[Pkg-gridengine-devel] scheduler request

Ohlerich Martin Martin.Ohlerich at ntech.mw.tum.de
Mon Jul 5 13:43:16 UTC 2010

Hello dear Debian GE Maintainers,

I'm an amateur Debian administrator, but unfortunately now responsible for a Linux cluster (at least I could force them to use Debian, otherwise I had refused to do the job). I have also already some experience as user with the Sun Grid Engine. Now, I wanted to install the SGE on the Debian cluster and noticed, however, that there is a gridengine package, which maps my name to the Sun Grid Engine package.

However, one thing I could not find is the scheduler - to be precise: sge_schedd. Could you give me a hint where this file is hidden (Debian package search does not give any result), or how the scheduling works for the debian grindengine?

Thank for you very much in advance.
With best regards,

Martin Ohlerich

Lehrstuhl für Nukleartechnik
Boltzmannstraße 15
85747 Garching

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