def)
-    def _get_dst_poly(self, idx,
-                      dst_x_start, dst_x_end,
-                      dst_y_start, dst_y_end):
-        """Get target chunk polygon."""
-        dst_poly = self.dst_polys.get(idx, None)
-        if dst_poly is None:
-            geo_def = self.target_geo_def[dst_y_start:dst_y_end,
-                                          dst_x_start:dst_x_end]
-            dst_poly = self._get_prj_poly(geo_def)
-            self.dst_polys[idx] = dst_poly
-        return dst_poly
-    def get_chunk_mappings(self):
-        """Map source and target chunks together if they overlap."""
-        src_y_chunks, src_x_chunks = self.src_x.chunks
-        dst_y_chunks, dst_x_chunks = self.dst_x.chunks
-        coverage_status = []
-        src_slices, dst_slices = [], []
-        dst_mosaic_locations = []
-        src_x_start = 0
-        for src_x_step in src_x_chunks:
-            src_x_end = src_x_start + src_x_step
-            src_y_start = 0
-            for src_y_step in src_y_chunks:
-                src_y_end = src_y_start + src_y_step
-                # Get source chunk polygon
-                src_poly = self._get_src_poly(src_y_start, src_y_end,
-                                              src_x_start, src_x_end)
-                dst_x_start = 0
-                for x_step_number, dst_x_step in enumerate(dst_x_chunks):
-                    dst_x_end = dst_x_start + dst_x_step
-                    dst_y_start = 0
-                    for y_step_number, dst_y_step in enumerate(dst_y_chunks):
-                        dst_y_end = dst_y_start + dst_y_step
-                        # Get destination chunk polygon
-                        dst_poly = self._get_dst_poly((x_step_number, y_step_number),
-                                                      dst_x_start, dst_x_end,
-                                                      dst_y_start, dst_y_end)
-                        covers = check_overlap(src_poly, dst_poly)
-                        coverage_status.append(covers)
-                        src_slices.append((src_y_start, src_y_end,
-                                           src_x_start, src_x_end))
-                        dst_slices.append((dst_y_start, dst_y_end,
-                                           dst_x_start, dst_x_end))
-                        dst_mosaic_locations.append((x_step_number, y_step_number))
-                        dst_y_start = dst_y_end
-                    dst_x_start = dst_x_end
-                src_y_start = src_y_end
-            src_x_start = src_x_end
-        self.src_slices = src_slices
-        self.dst_slices = dst_slices
-        self.dst_mosaic_locations = dst_mosaic_locations
-        self.coverage_status = coverage_status
-    def _filter_data(self, data, is_src=True, add_dim=False):
-        """Filter unused chunks from the given array."""
-        if add_dim:
-            if data.ndim not in [2, 3]:
-                raise NotImplementedError('Gradient search resampling only '
-                                          'supports 2D or 3D arrays.')
-            if data.ndim == 2:
-                data = data[np.newaxis, :, :]
-        data_out = []
-        for i, covers in enumerate(self.coverage_status):
-            if covers:
-                if is_src:
-                    y_start, y_end, x_start, x_end = self.src_slices[i]
-                else:
-                    y_start, y_end, x_start, x_end = self.dst_slices[i]
-                try:
-                    val = data[:, y_start:y_end, x_start:x_end]
-                except IndexError:
-                    val = data[y_start:y_end, x_start:x_end]
-            else:
-                val = None
-            data_out.append(val)
-        return data_out
-    def _get_gradients(self):
-        """Get gradients in X and Y directions."""
-        self.src_gradient_xl, self.src_gradient_xp = np.gradient(
-            self.src_x, axis=[0, 1])
-        self.src_gradient_yl, self.src_gradient_yp = np.gradient(
-            self.src_y, axis=[0, 1])
-    def _filter_src_dst(self):
-        """Filter source and target chunks."""
-        self.src_x = self._filter_data(self.src_x)
-        self.src_y = self._filter_data(self.src_y)
-        self.src_gradient_yl = self._filter_data(self.src_gradient_yl)
-        self.src_gradient_yp = self._filter_data(self.src_gradient_yp)
-        self.src_gradient_xl = self._filter_data(self.src_gradient_xl)
-        self.src_gradient_xp = self._filter_data(self.src_gradient_xp)
-        self.dst_x = self._filter_data(self.dst_x, is_src=False)
-        self.dst_y = self._filter_data(self.dst_y, is_src=False)
-        self._src_dst_filtered = True
-    def compute(self, data, fill_value=None, **kwargs):
-        """Resample the given data using gradient search algorithm."""
-        if 'bands' in data.dims:
-            datachunks = data.sel(bands=data.coords['bands'][0]).chunks
-        else:
-            datachunks = data.chunks
-        data_dims = data.dims
-        data_coords = data.coords
-        self._get_projection_coordinates(datachunks)
-        if self.src_gradient_xl is None:
-            self._get_gradients()
-        if self.coverage_status is None:
-            self.get_chunk_mappings()
-        if not self._src_dst_filtered:
-            self._filter_src_dst()
-        data = self._filter_data(data.data, add_dim=True)
-        res = parallel_gradient_search(data,
-                                       self.src_x, self.src_y,
-                                       self.dst_x, self.dst_y,
-                                       self.src_gradient_xl,
-                                       self.src_gradient_xp,
-                                       self.src_gradient_yl,
-                                       self.src_gradient_yp,
-                                       self.dst_mosaic_locations,
-                                       self.dst_slices,
-                                       **kwargs)
-        coords = _fill_in_coords(self.target_geo_def, data_coords, data_dims)
-        if fill_value is not None:
-            res = da.where(np.isnan(res), fill_value, res)
-        if res.ndim > len(data_dims):
-            res = res.squeeze()
-        res = xr.DataArray(res, dims=data_dims, coords=coords)
-        return res
+def is_swath_to_area(source_geo_def, target_geo_def):
+    """Check if source is swath and target is area."""
+    return isinstance(source_geo_def, SwathDefinition) and isinstance(target_geo_def, AreaDefinition)
-def check_overlap(src_poly, dst_poly):
-    """Check if the two polygons overlap."""
-    # swath definition case
-    if dst_poly is False or src_poly is False:
-        covers = True
-    # area / area case
-    elif dst_poly is not None and src_poly is not None:
-        covers = src_poly.intersects(dst_poly)
-    # out of earth disk case
-    else:
-        covers = False
-    return covers
+def is_area_to_swath(source_geo_def, target_geo_def):
+    """Check if source is area and targed is swath."""
+    return isinstance(source_geo_def, AreaDefinition) and isinstance(target_geo_def, SwathDefinition)
 def _gradient_resample_data(src_data, src_x, src_y,
@@ -367,30 +137,6 @@ def _check_input_coordinates(dst_x, dst_y,
         raise ValueError("Target arrays should all have the same shape")
-def get_border_lonlats(geo_def: AreaDefinition):
-    """Get the border x- and y-coordinates."""
-    if geo_def.is_geostationary:
-        lon_b, lat_b = get_geostationary_bounding_box_in_lonlats(geo_def, 3600)
-    else:
-        lons, lats = geo_def.get_boundary_lonlats()
-        lon_b = np.concatenate((lons.side1, lons.side2, lons.side3, lons.side4))
-        lat_b = np.concatenate((lats.side1, lats.side2, lats.side3, lats.side4))
-    return lon_b, lat_b
-def get_polygon(prj, geo_def):
-    """Get border polygon from area definition in projection *prj*."""
-    lon_b, lat_b = get_border_lonlats(geo_def)
-    x_borders, y_borders = prj(lon_b, lat_b)
-    boundary = [(x_borders[i], y_borders[i]) for i in range(len(x_borders))
-                if np.isfinite(x_borders[i]) and np.isfinite(y_borders[i])]
-    poly = Polygon(boundary)
-    if np.isfinite(poly.area) and poly.area > 0.0:
-        return poly
-    return None
 def parallel_gradient_search(data, src_x, src_y, dst_x, dst_y,
                              src_gradient_xl, src_gradient_xp,
                              src_gradient_yl, src_gradient_yp,
@@ -414,14 +160,15 @@ def parallel_gradient_search(data, src_x, src_y, dst_x, dst_y,
             is_pad = False
             res = dask.delayed(_gradient_resample_data)(
-                arr.astype(np.float64),
+                arr,
                 src_x[i], src_y[i],
                 src_gradient_xl[i], src_gradient_xp[i],
                 src_gradient_yl[i], src_gradient_yp[i],
                 dst_x[i], dst_y[i],
             res = da.from_delayed(res, (num_bands, ) + dst_x[i].shape,
-                                  dtype=np.float64)
+                                  meta=np.array((), dtype=arr.dtype),
+                                  dtype=arr.dtype)
         if dst_mosaic_locations[i] in chunks:
             if not is_pad:
@@ -455,7 +202,10 @@ def _concatenate_chunks(chunks):
 def _fill_in_coords(target_geo_def, data_coords, data_dims):
-    x_coord, y_coord = target_geo_def.get_proj_vectors()
+    try:
+        x_coord, y_coord = target_geo_def.get_proj_vectors()
+    except AttributeError:
+        return None
     coords = []
     for key in data_dims:
         if key == 'x':
@@ -488,10 +238,10 @@ class ResampleBlocksGradientSearchResampler(BaseResampler):
     def __init__(self, source_geo_def, target_geo_def):
         """Init GradientResampler."""
-        if isinstance(target_geo_def, SwathDefinition):
-            raise NotImplementedError("Cannot resample to a SwathDefinition.")
+        if isinstance(source_geo_def, SwathDefinition):
+            source_geo_def.lons = source_geo_def.lons.persist()
+            source_geo_def.lats = source_geo_def.lats.persist()
         super().__init__(source_geo_def, target_geo_def)
-        logger.debug("/!\\ Instantiating an experimental GradientSearch resampler /!\\")
         self.indices_xy = None
     def precompute(self, **kwargs):
@@ -589,14 +339,21 @@ def gradient_resampler_indices(source_area, target_area, block_info=None, **kwar
 def _get_coordinates_in_same_projection(source_area, target_area):
         src_x, src_y = source_area.get_proj_coords()
-        transformer = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(target_area.crs, source_area.crs, always_xy=True)
-    except AttributeError as err:
-        raise NotImplementedError("Cannot resample from Swath for now.") from err
+        work_crs = source_area.crs
+    except AttributeError:
+        # source is a swath definition, use target crs instead
+        lons, lats = source_area.get_lonlats()
+        src_x, src_y = da.compute(lons, lats)
+        trans = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(source_area.crs, target_area.crs, always_xy=True)
+        src_x, src_y = trans.transform(src_x, src_y)
+        work_crs = target_area.crs
+    transformer = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(target_area.crs, work_crs, always_xy=True)
         dst_x, dst_y = transformer.transform(*target_area.get_proj_coords())
-    except AttributeError as err:
-        raise NotImplementedError("Cannot resample to Swath for now.") from err
+    except AttributeError:
+        # target is a swath definition
+        lons, lats = target_area.get_lonlats()
+        dst_x, dst_y = transformer.transform(*da.compute(lons, lats))
     src_gradient_xl, src_gradient_xp = np.gradient(src_x, axis=[0, 1])
     src_gradient_yl, src_gradient_yp = np.gradient(src_y, axis=[0, 1])
     return (dst_x, dst_y), (src_gradient_xl, src_gradient_xp, src_gradient_yl, src_gradient_yp), (src_x, src_y)
@@ -609,6 +366,9 @@ def block_bilinear_interpolator(data, indices_xy, fill_value=np.nan, block_info=
     weight_l, l_start = np.modf(y_indices.clip(0, data.shape[-2] - 1))
     weight_p, p_start = np.modf(x_indices.clip(0, data.shape[-1] - 1))
+    weight_l = weight_l.astype(data.dtype)
+    weight_p = weight_p.astype(data.dtype)
     l_start = l_start.astype(int)
     p_start = p_start.astype(int)
     l_end = np.clip(l_start + 1, 1, data.shape[-2] - 1)

@@ -23,18 +23,22 @@
 import numpy as np
-cimport numpy as np
-DTYPE = np.double
-ctypedef np.double_t DTYPE_t
 cimport cython
+cimport numpy as np
 from libc.math cimport fabs, isinf
+ctypedef fused data_type:
+    np.float64_t
+    np.float32_t
+ctypedef np.float64_t float_index
+float_index_dtype = np.float64
-cdef inline void nn(const DTYPE_t[:, :, :] data, int l0, int p0, double dl, double dp, int lmax, int pmax, DTYPE_t[:] res) noexcept nogil:
+cdef inline void nn(const data_type[:, :, :] data, int l0, int p0, float_index dl, float_index dp, int lmax, int pmax, data_type[:] res) noexcept nogil:
     cdef int nnl, nnp
     cdef size_t z_size = res.shape[0]
     cdef size_t i
@@ -54,9 +58,9 @@ cdef inline void nn(const DTYPE_t[:, :, :] data, int l0, int p0, double dl, doub
-cdef inline void bil(const DTYPE_t[:, :, :] data, int l0, int p0, double dl, double dp, int lmax, int pmax, DTYPE_t[:] res) noexcept nogil:
+cdef inline void bil(const data_type[:, :, :] data, int l0, int p0, float_index dl, float_index dp, int lmax, int pmax, data_type[:] res) noexcept nogil:
     cdef int l_a, l_b, p_a, p_b
-    cdef double w_l, w_p
+    cdef float_index w_l, w_p
     cdef size_t z_size = res.shape[0]
     cdef size_t i
     if dl < 0:
@@ -76,34 +80,36 @@ cdef inline void bil(const DTYPE_t[:, :, :] data, int l0, int p0, double dl, dou
         p_b = min(p0 + 1, pmax)
         w_p = dp
     for i in range(z_size):
-        res[i] = ((1 - w_l) * (1 - w_p) * data[i, l_a, p_a] +
-                  (1 - w_l) * w_p * data[i, l_a, p_b] +
-                  w_l * (1 - w_p) * data[i, l_b, p_a] +
-                  w_l * w_p * data[i, l_b, p_b])
+        res[i] = <data_type>((1 - w_l) * (1 - w_p) * data[i, l_a, p_a] +
+                             (1 - w_l) * w_p * data[i, l_a, p_b] +
+                             w_l * (1 - w_p) * data[i, l_b, p_a] +
+                             w_l * w_p * data[i, l_b, p_b])
-cdef inline void indices_xy(const DTYPE_t[:, :, :] data, int l0, int p0, double dl, double dp, int lmax, int pmax, DTYPE_t[:] res) noexcept nogil:
+cdef inline void indices_xy(const data_type[:, :, :] data, int l0, int p0, float_index dl, float_index dp, int lmax, int pmax, data_type[:] res) noexcept nogil:
     cdef int nnl, nnp
     cdef size_t z_size = res.shape[0]
     cdef size_t i
     res[1] = dl + l0
     res[0] = dp + p0
-ctypedef void (*FN)(const DTYPE_t[:, :, :] data, int l0, int p0, double dl, double dp, int lmax, int pmax, DTYPE_t[:] res) noexcept nogil
+ctypedef void (*FN)(const data_type[:, :, :] data, int l0, int p0, float_index dl, float_index dp, int lmax, int pmax, data_type[:] res) noexcept nogil
-cpdef one_step_gradient_search(const DTYPE_t [:, :, :] data,
-                               DTYPE_t [:, :] src_x,
-                               DTYPE_t [:, :] src_y,
-                               DTYPE_t [:, :] xl,
-                               DTYPE_t [:, :] xp,
-                               DTYPE_t [:, :] yl,
-                               DTYPE_t [:, :] yp,
-                               DTYPE_t [:, :] dst_x,
-                               DTYPE_t [:, :] dst_y,
+cpdef one_step_gradient_search(const data_type[:, :, :] data,
+                               float_index [:, :] src_x,
+                               float_index [:, :] src_y,
+                               float_index [:, :] xl,
+                               float_index [:, :] xp,
+                               float_index [:, :] yl,
+                               float_index [:, :] yp,
+                               float_index [:, :] dst_x,
+                               float_index [:, :] dst_y,
                                str method='bilinear'):
     """Gradient search, simple case variant."""
     cdef FN fun
@@ -118,10 +124,14 @@ cpdef one_step_gradient_search(const DTYPE_t [:, :, :] data,
     cdef size_t y_size = dst_y.shape[0]
     cdef size_t x_size = dst_x.shape[1]
+    if data_type is double:
+        dtype = np.float64
+    else:
+        dtype = np.float32
     # output image array --> needs to be (lines, pixels) --> y,x
-    image = np.full([z_size, y_size, x_size], np.nan, dtype=DTYPE)
-    cdef DTYPE_t [:, :, :] image_view = image
+    image = np.full([z_size, y_size, x_size], np.nan, dtype=dtype)
+    cdef data_type[:, :, :] image_view = image
     with nogil:
                                         src_x, src_y,
@@ -132,22 +142,23 @@ cpdef one_step_gradient_search(const DTYPE_t [:, :, :] data,
     # return the output image
     return image
-cdef void one_step_gradient_search_no_gil(const DTYPE_t[:, :, :] data,
-                                          const DTYPE_t[:, :] src_x,
-                                          const DTYPE_t[:, :] src_y,
-                                          const DTYPE_t[:, :] xl,
-                                          const DTYPE_t[:, :] xp,
-                                          const DTYPE_t[:, :] yl,
-                                          const DTYPE_t[:, :] yp,
-                                          const DTYPE_t[:, :] dst_x,
-                                          const DTYPE_t[:, :] dst_y,
+cdef void one_step_gradient_search_no_gil(const data_type[:, :, :] data,
+                                          const float_index[:, :] src_x,
+                                          const float_index[:, :] src_y,
+                                          const float_index[:, :] xl,
+                                          const float_index[:, :] xp,
+                                          const float_index[:, :] yl,
+                                          const float_index[:, :] yp,
+                                          const float_index[:, :] dst_x,
+                                          const float_index[:, :] dst_y,
                                           const size_t x_size,
                                           const size_t y_size,
                                           FN fun,
-                                          DTYPE_t[:, :, :] result_array) noexcept nogil:
+                                          data_type[:, :, :] result_array) noexcept nogil:
     # pixel max ---> data is expected in [lines, pixels]
     cdef int pmax = src_x.shape[1] - 1
@@ -161,7 +172,7 @@ cdef void one_step_gradient_search_no_gil(const DTYPE_t[:, :, :] data,
     # intermediate variables:
     cdef int l_a, l_b, p_a, p_b
     cdef size_t i, j, elt
-    cdef double dx, dy, d, dl, dp
+    cdef float_index dx, dy, d, dl, dp
     cdef int col_step = -1
     # number of iterations
     cdef int cnt = 0
@@ -218,16 +229,17 @@ cdef void one_step_gradient_search_no_gil(const DTYPE_t[:, :, :] data,
                     p0 = int(p0 + dp)
             j += col_step
-cpdef one_step_gradient_indices(DTYPE_t [:, :] src_x,
-                                DTYPE_t [:, :] src_y,
-                                DTYPE_t [:, :] xl,
-                                DTYPE_t [:, :] xp,
-                                DTYPE_t [:, :] yl,
-                                DTYPE_t [:, :] yp,
-                                DTYPE_t [:, :] dst_x,
-                                DTYPE_t [:, :] dst_y):
+cpdef one_step_gradient_indices(float_index [:, :] src_x,
+                                float_index [:, :] src_y,
+                                float_index [:, :] xl,
+                                float_index [:, :] xp,
+                                float_index [:, :] yl,
+                                float_index [:, :] yp,
+                                float_index [:, :] dst_x,
+                                float_index [:, :] dst_y):
     """Gradient search, simple case variant, returning float indices.
     This is appropriate for monotonous gradients only, i.e. not modis or viirs in satellite projection.
@@ -238,18 +250,19 @@ cpdef one_step_gradient_indices(DTYPE_t [:, :] src_x,
     cdef size_t y_size = dst_y.shape[0]
     cdef size_t x_size = dst_x.shape[1]
     # output indices arrays --> needs to be (lines, pixels) --> y,x
-    indices = np.full([2, y_size, x_size], np.nan, dtype=DTYPE)
-    cdef DTYPE_t [:, :, :] indices_view = indices
+    indices = np.full([2, y_size, x_size], np.nan, dtype=float_index_dtype)
+    cdef float_index [:, :, :] indices_view_result = indices
     # fake_data is not going to be used anyway as we just fill in the indices
-    cdef DTYPE_t [:, :, :] fake_data = np.full([1, 1, 1], np.nan, dtype=DTYPE)
+    cdef float_index [:, :, :] fake_data = np.full([1, 1, 1], np.nan, dtype=float_index_dtype)
     with nogil:
-        one_step_gradient_search_no_gil(fake_data,
-                                        src_x, src_y,
-                                        xl, xp, yl, yp,
-                                        dst_x, dst_y,
-                                        x_size, y_size,
-                                        indices_xy, indices_view)
+        one_step_gradient_search_no_gil[float_index](fake_data,
+                                                     src_x, src_y,
+                                                     xl, xp, yl, yp,
+                                                     dst_x, dst_y,
+                                                     x_size, y_size,
+                                                     indices_xy, indices_view_result)
     return indices

@@ -214,6 +214,9 @@ def resample_blocks(func, src_area, src_arrays, dst_area,
         fill_value: Desired value for any invalid values in the output array
         kwargs: any other keyword arguments that will be passed on to func.
+    Returns:
+        A dask array, chunked as dst_area, containing the resampled data.
     Principle of operations:
         Resample_blocks works by iterating over chunks on the dst_area domain. For each chunk, the corresponding slice
@@ -235,10 +238,6 @@ def resample_blocks(func, src_area, src_arrays, dst_area,
-    if dst_area == src_area:
-        raise ValueError("Source and destination areas are identical."
-                         " Should you be running `map_blocks` instead of `resample_blocks`?")
     name = _create_dask_name(name, func,
                              src_area, src_arrays,
                              dst_area, dst_arrays,

@@ -67,11 +67,13 @@ class Slicer(ABC):
-    def __init__(self, area_to_crop, area_to_contain):
+    def __init__(self, area_to_crop, area_to_contain, work_crs):
         """Set up the Slicer."""
         self.area_to_crop = area_to_crop
         self.area_to_contain = area_to_contain
-        self._transformer = Transformer.from_crs(self.area_to_contain.crs, self.area_to_crop.crs, always_xy=True)
+        self._source_transformer = Transformer.from_crs(self.area_to_contain.crs, work_crs, always_xy=True)
+        self._target_transformer = Transformer.from_crs(self.area_to_crop.crs, work_crs, always_xy=True)
     def get_slices(self):
         """Get the slices to crop *area_to_crop* enclosing *area_to_contain*."""
@@ -92,17 +94,23 @@ class Slicer(ABC):
 class SwathSlicer(Slicer):
     """A Slicer for cropping SwathDefinitions."""
+    def __init__(self, area_to_crop, area_to_contain, work_crs=None):
+        """Set up the Slicer."""
+        if work_crs is None:
+            work_crs = area_to_contain.crs
+        super().__init__(area_to_crop, area_to_contain, work_crs)
     def get_polygon_to_contain(self):
         """Get the shapely Polygon corresponding to *area_to_contain* in lon/lat coordinates."""
         from shapely.geometry import Polygon
         x, y = self.area_to_contain.get_edge_bbox_in_projection_coordinates(10)
-        poly = Polygon(zip(*self._transformer.transform(x, y)))
+        poly = Polygon(zip(*self._source_transformer.transform(x, y)))
         return poly
     def get_slices_from_polygon(self, poly):
         """Get the slices based on the polygon."""
         intersecting_chunk_slices = []
-        for smaller_poly, slices in _get_chunk_polygons_for_swath_to_crop(self.area_to_crop):
+        for smaller_poly, slices in self._get_chunk_polygons_for_swath_to_crop(self.area_to_crop):
             if smaller_poly.intersects(poly):
         if not intersecting_chunk_slices:
@@ -118,12 +126,18 @@ class SwathSlicer(Slicer):
         slices = col_slice, line_slice
         return slices
+    def _get_chunk_polygons_for_swath_to_crop(self, swath_to_crop):
+        """Get the polygons for each chunk of the area_to_crop."""
+        from shapely.geometry import Polygon
+        for ((lons, lats), (line_slice, col_slice)) in _get_chunk_bboxes_for_swath_to_crop(swath_to_crop):
+            smaller_poly = Polygon(zip(*self._target_transformer.transform(lons, lats)))
+            yield (smaller_poly, (line_slice, col_slice))
-def _get_chunk_polygons_for_swath_to_crop(swath_to_crop):
-    """Get the polygons for each chunk of the area_to_crop."""
+def _get_chunk_bboxes_for_swath_to_crop(swath_to_crop):
+    """Get the lon/lat bouding boxes for each chunk of the area_to_crop."""
     res = []
-    from shapely.geometry import Polygon
     src_chunks = swath_to_crop.lons.chunks
     for _position, (line_slice, col_slice) in _enumerate_chunk_slices(src_chunks):
         line_slice = expand_slice(line_slice)
@@ -132,8 +146,7 @@ def _get_chunk_polygons_for_swath_to_crop(swath_to_crop):
         lons, lats = smaller_swath.get_edge_lonlats(10)
         lons = np.hstack(lons)
         lats = np.hstack(lats)
-        smaller_poly = Polygon(zip(lons, lats))
-        res.append((smaller_poly, (line_slice, col_slice)))
+        res.append(((lons, lats), (line_slice, col_slice)))
     return res
@@ -145,13 +158,21 @@ def expand_slice(small_slice):
 class AreaSlicer(Slicer):
     """A Slicer for cropping AreaDefinitions."""
+    def __init__(self, area_to_crop, area_to_contain):
+        """Set up the Slicer."""
+        work_crs = area_to_crop.crs
+        super().__init__(area_to_crop, area_to_contain, work_crs)
     def get_polygon_to_contain(self):
         """Get the shapely Polygon corresponding to *area_to_contain* in projection coordinates of *area_to_crop*."""
         from shapely.geometry import Polygon
-        x, y = self.area_to_contain.get_edge_bbox_in_projection_coordinates(frequency=10)
+        try:
+            x, y = self.area_to_contain.get_edge_bbox_in_projection_coordinates(frequency=10)
+        except AttributeError:
+            x, y = self.area_to_contain.get_edge_lonlats(vertices_per_side=10)
         if self.area_to_crop.is_geostationary:
             x_geos, y_geos = get_geostationary_bounding_box_in_proj_coords(self.area_to_crop, 360)
-            x_geos, y_geos = self._transformer.transform(x_geos, y_geos, direction=TransformDirection.INVERSE)
+            x_geos, y_geos = self._source_transformer.transform(x_geos, y_geos, direction=TransformDirection.INVERSE)
             geos_poly = Polygon(zip(x_geos, y_geos))
             poly = Polygon(zip(x, y))
             poly = poly.intersection(geos_poly)
@@ -159,7 +180,7 @@ class AreaSlicer(Slicer):
                 raise IncompatibleAreas('No slice on area.')
             x, y = zip(*poly.exterior.coords)
-        return Polygon(zip(*self._transformer.transform(x, y)))
+        return Polygon(zip(*self._source_transformer.transform(x, y)))
     def get_slices_from_polygon(self, poly_to_contain):
         """Get the slices based on the polygon."""

@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ from pyresample.future.geometry import AreaDefinition, SwathDefinition
 from pyresample.future.geometry.area import ignore_pyproj_proj_warnings
 from pyresample.future.geometry.base import get_array_hashable
 from pyresample.geometry import AreaDefinition as LegacyAreaDefinition
+from pyresample.geometry import DynamicAreaDefinition
 from pyresample.test.utils import assert_future_geometry
@@ -1754,3 +1755,11 @@ def test_non2d_shape_error(shape):
     """Test that non-2D shapes fail."""
     with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
         AreaDefinition("EPSG:4326", shape, (-1000.0, -1000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0))
+def test_dynamic_area_can_use_bounding_box_attribute():
+    """Test that area freezing can use bounding box info."""
+    area_def = DynamicAreaDefinition("test_area", "", "epsg:3035", resolution=500)
+    swath_def_to_freeze_on = SwathDefinition(None, None, attrs=dict(bounding_box=[[0, 20, 20, 0], [55, 55, 45, 45]]))
+    res_area = area_def.freeze(swath_def_to_freeze_on)
+    assert res_area.area_extent == (3533500, 2484500, 5108500, 3588500)

@@ -32,246 +32,7 @@ import xarray as xr
 from pyresample.area_config import create_area_def
 from pyresample.geometry import AreaDefinition, SwathDefinition
-from pyresample.gradient import ResampleBlocksGradientSearchResampler
-class TestOGradientResampler:
-    """Test case for the gradient resampling."""
-    def setup_method(self):
-        """Set up the test case."""
-        from pyresample.gradient import StackingGradientSearchResampler
-        self.src_area = AreaDefinition('dst', 'dst area', None,
-                                       {'ellps': 'WGS84', 'h': '35785831', 'proj': 'geos'},
-                                       100, 100,
-                                       (5550000.0, 5550000.0, -5550000.0, -5550000.0))
-        self.src_swath = SwathDefinition(*self.src_area.get_lonlats())
-        self.dst_area = AreaDefinition('euro40', 'euro40', None,
-                                       {'proj': 'stere', 'lon_0': 14.0,
-                                        'lat_0': 90.0, 'lat_ts': 60.0,
-                                        'ellps': 'bessel'},
-                                       102, 102,
-                                       (-2717181.7304994687, -5571048.14031214,
-                                        1378818.2695005313, -1475048.1403121399))
-        self.dst_swath = SwathDefinition(*self.dst_area.get_lonlats())
-        with warnings.catch_warnings():
-            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message=".*which is still EXPERIMENTAL.*", category=UserWarning)
-            self.resampler = StackingGradientSearchResampler(self.src_area, self.dst_area)
-            self.swath_resampler = StackingGradientSearchResampler(self.src_swath, self.dst_area)
-            self.area_to_swath_resampler = StackingGradientSearchResampler(self.src_area, self.dst_swath)
-    def test_get_projection_coordinates_area_to_area(self):
-        """Check that the coordinates are initialized, for area -> area."""
-        assert self.resampler.prj is None
-        self.resampler._get_projection_coordinates((10, 10))
-        cdst_x = self.resampler.dst_x.compute()
-        cdst_y = self.resampler.dst_y.compute()
-        assert np.allclose(np.min(cdst_x), -2022632.1675016289)
-        assert np.allclose(np.max(cdst_x), 2196052.591296284)
-        assert np.allclose(np.min(cdst_y), 3517933.413092212)
-        assert np.allclose(np.max(cdst_y), 5387038.893400168)
-        assert self.resampler.use_input_coords
-        assert self.resampler.prj is not None
-    def test_get_projection_coordinates_swath_to_area(self):
-        """Check that the coordinates are initialized, for swath -> area."""
-        assert self.swath_resampler.prj is None
-        self.swath_resampler._get_projection_coordinates((10, 10))
-        cdst_x = self.swath_resampler.dst_x.compute()
-        cdst_y = self.swath_resampler.dst_y.compute()
-        assert np.allclose(np.min(cdst_x), -2697103.29912692)
-        assert np.allclose(np.max(cdst_x), 1358739.8381279823)
-        assert np.allclose(np.min(cdst_y), -5550969.708939591)
-        assert np.allclose(np.max(cdst_y), -1495126.5716846888)
-        assert self.swath_resampler.use_input_coords is False
-        assert self.swath_resampler.prj is not None
-    def test_get_gradients(self):
-        """Test that coordinate gradients are computed correctly."""
-        self.resampler._get_projection_coordinates((10, 10))
-        assert self.resampler.src_gradient_xl is None
-        self.resampler._get_gradients()
-        assert self.resampler.src_gradient_xl.compute().max() == 0.0
-        assert self.resampler.src_gradient_xp.compute().max() == -111000.0
-        assert self.resampler.src_gradient_yl.compute().max() == 111000.0
-        assert self.resampler.src_gradient_yp.compute().max() == 0.0
-    def test_get_chunk_mappings(self):
-        """Test that chunk overlap, and source and target slices are correct."""
-        chunks = (10, 10)
-        num_chunks = np.prod(chunks)
-        self.resampler._get_projection_coordinates(chunks)
-        self.resampler._get_gradients()
-        assert self.resampler.coverage_status is None
-        self.resampler.get_chunk_mappings()
-        # 8 source chunks overlap the target area
-        covered_src_chunks = np.array([38, 39, 48, 49, 58, 59, 68, 69])
-        res = np.where(self.resampler.coverage_status)[0]
-        assert np.all(res == covered_src_chunks)
-        # All *num_chunks* should have values in the lists
-        assert len(self.resampler.coverage_status) == num_chunks
-        assert len(self.resampler.src_slices) == num_chunks
-        assert len(self.resampler.dst_slices) == num_chunks
-        assert len(self.resampler.dst_mosaic_locations) == num_chunks
-        # There's only one output chunk, and the covered source chunks
-        # should have destination locations of (0, 0)
-        res = np.array(self.resampler.dst_mosaic_locations)[covered_src_chunks]
-        assert all([all(loc == (0, 0)) for loc in list(res)])
-    def test_get_src_poly_area(self):
-        """Test defining source chunk polygon for AreaDefinition."""
-        chunks = (10, 10)
-        self.resampler._get_projection_coordinates(chunks)
-        self.resampler._get_gradients()
-        poly = self.resampler._get_src_poly(0, 40, 0, 40)
-        assert np.allclose(poly.area, 12365358458842.43)
-    def test_get_src_poly_swath(self):
-        """Test defining source chunk polygon for SwathDefinition."""
-        chunks = (10, 10)
-        self.swath_resampler._get_projection_coordinates(chunks)
-        self.swath_resampler._get_gradients()
-        # SwathDefinition can't be sliced, so False is returned
-        poly = self.swath_resampler._get_src_poly(0, 40, 0, 40)
-        assert poly is False
-    @mock.patch('pyresample.gradient.get_polygon')
-    def test_get_dst_poly_area(self, get_polygon):
-        """Test defining destination chunk polygon."""
-        chunks = (10, 10)
-        self.resampler._get_projection_coordinates(chunks)
-        self.resampler._get_gradients()
-        # First call should make a call to get_polygon()
-        self.resampler._get_dst_poly('idx1', 0, 10, 0, 10)
-        assert get_polygon.call_count == 1
-        assert 'idx1' in self.resampler.dst_polys
-        # The second call to the same index should come from cache
-        self.resampler._get_dst_poly('idx1', 0, 10, 0, 10)
-        assert get_polygon.call_count == 1
-    def test_get_dst_poly_swath(self):
-        """Test defining dst chunk polygon for SwathDefinition."""
-        chunks = (10, 10)
-        self.area_to_swath_resampler._get_projection_coordinates(chunks)
-        self.area_to_swath_resampler._get_gradients()
-        # SwathDefinition can't be sliced, so False is returned
-        self.area_to_swath_resampler._get_dst_poly('idx2', 0, 10, 0, 10)
-        assert self.area_to_swath_resampler.dst_polys['idx2'] is False
-    def test_filter_data(self):
-        """Test filtering chunks that do not overlap."""
-        chunks = (10, 10)
-        self.resampler._get_projection_coordinates(chunks)
-        self.resampler._get_gradients()
-        self.resampler.get_chunk_mappings()
-        # Basic filtering.  There should be 8 dask arrays that each
-        # have a shape of (10, 10)
-        res = self.resampler._filter_data(self.resampler.src_x)
-        valid = [itm for itm in res if itm is not None]
-        assert len(valid) == 8
-        shapes = [arr.shape for arr in valid]
-        for shp in shapes:
-            assert shp == (10, 10)
-        # Destination x/y coordinate array filtering.  Again, 8 dask
-        # arrays each with shape (102, 102)
-        res = self.resampler._filter_data(self.resampler.dst_x, is_src=False)
-        valid = [itm for itm in res if itm is not None]
-        assert len(valid) == 8
-        shapes = [arr.shape for arr in valid]
-        for shp in shapes:
-            assert shp == (102, 102)
-        # Add a dimension to the given dataset
-        data = da.random.random(self.src_area.shape)
-        res = self.resampler._filter_data(data, add_dim=True)
-        valid = [itm for itm in res if itm is not None]
-        assert len(valid) == 8
-        shapes = [arr.shape for arr in valid]
-        for shp in shapes:
-            assert shp == (1, 10, 10)
-        # 1D and 3+D should raise NotImplementedError
-        data = da.random.random((3,))
-        try:
-            res = self.resampler._filter_data(data, add_dim=True)
-            raise IndexError
-        except NotImplementedError:
-            pass
-        data = da.random.random((3, 3, 3, 3))
-        try:
-            res = self.resampler._filter_data(data, add_dim=True)
-            raise IndexError
-        except NotImplementedError:
-            pass
-    def test_resample_area_to_area_2d(self):
-        """Resample area to area, 2d."""
-        data = xr.DataArray(da.ones(self.src_area.shape, dtype=np.float64),
-                            dims=['y', 'x'])
-        res = self.resampler.compute(
-            data, method='bil').compute(scheduler='single-threaded')
-        assert res.shape == self.dst_area.shape
-        assert np.allclose(res, 1)
-    def test_resample_area_to_area_2d_fill_value(self):
-        """Resample area to area, 2d, use fill value."""
-        data = xr.DataArray(da.full(self.src_area.shape, np.nan,
-                                    dtype=np.float64), dims=['y', 'x'])
-        res = self.resampler.compute(
-            data, method='bil',
-            fill_value=2.0).compute(scheduler='single-threaded')
-        assert res.shape == self.dst_area.shape
-        assert np.allclose(res, 2.0)
-    def test_resample_area_to_area_3d(self):
-        """Resample area to area, 3d."""
-        data = xr.DataArray(da.ones((3, ) + self.src_area.shape,
-                                    dtype=np.float64) *
-                            np.array([1, 2, 3])[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis],
-                            dims=['bands', 'y', 'x'])
-        res = self.resampler.compute(
-            data, method='bil').compute(scheduler='single-threaded')
-        assert res.shape == (3, ) + self.dst_area.shape
-        assert np.allclose(res[0, :, :], 1.0)
-        assert np.allclose(res[1, :, :], 2.0)
-        assert np.allclose(res[2, :, :], 3.0)
-    def test_resample_area_to_area_3d_single_channel(self):
-        """Resample area to area, 3d with only a single band."""
-        data = xr.DataArray(da.ones((1, ) + self.src_area.shape,
-                                    dtype=np.float64),
-                            dims=['bands', 'y', 'x'])
-        res = self.resampler.compute(
-            data, method='bil').compute(scheduler='single-threaded')
-        assert res.shape == (1, ) + self.dst_area.shape
-        assert np.allclose(res[0, :, :], 1.0)
-    def test_resample_swath_to_area_2d(self):
-        """Resample swath to area, 2d."""
-        data = xr.DataArray(da.ones(self.src_swath.shape, dtype=np.float64),
-                            dims=['y', 'x'])
-        with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):  # 'inf' space pixels cause runtime warnings
-            res = self.swath_resampler.compute(
-                data, method='bil').compute(scheduler='single-threaded')
-        assert res.shape == self.dst_area.shape
-        assert not np.all(np.isnan(res))
-    def test_resample_swath_to_area_3d(self):
-        """Resample area to area, 3d."""
-        data = xr.DataArray(da.ones((3, ) + self.src_swath.shape,
-                                    dtype=np.float64) *
-                            np.array([1, 2, 3])[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis],
-                            dims=['bands', 'y', 'x'])
-        with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):  # 'inf' space pixels cause runtime warnings
-            res = self.swath_resampler.compute(
-                data, method='bil').compute(scheduler='single-threaded')
-        assert res.shape == (3, ) + self.dst_area.shape
-        for i in range(res.shape[0]):
-            arr = np.ravel(res[i, :, :])
-            assert np.allclose(arr[np.isfinite(arr)], float(i + 1))
+from pyresample.gradient import ResampleBlocksGradientSearchResampler, create_gradient_search_resampler
 class TestRBGradientSearchResamplerArea2Area:
@@ -495,12 +256,81 @@ class TestRBGradientSearchResamplerArea2Area:
         assert res.shape == dst_area.shape
+class TestRBGradientSearchResamplerSwath2Area:
+    """Test RBGradientSearchResampler for the Area to Swath case."""
+    def setup_method(self):
+        """Set up the test case."""
+        lons, lats = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, 20, 100), np.linspace(45, 66, 100))
+        self.src_swath = SwathDefinition(lons, lats, crs="WGS84")
+        lons, lats = self.src_swath.get_lonlats(chunks=10)
+        lons = xr.DataArray(lons, dims=["y", "x"])
+        lats = xr.DataArray(lats, dims=["y", "x"])
+        self.src_swath_dask = SwathDefinition(lons, lats)
+        self.dst_area = AreaDefinition('euro40', 'euro40', None,
+                                       {'proj': 'stere', 'lon_0': 14.0,
+                                        'lat_0': 90.0, 'lat_ts': 60.0,
+                                        'ellps': 'bessel'},
+                                       102, 102,
+                                       (-2717181.7304994687, -5571048.14031214,
+                                        1378818.2695005313, -1475048.1403121399))
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("input_dtype", (np.float32, np.float64))
+    def test_resample_swath_to_area_2d(self, input_dtype):
+        """Resample swath to area, 2d."""
+        swath_resampler = ResampleBlocksGradientSearchResampler(self.src_swath_dask, self.dst_area)
+        data = xr.DataArray(da.ones(self.src_swath.shape, dtype=input_dtype),
+                            dims=['y', 'x'])
+        with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):  # 'inf' space pixels cause runtime warnings
+            swath_resampler.precompute()
+            res_xr = swath_resampler.compute(data, method='bilinear')
+            res_np = res_xr.compute(scheduler='single-threaded')
+        assert res_xr.dtype == data.dtype
+        assert res_np.dtype == data.dtype
+        assert res_xr.shape == self.dst_area.shape
+        assert res_np.shape == self.dst_area.shape
+        assert type(res_xr) is type(data)
+        assert type(res_xr.data) is type(data.data)
+        assert not np.all(np.isnan(res_np))
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("input_dtype", (np.float32, np.float64))
+    def test_resample_swath_to_area_3d(self, input_dtype):
+        """Resample area to area, 3d."""
+        swath_resampler = ResampleBlocksGradientSearchResampler(self.src_swath_dask, self.dst_area)
+        data = xr.DataArray(da.ones((3, ) + self.src_swath.shape,
+                                    dtype=input_dtype) *
+                            np.array([1, 2, 3])[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis],
+                            dims=['bands', 'y', 'x'])
+        with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):  # 'inf' space pixels cause runtime warnings
+            swath_resampler.precompute()
+            res_xr = swath_resampler.compute(data, method='bilinear')
+            res_np = res_xr.compute(scheduler='single-threaded')
+        assert res_xr.dtype == data.dtype
+        assert res_np.dtype == data.dtype
+        assert res_xr.shape == (3, ) + self.dst_area.shape
+        assert res_np.shape == (3, ) + self.dst_area.shape
+        assert type(res_xr) is type(data)
+        assert type(res_xr.data) is type(data.data)
+        for i in range(res_np.shape[0]):
+            arr = np.ravel(res_np[i, :, :])
+            assert np.allclose(arr[np.isfinite(arr)], float(i + 1))
 class TestRBGradientSearchResamplerArea2Swath:
-    """Test RBGradientSearchResampler for the Swath to Area case."""
+    """Test RBGradientSearchResampler for the Area to Swath case."""
     def setup_method(self):
         """Set up the test case."""
-        chunks = 20
+        lons, lats = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, 20, 100), np.linspace(45, 66, 100))
+        self.dst_swath = SwathDefinition(lons, lats, crs="WGS84")
+        lons, lats = self.dst_swath.get_lonlats(chunks=10)
+        lons = xr.DataArray(lons, dims=["y", "x"])
+        lats = xr.DataArray(lats, dims=["y", "x"])
+        self.dst_swath_dask = SwathDefinition(lons, lats)
         self.src_area = AreaDefinition('euro40', 'euro40', None,
                                        {'proj': 'stere', 'lon_0': 14.0,
@@ -510,34 +340,49 @@ class TestRBGradientSearchResamplerArea2Swath:
                                        (-2717181.7304994687, -5571048.14031214,
                                         1378818.2695005313, -1475048.1403121399))
-        self.dst_area = AreaDefinition(
-            'omerc_otf',
-            'On-the-fly omerc area',
-            None,
-            {'alpha': '8.99811271718795',
-             'ellps': 'sphere',
-             'gamma': '0',
-             'k': '1',
-             'lat_0': '0',
-             'lonc': '13.8096029486222',
-             'proj': 'omerc',
-             'units': 'm'},
-            50, 100,
-            (-1461111.3603, 3440088.0459, 1534864.0322, 9598335.0457)
-        )
-        self.lons, self.lats = self.dst_area.get_lonlats(chunks=chunks)
-        xrlons = xr.DataArray(self.lons.persist())
-        xrlats = xr.DataArray(self.lats.persist())
-        self.dst_swath = SwathDefinition(xrlons, xrlats)
-    def test_resampling_to_swath_is_not_implemented(self):
-        """Test that resampling to swath is not working yet."""
-        from pyresample.gradient import ResampleBlocksGradientSearchResampler
-        with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
-            ResampleBlocksGradientSearchResampler(self.src_area,
-                                                  self.dst_swath)
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("input_dtype", (np.float32, np.float64))
+    def test_resample_area_to_swath_2d(self, input_dtype):
+        """Resample swath to area, 2d."""
+        swath_resampler = create_gradient_search_resampler(self.src_area, self.dst_swath_dask)
+        data = xr.DataArray(da.ones(self.src_area.shape, dtype=input_dtype),
+                            dims=['y', 'x'])
+        with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):  # 'inf' space pixels cause runtime warnings
+            swath_resampler.precompute()
+            res_xr = swath_resampler.compute(data, method='bilinear')
+            res_np = res_xr.compute(scheduler='single-threaded')
+        assert res_xr.dtype == data.dtype
+        assert res_np.dtype == data.dtype
+        assert res_xr.shape == self.dst_swath.shape
+        assert res_np.shape == self.dst_swath.shape
+        assert type(res_xr) is type(data)
+        assert type(res_xr.data) is type(data.data)
+        assert not np.all(np.isnan(res_np))
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("input_dtype", (np.float32, np.float64))
+    def test_resample_area_to_swath_3d(self, input_dtype):
+        """Resample area to area, 3d."""
+        swath_resampler = ResampleBlocksGradientSearchResampler(self.src_area, self.dst_swath_dask)
+        data = xr.DataArray(da.ones((3, ) + self.src_area.shape,
+                                    dtype=input_dtype) *
+                            np.array([1, 2, 3])[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis],
+                            dims=['bands', 'y', 'x'])
+        with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):  # 'inf' space pixels cause runtime warnings
+            swath_resampler.precompute()
+            res_xr = swath_resampler.compute(data, method='bilinear')
+            res_np = res_xr.compute(scheduler='single-threaded')
+        assert res_xr.dtype == data.dtype
+        assert res_np.dtype == data.dtype
+        assert res_xr.shape == (3, ) + self.dst_swath.shape
+        assert res_np.shape == (3, ) + self.dst_swath.shape
+        assert type(res_xr) is type(data)
+        assert type(res_xr.data) is type(data.data)
+        for i in range(res_np.shape[0]):
+            arr = np.ravel(res_np[i, :, :])
+            assert np.allclose(arr[np.isfinite(arr)], float(i + 1))
 class TestEnsureDataArray(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -582,103 +427,6 @@ class TestEnsureDataArray(unittest.TestCase):
         decorated('bla', data)
-def test_check_overlap():
-    """Test overlap check returning correct results."""
-    from shapely.geometry import Polygon
-    from pyresample.gradient import check_overlap
-    # If either of the polygons is False, True is returned
-    assert check_overlap(False, 3) is True
-    assert check_overlap('eggs', False) is True
-    assert check_overlap(False, False) is True
-    # If either the polygons is None, False is returned
-    assert check_overlap(None, 'bacon') is False
-    assert check_overlap('spam', None) is False
-    assert check_overlap(None, None) is False
-    # If the polygons overlap, True is returned
-    poly1 = Polygon(((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0)))
-    poly2 = Polygon(((-1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, 1), (1, -1)))
-    assert check_overlap(poly1, poly2) is True
-    # If the polygons do not overlap, False is returned
-    poly2 = Polygon(((5, 5), (6, 5), (6, 6), (5, 6)))
-    assert check_overlap(poly1, poly2) is False
-def test_get_border_lonlats_geos():
-    """Test that correct methods are called in get_border_lonlats() with geos inputs."""
-    from pyresample.gradient import get_border_lonlats
-    geo_def = AreaDefinition("", "", "",
-                             "+proj=geos +h=1234567", 2, 2, [1, 2, 3, 4])
-    with mock.patch("pyresample.gradient.get_geostationary_bounding_box_in_lonlats") as get_geostationary_bounding_box:
-        get_geostationary_bounding_box.return_value = 1, 2
-        res = get_border_lonlats(geo_def)
-    assert res == (1, 2)
-    get_geostationary_bounding_box.assert_called_with(geo_def, 3600)
-def test_get_border_lonlats():
-    """Test that correct methods are called in get_border_lonlats()."""
-    from pyresample.boundary import SimpleBoundary
-    from pyresample.gradient import get_border_lonlats
-    lon_sides = SimpleBoundary(side1=np.array([1]), side2=np.array([2]),
-                               side3=np.array([3]), side4=np.array([4]))
-    lat_sides = SimpleBoundary(side1=np.array([1]), side2=np.array([2]),
-                               side3=np.array([3]), side4=np.array([4]))
-    geo_def = AreaDefinition("", "", "",
-                             "+proj=lcc +lat_1=25 +lat_2=25", 2, 2, [1, 2, 3, 4])
-    with mock.patch.object(geo_def, "get_boundary_lonlats") as get_boundary_lonlats:
-        get_boundary_lonlats.return_value = lon_sides, lat_sides
-        lon_b, lat_b = get_border_lonlats(geo_def)
-    assert np.all(lon_b == np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]))
-    assert np.all(lat_b == np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]))
- at mock.patch('pyresample.gradient.Polygon')
- at mock.patch('pyresample.gradient.get_border_lonlats')
-def test_get_polygon(get_border_lonlats, Polygon):
-    """Test polygon creation."""
-    from pyresample.gradient import get_polygon
-    # Valid polygon
-    get_border_lonlats.return_value = (1, 2)
-    geo_def = mock.MagicMock()
-    prj = mock.MagicMock()
-    x_borders = [0, 0, 1, 1]
-    y_borders = [0, 1, 1, 0]
-    boundary = [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0)]
-    prj.return_value = (x_borders, y_borders)
-    poly = mock.MagicMock(area=2.0)
-    Polygon.return_value = poly
-    res = get_polygon(prj, geo_def)
-    get_border_lonlats.assert_called_with(geo_def)
-    prj.assert_called_with(1, 2)
-    Polygon.assert_called_with(boundary)
-    assert res is poly
-    # Some border points are invalid, those should have been removed
-    x_borders = [np.inf, 0, 0, 0, 1, np.nan, 2]
-    y_borders = [-1, 0, np.nan, 1, 1, np.nan, -1]
-    boundary = [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (2, -1)]
-    prj.return_value = (x_borders, y_borders)
-    res = get_polygon(prj, geo_def)
-    Polygon.assert_called_with(boundary)
-    assert res is poly
-    # Polygon area is NaN
-    poly.area = np.nan
-    res = get_polygon(prj, geo_def)
-    assert res is None
-    # Polygon area is 0.0
-    poly.area = 0.0
-    res = get_polygon(prj, geo_def)
-    assert res is None
 def test_gradient_resample_data(one_step_gradient_search):
     """Test that one_step_gradient_search() is called with proper array shapes."""
@@ -813,21 +561,6 @@ def test_concatenate_chunks():
     assert res.shape == (3, 8, 6)
- at mock.patch('pyresample.gradient.da')
-def test_concatenate_chunks_stack_calls(dask_da):
-    """Test that stacking is called the correct times in chunk concatenation."""
-    from pyresample.gradient import _concatenate_chunks
-    chunks = {(0, 0): [np.ones((1, 5, 4)), np.zeros((1, 5, 4))],
-              (1, 0): [np.zeros((1, 5, 2))],
-              (1, 1): [np.full((1, 3, 2), 0.5)],
-              (0, 1): [np.full((1, 3, 4), -1)]}
-    _ = _concatenate_chunks(chunks)
-    dask_da.stack.assert_called_once_with(chunks[(0, 0)], axis=-1)
-    dask_da.nanmax.assert_called_once()
-    assert 'axis=2' in str(dask_da.concatenate.mock_calls[-1])
 class TestGradientCython():
     """Test the core gradient features."""

@@ -58,18 +58,6 @@ class TestResampleBlocksArea2Area:
                                        (-2717181.7304994687, -5571048.14031214,
                                         1378818.2695005313, -1475048.1403121399))
-    def test_resample_blocks_advises_on_using_mapblocks_when_source_and_destination_areas_are_the_same(self):
-        """Test resample_blocks advises on using map_blocks when the source and destination areas are the same."""
-        from pyresample.resampler import resample_blocks
-        def fun(data):
-            return data
-        some_array = da.random.random(self.src_area.shape)
-        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
-            resample_blocks(fun, self.src_area, [some_array], self.src_area)
-        assert "map_blocks" in str(excinfo.value)
     def test_resample_blocks_returns_array_with_destination_area_shape(self):
         """Test resample_blocks returns array with the shape of the destination area."""
         from pyresample.resampler import resample_blocks

@@ -223,15 +223,12 @@ class TestSwathSlicer(unittest.TestCase):
             (-1461111.3603, 3440088.0459, 1534864.0322, 9598335.0457)
-        self.lons, self.lats = self.src_area.get_lonlats(chunks=chunks)
-        xrlons = xr.DataArray(self.lons.persist())
-        xrlats = xr.DataArray(self.lats.persist())
-        self.src_swath = SwathDefinition(xrlons, xrlats)
+        self.src_swath = swath_from_area(self.src_area, chunks)
     def test_slicer_init(self):
         """Test slicer initialization."""
         slicer = create_slicer(self.src_swath, self.dst_area)
-        assert slicer.area_to_crop == self.src_area
+        assert slicer.area_to_crop == self.src_swath
         assert slicer.area_to_contain == self.dst_area
     def test_source_swath_slicing_does_not_return_full_dataset(self):
@@ -246,17 +243,61 @@ class TestSwathSlicer(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_source_area_slicing_does_not_return_full_dataset(self):
         """Test source area covers dest area."""
-        slicer = create_slicer(self.src_area, self.dst_area)
+        slicer = create_slicer(self.src_swath, self.dst_area)
         x_slice, y_slice = slicer.get_slices()
         assert x_slice.start == 0
-        assert x_slice.stop == 35
-        assert y_slice.start == 16
-        assert y_slice.stop == 94
+        assert x_slice.stop == 41
+        assert y_slice.start == 9
+        assert y_slice.stop == 91
+    def test_source_area_slicing_over_date_line(self):
+        src_area = AreaDefinition(
+            'omerc_otf',
+            'On-the-fly omerc area',
+            None,
+            {'alpha': '8.99811271718795',
+             'ellps': 'sphere',
+             'gamma': '0',
+             'k': '1',
+             'lat_0': '0',
+             'lonc': '179.8096029486222',
+             'proj': 'omerc',
+             'units': 'm'},
+            50, 100,
+            (-1461111.3603, 3440088.0459, 1534864.0322, 9598335.0457)
+        )
+        chunks = 10
+        src_swath = swath_from_area(src_area, chunks)
+        dst_area = AreaDefinition('somewhere in the pacific', 'somewhere', None,
+                                  {'proj': 'stere', 'lon_0': 180.0,
+                                   'lat_0': 90.0, 'lat_ts': 60.0,
+                                   'ellps': 'bessel'},
+                                  102, 102,
+                                  (-2717181.7304994687, -5571048.14031214,
+                                   1378818.2695005313, -1475048.1403121399))
+        slicer = create_slicer(src_swath, dst_area)
+        x_slice, y_slice = slicer.get_slices()
+        assert x_slice.start == 0
+        assert x_slice.stop == 41
+        assert y_slice.start == 9
+        assert y_slice.stop == 91
+    def test_source_area_slicing_with_custom_work_crs(self):
+        """Test source area covers dest area."""
+        from pyresample.slicer import SwathSlicer
+        slicer = SwathSlicer(self.src_swath, self.dst_area, work_crs=self.src_area.crs)
+        x_slice, y_slice = slicer.get_slices()
+        assert x_slice.start == 0
+        assert x_slice.stop == 41
+        assert y_slice.start == 9
+        assert y_slice.stop == 91
     def test_area_get_polygon_returns_a_polygon(self):
         """Test getting a polygon returns a polygon."""
         from shapely.geometry import Polygon
-        slicer = create_slicer(self.src_area, self.dst_area)
+        slicer = create_slicer(self.src_swath, self.dst_area)
         poly = slicer.get_polygon_to_contain()
         assert isinstance(poly, Polygon)
@@ -271,3 +312,11 @@ class TestSwathSlicer(unittest.TestCase):
         """Test that we cannot slice a string."""
         with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
             create_slicer("my_funky_area", self.dst_area)
+def swath_from_area(src_area, chunks):
+    """Create a SwathDefinition from an AreaDefinition."""
+    lons, lats = src_area.get_lonlats(chunks=chunks)
+    xrlons = xr.DataArray(lons.persist())
+    xrlats = xr.DataArray(lats.persist())
+    return SwathDefinition(xrlons, xrlats)

@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ def get_keywords() -> Dict[str, str]:
     # setup.py/versioneer.py will grep for the variable names, so they must
     # each be defined on a line of their own. _version.py will just call
     # get_keywords().
-    git_refnames = " (HEAD -> main, tag: v1.30.0)"
-    git_full = "71e72bd86d2a30bd445da4b23fab0a297ea0549d"
-    git_date = "2024-08-28 13:27:29 -0500"
+    git_refnames = " (HEAD -> main, tag: v1.31.0)"
+    git_full = "bd21270e5033940147f91e3c1cba5e4ffbd2e616"
+    git_date = "2024-10-25 10:45:19 +0200"
     keywords = {"refnames": git_refnames, "full": git_full, "date": git_date}
     return keywords

@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ from setuptools import find_packages, setup
 import versioneer
-requirements = ['setuptools>=3.2', 'pyproj>=3.0', 'configobj',
+requirements = ['pyproj>=3.0', 'configobj',
                 'pykdtree>=1.3.1', 'pyyaml', 'numpy>=1.21.0',
                 "shapely", "donfig", "platformdirs",
@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
           package_data={'pyresample.test': ['test_files/*']},
+          setup_requires=['setuptools>=3.2'],

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