[Git][debian-gis-team/mapserver][upstream] New upstream version 8.2.2

Bas Couwenberg (@sebastic) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Mon Sep 2 18:02:02 BST 2024

Bas Couwenberg pushed to branch upstream at Debian GIS Project / mapserver

17353793 by Bas Couwenberg at 2024-09-02T18:39:27+02:00
New upstream version 8.2.2
- - - - -

13 changed files:

- CMakeLists.txt
- src/interpolation.c
- src/mapagg.cpp
- src/mapcluster.c
- src/mapdraw.c
- src/mapgdal.cpp
- src/maplayer.c
- src/mappostgis.cpp
- src/mapproject.c
- src/mapscript/python/CMakeLists.txt
- src/mapserver.h
- src/renderers/agg/src/agg_font_freetype.cpp


@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ include(CheckCSourceCompiles)
 set (MapServer_VERSION_MAJOR 8)
 set (MapServer_VERSION_MINOR 2)
-set (MapServer_VERSION_REVISION 1)
+set (MapServer_VERSION_REVISION 2)
 set (MapServer_VERSION_SUFFIX "")
 # Set C++ version

@@ -13,8 +13,15 @@ https://mapserver.org/development/changelog/
 The online Migration Guide can be found at https://mapserver.org/MIGRATION_GUIDE.html
+8.2.2 release (2024-09-02)
+- fix build against FreeType 2.13.3 release (#7142)
+see detailed changelog for other fixes
 8.2.1 release (2024-07-21)
 - security: validate tostring() expression function (#7123)

@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ int msInterpolationDataset(mapObj *map, imageObj *image,
                            layerObj *interpolation_layer, void **hDSvoid,
                            void **cleanup_ptr) {
-  int status, layer_idx, i, nclasses = 0, npoints = 0, length = 0;
+  int status, layer_idx, i, npoints = 0, length = 0;
   rectObj searchrect;
   shapeObj shape;
   layerObj *layer = NULL;
@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ int msInterpolationDataset(mapObj *map, imageObj *image,
   unsigned char *iValues;
   GDALDatasetH hDS;
   interpolationProcessingParams interpParams;
-  int *classgroup = NULL;
   memset(&interpParams, 0, sizeof(interpParams));
@@ -153,6 +152,8 @@ int msInterpolationDataset(mapObj *map, imageObj *image,
   /* nothing to do */
   if (status == MS_SUCCESS) { /* at least one sample may have overlapped */
+    int nclasses = 0;
+    int *classgroup = NULL;
     if (layer->classgroup && layer->numclasses > 0)
       classgroup = msAllocateValidClassGroups(layer, &nclasses);
@@ -220,6 +221,9 @@ int msInterpolationDataset(mapObj *map, imageObj *image,
+    msFree(classgroup);
     // number of layer points.
     npoints = length / 3;
   } else if (status != MS_DONE) {

@@ -291,15 +291,14 @@ bool decompose_ft_outline(const FT_Outline &outline, bool flip_y,
   FT_Vector *point;
   FT_Vector *limit;
-  char *tags;
-  int n;     // index of contour in outline
-  int first; // index of first point in contour
-  char tag;  // current point's state
+  unsigned n;     // index of contour in outline
+  unsigned first; // index of first point in contour
+  char tag;       // current point's state
   first = 0;
-  for (n = 0; n < outline.n_contours; n++) {
+  for (n = 0; n < (unsigned)outline.n_contours; n++) {
     int last; // index of last point in contour
     last = outline.contours[n];
@@ -310,7 +309,7 @@ bool decompose_ft_outline(const FT_Outline &outline, bool flip_y,
     FT_Vector v_control = v_start;
     point = outline.points + first;
-    tags = outline.tags + first;
+    auto tags = outline.tags + first;
     tag = FT_CURVE_TAG(tags[0]);
     // A contour cannot start with a cubic control point!

@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ struct cluster_tree_node {
   clusterTreeNode *subnode[4];
-/* layeinfo */
+/* layerinfo */
 struct cluster_layer_info {
   /* array of features (finalized clusters) */
   clusterInfo *finalized;
@@ -1415,7 +1415,7 @@ int RebuildClusters(layerObj *layer, int isQuery) {
   return MS_SUCCESS;
-/* Close the the combined layer */
+/* Close the combined layer */
 int msClusterLayerClose(layerObj *layer) {
   msClusterLayerInfo *layerinfo = (msClusterLayerInfo *)layer->layerinfo;
@@ -1584,6 +1584,21 @@ int msClusterLayerGetShape(layerObj *layer, shapeObj *shape,
   return prepareShape(layer, layerinfo, current, shape);
+int msClusterLayerGetExtent(layerObj *layer, rectObj *extent) {
+  msClusterLayerInfo *layerinfo = (msClusterLayerInfo *)layer->layerinfo;
+  if (!layerinfo) {
+    msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "Layer not open: %s", "msClusterLayerGetExtent()",
+               layer->name);
+    return MS_FAILURE;
+  }
+  int status =
+      layerinfo->srcLayer.vtable->LayerGetExtent(&layerinfo->srcLayer, extent);
+  return status;
 /* find the next shape with the appropriate shape type */
 /* also, load in the attribute data */
 /* MS_DONE => no more data */
@@ -1814,6 +1829,7 @@ void msClusterLayerCopyVirtualTable(layerVTableObj *vtable) {
   vtable->LayerWhichShapes = msClusterLayerWhichShapes;
   vtable->LayerNextShape = msClusterLayerNextShape;
   vtable->LayerGetShape = msClusterLayerGetShape;
+  vtable->LayerGetExtent = msClusterLayerGetExtent;
   /* layer->vtable->LayerGetShapeCount, use default */
   vtable->LayerClose = msClusterLayerClose;

@@ -36,6 +36,91 @@
 #include "mapows.h"
 #include "cpl_port.h"
+/* msGetGeoCellSize
+ *
+ * A helper function to get the first parameter for msUpdateClassScaleFactor()
+ */
+double msGetGeoCellSize(const mapObj *map) {
+  double geo_cellsize;
+  /* We will need a cellsize that represents a real georeferenced */
+  /* coordinate cellsize here, so compute it from saved extents.   */
+  geo_cellsize = map->cellsize;
+  if (map->gt.need_geotransform == MS_TRUE) {
+    double cellsize_x =
+        (map->saved_extent.maxx - map->saved_extent.minx) / map->width;
+    double cellsize_y =
+        (map->saved_extent.maxy - map->saved_extent.miny) / map->height;
+    geo_cellsize =
+        sqrt(cellsize_x * cellsize_x + cellsize_y * cellsize_y) / sqrt(2.0);
+  }
+  return geo_cellsize;
+/* msUpdateClassScaleFactor
+ *
+ * Provides correct scale factor inheritance for Class and all of its
+ * styles and labels.
+ */
+void msUpdateClassScaleFactor(double geo_cellsize, const mapObj *map,
+                              const layerObj *layer, classObj *c) {
+  if (c->sizeunits == MS_INHERIT)
+    c->scalefactor = layer->scalefactor;
+  else if (c->sizeunits != MS_PIXELS)
+    c->scalefactor =
+        (msInchesPerUnit(c->sizeunits, 0) / msInchesPerUnit(map->units, 0)) /
+        geo_cellsize;
+  else if (layer->symbolscaledenom > 0 && map->scaledenom > 0)
+    c->scalefactor = layer->symbolscaledenom / map->scaledenom *
+                     map->resolution / map->defresolution;
+  else
+    c->scalefactor = map->resolution / map->defresolution;
+  for (int sid = 0; sid < c->numstyles; sid++) {
+    styleObj *style = c->styles[sid];
+    if (style->sizeunits == MS_INHERIT)
+      style->scalefactor = c->scalefactor;
+    else if (style->sizeunits != MS_PIXELS)
+      style->scalefactor = (msInchesPerUnit(style->sizeunits, 0) /
+                            msInchesPerUnit(map->units, 0)) /
+                           geo_cellsize;
+    else if (layer->symbolscaledenom > 0 && map->scaledenom > 0)
+      style->scalefactor = layer->symbolscaledenom / map->scaledenom *
+                           map->resolution / map->defresolution;
+    else
+      style->scalefactor = map->resolution / map->defresolution;
+  }
+  for (int sid = 0; sid < c->numlabels; sid++) {
+    labelObj *label = c->labels[sid];
+    if (label->sizeunits == MS_INHERIT)
+      label->scalefactor = c->scalefactor;
+    else if (label->sizeunits != MS_PIXELS)
+      label->scalefactor = (msInchesPerUnit(label->sizeunits, 0) /
+                            msInchesPerUnit(map->units, 0)) /
+                           geo_cellsize;
+    else if (layer->symbolscaledenom > 0 && map->scaledenom > 0)
+      label->scalefactor = layer->symbolscaledenom / map->scaledenom *
+                           map->resolution / map->defresolution;
+    else
+      label->scalefactor = map->resolution / map->defresolution;
+    for (int lsid = 0; lsid < label->numstyles; lsid++) {
+      styleObj *lstyle = label->styles[lsid];
+      if (lstyle->sizeunits == MS_INHERIT)
+        lstyle->scalefactor = label->scalefactor;
+      else if (lstyle->sizeunits != MS_PIXELS)
+        lstyle->scalefactor = (msInchesPerUnit(lstyle->sizeunits, 0) /
+                               msInchesPerUnit(map->units, 0)) /
+                              geo_cellsize;
+      else if (layer->symbolscaledenom > 0 && map->scaledenom > 0)
+        lstyle->scalefactor = layer->symbolscaledenom / map->scaledenom *
+                              map->resolution / map->defresolution;
+      else
+        lstyle->scalefactor = map->resolution / map->defresolution;
+    }
+  }
 /* msPrepareImage()
  * Returns a new imageObj ready for rendering the current map.
@@ -154,19 +239,7 @@ imageObj *msPrepareImage(mapObj *map, int allow_nonsquare) {
   if (map->gt.need_geotransform)
-  /* We will need a cellsize that represents a real georeferenced */
-  /* coordinate cellsize here, so compute it from saved extents.   */
-  geo_cellsize = map->cellsize;
-  if (map->gt.need_geotransform == MS_TRUE) {
-    double cellsize_x =
-        (map->saved_extent.maxx - map->saved_extent.minx) / map->width;
-    double cellsize_y =
-        (map->saved_extent.maxy - map->saved_extent.miny) / map->height;
-    geo_cellsize =
-        sqrt(cellsize_x * cellsize_x + cellsize_y * cellsize_y) / sqrt(2.0);
-  }
+  geo_cellsize = msGetGeoCellSize(map);
   /* compute layer/class/style/label scale factors now */
   for (int lid = 0; lid < map->numlayers; lid++) {
@@ -182,59 +255,7 @@ imageObj *msPrepareImage(mapObj *map, int allow_nonsquare) {
       layer->scalefactor = map->resolution / map->defresolution;
     for (int cid = 0; cid < layer->numclasses; cid++) {
       classObj *class = GET_CLASS(map, lid, cid);
-      if (class->sizeunits == MS_INHERIT)
-        class->scalefactor = layer->scalefactor;
-      else if (class->sizeunits != MS_PIXELS)
-        class->scalefactor = (msInchesPerUnit(class->sizeunits, 0) /
-                              msInchesPerUnit(map->units, 0)) /
-                             geo_cellsize;
-      else if (layer->symbolscaledenom > 0 && map->scaledenom > 0)
-        class->scalefactor = layer->symbolscaledenom / map->scaledenom *
-                             map->resolution / map->defresolution;
-      else
-        class->scalefactor = map->resolution / map->defresolution;
-      for (int sid = 0; sid < class->numstyles; sid++) {
-        styleObj *style = class->styles[sid];
-        if (style->sizeunits == MS_INHERIT)
-          style->scalefactor = class->scalefactor;
-        else if (style->sizeunits != MS_PIXELS)
-          style->scalefactor = (msInchesPerUnit(style->sizeunits, 0) /
-                                msInchesPerUnit(map->units, 0)) /
-                               geo_cellsize;
-        else if (layer->symbolscaledenom > 0 && map->scaledenom > 0)
-          style->scalefactor = layer->symbolscaledenom / map->scaledenom *
-                               map->resolution / map->defresolution;
-        else
-          style->scalefactor = map->resolution / map->defresolution;
-      }
-      for (int sid = 0; sid < class->numlabels; sid++) {
-        labelObj *label = class->labels[sid];
-        if (label->sizeunits == MS_INHERIT)
-          label->scalefactor = class->scalefactor;
-        else if (label->sizeunits != MS_PIXELS)
-          label->scalefactor = (msInchesPerUnit(label->sizeunits, 0) /
-                                msInchesPerUnit(map->units, 0)) /
-                               geo_cellsize;
-        else if (layer->symbolscaledenom > 0 && map->scaledenom > 0)
-          label->scalefactor = layer->symbolscaledenom / map->scaledenom *
-                               map->resolution / map->defresolution;
-        else
-          label->scalefactor = map->resolution / map->defresolution;
-        for (int lsid = 0; lsid < label->numstyles; lsid++) {
-          styleObj *lstyle = label->styles[lsid];
-          if (lstyle->sizeunits == MS_INHERIT)
-            lstyle->scalefactor = label->scalefactor;
-          else if (lstyle->sizeunits != MS_PIXELS)
-            lstyle->scalefactor = (msInchesPerUnit(lstyle->sizeunits, 0) /
-                                   msInchesPerUnit(map->units, 0)) /
-                                  geo_cellsize;
-          else if (layer->symbolscaledenom > 0 && map->scaledenom > 0)
-            lstyle->scalefactor = layer->symbolscaledenom / map->scaledenom *
-                                  map->resolution / map->defresolution;
-          else
-            lstyle->scalefactor = map->resolution / map->defresolution;
-        }
-      }
+      msUpdateClassScaleFactor(geo_cellsize, map, layer, class);

@@ -634,7 +634,9 @@ char *msProjectionObj2OGCWKT(projectionObj *projection)
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /*      Look for an EPSG-like projection argument                       */
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-  if (projection->numargs == 1 &&
+  if ((projection->numargs == 1 ||
+       (projection->numargs == 2 &&
+        strstr(projection->args[1], "epsgaxis=") != NULL)) &&
       (pszInitEpsg = strcasestr(projection->args[0], "init=epsg:"))) {
     int nEpsgCode = atoi(pszInitEpsg + strlen("init=epsg:"));
     eErr = OSRImportFromEPSG(hSRS, nEpsgCode);

@@ -1395,6 +1395,9 @@ int msLayerGetFeatureStyle(mapObj *map, layerObj *layer, classObj *c,
     msUpdateStyleFromString(c->styles[0], stylestring);
+    double geo_cellsize = msGetGeoCellSize(map);
+    msUpdateClassScaleFactor(geo_cellsize, map, layer, c);
     if (c->styles[0]->symbolname) {
       if ((c->styles[0]->symbol = msGetSymbolIndex(
                &(map->symbolset), c->styles[0]->symbolname, MS_TRUE)) == -1) {
@@ -1412,6 +1415,8 @@ int msLayerGetFeatureStyle(mapObj *map, layerObj *layer, classObj *c,
       c->layer = layer;
     msUpdateClassFromString(c, stylestring);
+    double geo_cellsize = msGetGeoCellSize(map);
+    msUpdateClassScaleFactor(geo_cellsize, map, layer, c);
   } else if (strncasecmp(stylestring, "pen", 3) == 0 ||
              strncasecmp(stylestring, "brush", 5) == 0 ||
              strncasecmp(stylestring, "symbol", 6) == 0 ||

@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ static int arcStrokeCircularString(wkbObj *w, double segment_angle,
 ** msPostGISCloseConnection()
-** Handler registered witih msConnPoolRegister so that Mapserver
+** Handler registered with msConnPoolRegister so that Mapserver
 ** can clean up open connections during a shutdown.
 static void msPostGISCloseConnection(void *pgconn) {

@@ -762,7 +762,7 @@ int msProcessProjection(projectionObj *p) {
       // PROJ doesn't like extraneous parameters that it doesn't recognize
       // when initializing a CRS from a +init=epsg:xxxx string
       // Cf https://github.com/OSGeo/PROJ/issues/4203
-      if (strncmp(p->args[i], "epsgaxis=", strlen("epsgaxis=")) != 0) {
+      if (strstr(p->args[i], "epsgaxis=") == NULL) {
         args[numargs] = p->args[i];

@@ -42,18 +42,20 @@ file(READ ${SETUP_PY_TEMP} SETUP_CONTENT)
-    # for non-Windows builds there are no build type subfolders (e.g. Release, Debug etc.)
+    if(MSVC)
+    else()
+        # for non-Windows builds there are no build type subfolders (e.g. Release, Debug etc.)
+    endif()
     # Windows venv binaries are in a different location than Linux
-    set(Python_VENV_SCRIPTS ${OUTPUT_FOLDER}/mapscriptvenv/Scripts)
+    set(Python_VENV_SCRIPTS ${MAPSCRIPT_WORKING_DIR}/mapscriptvenv/Scripts)
-    set(Python_VENV_SCRIPTS ${OUTPUT_FOLDER}/mapscriptvenv/bin)
+    set(Python_VENV_SCRIPTS ${MAPSCRIPT_WORKING_DIR}/mapscriptvenv/bin)
@@ -64,7 +66,7 @@ add_custom_target(
     DEPENDS ${SWIG_MODULE_pythonmapscript_REAL_NAME}
     OUTPUT mapscriptvenv.stamp
     COMMAND ${Python_EXECUTABLE} -m pip install pip --upgrade
     COMMAND ${Python_EXECUTABLE} -m pip install virtualenv
     COMMAND ${Python_EXECUTABLE} -m virtualenv mapscriptvenv
@@ -75,7 +77,7 @@ add_custom_command(
     DEPENDS mapscriptvenv.stamp
     OUTPUT mapscriptwheel.stamp
     COMMAND ${Python_VENV_SCRIPTS}/python -m build --wheel > wheel_build.log
     COMMENT "Building the mapscript Python wheel"
@@ -84,7 +86,7 @@ add_custom_command(
     WORKING_DIRECTORY ${Python_VENV_SCRIPTS} # make sure scripts aren't run when from the same folder as mapscript.py
     DEPENDS mapscriptwheel.stamp
     OUTPUT mapscripttests.stamp
-    COMMAND ${Python_VENV_SCRIPTS}/pip install --no-index --find-links=${OUTPUT_FOLDER}/dist mapscript
+    COMMAND ${Python_VENV_SCRIPTS}/pip install --no-index --find-links=${MAPSCRIPT_WORKING_DIR}/dist mapscript
     # ERROR: file or package not found: mapscript.tests (missing __init__.py?) is caused by
     # ImportError: DLL load failed while importing _mapscript: The specified module could not be found.
     COMMAND ${Python_VENV_SCRIPTS}/python -m pytest --pyargs mapscript.tests
@@ -124,14 +126,14 @@ install(
       COMMAND ${Python_EXECUTABLE} -m pip install \${PYTHON_ROOT} \${PYTHON_PREFIX} .
 message(STATUS "Build Type: ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}")
-message(STATUS "Python MapScript output directory: ${OUTPUT_FOLDER}")
+message(STATUS "Python MapScript output directory: ${MAPSCRIPT_WORKING_DIR}")
 message(STATUS "Python Executable: ${Python_EXECUTABLE}")
 message(STATUS "Python Version: ${Python_VERSION}")
 message(STATUS "Python site packages: ${Python_SITELIB}")

@@ -3278,6 +3278,10 @@ rectObj msUVRASTERGetSearchRect(layerObj *layer, mapObj *map);
 /*      Prototypes for functions in mapdraw.c                           */
 /* ==================================================================== */
+MS_DLL_EXPORT double msGetGeoCellSize(const mapObj *map);
+MS_DLL_EXPORT void msUpdateClassScaleFactor(double geo_cellsize,
+                                            const mapObj *map,
+                                            const layerObj *layer, classObj *c);
 MS_DLL_EXPORT imageObj *msPrepareImage(mapObj *map, int allow_nonsquare);
 MS_DLL_EXPORT imageObj *msDrawMap(mapObj *map, int querymap);
 MS_DLL_EXPORT int msLayerIsVisible(mapObj *map, layerObj *layer);

@@ -154,15 +154,14 @@ namespace mapserver
         FT_Vector*  point;
         FT_Vector*  limit;
-        char*       tags;
-        int   n;         // index of contour in outline
-        int   first;     // index of first point in contour
+        unsigned n;         // index of contour in outline
+        unsigned first;     // index of first point in contour
         char  tag;       // current point's state
         first = 0;
-        for(n = 0; n < outline.n_contours; n++)
+        for(n = 0; n < (unsigned)outline.n_contours; n++)
             int  last;  // index of last point in contour
@@ -174,7 +173,7 @@ namespace mapserver
             FT_Vector v_control = v_start;
             point = outline.points + first;
-            tags  = outline.tags  + first;
+            auto tags  = outline.tags  + first;
             tag   = FT_CURVE_TAG(tags[0]);
             // A contour cannot start with a cubic control point!

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