[Git][debian-gis-team/saga][master] 4 commits: New upstream version 9.7.1+dfsg

Bas Couwenberg (@sebastic) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu Jan 9 11:40:04 GMT 2025

Bas Couwenberg pushed to branch master at Debian GIS Project / saga

1c08cee4 by Bas Couwenberg at 2025-01-09T12:29:03+01:00
New upstream version 9.7.1+dfsg
- - - - -
fc91f914 by Bas Couwenberg at 2025-01-09T12:29:18+01:00
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/9.7.1+dfsg'

Update to upstream version '9.7.1+dfsg'
with Debian dir 26db718a5df0601dfa51a6cac7c6353f599ea807
- - - - -
44c412d2 by Bas Couwenberg at 2025-01-09T12:29:36+01:00
New upstream release.

- - - - -
c6556482 by Bas Couwenberg at 2025-01-09T12:30:28+01:00
Set distribution to unstable.

- - - - -

29 changed files:

- debian/changelog
- saga-gis/src/accessories/helper/doxygen_saga_api_chm
- saga-gis/src/accessories/helper/doxygen_saga_api_html
- saga-gis/src/accessories/helper/make_saga_release.bat
- saga-gis/src/accessories/helper/saga_setup_x64.iss
- saga-gis/src/accessories/python/tools/climate_tools.py
- saga-gis/src/accessories/python/tools/io_grid_image.py
- saga-gis/src/accessories/python/tools/io_webservices.py
- saga-gis/src/accessories/python/tools/ta_lighting.py
- saga-gis/src/saga_core/saga_api/grid_io.cpp
- saga-gis/src/saga_core/saga_api/grids.cpp
- saga-gis/src/saga_core/saga_api/parameter.cpp
- saga-gis/src/saga_core/saga_api/pointcloud.cpp
- saga-gis/src/saga_core/saga_api/saga_api.h
- saga-gis/src/saga_core/saga_api/shapes_io.cpp
- saga-gis/src/saga_core/saga_api/table_io.cpp
- saga-gis/src/saga_core/saga_api/tin.cpp
- saga-gis/src/saga_core/saga_cmd/man/saga_cmd.1
- saga-gis/src/saga_core/saga_gui/man/saga_gui.1
- saga-gis/src/saga_core/saga_gui/wksp_data_menu_file.cpp
- saga-gis/src/saga_core/saga_gui/wksp_grid.cpp
- saga-gis/src/saga_core/saga_gui/wksp_layer.cpp
- saga-gis/src/tools/grid/grid_gridding/Shapes2Grid.cpp
- saga-gis/src/tools/io/io_grid_image/grid_export.cpp
- saga-gis/src/tools/io/io_grid_image/grid_to_kml.cpp
- saga-gis/src/tools/io/io_webservices/global_tiles.cpp
- saga-gis/src/tools/io/io_webservices/global_tiles.h
- saga-gis/src/tools/shapes/shapes_grid/Grid_Statistics_AddTo_Polygon.cpp
- saga-gis/version.cmake


@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+saga (9.7.1+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Team upload.
+  * New upstream release.
+ -- Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org>  Thu, 09 Jan 2025 12:30:19 +0100
 saga (9.7.0+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Team upload.

@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ PROJECT_NAME           = "SAGA API"
 # could be handy for archiving the generated documentation or if some version
 # control system is used.
-#PROJECT_NUMBER        = v9.7.0 # omit patch number
+#PROJECT_NUMBER        = v9.7.1 # omit patch number
 PROJECT_NUMBER         = v9.7
 # Using the PROJECT_BRIEF tag one can provide an optional one line description
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ PROJECT_LOGO           = ../../../saga_core/saga_gui/res/saga_icon_64.png
 # entered, it will be relative to the location where doxygen was started. If
 # left blank the current directory will be used.
-OUTPUT_DIRECTORY       = saga-9.7.0_api_doc
+OUTPUT_DIRECTORY       = saga-9.7.1_api_doc
 # If the CREATE_SUBDIRS tag is set to YES then doxygen will create 4096 sub-
 # directories (in 2 levels) under the output directory of each output format and
@@ -1372,7 +1372,7 @@ GENERATE_HTMLHELP      = YES
 # written to the html output directory.
 # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTMLHELP is set to YES.
-CHM_FILE               = ../../saga-9.7.0_api.chm
+CHM_FILE               = ../../saga-9.7.1_api.chm
 # The HHC_LOCATION tag can be used to specify the location (absolute path
 # including file name) of the HTML help compiler (hhc.exe). If non-empty,

@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ PROJECT_NAME           = "SAGA API"
 # could be handy for archiving the generated documentation or if some version
 # control system is used.
-#PROJECT_NUMBER        = v9.7.0 # omit patch number
+#PROJECT_NUMBER        = v9.7.1 # omit patch number
 PROJECT_NUMBER         = v9.7
 # Using the PROJECT_BRIEF tag one can provide an optional one line description
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ PROJECT_LOGO           = ../../../saga_core/saga_gui/res/saga_icon_64.png
 # entered, it will be relative to the location where doxygen was started. If
 # left blank the current directory will be used.
-OUTPUT_DIRECTORY       = saga-9.7.0_api_doc
+OUTPUT_DIRECTORY       = saga-9.7.1_api_doc
 # If the CREATE_SUBDIRS tag is set to YES then doxygen will create 4096 sub-
 # directories (in 2 levels) under the output directory of each output format and
@@ -1372,7 +1372,7 @@ GENERATE_HTMLHELP      = NO
 # written to the html output directory.
 # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTMLHELP is set to YES.
-CHM_FILE               = ../../saga-9.7.0_api.chm
+CHM_FILE               = ../../saga-9.7.1_api.chm
 # The HHC_LOCATION tag can be used to specify the location (absolute path
 # including file name) of the HTML help compiler (hhc.exe). If non-empty,

@@ -30,15 +30,15 @@ REM ___________________________________
 REM Version
 REM !!! For all bug-fix-releases !!!
 REM Don't forget to activate the variable
 REM ___________________________________

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-; To build installer (for example, saga-9.7.0_setup.exe).
-; - Unzip the SAGA binary files in their own folder (for example, saga-9.7.0.zip).
+; To build installer (for example, saga-9.7.1_setup.exe).
+; - Unzip the SAGA binary files in their own folder (for example, saga-9.7.1.zip).
 ; - Place saga.iss and saga_readme.rtf in the SAGA folder (contains saga_gui.exe, etc.).
 ; - Open saga.iss in Inno Setup.
 ; - Choose Build | Compile.
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 AppName=SAGA - System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses
-AppVerName=SAGA 9.7.0
+AppVerName=SAGA 9.7.1
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ Compression=lzma
 VersionInfoCompany=SAGA User Group Association
 VersionInfoCopyright=(c) 2005-2023 by O. Conrad
 VersionInfoDescription=SAGA single-file installer
@@ -51,5 +51,5 @@ Name: "{commondesktop}\SAGA"; Filename: "{app}\saga_gui.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}
 Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\saga_gui.exe"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData: "{app}\saga_gui.exe"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
 Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\saga_gui.exe"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "Path"; ValueData: "{app}"
-Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\SAGA User Group Association\SAGA\9.7.0"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "InstallDir"; ValueData: "{app}"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
-Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\SAGA User Group Association\SAGA\9.7.0"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "Version"; ValueData: ""
+Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\SAGA User Group Association\SAGA\9.7.1"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "InstallDir"; ValueData: "{app}"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
+Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\SAGA User Group Association\SAGA\9.7.1"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "Version"; ValueData: ""

@@ -617,8 +617,8 @@ def Evapotranspiration_Grid(T=None, T_MIN=None, T_MAX=None, RH=None, SR=None, WS
     - SR_EST [`boolean`] : Estimate Solar Radiation. Default: 0 Estimate solar radiation from date, latitudinal position and sunshine duration as percentage of its potential maximum.
     - SUNSHINE [`floating point number`] : Sunshine Duration. Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 50.000000 Daily sunshine duration as percentage of its potential maximum.
     - TIME [`choice`] : Time. Available Choices: [0] day [1] month Default: 0
-    - MONTH [`choice`] : Month. Available Choices: [0] January [1] February [2] March [3] April [4] May [5] June [6] July [7] August [8] September [9] October [10] November [11] December Default: 11
-    - DAY [`integer number`] : Day of Month. Minimum: 1 Maximum: 31 Default: 17
+    - MONTH [`choice`] : Month. Available Choices: [0] January [1] February [2] March [3] April [4] May [5] June [6] July [7] August [8] September [9] October [10] November [11] December Default: 0
+    - DAY [`integer number`] : Day of Month. Minimum: 1 Maximum: 31 Default: 8
     - LAT [`floating point number`] : Latitude. Minimum: -90.000000 Maximum: 90.000000 Default: 53.000000 [Degree]
     - Verbose [`integer number`] : Verbosity level, 0=silent, 1=tool name and success notification, 2=complete tool output.\n
@@ -680,8 +680,8 @@ def run_tool_climate_tools_8(T=None, T_MIN=None, T_MAX=None, RH=None, SR=None, W
     - SR_EST [`boolean`] : Estimate Solar Radiation. Default: 0 Estimate solar radiation from date, latitudinal position and sunshine duration as percentage of its potential maximum.
     - SUNSHINE [`floating point number`] : Sunshine Duration. Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 50.000000 Daily sunshine duration as percentage of its potential maximum.
     - TIME [`choice`] : Time. Available Choices: [0] day [1] month Default: 0
-    - MONTH [`choice`] : Month. Available Choices: [0] January [1] February [2] March [3] April [4] May [5] June [6] July [7] August [8] September [9] October [10] November [11] December Default: 11
-    - DAY [`integer number`] : Day of Month. Minimum: 1 Maximum: 31 Default: 17
+    - MONTH [`choice`] : Month. Available Choices: [0] January [1] February [2] March [3] April [4] May [5] June [6] July [7] August [8] September [9] October [10] November [11] December Default: 0
+    - DAY [`integer number`] : Day of Month. Minimum: 1 Maximum: 31 Default: 8
     - LAT [`floating point number`] : Latitude. Minimum: -90.000000 Maximum: 90.000000 Default: 53.000000 [Degree]
     - Verbose [`integer number`] : Verbosity level, 0=silent, 1=tool name and success notification, 2=complete tool output.\n
@@ -728,7 +728,7 @@ def Sunrise_and_Sunset(TARGET=None, SUNRISE=None, SUNSET=None, LENGTH=None, DAY=
     - SUNRISE [`output grid`] : Sunrise
     - SUNSET [`output grid`] : Sunset
     - LENGTH [`output grid`] : Day Length
-    - DAY [`date`] : Day of Month. Default: 2024-12-17
+    - DAY [`date`] : Day of Month. Default: 2025-01-09
     - TIME [`choice`] : Time. Available Choices: [0] local [1] world Default: 0
     - Verbose [`integer number`] : Verbosity level, 0=silent, 1=tool name and success notification, 2=complete tool output.\n
@@ -759,7 +759,7 @@ def run_tool_climate_tools_9(TARGET=None, SUNRISE=None, SUNSET=None, LENGTH=None
     - SUNRISE [`output grid`] : Sunrise
     - SUNSET [`output grid`] : Sunset
     - LENGTH [`output grid`] : Day Length
-    - DAY [`date`] : Day of Month. Default: 2024-12-17
+    - DAY [`date`] : Day of Month. Default: 2025-01-09
     - TIME [`choice`] : Time. Available Choices: [0] local [1] world Default: 0
     - Verbose [`integer number`] : Verbosity level, 0=silent, 1=tool name and success notification, 2=complete tool output.\n
@@ -1622,9 +1622,9 @@ def PhenIps_Table(WEATHER=None, PHENOLOGY=None, SUMMARY=None, ATMEAN=None, ATMAX
     - DDTOTAL [`floating point number`] : Thermal Sum for Total Development. Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 557.000000 Degree Days
     - RISK_DAYMAX [`floating point number`] : Day of Maximum Risk after Onset. Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 5.000000 Days
     - RISK_DECAY [`floating point number`] : Decay of Risk after Maximum. Minimum: 1.000000 Default: 10.000000 Days
-    - YD_BEGIN [`date`] : Begin of Parental Development. Default: 2024-04-01
-    - YD_END_ONSET [`date`] : End of Breeding. Default: 2024-08-31
-    - YD_END [`date`] : End of Development. Default: 2024-10-31
+    - YD_BEGIN [`date`] : Begin of Parental Development. Default: 2025-04-01
+    - YD_END_ONSET [`date`] : End of Breeding. Default: 2025-08-31
+    - YD_END [`date`] : End of Development. Default: 2025-10-31
     - Verbose [`integer number`] : Verbosity level, 0=silent, 1=tool name and success notification, 2=complete tool output.\n
@@ -1679,9 +1679,9 @@ def run_tool_climate_tools_21(WEATHER=None, PHENOLOGY=None, SUMMARY=None, ATMEAN
     - DDTOTAL [`floating point number`] : Thermal Sum for Total Development. Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 557.000000 Degree Days
     - RISK_DAYMAX [`floating point number`] : Day of Maximum Risk after Onset. Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 5.000000 Days
     - RISK_DECAY [`floating point number`] : Decay of Risk after Maximum. Minimum: 1.000000 Default: 10.000000 Days
-    - YD_BEGIN [`date`] : Begin of Parental Development. Default: 2024-04-01
-    - YD_END_ONSET [`date`] : End of Breeding. Default: 2024-08-31
-    - YD_END [`date`] : End of Development. Default: 2024-10-31
+    - YD_BEGIN [`date`] : Begin of Parental Development. Default: 2025-04-01
+    - YD_END_ONSET [`date`] : End of Breeding. Default: 2025-08-31
+    - YD_END [`date`] : End of Development. Default: 2025-10-31
     - Verbose [`integer number`] : Verbosity level, 0=silent, 1=tool name and success notification, 2=complete tool output.\n
@@ -1747,9 +1747,9 @@ def PhenIps_Grids_Annual(ATMEAN=None, ATMAX=None, SIREL=None, LAT_GRID=None, GEN
     - DDTOTAL [`floating point number`] : Thermal Sum for Total Development. Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 557.000000 Degree Days
     - RISK_DAYMAX [`floating point number`] : Day of Maximum Risk after Onset. Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 5.000000 Days
     - RISK_DECAY [`floating point number`] : Decay of Risk after Maximum. Minimum: 1.000000 Default: 10.000000 Days
-    - YD_BEGIN [`date`] : Begin of Parental Development. Default: 2024-04-01
-    - YD_END_ONSET [`date`] : End of Breeding. Default: 2024-08-31
-    - YD_END [`date`] : End of Development. Default: 2024-10-31
+    - YD_BEGIN [`date`] : Begin of Parental Development. Default: 2025-04-01
+    - YD_END_ONSET [`date`] : End of Breeding. Default: 2025-08-31
+    - YD_END [`date`] : End of Development. Default: 2025-10-31
     - Verbose [`integer number`] : Verbosity level, 0=silent, 1=tool name and success notification, 2=complete tool output.\n
@@ -1826,9 +1826,9 @@ def run_tool_climate_tools_22(ATMEAN=None, ATMAX=None, SIREL=None, LAT_GRID=None
     - DDTOTAL [`floating point number`] : Thermal Sum for Total Development. Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 557.000000 Degree Days
     - RISK_DAYMAX [`floating point number`] : Day of Maximum Risk after Onset. Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 5.000000 Days
     - RISK_DECAY [`floating point number`] : Decay of Risk after Maximum. Minimum: 1.000000 Default: 10.000000 Days
-    - YD_BEGIN [`date`] : Begin of Parental Development. Default: 2024-04-01
-    - YD_END_ONSET [`date`] : End of Breeding. Default: 2024-08-31
-    - YD_END [`date`] : End of Development. Default: 2024-10-31
+    - YD_BEGIN [`date`] : Begin of Parental Development. Default: 2025-04-01
+    - YD_END_ONSET [`date`] : End of Breeding. Default: 2025-08-31
+    - YD_END [`date`] : End of Development. Default: 2025-10-31
     - Verbose [`integer number`] : Verbosity level, 0=silent, 1=tool name and success notification, 2=complete tool output.\n
@@ -1907,11 +1907,11 @@ def PhenIps_Grids_Days(ATMEAN=None, ATMAX=None, SIREL=None, LAT_GRID=None, GENER
     - DDTOTAL [`floating point number`] : Thermal Sum for Total Development. Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 557.000000 Degree Days
     - RISK_DAYMAX [`floating point number`] : Day of Maximum Risk after Onset. Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 5.000000 Days
     - RISK_DECAY [`floating point number`] : Decay of Risk after Maximum. Minimum: 1.000000 Default: 10.000000 Days
-    - YD_BEGIN [`date`] : Begin of Parental Development. Default: 2024-04-01
-    - YD_END_ONSET [`date`] : End of Breeding. Default: 2024-08-31
-    - YD_END [`date`] : End of Development. Default: 2024-10-31
+    - YD_BEGIN [`date`] : Begin of Parental Development. Default: 2025-04-01
+    - YD_END_ONSET [`date`] : End of Breeding. Default: 2025-08-31
+    - YD_END [`date`] : End of Development. Default: 2025-10-31
     - RESET [`boolean`] : Reset. Default: 1
-    - DAY [`date`] : Start Day. Default: 2024-12-17
+    - DAY [`date`] : Start Day. Default: 2025-01-09
     - Verbose [`integer number`] : Verbosity level, 0=silent, 1=tool name and success notification, 2=complete tool output.\n
@@ -1994,11 +1994,11 @@ def run_tool_climate_tools_23(ATMEAN=None, ATMAX=None, SIREL=None, LAT_GRID=None
     - DDTOTAL [`floating point number`] : Thermal Sum for Total Development. Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 557.000000 Degree Days
     - RISK_DAYMAX [`floating point number`] : Day of Maximum Risk after Onset. Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 5.000000 Days
     - RISK_DECAY [`floating point number`] : Decay of Risk after Maximum. Minimum: 1.000000 Default: 10.000000 Days
-    - YD_BEGIN [`date`] : Begin of Parental Development. Default: 2024-04-01
-    - YD_END_ONSET [`date`] : End of Breeding. Default: 2024-08-31
-    - YD_END [`date`] : End of Development. Default: 2024-10-31
+    - YD_BEGIN [`date`] : Begin of Parental Development. Default: 2025-04-01
+    - YD_END_ONSET [`date`] : End of Breeding. Default: 2025-08-31
+    - YD_END [`date`] : End of Development. Default: 2025-10-31
     - RESET [`boolean`] : Reset. Default: 1
-    - DAY [`date`] : Start Day. Default: 2024-12-17
+    - DAY [`date`] : Start Day. Default: 2025-01-09
     - Verbose [`integer number`] : Verbosity level, 0=silent, 1=tool name and success notification, 2=complete tool output.\n
@@ -2066,7 +2066,7 @@ def Soil_Water_Balance_Days(TAVG=None, TMIN=None, TMAX=None, PSUM=None, LAT_GRID
     - SWC_SURFACE [`floating point number`] : Top Soil Water Capacity. Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 30.000000
     - SWT_RESIST [`floating point number`] : Transpiration Resistance. Minimum: 0.010000 Default: 0.500000
     - RESET [`boolean`] : Reset. Default: 1
-    - DAY [`date`] : Start Day. Default: 2024-12-17
+    - DAY [`date`] : Start Day. Default: 2025-01-09
     - Verbose [`integer number`] : Verbosity level, 0=silent, 1=tool name and success notification, 2=complete tool output.\n
@@ -2115,7 +2115,7 @@ def run_tool_climate_tools_24(TAVG=None, TMIN=None, TMAX=None, PSUM=None, LAT_GR
     - SWC_SURFACE [`floating point number`] : Top Soil Water Capacity. Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 30.000000
     - SWT_RESIST [`floating point number`] : Transpiration Resistance. Minimum: 0.010000 Default: 0.500000
     - RESET [`boolean`] : Reset. Default: 1
-    - DAY [`date`] : Start Day. Default: 2024-12-17
+    - DAY [`date`] : Start Day. Default: 2025-01-09
     - Verbose [`integer number`] : Verbosity level, 0=silent, 1=tool name and success notification, 2=complete tool output.\n
@@ -2701,8 +2701,8 @@ def Daily_Solar_Radiation(LATITUDE=None, SOLARRAD=None, MONTH=None, DAY=None, SU
     - LATITUDE [`input grid`] : Latitude. [Degree]
     - SOLARRAD [`output grid`] : Solar Radiation. [J/cm²]
-    - MONTH [`choice`] : Month. Available Choices: [0] January [1] February [2] March [3] April [4] May [5] June [6] July [7] August [8] September [9] October [10] November [11] December Default: 11
-    - DAY [`integer number`] : Day of Month. Minimum: 1 Maximum: 31 Default: 17
+    - MONTH [`choice`] : Month. Available Choices: [0] January [1] February [2] March [3] April [4] May [5] June [6] July [7] August [8] September [9] October [10] November [11] December Default: 0
+    - DAY [`integer number`] : Day of Month. Minimum: 1 Maximum: 31 Default: 8
     - SUNSHINE [`floating point number`] : Sunshine Duration. Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 50.000000 Daily sunshine duration as percentage of its potential maximum.
     - Verbose [`integer number`] : Verbosity level, 0=silent, 1=tool name and success notification, 2=complete tool output.\n
@@ -2731,8 +2731,8 @@ def run_tool_climate_tools_31(LATITUDE=None, SOLARRAD=None, MONTH=None, DAY=None
     - LATITUDE [`input grid`] : Latitude. [Degree]
     - SOLARRAD [`output grid`] : Solar Radiation. [J/cm²]
-    - MONTH [`choice`] : Month. Available Choices: [0] January [1] February [2] March [3] April [4] May [5] June [6] July [7] August [8] September [9] October [10] November [11] December Default: 11
-    - DAY [`integer number`] : Day of Month. Minimum: 1 Maximum: 31 Default: 17
+    - MONTH [`choice`] : Month. Available Choices: [0] January [1] February [2] March [3] April [4] May [5] June [6] July [7] August [8] September [9] October [10] November [11] December Default: 0
+    - DAY [`integer number`] : Day of Month. Minimum: 1 Maximum: 31 Default: 8
     - SUNSHINE [`floating point number`] : Sunshine Duration. Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 50.000000 Daily sunshine duration as percentage of its potential maximum.
     - Verbose [`integer number`] : Verbosity level, 0=silent, 1=tool name and success notification, 2=complete tool output.\n

@@ -220,10 +220,10 @@ def Export_Grid_to_KML(GRID=None, SHADE=None, FILE=None, FORMAT=None, COLOURING=
     - SHADE [`optional input grid`] : Shade
     - FILE [`file path`] : File
     - FORMAT [`choice`] : Image Format. Available Choices: [0] Portable Network Graphics [1] JPEG - JFIF Compliant [2] Tagged Image File Format [3] Windows or OS/2 Bitmap [4] Zsoft Paintbrush Default: 1
-    - COLOURING [`choice`] : Colouring. Available Choices: [0] stretch to grid's standard deviation [1] stretch to grid's value range [2] stretch to specified value range [3] lookup table [4] rgb coded values Default: 0
+    - COLOURING [`choice`] : Colors. Available Choices: [0] stretch to grid's standard deviation [1] stretch to grid's value range [2] stretch to specified value range [3] lookup table [4] rgb coded values Default: 0
     - COL_COUNT [`integer number`] : Number of Colors. Default: 100
-    - COL_REVERT [`boolean`] : Revert Palette. Default: 0
+    - COL_REVERT [`boolean`] : Invert Ramp. Default: 0
     - STDDEV [`floating point number`] : Standard Deviation. Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 2.000000
     - STRETCH [`value range`] : Stretch to Value Range
     - LUT [`static table`] : Lookup Table. 5 Fields: - 1. [color] Color - 2. [string] Name - 3. [string] Description - 4. [8 byte floating point number] Minimum - 5. [8 byte floating point number] Maximum 
@@ -265,10 +265,10 @@ def run_tool_io_grid_image_2(GRID=None, SHADE=None, FILE=None, FORMAT=None, COLO
     - SHADE [`optional input grid`] : Shade
     - FILE [`file path`] : File
     - FORMAT [`choice`] : Image Format. Available Choices: [0] Portable Network Graphics [1] JPEG - JFIF Compliant [2] Tagged Image File Format [3] Windows or OS/2 Bitmap [4] Zsoft Paintbrush Default: 1
-    - COLOURING [`choice`] : Colouring. Available Choices: [0] stretch to grid's standard deviation [1] stretch to grid's value range [2] stretch to specified value range [3] lookup table [4] rgb coded values Default: 0
+    - COLOURING [`choice`] : Colors. Available Choices: [0] stretch to grid's standard deviation [1] stretch to grid's value range [2] stretch to specified value range [3] lookup table [4] rgb coded values Default: 0
     - COL_COUNT [`integer number`] : Number of Colors. Default: 100
-    - COL_REVERT [`boolean`] : Revert Palette. Default: 0
+    - COL_REVERT [`boolean`] : Invert Ramp. Default: 0
     - STDDEV [`floating point number`] : Standard Deviation. Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 2.000000
     - STRETCH [`value range`] : Stretch to Value Range
     - LUT [`static table`] : Lookup Table. 5 Fields: - 1. [color] Color - 2. [string] Name - 3. [string] Description - 4. [8 byte floating point number] Minimum - 5. [8 byte floating point number] Maximum 

@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ def run_tool_io_webservices_1(GRID=None, SHAPES=None, RESULT=None, TILES=None, D
         return Tool.Execute(Verbose)
     return False
-def Copernicus_DEM(GRID=None, SHAPES=None, RESULT=None, TILES=None, DELARCHIVE=None, EXTENT=None, GRID_SYSTEM=None, XMIN=None, XMAX=None, YMIN=None, YMAX=None, NX=None, NY=None, BUFFER=None, CELLSIZE=None, CRS_STRING=None, Verbose=2):
+def Copernicus_DEM(GRID=None, SHAPES=None, RESULT=None, TILES=None, DELARCHIVE=None, EXTENT=None, GRID_SYSTEM=None, XMIN=None, XMAX=None, YMIN=None, YMAX=None, NX=None, NY=None, BUFFER=None, CELLSIZE=None, CRS_STRING=None, MASK=None, Verbose=2):
     Copernicus DEM
@@ -206,6 +206,7 @@ def Copernicus_DEM(GRID=None, SHAPES=None, RESULT=None, TILES=None, DELARCHIVE=N
     - BUFFER [`floating point number`] : Buffer. Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.000000 add buffer (map units) to extent
     - CELLSIZE [`floating point number`] : Cellsize. Minimum: 0.000100 Default: 90.000000
     - CRS_STRING [`text`] : Coordinate System Definition. Supported formats comprise PROJ and WKT strings, object codes (e.g. "EPSG:4326").
+    - MASK [`boolean`] : Water Mask. Default: 1 Applies ocean water mask.
     - Verbose [`integer number`] : Verbosity level, 0=silent, 1=tool name and success notification, 2=complete tool output.\n
@@ -230,10 +231,11 @@ def Copernicus_DEM(GRID=None, SHAPES=None, RESULT=None, TILES=None, DELARCHIVE=N
         Tool.Set_Option('BUFFER', BUFFER)
         Tool.Set_Option('CELLSIZE', CELLSIZE)
         Tool.Set_Option('CRS_STRING', CRS_STRING)
+        Tool.Set_Option('MASK', MASK)
         return Tool.Execute(Verbose)
     return False
-def run_tool_io_webservices_3(GRID=None, SHAPES=None, RESULT=None, TILES=None, DELARCHIVE=None, EXTENT=None, GRID_SYSTEM=None, XMIN=None, XMAX=None, YMIN=None, YMAX=None, NX=None, NY=None, BUFFER=None, CELLSIZE=None, CRS_STRING=None, Verbose=2):
+def run_tool_io_webservices_3(GRID=None, SHAPES=None, RESULT=None, TILES=None, DELARCHIVE=None, EXTENT=None, GRID_SYSTEM=None, XMIN=None, XMAX=None, YMIN=None, YMAX=None, NX=None, NY=None, BUFFER=None, CELLSIZE=None, CRS_STRING=None, MASK=None, Verbose=2):
     Copernicus DEM
@@ -257,6 +259,7 @@ def run_tool_io_webservices_3(GRID=None, SHAPES=None, RESULT=None, TILES=None, D
     - BUFFER [`floating point number`] : Buffer. Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.000000 add buffer (map units) to extent
     - CELLSIZE [`floating point number`] : Cellsize. Minimum: 0.000100 Default: 90.000000
     - CRS_STRING [`text`] : Coordinate System Definition. Supported formats comprise PROJ and WKT strings, object codes (e.g. "EPSG:4326").
+    - MASK [`boolean`] : Water Mask. Default: 1 Applies ocean water mask.
     - Verbose [`integer number`] : Verbosity level, 0=silent, 1=tool name and success notification, 2=complete tool output.\n
@@ -281,6 +284,7 @@ def run_tool_io_webservices_3(GRID=None, SHAPES=None, RESULT=None, TILES=None, D
         Tool.Set_Option('BUFFER', BUFFER)
         Tool.Set_Option('CELLSIZE', CELLSIZE)
         Tool.Set_Option('CRS_STRING', CRS_STRING)
+        Tool.Set_Option('MASK', MASK)
         return Tool.Execute(Verbose)
     return False

@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ def Analytical_Hillshading(ELEVATION=None, SHADE=None, METHOD=None, POSITION=Non
     - POSITION [`choice`] : Sun's Position. Available Choices: [0] azimuth and height [1] date and time Default: 0
     - AZIMUTH [`floating point number`] : Azimuth. Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 360.000000 Default: 315.000000 Direction of the light source, measured in degree clockwise from the North direction.
     - DECLINATION [`floating point number`] : Height. Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 90.000000 Default: 45.000000 Height of the light source, measured in degree above the horizon.
-    - DATE [`date`] : Day. Default: 2024-12-17
+    - DATE [`date`] : Day. Default: 2025-01-09
     - TIME [`floating point number`] : Hour. Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 24.000000 Default: 12.000000
     - EXAGGERATION [`floating point number`] : Exaggeration. Default: 1.000000 The terrain exaggeration factor allows one to increase the shading contrasts in flat areas.
     - UNIT [`choice`] : Unit. Available Choices: [0] radians [1] degree Default: 0
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ def run_tool_ta_lighting_0(ELEVATION=None, SHADE=None, METHOD=None, POSITION=Non
     - POSITION [`choice`] : Sun's Position. Available Choices: [0] azimuth and height [1] date and time Default: 0
     - AZIMUTH [`floating point number`] : Azimuth. Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 360.000000 Default: 315.000000 Direction of the light source, measured in degree clockwise from the North direction.
     - DECLINATION [`floating point number`] : Height. Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 90.000000 Default: 45.000000 Height of the light source, measured in degree above the horizon.
-    - DATE [`date`] : Day. Default: 2024-12-17
+    - DATE [`date`] : Day. Default: 2025-01-09
     - TIME [`floating point number`] : Hour. Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 24.000000 Default: 12.000000
     - EXAGGERATION [`floating point number`] : Exaggeration. Default: 1.000000 The terrain exaggeration factor allows one to increase the shading contrasts in flat areas.
     - UNIT [`choice`] : Unit. Available Choices: [0] radians [1] degree Default: 0
@@ -134,8 +134,8 @@ def Potential_Incoming_Solar_Radiation(GRD_DEM=None, GRD_SVF=None, GRD_VAPOUR=No
     - LOCATION [`choice`] : Location. Available Choices: [0] constant latitude [1] calculate from grid system Default: 0
     - LATITUDE [`degree`] : Latitude. Minimum: -90.000000 Maximum: 90.000000 Default: 53.000000
     - PERIOD [`choice`] : Time Period. Available Choices: [0] moment [1] day [2] range of days Default: 1 Momentum output will be in units of power [W/m²], time span will be in units of energy, either [kWh/m²], [kJ/m²], or [J/cm²].
-    - DAY [`date`] : Day. Default: 2024-12-17
-    - DAY_STOP [`date`] : Last Day. Default: 2024-12-17
+    - DAY [`date`] : Day. Default: 2025-01-09
+    - DAY_STOP [`date`] : Last Day. Default: 2025-01-09
     - DAYS_STEP [`integer number`] : Resolution [d]. Minimum: 1 Default: 5 Time step size for a range of days calculation given in days.
     - MOMENT [`floating point number`] : Moment [h]. Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 24.000000 Default: 12.000000
     - HOUR_RANGE [`value range`] : Time Span [h]. Time span used for the calculation of daily radiation sums.
@@ -220,8 +220,8 @@ def run_tool_ta_lighting_2(GRD_DEM=None, GRD_SVF=None, GRD_VAPOUR=None, GRD_LINK
     - LOCATION [`choice`] : Location. Available Choices: [0] constant latitude [1] calculate from grid system Default: 0
     - LATITUDE [`degree`] : Latitude. Minimum: -90.000000 Maximum: 90.000000 Default: 53.000000
     - PERIOD [`choice`] : Time Period. Available Choices: [0] moment [1] day [2] range of days Default: 1 Momentum output will be in units of power [W/m²], time span will be in units of energy, either [kWh/m²], [kJ/m²], or [J/cm²].
-    - DAY [`date`] : Day. Default: 2024-12-17
-    - DAY_STOP [`date`] : Last Day. Default: 2024-12-17
+    - DAY [`date`] : Day. Default: 2025-01-09
+    - DAY_STOP [`date`] : Last Day. Default: 2025-01-09
     - DAYS_STEP [`integer number`] : Resolution [d]. Minimum: 1 Default: 5 Time step size for a range of days calculation given in days.
     - MOMENT [`floating point number`] : Moment [h]. Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 24.000000 Default: 12.000000
     - HOUR_RANGE [`value range`] : Time Span [h]. Time span used for the calculation of daily radiation sums.

@@ -79,15 +79,15 @@ bool CSG_Grid::On_Reload(void)
 bool CSG_Grid::On_Delete(void)
-	CSG_String	FileName	= Get_File_Name(true);
+	CSG_String File = Get_File_Name(true);
-	SG_File_Set_Extension(FileName, "sg-grd-z"); SG_File_Delete(FileName);
-	SG_File_Set_Extension(FileName, "sg-grd"  ); SG_File_Delete(FileName);
-	SG_File_Set_Extension(FileName, "sgrd"    ); SG_File_Delete(FileName);
-	SG_File_Set_Extension(FileName, "sdat"    ); SG_File_Delete(FileName); SG_File_Delete(FileName + ".aux.xml");
-	SG_File_Set_Extension(FileName, "mgrd"    ); SG_File_Delete(FileName);
-	SG_File_Set_Extension(FileName, "dgm"     ); SG_File_Delete(FileName);
-	SG_File_Set_Extension(FileName, "dat"     ); SG_File_Delete(FileName);
+	SG_File_Set_Extension(File, "sg-grd-z"); SG_File_Delete(File);
+	SG_File_Set_Extension(File, "sg-grd"  ); SG_File_Delete(File);
+	SG_File_Set_Extension(File, "sgrd"    ); SG_File_Delete(File);
+	SG_File_Set_Extension(File, "sdat"    ); SG_File_Delete(File); SG_File_Delete(File + ".aux.xml");
+	SG_File_Set_Extension(File, "mgrd"    ); SG_File_Delete(File);
+	SG_File_Set_Extension(File, "dgm"     ); SG_File_Delete(File);
+	SG_File_Set_Extension(File, "dat"     ); SG_File_Delete(File);
 	return( true );
@@ -144,39 +144,44 @@ CSG_String				SG_Grid_Get_File_Extension_Default	(void)
-bool CSG_Grid::Save(const CSG_String &FileName, int Format)
+bool CSG_Grid::Save(const CSG_String &File, int Format)
-	SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format("%s %s: %s...", _TL("Saving"), _TL("grid"), FileName.c_str()), true);
+	if( File.is_Empty() )
+	{
+		return( *Get_File_Name(false) ? Save(Get_File_Name(false), Format) : false );
+	}
+	SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format("%s %s: %s...", _TL("Saving"), _TL("grid"), File.c_str()), true);
 	if( Format == GRID_FILE_FORMAT_Undefined )
-		Format	= gSG_Grid_File_Format_Default;
+		Format = gSG_Grid_File_Format_Default;
-		if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(FileName, "sg-grd-z") )	Format	= GRID_FILE_FORMAT_Compressed;
-		if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(FileName, "sg-grd"  ) )	Format	= GRID_FILE_FORMAT_Binary    ;
-		if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(FileName, "sgrd"    ) )	Format	= GRID_FILE_FORMAT_Binary_old;
-		if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(FileName, "tif"     ) )	Format	= GRID_FILE_FORMAT_GeoTIFF   ;
+		if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(File, "sg-grd-z") )	Format	= GRID_FILE_FORMAT_Compressed;
+		if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(File, "sg-grd"  ) )	Format	= GRID_FILE_FORMAT_Binary    ;
+		if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(File, "sgrd"    ) )	Format	= GRID_FILE_FORMAT_Binary_old;
+		if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(File, "tif"     ) )	Format	= GRID_FILE_FORMAT_GeoTIFF   ;
-	bool	bResult	= false;
+	bool bResult = false;
 	switch( Format )
-		bResult = _Save_Native(FileName, (TSG_Grid_File_Format)Format);
+		bResult = _Save_Native(File, (TSG_Grid_File_Format)Format);
 	case GRID_FILE_FORMAT_Compressed:
-		bResult = _Save_Compressed(FileName);
+		bResult = _Save_Compressed(File);
 		SG_RUN_TOOL(bResult, "io_gdal", 2,	// Export GeoTIFF
 			    SG_TOOL_PARAMLIST_ADD("GRIDS"   , this)
-			&&	SG_TOOL_PARAMETER_SET("FILE"    , FileName)
+			&&	SG_TOOL_PARAMETER_SET("FILE"    , File)
             &&	SG_TOOL_PARAMETER_SET("OPTIONS" , SG_T("COMPRESS=LZW BIGTIFF=YES"))		// enable bigtiff as the 'if needed' default setting is not available for compressed files
@@ -190,7 +195,7 @@ bool CSG_Grid::Save(const CSG_String &FileName, int Format)
-		Set_File_Name(FileName, true);
+		Set_File_Name(File, true);
 		SG_UI_Msg_Add(_TL("okay"), false, SG_UI_MSG_STYLE_SUCCESS);
@@ -210,7 +215,7 @@ bool CSG_Grid::Save(const CSG_String &FileName, int Format)
-bool CSG_Grid::_Load_External(const CSG_String &FileName, bool bCached, bool bLoadData)
+bool CSG_Grid::_Load_External(const CSG_String &File, bool bCached, bool bLoadData)
 	bool bResult = false; CSG_Data_Manager Manager; CSG_Tool *pTool = NULL;
@@ -219,16 +224,16 @@ bool CSG_Grid::_Load_External(const CSG_String &FileName, bool bCached, bool bLo
 	// Image Import
-	if( (SG_File_Cmp_Extension(FileName, "bmp")
-	  || SG_File_Cmp_Extension(FileName, "gif")
-	  || SG_File_Cmp_Extension(FileName, "jpg")
-	  || SG_File_Cmp_Extension(FileName, "png")
-	  || SG_File_Cmp_Extension(FileName, "pcx") )
+	if( (SG_File_Cmp_Extension(File, "bmp")
+	  || SG_File_Cmp_Extension(File, "gif")
+	  || SG_File_Cmp_Extension(File, "jpg")
+	  || SG_File_Cmp_Extension(File, "png")
+	  || SG_File_Cmp_Extension(File, "pcx") )
 	&& !bResult && (pTool = SG_Get_Tool_Library_Manager().Create_Tool("io_grid_image", 1)) != NULL )
-		bResult = pTool->Set_Parameter("FILE", FileName) && pTool->Execute();
+		bResult = pTool->Set_Parameter("FILE", File) && pTool->Execute();
@@ -240,8 +245,8 @@ bool CSG_Grid::_Load_External(const CSG_String &FileName, bool bCached, bool bLo
-		bResult = pTool->Set_Parameter("FILES"   , FileName)
-		       && pTool->Set_Parameter("MULTIPLE", 0       )	// output as single grid(s)
+		bResult = pTool->Set_Parameter("FILES"   , File)
+		       && pTool->Set_Parameter("MULTIPLE", 0   ) // output as single grid(s)
 		       && pTool->Execute();
@@ -259,7 +264,7 @@ bool CSG_Grid::_Load_External(const CSG_String &FileName, bool bCached, bool bLo
 			return( Create(*pGrid) );
-		Set_File_Name(FileName, false);
+		Set_File_Name(File, false);
 		Set_Name          (pGrid->Get_Name());
 		Set_Description   (pGrid->Get_Description());
@@ -287,13 +292,13 @@ bool CSG_Grid::_Load_External(const CSG_String &FileName, bool bCached, bool bLo
-bool CSG_Grid::_Load_PGSQL(const CSG_String &FileName, bool bCached, bool bLoadData)
+bool CSG_Grid::_Load_PGSQL(const CSG_String &File, bool bCached, bool bLoadData)
 	bool bResult = false;
-	if( FileName.BeforeFirst(':').Cmp("PGSQL") == 0 )	// database source
+	if( File.BeforeFirst(':').Cmp("PGSQL") == 0 )	// database source
-		CSG_String s(FileName);
+		CSG_String s(File);
 		s = s.AfterFirst(':'); CSG_String Host (s.BeforeFirst(':'));
 		s = s.AfterFirst(':'); CSG_String Port (s.BeforeFirst(':'));
@@ -333,16 +338,16 @@ bool CSG_Grid::_Load_PGSQL(const CSG_String &FileName, bool bCached, bool bLoadD
-bool CSG_Grid::_Load_Native(const CSG_String &FileName, bool bCached, bool bLoadData)
+bool CSG_Grid::_Load_Native(const CSG_String &File, bool bCached, bool bLoadData)
 	CSG_Grid_File_Info	Info;
-	if( !Info.Create(FileName) )
+	if( !Info.Create(File) )
 		return( false );
-	Set_File_Name(FileName, true);
+	Set_File_Name(File, true);
 	Set_Name        (Info.m_Name);
 	Set_Description (Info.m_Description);
@@ -350,31 +355,31 @@ bool CSG_Grid::_Load_Native(const CSG_String &FileName, bool bCached, bool bLoad
 	Set_NoData_Value_Range(Info.m_NoData[0], Info.m_NoData[1]);
-	m_System		= Info.m_System;
-	m_Type			= Info.m_Type;
-	m_zScale		= Info.m_zScale;
-	m_zOffset		= Info.m_zOffset;
+	m_System       = Info.m_System;
+	m_Type         = Info.m_Type;
+	m_zScale       = Info.m_zScale;
+	m_zOffset      = Info.m_zOffset;
-	m_nBytes_Value	= SG_Data_Type_Get_Size(m_Type);
-	m_nBytes_Line	= m_Type == SG_DATATYPE_Bit ? 1 + Get_NX() / 8 : Get_NX() * m_nBytes_Value;
+	m_nBytes_Value = SG_Data_Type_Get_Size(m_Type);
+	m_nBytes_Line  = m_Type == SG_DATATYPE_Bit ? 1 + Get_NX() / 8 : Get_NX() * m_nBytes_Value;
-	Get_Projection().Load(SG_File_Make_Path("", FileName, "prj"));
+	Get_Projection().Load(SG_File_Make_Path("", File, "prj"));
 	if( !bLoadData )
 		return( _Memory_Create(bCached) );
-	Load_MetaData(FileName);
+	Load_MetaData(File);
-	CSG_File	Stream;
+	CSG_File Stream;
 	if( !SG_Data_Type_is_Numeric(m_Type) )	// ASCII...
-		if(	Stream.Open(Info.m_Data_File                       , SG_FILE_R, false)
-		||	Stream.Open(SG_File_Make_Path("", FileName,  "dat"), SG_FILE_R, false)
-		||	Stream.Open(SG_File_Make_Path("", FileName, "sdat"), SG_FILE_R, false) )
+		if(	Stream.Open(Info.m_Data_File                   , SG_FILE_R, false)
+		||	Stream.Open(SG_File_Make_Path("", File,  "dat"), SG_FILE_R, false)
+		||	Stream.Open(SG_File_Make_Path("", File, "sdat"), SG_FILE_R, false) )
@@ -387,24 +392,24 @@ bool CSG_Grid::_Load_Native(const CSG_String &FileName, bool bCached, bool bLoad
 		if(	bCached || _Cache_Check() )
-			if( _Cache_Create(Info.m_Data_File                       , m_Type, Info.m_Offset, Info.m_bSwapBytes, Info.m_bFlip)
-			||	_Cache_Create(SG_File_Make_Path("", FileName,  "dat"), m_Type, Info.m_Offset, Info.m_bSwapBytes, Info.m_bFlip)
-			||	_Cache_Create(SG_File_Make_Path("", FileName, "sdat"), m_Type, Info.m_Offset, Info.m_bSwapBytes, Info.m_bFlip) )
+			if( _Cache_Create(Info.m_Data_File                   , m_Type, Info.m_Offset, Info.m_bSwapBytes, Info.m_bFlip)
+			||	_Cache_Create(SG_File_Make_Path("", File,  "dat"), m_Type, Info.m_Offset, Info.m_bSwapBytes, Info.m_bFlip)
+			||	_Cache_Create(SG_File_Make_Path("", File, "sdat"), m_Type, Info.m_Offset, Info.m_bSwapBytes, Info.m_bFlip) )
 				return( true );
-		m_Cache_File	= Info.m_Data_File;
-		m_Cache_Offset	= Info.m_Offset;
-		m_Cache_bSwap	= Info.m_bSwapBytes;
-		m_Cache_bFlip	= Info.m_bFlip;
+		m_Cache_File   = Info.m_Data_File ;
+		m_Cache_Offset = Info.m_Offset    ;
+		m_Cache_bSwap  = Info.m_bSwapBytes;
+		m_Cache_bFlip  = Info.m_bFlip     ;
 		if( _Memory_Create(bCached) )
-			if(	Stream.Open(Info.m_Data_File                       , SG_FILE_R, true)
-			||	Stream.Open(SG_File_Make_Path("", FileName,  "dat"), SG_FILE_R, true)
-			||	Stream.Open(SG_File_Make_Path("", FileName, "sdat"), SG_FILE_R, true) )
+			if(	Stream.Open(Info.m_Data_File                   , SG_FILE_R, true)
+			||	Stream.Open(SG_File_Make_Path("", File,  "dat"), SG_FILE_R, true)
+			||	Stream.Open(SG_File_Make_Path("", File, "sdat"), SG_FILE_R, true) )
@@ -417,44 +422,44 @@ bool CSG_Grid::_Load_Native(const CSG_String &FileName, bool bCached, bool bLoad
-bool CSG_Grid::_Save_Native(const CSG_String &_FileName, TSG_Grid_File_Format Format)
+bool CSG_Grid::_Save_Native(const CSG_String &_File, TSG_Grid_File_Format Format)
-	bool	bBigEndian	= true;
+	bool bBigEndian = true;
-	bool	bBigEndian	= false;
+	bool bBigEndian = false;
-	CSG_String	FileName(_FileName);
+	CSG_String	File(_File);
-	bool	bBinary;
+	bool bBinary;
 	if( Format == GRID_FILE_FORMAT_ASCII )
-		bBinary	= false;
+		bBinary = false;
 	else if( Format == GRID_FILE_FORMAT_Binary_old )
-		bBinary	= true;	SG_File_Set_Extension(FileName, "sgrd");
+		bBinary = true;	SG_File_Set_Extension(File, "sgrd");
-		bBinary	= true;	SG_File_Set_Extension(FileName, "sg-grd");
+		bBinary = true;	SG_File_Set_Extension(File, "sg-grd");
-	CSG_Grid_File_Info	Info(*this);
+	CSG_Grid_File_Info Info(*this);
-	if(	Info.Save(FileName, bBinary) )
+	if(	Info.Save(File, bBinary) )
-		CSG_File	Stream(SG_File_Make_Path("", FileName, "sdat"), SG_FILE_W, true);
+		CSG_File Stream(SG_File_Make_Path("", File, "sdat"), SG_FILE_W, true);
 		if( bBinary ? _Save_Binary(Stream, m_Type, false, bBigEndian) : _Save_ASCII (Stream) )
-			Save_MetaData(FileName);
+			Save_MetaData(File);
-			Get_Projection().Save(SG_File_Make_Path("", FileName, "prj"));
+			Get_Projection().Save(SG_File_Make_Path("", File, "prj"));
-			Info.Save_AUX_XML(SG_File_Make_Path("", FileName, "sdat"));
+			Info.Save_AUX_XML(SG_File_Make_Path("", File, "sdat"));
 			return( true );
@@ -471,11 +476,11 @@ bool CSG_Grid::_Save_Native(const CSG_String &_FileName, TSG_Grid_File_Format Fo
-bool CSG_Grid::_Load_Compressed(const CSG_String &_FileName, bool bCached, bool bLoadData)
+bool CSG_Grid::_Load_Compressed(const CSG_String &_File, bool bCached, bool bLoadData)
-	Set_File_Name(_FileName, true);
+	Set_File_Name(_File, true);
-	CSG_Archive	Stream(_FileName, SG_FILE_R);
+	CSG_Archive	Stream(_File, SG_FILE_R);
 	if( !Stream.is_Reading() )
@@ -483,25 +488,25 @@ bool CSG_Grid::_Load_Compressed(const CSG_String &_FileName, bool bCached, bool
-	CSG_String	FileName(SG_File_Get_Name(_FileName, false) + ".");
+	CSG_String File(SG_File_Get_Name(_File, false) + ".");
-	if( !Stream.Get_File(FileName + "sgrd"  )
-	&&  !Stream.Get_File(FileName + "sg-grd") )
+	if( !Stream.Get_File(File + "sgrd"  )
+	&&  !Stream.Get_File(File + "sg-grd") )
-		FileName.Clear();
+		File.Clear();
 		for(size_t i=0; i<Stream.Get_File_Count(); i++)
 			if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(Stream.Get_File_Name(i), "sgrd"  )
 			||  SG_File_Cmp_Extension(Stream.Get_File_Name(i), "sg-grd") )
-				FileName	= SG_File_Get_Name(Stream.Get_File_Name(i), false) + ".";
+				File = SG_File_Get_Name(Stream.Get_File_Name(i), false) + ".";
-		if( FileName.is_Empty() )
+		if( File.is_Empty() )
 			return( false );
@@ -521,15 +526,15 @@ bool CSG_Grid::_Load_Compressed(const CSG_String &_FileName, bool bCached, bool
 	Set_NoData_Value_Range(Info.m_NoData[0], Info.m_NoData[1]);
-	m_System		= Info.m_System;
-	m_Type			= Info.m_Type;
-	m_zScale		= Info.m_zScale;
-	m_zOffset		= Info.m_zOffset;
+	m_System       = Info.m_System;
+	m_Type         = Info.m_Type;
+	m_zScale       = Info.m_zScale;
+	m_zOffset      = Info.m_zOffset;
-	m_nBytes_Value	= SG_Data_Type_Get_Size(m_Type);
-	m_nBytes_Line	= m_Type == SG_DATATYPE_Bit ? 1 + Get_NX() / 8 : Get_NX() * m_nBytes_Value;
+	m_nBytes_Value = SG_Data_Type_Get_Size(m_Type);
+	m_nBytes_Line  = m_Type == SG_DATATYPE_Bit ? 1 + Get_NX() / 8 : Get_NX() * m_nBytes_Value;
-	if( Stream.Get_File(FileName + "prj") )
+	if( Stream.Get_File(File + "prj") )
@@ -539,7 +544,7 @@ bool CSG_Grid::_Load_Compressed(const CSG_String &_FileName, bool bCached, bool
 		return( _Memory_Create(bCached) );
-	if( Stream.Get_File(FileName + "mgrd") )
+	if( Stream.Get_File(File + "mgrd") )
@@ -550,13 +555,13 @@ bool CSG_Grid::_Load_Compressed(const CSG_String &_FileName, bool bCached, bool
 		bCached	= true;
-	return( Stream.Get_File(FileName + "sdat") && _Memory_Create(bCached)
+	return( Stream.Get_File(File + "sdat") && _Memory_Create(bCached)
 		&& _Load_Binary(Stream, m_Type, Info.m_bFlip, Info.m_bSwapBytes)
-bool CSG_Grid::_Save_Compressed(const CSG_String &_FileName)
+bool CSG_Grid::_Save_Compressed(const CSG_String &_File)
 	bool bBigEndian = true;
@@ -564,20 +569,20 @@ bool CSG_Grid::_Save_Compressed(const CSG_String &_FileName)
 	bool bBigEndian = false;
-	CSG_Archive Stream(_FileName, SG_FILE_W);
+	CSG_Archive Stream(_File, SG_FILE_W);
 	if( Stream.is_Writing() )
-		CSG_String FileName(SG_File_Get_Name(_FileName, false) + ".");
+		CSG_String File(SG_File_Get_Name(_File, false) + ".");
 		CSG_Grid_File_Info Info(*this);
-		if( Stream.Add_File(FileName + "sgrd") && Info.Save(Stream, true)
-		&&  Stream.Add_File(FileName + "sdat") && _Save_Binary(Stream, m_Type, false, bBigEndian) )
+		if( Stream.Add_File(File + "sgrd") && Info.Save(Stream, true)
+		&&  Stream.Add_File(File + "sdat") && _Save_Binary(Stream, m_Type, false, bBigEndian) )
-			Stream.Add_File(FileName + "mgrd"        ); Save_MetaData(Stream);
-			Stream.Add_File(FileName + "prj"         ); Get_Projection().Save(Stream);
-			Stream.Add_File(FileName + "sdat.aux.xml"); Info.Save_AUX_XML(Stream);
+			Stream.Add_File(File + "mgrd"        ); Save_MetaData(Stream);
+			Stream.Add_File(File + "prj"         ); Get_Projection().Save(Stream);
+			Stream.Add_File(File + "sdat.aux.xml"); Info.Save_AUX_XML(Stream);
 			return( true );
@@ -858,21 +863,21 @@ bool CSG_Grid::_Save_ASCII(CSG_File &Stream, bool bFlip)
-bool CSG_Grid::_Load_Surfer(const CSG_String &FileName, bool bCached, bool bLoadData)
+bool CSG_Grid::_Load_Surfer(const CSG_String &File, bool bCached, bool bLoadData)
-	const float	NoData	= 1.70141e38f;
+	const float NoData = 1.70141e38f;
-	if( !SG_File_Cmp_Extension(FileName, "grd") )
+	if( !SG_File_Cmp_Extension(File, "grd") )
 		return( false );
-	Set_File_Name(FileName, true);
+	Set_File_Name(File, true);
 	CSG_File	Stream;
-	if( !Stream.Open(FileName, SG_FILE_R, true) )
+	if( !Stream.Open(File, SG_FILE_R, true) )
 		return( false );
@@ -935,17 +940,17 @@ bool CSG_Grid::_Load_Surfer(const CSG_String &FileName, bool bCached, bool bLoad
 	else if( !strncmp(Identifier, "DSAA", 4) )	// ASCII...
-		int		nx		= Stream.Scan_Int   ();
-		int		ny		= Stream.Scan_Int   ();
-		double	xMin	= Stream.Scan_Double();
-		double	xMax	= Stream.Scan_Double();
-		double	yMin	= Stream.Scan_Double(); Stream.Scan_Double();
-	//	double	yMax	= Stream.Scan_Double();
-		double	dx		= Stream.Scan_Double(); Stream.Scan_Double();
-	//	double	dy		= Stream.Scan_Double();
-		dx	= (xMax - xMin) / (nx - 1.0);
-	//	dy	= (yMax - yMin) / (ny - 1.0);	// we could proof for equal cellsize in direction of y...
+		int    nx   = Stream.Scan_Int   ();
+		int    ny   = Stream.Scan_Int   ();
+		double xMin = Stream.Scan_Double();
+		double xMax = Stream.Scan_Double();
+		double yMin = Stream.Scan_Double(); Stream.Scan_Double();
+	//	double yMax = Stream.Scan_Double();
+		double dx   = Stream.Scan_Double(); Stream.Scan_Double();
+	//	double dy   = Stream.Scan_Double();
+		dx = (xMax - xMin) / (nx - 1.);
+	//	dy = (yMax - yMin) / (ny - 1.); // we could proof for equal cellsize in direction of y...
 		if( !Create(SG_DATATYPE_Float, nx, ny, dx, xMin, yMin, bCached) || Stream.is_EOF() )
@@ -960,7 +965,7 @@ bool CSG_Grid::_Load_Surfer(const CSG_String &FileName, bool bCached, bool bLoad
 				for(int x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
-					double	Value;
+					double Value;
 					if( Stream.Scan(Value) && Value != NoData )
@@ -980,8 +985,8 @@ bool CSG_Grid::_Load_Surfer(const CSG_String &FileName, bool bCached, bool bLoad
-	Set_File_Name(FileName);
-	Load_MetaData(FileName);
+	Set_File_Name(File);
+	Load_MetaData(File);
 	return( true );
@@ -1051,38 +1056,38 @@ CSG_Grid_File_Info::CSG_Grid_File_Info(const CSG_Grid &Grid)
 bool CSG_Grid_File_Info::Create(const CSG_Grid &Grid)
-	m_Name			= Grid.Get_Name();
-	m_Description	= Grid.Get_Description();
-	m_Unit			= Grid.Get_Unit();
-	m_System		= Grid.Get_System();
-	m_Type			= Grid.Get_Type();
-	m_zScale		= Grid.Get_Scaling();
-	m_zOffset		= Grid.Get_Offset();
-	m_NoData[0]		= Grid.Get_NoData_Value();
-	m_NoData[1]		= Grid.Get_NoData_Value(true);
-	m_Data_File		.Clear();
-	m_bFlip			= false;
-	m_bSwapBytes	= false;
-	m_Offset		= 0;
-	m_Projection	= Grid.Get_Projection();
+	m_Name        = Grid.Get_Name();
+	m_Description = Grid.Get_Description();
+	m_Unit        = Grid.Get_Unit();
+	m_System      = Grid.Get_System();
+	m_Type        = Grid.Get_Type();
+	m_zScale      = Grid.Get_Scaling();
+	m_zOffset     = Grid.Get_Offset();
+	m_NoData[0]   = Grid.Get_NoData_Value();
+	m_NoData[1]   = Grid.Get_NoData_Value(true);
+	m_Data_File   .Clear();
+	m_bFlip       = false;
+	m_bSwapBytes  = false;
+	m_Offset      = 0;
+	m_Projection  = Grid.Get_Projection();
 	return( true );
-CSG_Grid_File_Info::CSG_Grid_File_Info(const CSG_String &FileName)
+CSG_Grid_File_Info::CSG_Grid_File_Info(const CSG_String &File)
-	Create(FileName);
+	Create(File);
-bool CSG_Grid_File_Info::Create(const CSG_String &FileName)
+bool CSG_Grid_File_Info::Create(const CSG_String &File)
-	if( !SG_File_Cmp_Extension(FileName, "sg-grd-z") )
+	if( !SG_File_Cmp_Extension(File, "sg-grd-z") )
-		if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(FileName, "sgrd")
-		||  SG_File_Cmp_Extension(FileName, "sg-grd") )
+		if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(File, "sgrd")
+		||  SG_File_Cmp_Extension(File, "sg-grd") )
-			CSG_File	Stream(FileName, SG_FILE_R, false);
+			CSG_File Stream(File, SG_FILE_R, false);
 			return( Create(Stream) );
@@ -1091,14 +1096,14 @@ bool CSG_Grid_File_Info::Create(const CSG_String &FileName)
-	CSG_Archive	Stream(FileName, SG_FILE_R);
+	CSG_Archive	Stream(File, SG_FILE_R);
 	if( Stream.is_Reading() )
-		CSG_String	File(SG_File_Get_Name(FileName, false) + ".");
+		CSG_String Archive_File(SG_File_Get_Name(File, false) + ".");
-		if( !Stream.Get_File(File + "sgrd"  )
-		&&  !Stream.Get_File(File + "sg-grd") )
+		if( !Stream.Get_File(Archive_File + "sgrd"  )
+		&&  !Stream.Get_File(Archive_File + "sg-grd") )
 			for(size_t i=0; i<Stream.Get_File_Count(); i++)
@@ -1228,9 +1233,9 @@ int CSG_Grid_File_Info::_Get_Key(CSG_File &Stream, CSG_String &Value)
-bool CSG_Grid_File_Info::Save(const CSG_String &FileName, bool bBinary)
+bool CSG_Grid_File_Info::Save(const CSG_String &File, bool bBinary)
-	return( Save(CSG_File(FileName, SG_FILE_W, false), bBinary) );
+	return( Save(CSG_File(File, SG_FILE_W, false), bBinary) );
@@ -1267,17 +1272,17 @@ bool CSG_Grid_File_Info::Save(const CSG_File &Stream, bool bBinary)
-bool CSG_Grid_File_Info::Save(const CSG_String &FileName, const CSG_Grid &Grid, bool bBinary)
+bool CSG_Grid_File_Info::Save(const CSG_String &File, const CSG_Grid &Grid, bool bBinary)
-	CSG_Grid_File_Info	Info(Grid);
+	CSG_Grid_File_Info Info(Grid);
-	return( Info.Save(FileName, bBinary) );
+	return( Info.Save(File, bBinary) );
 bool CSG_Grid_File_Info::Save(const CSG_File &Stream, const CSG_Grid &Grid, bool bBinary)
-	CSG_Grid_File_Info	Info(Grid);
+	CSG_Grid_File_Info Info(Grid);
 	return( Info.Save(Stream, bBinary) );
@@ -1288,11 +1293,11 @@ bool CSG_Grid_File_Info::Save(const CSG_File &Stream, const CSG_Grid &Grid, bool
-bool CSG_Grid_File_Info::Save_AUX_XML(const CSG_String &FileName)
+bool CSG_Grid_File_Info::Save_AUX_XML(const CSG_String &File)
-	CSG_File	Stream;
+	CSG_File Stream;
-	return( m_Projection.is_Okay() && Stream.Open(FileName + ".aux.xml", SG_FILE_W, false) && Save_AUX_XML(Stream) );
+	return( m_Projection.is_Okay() && Stream.Open(File + ".aux.xml", SG_FILE_W, false) && Save_AUX_XML(Stream) );

@@ -182,9 +182,9 @@ CSG_Grids::CSG_Grids(const CSG_Grids *pGrids, bool bCopyData)
   * Create a grid collection from file.
-CSG_Grids::CSG_Grids(const char       *FileName, bool bLoadData) { _On_Construction(); Create(FileName, bLoadData); }
-CSG_Grids::CSG_Grids(const wchar_t    *FileName, bool bLoadData) { _On_Construction(); Create(FileName, bLoadData); }
-CSG_Grids::CSG_Grids(const CSG_String &FileName, bool bLoadData) { _On_Construction(); Create(FileName, bLoadData); }
+CSG_Grids::CSG_Grids(const char       *File, bool bLoadData) { _On_Construction(); Create(File, bLoadData); }
+CSG_Grids::CSG_Grids(const wchar_t    *File, bool bLoadData) { _On_Construction(); Create(File, bLoadData); }
+CSG_Grids::CSG_Grids(const CSG_String &File, bool bLoadData) { _On_Construction(); Create(File, bLoadData); }
@@ -309,9 +309,9 @@ bool CSG_Grids::Create(const CSG_Grids *pGrids, bool bCopyData)
-bool CSG_Grids::Create(const char       *FileName, bool bLoadData) { return( Load(CSG_String(FileName), bLoadData) ); }
-bool CSG_Grids::Create(const wchar_t    *FileName, bool bLoadData) { return( Load(CSG_String(FileName), bLoadData) ); }
-bool CSG_Grids::Create(const CSG_String &FileName, bool bLoadData) { return( Load(           FileName , bLoadData) ); }
+bool CSG_Grids::Create(const char       *File, bool bLoadData) { return( Load(CSG_String(File), bLoadData) ); }
+bool CSG_Grids::Create(const wchar_t    *File, bool bLoadData) { return( Load(CSG_String(File), bLoadData) ); }
+bool CSG_Grids::Create(const CSG_String &File, bool bLoadData) { return( Load(           File , bLoadData) ); }
 bool CSG_Grids::Create(const CSG_Grid_System &System, int NZ, double zMin, TSG_Data_Type Type)
@@ -1687,20 +1687,20 @@ bool CSG_Grids::On_Reload(void)
 bool CSG_Grids::On_Delete(void)
-	CSG_String	FileName	= Get_File_Name(true);
+	CSG_String File = Get_File_Name(true);
-	SG_File_Set_Extension(FileName, "sg-gds-z"); SG_File_Delete(FileName);
-	SG_File_Set_Extension(FileName, "sg-gds"  ); SG_File_Delete(FileName);
-	SG_File_Set_Extension(FileName, "sg-info" ); SG_File_Delete(FileName);
-	SG_File_Set_Extension(FileName, "sg-prj"  ); SG_File_Delete(FileName);
+	SG_File_Set_Extension(File, "sg-gds-z"); SG_File_Delete(File);
+	SG_File_Set_Extension(File, "sg-gds"  ); SG_File_Delete(File);
+	SG_File_Set_Extension(File, "sg-info" ); SG_File_Delete(File);
+	SG_File_Set_Extension(File, "sg-prj"  ); SG_File_Delete(File);
-	int	i	= 0;
+	int i = 0;
-		SG_File_Set_Extension(FileName, CSG_String::Format("sg-%03d", ++i));
+		SG_File_Set_Extension(File, CSG_String::Format("sg-%03d", ++i));
-	while( SG_File_Delete(FileName) );
+	while( SG_File_Delete(File) );
 	return( true );
@@ -1711,20 +1711,20 @@ bool CSG_Grids::On_Delete(void)
-bool CSG_Grids::Load(const CSG_String &FileName, bool bLoadData)
+bool CSG_Grids::Load(const CSG_String &File, bool bLoadData)
-	SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format("%s: %s...", _TL("Loading grid collection"), FileName.c_str()), true);
+	SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format("%s: %s...", _TL("Loading grid collection"), File.c_str()), true);
-	if( _Load_PGSQL     (FileName)
-	||  _Load_Normal    (FileName)
-	||  _Load_Compressed(FileName)
-	||  _Load_External  (FileName) )
+	if( _Load_PGSQL     (File)
+	||  _Load_Normal    (File)
+	||  _Load_Compressed(File)
+	||  _Load_External  (File) )
-		Set_Name(SG_File_Get_Name(FileName, false));
+		Set_Name(SG_File_Get_Name(File, false));
 		SG_UI_Msg_Add(_TL("okay"), false, SG_UI_MSG_STYLE_SUCCESS);
@@ -1739,35 +1739,40 @@ bool CSG_Grids::Load(const CSG_String &FileName, bool bLoadData)
-bool CSG_Grids::Save(const CSG_String &FileName, int Format)
+bool CSG_Grids::Save(const CSG_String &File, int Format)
-	SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format("%s %s: %s...", _TL("Saving"), _TL("grid collection"), FileName.c_str()), true);
+	if( File.is_Empty() )
+	{
+		return( *Get_File_Name(false) ? Save(Get_File_Name(false), Format) : false );
+	}
+	SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format("%s %s: %s...", _TL("Saving"), _TL("grid collection"), File.c_str()), true);
 	if( Format == GRIDS_FILE_FORMAT_Undefined )
-		Format	= GRIDS_FILE_FORMAT_Compressed;	// default
+		Format = GRIDS_FILE_FORMAT_Compressed;	// default
-		if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(FileName, "sg-gds"  ) )	Format	= GRIDS_FILE_FORMAT_Normal    ;
-		if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(FileName, "sg-gds-z") )	Format	= GRIDS_FILE_FORMAT_Compressed;
-		if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(FileName, "tif"     ) )	Format	= GRIDS_FILE_FORMAT_GeoTIFF   ;
+		if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(File, "sg-gds"  ) ) Format = GRIDS_FILE_FORMAT_Normal    ;
+		if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(File, "sg-gds-z") ) Format = GRIDS_FILE_FORMAT_Compressed;
+		if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(File, "tif"     ) ) Format = GRIDS_FILE_FORMAT_GeoTIFF   ;
-	bool	bResult	= false;
+	bool bResult = false;
 	switch( Format )
 	case GRIDS_FILE_FORMAT_Normal    :
-		bResult = _Save_Normal    (FileName);
+		bResult = _Save_Normal    (File);
 	case GRIDS_FILE_FORMAT_Compressed: default:
-		bResult = _Save_Compressed(FileName);
+		bResult = _Save_Compressed(File);
 		SG_RUN_TOOL(bResult, "io_gdal", 2,	// Export GeoTIFF
@@ -1779,7 +1784,7 @@ bool CSG_Grids::Save(const CSG_String &FileName, int Format)
-		Set_File_Name(FileName, true);
+		Set_File_Name(File, true);
 		SG_UI_Msg_Add(_TL("okay"), false, SG_UI_MSG_STYLE_SUCCESS);
@@ -1797,7 +1802,7 @@ bool CSG_Grids::Save(const CSG_String &FileName, int Format)
-bool CSG_Grids::_Load_External(const CSG_String &FileName)
+bool CSG_Grids::_Load_External(const CSG_String &File)
 	bool bResult = false; CSG_Data_Manager Manager;
@@ -1806,8 +1811,8 @@ bool CSG_Grids::_Load_External(const CSG_String &FileName)
 	if(	pTool && pTool->On_Before_Execution() && pTool->Settings_Push(&Manager)
-	&&  pTool->Set_Parameter("FILES"   , FileName)
-	&&	pTool->Set_Parameter("MULTIPLE", 1       )	// output as grid collection
+	&&  pTool->Set_Parameter("FILES"   , File)
+	&&	pTool->Set_Parameter("MULTIPLE", 1   ) // output as grid collection
 	&&	pTool->Execute()
 	&&  Manager.Grids().Count() && Manager.Grids(0).is_Valid() )
@@ -1820,7 +1825,7 @@ bool CSG_Grids::_Load_External(const CSG_String &FileName)
 			Add_Grid(pGrids->Get_Attributes(i), pGrids->Get_Grid_Ptr(i), true);
-		Set_File_Name(FileName, false);
+		Set_File_Name(File, false);
 		Set_Name        (pGrids->Get_Name        ());
 		Set_Description (pGrids->Get_Description ());
@@ -1840,13 +1845,13 @@ bool CSG_Grids::_Load_External(const CSG_String &FileName)
-bool CSG_Grids::_Load_PGSQL(const CSG_String &FileName)
+bool CSG_Grids::_Load_PGSQL(const CSG_String &File)
 	bool bResult = false;
-	if( FileName.BeforeFirst(':').Cmp("PGSQL") == 0 )	// database source
+	if( File.BeforeFirst(':').Cmp("PGSQL") == 0 )	// database source
-		CSG_String s(FileName);
+		CSG_String s(File);
 		s = s.AfterFirst(':'); CSG_String Host (s.BeforeFirst(':'));
 		s = s.AfterFirst(':'); CSG_String Port (s.BeforeFirst(':'));
@@ -1890,7 +1895,7 @@ bool CSG_Grids::_Load_PGSQL(const CSG_String &FileName)
 				CSG_Grids *pGrids = Manager.Grids(0).asGrids();
-				Set_File_Name(FileName);
+				Set_File_Name(File);
@@ -1917,27 +1922,25 @@ bool CSG_Grids::_Load_PGSQL(const CSG_String &FileName)
-bool CSG_Grids::_Load_Normal(const CSG_String &_FileName)
+bool CSG_Grids::_Load_Normal(const CSG_String &_File)
-	if( !SG_File_Cmp_Extension(_FileName, "sg-gds") ) // GRIDS_FILETYPE_Normal
+	if( !SG_File_Cmp_Extension(_File, "sg-gds") ) // GRIDS_FILETYPE_Normal
 		return( false );
-	CSG_String	FileName(_FileName);
-	CSG_File	Stream;
+	CSG_String File(_File); CSG_File Stream;
-	if( !Stream.Open(FileName, SG_FILE_R, false) || !_Load_Header(Stream) )
+	if( !Stream.Open(File, SG_FILE_R, false) || !_Load_Header(Stream) )
 		return( false );
-	SG_File_Set_Extension(FileName, "sg-att");
+	SG_File_Set_Extension(File, "sg-att");
 	if( m_Attributes.Get_Count() <= 0 )	// <<< DEPRECATED
-	if( !Stream.Open(FileName, SG_FILE_R, false) || !_Load_Attributes(Stream) )
+	if( !Stream.Open(File, SG_FILE_R, false) || !_Load_Attributes(Stream) )
 		return( false );
@@ -1945,42 +1948,40 @@ bool CSG_Grids::_Load_Normal(const CSG_String &_FileName)
 	for(int i=0; i<Get_NZ() && SG_UI_Process_Set_Progress(i, Get_NZ()); i++)
-		SG_File_Set_Extension(FileName, CSG_String::Format("sg-%03d", i + 1));
+		SG_File_Set_Extension(File, CSG_String::Format("sg-%03d", i + 1));
-		if( !Stream.Open(FileName, SG_FILE_R, true) || !_Load_Data(Stream, m_pGrids[i]) )
+		if( !Stream.Open(File, SG_FILE_R, true) || !_Load_Data(Stream, m_pGrids[i]) )
 			return( false );
-	Set_File_Name(_FileName, true);
+	Set_File_Name(_File, true);
-	Load_MetaData(FileName);
+	Load_MetaData(File);
-	Get_Projection().Load(SG_File_Make_Path("", FileName, "sg-prj"));
+	Get_Projection().Load(SG_File_Make_Path("", File, "sg-prj"));
 	return( true );
-bool CSG_Grids::_Save_Normal(const CSG_String &_FileName)
+bool CSG_Grids::_Save_Normal(const CSG_String &_File)
-	CSG_String	FileName(_FileName);
-	CSG_File	Stream;
+	CSG_String File(_File); CSG_File Stream;
-	SG_File_Set_Extension(FileName, "sg-gds");
+	SG_File_Set_Extension(File, "sg-gds");
-	if( !Stream.Open(FileName, SG_FILE_W, false) || !_Save_Header(Stream) )
+	if( !Stream.Open(File, SG_FILE_W, false) || !_Save_Header(Stream) )
 		return( false );
-	SG_File_Set_Extension(FileName, "sg-att");
+	SG_File_Set_Extension(File, "sg-att");
-	if( !Stream.Open(FileName, SG_FILE_W, false) || !_Save_Attributes(Stream) )
+	if( !Stream.Open(File, SG_FILE_W, false) || !_Save_Attributes(Stream) )
 		return( false );
@@ -1988,18 +1989,18 @@ bool CSG_Grids::_Save_Normal(const CSG_String &_FileName)
 	for(int i=0; i<Get_NZ() && SG_UI_Process_Set_Progress(i, Get_NZ()); i++)
-		SG_File_Set_Extension(FileName, CSG_String::Format("sg-%03d", i + 1));
+		SG_File_Set_Extension(File, CSG_String::Format("sg-%03d", i + 1));
-		if( !Stream.Open(FileName, SG_FILE_W, true) || !_Save_Data(Stream, m_pGrids[i]) )
+		if( !Stream.Open(File, SG_FILE_W, true) || !_Save_Data(Stream, m_pGrids[i]) )
 			return( false );
-	Save_MetaData(FileName);
+	Save_MetaData(File);
-	Get_Projection().Save(SG_File_Make_Path("", FileName, "sg-prj"));
+	Get_Projection().Save(SG_File_Make_Path("", File, "sg-prj"));
 	return( true );
@@ -2010,25 +2011,25 @@ bool CSG_Grids::_Save_Normal(const CSG_String &_FileName)
-bool CSG_Grids::_Load_Compressed(const CSG_String &_FileName)
+bool CSG_Grids::_Load_Compressed(const CSG_String &_File)
-	if( !SG_File_Cmp_Extension(_FileName, "sg-gds-z") ) // GRIDS_FILETYPE_Compressed
+	if( !SG_File_Cmp_Extension(_File, "sg-gds-z") ) // GRIDS_FILETYPE_Compressed
 		return( false );
-	CSG_Archive Stream(_FileName, SG_FILE_R);
+	CSG_Archive Stream(_File, SG_FILE_R);
-	CSG_String FileName(SG_File_Get_Name(_FileName, false) + ".");
+	CSG_String File(SG_File_Get_Name(_File, false) + ".");
-	if( !Stream.Get_File(FileName + "sg-gds") || !_Load_Header(Stream) )
+	if( !Stream.Get_File(File + "sg-gds") || !_Load_Header(Stream) )
 		return( false );
 	if( m_Attributes.Get_Count() <= 0 )	// <<< DEPRECATED
-	if( !Stream.Get_File(FileName + "sg-att") || !_Load_Attributes(Stream) )
+	if( !Stream.Get_File(File + "sg-att") || !_Load_Attributes(Stream) )
 		return( false );
@@ -2036,21 +2037,21 @@ bool CSG_Grids::_Load_Compressed(const CSG_String &_FileName)
 	for(int i=0; i<Get_NZ() && SG_UI_Process_Set_Progress(i, Get_NZ()); i++)
-		if( !Stream.Get_File(FileName + CSG_String::Format("sg-%03d", i + 1)) || !_Load_Data(Stream, m_pGrids[i]) )
+		if( !Stream.Get_File(File + CSG_String::Format("sg-%03d", i + 1)) || !_Load_Data(Stream, m_pGrids[i]) )
 			return( false );
-	Set_File_Name(_FileName, true);
+	Set_File_Name(_File, true);
-	if( Stream.Get_File(FileName + "sg-info") )
+	if( Stream.Get_File(File + "sg-info") )
-	if( Stream.Get_File(FileName + "sg-prj") )
+	if( Stream.Get_File(File + "sg-prj") )
@@ -2059,19 +2060,19 @@ bool CSG_Grids::_Load_Compressed(const CSG_String &_FileName)
-bool CSG_Grids::_Save_Compressed(const CSG_String &_FileName)
+bool CSG_Grids::_Save_Compressed(const CSG_String &_File)
-	CSG_Archive	Stream(_FileName, SG_FILE_W);
+	CSG_Archive	Stream(_File, SG_FILE_W);
-	CSG_String	FileName(SG_File_Get_Name(_FileName, false) + ".");
+	CSG_String	File(SG_File_Get_Name(_File, false) + ".");
-	if( !Stream.Add_File(FileName + "sg-gds") || !_Save_Header(Stream) )
+	if( !Stream.Add_File(File + "sg-gds") || !_Save_Header(Stream) )
 		return( false );
-	if( !Stream.Add_File(FileName + "sg-att") || !_Save_Attributes(Stream) )
+	if( !Stream.Add_File(File + "sg-att") || !_Save_Attributes(Stream) )
 		return( false );
@@ -2079,19 +2080,19 @@ bool CSG_Grids::_Save_Compressed(const CSG_String &_FileName)
 	for(int i=0; i<Get_NZ() && SG_UI_Process_Set_Progress(i, Get_NZ()); i++)
-		if( !Stream.Add_File(FileName + CSG_String::Format("sg-%03d", i + 1)) || !_Save_Data(Stream, m_pGrids[i]) )
+		if( !Stream.Add_File(File + CSG_String::Format("sg-%03d", i + 1)) || !_Save_Data(Stream, m_pGrids[i]) )
 			return( false );
-	if( Stream.Add_File(FileName + "sg-info") )
+	if( Stream.Add_File(File + "sg-info") )
-	if( Stream.Add_File(FileName + "sg-prj") )
+	if( Stream.Add_File(File + "sg-prj") )

@@ -1717,7 +1717,7 @@ bool CSG_Parameters_Grid_Target::Set_User_Defined(CSG_Parameters *pParameters, C
 	double Size = sqrt(r.Get_Area() / pPoints->Get_Count()) / (Scale > 1 ? Scale : 1);	// edge length of a square given as average area per point (cell size)
-	if( Rounding > 0 )
+	if( Size >= 1. && Rounding > 0 )
 		Size   = SG_Get_Rounded_To_SignificantFigures(Size, Rounding);

@@ -328,6 +328,11 @@ bool CSG_PointCloud::_Load(const CSG_String &File)
 bool CSG_PointCloud::Save(const CSG_String &_File, int Format)
+	if( _File.is_Empty() )
+	{
+		return( *Get_File_Name(false) ? Save(Get_File_Name(false), Format) : false );
+	}
 	if( Format == POINTCLOUD_FILE_FORMAT_Undefined )
 		Format	= SG_File_Cmp_Extension(_File, "sg-pts-z")

@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@
-#define SAGA_VERSION			SG_T("9.7.0")
+#define SAGA_VERSION			SG_T("9.7.1")

@@ -140,6 +140,11 @@ CSG_String				SG_Shapes_Get_File_Extension_Default	(void)
 bool CSG_Shapes::Save(const CSG_String &File, int Format)
+	if( File.is_Empty() )
+	{
+		return( *Get_File_Name(false) ? Save(Get_File_Name(false), Format) : false );
+	}
 	if( Format == SHAPE_FILE_FORMAT_Undefined )
 		Format = gSG_Shape_File_Format_Default;

@@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ bool CSG_Table::Set_File_Encoding(int Encoding)
-bool CSG_Table::Load(const CSG_String &FileName, int Format, SG_Char Separator, int Encoding)
+bool CSG_Table::Load(const CSG_String &File, int Format, SG_Char Separator, int Encoding)
-	if( !SG_File_Exists(FileName) )
+	if( !SG_File_Exists(File) )
 		return( false );
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ bool CSG_Table::Load(const CSG_String &FileName, int Format, SG_Char Separator,
 	if( Format == TABLE_FILETYPE_Undefined )
-		Format = SG_File_Cmp_Extension(FileName, "dbf") ? TABLE_FILETYPE_DBase : TABLE_FILETYPE_Text;
+		Format = SG_File_Cmp_Extension(File, "dbf") ? TABLE_FILETYPE_DBase : TABLE_FILETYPE_Text;
@@ -116,15 +116,15 @@ bool CSG_Table::Load(const CSG_String &FileName, int Format, SG_Char Separator,
 	switch( Format )
-	case TABLE_FILETYPE_Text:   default: if( !_Load_Text (FileName, true , Separator) ) return( false ); break;
-	case TABLE_FILETYPE_Text_NoHeadLine: if( !_Load_Text (FileName, false, Separator) ) return( false ); break;
-	case TABLE_FILETYPE_DBase          : if( !_Load_DBase(FileName                  ) ) return( false ); break;
+	case TABLE_FILETYPE_Text:   default: if( !_Load_Text (File, true , Separator) ) return( false ); break;
+	case TABLE_FILETYPE_Text_NoHeadLine: if( !_Load_Text (File, false, Separator) ) return( false ); break;
+	case TABLE_FILETYPE_DBase          : if( !_Load_DBase(File                  ) ) return( false ); break;
-	Set_Name(SG_File_Get_Name(FileName, false));
+	Set_Name(SG_File_Get_Name(File, false));
-	Load_MetaData(FileName);
+	Load_MetaData(File);
 	CSG_MetaData *pFields = Get_MetaData_DB().Get_Child("FIELDS");
@@ -141,22 +141,27 @@ bool CSG_Table::Load(const CSG_String &FileName, int Format, SG_Char Separator,
-bool CSG_Table::Save(const CSG_String &FileName, int Format)
+bool CSG_Table::Save(const CSG_String &File, int Format)
-	return( Save(FileName, Format, '\0', m_Encoding) );
+	return( Save(File, Format, '\0', m_Encoding) );
-bool CSG_Table::Save(const CSG_String &FileName, int Format, SG_Char Separator, int Encoding)
+bool CSG_Table::Save(const CSG_String &File, int Format, SG_Char Separator, int Encoding)
-	SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format("%s %s: %s...", _TL("Saving"), _TL("table"), FileName.c_str()), true);
+	if( File.is_Empty() )
+	{
+		return( *Get_File_Name(false) ? Save(Get_File_Name(false), Format) : false );
+	}
+	SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format("%s %s: %s...", _TL("Saving"), _TL("table"), File.c_str()), true);
 	if( Format <= TABLE_FILETYPE_Undefined || Format > TABLE_FILETYPE_DBase )
-		if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(FileName, "dbf") )
+		if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(File, "dbf") )
 			Format = TABLE_FILETYPE_DBase;
@@ -166,7 +171,7 @@ bool CSG_Table::Save(const CSG_String &FileName, int Format, SG_Char Separator,
 			if( Separator == '\0' )
-				Separator = SG_File_Cmp_Extension(FileName, "csv") ? ',' : '\t'; // comma separated values or tab spaced text
+				Separator = SG_File_Cmp_Extension(File, "csv") ? ',' : '\t'; // comma separated values or tab spaced text
@@ -176,9 +181,9 @@ bool CSG_Table::Save(const CSG_String &FileName, int Format, SG_Char Separator,
 	switch( Format )
-	case TABLE_FILETYPE_Text:   default: bResult = _Save_Text (FileName, true , Separator); break;
-	case TABLE_FILETYPE_Text_NoHeadLine: bResult = _Save_Text (FileName, false, Separator); break;
-	case TABLE_FILETYPE_DBase          : bResult = _Save_DBase(FileName                  ); break;
+	case TABLE_FILETYPE_Text:   default: bResult = _Save_Text (File, true , Separator); break;
+	case TABLE_FILETYPE_Text_NoHeadLine: bResult = _Save_Text (File, false, Separator); break;
+	case TABLE_FILETYPE_DBase          : bResult = _Save_DBase(File                  ); break;
@@ -205,9 +210,9 @@ bool CSG_Table::Save(const CSG_String &FileName, int Format, SG_Char Separator,
-		Set_File_Name(FileName, true);
+		Set_File_Name(File, true);
-		Save_MetaData(FileName);
+		Save_MetaData(File);
 		SG_UI_Msg_Add(_TL("okay"), false, SG_UI_MSG_STYLE_SUCCESS);
@@ -283,11 +288,11 @@ size_t	CSG_Table::_Load_Text_EndQuote(const CSG_String &s, const SG_Char Separat
-bool CSG_Table::_Load_Text(const CSG_String &FileName, bool bHeadline, const SG_Char _Separator)
+bool CSG_Table::_Load_Text(const CSG_String &File, bool bHeadline, const SG_Char _Separator)
 	CSG_File Stream;
-	if( Stream.Open(FileName, SG_FILE_R, false, m_Encoding) == false )
+	if( Stream.Open(File, SG_FILE_R, false, m_Encoding) == false )
 		return( false );
@@ -312,7 +317,7 @@ bool CSG_Table::_Load_Text(const CSG_String &FileName, bool bHeadline, const SG_
 		Line.Remove(0, 1);
-	bool bCSV = SG_File_Cmp_Extension(FileName, "csv");
+	bool bCSV = SG_File_Cmp_Extension(File, "csv");
 	while( Line.is_Empty() || (bCSV && Line[0] == '#') ) // empty or comment
@@ -487,11 +492,11 @@ bool CSG_Table::_Load_Text(const CSG_String &FileName, bool bHeadline, const SG_
-bool CSG_Table::_Save_Text(const CSG_String &FileName, bool bHeadline, const SG_Char Separator)
+bool CSG_Table::_Save_Text(const CSG_String &File, bool bHeadline, const SG_Char Separator)
 	CSG_File Stream;
-	if( Get_Field_Count() <= 0 || Stream.Open(FileName, SG_FILE_W, false, m_Encoding) == false )
+	if( Get_Field_Count() <= 0 || Stream.Open(File, SG_FILE_W, false, m_Encoding) == false )
 		return( false );
@@ -549,19 +554,19 @@ bool CSG_Table::_Save_Text(const CSG_String &FileName, bool bHeadline, const SG_
-bool CSG_Table::_Load_DBase(const CSG_String &FileName)
+bool CSG_Table::_Load_DBase(const CSG_String &File)
 	CSG_Table_DBase dbf(m_Encoding);
-	return( dbf.Open_Read(FileName, this) );
+	return( dbf.Open_Read(File, this) );
-bool CSG_Table::_Save_DBase(const CSG_String &FileName)
+bool CSG_Table::_Save_DBase(const CSG_String &File)
 	CSG_Table_DBase dbf(m_Encoding);
-	return( dbf.Open_Write(FileName, this) );
+	return( dbf.Open_Write(File, this) );

@@ -365,28 +365,28 @@ bool CSG_TIN::Triangulate(bool bOn, bool bUpdate)
 bool CSG_TIN::Save(const CSG_String &File, int Format)
-	bool	bResult	= false;
+	if( File.is_Empty() )
+	{
+		return( *Get_File_Name(false) ? Save(Get_File_Name(false), Format) : false );
+	}
+	bool bResult = false;
 	if( Get_Triangle_Count() > 0 )
 		switch( Format )
-		case 0:	default:
-			{
-				CSG_Shapes	Points;
-				Points.Create(SHAPE_TYPE_Point, Get_Name(), this);
+		case 0:	default: {
+			CSG_Shapes Points(SHAPE_TYPE_Point, Get_Name(), this);
-				for(sLong i=0; i<Get_Node_Count(); i++)
-				{
-					CSG_TIN_Node	*pNode	= Get_Node(i);
+			for(sLong i=0; i<Get_Node_Count(); i++)
+			{
+				Points.Add_Shape(Get_Node(i))->Add_Point(Get_Node(i)->Get_Point());
+			}
-					Points.Add_Shape(pNode)->Add_Point(pNode->Get_Point());
-				}
+			bResult = Points.Save(File);
-				bResult	= Points.Save(File);
-			}
-			break;
+			break; }

@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
 .\" ========================================================================
 .IX Title "SAGA_CMD 1"
-.TH SAGA_CMD 1 "2021-07-07" "9.7.0" " "
+.TH SAGA_CMD 1 "2021-07-07" "9.7.1" " "
 .\" For nroff, turn off justification.  Always turn off hyphenation; it makes
 .\" way too many mistakes in technical documents.
 .if n .ad l

@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
 .\" ========================================================================
 .IX Title "SAGA_GUI 1"
-.TH SAGA_GUI 1 "2021-07-07" "9.7.0" " "
+.TH SAGA_GUI 1 "2021-07-07" "9.7.1" " "
 .\" For nroff, turn off justification.  Always turn off hyphenation; it makes
 .\" way too many mistakes in technical documents.
 .if n .ad l

@@ -316,10 +316,14 @@ bool CWKSP_Data_Menu_File::Open(int CmdID)
 		if( m_Type == Recent_Type::Folder )
-			return( g_pData->Open_Directory(m_Files[i]) );
+			g_pData->Open_Directory(m_Files[i]);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			g_pData->Open(wxString(m_Files[i]));
-		return( g_pData->Open(wxString(m_Files[i])) );
+		return( true );
 	return( false );

@@ -242,14 +242,13 @@ wxMenu * CWKSP_Grid::Get_Menu(void)
 	CMD_Menu_Add_Item(pSubMenu, false, ID_CMD_DATA_SCATTERPLOT);
 	CMD_Menu_Add_Item(pSubMenu, false, ID_CMD_DATA_SCATTERPLOT_3D);
-	pMenu->Append(ID_CMD_WKSP_FIRST, _TL("Selection"), pSubMenu = new wxMenu());
 	if( MDI_Get_Active_Map() && m_Edit_Attributes.Get_Count() > 0 )
+		pMenu->Append(ID_CMD_WKSP_FIRST, _TL("Selection"), pSubMenu = new wxMenu());
 		CMD_Menu_Add_Item(pSubMenu, false, ID_CMD_MAP_ZOOM_SELECTION);
 		CMD_Menu_Add_Item(pSubMenu, false, ID_CMD_MAP_PAN_SELECTION);
+		CMD_Menu_Add_Item(pSubMenu,  true, ID_CMD_DATA_SELECTION_CLEAR);
-	CMD_Menu_Add_Item(pSubMenu,  true, ID_CMD_DATA_SELECTION_CLEAR);
-	CMD_Menu_Add_Item(pSubMenu, false, ID_CMD_DATA_SELECTION_INVERT);
 	return( pMenu );
@@ -1185,13 +1184,13 @@ bool CWKSP_Grid::asImage(CSG_Grid *pImage)
 		#pragma omp parallel for
 		for(int y=0; y<pImage->Get_NY(); y++) for(int x=0; x<pImage->Get_NX(); x++)
-			if( Image.HasAlpha() )
+			if( Image.HasAlpha() && !Image.GetAlpha(x, y) )
-				pImage->Set_Value(x, y, SG_GET_RGBA(Image.GetRed(x, y), Image.GetGreen(x, y), Image.GetBlue(x, y), Image.GetAlpha(x, y)));
+				pImage->Set_NoData(x, y);
-				pImage->Set_Value(x, y, SG_GET_RGB (Image.GetRed(x, y), Image.GetGreen(x, y), Image.GetBlue(x, y)));
+				pImage->Set_Value(x, y, SG_GET_RGB(Image.GetRed(x, y), Image.GetGreen(x, y), Image.GetBlue(x, y)));

@@ -916,7 +916,7 @@ void CWKSP_Layer::_Set_Projection(void)
 		CSG_Projection new_CRS(pTool->Get_Parameter("CRS_WKT")->asString(), pTool->Get_Parameter("CRS_PROJ")->asString());
-		if( new_CRS.is_Okay() && (new_CRS != CRS || new_CRS.Get_Code() != CRS.Get_Code() || new_CRS.Get_Authority().CmpNoCase(CRS.Get_Authority())) )
+		if( new_CRS.is_Okay() && CRS.Get_WKT2().CmpNoCase(new_CRS.Get_WKT2()) )
 			CRS.Create(new_CRS); Get_Object()->Set_Modified();

@@ -295,15 +295,15 @@ bool CShapes2Grid::On_Execute(void)
-	CSG_Grid	Count;
+	CSG_Grid Count;
-	m_pCount	= m_Grid_Target.Get_Grid("COUNT", pShapes->Get_Count() < 256 ? SG_DATATYPE_Byte : SG_DATATYPE_Word);
+	m_pCount = m_Grid_Target.Get_Grid("COUNT", pShapes->Get_Count() < 256 ? SG_DATATYPE_Byte : SG_DATATYPE_Word);
 	if( m_pCount == NULL )
 		Count.Create(m_pGrid->Get_System(), SG_DATATYPE_Word);
-		m_pCount	= &Count;
+		m_pCount = &Count;
 	m_pCount->Fmt_Name("%s [%s]", pShapes->Get_Name(), _TL("Count"));
@@ -321,23 +321,16 @@ bool CShapes2Grid::On_Execute(void)
 			if( Field < 0 || !pShape->is_NoData(Field) )
-				if( pShape->Intersects(m_pGrid->Get_Extent()) )
+				if( pShape->Intersects(m_pGrid->Get_Extent(true)) )
-					double	Value	= Field >= 0 ? pShape->asDouble(Field) : Field == OUTPUT_INDEX ? i + 1 : 1;
+					double Value 	= Field >= 0 ? pShape->asDouble(Field) : Field == OUTPUT_INDEX ? i + 1 : 1;
 					switch( pShapes->Get_Type() )
-					case SHAPE_TYPE_Point:	case SHAPE_TYPE_Points:
-						Set_Points	(pShape, Value);
-						break;
-					case SHAPE_TYPE_Line:
-						Set_Line	(pShape, bFat, Value);
-						break;
-					case SHAPE_TYPE_Polygon:
-						Set_Polygon	(pShape, bFat, Value);
-						break;
+					case SHAPE_TYPE_Point  :
+					case SHAPE_TYPE_Points : Set_Points (pShape      , Value); break;
+					case SHAPE_TYPE_Line   : Set_Line   (pShape, bFat, Value); break;
+					case SHAPE_TYPE_Polygon: Set_Polygon(pShape, bFat, Value); break;
@@ -371,46 +364,46 @@ bool CShapes2Grid::On_Execute(void)
 inline void CShapes2Grid::Set_Value(int x, int y, double Value, bool bCheckDuplicates)
-	if( bCheckDuplicates )
+	if( m_pGrid->is_InGrid(x, y, false) )
-		sLong n = y * m_pGrid->Get_NX() + x;
-		if( !m_Cells_On_Shape.insert(n).second )
+		if( bCheckDuplicates )
-			return;		// this cell has already been rendered for this shape
+			sLong n = y * m_pGrid->Get_NX() + x;
+			if( !m_Cells_On_Shape.insert(n).second )
+			{
+				return; // this cell has already been rendered for this shape
+			}
-	}
-	if( m_pGrid->is_InGrid(x, y, false) )
-	{
 		if( m_pCount->asInt(x, y) == 0 )
 			m_pGrid->Set_Value(x, y, Value);
 		else switch( m_Multiple )
-		default:	// first
+		default : // first
-		case  1:	// last
+		case  1: // last
 			m_pGrid->Set_Value(x, y, Value);
-		case  2:	// minimum
+		case  2: // minimum
 			if( m_pGrid->asDouble(x, y) > Value )
 				m_pGrid->Set_Value(x, y, Value);
-		case  3:	// maximum
+		case  3: // maximum
 			if( m_pGrid->asDouble(x, y) < Value )
 				m_pGrid->Set_Value(x, y, Value);
-		case  4:	// mean
+		case  4: // mean
 			m_pGrid->Add_Value(x, y, Value);
@@ -431,12 +424,11 @@ void CShapes2Grid::Set_Points(CSG_Shape *pShape, double Value)
 		for(int iPoint=0; iPoint<pShape->Get_Point_Count(iPart); iPoint++)
-			TSG_Point	p	= pShape->Get_Point(iPoint, iPart);
+			TSG_Point p = pShape->Get_Point(iPoint, iPart);
-				(int)(0.5 + X_WORLD_TO_GRID(p.x)),
-				(int)(0.5 + Y_WORLD_TO_GRID(p.y)), Value,
-				false
+				m_pGrid->Get_System().Get_xWorld_to_Grid(p.x),
+				m_pGrid->Get_System().Get_yWorld_to_Grid(p.y), Value, false

@@ -279,7 +279,10 @@ int CGrid_Export::On_Parameters_Enable(CSG_Parameters *pParameters, CSG_Paramete
 	if( pParameter->Cmp_Identifier("GRID") )
-		pParameters->Set_Enabled("FILE_KML"     , pParameter->asPointer() && pParameter->asGrid()->Get_Projection().Get_Type() == ESG_CRS_Type::Geographic);
+		pParameters->Set_Enabled("FILE_KML"     , pParameter->asPointer() &&
+			(  pParameter->asGrid()->Get_Projection().is_Geographic()
+			|| pParameter->asGrid()->Get_Projection().is_Geodetic  ())
+		);
 	if( pParameter->Cmp_Identifier("FILE") )
@@ -414,7 +417,7 @@ bool CGrid_Export::On_Execute(void)
 		if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(File, "pcx") ) { wxImage::AddHandler(pHandler = new wxPCXHandler ); } else
 		if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(File, "tif") ) { wxImage::AddHandler(pHandler = new wxTIFFHandler); } else
 		if( SG_File_Cmp_Extension(File, "gif") ) { wxImage::AddHandler(pHandler = new wxGIFHandler ); } else
-												{ wxImage::AddHandler(pHandler = new wxPNGHandler ); }
+		                                         { wxImage::AddHandler(pHandler = new wxPNGHandler ); }
 	bool bOkay = Image.SaveFile(File.c_str());
@@ -461,7 +464,7 @@ bool CGrid_Export::On_Execute(void)
-	if( Parameters("FILE_KML")->asBool() && Parameters("GRID")->asGrid()->Get_Projection().is_Geographic() )
+	if( Parameters("FILE_KML")->asBool() && (Parameters("GRID")->asGrid()->Get_Projection().is_Geographic() || Parameters("GRID")->asGrid()->Get_Projection().is_Geodetic()) )
 		CSG_MetaData KML; KML.Set_Name("kml"); KML.Add_Property("xmlns", "http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2");
@@ -626,7 +629,7 @@ bool CGrid_Export::Set_RGB(CSG_Grid &Grid, CSG_Grid &RGB)
-			RGB.Set_Value(x, y, Grid.asDouble(x, yy));
+			RGB.Set_Value(x, y, Grid.asInt(x, yy));

@@ -72,20 +72,11 @@ CGrid_to_KML::CGrid_to_KML(void)
 		"coordinate system, if its projection is known and not geographic. "
-	Parameters.Add_Grid("",
-		"GRID"		, _TL("Grid"),
-		_TL(""),
-	);
-	Parameters.Add_Grid("",
-		"SHADE"		, _TL("Shade"),
-		_TL(""),
-	);
+	Parameters.Add_Grid("", "GRID" , _TL("Grid" ), _TL(""), PARAMETER_INPUT);
+	Parameters.Add_Grid("", "SHADE", _TL("Shade"), _TL(""), PARAMETER_INPUT_OPTIONAL);
-		"FILE"		, _TL("File"),
+		"FILE"     , _TL("File"),
 		CSG_String::Format("%s (*.kmz)|*.kmz|%s (*.kml)|*.kml",
 			_TL("Compressed Keyhole Markup Language Files"),
@@ -94,7 +85,7 @@ CGrid_to_KML::CGrid_to_KML(void)
-		"FORMAT"	, _TL("Image Format"),
+		"FORMAT"   , _TL("Image Format"),
 			_TL("Portable Network Graphics"),
@@ -108,7 +99,7 @@ CGrid_to_KML::CGrid_to_KML(void)
 	if( has_GUI() )
-			"COLOURING"		, _TL("Colouring"),
+			"COLOURING"  , _TL("Colors"),
 				_TL("stretch to grid's standard deviation"),
@@ -121,14 +112,14 @@ CGrid_to_KML::CGrid_to_KML(void)
-			"COL_PALETTE"	, _TL("Colours Palette"),
+			"COL_PALETTE", _TL("Color Ramp"),
-			"COLOURING"		, _TL("Colouring"),
+			"COLOURING"		, _TL("Colors"),
 				_TL("stretch to grid's standard deviation"),
@@ -140,48 +131,35 @@ CGrid_to_KML::CGrid_to_KML(void)
-			"COL_PALETTE"	, _TL("Color Palette"),
-			_TL(""),
-			CSG_String::Format("%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s",
-				_TL("DEFAULT"       ),	_TL("DEFAULT_BRIGHT" ),	_TL("BLACK_WHITE"   ),	_TL("BLACK_RED"     ),
-				_TL("BLACK_GREEN"   ),	_TL("BLACK_BLUE"     ),	_TL("WHITE_RED"     ),	_TL("WHITE_GREEN"   ),
-				_TL("WHITE_BLUE"    ),	_TL("YELLOW_RED"     ),	_TL("YELLOW_GREEN"  ),	_TL("YELLOW_BLUE"   ),
-				_TL("RED_GREEN"     ),	_TL("RED_BLUE"       ),	_TL("GREEN_BLUE"    ),	_TL("RED_GREY_BLUE" ),
-				_TL("GREEN_RED_BLUE"),	_TL("RAINBOW"        ),	_TL("NEON"          ),	_TL("TOPOGRAPHY"    ),
-				_TL("ASPECT_1"      ),	_TL("ASPECT_2"       ),	_TL("ASPECT_3"      )
-			), 0
-		);
-		Parameters.Add_Int("",
-			"COL_COUNT"		, _TL("Number of Colors"),
+			"COL_PALETTE"	, _TL("Color Ramp"),
-			100
+			"DEFAULT"        "|DEFAULT_BRIGHT"  "|BLACK_WHITE"    "|BLACK_RED"     "|"
+			"BLACK_GREEN"    "|BLACK_BLUE"      "|WHITE_RED"      "|WHITE_GREEN"   "|"
+			"WHITE_BLUE"     "|YELLOW_RED"      "|YELLOW_GREEN"   "|YELLOW_BLUE"   "|"
+			"RED_GREEN"      "|RED_BLUE"        "|GREEN_BLUE"     "|RED_GREY_BLUE" "|"
+			"GREEN_RED_BLUE" "|RAINBOW"         "|NEON"           "|TOPOGRAPHY"    "|"
+			"ASPECT_1"       "|ASPECT_2"        "|ASPECT_3"       "|"
-		Parameters.Add_Bool("",
-			"COL_REVERT"	, _TL("Revert Palette"),
-			_TL(""),
-			false
-		);
+		Parameters.Add_Int ("", "COL_COUNT" , _TL("Number of Colors"), _TL(""), 100);
+		Parameters.Add_Bool("", "COL_REVERT", _TL("Invert Ramp"     ), _TL(""), false);
-		"STDDEV"	, _TL("Standard Deviation"),
+		"STDDEV"   , _TL("Standard Deviation"),
 		2., 0., true
-		"STRETCH"	, _TL("Stretch to Value Range"),
+		"STRETCH"  , _TL("Stretch to Value Range"),
         0., 100.
-	CSG_Table	*pLUT	= Parameters.Add_FixedTable("", "LUT", _TL("Lookup Table"), _TL(""))->asTable();
-	pLUT->Set_Name(_TL("Table"));
+	CSG_Table *pLUT = Parameters.Add_FixedTable("", "LUT", _TL("Lookup Table"), _TL(""))->asTable();
 	pLUT->Add_Field("Color"      , SG_DATATYPE_Color );
 	pLUT->Add_Field("Name"       , SG_DATATYPE_String);
@@ -231,7 +209,7 @@ int CGrid_to_KML::On_Parameters_Enable(CSG_Parameters *pParameters, CSG_Paramete
 	if(	pParameter->Cmp_Identifier("GRID") || pParameter->Cmp_Identifier("COLOURING") )
-		CSG_Grid	*pGrid	= pParameters->Get_Parameter("GRID")->asGrid();
+		CSG_Grid *pGrid = pParameters->Get_Parameter("GRID")->asGrid();
 			pGrid && pGrid->Get_Projection().Get_Type() == ESG_CRS_Type::Projection && pParameters->Get_Parameter("COLOURING")->asInt() < 4
@@ -257,7 +235,7 @@ bool CGrid_to_KML::On_Execute(void)
 	int Method = Parameters("COLOURING")->asInt();
-	if( Method == 5 )	// same as in graphical user interface
+	if( Method == 5 ) // same as in graphical user interface
 		if( !SG_UI_DataObject_asImage(pGrid, &Image) )
@@ -270,7 +248,7 @@ bool CGrid_to_KML::On_Execute(void)
 		pGrid  = &Image;
-		Method = 4;	// rgb coded values
+		Method = 4; // rgb coded values
@@ -278,7 +256,7 @@ bool CGrid_to_KML::On_Execute(void)
 		Message_Add(_TL("layer uses undefined coordinate system, assuming geographic coordinates"));
-	else if( pGrid->Get_Projection().Get_Type() != ESG_CRS_Type::Geographic )
+	else if( !(pGrid->Get_Projection().is_Geographic() || pGrid->Get_Projection().is_Geodetic()) )
 		Message_Fmt("\n%s (%s: %s)\n", _TL("re-projection to geographic coordinates"), _TL("original"), pGrid->Get_Projection().Get_Name().c_str());
@@ -291,9 +269,9 @@ bool CGrid_to_KML::On_Execute(void)
-		if( pTool->Set_Parameter("CRS_WKT"   , CSG_Projection::Get_GCS_WGS84().Get_WKT2())
-		&&  pTool->Set_Parameter("CRS_PROJ"  , CSG_Projection::Get_GCS_WGS84().Get_PROJ())
-		&&  pTool->Set_Parameter("RESAMPLING", Method < 4 && Parameters("RESAMPLING")->asBool() ? 4 : 0)
+		if( pTool->Set_Parameter("CRS_STRING", CSG_Projection::Get_GCS_WGS84().Get_WKT())
+		&&  pTool->Set_Parameter("RESAMPLING", Parameters("RESAMPLING")->asBool() ? 3 : 0)
+		&&  pTool->Set_Parameter("BYTEWISE"  , Method == 4)
 		&&  pTool->Set_Parameter("SOURCE"    , pGrid)
 		&&  pTool->Execute() )

@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ bool CTiles_Provider::Provide_Tiles(const CSG_String &Directory, CSG_Rect Extent
 int CTiles_Provider::Provide_Tile(const CSG_String &Directory, int Col, int Row, bool DeleteArchive)
-	CSG_String File = Get_Tile_Name(Col, Row) + "." + m_Grid_Extension;
+	CSG_String File = Get_Tile_File(Col, Row);
 	CSG_String Local_File = SG_File_Make_Path(Directory, File);
@@ -468,6 +468,8 @@ int CTiles_Provider::Provide_Tile(const CSG_String &Directory, int Col, int Row,
 	CSG_String Archive_Name = Get_Tile_Archive(Col, Row);
 	CSG_String Archive_File = SG_File_Make_Path(Directory, Archive_Name);
+	Message_Fmt("\n%s: %s%s...", _TL("requesting file"), m_ServerPath.c_str(), Archive_Name.c_str());
 	if( !SG_File_Exists(Archive_File) )
 		Process_Set_Text("%s: %s...", File.c_str(), _TL("downloading"));
@@ -477,14 +479,14 @@ int CTiles_Provider::Provide_Tile(const CSG_String &Directory, int Col, int Row,
 		CSG_CURL Connection(m_ServerPath, Username, Password);
-		Message_Fmt("\n%s: %s%s", _TL("requesting file"), m_ServerPath.c_str(), Archive_Name.c_str());
-		SG_UI_Process_Set_Busy(true, CSG_String::Format("%s: %s%s...", _TL("Downloading"), m_ServerPath.c_str(), Archive_Name.c_str()));
+		SG_UI_Process_Set_Busy(true, CSG_String::Format("%s: %s%s...", _TL("downloading"), m_ServerPath.c_str(), Archive_Name.c_str()));
 		if( !Connection.Request(Archive_Name, Archive_File.c_str()) )
+			Message_Fmt(_TL("failed"));
 			Error_Fmt("%s:\n\n%s%s", _TL("failed to request file from server"), m_ServerPath.c_str(), Archive_Name.c_str());
 			return( -1 );
@@ -498,9 +500,9 @@ int CTiles_Provider::Provide_Tile(const CSG_String &Directory, int Col, int Row,
 	CSG_Archive Archive(Archive_File);
-	if( !Archive.is_Open() || !Archive.Extract(Get_Tile_Archive_File(Col, Row)) )
+	if( !Archive.Extract(Get_Tile_Archive_File(Col, Row)) )
-		Error_Fmt("%s: %s", _TL("failed to extract file"), Get_Tile_Archive_File(Col, Row).c_str());
+		Message_Fmt("\n%s: %s", _TL("failed to extract file"), Get_Tile_Archive_File(Col, Row).c_str());
 		if( DeleteArchive )
@@ -510,12 +512,16 @@ int CTiles_Provider::Provide_Tile(const CSG_String &Directory, int Col, int Row,
 		return( -1 );
+	On_Provide_Tile(Col, Row, Archive);
 	if( DeleteArchive )
 		Archive.Close(); SG_File_Delete(Archive_File);
+	Message_Fmt(_TL("okay"));
 	return( 1 );
@@ -625,21 +631,21 @@ CSG_Rect_Int CSRTM_CGIAR::Get_Tiles(const CSG_Rect &_Extent) const
-CSG_String CSRTM_CGIAR::Get_Tile_Name(int Col, int Row) const
+CSG_String CSRTM_CGIAR::Get_Tile_File(int Col, int Row) const
-	return( CSG_String::Format("srtm_%02d_%02d", 1 + Col, 1 + Row) );
+	return( CSG_String::Format("srtm_%02d_%02d.tif", 1 + Col, 1 + Row) );
 CSG_String CSRTM_CGIAR::Get_Tile_Archive(int Col, int Row) const
-	return( Get_Tile_Name(Col, Row) + ".zip" );
+	return( CSG_String::Format("srtm_%02d_%02d.zip", 1 + Col, 1 + Row) );
 CSG_String CSRTM_CGIAR::Get_Tile_Archive_File(int Col, int Row) const
-	return( Get_Tile_Name(Col, Row) + ".tif" );
+	return( CSG_String::Format("srtm_%02d_%02d.tif", 1 + Col, 1 + Row) );
@@ -717,10 +723,14 @@ CSG_String CSRTM_USGS::Get_Tile_Name(int Col, int Row) const
-CSG_String CSRTM_USGS::Get_Tile_Archive(int Col, int Row) const
+CSG_String CSRTM_USGS::Get_Tile_File(int Col, int Row) const
-	// http://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/MEASURES/SRTMGL1.003/2000.02.11/S56W180.SRTMGL1.hgt.zip
+	return( Get_Tile_Name(Col, Row) + ".tif" );
+CSG_String CSRTM_USGS::Get_Tile_Archive(int Col, int Row) const
 	return( Get_Tile_Name(Col, Row) + ".hgt.zip" );
@@ -758,8 +768,9 @@ CCopernicus_DEM::CCopernicus_DEM(void)
-	// https://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/MEASURES/SRTMGL1.003/2000.02.11/N51E009.SRTMGL1.hgt.zip
+	Parameters.Add_Bool("TILES", "MASK", _TL("Water Mask"), _TL("Applies ocean water mask."), true);
+	//-----------------------------------------------------
 	m_ServerPath     = "https://prism-dem-open.copernicus.eu/pd-desk-open-access/prismDownload/COP-DEM_GLO-30-DGED__2022_1/";
 	m_Grid_Name      = "Copernicus DEM";
@@ -797,6 +808,12 @@ CSG_String CCopernicus_DEM::Get_Tile_Name(int Col, int Row) const
+CSG_String CCopernicus_DEM::Get_Tile_File(int Col, int Row) const
+	return( Get_Tile_Name(Col, Row) + "_DEM.tif" );
 CSG_String CCopernicus_DEM::Get_Tile_Archive(int Col, int Row) const
@@ -806,13 +823,68 @@ CSG_String CCopernicus_DEM::Get_Tile_Archive(int Col, int Row) const
 CSG_String CCopernicus_DEM::Get_Tile_Archive_File(int Col, int Row) const
-	#ifdef _SAGA_MSW
-		return( Get_Tile_Name(Col, Row) + "\\DEM\\" + Get_Tile_Name(Col, Row) + "_DEM.tif" );
-	#else
-		return( Get_Tile_Name(Col, Row) + "/DEM/" + Get_Tile_Name(Col, Row) + "_DEM.tif" );
-	#endif
+#ifdef _SAGA_MSW
+	return( Get_Tile_Name(Col, Row) + "\\DEM\\" + Get_Tile_File(Col, Row) );
+	return( Get_Tile_Name(Col, Row) +  "/DEM/"  + Get_Tile_File(Col, Row) );
+bool CCopernicus_DEM::On_Provide_Tile(int Col, int Row, CSG_Archive &Archive)
+	if( !Parameters["MASK"].asBool() )
+	{
+		return( true );
+	}
+	CSG_Grid DEM, Mask; CSG_String Name(Get_Tile_Name(Col, Row)), Directory(SG_File_Get_Path(Archive.Get_Archive()));
+	Process_Set_Text("%s: %s...", Name.c_str(), _TL("masking"));
+	SG_UI_ProgressAndMsg_Lock(true);
+	if( DEM.Create(SG_File_Make_Path(Directory, Name + "_DEM.tif")) )
+	{
+		#ifdef _SAGA_MSW
+		CSG_String File(Name + "\\AUXFILES\\" + Name + "_WBM.tif" );
+		#else
+		CSG_String File(Name +  "/AUXFILES/"  + Name + "_WBM.tif" );
+		#endif
+		if( Archive.Extract(File) )
+		{
+			File = SG_File_Make_Path(Directory, Name + "_WBM.tif");
+			if( Mask.Create(File) && Mask.Get_System() == DEM.Get_System() )
+			{
+				for(sLong i=0; i<DEM.Get_NCells(); i++)
+				{
+					if( Mask.asInt(i) == 1 )
+					{
+						DEM.Set_NoData(i);
+					}
+				}
+				DEM.Save("");
+				SG_File_Delete(File);
+				SG_UI_ProgressAndMsg_Lock(false);
+				return( true );
+			}
+			SG_File_Delete(File);
+		}
+	}
+	SG_UI_ProgressAndMsg_Lock(false);
+	return( false );
 //														 //

@@ -91,10 +91,12 @@ protected:
 	virtual bool				On_Execute				(void);
 	virtual CSG_Rect_Int		Get_Tiles				(const CSG_Rect &Extent) const = 0;
-	virtual CSG_String			Get_Tile_Name			(int Col, int Row)       const = 0;
+	virtual CSG_String			Get_Tile_File			(int Col, int Row)       const = 0;
 	virtual CSG_String			Get_Tile_Archive		(int Col, int Row)       const = 0;
 	virtual CSG_String			Get_Tile_Archive_File	(int Col, int Row)       const = 0;
+	virtual bool				On_Provide_Tile			(int Col, int Row, CSG_Archive &Archive) { return( true ); }
@@ -123,7 +125,7 @@ public:
 	virtual CSG_Rect_Int		Get_Tiles				(const CSG_Rect &Extent) const;
-	virtual CSG_String			Get_Tile_Name			(int Col, int Row)       const;
+	virtual CSG_String			Get_Tile_File			(int Col, int Row)       const;
 	virtual CSG_String			Get_Tile_Archive		(int Col, int Row)       const;
 	virtual CSG_String			Get_Tile_Archive_File	(int Col, int Row)       const;
@@ -144,10 +146,15 @@ public:
 	virtual CSG_Rect_Int		Get_Tiles				(const CSG_Rect &Extent) const;
-	virtual CSG_String			Get_Tile_Name			(int Col, int Row)       const;
+	virtual CSG_String			Get_Tile_File			(int Col, int Row)       const;
 	virtual CSG_String			Get_Tile_Archive		(int Col, int Row)       const;
 	virtual CSG_String			Get_Tile_Archive_File	(int Col, int Row)       const;
+	CSG_String					Get_Tile_Name			(int Col, int Row)       const;
@@ -165,10 +172,17 @@ public:
 	virtual CSG_Rect_Int		Get_Tiles				(const CSG_Rect &Extent) const;
-	virtual CSG_String			Get_Tile_Name			(int Col, int Row)       const;
+	virtual CSG_String			Get_Tile_File			(int Col, int Row)       const;
 	virtual CSG_String			Get_Tile_Archive		(int Col, int Row)       const;
 	virtual CSG_String			Get_Tile_Archive_File	(int Col, int Row)       const;
+	virtual bool				On_Provide_Tile			(int Col, int Row, CSG_Archive &Archive);
+	CSG_String					Get_Tile_Name			(int Col, int Row)       const;

@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ bool CGrid_Statistics_AddTo_Polygon::Get_Simple_Index(CSG_Shapes *pPolygons, CSG
 					if( bFill )
-						Index.Set_Value(x, y, iShape);
+						Index.Set_Value(x, y, (double)iShape);

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
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