[Git][debian-gis-team/mapserver][upstream] New upstream version 8.4.0

Bas Couwenberg (@sebastic) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Wed Jan 15 15:10:40 GMT 2025

Bas Couwenberg pushed to branch upstream at Debian GIS Project / mapserver

7c3bce3a by Bas Couwenberg at 2025-01-15T15:48:41+01:00
New upstream version 8.4.0
- - - - -

4 changed files:

- + CITATION.cff
- CMakeLists.txt


@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+cff-version: 1.2.0
+title: MapServer
+message: If you use this software, please cite it using the metadata from this file.
+version: 8.4.0
+date-released: 2025-01-15
+abstract: MapServer is an Open Source platform for publishing spatial data and interactive mapping applications to the web.
+type: software
+  - family-names: McKenna
+    given-names: Jeff
+    affiliation: GatewayGeo
+    orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3900-1863
+  - family-names: Lime
+    given-names: Steve
+    affiliation: MNIT DNR
+  - family-names: Bonfort
+    given-names: Thomas
+    affiliation: Airbus
+  - family-names: Boué
+    given-names: Jérome
+  - family-names: Butler
+    given-names: Howard
+    affiliation: Hobu Inc
+    orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5340-1380
+  - family-names: Girvin
+    given-names: Seth
+    affiliation: Geographika
+  - family-names: Kralidis
+    given-names: Tom
+  - family-names: Meissl
+    given-names: Stephan
+    affiliation: EOX
+    orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1407-8859
+  - family-names: Morissette
+    given-names: Daniel
+    affiliation: Mapgears
+  - family-names: Nacionales
+    given-names: Perry
+    affiliation: University of Minnesota
+  - family-names: Rahkonen
+    given-names: Jukka
+    affiliation: National Land Survey of Finland
+  - family-names: Rouault
+    given-names: Even
+    affiliation: Spatialys
+    orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5068-0476
+  - family-names: Smith
+    given-names: Mike
+    affiliation: US Army Corps of Engineers
+  - family-names: Szekeres
+    given-names: Tamas 
+repository-code: https://github.com/MapServer/MapServer
+license: MIT
+doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6994443
+  - web
+  - geospatial
+  - software
+  - ogc
+  - standards
+  - gdal
+  - open source
+  - free software
+  - MIT

@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ include(CheckCSourceCompiles)
 set (MapServer_VERSION_MAJOR 8)
 set (MapServer_VERSION_MINOR 4)
 set (MapServer_VERSION_REVISION 0)
-set (MapServer_VERSION_SUFFIX "-rc1")
+set (MapServer_VERSION_SUFFIX "")
 # Set C++ version
 # Make CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD available as cache option overridable by user

@@ -13,6 +13,12 @@ https://mapserver.org/development/changelog/
 The online Migration Guide can be found at https://mapserver.org/MIGRATION_GUIDE.html
+8.4.0 release (2025-01-15)
+- add CITATION.cff, useful for Zenodo/DOI (#7209)
+(see major changes below)
 8.4.0-rc1 release (2025-01-08)

@@ -13,17 +13,18 @@ submissions, when describing the vulnerability (see https://mapserver.org/develo
 The MapServer PSC (Project Steering Committee) will release patches for security vulnerabilities 
 for the last release branch of the **two most recent release series** (such as 8.x, 7.x, 6.x, etc..., 
 where "x" is the most recent release in the series, such as: 7.6.6 being supported, but 
-not 7.6.5).  For example, once 8.4 is released, support for 8.2 will be dropped.
+not 7.6.5).  For example, once 8.6 is released, support for 8.4 will be dropped.
 Patches will only be provided **for a period of three years** from the release date of the current series.
-For example, as 8.2 has been released, now 8.2.x, and 7.6.x will be supported/patched, and 7.6.x will
+For example, as 8.4 has been released, now 8.4.x, and 7.6.x will be supported/patched, and 7.6.x will
 only be supported for three years from the date of the 8.0 series release (until 2025-09-12).
 Currently, the following versions are supported:
 | Version | Supported          | Support Until |
 | ------- | ------------------ |-------------- |
-| 8.2.x   | :white_check_mark: |               |
+| 8.4.x   | :white_check_mark: |               |
+| 8.2.x   | :x:                |               |
 | 8.0.x   | :x:                |               |
 | 7.6.x   | :white_check_mark: | 2025-09-12    |
 | 7.4.x   | :x:                |               |
@@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ Currently, the following versions are supported:
 | 6.4.x   | :x:                |               |
 | < 6.4   | :x:                |               |
+- _MapServer 8.4.0 was released on 2025-01-15_
 - _MapServer 8.2.0 was released on 2024-07-08_
 - _MapServer 8.0.0 was released on 2022-09-12_
 - _MapServer 7.0.0 was released on 2015-07-24_

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/mapserver/-/commit/7c3bce3ac15de74cd859489635d3c4917a593904

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/mapserver/-/commit/7c3bce3ac15de74cd859489635d3c4917a593904
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