[Git][debian-gis-team/proj][experimental] 2 commits: Drop spelling-errors.patch, upstream unwilling to patch EPSG data.

Bas Couwenberg (@sebastic) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Mon Mar 10 16:50:33 GMT 2025

Bas Couwenberg pushed to branch experimental at Debian GIS Project / proj

41dc7d40 by Bas Couwenberg at 2025-03-10T08:25:44+01:00
Drop spelling-errors.patch, upstream unwilling to patch EPSG data.

See: https://github.com/OSGeo/PROJ/pull/4417#issuecomment-2709550762

- - - - -
f8b64171 by Bas Couwenberg at 2025-03-10T17:50:23+01:00
Mark bash-completion.patch as Applied-Upstream.

- - - - -

5 changed files:

- debian/changelog
- debian/libproj25.lintian-overrides
- debian/patches/bash-completion.patch
- debian/patches/series
- − debian/patches/spelling-errors.patch


@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+proj (9.6.0~rc1-1~exp2) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+  * Drop spelling-errors.patch, upstream unwilling to patch EPSG data.
+    See: https://github.com/OSGeo/PROJ/pull/4417#issuecomment-2709550762
+ -- Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org>  Mon, 10 Mar 2025 08:17:56 +0100
 proj (9.6.0~rc1-1~exp1) experimental; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release candidate.

@@ -9,3 +9,7 @@ spelling-error-in-binary lon long *
 # False positive on: Quang Nam province
 spelling-error-in-binary Nam Name *
+# Upstream unwilling to patch EPSG data
+spelling-error-in-binary infomation information *
+spelling-error-in-binary positon position *

@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ Description: Remove hashbang from bash completion.
  Completions are meant to be sourced, not executed.
 Author: Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org>
 Forwarded: https://github.com/OSGeo/PROJ/pull/4416
+Applied-Upstream: https://github.com/OSGeo/PROJ/commit/c5a266d8f665887107f4fcc1446fca078bc733d8
 --- a/scripts/projinfo-bash-completion.sh
 +++ b/scripts/projinfo-bash-completion.sh

@@ -1,2 +1 @@

debian/patches/spelling-errors.patch deleted
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-Description: Fix spelling errors.
- * infomation -> information
- * positon    -> position
-Author: Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org>
-Forwarded: https://github.com/OSGeo/PROJ/pull/4417
---- a/data/sql/helmert_transformation.sql
-+++ b/data/sql/helmert_transformation.sql
-@@ -2603,7 +2603,7 @@ INSERT INTO "helmert_transformation" VAL
- INSERT INTO "usage" VALUES('EPSG','19536','helmert_transformation','EPSG','10264','EPSG','1026','EPSG','1252');
- INSERT INTO "helmert_transformation" VALUES('EPSG','10292','ETRS89/DREF91/2016 to ETRF2000 (1)','Accuracy 4.1mm N, 3.3mm E, 10.6mm up.','EPSG','1033','Position Vector transformation (geocentric domain)','EPSG','10282','EPSG','7930',0.1,0.0,0.0,0.0,'EPSG','9001',0.658,-0.208,0.755,'EPSG','1031',0.0,'EPSG','1028',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'AdV-Deu 2016',0);
- INSERT INTO "usage" VALUES('EPSG','19279','helmert_transformation','EPSG','10292','EPSG','1103','EPSG','1027');
--INSERT INTO "helmert_transformation" VALUES('EPSG','10296','Nord Sahara 1959 to WGS 84 (11)','Given by infomation source in direction WGS 84 to Nord Sahara 1959. Defines official relationship between WGS 84 and national geodetic system; epoch unspecified. Derived at approximately 40 points in northern Algeria; accuracy applies only to this area.','EPSG','9606','Position Vector transformation (geog2D domain)','EPSG','4307','EPSG','4326',1.0,-267.407,-47.068,446.357,'EPSG','9001',-0.179423,5.577661,-1.27762,'EPSG','9104',1.204866,'EPSG','9202',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'INCT-Dza 2022',0);
-+INSERT INTO "helmert_transformation" VALUES('EPSG','10296','Nord Sahara 1959 to WGS 84 (11)','Given by information source in direction WGS 84 to Nord Sahara 1959. Defines official relationship between WGS 84 and national geodetic system; epoch unspecified. Derived at approximately 40 points in northern Algeria; accuracy applies only to this area.','EPSG','9606','Position Vector transformation (geog2D domain)','EPSG','4307','EPSG','4326',1.0,-267.407,-47.068,446.357,'EPSG','9001',-0.179423,5.577661,-1.27762,'EPSG','9104',1.204866,'EPSG','9202',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'INCT-Dza 2022',0);
- INSERT INTO "usage" VALUES('EPSG','19518','helmert_transformation','EPSG','10296','EPSG','1026','EPSG','1026');
- INSERT INTO "helmert_transformation" VALUES('EPSG','10321','RGNC91-93 to RGNC15 (1)','See RGNC91-93 to RGNC15 (2) (transformation code 10322) for authoritative transformation between these CRSs. This transformation is used only as the standard transformation T0 within that transformation.','EPSG','9603','Geocentric translations (geog2D domain)','EPSG','10307','EPSG','10312',1.0,-0.584,-1.117,1.125,'EPSG','9001',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'BGN-Ncl 1m',0);
- INSERT INTO "usage" VALUES('EPSG','19653','helmert_transformation','EPSG','10321','EPSG','3430','EPSG','1041');
---- a/data/sql/concatenated_operation.sql
-+++ b/data/sql/concatenated_operation.sql
-@@ -371,9 +371,9 @@ INSERT INTO "concatenated_operation" VAL
- INSERT INTO "usage" VALUES('EPSG','10723','concatenated_operation','EPSG','8631','EPSG','2590','EPSG','1136');
- INSERT INTO "concatenated_operation" VALUES('EPSG','8632','Kousseri to WGS 84 (1)','','EPSG','4198','EPSG','4326',6.0,'EPSG-Cmr',0);
- INSERT INTO "usage" VALUES('EPSG','10724','concatenated_operation','EPSG','8632','EPSG','2591','EPSG','1136');
--INSERT INTO "concatenated_operation" VALUES('EPSG','8633','Yoff to WGS 84 (1)','Derived via WGS72. Can be used as a single positon vector transformation with parameter vaues of dX = -37 m, dY = +157 m, dZ = +89.5 m, rX = rY = 0 sec, rZ = 0.554 sec, dS = 0.219 ppm','EPSG','4310','EPSG','4326',26.0,'EPSG-SEN',0);
-+INSERT INTO "concatenated_operation" VALUES('EPSG','8633','Yoff to WGS 84 (1)','Derived via WGS72. Can be used as a single position vector transformation with parameter vaues of dX = -37 m, dY = +157 m, dZ = +89.5 m, rX = rY = 0 sec, rZ = 0.554 sec, dS = 0.219 ppm','EPSG','4310','EPSG','4326',26.0,'EPSG-SEN',0);
- INSERT INTO "usage" VALUES('EPSG','10725','concatenated_operation','EPSG','8633','EPSG','1207','EPSG','1160');
--INSERT INTO "concatenated_operation" VALUES('EPSG','8634','Beduaram to WGS 84 (1)','Derived via WGS72BE. Can be used as a single positon vector transformation with parameter vaues of dX = -101 m, dY = -111 m, dZ = +188.9 m, rX = rY = 0 sec, rZ = 0.814 sec, dS = -0.38 ppm','EPSG','4213','EPSG','4326',16.0,'ELF-Ner SE',0);
-+INSERT INTO "concatenated_operation" VALUES('EPSG','8634','Beduaram to WGS 84 (1)','Derived via WGS72BE. Can be used as a single position vector transformation with parameter vaues of dX = -101 m, dY = -111 m, dZ = +188.9 m, rX = rY = 0 sec, rZ = 0.814 sec, dS = -0.38 ppm','EPSG','4213','EPSG','4326',16.0,'ELF-Ner SE',0);
- INSERT INTO "usage" VALUES('EPSG','10726','concatenated_operation','EPSG','8634','EPSG','2771','EPSG','1136');
- INSERT INTO "concatenated_operation" VALUES('EPSG','8635','NAD27 to NAD83(CSRS) (3)','Can be taken as an approximate transformation NAD27 to WGS 84 - see code 8585.','EPSG','4267','EPSG','4617',2.5,'EPSG-Can AB',1);
- INSERT INTO "usage" VALUES('EPSG','10727','concatenated_operation','EPSG','8635','EPSG','2376','EPSG','1151');
-@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ INSERT INTO "concatenated_operation" VAL
- INSERT INTO "usage" VALUES('EPSG','10736','concatenated_operation','EPSG','8644','EPSG','3254','EPSG','1045');
- INSERT INTO "concatenated_operation" VALUES('EPSG','8645','MGI (Ferro) to WGS 84 (2)','','EPSG','4805','EPSG','4326',NULL,'BEV-Aut',1);
- INSERT INTO "usage" VALUES('EPSG','10737','concatenated_operation','EPSG','8645','EPSG','1037','EPSG','1042');
--INSERT INTO "concatenated_operation" VALUES('EPSG','8646','Manoca 1962 to WGS 84 (1)','Derived via WGS72BE. Can be used as a single positon vector transformation with parameter vaues of dX = -56.7 m, dY = -171.8 m, dZ = -40.6 m, rX = rY = 0 sec, rZ = 0.814 sec, dS = -0.38 ppm','EPSG','4193','EPSG','4326',NULL,'OGP-Cmr',1);
-+INSERT INTO "concatenated_operation" VALUES('EPSG','8646','Manoca 1962 to WGS 84 (1)','Derived via WGS72BE. Can be used as a single position vector transformation with parameter vaues of dX = -56.7 m, dY = -171.8 m, dZ = -40.6 m, rX = rY = 0 sec, rZ = 0.814 sec, dS = -0.38 ppm','EPSG','4193','EPSG','4326',NULL,'OGP-Cmr',1);
- INSERT INTO "usage" VALUES('EPSG','10738','concatenated_operation','EPSG','8646','EPSG','2555','EPSG','1136');
- INSERT INTO "concatenated_operation" VALUES('EPSG','8647','NAD27 to WGS 84 (78)','','EPSG','4267','EPSG','4326',3.0,'EPSG-Can E Off',0);
- INSERT INTO "usage" VALUES('EPSG','10739','concatenated_operation','EPSG','8647','EPSG','2831','EPSG','1136');
-@@ -411,11 +411,11 @@ INSERT INTO "concatenated_operation" VAL
- INSERT INTO "usage" VALUES('EPSG','10743','concatenated_operation','EPSG','8651','EPSG','1138','EPSG','1045');
- INSERT INTO "concatenated_operation" VALUES('EPSG','8652','Lao 1993 to WGS 84 (1)','Can be implemented as a geocentric translation tfm with param. values dX = 43.933m, dY = -129.593m, dZ= -39.331m.','EPSG','4677','EPSG','4326',6.0,'EPSG-Lao',0);
- INSERT INTO "usage" VALUES('EPSG','10744','concatenated_operation','EPSG','8652','EPSG','1138','EPSG','1045');
--INSERT INTO "concatenated_operation" VALUES('EPSG','8655','Manoca 1962 to WGS 84 (2)','Derived via WGS 72BE. Can be implemented as a single positon vector transformation with parameter vaues of dX = -56.7 m, dY = -171.8 m, dZ = -38.7 m, rX = rY = 0 sec, rZ = 0.814 sec, dS = -0.38 ppm.','EPSG','4193','EPSG','4326',6.0,'OGP-Cmr',0);
-+INSERT INTO "concatenated_operation" VALUES('EPSG','8655','Manoca 1962 to WGS 84 (2)','Derived via WGS 72BE. Can be implemented as a single position vector transformation with parameter vaues of dX = -56.7 m, dY = -171.8 m, dZ = -38.7 m, rX = rY = 0 sec, rZ = 0.814 sec, dS = -0.38 ppm.','EPSG','4193','EPSG','4326',6.0,'OGP-Cmr',0);
- INSERT INTO "usage" VALUES('EPSG','10747','concatenated_operation','EPSG','8655','EPSG','2555','EPSG','1136');
--INSERT INTO "concatenated_operation" VALUES('EPSG','8656','Mhast (offshore) to WGS 84 (1)','Derived via WGS 72BE. Can be implemented as a single positon vector transformation with parameter vaues of dX = -255.0 m, dY = -29.0 m, dZ = -103.1 m, rX = rY = 0 sec, rZ = 0.814 sec, dS = -0.38 ppm.','EPSG','4705','EPSG','4326',11.0,'OGP-Ago Cab',0);
-+INSERT INTO "concatenated_operation" VALUES('EPSG','8656','Mhast (offshore) to WGS 84 (1)','Derived via WGS 72BE. Can be implemented as a single position vector transformation with parameter vaues of dX = -255.0 m, dY = -29.0 m, dZ = -103.1 m, rX = rY = 0 sec, rZ = 0.814 sec, dS = -0.38 ppm.','EPSG','4705','EPSG','4326',11.0,'OGP-Ago Cab',0);
- INSERT INTO "usage" VALUES('EPSG','10748','concatenated_operation','EPSG','8656','EPSG','3180','EPSG','1136');
--INSERT INTO "concatenated_operation" VALUES('EPSG','8657','Egypt Gulf of Suez S-650 TL to WGS 84 (1)','Can be implemented as a single positon vector transformation with parameter vaues of dX = -123.0 m, dY = 98.0 m, dZ = 3.9 m, rX = rY = 0 sec, rZ = 0.814 sec, dS = -0.38 ppm. Replaced by Egypt Gulf of Suez S-650 TL to WGS 84 (2) (tfm code 15846).','EPSG','4706','EPSG','4326',6.0,'OGP-Egy GoS',0);
-+INSERT INTO "concatenated_operation" VALUES('EPSG','8657','Egypt Gulf of Suez S-650 TL to WGS 84 (1)','Can be implemented as a single position vector transformation with parameter vaues of dX = -123.0 m, dY = 98.0 m, dZ = 3.9 m, rX = rY = 0 sec, rZ = 0.814 sec, dS = -0.38 ppm. Replaced by Egypt Gulf of Suez S-650 TL to WGS 84 (2) (tfm code 15846).','EPSG','4706','EPSG','4326',6.0,'OGP-Egy GoS',0);
- INSERT INTO "usage" VALUES('EPSG','10749','concatenated_operation','EPSG','8657','EPSG','2341','EPSG','1136');
- INSERT INTO "concatenated_operation" VALUES('EPSG','8659','Kertau (RSO) to WGS 84 (1)','Step 1 is necessary to rescale the grid units before using step 2.','EPSG','4751','EPSG','4326',15.0,'OGP-Mys',0);
- INSERT INTO "usage" VALUES('EPSG','10751','concatenated_operation','EPSG','8659','EPSG','1309','EPSG','1164');
---- a/data/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ b/data/CMakeLists.txt
-@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ set(ALL_SQL_IN "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_D
- include(sql_filelist.cmake)
--set(PROJ_DB_SQL_EXPECTED_MD5 "7e93fb5bf8aa4a5849049f56dfa98bc4")
-+set(PROJ_DB_SQL_EXPECTED_MD5 "940c6fdae7fa99940f6155fdd51eb382")
- add_custom_command(

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